all about push

Developer Day

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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Developer Day

Thomas BouldinSoftware Engineer, Parse

All About Push

How BIG is Your App?Think outside the 4” boxThe cloud has no home buttonDAU are like butterfliesFocus on engaging moments Your App Here

The Power of Parse PushEasy to get started*Cross platformScale without skipping a beatKeep it simple or turn it up to 11

*We couldn’t Parse-ify 3rd party services, but we have guides for them

Parse Powered

Push 101: Hello, World!Cast a wide net for broadly-applicable notificationsSimple setup, all code available in quick start guidesCreate pushes visually

Setting up Android PushPush 101: Hello, World!

PushService.subscribe(this, "", MyActivity.class);PushService.setDefaultPushCallback(this, MyActivity.class);

DEMO: iOS “Hello, World!”

Push 201: Advanced TargetingFocused messages for selective audiencesPro features of WYSIWYG push consoleTarget by arbitrary featuresScheduled pushes

Demystifying SubscribeAsyncPush 201: Advanced Targeting

// Actual code from Parse’s .NET implementation of ParsePushpublic static Task SubscribeAsync(IEnumerable<string> channels, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var installation = ParseInstallation.CurrentInstallation; installation.AddRangeUniqueToList("channels", channels); return installation.SaveAsync(cancellationToken);}

The Current InstallationPush 201: Advanced Targeting

Installations are Parse ObjectsThe Current Installation is your app on this phoneSave any data you wishAutomatic feature trackingCan create queries for them*

DEMO: Advanced Targeting

Push 301: Push from CodePush for life (and code) hackersAutomate everythingSend more precise info to fewer peopleBreak platform boundariesPush from Cloud Code

0100  0000  0110  0001  0111  0010  0100  0011  0110  0101  0010  0001

Pushing to EveryonePush 301: Push from Code

// Send “Hello, World!” to everyoneawait ParsePush.SendAlertAsync("Hello, World!");

Using Advanced TargetingPush 301: Push from Code

// Invite all iOS users who are over 21 to get an Apple-Tiniawait ParsePush.SendAlertAsync( "Windows fan to Apple fan, let’s grab a drink", from installation in ParseInstallation.Query where installation.DeviceType == "ios" where installation.Get<int>("age") > 21 select installation);

Push 401: Psychic AppsPush as an RPCCheaper and faster than pollingDon’t be a drag to refreshDraw them in or light up

Wrap UpThink big and build an app that never sleepsUse this bigness for goodGet started with our Push Quickstart GuidePush to channels for easy but powerful setupAdvanced targeting for dynamic flexibilityAutomate frequent pushesAutomatically update when new info is discovered

Developer Day