all the world's a stage script

ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE Marsha Irdina Pane bt Satya Rajasa Pane (21663) Nur Syazwani bt Mohd Azahari (21957) Khamini Siva Kumar (21882) Teh Wei Qian (21828) Shine Htet Lin (21543)

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Post on 10-Dec-2015




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Page 1: All the World's a Stage Script


Marsha Irdina Pane bt Satya Rajasa Pane (21663)

Nur Syazwani bt Mohd Azahari (21957)

Khamini Siva Kumar (21882)

Teh Wei Qian (21828)

Shine Htet Lin (21543)

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Scene 1

Lia: KhaminiSam: ShineJohn: SyazwaniCarrie: MarshaPostman: Teh

Lia : Awww…Look at our little shine, isn’t he adorable?Sam : Honey, I’ve got something important to tell you.Lia : what is it honey?Sam : I have been assigned to investigate the international drug dealers. I will have to travel to Thailand. I’ll have to leave for the mission soon.

Lia becomes angry.

Lia : Oh no Sam… you should not go.. .. look at Shine, he had just born and I need you here with me. Both shine and I need you. Can’t you ask your chief to change the mission somewhere nearer for you.Sam : Lia.. we both know that I don’t have a choice …don’t you? It is my duty. I can’t say no. I am sorry, my dear.Lia : well yes.. it is stupid of me to ask you not to go. But please Sam , please be back home safely. As soon as you possibly can.Sam : I will … I hope the mission go smoothly.Both hugged each otherLia : please take care honey.Sam : You too my dear. Oh Shine don’t worry daddy will be back soon.Sam leaves and Lia looks hopelessly

(Fighting scene followed by a sad song)

Lia is having tea with her neighbours, Carrie and John.

Carrie : How is your husband doing Lia? Have you heard from him lately?Lia : Oh yes I’ve just received a email from him two days ago. I don’t

know, hopefully he is fine. Oh god…Carrie : Don’t worry Lia. He will be alright.John : Yes, he’ll be fine.(knocking sound)

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Suddently, someone knock the door . A Messenger is looking for Lia. He told something to Lia and she cries. Carrie and John rushes to Lia.(running steps sound)Carrie : what happened ? Why are you crying Lia?Lia : Sam … Sam … he gone.John : Oh my god…Carrie : I m so sorry Lia..

Lia wiped her tears.

Lia : I am sorry guys.. I want to have a moment to myself.. please..

Scene 2

Shine: TehLia: KhaminiJohn: SyazwaniGary: MarshaTeacher: Shine

(door opening and closing sound)Shine: Mom .. who is this guy?Lia :Shine he is going to be your new father… John this is my son… shine, say hello to him.John : Hi there, nice to meet you. Oh and this is my son Gary. He’s the same age as you.Gary : nice to meet you Shine.Lia : Come on shine… greet them… where are your manners? I’m so sorry. He’s a little rude since I’ve spoiled a lot but he is a good boy.John : don’t worry Lia.. We’ll get along. Wont you shine? We will become a happy family.Shine: …….John and Lia married two weeks later.

[Wedding bell songs]

The scene moved to the kid’s classroom.

Teacher : You got another F in the last test. This is your second time and if you fail another test , I will have to see your parents. Why can’t u be like your

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brother, Gary? Even if u can’t be a top student like him.. at least try to pass the test. Shine : He is not my brother and stop comparing me to him. You know nothing about him. Just give the paper and I will get you the sign you want.

Scene 3

Shine: ShineGary: MarshaLia: KhaminiJohn(Stepfather): Syazwani

(Shine is watching TV. Gary comes over)

Gary : Hey dude. So, how’s your test result?

Shine: Why’d you want to know? I know getting an A is as easy as cake for you. Don’t try to rub it into my face.

Gary : Chill. But yes, it was simple. However, I know for a fact that you did extremely well.

Shine: You are one smug, know-it-all. Go find someone else to bother.

Gary : OK.

(Mother comes in)

Mother : Are you guys fighting again? Why can’t you two get along?

Shine: I’m trying to but he’s just such an annoying prick.

Gary : Well you’re not exactly a ray of sunshine you grumpy, complainer.

Mother : OK. OK. Please stop it. Shine, go to your room. I’m too old to hear you bicker over little things.

Shine: I knew it, you’re always going to take his side

Mother : Shine, honey-

Gary : You don’t have to try mom. He’s just going to continue being all emo.

(At school)

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Shine: Hey dude. Can I ask you something?

Gary : I thought I made it clear you and I shall not speak outside of home.

Shine : Come on. We’re stepbrothers. We may not be related by blood but we’re still family.

Gary : God! OK, what do you want? Money, Me to do your homework? Just get straight to the point.

Shine : OK. There’s this girl that I’m kind of….

Gary : Obsessed with?

Shine : More or less.

Gary : Is it Lucy?

Shine : How do you know?

Gary : Oh come on. It’s not exactly a secret that you fill your diary with her name.

Shine : OK....look, I know you’re really close with her and I’m thinking of asking her out.

Gary : Come on dude. Like she’d want to go out with you. Get a grip. Plus, everyone’s on Facebook now. Nobody asks for ‘numbers’ anymore.

Shine: Oh come on. I’m not going to ask her out by poking her on Facebook.

Gary : Fine. But when she rejects you because you’re a total creep, don’t come whining to me.

Shine: Thanks. I knew I could always count on you.

(After a few days. At home)

(Shine is busy texting)

John : Shine, can you please wash the dishes?

Shine : Yeah. Yeah. I’ll do it later.

John : Shine. Wash the dishes.

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Shine : Can’t you see I’m busy?!

John : Well we’re all busy Queen Elizabeth but that doesn’t mean we’re free from doing chores.

(Gary enters)

Gary : Are you actually texting Lucy??

Shine : It’s none of your business.

Gary : Dude, she’s most probably texting 3 other guys at the same time. She’s just playing you. And it IS my business. Did you forget? I’m the one who gave you her number.

John : Look Shine, I know you’re growing up and you’re facing a lot of things as a teenager but lately you’ve been acting really horrible to me, your brother and especially your mother. I don’t want to tell you how to live your life but-

Shine : Then don’t. You can’t tell me what to do. You’re not my father!

John : I may not be your actual father but I’ve been there since you were 3. I’ve always been there and whatever I do, it’s always for you, your mother and Gary’s best interest. So don’t tell me that I don’t have the authority to reprimand you when you’re acting like an immature kid!

Shine : Whatever. I’m going to my room.

Mother : What’s wrong? Is it Shine again?

Gary : Who else?

John : Gary can you please talk to him? If I do it then I might just lose my temper again.

Gary : God! Leave all the dirty work to me.

(Gary meets Shine)

Gary : Shine? What the heck are you doing? Is that a cigarette?

Shine : Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?!

(Shine throws cigarette away)

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Gary : Wow! You’ve really done it this time. Not only are you a complete whiner who is lazy and completely useless, now you’re going to add smoking into the long list of all you’re flaws? Well aren’t you every parents ideal son?

Shine : Oh stop with the sarcasm Gary.

Gary : Look. We’re both 17. In a few months, we’re going to step out to a new world. Basically as bait for a bunch of immoral sharks. So far you have nothing to prove yourself with. You’re bad in your studies, you’re not active with any clubs and your attitude is just pathetic. Before you go out and make a complete fool of yourself, think about your mom.

Shine : Oh please. Spare me the lecture.

Gary : Your mum has had it so hard in her life. Losing her husband when you were just a couple of months old and then having to raise you all alone in your first couple of years. My advice is just, stop being so selfish and inconsiderate. Think of how you’re going to pay her back for all the times she had to go through all the pain alone!

(Shine meets up with mother)

(Mother is folding clothes)

Shine : Hi Mom.

Mother : Ehem.

Shine : Look mom, I’m really sorry I’ve been such a horrible son and I know I’ve disappointed you in so many ways.

Mother : Oh honey, no, I’m not disappointed in you at all. I know you have your moments but I’ve always been proud of you and I know you will go far in life. But you have to start believing in yourself. Believe that you can succeed.

Shine : Do you really think I have a bright future?

(John suddenly enters)

John : She doesn’t think. She knows it, and I know it too. Son, you have to start believing that you’re meant for a better future. You and I both know that you’re capable of so much more.

Shine : I’m sorry for what I said just now. I’ve just been really stressed lately.

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John : I get it, with the exams coming up, school and of course girls, being a teenager is not easy but you have to know that words are sharper than any knife in this world. When saying something we have to think it through.

Shine : I know this is long overdue, but I’ll promise I’ll do my best to succeed.

(Shine hugs mother and father)

Scene 4: In the office.  Shine: ShineRobert: SyazwaniGina: KhaminiLucy: TehMr Andrews: Marsha

Robert: Hey, did you watch the game last night? Spurs vs Lakers? 

Shine: [annoyed] No. 

Robert: Guess who won? Spurs! Hah, what a miserable day for Lakers’ fans. No wonder someone’s quiet today. 

Shine: [rolls eyes] Shut up, Robert. 

Robert: Boss said that there’s a new employee today. A FEMALE employee. [wiggles eyebrows] 

Shine: So? Does that have anything to do with me? 

Robert: I don’t know, maybe you should ditch your girlfriend and give her to me and get this new girl? How does that sound? 

Shine: No thanks, Robert. Now, will you please shut up and let me do my work? 

Robert: Sheesh, that was just a suggestion. 

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Gina: Hi, honey. You want to grab some lunch now? 

Shine: No, Gina, I have a lot of work to do. And please, don’t call me ‘honey’ during work. 

Robert: Hey, Gina. What's up? [winks at Gina] 

Gina: [rolls eyes at Robert] But you said that you wanted to take me to Papa John’s today. Oh, please Shine. I can’t eat alone! You’re my boyfriend, so act like one! 

Shine: I’m your boyfriend, not your slave, Gina. My life, my choice. 

Robert: You know, if you want to grab some lunch, i can always take you out with my brand new Bugatti.

Gina: Gosh, get this freak away from me!

Mr Andrews: [appears with Lucy] Alright, fellas, this is Lucy, the new employee in this amazing, successful company. The company with the most stylish boss in the world. She’ll be working under your department. So, you two are in charge of guiding her. Is that okay? Shine and Robert: [stares at Lucy] 

Mr Andrews: [cough] 

Gina: [punches Shine lightly] Stop that! 

Shine: Y-yeah, sure. I mean, don’t worry, boss. We won’t disappoint you. 

Mr Andrews: Alright, if there’s anything bothering you, dear, do come to my office. Good luck on your first day. And you two... behave yourselves or i'll make you both suffer like last month. [leaves] 

Robert: Ok boss, whatever you say. Hey Lucy, did you just fall from heaven? Because you look like an angel. I’m Robert, by the way. [shake hands with Lucy] 

Lucy: Hi Robert, nice to meet you. 

Robert: [whispers to Shine] Sorry, pal. I’m taking back my words. This one’s

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Robert: So, Lucy, are you single and available? Are you interested in dating a good looking, successful man like me?

Lucy: [uncomfortable] Um..

Shine: Hi Lucy. It’s been a long time. I’m Shine, do you remember me? I was your schoolmate. 

Lucy: Of course I remember you, Shine! You’re the one who was always sending me flowers and leaving me notes since third grade! 

Gina: [gets jealous, nudges Shine] 

Shine: Uh, this is Gina, one of the workers here. 

Gina: Just a worker? I’m your--! 

Shine: [coughs] I think you should settle down first. You must be tired. If you’re ready, I’ll show you around the building. 

Gina: Hey, I thought you had a lot of work to do! Shine, I can’t believe you chose her over me! 

Robert: That’s okay, Shine. I’ll show her around. Besides, you’re busy and I don’t have any work to do right now-

Shine: No, Robert, i don't think she'll be comfortable with you. And i don't want her to be one of your 'victims'.

Robert: Hey, what does that mean?![grabs Shine’s collar and tries to punch Shine] You know nothing about me.

Gina & Lucy: [try to break up the fight] 

Mr Andrews: Hey, hey, hey! What’s going on?! I left Lucy with you for just a few minutes and this happened? 

Robert: Boss, he offended me! 

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Lucy: Sorry boss, it was my fault. Shine: No, it was mine. What he said was true. 

Mr Andrews: What’s wrong with you, Shine? You’ve never acted like this before. Is there something bothering you? 

Shine: Yes, there is. I’m sorry, i just can't handle it anymore. Gina, I’m breaking up with you. I want you to know that I’ve never been happy with you since we were together and will never be. I’m sick of you controlling my life. 

Gina: How could you?! I can’t believe you broke up with me! No, this isn’t happening. No one, literally NO ONE dumps Gina. I’M the one who should dump you. Yeah, I’m dumping you. You don’t deserve me. We are officially over! [leaves] 

Shine: Lucy, I’ve been in love with you since third grade and now that I’ve found you again, I will never let you go. Please give me a chance. I've waited for you for years.

Mr Andrews: [nudges Robert] That was good drama. I should’ve brought some popcorn. 

Lucy: [stunned] I… 

Mr Andrews: Alright ladies. Dramas over, get your butts back to work. If I don’t see increasing numbers, you can bet that I’ll be seeing you in the next company evaluation. No more fighting. It’s time to bring more cash!!!

Scene 5

Shine: ShineLucy: TehElsa: KhaminiAnna: SyazwaniKrista: Marsha

Elsa : (cuts the conversation between Shine and Lucy) Hey mum. You look really nice today. All glowing and sparkling and shining-

Lucy: And glittering? OK, you’re in your really ‘nice’ mood again. What is it that you want dear?

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Elsa: What? No I’m genuinely giving you a compliment mom. I really think-

Lucy: Elsa (Looks annoyed)

Elsa: OK. You see, for our final year project, my team mates and I propose that we carry out our research on oil reservoirs in Kuching.

Lucy: OK….And??

Elsa: Well…when you total up everything with the hotel, transport and all that…its 3000 ringgit and…I don’t have the money

Lucy: 3000 ringgit? And you expect us to just give it to you. Wait? Isn’t there an oil reservoir in Terengganu? Why is it that you have to go all the way to Sarawak for it?

Elsa: Mom. It’s our final year in college, we also want to have fun-

Lucy: So, your purpose is to have fun. Honey, I did not send you to college just so that you can go vacationing with your friends and waste money. Please learn to value the money we give you.

Elsa: Uggh! Mom. Why do you always do this to me! This is so not fair. Whenever Anna asks you for money or ANYTHING you give it to her willingly but whenever I ask you for anything, even if it’s something really important which is my FINAL YEAR PROJECT, you just reject it without even considering what I have to say about it.

Shine: What did I miss?

Lucy: Nothing. It’s just our daughter throwing a tantrum again.

Shine: Again? Which one?

***Anna enters room*****

Anna: (On the phone) YES WAY! He totally asked me out. I know right! OMG!!! He is like the hottest guy in school and I can’t believe he asked me out!

Shine: Who asked you out? (Looks at Anna angrily)

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Anna: Oh my god. Mom, dad. (On the phone) Hey I gotta call you back. My parents are here. (coughs) I don’t think I’m feeling so good. I’ll be going back to my room.

Shine: Anna! Explain!

Anna: OK…it’s actually a really long story. So, there’s this guy from school who I have been crushing on since I was like 12. But, he’s always with this other girl. They’ve been like an item for two years now but two days ago, he totally dumped her and yesterday he approached me and asked me out for dinner so-

Lucy: OK honey. That’s way too much information. But based on what I heard, he asked you out two days after he broke up from his girlfriend. I don’t think a gentleman would do that.

Anna: But mom. You don’t get it, he is the HOTTEST boy in school. Every girl in school wants to date him. But out of all those girls, he chose me. ME mom ME. Don’t you get how important this is?!!

Lucy: Not really.

Shine: I have no comment. But one thing’s for sure, you’re not going anywhere young lady.

Anna: But dad! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Why are you doing this to me? Are you guys purposely trying to destroy my life? Besides, what’s the big deal with going out with boys? My friends are doing it all the time.

Lucy: Anna, there are a lot of rape cases going on in this world. We are afraid that you might fall into a boy’s trap too. We’re doing this to protect you.

Anna: Uggh…which century are you guys living in?

Shine: Yes, your mother is right. You’re only 16. Boys should only be your friends at this age.

Anna: You guys are so evil! You are purposely trying to destroy my social life. You’re just jealous that you can’t have fun anymore since you both are in your fifties.

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Lucy: Excuse me? Go to your room. You’re grounded.

Anna: I hate you GUYS!

Lucy: Hate us all you want but this is for your own good. And, if you talk to us like that again, I’ll take away your phone for a month.

Shine: Oh dear. Teenagers. Sigh

Shine: Krista. What are you doing?

Krista: Dad, I need a new toy.

Shine: A new toy?

Krista: Yup. Mine is all broken.

Shine: But I just bought you this toy last week. How did it break so fast?

Krista: I don’t know? I just dropped it from the second floor.

Shine: You did what? Why would you that?

Krista: Well, a girl from school said that she has the exact same toy and when her baby brother threw it from the 2nd floor it didn’t break. So I had to find out for myself if it’s true or not.

Shine: So you dropped your toy just to see if your friend was lying?

Krista: Well this certainly proves that she’s a liar. And she’s not my friend. I hate her. She likes to pull my shirt and tease me.

Shine: Bully or not. You shouldn’t break your toy just to prove her wrong.

Krista: I don’t have any toys left. Daddy I NEED MORE TOYS!

Lucy: Krista. What is the matter with you?

Krista: Daddy won’t buy me a new toy! I need a new toy. All my friends in school have new toys.

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Shine: OK ok. What do you want me to get you?

Krista: I want a barbie swimming pool set. The one that they show in the TV.

Lucy: That is not a toy. That is expensive. Honey, you just broke this toy that your father just bought for you. We’re not going to buy you any more toys.

Krista: Fine! I’ll just go to the store and steal all the toys.

Shine: What?!

Krista: Since you guys are not buying me the toys then I’ll just have to steal it.

Lucy: Krista, that is not funny! Who taught you to speak like that huh?

Krista: Anna and Elsa. I hear them talking about wanting to steal clothes from shops and all. I don’t know. They’re both crazy.

Shine: OK, I’ve had enough drama for the day. Krista, go to your room. You’re also grounded for breaking that toy.

Krista: Whatever, I was just about to go to my room anyway.

(Krista left)

Shine: I finally know how my mum feels raising me. Sigh

Lucy: I know…now I really need to call my mom and say sorry to her.

Shine: I know, god. I guess karma really does exist.

Scene 6

Lucy: TehShine: ShineDoctor: SyazwaniNurse: Marsha

(Lucy is dying in the hospital)

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Shine: Honey, are you feeling alright?

Lucy : I’m fine. Honey, you should go home. I know how much you dislike these hospital beds.

Shine: No. I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying right here.

(Nurse enters)

Nurse : Hi there Ms. Lucy, Mr Shine. Like usual, I need to inject the medicines. I’m sorry Mr Shine. You can come back later.

(Shine leaves)

Nurse : Miss Lucy. How long have you and Mr Shine been married?

Lucy : 45 years

Nurse : Wow! You guys must truly love each other. 45 years is a really long time.

Lucy : Well he’s the one and only man that I’ve ever loved in my life. Nobody compares to him. If he’s in my position and he dies first, I wouldn’t know what I would do with my life.

Nurse : Don’t say that. I’m sure you’ll be fine.

(Doctor enters)

Doctor : So how’s my favourite girl?

Lucy : Well, I’m having trouble breathing and I can’t see anything.

Doctor : The medications will help you out. Just get some rest.


Nurse : Doctor, how long does she have?

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Doctor : She’s not responding to the chemo. The cancers been spreading to all parts of her body.

Nurse : So?

Doctor : 3 weeks

Nurse : That is so unfortunate. She is such a nice lady. She and Mr Shine are such a loving couple.

(A few weeks later)

Shine: Honey, remember when we were younger, how jealous I got when you were dating that other guy from our old office?

Lucy : Of course. How can I forget?

Shine: When it comes to you, I don’t think I have any regrets.

Lucy : When I go, I’ll make sure I’ll tell your mom how much you miss her.

Shine: Please don’t say that.

Lucy : Oh Shine. My Shine. Thank you, for giving me such a wonderful life. For being the most patient partner.

(Lucy slowly slips away)

Shine: Nurse! Nurse!

(Nurse and doctor enters)

Doctor : Clear! Clear! Clear!

Doctor : Time of death 2:43 pm

Nurse : I’m truly sorry Mr Shine.

(Doctor covers Lucy’s body)

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Scene 7

Elsa: KhaminiShine: Shine

(Shine watching television)

Elsa : Dad, I’m home.

Elsa : Dad, I’ve got news. Your grandson Jason got into Harvard. He’s going to start next semester.

Elsa : Oh Dad, I wish you could respond. I miss you so much.

Elsa : So dad. Do you want anything? Do you want me to get you a glass of water? Anything?

(Shine shakes his head)

Elsa : OK then, don’t go anywhere, I’m going to get change. Later we’ll go and pick Susan from school. Sitting for hours in here will surely do you no good. U need some fresh air.

Elsa : I’m going to my room so just press the buzzer if you need me ok?

(Shine has a flashback of his life)