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All Cat Breeds


Today's Abyssinian retains a resemblance to the noble cats depicted in ancient Egyptian statues. The breed sports a ticked, richly colored tabby coat without markings on legs, tail and neck, but with dramatic facial markings. The Aby comes in four coat colors: ruddy, red, blue and fawn.

American Bobtail

The American Bobtail is a short-tailed cat, with a medium to large frame. Its tail should be clearly visible above the back when the cat is alert, not exceeding the hock in length.

American Curl

The American Curl gained CFA acceptance and has purred its way into the hearts of judges and cat lovers all in a short time. The Curl originated in June 1981, when a spontaneous genetic mutation produced the breed's signature backward-curling ears.

American Shorthair

Ideal American Shorthairs exude symmetry, with the breed standard calling for them to be slightly longer than tall. Females tend to be smaller than males. The American Shorthair's face should be full-cheeked with an open expression.

American Wirehair

The American Wirehair sports an exceptional coat, as each hair is bent or hooked, producing a dense, springy coat, with whiskers of the same texture. This breed was developed from the American Shorthair, so apart from the coat, the two display many similarities.

Page 2: All Cat Breeds


The Balinese gets its name from its sinuous flowing movement, which reminded early breeders of Balinese dancers. Its oriental body type, with a long, tubular body and a wedge-shaped head, is softened by the semi-long coat that graces its body.


The International Cat Association defines the Bengal as at least a fourth-generation descendant of a crossing between the wild Asian leopard cat and a domestic cat. The first three foundation crosses are identified as F1s, F2s and F3s.


Also known as the "Sacred Cat of Burma," Birmans are colorpoint cats, meaning they have a darker color on their tail, legs, ears and face, much like the Siamese or the Himalayan division of the Persian.


This American breed is called the Bombay because its intensely black coat is reminiscent of that of an Indian black leopard. It's also known as a black Burmese, because this breed came about after crosses with a sable Burmese and a black American Shorthair.

British Shorthair

The British Shorthair is a stocky purebred that resembles a plush teddy bear. Although blue is the color most associated with the breed, Brits are found in a number of colors and patterns.


The Burmese was created in the United States in the 1930s from the breeding of a male Siamese and a brown female cat found on the San Francisco waterfront, believed to have traveled there from Burma.

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The Chartreux dates back to 16th-century France. Its thick, velvety coat is any shade of blue-gray, from ash to slate, with the tips lightly brushed with silver. The Chartreux's copper or gold eyes hint at its relation to the Russian Blue, whose eyes are a deep emerald green.


The Chausie combines the genial nature of a domestic cat with the beauty and elegance of a jungle cat. This big, muscular breed has large, mobile, tufted ears, long legs and a naturally short tail reaching to the hock.

Colorpoint Shorthair

The Colorpoint Shorthair is the result of breeding between Siamese and other shorthair breeds, in particular the American Shorthair. These breedings were performed with the intent of enriching the color varieties and patterns in the Siamese.

Cornish Rex

The Cornish Rex is known for its soft, wavy curls--even the whiskers curl. This native of Cornwall, England, savors the warmth and comforts of home and is well suited for apartment life.

Devon Rex

The Devon Rex first appeared in Devonshire, England, in 1960, 10 years after the birth of the first Rex, the progenitor of the Cornish breed. The Devon Rex's coat, much like that of the other Rex breeds, is delicate, short and curly.

Egyptian Mau

With characteristics of a wild cat, the Egyptian Mau embodies a spirit reflecting the deity it once was in ancient Egypt. The breed boasts exotic coats of bronze and silver spots and is known as the only naturally spotted domestic cat.

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European Burmese

The European Burmese's history is quite similar to that of the Burmese known and loved in the United States. When the Burmese moved to the United States, the breeders in Europe took the breed in a different direction, resulting in two distinct breeds today.


The Exotic is a man-made breed resulting from the cross of Persians with American Shorthairs and other shorthaired cats. The Exotic's body and head-style match that of the Persian, but the breed was separated into its own category in the 1960s.

Havana Brown

The Havana Brown, a breed of medium size and structure, is noted for its dark, chocolate coat. The well-toned, muscular body conveys a sense of power. The first Havana was born in England some 50 years ago when a black "shorthair" Persian had a brief fling with a chocolate point Siamese.


With its sloping forehead and distinctive curled ears, the Highlander captures attention with its unique “wild cat” looks. Its substantial body structure and muscular build add to its wild cat mystique, yet this breed is thoroughly domestic.


Depending on the association, the Himalayan may be considered a separate breed or a color pattern of the Persian breed. The Himalayan was originally developed from crosses between Siamese and Persians in an effort to transfer the pointed pattern to the Persian type.

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Japanese Bobtail

The Japanese Bobtail is an ancient breed indigenous to Japan. As its name indicates, the Bobtail is a partially tailed cat. Medium in size, with long, clean lines, the Japanese Bobtail comes in a variety of colors and patterns--solids, bicolors and tabbies.


Take one Balinese, dip it in the colors of the rainbow and you have a Javanese. The Javanese is everything that is Balinese, and then some. This breed appears in the lynx point and tortie point patterns, as well as red and cream point colors.


The Korat is an ancient shorthaired breed named after a province of Thailand. These felines are graced with a silver-blue coat, originally derived from black, following dilution. Korats live for tranquility and will not tolerate excessive activity, noise and the coming and going of new faces.

Kurilian Bobtail

The signature element of the Kurilian Bobtail is its unique pom-pom tail, unique from cat to cat. This native Russian breed also features wild looks that are popular with cat lovers. The intelligent, independent Kurilian Bobtail forms strong bonds with its owner and adapts easily to most households.


The LaPerm is an exceptional combination of curly hair and affection. This longhair breed often wears a curly, plumed tail and exhibits a full, curly ruff. The shorthair LaPerm has more texture to the coat than does the longhaired variety. Both come in all colors and coat patterns.

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Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is one of the most popular breeds at show tables. This shaggy feline shares its affection with the entire family, but elects a single person as its beloved owner. The breed sports four color classes: solid, tabby, tabby with white and particolor.


The Manx is tailless, an unmistakable trait that makes it immediately recognizable. These purebreds are stocky and rounded in appearance, with short front and long hind legs that give them a rabbit-like appearance.

Manx (formerly Cymric)

From the earliest beginnings of the Manx breed, longhaired cats were born in litters; however, they were not always recognized as true Manx. For a time, some associations accepted them under the breed designation Cymric (kim-rik), as does The International Cat Association today.


The Munchkin is distinguished by a spontaneous dominant mutation that shortens the cat's legs. Except for their disproportionately short legs, cats should be well-balanced. It is important that the legs be straight, never bowed or cow-hocked. The head shape is an equilateral triangle.

Norwegian Forest Cat

This breed traces its ancient origins to Norway and has been tagged as a skilled hunter, intelligent, attentive and cautious. Nicknamed "Wegies," these cats sport a thick, heavy coat, almond-shaped eyes and sweet expressions. The Norwegian Forest Cat displays almost all colors and patterns.

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Ocicats look like small, wild, spotted cats, but are a domestic breed created by combining the Siamese, Abyssinian and American Shorthair. The typical coat is actually a spotted tabby, in colors ranging among tawny, cinnamon and chocolate.


Similar to the Siamese in body type and personality, Orientals do not, however, share the characteristic Siamese coloring. They are slender yet hearty and are generally of a solid color or tabby-patterned in a variety of colors for both the shorthair and longhair varieties.

Oriental Longhair

Recently accepted as a version of the Oriental Shorthair, the Oriental Longhair has a semi-longhair coat, which softens and adds grace to the long lines of the Oriental body. The two largest cat associations treat these cats differently.


The impressive Persian is a massively built cat clothed in a long, flowing coat. Short, heavily boned legs support the Persian's boxy body. The cat's head should be round, with large, round eyes and a short, snub nose.


Since it first originated in Russia in January 1994, the Peterbald has charmed cat lovers with its elegance and intelligence.


The Pixiebob is a domestic cat visually resembling the North American Bobcat. Despite its fierce look, the Pixiebob is noted for its loving, trustworthy and tractable personality.

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With its teddy-bear looks and sweet personality, the RagaMuffin is a wonderful family pet or an ideal companion for a single person. The breed was developed in California in the 1990s.


The Ragdoll earns its name from its habit of relaxing to the point of utter limpness in one's arms. The Ragdoll's light-colored body has darker Siamese-type points on the face, legs, tail and ears.

Russian Blue

As its name indicates, this blue-coated cat seems to be of Russian origin; it is said to have arrived in England during the mid-19th century aboard a Russian merchant ship. The most distinctive feature of the Russian Blue is its fur, which seems to be frosted with powdered sugar.


The Savannah inherits its tall, lean, muscular build from the serval cat of the African plains. Its outstanding features are exceptionally long legs, ears and neck. Colors include solid black, black smoke and spotted tabby.

Scottish Fold

The most striking characteristic of the Scottish Fold is its small ears, folded forward and downward, set in a cap-like fashion. As its name indicates, the breed is a native of Scotland.

Selkirk Rex

The Selkirk Rex is covered with a downy, curly coat with every little hair arranged in ringlets that lie close to the body. If the whiskers are curly, a breeder knows they have a kitten that may grow up to be a top show cat.

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Named for Siam, this popular breed is intelligent and has a striking personality, suggestive of an inscrutable inner life. The breeding tradition began generations ago, but the Siamese of today still have the graceful elegance suggested in the earliest breed standards.


Living with a cat is quite pleasurable, but living with a Siberian cat is a rewarding, life-changing experience. A confident, problem-solving house clown, the Siberian can be your best friend.


The Singapura has many appealing features, including its pastel coloring and distinctive visage. The breed is characterized by its alert expression, its healthy, small- to medium-sized muscular body and noticeably large eyes and ears.


As its name suggests, the outstanding feature of the Snowshoe breed is its four white feet. The distribution of the white and the pointed color is carefully outlined in the breed standard. Ideally the white pattern should be symmetrical. The cat itself is medium-sized, its body long but hefty.


Though its name would indicate an origin in Somalia, this breed first appeared in the United States. However, it was named Somali because it derived from an Abyssinian. Despite its medium-length coat, it does not tolerate the cold.


The Sphynx is known as the hairless cat; however, it does have an almost invisible fur. The coat of the Sphynx is sparse and does not have layers. The cat's skin is clearly visible on the muzzle, ears, paws and tail. They are highly sensitive to cold and abrupt changes in temperature.

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When cat lovers first see the Thai, they often recall the Siamese cats they lived with as children. Often referred to as the “old-style” Siamese, the Thai features the beautiful pointed coat and distinctive blue eyes on a moderate, rounded body.


This cat blends the best features of its ancestors into one beautiful, medium-sized cat that proudly wears one of three coat patterns, each of which comes in four colors. Tonkinese have a surprising sense of humor and a highly intelligent and gregarious personality.


The Toyger is a medium-sized, shorthaired domestic cat that resembles a toy tiger. The Toyger has a long body, long tail, round ears and large chin/muzzle with a broad nose tip. The cat's coat resembles a tiger's wild stripes.

Turkish Angora

The long coat of the Angora is like no other coat, with a sensuously silky, luxurious texture. Angoras are fine-boned felines, and surpass many other breeds when it comes to playfulness and affection. They quickly form devoted attachments to their owners, lavishing adoration.

Turkish Van

The Turkish Van traces its ancient origins to the region of Turkey's Lake Van. A natural breed, the Van sports a full, brush-like tail as soft as cashmere. The Van pattern is all-white with colored markings restricted primarily to the head and tail.