alla10: flip your shelving

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Post on 12-May-2015




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  • 1.Alabama Library Association April 2010
    Kaskel Library, Hackley School

2. Alabama Library Association Meeting April 2010
The Unquiet Library, Creekview High School
3. What do patrons want?
Alabama Library Association Meeting April 2010
4. We know what they want:
Alabama Library Association Meeting April 2010
5. A librarians perspective:
Alabama Library Association Meeting April 2010
I was quite the spy today at my local Barnes and Noble store. I went looking for Food Rules by Michael Pollan. I was by myself and took my time looking around. I found some interesting books, and grabbed a few, but not the one I wanted. So I went to wait in line at the information counter. There were two people working there, a line of people and a ringing phone. One of the workers went off to help a customer and a man was left to answer phones and the people waiting in line. He was nice and helpful, and people had mostly questions about the location of particular books, like I did. He disappeared to get me the book, came back and was ready to answer more questions (I never did find out what section Food Rules is in).
Next, I lingered by the information desk browsing my load of books. As I stood watching and listening, new people were constantly coming up to the counter and asking for titles. It made me wonder about all they hype the bookstore shelving idea gets in the library world. Does it really decrease the amount of questions and increase self service? I'll bet that nice young man at the information desk goes home exhausted at the end of every day - and this was a 3:00 on a Thursday! Imagine what a Saturday must be like.
Elizabeth Abarbanal: : April 1, 2010
6. Another librarians perspective
Alabama Library Association Meeting April 2010
A public library has the ability to [do away with the Dewey Decimal System] as browsing is often a major driver in circulation; I think that the purpose of a school library is entirely different. I can't see successfully abolishing Dewey for a HS collection, and also feel that using Dewey is HS is important training for using college and university libraries, as the underlying conceptual framework nicely sets them up for success with LC.
Karyn Silverman: e-mail to the HVLA e-list : May 18, 2010
7. On the other hand
Alabama Library Association Meeting April 2010
