aligning it organization structures to academic and business needs (288761383)

7/26/2019 Aligning IT Organization Structures to Academic and Business Needs (288761383) 1/21 Aligning IT Organization Structures to Academic and Business Needs Kyle Johnson, Keith McIntosh, Joseph Moreau, Jennifer Sparrow

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Aligning IT Organization Structures toAcademic and Business Needs

Kyle Johnson, Keith McIntosh, Joseph Moreau, Jennifer Sparrow

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Get well


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 The Big Picture

 Technology is changing substantially and raidly• loud"based alications and ser#ices• $irtualization• Modularized alications % &As'• Mobile de#ices• So(tware is &rented' #ersus owned

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New Otions

)nd users ha#e new * di+erent otions (or technologysolutions Ser#ices only a#ailable (rom traditional IT are now a#ailable

as commodities ,osted ser#ices o(ten re-uire less in#ol#ement o(

traditional IT .unctional users can go (ar down the ath with a

solution ro#ider be(ore IT is e#en aware a ro/ect ishaening

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New Otions

onsortial ser#ices may need little or no in#ol#ement (romtraditional IT

Shadow systems ersist % both locally and cloud0 SaaS0 etc1

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emaining 2ele#ant

How does a college’s IT organization remaina relevant and vital contributor to the

strategic capabilities of the college?  Traditional organizations de#eloed to align with

technology or the nature o( IT wor3 4IT centric5 New structures should be re6ecti#e o( the needs and

riorities o( institutional sta3eholders 4customer centric5

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2emaining 2ele#ant

7in3ed to core mission o( teaching and learning 4strategicartnershi #s1 utility5 8ata to suort solutions and ser#ices

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 Traditional Structures

What are some of the traditional ITorganizational structures in higher ed andother industries?

,ardware9so(twareAdministrati#e comuting9academiccomuting

Product9deartment structure,ybrid % internal9contract OutSize o( college 3ey to structure

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 Traditional Structures

7earning technologies9academictechnologies

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New Structures

What are some of the newer ITorganizational structures in higher ed andother industries?

Oerations9ro/ect management8e#eloment9oerations 48e#9Os5)nterrise systems9des3to Systems

.unctional9PM9Os,ybrid % internal9outsource

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New Structures

enters (or teaching andlearning9learning saces

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Barriers To hange

What might be some of the barriers tomoving from a traditional IT organizationalstructure to a newer structure?Sta+ entrenchment and9or entitlement

Management entrenchmentOrganization entrenchment

ollecti#e bargaining limitations,uman 2esources restrictions

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Barriers to hange

.ear o( change and /ob securityA#ailability o( s3illed sta+ 4internal9e:ternal5

ultural (easibility

;nclear rocesses

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O#ercoming Barriers

What might be some of the strategies toovercome the barriers to IT organizationalchange?

)ngage all sta3eholdersAddress concerns directly8e#elo a clear transition lan

Articulate the bene<ts0 large andsmall0 to all sta3eholders0 the ITorganization0 and the college as a


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)mloy a (ormal change management methodology

;tilize an e:ternal assessment o(current IT organization

)nsure training and educationrocess (or s3ills enhancements)nsure e:ecuti#e suort

onsistent communications

O#ercoming Barriers

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):lain how new strategy with ma3e their /obs better=easier

.ind ower users to be chamionsShare the alternati#es

O#ercoming Barriers

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hange is ine#itable1 2esistance is(utile1

.unding is being lin3ed to e?ciencyand results % adat or erish)mloy e?cient technology solutionsto o+set manower loss

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Our IT ersonnel will be turning o#ersubstantially in the ne:t (ew years

mostly due to retirementsSuccess(ul recruitment and retention o(new IT sta+ will be a+ected by thenature and #itality o( our IT organization


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2egardless o( new otions andser#ices a#ailable to end users0 a

#ital IT organization is still essentialto the success o( a college9districtIdenti(y and continually de#elo alin3 to the core mission o( teachingand learning o( your institution


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Contact Information

• Kyle Johnson

 – 3yle1/ohnson@chaminade1edu

• Keith McIntosh

 – 3mcintosh@ithaca1edu

• Joseph Moreau

 – moreau/oseh@(hda1edu• Jennifer Sparrow

 – /enni(er1sarrow@su1edu

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