allan houser sculpture from glenn green galleries

Allan Houser (Haozous) Sculpture available through Glenn Green Galleries Glenn Green Galleries represented Allan Houser from 1974 until his death in 1994. The works shown in our gallery are life-casts, meaning they were created and cast during his lifetime. Glenn Green Galleries (505) 820-0008

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Allan Houser (Haozous) Sculpture available through Glenn Green Galleries

Glenn Green Galleries represented Allan Houser from 1974 until his death in 1994. The works shown in our gallery are life-casts, meaning they were created and cast during his lifetime. !

Glenn Green Galleries (505) 820-0008

Allan Houser (Haozous) Sculpture available through Glenn Green Galleries

!!!Allan Houser SEEING THE SUNSET pink Tennessee marble © 1994 19.5” x 22” x 10” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glenn Green Galleries (505) 820-0008

Allan Houser (Haozous) Sculpture available through Glenn Green Galleries

!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Allan Houser CHIENE MAIDEN bronze edition 12 ©1990 23.5" x 11" x 5.25” !!!!!Glenn Green Galleries (505) 820-0008

Allan Houser (Haozous) Sculpture available through Glenn Green Galleries

Allan Houser CORN GRINDER bronze edition 8 © 1982 23” x 19” x 25” !!!!!Glenn Green Galleries (505) 820-0008

Allan Houser (Haozous) Sculpture available through Glenn Green Galleries

!Allan Houser THE YOUNG POTTER bronze edition 12 29" x 14.5" x 11.5" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glenn Green Galleries (505) 820-0008

Allan Houser (Haozous) Sculpture available through Glenn Green Galleries

from Allan Houser by Barbara H. Perlman !...The Gallery Wall, Inc., is now doing business as Glenn Green Galleries, Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Scottsdale, Arizona. Glenn Green Galleries was the exclusive international agent for Allan Houser. !...1979 The Gallery Wall, Inc., became the exclusive representative for Houser's work. !...Houser had met Glenn and Sandra Green during the late 1960s, shortly after the opening of their new showcase for contemporary Southwestern art, The Gallery Wall, Inc., in Phoenix in 1966. "Allan had just started working in bronze when we met him," Glenn recalls. "By the seventies he was working part of the time at Nambé and Shidoni foundries, supervising the casting of his work, then driving out to the studio he shared with his son, Bob Haozous, and also doing quite a bit of painting and drawing all this in addition to teaching at IAIA." From then on, Houser sent occasional sculpture and paintings to The Gallery Wall, and invited the Greens to visit his classes at the Institute. "It was obvious that Allan was respected and loved by the students and other teachers," Glenn states. "He was excited to introduce us to his students and their work. We noticed that other artists besides Indians came to his classes to get critiques. Allan had a very warm greeting for everyone. He took us in like family, and this chance to get to know him better deepened our impression that here was a truly gifted, unusual man." Houser was one of three sculptor teachers invited with five of their students to take part in the "Human Form" exhibition organized in Phoenix by The Gallery Wall in 1974. He chose two IAIA students, Karen Swan and Annamae One Star, to show their work with his. !...As the Houser Gallery Wall attachment strengthened steadily, the Greens, who also represented the promising young Hopi Tewa artist Dan Namingha, had grown intensely aware of "the many layers of complex art forms involved in Hopi, Rio Grande Pueblo, and Plains ceremonials." They made frequent trips to Hopi settlements in northern Arizona and to Pueblo villages outside Santa Fe. Encouraged by The Gallery Wall's success in presenting his work to art patrons, Houser began to talk about retiring from teaching. At that point, he was assured by the Greens of the gallery's wholehearted support for whatever directions he might choose to explore. Given this pledge, and basing his decision also on the growing demand for his work, Houser stepped down in 1975 as the head of the sculpture department at the Institute of American Indian Arts. His retirement marked the end of a distinguished career as an educator and artist-in-residence, and the beginning of a brilliant new chapter in his creative life.

Glenn Green Galleries (505) 820-0008

Allan Houser (Haozous) Sculpture available through Glenn Green Galleries

!...Shortly after his return from the East Coast, Houser assigned exclusive representation rights for his work to Glenn and Sandra Green of The Gallery Wall, Inc. The decision provided him with full latitude to pursue his creative hypotheses. According to Glenn Green, "Our purpose was to free Allan so that he could concentrate full time on his sculpture. Before retiring, he had spent a lot of hours on his work at the studio after teaching and on weekends, really putting in a double shift. After he left teaching, he was still finding that routine business details were consuming a great deal of his time. We offered him complete freedom to pursue his sculpture however and whenever he wished. We encouraged him to bring new work in as he chose three months or three years from now, it was entirely up to him." !...The Greens were also impressed by Houser's un-willingness to allow work to go to the gallery unless he considered it his best. !...Given the advantages of a favorable artist/gallery relationship, Houser proceeded to develop his sculptural concepts at an extraordinary rate, moving in a single decade from an output consisting principally of lifesize heads, busts, and small figures to monumental compositions. No avenue was closed to him as being too experimental or atypical. As the 1980s dawned, he had already struck the chords of his continuing themes and styles. !...As the decade began, Houser received the New Mexico Governor's award "for excellence and achievement in the arts," presented at the Capitol in Santa Fe in 1980. He and the Greens visited Europe for the November 1981 opening of an exhibition representing his work at the Salon d'Automne, Grand Palais, Paris. Afterward, he proceeded to Italy and the quarries at Carrara, where he was astonished at the enormous sheets and stacks of marble. "These are things you'd give anything for back in America," he commented. He ordered twenty tons of marble, which eventually found its way to New Mexico. He also purchased pneumatic hammers and other tools, which he elected to carry with him on the plane to the United States. "Italy has many stoneworking tools that are unavailable in the U.S. because they do so much of the work there, whereas here in America most artists haven't been interested in it. In Italy they have everything imaginable," he exulted. !!!!!!

Glenn Green Galleries (505) 820-0008