all eyes on you

All Eyes On You How social media has affected our opinion of each other by @stephchan13 Stephanie Chan Photo by Bram Cymet

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Post on 17-May-2015




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Slidedeck assignment for FILM260 at Queen's University


Page 1: All Eyes on You

All Eyes On YouHow social media has affected our opinion of each other

by @stephchan13Stephanie Chan Photo by Bram Cymet

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In the past, first impressions were derived from face-to-face interactions.

Photo by Chuck Patch [chuckp]

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Today, technology allows us .

Photo by William Hook

to shape who we are and specific features......“

”in ways we couldn’t do as easily offline.


- Christine Erickson

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The things we post on social networking sites say a lot about who we are - for

better or for worse.

Photo by Alex Valli [liquene]

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However, careful regulation of our online activity allows us to keep our social presence consistent with the image we want to project.

Photo by nathanmac87

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Photo by ed_needs_a_bicycle

Why is this important?

You might ask...

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Photo by Alan [Kaptain Kobold]

...projecting the right image of the professional you

In a world where jobs are scarce and qualified applicants are many...

is of vital importance.Photo by Karsten Planz [karsten.planz]

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91% of recruiters and hiring professionals have visited a potential candidate's profile on a social network

as part of the screening process...

Photo by Kathryn Decker [Waponi]

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Photo by Stef Lewandowski [Aeioux]

....and 69% of job recruiters have rejected an applicant based on text, photos or videos that they discovered about a person online.

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However, 68% of recruiters did hire candidates after screening them on social media.

39% say it's because they "gave a positive impression of their

personality and organizational fit."

Photo by Davide Gabino [Strolicfurlan]

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Photo by Aaron Smith [TheArtGuy]

The importance of maintaining a professional online image has led to the creation of social

media monitoring services like Reppler.

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Photo by Kris Kesiak [Kris Kesiak Photography]

But you don’t want to look good just for a

potential employer...

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Photo by shutterbugamar

...when it comes to dating, Facebook has

the initial stages of a romantic relationship.completely transformed

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Photo by Simon Carrasco [NeitherFanboy]

“Expressing relational interest now involves

retreating to the nearest computer or smart phone and looking the person up on Facebook.....

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”...If you wish to pursue further contact, you can send an informal friend request...

Photo by Thomas Hoyrup Christensen [Thomas Rockstar] open the lines of communication.- Jesse Fox

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On a Facebook profile, the eye is first drawn to the

profile picture.

Photo by Lisa Brewster

Consequently, a good first impression is very important.

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“Facebook users whose profile photos include social cues and have many positive comments

are viewed as much more socially and physically attractive

”than users who have fewer social cues in and negative comments on their profile photos.

- Nathan Hurst

Photo by Amarand Agasi

According to a University of Missouri study...

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“ ”These findings show how

important it is to present yourself strategically on Facebook.

- Seoyeon Hong

Photo by Lisa Ferla [lism]

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Photo by Judit Klein [JuditK]

Flirting over Facebook allows for “slower progression”...

before the gamble of asking someone out.”

“ liking could be developed over time

- Jesse Fox

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But these interactions may never take place if you initially project the wrong social cues.

Photo by Oberazzi

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Whether at work...

Photo by Nic McPhee [Unhindered by Talent]

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...or in a social setting...

Photo by Brandon Warren

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...your brand is not how you see yourself.

It’s how others see you.

Photo by Ben Raynal [zubrow]

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How are you being viewed online?

Photo by Neerav Bhatt [neeravbhatt]

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CreditsAll images are licensed under the Creative Commons Non-Commercial

Share-Alike 3.0 agreement and sourced from flickr.

Photo by Martin Fisch [marfis75]

Page 26: All Eyes on You

Hurst, Nathan. "Facebook Profile Pictures Influence Perceived Attractiveness, MU Study Finds." . University of Missouri, 12 Sept 2012. Web. 17 May 2013.

Erickson, Christine. "The Social Psychology of the Selfie." Mashable. N.p., 15 Feb 2013. Web. 17 May 2013.

Jacobs, Tom. "I Now Pronounce You FBO: Facebook Official." Pacific Standard. N.p., 8 Jan 2013. Web. 17 May 2013.

Swallow, Erica. "How Recruiters Use Social Networks to Screen Candidates." Mashable. N.p., 23 Oct 2011. Web. 17 May 2013.


Photo by el patojo