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Complementary Studies Programme Semester Two 2010 – 2011 This PDF file is last updated on: 17.1.2011 1 What is SPECIAL ? “SPECIAL” stands for the different domains of desirable generic competencies contributing to students’ all-round development and successful future 學生事務處把同學應該發展的主要才能歸納為 8 大項,組成"SPECIAL"全人發展大綱。 CSP and SPECIAL (A) Categorisation of CSP courses under SPECIAL (P. 2 - 11) 輔學課程的 SPEICAL 分類 To help students adopt a strategic approach to develop their generic competences, each CSP course is put under ONE major theme according to the most essential competence it develops; while competencies developed across other themes are also indicated. For details, please see page 2 - 11. 每個輔學課程都各有特色,培育的個人素質種類、程度亦各有側重。為幫助同學更清楚了解及計劃自己 的全人發展,學生事務處跟據課程最注重培育的「個人素質」將其分類。詳情請閱第 2-11 頁。 (B) Intended Learning Outcomes in terms of Generic Competence (P. 12-17) 預期的學習成果與素質發展 On completion of a Complementary Studies Course, students are expected to be able to master (1) the concrete skills, abilities and knowledge taught in the course; and (2) the major “generic competence” that the course intended to help them develop, with reference to the SPECIAL all- round development framework. For details, please see page 12 – 17. 完成輔學課程後,同學應能掌握特定技能、能力和知識,同時,在課程最注重培育的「個人素質」上 也應有所得著、改進。請閱第 12 -17 頁以了解大學對個人素質的定義和期望。 (C) CSP Course Details (P. 18 – 197) 詳細課程資料 Students should read the course details carefully before application to plan their all-round development. 同學報名前務必細閱課程資料,以好好計劃自己的全人發展。

Post on 10-Oct-2014




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