alliance water and cities: a scenario for adaptation and resilience

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Post on 18-Oct-2015




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Water is essential to life, essential for health and human welfare, and to preserve the environment.



    En los ltimos 60 aos la humanidad ha transformado los ecosistemas a una escala planetaria. Este proceso se conoce con el nombre de Cambio Global, el cual est siendo generado, principalmente, en y desde las ciu-dades. Colombia no es ajena a esta situacin, ya que cada vez residimos ms personas en el medio urbano. En este contexto, la ciudad de Bogot que concentra la mayor poblacin del pas, ha presentado un crecimiento que afect las dinmicas naturales del territorio, ace-lerando la ocurrencia de procesos morfodinmicos amenazantes y los mecanismos reguladores de los flujos de agua, energa y nutrientes.

    Lo anterior, ha hecho que la ciudad a pesar de sus esfuerzos y progresos tcnicos, nancieros e institu-cionales, sea cada vez ms vulnerable al incremento de la frecuencia y la intensidad de los eventos climticos extremos y sus consecuencias (Deslizamientos de tierra, inundaciones, sequas, olas de calor, incendios) y a otras perturbaciones naturales (terremotos, pandemias, grandes plagas) o sociales (guerras, actos terroristas, colapsos nancieros, hambrunas) que alteran o ame-nazan la integridad de las sociedades rurales y urbanas y sus avances en trminos de desarrollo humano. Por esta razn, rpidamente se ha incorporado en los pro-gramas de gestin urbana la palabra resiliencia enten-dida, generalmente, como la habilidad de los sistemas naturales y humanos de resistir a un amplio rango de

    shocks y crisis, sin perder o alterar profundamente su integridad, ya que pueden volver rpidamente a su funcionamiento normal despus de que cese la per-turbacin que las haya afectado.

    A partir de este concepto y mediante la demostracin de iniciativas urbanas para generar resiliencia, el Fondo de Atencin y Prevencin de Emergencias y la Secretara Distrital de Ambiente, realizarn en el marco del Foro Urbano Mundial, el evento preliminar sobre la consulta de la Hoja de Ruta de Ciudades Latinoamericanas para la Resiliencia y el evento paralelo titulado Ciudades Resilientes frente a los Riesgos y el Cambio Global, en el que se pondrn de maniesto las acciones en marcha y las necesidades de cooperacin entre ciudades para construir resiliencia.

    De esta manera, las ciudades de Amrica Latina, sujetas a su historia de complejidad geolgica, geogrca, social, cultural y poltica, sumada a las perturbaciones y crisis que las han caracterizado, consolidan su liderazgo para aprender y desarrollar resiliencia urbana. Por esta razn, diferentes actores sociales de las ciudades latinoameri-canas, presentarn sus propuestas de transformacin en el Foro Urbano Mundial, en la perspectiva de cons-truir ciudades resilientes como aporte a la construccin de la agenda urbana internacional.




    2:00 p.m a 4:00 p.m.

    Pabelln RojoPlaza Mayor Saln No 22


    Water is essential to life, essential for health and human welfare, and to preserve the environment. However, according to observations of the United Nations, each year millions of people, mostly children, die from problems related to water supply, sanitation and inadequate hygiene conditions and nearly two out of ten people do not have access to safe drinking water.

    The challenges related to water will increase significantly in the coming years. The continued growth of population and income will lead to a huge increase in water consumption and waste generation. The population of cities in emerging and developing countries will grow dramatically, generating an increase in demand far beyond the capabilities of the services and infrastructure of water supply and sanitation, which today are insufficient. According to the UN report on the development of water resources in the world, in 2050, at least one in four people will live in a country with chronic or recurrent water shortages.

    In Latin America some measures that are implemented to address this problem are: In Bogot is implemented, the Conservation Corridor project of moors, Chingaza, Sumapaz, Guerrero and Guacheneque; project with which promote actions for protection and restoration, in order to ensure safe drinking water for nearly 20% of the population of Colombia and forward actions to restore rivers, streams and urban wetlands.

    In Mexico City, the "Water Forest" project is driven to protect the upper reaches of the Valley of Mexico, the Balsas and Lerma-Chapala, that feed aquifers of drinking water providers, of fifth of the population of Mexico connected by the metropolitan areas of the cities of Mexico, Toluca and Cuernavaca. In Rio de Janeiro, the initiative Payments for Environmental Services is implemented in the Guandu River Basin by allocating at least 3.5% of the resources payments for water users to compensate owners and farmers who adopt appropriate practices of management and production, for the protection and restoration of water resources.

    These three mega-cities, share their regional dependence for water supply and the need to recover the water spaces within their urban areas, which have agreed to formalize the "ALLIANCE WATER AND CITIES" as a permanent group of managing for the conservation and recovery of water resources. Conservation International supports and facilitates this initiative to achieve greater human being from the protection of biodiversity and the strengthening of cooperation networks.

    We invite new cities and partners to join this initiative, which will be presented at the Networking: "Water Alliance and Cities: A scenario for adaptation and resilience", open to participants registered in the VII World Urban Forum, where we will socialize objectives and we hope establish cooperation relations.


    A scenario for adaptation

    and resilience



    UNISDRThe United Nations Oce for Disaster Risk Reduction



    WORLD URBAN FORUM Medellin, Colombia

    Urban Equity in Development Cities for Life

  • Martes8de



    2:00 p.m a 4:00 p.m.

    Pabelln RojoPlaza Mayor Saln No 22Alliance

    Cities: A scenario

    for adaptation and resilience


    UNISDRThe United Nations Oce for Disaster Risk Reduction



    WORLD URBAN FORUM 7Equity in Urban Development-Cities for Life


    Bogot D.C., Mxico D.F., Rio de JaneiroTuesday, April 8, 2014. Time: 2-4 pm. Location: Red Pavilion, Room N22

    7 WORLD URBAN FORUM Medellin, ColombiaUrban Equity in Development Cities for Life


    Activity Description Responsible Time

    1- Introducing the alliance

    WATER AND CITIES ALLIANCE and its relation to international agreements on the Climate Change and Cities

    Emmanuelle Pinault - Oce of International Relations - City Hall Bogot

    30 min Vision of the governments of the three cities on the ALLIANCE

    City Hall Ro de Janeiro

    City Hall Mxico DF

    City Hall Bogot DC

    Video Pramos Water for Life

    2- Background and Issues of water in the three cities

    Situation of water spaces in each city and challenges faced with variability and climate change

    Rodrigo Medeiros - Rio de Janeiro

    60 min Jurgen Hoth - Mxico DF

    Sandra Sguerra Bogot DC

    4- Action Plan Action lines of the alliance, and priorities for nancial and technical cooperation for its development

    Patricia Bejarano CI 10 min

    5- View other actors Voices of strategic players on the Alliance

    Open discussion with allies and audience 20 min