algeria blumenfeld correspondence

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  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    J_\tar7 4, 1960Mr. Antboq Barr i ,_Aoeiate EditorIke aDd CourierCharl t , South Caroli Dear . . . . Barri... ,

    Thaak 70U for 70ur le t ter of Dee ber a8th . i th the editori . lolippi. . . . De Gaull.. Your. i. probabl7 0 ot the te . il Dot theon17 ....paper in this eountl"J' .hich h . . had ' lb. ooura.. _ d 'lb. i ....sicht to De Gaul l . ' . poli07 for wbat i t i . . W. of the Am.ric..C. . . t t t . . are qui t . eliacour...d a t the p . r lo . . . . . . of Alaericall s . in ge.eral OD the Alceri . . qu t io . . Th. AmericaD ....pap.r. are. i th . r ua iac er uniat . r t .d . Seld.. have I 41 Ie curioait,.for the Ia . ta aIldllOl"e pr.;judic. for the . , . tb . 0. this aubj.ct . YetAleeri . holda the crucial ke, to the atruslle betwe Ea.t aIld We.taDd i t ahou" tberefore b. of par...uat intere. t to a l l of uf t. , 70U can ima,iDe how refr .ahial i t .aa to discover thatTh. and Courier w.. capabl. ot doiD' .ha t the Ne. York f i aDdBera14Tribuae, with a ll their r oure , have la i l to do, that i . ,put the fiD,er oa the truth.Our group i. . .d. up of Alaerio&oho feel auck the .... as 70U do.

    W. are lor hench Al,eria....the intocratio. of Al,oria into the FrohRepublic. l a t . s ra t io . ia this . . . . . . hae a I.oarapbic _aa ia . . I t ou,htDot to b. coa'.....i th the .01"4 aa i t i. appli .d h . r . in the U.S. tothchool probl_. "la t .gra t i_" as the Fr ch ua. i t i. a conc.ptexpound.d It, Jacques lous t . l lho. aa 701.1 )mow, ... Gov.rnor of Al,eriaaDd ia PH.entl , . oa. of the .troDS t oppoae.t. to De Gaulle'. polic7.Ae a poup ... Aaericaa C - , t t e . ia . troD,l , . aati-eoammiat, and as. ia8ttho.e toree. in the Uait.d , )'raaee and . lae .h . r . that 'lead tound. . . .ia . the at aDd aid .orld eo....i ...I .. . . c los i . . of our I i teratur. which. I thiak will inter t70U. W. are i. touch . i th th..e people ia Franc. who vi w. ahare.W. al .o r . c . iv . a ,0041 deal of l i terature f ro. Franc. whichia invaluablein helpin. U8 a the 8ituat10D. I t 70U read French I ahall be s la .to .... !fOU ao. . of the new.pap.r. that reaell ua in York. I t mipt'b. weri.hwh1l. for ,our n pap.r to ....cri . . . to auell ekl ie . a . C!retoAU Esop"! ' La t io . !Teca iM, La Jouraal du Par:ll!!e! aad Rlvarol.hich r.pres t the b t conservative and. aDti...e_nist thiaktal illa l l of Europw. are . f cour anxious tor the C...i t t to grow ia 8eop. aada_ber . And 8., i t atter le . rninl more aboUt. our aiaa you_ould l iketo ~ o i . u.. . e ahal lbe v.r7 happ,. iade.d to leo. . ;rou and. others a .

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence



    e11 who would l ike to jo i . . We feel that in the eomlDI AdminlstratioDour role wl11 'be e.pecial17 iaportant, tor .e shall repl"egeat theon17 pro-French Aller1aa croup in this he.isphere.

    Sincere17 ;yours,

    Saauel L. BluaeafeldSecreta17~ . r l e a D COBmitt tor Praaoe & Alleria

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence



    Recently. three prominent Jewish leaders protested to Vice President Nixonbecause his press secretary had brought to their attention an editorial in an Israelinewspaper urging American Jews to vote for Nixon. The Jewish leaders were somewhatshocked because they were appealed to as Jews and not simply as Americans, and intheir protest they termed the press secretary's action as Han insult to our fai th."Tb!s protest, the Jewish leaders asserted. was a personal action on their part anddid not represent the opinions of the membership of their organizations. However,the protest as carried and reported in the press gave readers the impression thatthese leaders were speaking for the entire Jewish community. I t is for this reasonthat I feel compelled to address this let ter to ~ coreligionists who are somewhatdismayed and confused by this whole incident and who suspect that in a l l of this smokethere may be some f i re .As an American Jew I do not consider i t an insult to ~ faith to be informed oropinion in security-sensitive Israel concerning our Presidential candidates and theirpolicies 0 The Israeli newspaper in i ts awkward way was trying to say what a greatmany Americans of all faiths firmly believe p that Kennedy's foreign policy does

    represent a line of appeasement which could ultimately lead to the destruction ofIsrael and the West.Do I speak as a biased Republican? No, for I am a registered Democrat who thisNovember will be voting Republican for the f i r s t time 0 Am I making groundless assertions or distorting Senator Kennedy's words? Again, no. for the record is there foreveryone who wants to see i t in a. collection of the Senator's 'speeches entitledIiStrategy for Peace,tl and the Senator has not repudiated one word of i t .Take, for example, the matter of Algeria--whose fate in a geopolitical sense has,a very direct bearing on the future security of IsraeL The Senator hu.made his viewequite clear on Algeria. In a s t a r t l ~ n g Senate speech in 1957 strongly echoing the

    line of the. American Friends of the Middle East--an organization dedicated to theadvancement of Arab nationalism and the. destruction of Israel--Senator Kennedy urgedthe United States to betray its major ally France in favor of the FLN terrorists whoseek to establish their dictatorship over a l l of Algeria. Now, Algeria is not a purelyMoslem country. I t is , in fact. a multi-religious community which has been for thelas t 100 years a legal part of the French Republic and whose inhabitants are Frenchcitizens. The Moslem terrorists who seek to separate Algeria ram France do not havethe popular. support of their own people 0 They are a minori.ty faction using terror.extortion and assassination as the means to achieve domination. Until now they havemurdered and injured over 30.0000! their fellow Moslem civilians. This has madetheir cause anything but popular with the inhabitants of Algeria. Yet, this is thegroup to Senator Kennedy urged the United States to lend i ts support. jeapa.rd.1zinour military alliance with France as well as a close association and friendship whichgoes back to the days of Washington and Jefferson.

    Now. you may ask, what bearing does t.his have on Israel or American Jews? Theanswer is thiso Should Senator Kennedy's policy be adopted after his election andshould i t s u c c e e d ~ i t would mean the expUlsion of France from Algeria, the consolidatioof Nasser's Pan-Arab empire in North Africa, the inevitable destruction of FrenchAlgerian Jewry, and the enlistment of Algeria in the economic blockade against Israe1.I t should be noted that the Algerian rebels have taken part in all of the Arab Leagueconferences dealing with Israel and are in ful l accord with general. Arab aim of ,destroying Israel.

    Now, in what way would an liindependent" Algeria hasten the destruction. of IsrafJltOne, i t would add Algeria and i ts vast resources to the strength of the ArabplocJtwo, i t would free Arab energies .to concentrate on the ultimate goal of destra,ying

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    - 2

    These are only the more direct effects which Kennedy's policy, i f successful,would have on the security of Israel. But what would this policy mean in the greaterworld picture1 To betray France would not only serve to aggravate and weaken our ally,but also to cause a serious r i f t in the Western alliance, which is exactly what thecommunists have been trying to achieve since the formation of BATO.

    As for anti-Semitism, there is no doubt that i t would increase dangerously inFrance where, for some strange self-destructive reasons, such distinguished Jews asMendes-France and Servan-Schreiber have openly espoused the cause of the Algeriannationalists, despite the glaring fact that the vast majority of Algerians of al l re l i -gious communities have in two massive referendums expressed their determination to .remain French.This is just a brief outline of the effects which only one of Senator Kennedy'sfuture actions might have in the realm of foreign policy. Several indications. howevebecome very clear in the various remarks and speeches the Senator has made inthilFliast

    d e c a d e ~ F o r e : x m n p l e . he has an almost obsessive hostil i ty toward France; which doesnot augur well for the Western alliance. This hostil i ty has manifested i tself in themany anti-French statements the Senator has made concerning Indo.China. Algeria. andNATO. In one speech Sen. Kennedy made the amazing remark that the French atomic bombwas aimed a t Washington and not Moscow. This would lead one to conclude that theSenator considers France a greater menace then Russia.NOW, what does this mean for Americans, particularly those who a r e a 1 ~ o Jews1Jews should be reminded that France is Israel 's only military friend and shouldtherefore be given as much support as possible qy them. Kennedy's anti-French policy

    is , indirectly. an anti-Israel policy, for in effect i t accomplishes one and the samething: i t strengthens Arab nationalism and weakens Israel 's defense position. Kennedyanti-French policy also weakens the West in general and strengthens the communist handin Western Europe and North Africa. I t is no secret that the communists have beensupporting the Algerian nationalists since the beginning of the rebellion and hope toreap the benefits of an FLN victory ..

    As the reader will notice I have not had to mention Quemoy or Matsu in criticizingSenator Kennedy's policy of appeasment. The Israelis, on the other hand, have foundreason to be wary of the Senator. They see their security position from a world view,and i t is quite understandable for them to want to influence their fellow Jews in votinfor a President whose policies will have a very direct bearing on their future seourityNow, of course, Jews as Americans are free to vote for whomever they please and forwhatever reasons they see f i t . However, i f llistory has taught the Jews any lesson, i tis that they cannot afford the luxury of a homegrown isolationism which, in a nationalelection, shuts off everything from view but local party loyalty. I t is claar to anyone who follows international developments that the security of Israel will not bestrengthened b,y a Kennedy victory. In fact, the opposite will be the result.

    I t is incumbent upon the Jews of America t ~ t they be properly informed beforethey vote on November 8tho I have written this let ter because I have fe l t i t a dutyto bring these views to the attention of my coreligionists who, through a coalitionof deceitful forces, are being prevented from seeing the true facts of the worldsituation. ~ - . ~ - ~ ~ ~ k A.( ~ ~ ; r i ~ a n Citizen. October 26,1960

    U -;/

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    NEW YORK H}!;R\LD TRIBUNEDec . 23 , 1960

    Letters to the Editor"Incredible Editorial"

    To the N. Y. Herald Tribune:Your incredible editorial entitled "A l-geria. Is Not Prance" only indicates toha t an extent de Gaulle has allowedhe Algerian problem to deteriol'ate toI s present . ta te of anarchy. What bettertnd:cation b U1ere of the utter failure of po;lc)' than to compare the clrcum-nees of h l5 tr iumphant return toAl en n Mal.. 1958. under the bannera! n ~ c r a t l o n to the present wholesale. , ~ aDd notma that welcom e h:.mIn 1 1 l ~ 8 there un n .UlDe aense of fratem . vmaDS.a cm!7 ~ o r r . p :u a. ..

    I .!e-8 0lmpGallilcm l war 0 t:. FL . . . MHon by terror and b.acm all.

    Quiy a fonhnl!" t re urn t hoC May 13 can save F ance and A. e.from utter and complete catastrop.e.SAMUEL L. BLUMENFELD.Secretary of the Am erican Commitl !for France and Algeria.New York.

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    Deceaber a7, 1960Dearest. Shirley.

    I .a s ever so pleasantly surprised by your ea11 trom Mrs. Neagoelast. week. She haa alreadJ a.nt Me sOllIe revie ot her husband'. bookaand I shall aee wbat there i Time loea by quickly. I t i. almoat a year since our vis i t toSarasota. I did not expect that i t would take th is lon, to , e t to wherewe are goine_ But the time was neceaaary. I t haa been in the las taix montha or ao that I 've bee. able to make the necessary contacta.Dy the time Dick ia throu&h with our SEC t i1 in l . a l l ahould be mucheasier than 1t would have b.en. Eaaier, but Dot eaa, . I t neVer ia , 1t.never will be.

    f A , ~ , o r the Doctor's Wlte, a t te r considerable soul searchiDg Ic a n D o ~ &;.el t to hold you to aD7 alr.ement with .e i t i t is not 18 your0. . best in terests . Oft that you alone are the jud,e. You know what i sbest to r you. Your f i r s t lut , is toward yourselt , your tamily, your ownsurvival. I had hoped that I could help you realize that duty; but Iam no lon,er in a positioD to judge. You are there and I am here andi t i s impossible for (ue to )paow your situat.ion as i t really is .

    The financial ion i s simple. We cannot possibly dispersean, money unt i l the public offering i s subscribed to . And I have longexplained to you the state of my own personal finances. So thatleaves us where we started. I t only I could s8y something else. Butwhat good would 1t do _ Hot to fac. the si tuation as i t i s .

    As I wrote to you previously, I hope the Spring will see us.e11 on our wa,. In any Case. the next tew montha will be excit.ingon. . . In a way having had to wait long has so,ewhat taken the kickout ot this4 but 1 know that 1 ahall t l dif t . rent ly once tx . the.e t t ing changes.Otherwise the world Situation is what bothers . e more than anythin,else. I t ia so obv1ous, i f you know how to read your newspaper, thatthe West i s headed tor really s to r . , weather, and I donlt think we a reat a l l prepared for what i t going to c . . . . Kennddy 1s taking his sweett i and givin, no iDkling at a l l that h. knows whatts going on in theworld , Adlai will press for disarmament, which is just a Soviet t r ickto keep our minds ott the war which i. actual l , going ODe we ahal l becaught 1n a Pearl Harbor the l ikes ot which this countr.r will Dever aeea,a in , for we shall simply not survive to see i t . The atmosph, t' . smell.l1ke 1938.Sorry for th is pesaill istic 1 . t t e r . Dusines. i s good, howev"r.

    Ke.p amillng, love,

    De.t to SU ., Judi'

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    Ie a Janvier 1961

    M. Maurice BERLOWDireoteur-Redact.ur .n Chef1 . Journal du Parlt59,61 rue La Pa7ettePari . 9. FranceMonaieur Ie Dir.c'eur:

    Je voua envoie une art iele que Ja vi ' ecr lre aurquelques aspect. 4u prob1... algeria. . .ecretaira duComite AIlIericai. pour La P'r"Dce et l 'Algerie j toocupebeauooup 4u probl... Algerie. qui. pour .oua toua. eat Ieprobl . . . decisit 4a notre te.pVeuill alreer, MODSi.ur 1e Directeur, l ' .xpre ion aentimcnt. 1 . . plU8 di.tiDIU

    Samuel L. BLUMENFELD


  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    1 . , janvier 1961M. Pierre BOUTAHGDirecteurLa Ration Franeaiee2 rue CadetParis. FranceCher H. Boutang:

    .Ie voudra18 vous reaereier pour le telear.... que La XatiOD Francaisea 'a envoy. au jour de loel . J. ne peu pa l expr1mer cambiea 0' .'a touohe.Dan. ces heure. teUement sombre. nOU8. Ie . partisans de l'Algsrie trancaiee.devona nOWl eODaacrer encore une to i . a l a 1utte a preserver 0, qui doitetre pl"e.erve t a t de uuver Ie . mlliona de Francais en Algerie de la".olutioD t1nale- de De a.une. Ce n'est pas depu1a l iUer qu'un hoae apo inSpirer un6 tel le ha1ne etrevu1_iOll dans une population entiere.De Gaille e8t Ie oancer qui eS8q4t a detruire 1a France. It taut qu'Oftl'arrete avant que oa .o it trop tarcl.

    J. YOue envo1e une art iole que je d ' ecrire sur quelqu.. aspectsdu prob l_ a lpr i .n . .Ie considere le proble.. algeri co. . e problemadec1lit d. notre tempa. La destruction d. l'Algerie francais. sign1.f'ieral 'a.s8rvisseaent de 1& France par 1& coalition Ca1re-Noscou-Pekin. pO\U'nOUB en Amerique ca .era encore une roia les lour. de 194Q-44.quand l a Franaeeta1t perdu demier le '.stune EUropa.

    Veu1l1e. agreer. Jfonaieur, l 'expression de __ sent1llenta 1es plusd.evoue. & 1a cau.e de 1 ' .ulerie trancaiae e t de 1a l iberte de 1 'hoaae.

    Sume1 L. BLllMEBrELDSecret-air. 4u Comite

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    Mr. Norman Podhoretz. .&iitorCOMMENTARY16.5 East 56th St.lew York 22. M.Y.Dear Hr. PodhoretB:

    Thanks tor ;,your note inviting me to reply to JosephBarr,rre article on France and Algeria. Itve written whatI consider to be a mlni.-l rep17. including a criticismof Mr. Ray Alan's artiole as well.. Since both articlesare more or lea. cut troll the same cloth, i t would havemade no sense to 0\"1tic1&e Josoph Barry and not Mr. Alan.I am sure that 7 ~ wUl detect froll the tone of lIfTarticle that I consider this question to be of the moatul"'pnt1mporta.nce to Jews everywhere. There is so lIIUchIIlOr8 than .eets the q e on this Algerian busine... thatan,thing. less thana ~ view ot ~ of the raaificationsinvolved would represent a tragic failure of Jewish intel

    ligence.Sincerely yours,

    Samuel L. BlumenfeldEditorSLB:ob

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    DEAR EDITOR ... .rulE 29. 1961Mq I intrude 1n tbe controbers7 between Kr. Alan and Mr. BaM7 on one

    aide and Mr. Blumenfeld on the other concerning "Algeria and the FrenchRepublio long enough to make a tew pertinent comments.I have read attentivel, th!0ugh belatedl7 the two original articlesby III. Alan & Berr,y and awFt say that both gentlemen have set down theirpersonal l ikes an d disl ikes 1n guise of coaaentary and report on the si tuat ionin Algeria " Franoe. I sbal l do likewise.

    I have known Algeria since before World War I I and JI'l,Y contacts there havebeen and s t i l l are both bwsiness an d social J rq knowledge of Franoe, Frenchmenand the French poli t ical situat.ion goes back s t i l l further. (Let .. note herethat I vas for 11&117 years the correspondent i l l France for the New Leader)Witb the tacts as I know thelll, I oame to the conclusion long ago that i twould be best for France, Algeria, and tho w e s t ~ r n world tha.t France reMinin Algeria and that Algerians remain F r e ~ h .

    Aa for the fighting which continues in Algeria, people forget that it isthe rebels who started i t with an attempted indiscriminate I18Bsacre ot theEuropean population of Philippe.vUl in NoWDiber 1954; that in a war, no

    Iholds ~ barred. Or to p,t,t i t as the French s q , ! l a 1a guerra c ~ a l. aperre ; 1 that it that ia what the FLN wanted, they have i t . 'Which brings 118to the subject of torture.

    In Paris June 1960 late one pleasant evening. I sade the &t.."quaintanoeof a young Frenchman who turned out to be it . paratrooper on leave lroJll hisbattal ion sOMwhere in Algeria. I del i"ra te ly brought up the question oftorture, a subject then very lI' \a 180 mode in France. His answer was briefand to the point:

    "When we fight an eneJly' in the battlefield, that is one th ing./Iaoh recognises the other as the adversar,y. With terrorists i t 1s


    diterent. They refuse to declare theaselvesO' We are obliged/,/I

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence



    consequently to tear the II&Ik from their taces. I t i8 a matter ot self '-defense. Is there arrr possible rebuttal to this Simple, clf.!ar logic?There wa.e a time when Allenoan correspondants abroad referred to the

    non-Moelem population of Algeria as "oolons. I until i t was pointed out toI .thea time and again t.hat onJ.7 a mtmate percentlP were ,large land-owners.How the reference 18 to "settlers. fl whioh description 1s equally false, UI shall show.

    In;y of this lear, 1961, in Bl1da. a rap1dl.7 growing town tothe west of Algiers, I sat down to the mid-ciq meal in the home of a tud. lyot French origin am at table were the third. fourth, and f if th generationboth in Algeria.. Again. in PhUippeville. a lev ~ la ter f at table v it i lanother family. t.hird and fourth generations born in Algeria.

    Are these "settlers?'lBow, on that troubling question of anti.semitism, I would say there is

    no IIlOre anti-eelldtism in France and Algeria. probably much less. than herein the good old USA. And just as ant1...JeW1eh feel'.llgs k n o ~ polit ioal

    ,bo'tmdilries in our country. so i t does not elsewhere. If Mr. Alan or Jtr.Barry knew Paris before World War I I , they"tJJJA:1 have beard some highly-placedpartie.aM ot therefer to the "Bretons" Ilpour ne pas dire 'des juits 1ft t as a

    friend explained. to ...Now for the other side of the ooin. June 19". in the region of Oran.well before the star t of the rebellion, I dined as the guest of three businessmen,A Moslem, a Jew. and a Catholio"ihree oloee friends from early childhood,deYOUt followers or thelr particular rellgion and each with a national respectfor the bellef of the others. In the restaurant, the Kosl. . specitied he

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    wanted no hors.d'oeuvres aade t ~ O J l l prrk and no Wine the same for hisI

    chauffeur .eated at a nearby talue; the Jew l"Uled out pork tor h11II8elf; andI '

    the Catholio. as i t was a Fl-idaf. would have no meat at al l . They sawi

    nothing strange in a l l of this, nor did the waiter. I te l l of this among JIIUUl;y. beoause i t is . perhaps the !!108t striking I of.

    I t may be said t.hat one iIlllident prows nothing. That is t rue, Bu.ti t seems to me that both Hr. Alan and Hr. Barry are so wound up in thei remotional. "intellectualism" that nothing they do not want to believe couldbe proven to them.

    301 West 108 St.New York 25. N.Y.

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence



    The two ar t ic les wl:ich in January's C ~ u m e n t 8 E Y on andthe Algerian si tuat ion need carefl..u detailed a n a ~ s e s in~ ~ -o r ~ e r tr2.t they may be cons in their l ight '",. As on Israeli.Arab question, theTa ;-,re several points of viflf frtt:J which the :d I h

    40 ~ ( , O ~ . J . . . -tIu.. ! f ~ ~ . .1h. ~ ks.-u-,; r o , . A ~ f ' ; ~},>:roblem CB-'l1 Obsf::rvea; (A .. iCPJI'6i:WirJi' I i a!lttJ;xfii:! of isLe .&18 IiU'llsft liiL'!!,e:lJer ~ ~ r ;selves to be _ f i ' I i i J ' l h ~ r ight , those caugbt mi:'klle to see"both sides oi ' the picture . I lm. intel lectual ly honest individual , unless he orr- eve!""1 L L ~ , . >

    to ~ o o k at the from , wEigghing 1 the facts:! nonecoo:ing to a concJusion as to wae r ight an1 erno ~ r a s

    \!rong or the i m t a ' ~ s e was to resolved.So i t the LIgerian conf l ic t . Both Alan fu'1.d

    are guilty of part isan viewpomtsi,nd e;:-rors of ommission.Tl:'i.a.t TlTtlch they difference between t'ro, hOvTever, isthe;.t Nr. AlaJ.1 l ike the so-cal led t l l ib8raln wh:51e ::ell". B&.rI'Y~" " - r i l g t ~ l ike c1"'Y!)to-communist.. Hr. BarT':;!' r 8 ar t ic le f01J.0118 nn.rty l ineon Algeria 31ig::ltest deviat ion.

    When g ! . ! ! ! l ! ~ ~ ~ [ bec';mes 'tihe conveyor of the comr,!Unist l ine on a qU3stion,SUCfl as A l g e r i a ~ ;'Thicn is crucia l in terest to Je'l{s 1 one to 'Homierwhether or not the magazine has become .smother ::tJ:m:i unwitting tool of those1[110 - , ~ o u l d put the Jews to Labin, in herthe


    Soviet. . . L u > 4 ~ A " ' ' ' ' r~ f M : . 4 " : u . ~ t'S' V. S.Fopagc:.nt"..&, rev6(,led hoy: into the n n n - c o ~ ~ u n i 2 t


  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    press:1 even i-ThenThe w.ain itask

    edi tor , or if tll:i.t is not feasible,General notions

    are not a t a l l suff ic ient any

    pas-es anc1

    tl';.ein Soviet ap:;::aratus bas no in te l l r:tress is tore:;iOrters, 1fithout the edi tor ' s

    conServative I or IC2ctholic IHoscmr.


    .. rabin 's l : . ter in thiG i . r t ic le .HI'.. Ala.."l I S of tr poliuical crisis Frt:.TlCe t r i es to be n e i ~ h e r

    objective nor fa i r . t S main purpose to discredit rer:1otelypro-F'rd.nch Algerian .. Its sources of infoTl2a t:ion are Ie f t i s t Henc:'es

    ..... ~ ~circles around LIE:;c::ress MId Frf'J'lce Ob8ervateur. In Fr::.nce,- .J AFrance, for his :role in tlcjettlingll the Indo-China conf l ic t , in contributing

    dep6.l"turas from 1101'0000 and Tu.."'liaia, and for his\ \ ~ ~ ' ~

    foll01-rsthat, their n e , r s r x : l ~ e r

    Lost thoroughly inf i l t ra ted ,,!,'['eas


    FUr terror is ts is c msEered. one of the ~ of the\a :r6.rtis6.n of the Ifdefeatistt! }ien(les posit ion, USeG their vocabulary, repa1!.':ts

    t h e ~ r pI'ejuclices, believes their myths, c'.r.d desires goo.lS. To writeths.t De Gtt.u11e in:.:.s brought to pO';-1e1" by flright-"ring plot ters an d

    t,r;t.sclly incoI:rpreaensible cJiclle io ncant event in

    1940of ' 13.8 !!settlersl! i s &iLS unjust as

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence



    ri'ht-v ringer s is as unjUf5t e.s ...they not folloH tl!.e ..nne onsloga:;'

    as .. Alan toof tbreatenoo. with ultinEte destruction.

    }T.'Of.;t perfidious portion HI'.. Aaan I S gen81"8.11ya r t is his footnote on anti-Semitism. He ' ~ r i t e s : "IsrRel is s t i l lf

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    I t is tha,t :kH c o ~ ~ u n i s t t ac t ic / i s toCi.issel1sion fr iends. r,i"r .. Ala.nrs deliberate att.empt to A""nbasc;adorin COlllJ'entaq , ~Gilbert k ! l l \ f m ~ ~ n r ; j . i e r : m u c a n n o t be too seVBrely" Mi;'iei'Md. ~~ o ~ - r s . g t c t . ; . .tr!zr$; S : : : : : : : @ ~ ' ! i - ' T t f t ! i to diE'll! Us4L n !llln 111_~ . - y v v v . ~

    s.t .. iililiii vrvrt.iiHli !9JkG-JJiiiilJlii1g1.js Us ' j i ;.:;e,.t0iin I f *'f' i slooking for a n t i - , ' 3 ~ i t i s m _ i n the,Algerian confUct , hel l l find his fu l l of

    . ... December' ~ ~i t in ranLs of the FLN, 'lho rw. ....:Jaeen: . S I i P O I 1 ~ f t : ! t one of the}:lQgrO!flS s:ince vlcrld ::0.1" I I . NQl' 111# .K I IURC C a i r o - H o s c O " ' r l - P e i p i n g " , s l l p : " ~ o ! ' t e d~ ' " ~FINJIt'l1ade aiIif(f secreta ab out fa.te of' the Javs crill be in once

    rower.i s reaDy i s not how much anti-Semitism there is insome of Q,.but hOWE l i t t1.e consi6.ering thb,t/the strongest advocates of

    degotia.tion vitl:. FLN, deser t ion the a:rmy ot lnr defeE tes t a t t i tudesare inf luent ial JC"lJS

    ,and Daniel

    r1Ever. men hor.;e to gain for themselves, France, or the i rthe i r energies to a cause

    defeat i s t and traitc 'rous ~ by .m.iJlions of Frex:cb'en i s beycmd me.CtJJ1 lose anc should 0 - ~

    n by

    ~ lne can\\cat&..strophe t-Semitisrn Hil l n c r e a . . : : f ' n o , t a;;u.redlY!

    TheBe are oth/;;r elements in 1,ir. Alan s ar t ic le bring a ate rehto the His implica.tion that most F'relllch offie 1:'S to k epAlge:"ia French because of advantageous aZ:Il}T alloll1.nces and r,ay is an ir:=oultso vil la inous to the thausanas who responsi.ble i t a calamity to find i t in a/me.g.:".zine of One only" tl') read Ha.ssu I s a t the Barricades t r i a l to underctand tA.v

    "~ t - co 0::;, t.lng


  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    terrorism .:end ant'.0: the FLt'IT, I t

    onesignif icant tha t of a l l the.9om:r::entary I S audience ~ f on Algeria 1 c : - ~ o s e to q u o t e l ~ ' I ' I i ! " " ' f i ~ J ! " , . ' ' ' ' J ! ! ' ' ' ' e l l ! ! ' . i j i i.. t-'h.iiiilr...1ll'l"Jules exc8i,rl

    La guerra d I A 1 g ; " r i _ ~ . someljan2!!$E, in ,icll. i I r .dubious ~B N B ~ . a i I H i i i H 3 c a l c u l ~ ~ t i o n arJ.':' yeti '4; t iii. GArmy had d e c ~ ~ & t e d a , has been co tested in Frcncein any number of neils:parers. Nr. :Hoy, i t should be

    li: 'akeS no bones aboutOne could :'jora to cri t ic ize in Hr. Alan I 5 exM.cle. th.ngs

    he SflYS are bi.,d enough. But j rhd of a lJ the s::.ns of omiilssion?. Atf!ll$ t iXtigle ~ ~ a gatitre.L l5J.wt::i;::k' Algerjan ( '"n f_ co~ \'fuat out the FLU and i ts r e c ~ p o u s a l of then f '

    bloc2 What d about IS ~ : in the ~ etJ,!Jrbblem of NATO '.:That abouto trubbles ia t ry

    ~ r 9 n c h

    p..J.geria'!. the ~ n r : ; ; . t about the role ofCOlTJIUllist subversion? of this is bes t unsaid, I , for Alan

    d01--1ll to some hard thtnking .,nd sona di f f i cu l tI t i. s a l l veri toit 1f:ight have been bet ter tof i r s t place.

    I t i s diff icul t to vrrite a mo:"' bi$,ssed ar t ic le than !v;r. IS , but

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence



    One recognizes .8, 8.1'11i1ia1" vccabulary, a ki.'1d ofin >-ihieh French t1"al:1jOrS are painted in lovely

    , r tn __ .-_., , ,_. S 1._ ,'. 4.,11. . "f ~ r ......"""""" ' - r ~ r ~ l ~ , r m yhues of her;)ism,and the same old dead horses of French/tortu.res are onceA turns out to be

    more and ti.ljybody who thinks is French :.i:x a fasc is t . Here the s insemd calculated. J1!r. Barry's a r t i c' le is mainly devoted

    to eulogizing th intellect'l.lals 1-Tho signed the nmT-fal'11lJUSmanifesto sanctioning desertion frjJJ the French

    u r,fc:.nfiestoTo fueridan in te l lectuals this/rr.a.y ~ e a perfectly' wonc1erf'l.ll a.ndB.llgesture i.."'l defiance of mili tarism, colonil'llism and ~ other evi ls . In 'F'rc,nce,

    the consensus was ~ cuite different . One hun(,red t'wenty one t .. , t - '.I. h - &J + . 1 . '~ n e.L..!ec 1lal .S, no mo:tver _017 :t'aTilOUS, ~ no" a no.\..I1.011. Tre&.son~ -

    t r e ~ . s Q n , :i:f even i fJ\t rai tor is Jean-Paul Sa.rtre or Simone Signorat. As as

    f ied . l i th C01"1l1:unist caURes. These are 1fho t r i ed so hardto save the Rosenbergs 'lihen t ~ t was the red cause of tl:e h)ur . Nr. Barr.! Ifl.kesa. b point of rnent:i on:L11 t ha t no COIn.71unists signed the rrEllie;"rt.o. That of C01.1.:r-sejjl:.kes it kosher.. But i t shou.ld be observed ~ i t i s the absenceof the a.bove-board conmrunists that make tria HliI:::PlifBSi& ITmanifeGtol! suspect.

    lv-ork on Soviet techniques:HIn a l l spheres of l i f e , yihether poll , t ical , cultlJ.rel l ike the cin;:;'lTJ8.,

    technical li.1.;:e biology, or neutre.l ::-ike or eugenics,et up or colonized so as to cit izens "lOrk

    nev r h ~ v e been i t s 's if openly c ~ m v a s 8 e d b;t i t .... In Fr!).nce

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    a:}.pme 140 such crypto-communis t organ iza t ions have been counted , eachone with i t s of f i c e s , its s t a f f , its pub l i c a t i ons . 110 Th e managingorgans of these s a t e l l i t e organ iza t ions con ta in , roughly speaking, aqua r t e r K.lIKKllXi:lIui of avowed communists, a qua r t e r of "fe l low t r a ve l e r s " ,whose a l leg iance i s camouf laged, a qua r t e r r e c r u i t e d in t ha t well-knownsoc i a l category of "p o l i t i ca l ha l f - v i r g i n s" , more or l e ss innocent butnaive people whose comp.laisance i s remunerated with appearances onp la t f o r ms and l u s t e r , and a quar te r of COllsti t Liona l ly incurab le v i r g i n s ,whom no experience of p o l i t i c a l f raud wi l l ever be able to def lower .Thanks to th i s mixture , these connuit tees are , on the outs ide , as in thesong: " independent HI though with a fe w communists--"I'hy no t , s i n c e \ ~ edre f ree ,! ! and on the i n s ide as th e composer wants them: under thes t r i c t c0n t ro l of Moscow."

    "Apar t from the p , ; ~ r m a n e n t subs i d i a r i e s t ha t tlle Kremlin colonizesunderhandedly, temporary movements are organized: f r on t s , s o l i d a r i t ydays, r a i l i e s on t op i c a l quest ions such ! s ' f o r f r ee ing the Rosenbergs ' ,'ag i n s t EDC,' ' f o r s topping nuc lea r t e s t s , ' ' aga ins t German rearmament , 'a l l of them hidden behind a :screen of p o l i t 1 n eu t ra l t y . "

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    dece ive\vho i s Mr. Barry t r y ing to :iBId:, t l l e re fo re , when he wr i tes :" I t i s worth not ing , a t t h i s po in t , t h a t no Communists s igned the

    manifes to , t ha t Communists do no t p a r t i c e in demonst ra t ions o f ~ a & s i v er e s i s t a nc e , and t h a t no Communist i s urged by h is par ty to se rge , bu t , onthe con t ra ry , i s t o l d to go. Consequent ly , one of the unusual fac t s ofthe cu r ren t Franch i n t e lee t, r evo l t 1 8 th e ab,3cnce of Communists."

    An unusual fac t indeed . ~ J ta b to -do about one Jerome Lindon who has s ~ t t Q nto ge t t he / o l i c e to ind ic t ) ! him fo r s ing the manifes to .

    :Mr. Barry makes

    Lindon it appears i s th e pub l i sher of La Ques t ion , the famous t o r t u r e book~ , tbyI ' 'well-known communist ~ l a r c Alleg , and La Gangrene, another t o r t u r e book

    which tu rned ou t to be a f raud . I f Lindon i s no t a communist , then sure lyit must be merely the par ty card t ha t he i s l ack ing .

    Again, the ususa l otill,Iissi

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    , ~ ~ ~The t u r h t of the mat t , : r i s t ha t th e oppressed AlgeriiAns,l th e 121 are

    and t h e i r l e a J e r s in Tunisso concerned about a re th e cut throa ts /who spa re ne i the r women norc h i l d r e n , who have i n f l i c t e d more casua l t i e s GIl the r,)o,,;lem popu ia t ionthan the European, arNMXOCH:NKRXHxmar:&:e:xglixxxxKxi:1i who have s taged pogromsa g a i n s t innocent iving among moslems, and XkMXNl!{](RXM\\hose u l t i m a t e ~

    ~ i s to pU::::;h the ~ u r o p e a n s iu tu the sea and des t r oy i:NHxxxHNRmx:e:sth e hunjreds of thousanJs o f 1lo8ms who fo r seven y e L ~ r s h

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    /D,~ ~ t : i : - t . . - f ~ 1 \ . . . 4 ~ ~ ) ~ - > r.iIk-x) a

    / 1 ' Y W ! h ~ i ' & t ; ~ ~"


  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    - - ~ ~ " " , " " , I wvt.e W {(. I pJ),.a. t ~ ~ i ~ . L &1 ~

    ~ < . . , L ~ ~ tAJti:i.~ u u J ~ ~ ~. ~ " pr'lli' c:: ~ ~ . . (~ ~ - 1 , .. , ~ ~ L ~ ~ ~~ U t ~ . ~ , ( Y 1 . e - . ~ ~ ~ ~ 'c.+ ~ q ; ~ : . r ~ ~ , ~

    - r J . . L ~ ' r - q . ~ r"u.... + Vi ~ r ~. 1;. 'A so;: t . A ~ L : , ~ ~ ..- " " " " " " " " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . , n.", ~ ~~ N - J - " ~ ~ f - : I w - ; , , ~ ~ ~F ~ . ~ k . u ~ , ~ t ~ ,


    L-..l ~ I t ~ ( I t. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ k ~ ? ~ A - h~ , I f ~ ~

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    . A I ' I lM>A.. ..H

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  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    August 7, 1961

    Dr. Milan VomackaKarasova Street. JZAOlill'B I I I , YugoslaviaDear Dr. Vomaoka.:

    Thank you for your l e t te r of July 10 , 1961 which wasfOl'"Warded to me by Commemary. I am atraid there is veryl i t t le I can do to help you, since MY influence with theKennedy Administration is nil .

    However, i f you would enter into correspondence withMr. William F. Buckley, Jr . , editor of the National Review,150 Bast 35th St New Yorx 16, N.Y., the only popular Rightwing magazine in the country, he may be able to print yourarticles and political commentaries.

    Of course, you must realize that a considerable body ofanti-Leftist political writing has already been ~ l b l i s h e d inthis country. However, most of i t is ignored or discreditedby the liberal press. and therefore the American publicremains virtually uninformed.

    I,binc'erely yours,

    Samuel L. BlumenfeldEditorSLB:cb

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    Df! MI LAN VOMACKA ZAGREB I I I . , Karasova Street 3. YugoslaJuly loth 1961

    Mr. S 8 D l l 1 ~ 1 L. Blumenfeldc/o COMMENTARY. 165 ~ s t 56th streetlE W Y 0 R K 22, B.Y.Dear Sir,After having to the conclusion that You are t h ~ only JomehnoD-LEPfIS! polit ical journalist in the US, and on OCcaSiOD of Your esteemed PreSident's recent debacle in Paris and Vienna as well as on theoccasioll of the final , moral as well -as intellectual,neutral gear of theGeneral Taylor fact-finding cODlDittee on the Allen Dulles apparatus inefcient t ineffably corrupt and treacherous. activit ies I .. ready to give tYour esteemed Presid_ent'quite u n ~ ~ ~ e _ J I l ' . J . d _suJ),ztstlnlat1oDal_-'ac'ts in 'thfLJlvi t e - ~ s e C f O r , should.- I get a chance to see one of his lnen of contidence i

    the near future here. In the meantime I would like to' give t:to Your Prsident as a downpayment for that CONCREfE TECHNICAL ~ A T A quite a uniquePOLITICAL S N A ? S H O ~ w h i d h ~ o s s i b l y ooula lead later on to direct P 0 L 'IEX P E R ' talks with the entourage of Your esteemed President as wellto soae basic changes in American att i tudes as well as methods of approaching to fundamental problems - being of vi tal importance to the wholecivilized world.In connection with Your President's recent visi t to Europe,I read that ineftably shocking nonsense by Mrs. Roosevelt in the April cof THE AfLAITIC - about the, so characteristic of the whole western, adecisively LEPTISf-Jewish 1Dfluenced, leadership (I) , supernaive way shewants to fight the terrestrially relig10U8 Muscovite State-licensed supecriminallt,. ( . a ppeud08cien'tifically couched system of lie,. deception,violence and crime) by l iberalist ically persuading the AMerican youth tobliddly confide in that so awtully compromised LEPTIST-Jewish Golden Cacalled in this art icle THE AMERICAN DREIM. BeSides, Mrs.Roosevelt seemsquite to forget she is the pink widow od the internationally accepted maculprit that the evil Muscovites are covering half the world now.Unfortunately forced into b 1 U 1" tin g 0 u t (="mit darTtfre ins Haus zu fallen"), and bl1nd17 COlD'IDDG II' YOUR B O . - L E P ~ I S T JEllPOLITICAL INSTICT AND F.LAIR, permit me to t e l l You that I cannot, despitbe iq against his masonic treachery 11'1 Algeria, admire enough General deGaulle's firDL8.S well as extremal,. negative attitude towards tboee inefttarrogant. empty-brained, traditionless and impert11'1ent American "PeaceCorps" style intruders; towards a l l those infantile Rooseveltian L E P T I Smasonic and LEFTIST-Jewish humbugs which are, since decades, so systemacally harming the Western - and - World, and eve. threateningm in that world finally, in i t s should-be anti-MUscovite struggle; towathat endless array of ineredibl,. mol17-coddle and cowardly isaorant Amer"experts" on Muscovite affairs , headed by a ll those Bohlens, Harrimans tSteveneoDS, Kennans, Thompsons, Roosevelts etc.And despite I am not too much expecting You to help me IMMEDTELY printing, in that would-be free press of Yours, for both parte desile scientific treatises ( THIS LETTER YOU MAY P R I I ~ ABOBIKOUSLY,OP COURon the palpable fact the American LEFTIST-masonic and LEF!IBT-Jewish impr ial is .-colonial is . of mOD e l ' being morally quite an equivalent partto that .1assioal11 supercr1m1nal Muscovite ~ e r i a l i s m - c o l o D i a l i s m of"ideology" ( the ideology of crimetof course), but intellectual17 beiDgbelow that last one; and despite of the fact I am not too much expectin

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    . straight occupation 1s s t i l l morally and intellectually by far ther e la t 1 vel y most just ified phenomenon o ~ that kind without which the American LEF!fSt-masonic and L E P I S ~ - J e w i s h imperlisa-colonialism of money never can win that gigantic struggle agathe evil Muscovites, - despite of a l l that I am trying to appealthrough You, privately as well as in public, to Your esteemed "e81dent at the given exireaely crucial moment to let-me come to theStates for our greatest possible mutual benefit as soon as possiblI I THE IEKlTIIE, couldn't You personally come here for adiscreet as well as t o p - i n f o ~ ~ i v ~ talk with ~ modest personalitbeing aR E A L ( in clearest distinction to a ll those ridiculouand per aefas inherited Bohlens! ) politexpert on Muscovite affairand well-knOwn former Soviet policial p r i s o D ~ r ot long years' standing, or at least ena]Jle me to have printed some str ic t ly A ~ 9 l 1 Y J 4 0 U( for safety reasons) art icles of mine on that very same above-menned and top-ranking American-Muscovite topiC?!References on mY modest person coming from the extremely

    1 n e f t i c i e ~ t , stqpid as well as corrupt foraerAllen Dulles apparatfrOlilIsrat1's LftISf- Jewish intelligence, as well as from theircommon world-wide satel l i tes would only complete17 misinforms andmislead You.. !Maybe. You could get some better references trOll Your Prest . I t t 's esteemed brother-in-law, Prince S.A.RadziW111.

    )lost : r : ' ~ e s p e c t f u l l y and siDcelery Yours


    . -

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    Mr.. Jaek 00ul4fe1eviai':!J1 Editot>T h ~ Ifew l'ewk ~ sNew YOl"k, li .. Y.

    1o\1.l' call for e q ~ l to r ~ l ! I ! : l e n t va.t'7ing view QD th e st.retegrto 'be $ i l p l ~ in OOlillJ!Unimn is too ludicrous t o r Wt;n-a,s.. POl'~ a : r - $ 'fJ,ii1f) o o n s e ~ t i n a M.rd ant1....communl$W haw been ~ jaYam to get. UtNl.l.t11 timlllf 'With the St:evensoDS, ~ . Gal'bhlths, Soble$ingers , Aohesoo3, eto., "fbo M'1N monOl'JQ1l5ed the pl"erHi. (tnd TVSince the end o WOl*ld l&'r n. Now that "tbe Gti-commun.1st movelileIlt.,~ i ~ awtt Qftorta BUd hard '\Iork, has t1tw.ll1' made eo ~ ~ o u Pto tht;; P-Ibl1o., think the public 1s gtitti.r1a aD unbalancod pre-sttntu.t,ion .. PIttI\y't$ll, wiV dmlft TOO examine the ~ TV ~n tnt? ' r ~ end ~ who geW on a l l tha interview snows an d lYt"'SS conftu,"'enced. ' f . I : u ; ; ~ t J s r ight , 'the ~ ) t e v e n 5 0 n s . Oalhraitha, Nehrwl, F.J.eano:rRoosevelts, Harlan. 010velands, et.c. HOW' much OON timtl do TOU watAt

    .A:s f . 1 c o n s ~ ~ t i v e act.ive in ~ ; ) e w m l \')T'gtUlizati(:ns I know f'ltoaexperience tJle difflcu1V in get a letter pintGd 131 the TimeIJ,le t &loBe UTM,;i.n& a nhe&rl l l lh For eV$f!T oOl'lSerYative Mr.. SUSskindlu h&f:l Oft ftOpen ~ t f tll$l"e Mve been a t le&.st two do;sea l1beJ'tllB.!ll$l '$!antt f:tnOUlh on tv up to r t,h.') unequal t.imew-b1ebbas been given t.o thl\lf l l t u ~ t ' " t l s l.U'ld dei';;:Q tlW' consel"Va'l:.lves. I f thelli>orals ~ V G ~ ~ nnw" to 1fJa::! 1,11 addi:t.ion to , .._ t thl.;,Y :have b a a1a,Y1!Ii'nov for l as t,* I hfJ,VG t.o detect .1t ia the~ 3 S or on " . . Wb;y not those vho s ' ~ ~ ~ l3QW to fiIJ.1'. W1d arenOW' pt'opal"e(l to ~ fort .ha l:rrlVilGg'O of : i t. reach the publio moret:requl'iiIntl,y? The pubUc wil l b& thG t inal in this bat t le .

    Ver,r t ~ TOurs,

    III F ~ 5 t 15th streetJw tork 10,. N. I .

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence



    November 16, 1961Mr. Samuel L. Blumenfeld111 East 26'StreetNew Y o r ~ 10, New YorkDear Mr. Blumenfeld:

    Thank you for your le t ter . Naturally, I amsorry you found my review "ludicrous,ft but Iappreciate your thoughtfulness in le t t ing me knowyour views.

    Sincerely yours,..,//. ack GouldG:jb


  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    JIIr. lla.rold r. llelinneyExecut.ive Asaistan"The JOM Birch SocievBellftODt 78, Masa.Dear ... McI:l..DnqI

    'IaD7 thaDk8 tar your kiM le t te r at AprU 6th. We are iIdeedgrntef'W. fer 70TJr mention ot our publkatiOll 1n 70ur April Bullet in.Enclosed you. wil l t i rd 8 cop7 of the AprU issue or U.S./fRAlfCBBPOBt'. I vust you rweived \he copJ' ~ s ~ ~ !!2ort on the~ s t BacKEouM of the A1S!!:tan B a ' b G l l 1 ~ , was sent to 7au..I tr.a,. M'!fe occasion to be in the Boston area tair17 800n . Wouldi t , be poes1ble tor me to haf t e.n appoil' w1th Mr. Weloh, as I wouldl ike to discuss with hill OlD" work: and :f'ut.ure plana.'With bas .... regards to Mr. Welch and YOUZOS8ll", I remain,

    Sincerely yours,

    Samuel L. BlumenfeldSecretaryJJmRIOAN OCIDIImE roa IlWrCE &: AUJFJlIA

  • 7/27/2019 Algeria Blumenfeld Correspondence


    C A X TON H 0 USE publishers 9 Rockefeller Plaza New York 20 NY~ = III East 28th ~Jev fork J.t), I .. Y.~ 1 2 i 1911~ r-meth B. lee.'1nISOlla:to 0ff'10e llJUild1uIW & s ~ . D, C.IlIMr Sera'ior I t , a ~ 1 D I l

    I M '" YO'fJ.l! statement of F e ~ 6th -.1. 7th on CUba Withgreat u;t;;eretlt\ and swe: yOW# alam aad. concern over tbe ack of Willen tha part of the Administration to rid the WelJtem Bliaiaphen 0'1 tlIa~ i s ' tnt.l'USion. I t is ~ t b E ~ t the ~ s ~ t 1 o n bas ~the ~ tJQettme ,l l the SCl"ap ~ p of' h1atQ!7 and has no' i f J , ~ t i a ot1 l P h o ~ 'W'lat wa ~ e e o n a ! ~ the e ~ t r c m e of Qur poU. h tbishe:m1sphere.~ I a.dlll!re 79V ~ m r 1 : t ; i e 1 s ~ ~ ~ s v a : U _ oJ1 i"t$d 1 a s t r ~ ~ 1'01107; I ~ " o 1 c dtsappoSn-'rA ii1 .. ~ " ~~ j 8 to stage a fUl l ~ l e I l l t i D B 1 t 1 v & f j U g e . ~ riseof t'laStl"O Md those foroes3n ow g O V 0 ~ t l1ho are d ~ I " m i n e d . to do

    e V t l ~ 1 l l l tht1:1r ),"to""" to ave the ~ a t dicta:tcn.- trom over'tlll'ow.I have through some the hearings o t the Senate I n t ~ S e o ~itf' S U 1 > ~ i t w ~ , t ~ t t# the l ife of _ I do not u n d ~ : : r s t a n d wl:\1 Dr .. MUteEiHnhowe, F o ~ ~ a t d e n t l)'t D. !1aenhoil_. Al l_ V.. DIIllGs. C ~It. Bn'tel" a d bav. DOt 'been call94 totest1t '7 b.etore t b e ~ t e~ t : * . lnf" 1D'e. tbese mea, who have reaped a l l of tbit preat1p, ~ ddbelld.''i;tt$ f4 b1gh ott!. f lWt, help ,fJ:u,o'Qlltab14 tor what baPl*1ed ",hen the7

    held tbcM oflioe., Wl7ir ls t:heSerlat.e so afl 'dd to find ottt Vw tbe PJl941det , bU SeCR:teJ.7 of. state; a,nd. the Cbief of the. O e u t ~ I a t e l l i g ~ A i - qdid. not k:tuIw " ' - t Fidel Castro w s '" ~ l R 'When t.bis tact WIUS knoa toevruy int8J..l1ge11CG d e ~ t . ia t.he ear1bbea.? :tiov Cq_ i 3 ~ aDd Obs. . . .cit.beD aot .t!:.. 0 tM c ~ e l u a l o a t ~ \ he 1s 'be1lll oonstantlr tleoeift4 __the ~ s t office holdell'fJ in tho co=tlT wblm be 1f1 told that we ~ , shellout SO bUllOll& tor 49f'enae, but csatt, do . ~ a'boltt. cal';rt!'o? Yho exaotq1... f Q n & e ~ ~ de:f'ending?There is onlJ' . . hopct tot" 'tJ:d,s countt'f, aDd that 1s, it. m.ust. find outtbs ~ : t b . . 'the ~ t e of the Unite4 s ta tea i s the -.17 bGldF ia tb1smt. ica1dththO-aut.hozity to iO at"1;er tJ1e,trutb. and &&te:bllsh what i t ia . I t t_!:lteoutlve Branch ~ _ s . ~ ~ uainst o a s ~ tis ~ ~ , the SeDate DIS'not "t'wiG to move OIl 1 t a . f ' , r o a ~ if t iDt ~ eo d e t ; ~ fUld m o ~ tlum let 's _w i t . _ wait untSl QaSt,rotl ~ m . bl.tntup Hi.tJ)f' t 8 or Badio C 1 t T ~ ' Bl l l '