all tef dressage tests 2014_1

PURPOSE: To confirm that the horse has achieved the requirements of Medium Level and has acquired a high  Arena 60 m x 20m degree of suppleness, impulsion, throughness, plus a clear uphill balance and lightness while always remaining  Average Time : 7 minutes reliably on the bit and that its movements are straight, energetic and cadenced with the transitions precise and Maximum Points : 400 smooth. All trot sitting, unless stated otherwise. INSTRUCTIONS: To be ridden in a double bridle or ordinary snaffle No. Horse Rider    P   o    i   n    t   s    J   u    d   g   e    '   s    M   a   r    k   s    C   o   e    f    f    i     c    i   e   n    t    T   o    t   a    l 1  A Enter collected canter 10  X Halt, Salute Proceed collected trot 2 C Track left 10 2 H X F F Collected trot 3  A Down centerline 10 D B Half pass right 4 B G Half pass left 10 C Track right 5 M X K 10 K Collected trot 6 Transitions at M and K  10 7 F B Shoulder-in left 10 2 B Turn left 8  X 10 9 E Turn right 10 2 E H Shoulder-in right 10 C Collected walk 10 11 M 10 Between G & H 12 Between G & M 10 H Turn left 13 10 14 S P 10 2 P F Collected walk Quality of turn at E, quality of ttrot, the angle and bend, balance and collection Half-pirouette right, proceed collected walk Half-pirouette left, proceed collected walk Regularity of walk during half pirouette and activity of hind legs, bend and fluidity of turn, quality of turn at H Score for collected walk Extended walk Quality of transition and regularity of collected walk Extended trot Straightness on centerline, quality of canter, trot, halt and transitions Turn right Medium trot, over X, 6-7 steps of collected trot Quality of turn at A, quality of trot, correctness and regularity, balance and bend, collection THAILAND EQUESTRIAN FEDERATION  ADVANCED TEST 1 DIRECTIVE IDEAS REMARKS TEST Quality of turn at C The lengthening of frame and stride and regularity at the medium trot, the quality of the collected steps, straightness Quality of trot, the angle and bend, balance and collection, quality of turn at B Quality of the halt and rein back, the transitions Quality of trot, correctness and regularity, balance and bend, collection, straightness at G, quality of turn at C The lengthening of frame and stride, the extension and regularity of trot, balance and straightness Balance and definition of the transitions Quality of turn at M, regularity of walk during half pirouette and activity of hind legs, bend and fluidity of turn, quality of turn at H MG(H)G(M)GHS Halt, rein back 4 steps, proceed collected trot The shortening and regularity of the walk, activity of the hind legs, carriage The lengthening of frame and stride, the extension and regularity of walk, straightness, transitions TEF Advanced Test 1 1 Printed on 24-07-10

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8/12/2019 All Tef Dressage Tests 2014_1 1/40

PURPOSE: To confirm that the horse has achieved the requirements of Medium Level and has acquired a high  Arena 60 m x 20m

degree of suppleness, impulsion, throughness, plus a clear uphill balance and lightness while always remaining  Average Time : 7 minutes

reliably on the bit and that its movements are straight, energetic and cadenced with the transitions precise and Maximum Points : 400smooth. All trot sitting, unless stated otherwise.

INSTRUCTIONS: To be ridden in a double bridle or ordinary snaffle

No. Horse Rider

   P  o   i  n   t  s

   J  u   d  g  e   '  s

   M  a  r   k  s

   C  o  e   f   f   i  -

  c   i  e  n   t

   T  o   t  a   l

1  A Enter collected canter 10

 X  Halt, Salute

Proceed collected trot

2 C Track left 10 2


F Collected trot

3  A Down centerline10

D B Half pass right

4 B G Half pass left 10

C Track right

5 M X K  10

K  Collected trot

6 Transitions at M and K   10

7 F B Shoulder-in left 10 2

B Turn left

8  X 10

9 E Turn right 10 2

E H Shoulder-in right

10 C Collected walk 10

11 M 10

Between G &


12Between G &


H Turn left13 10

14 S P

10 2

P F Collected walk 

Quality of turn at E, quality of ttrot,

the angle and bend, balance and


Half-pirouette right, proceed

collected walk 

Half-pirouette left, proceed

collected walk 

Regularity of walk during half

pirouette and activity of hind legs,

bend and fluidity of turn, quality of

turn at HScore for collected walk 

Extended walk 

Quality of transition and regularity

of collected walk 

Extended trot

Straightness on centerline, quality of

canter, trot, halt and transitions

Turn right

Medium trot, over X, 6-7 steps of

collected trot

Quality of turn at A, quality of trot,

correctness and regularity, balance

and bend, collection




Quality of turn at C

The lengthening of frame and stride

and regularity at the medium trot, the

quality of the collected steps,


Quality of trot, the angle and bend,

balance and collection, quality of

turn at B

Quality of the halt and rein back, the


Quality of trot, correctness and

regularity, balance and bend,

collection, straightness at G, quality

of turn at C

The lengthening of frame and stride,

the extension and regularity of trot,

balance and straightness

Balance and definition of the


Quality of turn at M, regularity of

walk during half pirouette and

activity of hind legs, bend and

fluidity of turn, quality of turn at H


Halt, rein back 4 steps, proceed

collected trot

The shortening and regularity of the

walk, activity of the hind legs,


The lengthening of frame and stride,

the extension and regularity of walk,

straightness, transitions

TEF Advanced Test 1 1 Printed on 24-07-10

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No. Horse Rider

15 F Collected canter right lead 10

16  A Down centerline 10

L R  Half pass right

17 R M Counter canter 10

M Flying change of lead

18 C 10 2

19 H K  Medium canter 10

K  Collected canter

20  A Down centerline 10

L S Half pass left

21 S H Counter canter 10

H Flying change of lead

22 M F Extended canter 10

F Collected canter

23 10

24 K L B Flying change of lead at L 10 2

25 B I H Flying change of lead at I 10 2

26 C Collected trot 10

27 R  Turn right 10

I Turn right

G Halt, Salute

Leave arena at walk on a long rein at A


1. Paces (freedom and regularity) 10 1

10 1

10 2

4. Rider's position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids. 10 2


Minus Total Errors Judge's Signature:

Final Mark

PercentagePosition: Date:

Circle left 20 m, 5-6 strides of verycollected canter between


Quality of counter canter and

straightness, balance and fluency of

flying change

Quality of canter, clear definition intransitions with willingness to carry

additional weight on the hind

quarters, balance and bend

Quality of trot, bend and balance for

turns, quality of transition and halt

Balance and definition of transitions

Quality of canter, straightness,

balance and fluency of flying change

Quality of canter, straightness,

balance and fluency of flying change

Balance and smoothness of

transition, quality of trot

Quality of canter, straightness on

centerline, correctness and

regularity, balance and bend,


Calmness and smoothness of the

depart, quality of the canter

Quality of counter canter and

straightness, balance and fluency of

flying change

The lengthening of frame and stride,

extension and regularity of canter,


Judge's Marks

2. Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the back,

engagement of the hind quarters)

3. Submission (attention and confidence; harmony, lightness and ease of movements,

acceptance of the bridles, lightness of the forehand)

 Course Errors:

1st Error - 22nd Error - 4 3rd Error = Elimination

Transitions at M & F

The lengthening of frame and stride,

regularity of canter, balance and

straightness, transitions

Quality of canter, straightness on

centerline, correctness and

regularity, balance and bend,


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PURPOSE: To confirm that the horse has achieved the requirements of Medium Level and has acquired a high  Arena 60 m x 20m

degree of suppleness, impulsion, throughness, plus a clear uphill balance and lightness while always remaining  Average Time : 7 minutes

reliably on the bit and that its movements are straight, energetic and cadenced with the transitions precise and Maximum Points : 410smooth. All trot sitting, unless stated otherwise.

INSTRUCTIONS: To be ridden in a double bridle or ordinary snaffle

No. Horse Rider

   P  o   i  n   t  s

   J  u   d  g  e   '  s

   M  a  r   k  s

   C  o  e   f   f   i  -

  c   i  e  n   t

   T  o   t  a   l

1  A Enter collected canter 10

 X  Halt, Salute

Proceed collected trot

2 C Track right 10

M X K 

K  Collected trot

3 F X  Half pass left10 2

4  X  Circle left 8 m 10

5  X G 10

C Track left

6 H X F Extended trot 10 2

F Collected trot

7 Transitions at H and F 10

8 K X 10 2

9  X  Circle right 8 m 10

10  X G Shoulder-in right10

C Track right

11 M 10


12 G H S 10

13 S X P F 10 2


14  A


15 K H Medium canter 10

H Collected canter

16 R  Circle right 8 m 10

R V  On diagonal

Quality of trot, correctness and

regularity, balance and bend,


Quality of trot, correctness and

regularity, balance, angle and bend,

collection, straightness at G, quality

of turn at C

Quality of trot, roundness and size

of circle, balance and bend,


Halt, rein back 4 steps, proceed

collected walk 

Collected walk  The shortening and regularity of the

walk, activity of the hind legs,


Quality of halt and rein back,


The lengthening of frame and stride,

the extension and regularity of walk,

balance and straightness, transitions

Calmness and smoothness of the

depart, quality of the canter

Quality of canter, roundness and

size of circle, balance and bend,


The lengthening of frame and stride,

regularity of canter, straightness,

balance and definition of transitions

Collected walk 

Medium trot

Quality of trot, correctness and

regularity, balance and bend,


Quality of trot, roundness and size

of circle, balance and bend,


Quality of trot, correctness and

regularity, balance, angle and bend,

collection, straightness at G, qualityof turn at C

Half pass right




Shoulder-in left

Straightness on centerline, quality of

canter, trot, halt and transitions

Balance and definition of transitions

The lenghtening of frame and stride,

the extension and regularity of trot,

balance and straightness

The quality of turn at C, the

lengthening of frame and stride,

regularity of trot, balance and

straightness, transitions


Turn right

Extended walk 

Collected canter right lead

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No. Horse Rider

17 10 2

18 R  10

19 S Circle left 8 m 10

S P On diagonal

20 10 2

21 S 10

22 M X K  10

23 F M 10


24 Transitions at F & M 10

25 C Down centerline 10

I P Half pass left

26 Flying change of lead 10

27  A Down centerline 10

L R  Half pass right

28 Flying change of lead 10

29 E Turn left 10

 X  Turn left

G Halt, Salute

Leave arena at walk on a long rein at A


1. Paces (freedom and regularity) 10 1

10 1

10 2

4. Rider's position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids. 10 2


Minus Total Errors Judge's Signature:

Final Mark

PercentagePosition: Date:

Quality of canter and turn at C,

correctness and regularity, balance

and bend, collection

Quality of canter, straightness,

balance and fluency of flying change

Three flying changes every fourth


Flying change of lead


R & M

Quality of canter, straightness,

balance and fluency of flying change

Extended canter

Collected canter


P & F

Quality of canter and turn at C,

correctness and regularity, balance

and bend, collection

The lengthening of frame and stride,

extension and regularity of canter,

balance and straightness

Balance and definition of transitions

Develop very collected canter.Working half-pirouette left of approx.

5 m diameter. Proceed collected

canter, returning back to track at S


 X & P


 X & V 

Develop very collected canter.

Working half-pirouette right of approx.

5 m diameter. Proceed collected

canter, returning back to track at R 

Clear definition of transition, the

collection and regularity of canter in

the working half-pirouette, bend,

balance and self carriage,


Flying change of lead Quality of canter, straightness,

balance and fluency of flying change

Judge's Marks

2. Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the back,

engagement of the hind quarters)

3. Submission (attention and confidence; harmony, lightness and ease of movements,

acceptance of the bridles, lightness of the forehand)

 Course Errors:

1st Error - 22nd Error - 4 3rd Error = Elimination

Quality of canter, straightness,

balance and fluency of flying change

The correctness, straightness,

balance and fluency

Quality of canter, bend and balance

for turns, quality of transition and


Quality of canter, roundness and

size of circle, balance and bend,


Clear definition of transition, thecollection and regularity of canter in

the working half-pirouette, bend,

balance and self carriage,


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PURPOSE: To confirm that the horse has achieved the requirements of Medium Level and has acquired a high  Arena 60 m x 20m

degree of suppleness, impulsion, throughness, plus a clear uphill balance and lightness while always remaining  Average Time : 7 minutes

reliably on the bit and that its movements are straight, energetic and cadenced with the transitions precise and Maximum Points : 380smooth. All trot sitting, unless stated otherwise.

INSTRUCTIONS: To be ridden in a double bridle or ordinary snaffle.

No. Horse: Rider:


  o   i  n   t  s

   J  u

   d  g  e   '  s


  a  r   k  s

   C  o  e   f   f   i  -


   i  e  n   t


  o   t  a   l

1  A Enter collected canter 10

 X  Halt, Salute

Proceed collected trot

2 C Track left 10


K  Collected trot

3  A Down centerline10

D X Shoulder-in right

4  X G Shoulder-in left 10

C Track right

5 M X K  10

K  Collected trot

6 Transitions at M and K   10

7 F X  Half pass left 10 2

8  X M 10 2

9 C Collected walk  10

H Turn leftBetween G

& M

10 Between G

& H 10

M Track right

11 10

12 M R 10 2

R K 

13 K A 10


14 F X H


15 H 10

Half-pirouette right, proceed

collected walk 

Collected walk 

Extended walk 

Collected canter and flying change

of lead

The quality of turn at C, the

lengthening of frame and stride,

regularity of trot, balance and

straightness, transitions

Quality of turn at H, regularity of

walk during half-pirouette, activity

of the hind legs, bend and fluidity of

turn, quality of turn at M


The regularity of the walks, the

lengthening of frame and stricde,

the extension and straightness,


Quality of collected walk and canter,calmness, smoothness and

straightness of depart

The lenghtening of frame and stride,

egularity of canter, balance and

straightness, transition

Medium trot

Quality of trot and turn at A,

straightness on centerline before D,

the angle and bend, balance and


Quality of trot, the angle and bend,

balance and collection, straightness

on centerline after G and quality of

turn at C

The lenghtening of frame and stride,

the extension and regularity of trot,

balance and straightness

Extended trot

Straightness on centerline, quality of

canter, trot, halt and transitions

Quality of trot, correctness and

regularity, balance and bend,


Quality of canter and transition,

correctness, straightness, balance

and fluency of flying change

Medium canter

Half pass right

Balance and definition of transitions

Half-pirouette left, proceed

collected walk 

Quality of trot, correctness and

regularity, balance and bend,


Regularity of walk during half-

pirouette, activity of the hind legs,

bend and fluidity of turn, quality of

turn at M




The shortening and regularity of the

walk, activity of the hind legs,


Collected canter left lead

Score for collected walk 

Collected walk 

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No. Horse: Rider:

16 M X K 10

17 P 10 2

Before V 


18 B 10



19 S Turn right 10 2

Before R  Half-pirouette right

S Turn right

20 M F 10


21  A 10 2


22 B 10

23 B G Half pass left 10 2

C Track left

24 H X F 10

25  A Down centerline 10

 X  Halt, Salute

Leave arena at walk on a long rein at A


1. Paces (freedom and regularity) 10 1

10 1

10 2

4. Rider's position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids. 10 2


Minus Total Errors Judge's Signature:

Final Mark

PercentagePosition: Date:

Flying change of lead

Half pass right

3rd Error = Elimination

Three flying changes every fourth


Turn left

Half-pirouette left

Turn left

The correctness, straightness,

balance and fluency

Extended canter

Collected canter

Down centerline

Quality of canter and turn at A,

straightness on centerline, quality of

transition and halt

Turn left

Flying change of lead

Turn right

Correctness, straightness, balance

and fluency of flying changes

Quality of turns, collection and

regularity of canter in the pirouette,

bend, balance, self-carriage, quality

of canter and placement

Quality of canter and turns,

correctness, straightness, balance

and fluency of flying change

Quality of turns, collection and

regularity of canter in the pirouette,

bend, balance and self-carriage,

quality of canter and placement

The lenghtening of frame and stride,

the extension and regularity of

canter, balance and straightness,


Correctness and regularity, balance

and bend, collection, quality of

canter, straightness at G and quality

of turn at C

Quality of canter and turn at A,

correctness and regularity, balance

and bend, collection

Quality of canter, correctness,

straightness, balance and fluency of

flying change

Judge's Marks

2. Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the back,

engagement of the hind quarters)

3. Submission (attention and confidence; harmony, lightness and ease of movements,

acceptance of the bridles, lightness of the forehand)

 Course Errors:

1st Error - 22nd Error - 4

Three flying changes every third


TEF Advanced Test 3

2 Printed on 24-07-10

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PURPOSE: To confirm that the horse, having demonstrated that it has achieved  Arena 60 m x 20m

the thrust (pushing power) required in Novice, now shows that through additional  Average Time : 6 minutes

training it accepts more weight on the hindquarters (collection), shows the uphill Maximum Points : 350tendency required at the medium paces and is reliably on the bit. A greater degree

of straightness, bending, suppleness, throughness, balance and self-carriage is

required than at Novice.

INSTRUCTIONS: To be ridden in an ordinary snaffle.

No. Horse Rider

   P  o   i  n   t  s

   J  u   d  g  e   '  s

   M  a  r   k  s

   C  o  e   f   f   i  -

  c   i  e  n   t

   T  o   t  a   l

1  A Enter collected trot 10

 X  Halt, Salute

Proceed collected trot

2 C Track left 10


F Collected trot, sitting

3 Transitions at H and F 10

4 K  Circle right 10 m 10

5 K E 10 2

E Turn right

6 B Turn left 10 2

B M Shoulder-in left

7 M Circle left 10 m 10

8 C 10

9 C H 10

10 H P 10 2

P F Medium walk 

11 Before F Shorten the stride in walk  10

Collected canter right lead

12  A C 10

13 M E Change rein 10 2Between

quarter line

& E

Simple change of lead

14  V  Circle left 10 m 10

Shoulder in right

Straightness on centerline,

quality of trot, halt and


Medium trot, rising

Straightness from M to E,

quality of canter and walk,

calmness, balance and

straightness of transitions




Quality of turn at C, the

lengthening of frame and

stride, regularity of trot, uphill

balance and straightness

Balance and definition of


Quality of trot, bend andbalance, roundness and size of


Quality of trot, the angle and

bend, balance and collection,

quality of turn at E

Quality of turn at B, quality of

trot, the angle and bend,

balance and collection

Quality of trot, bend and

balance, roundness and size if


Halt, rein back 3-4 steps,

proceed medium walk 

Quality and immobility of halt,

willingness of rein back,


Quality of medium walk 

Quality of free and medium

walks, straightness, transitions

Regularity of walk in

shortening of stride, calmness

and smoothness of depart,

quality of canter

Serpentine three equal loops

width of arena, no change of


Quality of canter and counter

canter, balance and geometry

of serpentine

Medium walk 

Free walk on long rein, allowing

the horse to lower and stretch

out head and neck whilst

maintaining control

Quality of canter, bend and

balance, roundness and size of


TEF Elementary Test 1 Printed on 24-07-10

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PURPOSE: To confirm that the horse, having demonstrated that it has achieved  Arena 60 m x 20m

the thrust (pushing power) required in Novice, now shows that through additional  Average Time : 6 minutes

training it accepts more weight on the hindquarters (collection), shows the uphill Maximum Points : 340

tendency required at the medium paces and is reliably on the bit. A greater degree

of straightness, bending, suppleness, throughness, balance and self-carriage is

required than at Novice.

INSTRUCTIONS: To be ridden in an ordinary snaffle.

No. Horse Rider

   P  o   i  n   t  s

   J  u   d  g  e   '  s

   M  a  r   k  s

   C  o  e   f   f   i  -

  c   i  e  n   t

   T  o   t  a   l

1  A Enter collected trot 10

 X  Halt, Salute

Proceed collected trot

2 C Track right 10

M X K  Medium trot, rising

K  Collected trot, sitting

3 Transitions at M and K   10

4 F B Travers left 10

Before B Straighten

B Turn left

5 E Turn right 10

E H Travers right

Before H Straighten

6 C 10 2

7 C M Medium walk Quality of medium walk   10

8 M X F 10 2

9 F A Medium walk Quality of medium walk   10

10 Before A Shorten the stride in walk  10

 A Collected canter right lead

11  V  Circle right 10m 10 2

12 E Turn right 10 2

 X  Simple change of lead

B Turn left

13 R  Circle left 10 m 10 2

14 H K  Medium canter 10

K  Collected canter


Straightness on centerline,

quality of trot, halt and


Regularity of walk in the

shortening of stride, calmness

and smoothness of depart,

quality of canter

Quality of canter, bend and

balance, roundness and size of


Quality of turns at E and B,

quality of canter and walk,

calmness, balance and

straightness of transitions

Halt, rein back 3-4 steps,

proceed medium walk 

Quality and immobility of halt,

willingness of rein back,


Quality of free walk,

straightness, transition

Free walk on long rein, allowing

the horse to lower and stretch

out head and neck whilst

maintaining control

Quality of canter, bend and

balance, roundness and size of


The lenghtening of frame and

stride, regularity of canter,

uphill balance and straightness

Quality and regularity of trot,

the angle and bend, balance

and collection, straightness

before H




Quality of turn at C, the

lengthening of frame and

stride, regularity of trot, uphill

balance and straightness

Quality and regularity of trot,the angle and bend, balance

and collection, straightness

before turn at B

Balance and definition of



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No. Horse Rider

15 Transitions at H and K   10

16 F E Change rein 10

E H Counter canter

17 H Simple change of lead 10

18 M F Medium canter 10

F Collected canter

19 Transitions at M and F 10

20 K B Change rein 10

B M Counter canter

M Collected trot

21 H X F Medium trot 10

F Collected trot

22 Transitions at H and F 10

23  A Down centerline 10

 X  Halt, Salute

Leave arena at walk on a long rein at A.


1. Paces (freedom and regularity) 10 1

10 1

10 2

4. Rider's position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids. 10 2

3rd Error = Elimination TOTAL MARKS 340

Minus Total Errors Judge's Signature:

Final Mark

PercentagePosition: Date:

Quality and balance of canter

and counter canter,


Balance and definition of


Balance and definition of


Quality of canter and walk,

calmness, balance and

straightness of transitions

The lengthening of frame and

stride, regularity of canter,

uphill balance and straightness

The lengthening of frame and

stride, regularity of trot, uphillbalance and straightness

Balance and definition of


Quality of trot and turn at A,

straightness on centerline,

quality of transition and halt

Quality and balance of canter

and counter canter,

straightness, balance of

transitions, quality of trot

3. Submission (attention and confidence; harmony, lightness and ease of

movements, acceptance of the bridles, lightness of the forehand).

2. Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the

back, engagement of the hind quarters)

Judge's MarksCourse Errors:

1st Error - 22nd Error - 4

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PURPOSE: To confirm that the horse, having demonstrated that it has achieved  Arena 60 m x 20mthe thrust (pushing power) required in Novice, now shows that through additional  Average Time : 6 minutes

training it accepts more weight on the hindquarters (collection), shows the uphill Maximum Points :400

tendency required at the medium paces and is reliably on the bit. A greater degree

of straightness, bending, suppleness, throughness, balance and self-carriage is

required than at Novice.

INSTRUCTIONS: To be ridden in an ordinary snaffle.

No. Horse Rider

   P  o   i  n   t  s

   J  u   d  g  e   '  s

   M  a  r   k  s

   C  o  e   f   f   i  -

  c   i  e  n   t

   T  o   t  a   l

1  A Enter collected trot 10

 X  Halt, Salute

Proceed collected trot

2 C Track left 10

H X F Medium trot, rising

F Collected trot, sitting

3 Transitions at H and F 10

4 K E 10

5 E Circle right 10 m 10

6 E H 10 2

Before H

7 M X K  Medium trot 10 2

K  Collected trot

8Transitions at M and K 


9 F B Shoulder-in left 10

10 B Circle left 10 m 10

11 B M Travers left 10 2

Before MStraighten

12 C 10

13 H Turn left 10


G & M

14 Between

G & H


M Turn right

15 CHK(M)G(H

)GScore for medium walk Quality of medium walk  10




Straightness on centerline,

quality of trot, halt and


Quality of turn at C, the

lengthening of frame and stride,

regularity of trot, uphill balance

and straightness


Quality and regularity of trot,

the angle and bend, balance and

collection, straightness at M

Shorten the stride and half

turn on the haunches right,

proceed medium walk 

Regularity of walk, activity of

hind legs, bend and fluidity of


Quality of trot, bend and

balance, roundness and size of


Shorten the stride and half

turn on the haunches left,

proceed medium walk 

Regularity of walk, activity of

hind legs, bend and fluidity of


Quality and regularity of trot,

the angle and bend, balance and

collection, straightness at HStraighten

Travers right

Balance and definition of


Halt, rein back 3-4 steps,

proceed medium walk 

Quality and immobility of halt,

willingness of rein back,


The lenghtening of frame and

stride, regularity of trot, uphill

balance and straightness

Balance and definition of


Quality of trot, the angle and

bend, balance and collection

Quality of trot, bend and

balance, roundness and size of


Quality of trot, the angle and

bend, balance and collection,

quality of turn at E

Shoulder in right

TEF Elementary Test 3

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No. Horse Rider

16 M R  Medium walk  10 2

R K 

K A Medium walk 

17 Before A Shorten the stride in walk  10

 A Collected canter left lead

18 F M Medium canter 10

M Collected canter

19 Transitions at F and M 10

20 H Circle left 10 10


H & SSimple change 10

22 S E Counter canter 10 2

E FChange rein

23 K H Medium canter 10

H Collected canter

24 Transitions at K and H 10

25 M Circle right 10 m 10

26 Between

M & R Simple change 10

27 R B Counter canter 10 2

B K  Change rein

28 K  Collected trot 10

 A Down centerline

 X  Halt, Salute

Leave arena at walk on a long rein at A.


10 1

10 1

10 2

4. Rider's position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids. 10 2


Minus Total Errors Judge's Signature:

Final Mark

PercentagePosition: Date:

3rd Error = Elimination

Free walk on long rein, allowing the

horse to lower and stretch out head

and neck whilst maintaining control

3. Submission (attention and confidence; harmony, lightness and ease of

movements, acceptance of the bridles, lightness of the forehand).

 Course Errors:

1st Error - 22nd Error - 4

Quality of counter canter,

balance, straightness

Quality of counter canter,

balance, straightness

Balance and smoothness of

transition at K, quality of trot and

turn at A, straightness on

centerline, quality of transition and


2. Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the

back, engagement of the hind quarters)

1. Paces (freedom and regularity)

The lengthening of frame and

stride, regularity of canter, uphill

balance and straightness

Balance and definition of


Quality of canter, bend and

balance, roundness and size of


Quality of canter and walk,

calmness, balance and

straightness of transitions

The lengthening of frame and

stride, regularity of canter, uphill

balance and straightness

Quality of canter, bend and

balance, roundness and size of


Quality of canter and walk,

calmness, balance and

straightness of transitions

Balance and definition of


Quality of walks, straightness

and transitions

Regularity of walk in the

shortening of stride, calmness

and smoothness of depart,

quality of canter

Judge's Marks

TEF Elementary Test 3

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PURPOSE: To confirm that the horse, having demonstrated that it has achieved  Arena 60 m x 20mthe thrust (pushing power) required in Novice, now shows that through additional  Average Time : 6 minutes

training it accepts more weight on the hindquarters (collection), shows the uphill Maximum Points :390

tendency required at the medium paces and is reliably on the bit. A greater degree

of straightness, bending, suppleness, throughness, balance and self-carriage is

required that at Novice.

INSTRUCTIONS: To be ridden in an ordinary snaffle.

No. Horse Rider

   P  o   i  n   t  s

   J  u   d  g  e   '  s

   M  a  r   k  s

   C  o  e   f   f   i  -

  c   i  e  n   t

   T  o   t  a   l

1  A Enter collected trot 10

 X  Halt, Salute

Proceed collected trot

2 C Track right 10

M X K  Medium trot

K  Collected trot

3 Transitions at M and K  10

4 F B 10

5 B M Renvers right 10 2

6 H X F 10

F Collected trot

7 Transitions at H and F 10

8 K E 10

9 E H Renvers left 10 2

10 C 10 2

11 Before R  Shorten stride in walk  10

12 Before C Shorten stride in walk  10


13 10

14M V 10 2

15  V K  Medium walk  10

Before K  Shorten the stride in walk 

K  Collected canter left lead



Straightness on centerline,

quality of trot, halt and


Quality of turn at C, the

lengthening of frame and stride,

regularity of trot, uphill balance

and straightness


Half turn on the haunches

right, proceed medium walk 

Half turn on the haunches left,

proceed medium walk 

Score for Medium walk


Transition at V, quality and

regularity of medium walk and in

shortening the stride, calmness,

balance and straightness of depart,

quality of canter

Balance and definition of


Regularity of medium walk,

activity of hind legs, bend and

fluidity of turn

Quality of medium walk 

Transition from shoulder-in,

quality of trot, the angle and

bend, balance and collection,

straightness at M

The lengthening of frame and

stride, regularity of trot, uphill

balance and straightness

Quality of trot, the angle and

bend, balance and collection

Quality and immobility of halt,

willingness of rein back,


Regularity of medium walk,

activity of hind legs, bend and

fluidity of turn

Quality of trot, the angle and

bend, balance and collection

Shoulder-in left

Medium trot

Transition from shoulder-in,

quality of trot, the angle and

bend, balance and collection,

straightness at H

Balance and definition of


Shoulder in right

Halt, rein back 3-4 steps,

proceed medium walk 

Free walk on long rein,

allowing the horse to lower

and stretch out head and neck

whilst maintaining control

Quality of free walk,

straightness, transition at M

TEF Elementary Test 4

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No. Horse Rider

 A C

16 Score for first simple change 10 2

17 10 2

18 10

19 H K  Medium canter10

20 Transitions at H & K   10

21  A Down centerline 10

L Circle left 10 m

22  X  Simple change of lead


23 I Circle right 10 m 10

C Track right

24 M F Medium canter10


25 Transitions at M & F 10

26  A Down centerline10

L Collected trot

27 I Halt, Salute 10

Leave arena at walk on a long rein at A.


10 1

10 1

10 2

4. Rider's position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids.10 2

3rd Error = Elimination TOTAL MARKS 390

Minus Total Errors Judge's Signature:

Final Mark


Position: Date:

Score for quality of serpentine

Collected canter

3. Submission (attention and confidence; harmony, lightness and ease of

movements, acceptance of the bridles, lightness of the forehand).

 Course Errors:

1st Error - 22nd Error - 4

Balance and definition of


The lenghtening of frame and

stride, regularity of canter, uphill

balance and straightness

Straightness on centerline,

quality of canter, bend and

balance, roundness and size of


Collected canter

Quality of turn at A, smoothness

and straightness of transition to


Quality of trot, straightness on

centerline, quality of transition

and halt

2. Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the

back, engagement of the hind quarters)

1. Paces (freedom and regularity)

Straightness on centerline,

quality of canter, bend and

balance, roundness and size of


Balance and definition of


Quality of canter and walk,

calmness, balance andstraightness of transitions

The lenghtening of frame and

stride, regularity of canter, uphill

balance and straightness

Quality of canter, balance, bend

and geometry of serpentine

Quality of canter and walk,

calmness, balance and

straightness of transitions

Quality of canter and walk,

calmness, balance and

straightness of transitions

Serpentine of three equal loops width of the arena with a simple

change of lead each time crossing the centerline

Score for second simple


Judge's Marks

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PURPOSE: To confirm that the horse, having demonstrated that it has begun to  Arena 60 m x 20m

develop the uphill balance required in Elementary, now demonstrates  Average Time : 6.30 minutes

increased engagement in each movement - especially in medium and Maximum Points : 360extended paces and in the transitions to/from collected movements - rhythm,

suppleness, acceptance of the bit, throughness, balance, impulsion,

straightness and collection. There must be a clear distinction within the paces.

INSTRUCTIONS: To be ridden in an ordinary snaffle or double bridle.

 All trot sitting, unless stated otherwise.

No. Horse Rider

   P  o   i  n   t  s

   J  u   d  g  e   '  s

   M  a  r   k  s

   C  o  e   f   f   i  -

  c   i  e  n   t

   T  o   t  a   l

1  A Enter collected trot 10

 X  Halt, Salute

Proceed collected trot

2 C Track left 10

S V 

3  V L Half circle 10 m 10 2

L S Half pass left

4 R P Shoulder-in right 10

5 P L 10 2

L R  Half pass right

6 H X F Medium trot 10

F Collected trot

7  A Halt, rein back 4 steps 10

Proceed medium walk 

8 K R 10 2

9 R  Medium walk  10 2

M Turn leftBetween

G & H

10 Between

G & M10 2

H Track right

H C Medium walk 

11 Medium walk   10


12 Before C Shorten the stride in walk  10

C Collected canter right lead

13 M F Medium canter 10

F Collected canter

Quality and immobility of halt,

willingness of rein back,


Shorten stride, half turn on

haunches left, proceed medium walk 

Shorten stride, half turn on

haunches right, proceed medium


Quality of trot, the angle and

bend, balance and collection

Quality of trot, roundness and size

of half circle, correctness and

regularity, balance and bend,


Extended walk 




Half circle 10 m

Straightness on centerline, quality

of trot, halt and transitions

The lengthening of the frame and

stride, regularity of trot, balance

and straightness, transitions

Regularity of walk during half

turn, activity of hind legs, bend

and fluidity of turn

Quality and regularity of the

medium walk 

Shoulder-in left

Quality of turn at C, quality of

trot, the angle and bend, balance

and collection

Quality of trot, roundness and size

of half circle, correctness and

regularity, balance and bend,



The regularity of the walk in the

shortening of stride, calmness,

smoothness and straightness of

depart, quality of canter

The lengthening of the frame and

stride, regularity of canter,

balance and straightness,


The lengthening of the frame and

stride, the extension and

regularity of walk, straightness

Regularity of walk during half

turn, activity of hind legs, bend

and fluidity of turn

TEF Medium Test 1 Printed on 24-07-10

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No. Horse Rider

14  V  Circle right 10 m 10

15  V R  Change rein, flying change 10 2

between centerline and R 

16 C 10

17 H K  Extended canter 10

K  Collected canter

18 Transitions at H & K   10

19 P Circle left 10 m 10

20 P S 10 2

21 C Collected trot 10

22 M X K  Extended trot 10

K  Collected trot

23  A Down centerline 10

 X  Halt, Salute

Leave arena at walk on a long rein at A.


1. Paces (freedom and regularity) 10 1

10 1

10 2

4. Rider's position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids. 10 2

3rd Error = Elimination TOTAL MARKS 360

Minus Total Errors

Final Mark Judge's Signature:


Position: Date:

Change rein, flying change

between centerline and S

Circle left 20 m, showing a

clear release of inside rein for

4-5 strides over centerline

Judge's Marks

2. Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the

back, engagement of the hind quarters)

3. Submission (attention and confidence; harmony, lightness and ease of

movements, acceptance of the bridles, lightness of the forehand)

 Course Errors:

1st Error - 22nd Error - 4

Quality of trot and turn at A,

straightness on centerline, quality

of transition and halt

Quality of canter and release,

ability to maintain bend and uphill

balance during release

The lengthening of the frame and

stride, the extension and

regularity of canter, balance and


Balance and definition of


Quality of canter, bend and

balance, roundness and size of

circle, collection

Quality of canter, straightness,

balance and fluency of flying


Balance and smoothness of

transition, quality of trot

The lengthening of the frame and

stride, the extension and

regularity of trot, balance and

straightness, transitions

Quality of canter, bend and

balance, roundness and size of

circle, collection

Quality of canter, straightness,

balance and fluency of flying


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PURPOSE: To confirm that the horse, having demonstrated that it has begun to  Arena 60 m x 20m

develop the uphill balance required in Elementary, now demonstrates  Average Time : 6.30 minutes

increased engagement in each movement - especially in medium and Maximum Points : 360extended paces and in the transitions to/from collected movements - rhythm,

suppleness, acceptance of the bit, throughness, balance, impulsion,

straightness and collection. There must be a clear distinction within the paces.

INSTRUCTIONS: To be ridden in an ordinary snaffle or double bridle.

 All trot sitting, unless stated otherwise.

No. Horse Rider

   P  o   i  n   t  s

   J  u   d  g  e   '  s

   M  a  r   k  s

   C  o  e   f   f   i  -

  c   i  e  n   t

   T  o   t  a   l

1  A Enter collected trot 10

 X  Halt, Salute

Proceed collected trot

2 C Track right 10

M X K 

K  Collected trot

3 F B Shoulder in left 10 2

4 B G Half pass left 10

G Straight ahead

C Track left

5 H X F 10

F Collected trot

6 Transitions at H & F 10

7 K E Shoulder in right 10 2

8 E G Half pass right 10

G Straight ahead

9 C Track right 10

Before M

10 M 10

Between G

& H

11 Between G

& M10

H Turn left

H S Medium walk 

12 (Medium walk) 10


13 S P Extended walk  10 2

P F Medium walk 

Medium walk 

Turn right

Extended trot

Shorten stride, half turn on

haunches right, proceed medium


Shorten stride, half turn on

haunches left, proceed medium walk 




Straightness on centerline, quality

of trot, halt and transitions

Balance and definition of


Medium trot

The quality of turn at C, the

lengthening of the frame and

stride, regularity of trot, balance

and straightness, transitions

Quality of trot, the angle and

bend, balance and collection

Quality of trot, correctness and

regularity, balance and bend,


The lengthening of frame and

stride, the extension and

regularity of trot, balance and


Quality of trot, the angle and

bend, balance and collection

Quality of trot, correctness and

regularity, balance and bend,


Quality of the trot and medium

walk, transition

Regularity of walk during half

turn, activity of hind legs, bend

and fluidity of turn

Regularity of walk during half

turn, activity of hind legs, bend

and fluidity of turn

Quality and regularity of the

medium walk 

The lengthening of the frame and

stride, the extension and

regularity of the walk,

straightness, transitions

TEF Medium Test 2 Printed on 24-07-10

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No. Horse Rider

14 Before F Shorten the stride in walk  10

F Collected canter right lead

15  A Down centerline 10

D R  Half pass right

16Between R

& M 102

17 H K  Medium canter 10

K  Collected canter

18  A Down centerline 10

D S Half pass left

19 Between S

& H10 2

20 C 10 2

21 M F Extended canter 10

F Collected canter

22 Transitions at M & F 10

23  A Down centerline 10

L Collected trot

24  X  Halt, Salute 10

Leave arena at walk on a long rein at A.COLLECTIVE MARKS

1. Paces (freedom and regularity) 10 1

10 1

10 2

4. Rider's position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids. 10 2

3rd Error = Elimination TOTAL MARKS 360

Minus Total Errors

Final MarkJudge's Signature:


Position: Date:

Circle right 20m, showing a

clear release of inside rein for

4-5 strides over centerline

Flying change of lead

Flying change of lead

Judge's Marks

2. Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the

back, engagement of the hind quarters)

3. Submission (attention and confidence; harmony, lightness and ease of

movements, acceptance of the bridles, lightness of the forehand)

 Course Errors:1st Error - 2

2nd Error - 4

Quality of canter, correctness,

straightness, balance and fluency

of flying change

The regularity of the walk in the

shortening of stride, calmness and

straightness of depart, quality of


Quality of canter, straightness on

centerline, correctness and

regularity, balance and bend,


Quality of canter, correctness,

straightness, balance and fluency

of flying change

The lengthening of the frame and

stride, regularity of canter,

balance and straightness,


Quality of canter, straightness on

centerline, correctness and

regularity, balance and bend,


Straightness on centerline, quality

of transition and halt

Quality of canter and release,

ability to maintain bend and uphill

balance during release

The lenthening of frame andstride, the extension and

regularity of canter, balance and


Balance and definition of


Quality of turn at A, balance in

transition, quality of trot

TEF Medium Test 2 Printed on 24-07-10

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PURPOSE: To confirm that the horse, having demonstrated that it has begun to develop  Arena 60 m x 20m

the uphill balance required in Elementary, now demonstrates increased engagement in  Average Time : 6.30 minutes

each movement - especially in medium and extended paces and in the transitions Maximum Points : 400to/from collected movements - rhythm, suppleness, acceptance of the bit,

throughness, balance, impulsion, straightness and collection. There must be a clear

distinction within the paces.

INSTRUCTIONS: To be ridden in an ordinary snaffle or double bridle.

 All trot sitting, unless stated otherwise.

No. Horse Rider

   P  o   i  n   t  s

   J  u   d  g  e   '  s

   M  a  r   k  s

   C  o  e   f   f   i  -

  c   i  e  n   t

   T  o   t  a   l

1  A Enter collected trot 10

 X  Halt, Salute

Proceed collected trot

2 C Track right 10


F Collected trot

3 K E Shoulder in right 10

4 E X  Half circle right 10 m 10

 X B Half circle left 10 m

5 B G 10 2

C Track right

6 M X K  Extended trot 10

K  Collected trot

7 Transitions at M & K   10

8  A 10

9 F B Shoulder-in left 10

10B X  Half circle left 10 m


 X E Half circle right 10 m

11 E G 10 2

C Turn left

12Between C

& HMedium walk 

Quality of transition and turn10

H Turn left

13 Between G

& M10

14 Between G

& H10

M Turn right

Quality of trot, correctness and

regularity, balance and bend,

collection, quality of turn at C

Regularity of walk, activity of the

hind legs, bend and fluidity of the

turn, transitions

Regularity of walk, activity of the

hind legs, bend and fluidity of the

turn, transitions

Balance and definition of


Quality and immobility of halt,

willingness of rein back,


Quality of trot, the angle and

bend, balance and collection

Quality of trot, roundness and size

of half circles, balance and bend

Quality of trot, the angle and

bend, balance and collection

Quality of trot, roundness and size

of half circles, balance and bend

Quality of trot, correctness and

regularity, balance and bend,


The lengthening of the frame and

stride, the extension and

regularity of trot, balance and

straightness, transitions

Half pass left

Straightness on centerline, quality

of trot, halt and transitions

Half pass right

Medium trot

The quality of turn at C, the

lengthening of the frame and

stride, regularity of trot, balance

and straightness, transitions




Shorten stride, half turn on

haunches left, proceed medium


Shorten the stride, half turn on

haunches right, proceed medium


Halt, rein back four steps,

proceed collected trot

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No. Horse Rider

15 Score for medium walk   10


16 R V  Extended walk  102

 V K  Medium walk 

17 K  Collected canter left lead 10

18  A Down centerline 10 2

L S Half pass left

S H Counter canter

19 H Flying change of lead 10 2

20 M F Medium canter 10

F Collected canter

21  A Down centerline 10 2

L R  Half pass left

R MCounter canter

22 M Flying change of lead 10 2

23 C 10

24 H K  Extended canter 10

K  Collected canter

25 Transitions at H & K   10

26  A Down centerline 10 X  Collected trot

27 G Halt, Salute 10

Leave arena at walk on a long rein at A.


1. Paces (freedom and regularity) 10 1

10 1

10 2

4. Rider's position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids. 10 2

3rd Error = Elimination TOTAL MARKS 400

Minus Total Errors

Final MarkJudge's Signature:


Position: Date:

The lengthening of frame and

stride, regularity of canter,

balance and straightness,


Quality orf canter, straightness on

centerline, correctness and

regularity, balance and bend,


Quality of canter, correctness,

straightness, balance and fluency

of flying change

Straightness on centerline, quality

of transition and halt

Quality of canter and release,

ability to maintain bend and uphill

balance during release

The lengthening of frame and

stride, the extension and

regularity of canter, balance and


Balance and definition of


Quality of canter and turn at A,

balance and smoothness of


Quality of walks, lengthening of

the frame and stride, extension

and regularity of walk,

straightness, transitions

Calmness, smoothness and

straightness of depart, quality of


Quality orf canter, straightness on

centerline, correctness and

regularity, balance and bend,


Quality of canter, correctness,

straightness, balance and fluency

of flying change

Quality and regularity of the

medium walk 

Judge's Marks

2. Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the

back, engagement of the hind quarters)

3. Submission (attention and confidence; harmony, lightness and ease ofmovements, acceptance of the bridles, lightness of the forehand)

 Course Errors:

1st Error - 22nd Error - 4

Circle left 20 m, clearly giving

both reins for 4-5 strides over


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PURPOSE: To confirm that the horse, in addition to the requirements of Preliminary, has  Arena 60 m x 20m

developed thrust (pushing power) and achieved a degree of balance and throughness.  Average Time : 6 minutes

INSTRUCTIONS: To be ridden in an ordinary snaffle, all trot sitting unless stated otherwise. Maximum Points : 270

No. Horse Rider

NO.   P  o   i  n   t  s

   J  u   d  g

  e   '  s

   M  a  r   k  s

   C  o  e   f   f   i  -

  c   i  e  n   t

   T  o   t  a   l

1  A Enter working trot 10

 X  Halt, Salute

Proceed working trot

2 C Track left 10

E X 

3 B X  10

4 H X F 10


5  A C 10 2

6 C Medium walk  10

7 10 2

8 E F Medium walk  10

9 10

10 F Working trot 10

 A Working canter right lead

11 E 10

12 M X K  Change rein 10

 X  Working trot

13 K  Working canter left lead 10

14 B 10

15 H X F 10

 X  Working trot

(Transition from free walk to

medium walk at E)




Free walk on long rein, allowing

the horse to lower and stretch

out head and neck whilst

maintaining control



Straightness on centerline,

quality of trot, halt and


Quality of turn at C, quality of

trot, uphill balance and


Quality of medium walk and


Submission to shortening the

reins while maintaining

rhythm, tempo, and activity of


Calmness and smoothness of

transitions, quality of trot and


Quality of canter, roundness

and size of circle, bend,

corners and straightness K-E

and E-H

Straightness, quality of canter

and trot, balance and

smoothness of transition

Quality of canter, roundness

and size of circle, bend,

corners and straightness F-B

and B-M

3 loop serpentine width of arena

Circle right 15 m

Half circle 10 m returning to the

track at H

Half circle 10 m returning to the

track at M

Lengthen stride in trot, rising

Working trot sitting

Quality of trot, bend and size

of figure

The lengthening of frame and

stride, regularity of trot,

balance and straightness,


Balance and smoothness of

transition from trot, quality of

medium walk 

Quality of trot, bend,

execution of figure

Straightness, quality of canter

and trot, balance and

smoothness of transition

Calmness and smoothness of

depart, quality of canter

Circle left 15 m

Change rein

Quality of free walk and


TEF Novice Test 1 Printed on 24-07-10

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No. Horse Rider

16 K X M Lengthen stride in trot, rising 10

M Working trot sitting

17 C 10 2

Before C Shorten the reins

C Working trot rising

18 E Half circle 10 m to X 10

 X  Straight ahead

G Halt, Salute

Leave arena at walk on a long rein at A


1. Paces (freedom and regularity)

10 1

10 1

10 2

4.Rider's position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids. 10 2

3rd Error = Elimination TOTAL MARKS 270

Minus Total Errors Judge's Signature:

Final Mark


Position: Date:

2nd Error - 4

2. Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the back,

engagement of the hind quarters)

Judge's Marks

3.Submission (attention and confidence; harmony, lightness and ease of movements,

acceptance of the bridles, lightness of the forehand).

Quality of trot, quality andbend of half circle E-X,

straightness on centerline,

quality of transition and halt

 Course Errors:

1st Error - 2

The lenghtening of frame and

stride, regularity of trot,

balance and smoothness of


Circle left 20 m rising trot,

allowing the horse to stretch

forward and downward

Quality of stretch over back,

forward and downward into a

light contact while maintaining

balance and quality of trot

TEF Novice Test 1 Printed on 24-07-10

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PURPOSE: To confirm that the horse, in addition to the requirements of Preliminary,  Arena 60 m x 20m

has developed thrust (pushing power) and achieved a degree of balance and throughness.  Average Time : 6 minutes

INSTRUCTIONS: To be ridden in an ordinary snaffle, all trot sitting unless stated otherwise. Maximum Points : 330

No. Horse Rider

   P  o

   i  n   t  s

   J  u   d

  g  e   '  s

   M  a

  r   k  s

   C  o  e   f   f   i  -

  c   i  e  n   t

   T  o

   t  a   l

1  A Enter working trot 10

 X  Halt, Salute

Proceed working trot

2 C Track right 10

B Turn right

E Turn left

3  A Down centerline 10

D R Leg yield right

4 M Working canter left lead 10

5 C Circle left 15 m 10

6 H K  Lengthen stride in canter 10

7 Between K  Develop working canter 10

and A

8 F X H Change rein 10

 X  Working trot

9 M X K  10

K  Working trot sitting

10  A Halt, 5 seconds, proceed 10

medium walk 

11 F S 10 2

12 S H C Medium walk  10


14 C Working trot 10

15 B 10 2

Before B Shorten the reins

B Working trot sitting

Circle right 20 m rising trot,

allowing the horse to stretch

forward and downward



Free walk on long rein, allowing

the horse to lower and stretch

out head and neck whilst

maintaining control

(Transition from free walk tomedium walk at S)


Lengthen stride in trot, rising

Straightness on centerline,

quality of trot, halt and


Quality of turns at C, B and

E, quality of trot,

straightness between turns,


Straightness, balance,

position, flow

Calmness and smoothness of

depart, quality of canter

Roundness and size of circle,

bend, quality of canter

The lengthening of frame

and stride, regularity of

canter, straightness

Balance and definition of

transition, quality of canter

Straightness, quality of

canter and trot, balance and

smoothness of transition

The lengthening of frameand stride, regularity of trot,

balance and straightness,



Submission to shortening thereins while maintaining

rhythm, tempo, and activity

of walk 

Balance and smoothness of

transition, quality of trot

Quality of stretch over back,

forward and downward into a

light contact while

maintaining balance and

quality of trot

Quality and immobility of

halt, transitions from trot to

halt and halt to walk, quality

of medium walk 

Quality of free walk and


Quality of medium walk 

TEF Novice Test 2 1 Printed on 24-07-10

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No. Horse Rider

16  A Down center line 10

D S Leg yield left

17 H Working canter right lead 10

18 C Circle right 15 m 10

19 M F Lengthen stride in canter 10 2

20 Between F

and ADevelop working canter 10

21 K X M Change rein 10

 X  Working trot

22 H X F 10 2

F Working trot sitting

23  A Down centerline 10

 X  Halt, Salute

Leave arena at walk on a long rein at A


1. Paces (freedom and regularity) 10 1

10 1

10 2

4. Rider's position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids 10 2


Minus Total Errors Judge's Signature:

Final Mark


Position: Date:

Lengthen stride in trot, rising

Judge's Marks

2. Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the back,

engagement of the hind quarters)

3.Submission (attention and confidence; harmony, lightness and ease of movements,

acceptance of the bridles, lightness of the forehand)

 Course Errors:

1st Error - 22nd Error - 4 3rd Error = El imination

The lengthening of frame

and stride, regularity of trot,

balance and straightness,


Quality of trot and turn at A,

straightness on centerline,

quality of transitions and halt

Straightness, balance,

position, flow

Calmness and smoothness of

depart, quality of canter

Roundness and size of circle,

bend, quality of canter

The lengthening of frame

and stride, regularity of

canter, straightness

Balance and definition of

transition, quality of canter

Straightness, quality of

canter and trot, balance and

smoothness of transition

TEF Novice Test 2 2 Printed on 24-07-10

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PURPOSE: To confirm that the horse, in addition to the requirements of Preliminary, has  Arena 60 m x 20m

developed thrust (pushing power) and achieved a degree of balance and throughness.  Average Time : 6.30 minutesINSTRUCTIONS: To be ridden in an ordinary snaffle, all trot sitting unless stated otherwise. Maximum Points : 320

No. Horse Rider

   P  o   i  n

   t  s

   J  u   d  g  e

   '  s

   M  a  r   k


   C  o  e   f   f

   i  -

  c   i  e  n   t

   T  o   t  a


1  A Enter working trot 10

 X  Halt, Salute

Proceed working trot

2 C Track left 10

E X  Half circle left 10 m

3  X B Half circle right 10 m 10

4  V I Leg yield right 10 2

5 C Track right 10

M X K 

K  Working trot, sitting

6 P I Leg yield left 10 2

7 C Track left 10

H X F Lengthen stride in trot, rising

F Working trot, sitting

8 A Halt 5 seconds


Proceed medium walk 

 A K  Medium walk 

9 K B 10 2

10 B H Medium walk  10

11 10

12 H Working trot 10

C Working canter right lead

13 R  10 2

14 R F Lengthen stride in canter 10

(Transition from free walk to

medium walk at at B)

Circle right 15 m


Free walk on long rein, allowing

the horse to lower and stretch

out head and neck whilst

maintaining control

Straightness on centerline,

quality of trot, halt and


Quality of turn at C, quality

of trot, bend and size of


Quality of trot, bend and

size of figure

Lengthen stride in trot, rising

Balance, position, flow,

straightness on centerline

Quality of turn at C, the

lengthening of frame and

stride, regularity of trot,

balance and straightness,




Quality of trot and canter,

calmness and smoothness

of transitions

Roundness and size of

circle, bend, quality of


The lengthening of frame

and stride, regularity of

canter, straightness,



Quality and immobility of

halt, transitions from trot tohalt and halt to walk,

quality of medium walk 

Quality of free walk and


Quality of medium walk 

Submission to shortening

the reins while maintaining

rhythm, tempo, and activity

of walk 

Balance, position, flow,

straightness on centerline

Quality of turn at C, the

lengthening of frame and

stride, regularity of trot,

balance and straightness,


TEF Novice Test 3 1 Printed on 24-07-10

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No. Horse Rider15 F 10

16 K X M 10

17 S Circle left 15 m 10 2

18 S K  Lengthen stride in canter 10

19 K  Working canter 10

20 F X H Change rein 10

 X Working trot

21 B Half circle 10 m to X 10

 X  Straight ahead

G Halt, Salute

Leave arena at walk on a long rein at A


1. Paces (freedom and regularity) 10 1

10 1

10 2

4.Rider's position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids. 10 2

3rd Error = Elimination TOTAL MARKS 320

Minus Total Errors

Final Mark Judge's Signature:


Position: Date:

 Course Errors:

1st Error - 22nd Error - 4 Judge's Marks

Working canter

Change rein, at X change of lead

through trot

2. Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the

back, engagement of the hind quarters)

3.Submission (attention and confidence; harmony, lightness and ease of

movements, acceptance of the bridles, lightness of the forehand).

Quality of canter and trot,

balance and smoothness of

transitions, straightness

Roundness and size of

circle, bend, quality of


Quality of trot, quality andbend of half circle at B-X,

straightness on centerline,

quality of transition and


Quality of canter and trot,

balance and smoothness of

transition, straightness

Balance and definition of

transition, quality of canter

The lenghtening of frame

and stride, regularity of

canter, straightness,


Balance and definition of

transition, quality of canter

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PURPOSE: To confirm that the horse, in addition to the requirements of Preliminary, has  Arena 40 X 20 m or 60 m x 20m

developed thrust (pushing power) and achieved a degree of balance and throughness.  Average Time : 6.30 minutes

INSTRUCTIONS: To be ridden in an ordinary snaffle, all trot sitting unless stated otherwise. Maximum Points : 350

No. Horse Rider

   P  o   i  n   t  s

   J  u   d  g  e   '  s

   M  a  r   k  s

   C  o  e   f   f   i


  c   i  e  n   t

   T  o   t  a   l

1  A Enter working trot 10

 X  Halt, Salute

Proceed working trot

2 C Track right 10

M X K 

K  Working trot,sitting

3  A Down center line10

L Circle left 10 m

4  X M Leg yield right 10 2

5 H X F10

F Working trot,sitting

6  A Down center line 10

L Circle right 10 m

7  X H Leg yield left 10 2

8 C Medium walk  10

9 M V  10 2

 V K  Medium walk 

10 10

11 K  Working trot 10

 A Working canter left lead

12  A Circle left 15 m 10

13 F M 10

14 M Working canter 10



Lengthen stride in canter


Free walk on long rein, allowing

the horse to lower and stretch

out head and neck whilst

maintaining control

Lengthen stride in trot, rising

Straightness on centerline,

quality of trot, halt and


Lengthen stride in trot, rising

(Transitions from medium

walk to free walk and free

walk to medium walk)

Quality of turn at C, the

lengthening of frame and

stride, regularity of trot,

balance and straightness,


Straightness on centerline,

quality of trot, bend and

balance, roundness and size

of circle

Straightness, balance,

position, flow

The lenghtening of frame

and stride, quality of trot,

balance and straightness,


Straightness on centerline,

quality of trot, bend and

balance, roundness and size

of circle

Straightness, balance,

position, flow

Balance and smoothness oftransition from trot, quality of

medium walk 

Quality of free and medium

walks, straightness

Submission to shortening the

reins while maintaining

rhythm, tempo, and activity

of walk 

Quality of trot and canter,

calmness and smoothness of


Qualilty of canter, roundness

and size of circle, bend

The lengthening of frame

and stride, regularity of

canter, straightness,



Balance and definition of

transition, quality of canter

TEF Novice Test 4 Printed on 24-07-10

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No. Horse Rider15 H X K  10 2

16 F X H Change rein 10


17 C Circle right 15 m 10

18 M F 10

19 F Working canter 10

20 K X H10 2

21 M E Change rein 10

I Working trot

22  V  10 2

Before V  Shorten the reins

 V  Working trot sitting

23  A Down center line 10

 X  Halt, Salute

Leave arena at walk on a long rein at A.


1. Paces (freedom and regularity) 10 1

10 1

10 2

4.Rider's position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids. 10 2

3rd Error = Elimination TOTAL MARKS 350

Minus Total Errors Judge's Signature:

Final Mark

PercentagePosition: Date:

Circle left 20 m rising trot,

allowing the horse to stretch

forward and downward

One loop maintaining the left


Judge's Marks

2. Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the

back, engagement of the hind quarters)

3.Submission (attention and confidence; harmony, lightness and ease of

movements, acceptance of the bridles, lightness of the forehand).

 Course Errors:

1st Error - 22nd Error - 4

Lengthen stride in canter

One loop maintaining the

right lead

Change of lead through trot

Quality of canter and trot,

balance and smoothness of

transitions, straightness

Quality of canter, roundnessand size of circle, bend

Quality of trot and turn at A,

straightness on centerline,

quality of transition and halt

Quality of stretch over back,

forward and downward into a

light contact while

maintaining balance and

quality of trot

The lenghtening of frame

and stride, regularity of

canter, balance and


Balance and definition of

transition, quality of canter

Quality of canter, balance,

execution of figure

Quality of canter and trot,

balance and smoothness of

transition, straightness

Quality of canter, balance,

execution of figure

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PURPOSE: To confirm that the horse's muscles are supple and loose and that it moves freely  Arena 60 m x 20m

forward in a clear and steady rhythm, accepting contact with the bit. All trot work may be ridden  Average Time : 5 minutes

sitting or rising, unless stated. Halts may be through the walk. Maximum Points : 210

INSTRUCTIONS: To be ridden in an ordinary snaffle.

No. Rider

   P  o   i  n   t


   J  u   d  g  e

   '  s

   M  a  r   k


   C  o  e   f   f

   i  -

  c   i  e  n   t

   T  o   t  a


1  A Enter working trot 10 X  Halt, Salute

Proceed working trot

2 C Track left 10

E Circle left 20 m

3 Working canter left lead 10

4 B Circle left 20 m 10

5 Working trot 10

6 Medium walk  10

7 H X F 10 2

8  A 10

9 E Circle right 20 m 10

10 Working canter right lead 10

11 B Circle right 20 m 10

12 Working trot 10

13  A Down centerline 10 X  Halt, Salute

Leave arena at walk on a long rein at A.

Calmness and smoothness of

depart, quality of canter



and B

Quality of canter, roundness

of circle

Quality opf transition and

medium walk 

Between K

& A

Balance and smoothness of

transition, quality of trot

Quality of canter, roundness

of circle

Free walk on long rein, allowing the

horse to lower and stretch out head

and neck whilst maintaining control

Quality of free and medium

walks, straightness,


Quality of trot, roundness of


Between H

& C

Calmness and smoothness of

depart, quality of canter




& B

Balance and smoothness of

transition, quality of trot

Working trot

Quality of turn at A,straightness on centerline,

quality of transition and halt

Balance and smoothness of

transition, quality of trot






Straightness on centerline,

transitions, quality of halt

and trot

Quality of turn at C, quality

of trot, roundness of circle

TEF Preliminary Test 1

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No. RiderHorse


1. Paces (freedom and regularity) 10 1

10 1

10 2

4.Rider's position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids. 10 2


Minus Total Errors

Final Mark Judge's Signature:


Position: Date:

3rd Error = EliminationCourse Errors:

1st Error - 2Judge's Marks

2. Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the

back, engagement of the hind quarters)

3.Submission (attention and confidence; harmony, lightness and ease of

movements, acceptance of the bridles, lightness of the forehand).

2nd Error - 4

TEF Preliminary Test 1

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PURPOSE: To confirm that the horse's muscles are supple and loose and that it moves freely  Arena 60 m x 20m

forward in a clear and steady rhythm, accepting contact with the bit. All trot work may be ridden  Average Time : 5 minutes

sitting or rising, unless stated. Halts may be through the walk. Maximum Points : 250

INSTRUCTIONS: To be ridden in an ordinary snaffle.

No. Rider

NO.   P  o   i  n   t  s

   J  u   d  g  e   '  s

   M  a  r   k  s

   C  o  e   f   f   i  -

  c   i  e  n   t

   T  o   t  a   l

1  A Enter working trot 10 X  Halt, Salute

Proceed working trot

2 C Track right 10

B Circle right 20 m

3 K X M Change rein working trot 10

4 Working canter left lead 10

5 Circle left 20 m 10 2

6 Working trot 10

7  A 10

8 F X M 10 2

9 M C Medium walk  10

10 Working trot 10

11 E Circle left 20 m 10

12 Change rein working trot 10

13 Working canter right lead 10

14 B Circle right 20 m 10 2

Quality of transition, quality

of medium walk 

Straightness on centerline,

transitions, quality of halt

and trot

Quality of turn at C, quality

of trot, roundness of circle

Quality of free walk,

straightness, transition

Quality of transition, quality

of medium walk 

C Balance and smoothness of

transition, quality of trot

Quality of trot, roundness of


Between E

& K 

F X H Quality of trot, straightness

Free walk on long rein, allowing

the horse to lower and stretch

out head and neck whilst

maintaining control

Between C

& M

Calmness and smoothness of

depart, quality of canter

Quality of canter, roundness

of circle




Between C

& H


Quality of trot, straightness

Calmness and smoothness of

depart, quality of canter

E Quality of canter, roundness

of circle

Balance and smoothness of

transition, quality of trot

Medium walk 

TEF Preliminary Test 2

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No. RiderHorse

15 Working trot 10

16  A Down centerline 10

 X  Halt, Salute

Leave arena at walk on a long rein at A.


1. Paces (freedom and regularity) 10 1

10 1

10 2

4.Rider's position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids. 10 2


Minus Total Errors

Final Mark Judge's Signature:


Position: Date:

Quality of turn at A,

straightness on centerline,

quality of transition and halt

3.Submission (attention and confidence; harmony, lightness and ease of

movements, acceptance of the bridles, lightness of the forehand).

2nd E rror - 4 3rd E rror = E liminat ionCourse Errors:

1st Error - 2Judge's Marks

2. Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the

back, engagement of the hind quarters)

Between B

& F

Balance and smoothness of

transition, quality of trot

TEF Preliminary Test 2

Printed on 24-07-10

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PURPOSE: To confirm that the horse's muscles are supple and loose and that it moves freely  Arena 60 m x 20m

forward in a clear and steady rhythm, accepting contact with the bit. All trot work may be ridden  Average Time : 5 minutes

sitting or rising, unless stated. Halts may be through the walk. Maximum Points : 220

INSTRUCTIONS: To be ridden in an ordinary snaffle.

No. Rider

   P  o   i  n   t  s

   J  u   d  g

  e   '  s

   M  a  r   k  s

   C  o  e

   f   f   i  -

  c   i  e

  n   t

   T  o   t  a   l

1  A Enter working trot 10 X  Halt, Salute

Proceed working trot

2 C Track left 10

E Turn left

 X  Circle left 20 m

3  X  Circle right 20 m 10

B Turn right


4 (Score for transition) 10

5 (Score for circle) 10

6 10

B Straight ahead

7  A Medium walk  10

8 K B 10 2

9 B M Medium walk  10

M Working trot


10 (Score for transition) 10

11 (Score for circle) 10

12 E B 10

B Straight ahead

13 C 10 2

Before C Shorten the reins

14 E Half circle 10 m to X 10

 X  Straight ahead

G Halt, Salute

Leave arena at walk on a long rein at A.

Quality of trot, quality and

bend of half circle E-X,

straightness on centerline,

quality of transition and halt

Circle left 20 m, developing left

lead canter first quarter of circle

Half circle 20 m, near center line

working trot

Circle left 20 m, rising trot,

allowing the horse to stretch

forward and downward

Calmness and smoothness of


Quality of canter, roundness

of circle, straightness C to E

Circle right 20 m, developing right

lead canter first quarter of circle

Quality of transition and

medium walk 

Quality of free walk,

straightness and transition

Quality of nedium walk and

working trot, transitions

Calmness and smoothness of


Quality of canter, trot and

bend, balance and

smoothness of transition,

strightness B to A 

Quality of canter, roundness,

roudness of circle,

straightness A to E

Quality of stretch over back,

forward and downward into

a light contact while

maintaining balance and

quality of trot



Half circle 20 m, near center line

working trot

Straightness on centerline,

transitions, quality of halt

and trot

Quality of turns at C & E,

quality of trot, roundness or


Quality of canter, trot and

bend, balance and

smoothness of transition,

strightness B to c





Quality of trot, roundness of

circle, quality of turn at B

Free walk on long rein, allowing

the horse to lower and stretch

out head and neck whilst

maintaining control

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No. RiderHorse


1. Paces (freedom and regularity) 10 1

10 1

10 2

4.Rider's position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids. 10 2


Minus Total Errors

Final Mark Judge's Signature:


Position: Date:

2nd Error - 4Course Errors:

1st Error - 23rd Error = Elimination

2. Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the

back, engagement of the hind quarters)

3.Submission (attention and confidence; harmony, lightness and ease of

movements, acceptance of the bridles, lightness of the forehand).

Judge's Marks

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PURPOSE: To confirm that the horse's muscles are supple and loose and that it moves freely  Arena 20 x 60 m

forward in a clear and steady rhythm, accepting contact with the bit. All trot work may be ridden Time: 5 minutes

sitting or rising, unless stated. Halts may be through the walk. Total points: 220

INSTRUCTIONS: To be ridden in an ordinary snaffle.

No. Rider

   P  o   i  n   t  s

   J  u   d  g  e   '  s

   M  a  r   k  s

   C  o  e   f   f   i  -

  c   i  e  n   t

   T  o   t  a   l

1  A 10


2 C 10


3 Between

 A & K 


4 E 10

5 E C 10


6 M B 10

7 B K 10 2


8  A 10


9 Between

C & H


10 E 10

11 E A 10


12 FXH 10


Halt, Salute

One loop

One loop

Quality of canter and trot,straightness E to A, balance

and smoothness of transitionWorking trot

Quality of free and medium

walk, straightness and


Quality of transition and quality

of medium walk 

Quality of canter and trot,

straightness E to C, balance

and smoothness of transition

Quality of canter, roundness of


Calmness and smoothness of

depart, quality of canter

Balance and smoothness of

transition, quality of trot and

changes of bending

Quality of trot, straightness

Working canter

Change rein working trot

Medium walk 

Working trot

Working canter left lead

Circle left 20m




Working canter

Quality of canter, roundness of


Calmness and smoothness of

depart, quality of canter

Quality of turn at C, quality of

trot, and changes of bending

Straightness on centerline,

transitions, quality of halt and



Circle right 20m


Enter working trot

Track right

Working canter right lead

Working trot

Medium walk 

Free walk on a long rein

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No. RiderHorse

13 C 10 2

Before C

14 B 10



Leave arena at A in walk on a long rein



PACES (freedom and regularity) 10 1

10 1

10 2

10 2


Minus Total Errors Judge's Signature:

Final Mark

PercentagePosition: Date:

 Course Errors:

1st Error - 22nd Error - 4 3rd Error = Elimination

IMPULSION (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the

back, engagement of the hindquarters)

Half circle 10 m



Halt, Salute

Quality of stretch over back,

forward and downward into a

light contact while maintaining

balance and quality of trot

Straight ahead

Quality of trot, quality and

bend of half circle B-X,

straightness on centerline,

quality of transition and halt

Circle right 20m rising trot,

allowing the horse to stretch

forward and downward

Shorten the reins

SUBMISSION (attention and confidence, harmony, lightness and ease of

movements, acceptance of the bridle, lightness of the forehand)

RIDER (position and seat, correctness and effect of the aids)

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INSTRUCTIONS: Transitions into and out of the halt may be  Arena 40 X 20 m or 60 m x 20m

made through the walk. To be ridden in an ordinary snaffle bit.  Average Time : 4 / 5 minutes

 All trot work rising. Side reins, etc allowed. Maximum Points : 150



  o   i  n   t  s

   J  u

   d  g  e   '  s


  a  r   k  s


  o  e   f   f   i  -

  c   i  e  n   t

   T  o   t  a   l

1 A Enter in medium walk  10

2 C Track right 10

M E On the diagonal working trot

E B Half circle left 20 m diameter

3 B M C H Working trot Quality of trot 10

4 H B

10B E Half circle right 20 m diameter

5C Medium walk  10

M X K 

Before K 

6 A10


7 M X K  10

K A Working trot

 A Down centerline

Before X  Walk  X  Halt-Immobility-Salute

Leave arena at walk on a long rein at A


1. Harmony between horse and rider 10 2

2. Correctness of movements and figures 10 2

3. Rider's position and seat, correctness and effect of the aids 10 4


Minus Errors Judge's Signature:

Final Mark 

PercentagePosition: Date:




Quality of walk and trot,


Judge's Marks

Quality of bend at C, quality

of trot, straightness, size of

half circle

On approaching X working trot

Quality of trotWorking trot

Change rein in working trot

Change rein in working trot

Quality of trot, straightness,

size of half circle

Quality of medium and free

walks, straightness,


Quality of trot and walk,

straightness on centerline,

quality of transition and halt

On the diagonal working trot

Change rein in free walk, allowing

the horse to lower and stretch out

head and neck whilst maintaining


Retake the reins and proceed in

medium walk 

Straightness on diagonal

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INSTRUCTIONS: Transitions into and out of the halt may be  Arena 40 x 20 m or 60 x 20 mmade through the walk. To be ridden in an ordinary snaffle bit.  Average Time : 4 / 5 minutes

 All trot work rising. Side reins, etc. allowed. Maximum Points : 170


   P  o

   i  n   t  s

   J  u   d  g  e   '  s

   M  a  r   k  s

   C  o

  e   f   f   i  -

  c   i  e  n   t

   T  o   t  a   l

1 A Enter in medium walk  10

 X  Working trotStraightness on centerline

2 C Track left 10

C H E K A Working trot around arena

3 A 10

 A F Working trot

4 F Medium walk  10

B X  Half circle left 10 m diameter

 X E Half circle right 10 m diameter

5 EHCMBFA Working trot around arena to A  Quality of trot, transition 10

6 A10

 A K Working trot

7 K  Medium walk 

E Turn right

B Track left

8 MCHKA Working trot Quality of trot 10

9 A Down centerline 10

Before X  Medium walk  X  Halt-Immobility-Salute

Leave arena at walk on a long rein at A 


1. Harmony between horse and rider 10 2

2. Correctness of movements and figures 10 2

3. Rider's position and seat, correctness and effect of the aids 10 4


Minus ErrorsJudge's Signature:

Final Mark 

PercentagePosition: Date:

Quality of walk and trot,


Quality of turn at C, quality

of trot

Quality of walk, size of half

circles, transition

Quality of medium walk,

quality of turns at E and B,


Size and roundness of

circle, quality of trot



Size and roundness of

circle, quality of trotCircle right 20 m diameter

working trot

Transition, quality of trot

and walk, straightness on

centerline, quality of halt




Circle left 20 m diameter working



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INSTRUCTIONS: Transitions into and out of the halt may be  Arena 40 x 20 m or 60 x 20 mmade through the walk. To be ridden in an ordinary snaffle bit.  Average Time : 4 / 5 minutes All trot work rising. Side reins, etc. allowed. Maximum Points : 200

No. Horse Rider

   P  o   i  n   t  s

   J  u

   d  g  e   '  s


  a  r   k  s

   C  o  e   f   f   i  -


   i  e  n   t


  o   t  a   l




 2 C 10



3  X  10



 4  A 10 2


 5 M 10 2



6 CA

10 2

 7  AFB 10



 8 C 10

M X K 


9  A 10



1. Harmony between horse and rider 10 2

2. Correctness of movements and figures 10 2

3. Rider's position and seat, correctness and effect of the aids 10 4


Minus Errors Judge's Signature:

Final Mark 

PercentagePosition: Date:

Quality of walk and trot,


Quality of trot, regularity

of loops

Quality of trot, quality of

turns at B and E

Quality of trot

Working trot

Straightness on

centerline, quality of trot

Change range in free walkon a long rein allowing the

horse to lower and stretch

out head and neck whilst

maintaining control



Circle left 20 m diameter

working trotCircle right 20 m diameter

working trot

Quality of turn at C and E,

size and roundness of

circle, quality of trot

Size and roundness of

circle, quality of turn at B,

quality of trot

Transitions, quality of

medium and free walk,

freedom, straightness

Retake the reins, medium


Working trot

Medium walk 



Enter at working trot

Track left


Turn left

Turn right

Serpentine 3 loops in

working trot (each loop to

be a half 20 m circle)

Working trot

Turn left working trot

Turn right working trot

Working trot

Change rein

Working trot

Down centerline line

Halt through the walk -

Immobility - Salute

Leave arena in walk on a long rein at A 



Quality of trot,

straightness on

centerline, quality of halt

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INSTRUCTIONS: Transitions into and out of the halt may be  Arena 40 X 20 m or 60 m x 20mmade through the walk. To be ridden in an ordinary snaffle bit.  Average Time : 4 / 5 minutes All trot work rising. Side reins, etc. allowed. Maximum Points : 210

No. Horse Rider


     i    n     t    s

     M    a    r     k    s

     C    o

    e     f     f     i   -

    c     i    e    n     t

     T    o     t    a     l

  1 A Enter at working trot risingQuality of trot,

straightness on centerline10

2C Track right Quality of turn at C,

quality of trot, bend in the





3 A C Quality of trot, bend,

regularity and size of


10 2

4 C Quality of trot


K A5 A C

10 2

6 C H Quality of trot 10

H X K 

K A Working trot

7 A F 10 2



8 C Quality of trot, transition 10


9 B X 10

10Between X

and I




1. Harmony between horse and rider 10 2

2. Correctness of movements and figures 10 2

3. Rider's position and seat, correctness and effect of the aids 10 4


Minus Errors Judge's Signature:

Fi l M k

Describe loop in working trot

Working trot

Working trot

Change rein

Working trot

Describe loop in working trot

Change rein in free walk on a long rein

allowing the horse to lower and stretch out

head and neck whilst maintaining contact

Medium walk

Working trot

Quality of trot and size of

half circle

Quality of walk,

straightness on centerline,

quality of halt, transition

Quality and freedom of

medium and free walks,


Quality of trot, bend,

regularity and size of




Serpentine 3 loops in working trot, each

loop to be a half 20 m circle

Working trotSerpentine 3 loops in working trot, each

loop to be a half 20 m circle

Medium walk 




Leave arena in walk on a long rein at A 



Working trot

Medium walk 

Half circle right 10 m in working trot