algorithmic sketchbook updated


Upload: melissa-tokkuzun

Post on 21-Jul-2016




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  • A L G O R I T H M I C S K E T C H B O O K

    M E L I S S A TO K K U Z U N

    A r c h i t e c t u r a l D e s i g n S t u d i o A i r 2 0 1 5



  • C o n t e n t sC O N T E N T S

    WEEK 01 4 - 5WEEK 02 6 - 7WEEK 03 8 - 11WEEK 04 12 - 15WEEK 05 16 - 23NON TEACHING 24 - 27WEEK 06 28 - 31

  • WEEK 01


    LOFTINGReally enjoyed it. The easiest thing possible to do on grasshopper and rhino.

    The process of lofting and baking is a very simple and usefull element.

  • 5TRIANGULATIONAbove computations were really easy to pro-duce.

    The computation to the left was difficult to use. The offsetting was not working.

  • 6WEEK 02

    DRIFTWOOD This was really interesting. I struggled to get the fom looking the way it was suppose to be.

  • 7My failed attempt at the driftwood exercise.I began exploring different forms

    This was aan improved version of the driftwood exercise. I didnt quite get it accurate, but the

    formal shape is seen. I couldnt manage to shade the object.

  • WEEK 03


    GRIDSHELLMy first attempt at the gridshell exercise.

  • 9My second attempt of the gridshell exercise was more interesting. Instead of haveing the seper-ate curves being selected in a given sequence, I purposely set the curves in different orders.Produced an interesting shape.

  • 10

    Shaded version of a gridshell.

  • 11

    PATTERNSIntersting way of controling design. Can see that it can be implemented in facade designs of buildings.

    PATTERNSThe Voronoi command did not work quite well. The patterns should stop in the referenced box,

    but an error occured..

  • WEEK 04

    This was my attmept at mkaing spirals by using the grasshopper containers of range and point to create an effective data flow of information to succesffully produce this form. The point planar element is used and linked with the range container to then use two points, being the start and end, which joins to a nurbs surface.


  • This pattern was created with the use of a sequence of True and False elements in the panel section of grass-hopper.


  • This pattern was created with the use of a sequence of True and False elements in the panel section of grass-hopper.

    Here, Field Fundamentals are explored by using a charge to alter the density at a particular point that is de-fined by using grasshopper. This was produced with the use of a negative charge so all elements disperse away from the specified point.


  • Further deeloping the exploration of field fundamen-tals.


  • WEEK 05


    This image uses the evaluating fields videos in week 5

    online tutorials. Graph sections and controllers are used create interesting shapes. The graph mapper is used with the Bezier graph type. Although, this im-age does not clearly show the form that is created.

    This uses the image and the colour variations within a selected image which creates a pattern that is more clutered in some area to due the denisty of the colour on the original image.

  • 17

    This image displays the use of evaulating fields which

    incorporates graph sections and controllers to form this unique biothing structure. The graph mapper is set with the Bezier graph type and allows us to control the paramters of line positions that extend from a point.

  • 18

  • 19

    Voronoi patterns can be formed by adjusting the number slider of the divide container which forms interesting patterns within the circular form.

  • 20

    These two images display my failed at-tempt at adding cones onto a planner surface. While exploring the VoltaDom Script and creating Iterations for B2, I tried to use the same cone form on a more curved surface. However, as ev-ident it has not been too successful.

    The surface was easily set in grass-hopper and then connected to the Isotrim container. Although, when the divide surface container came into play, and the cones were attached at these points, the cones were dispered and ex-tended off the defined surface area.

  • 21

    Another attempt at placing cones on a curved surface.

    Further explorations of the VoltaDom script that was used for B2-Case Study 1.

  • 22

  • 23

    Further explorations of the VoltaDom script that was used for B2-Case Study 1. This experiments with the form rather than the whole script that uses the cones on the surface of the form. Both a cone and spherical shape has been tested, which produced fairly similar ooutcomes. Chaning the domain container of the sphere allowed for the form to step away from the standard sphere form.



    Tree statistics and dimensions have been ex-plored to create data structures with a path mapper. The surface is set in grasshopper, in this case a sphere has been used. The surface is then divided, which is then connect-ed to a graft container which create a new branch for each item. The tree statistics contianer is also used which outlines the path of tree structure, length of each branch and the number of paths in the trees.

  • 25

    Tree statistics and dimensions have been ex-plored to create data structures with a path mapper. The surface is set in grasshopper, in this case a sphere has been used. The surface is then divided, which is then connect-ed to a graft container which create a new branch for each item. The tree statistics contianer is also used which outlines the path of tree structure, length of each branch and the number of paths in the trees.

  • 26

    These are interesting geometries formed with the use of the lunchbox component of the grasshop-per plugin. The varaition of U and V values displays the decomposition pipes that become disconnected.

  • 27

    An organic form was used with a larger pipe thickness that forms much smaller cuts on the surface.

  • WEEK 6


    Another piping experimentation has failed here. The paneling technique has been used again, although the connections have failed once again. One end of the form is connected with intersecting pipes. Although, the other sides are not structurally viable.

    Piping experimentations on differ-ent surfaces. The pipe thickness-es have been varied to test the overall density that is produced.

  • 29

  • 31

    This was a very interesting and aesthetical-ly pleasing piping technique used during the trials of iterations. However, it was not a fea-sible design as the constructability of this form can be questioned. Further connection would be required in order to resolve this issue.