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  • 7/31/2019 Alll Oct 2008


    Revised Interagency PolicyStatement on theAllowance for Loan and LeaseLosses (ALLL)

    Industry Day

    October 2008

  • 7/31/2019 Alll Oct 2008



    Revised ALLL Policy StatementRevised ALLL Policy Statement

    Issued 12/13/06 by FFIEC memberagencies

    Replaces 1993 Interagency PolicyStatement on the ALLL

    Issued 12/13/06 by FFIEC memberagencies

    Replaces 1993 Interagency PolicyStatement on the ALLL

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    Why Revise the 1993 Policy?Why Revise the 1993 Policy?

    Ensure consistency with GAAP

    Issued before FAS 114 took effect Reflect evolution in ALLL accounting


    Ensure consistency with more recent

    supervisory guidance 2001 Policy Statement on ALLL

    Methodologies and Documentation

    (which remains in effect)

    Ensure consistency with GAAP

    Issued before FAS 114 took effect Reflect evolution in ALLL accounting


    Ensure consistency with more recent

    supervisory guidance 2001 Policy Statement on ALLL

    Methodologies and Documentation

    (which remains in effect)

  • 7/31/2019 Alll Oct 2008



    Revised ALLL Policy StatementRevised ALLL Policy Statement

    Reiterates key concepts and requirements in

    GAAP and existing supervisory guidance

    ALLL process involves a high degree of managementjudgment, is inevitably imprecise, and results in a range

    of estimated losses

    Consider all significant factors affecting collectibility

    Prudent, conservative, but not excessive ALLLs that fallwithin an acceptable range are appropriate (no longeradequate) based on best estimate per AICPA auditguide

    Reiterates key concepts and requirements in

    GAAP and existing supervisory guidance

    ALLL process involves a high degree of managementjudgment, is inevitably imprecise, and results in a range

    of estimated losses

    Consider all significant factors affecting collectibility

    Prudent, conservative, but not excessive ALLLs that fallwithin an acceptable range are appropriate (no longeradequate) based on best estimate per AICPA auditguide

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    Management Should Develop and maintain effective loan review

    system and credit grading system

    Adopt and adhere to written ALLL policies

    and procedures appropriate to institutions sizeand nature, scope, and risk of its lending

    Develop, maintain, and document acomprehensive, systematic, and consistentlyapplied ALLL process

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    Management Should...

    Determine ALLL each quarter in accordance

    with GAAP, its policies and procedures, itsbest judgment, and supervisory guidance

    Promptly charge off loans confirmed to be


    Periodically validate its ALLL methodology

    (look here to support for factors similar to

    IRR Statement)

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    The Board of Directors Should

    Review and approve ALLL policies and


    Review assessments of soundness of loan

    review system

    Review amount estimated and reported forALLL and PLLL

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    GAAP GuidanceGAAP Guidance

    FASB Statement 5,FASB Statement 5, Accounting forAccounting forContingenciesContingencies

    FASB Statement 114,FASB Statement 114, Accounting byAccounting byCreditors for Impairment of a LoanCreditors for Impairment of a Loan

    FASB Emerging Issues Task Force Topic DFASB Emerging Issues Task Force Topic D--

    80 on application of FAS 5 and FAS 11480 on application of FAS 5 and FAS 114

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    Components of the ALLLComponents of the ALLL

    FAS 114 component for loans individuallyFAS 114 component for loans individuallyevaluated and found to be impairedevaluated and found to be impaired

    FAS 5 component for groups of loans withFAS 5 component for groups of loans withsimilar risk characteristics (incurred, notsimilar risk characteristics (incurred, not

    expected losses)expected losses)

  • 7/31/2019 Alll Oct 2008



    FAS 114FAS 114 Accounting by Creditors forAccounting by Creditors for

    Impairment of a LoanImpairment of a Loan

    Apply normal loan review procedures to identify loans to beApply normal loan review procedures to identify loans to be

    individually evaluated for impairmentindividually evaluated for impairment

    Does not apply to large groups of smaller balanceDoes not apply to large groups of smaller balancehomogeneous loans collectively evaluated for impairmenthomogeneous loans collectively evaluated for impairment

    Loan is impaired when, based on current information andLoan is impaired when, based on current information andevents, it is probable that creditor will be unable to collect aevents, it is probable that creditor will be unable to collect allllamounts due (principal and interest) according to loanamounts due (principal and interest) according to loansscontractual termscontractual terms

    Independent of adverse classification (i.e. a nonaccrual loan isIndependent of adverse classification (i.e. a nonaccrual loan islikely impaired, but not necessarily Substandard, Doubtful, orlikely impaired, but not necessarily Substandard, Doubtful, orLoss)Loss)

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    FAS 114FAS 114 Accounting by Creditors forAccounting by Creditors for

    Impairment of a LoanImpairment of a Loan If individually evaluated loan is impaired, measureIf individually evaluated loan is impaired, measure

    impairment based on one of three methodsimpairment based on one of three methods

    Present value of expected future cash flowsPresent value of expected future cash flows

    Fair value of collateral if loan is collateral dependentFair value of collateral if loan is collateral dependent

    (required for such a loan)(required for such a loan)

    LoanLoans observable market prices observable market price

    If amount of impairment is zero for an impaired loan,If amount of impairment is zero for an impaired loan,

    it will have no allowance (i.e. no FAS 5 pool)it will have no allowance (i.e. no FAS 5 pool)

    If individually evaluated loan is not impaired, includeIf individually evaluated loan is not impaired, include

    in a group of loans evaluated under FAS 5in a group of loans evaluated under FAS 5

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    FAS 5 Accounting for Contingencies

    Starting point is to determine historical loss rate (orrange of loss rates) for each group of loans with similar

    risk characteristics based on institutions own loss

    experience for that group

    Historical net charge-off rates generally used

    Exceptions - De novo institutions, new loan


    Consider qualitative or environmental factors likely to

    cause estimated credit losses to differ from historical

    loss experience (primary or sole support when little or

    no institution loss history)

    Easiest to segment portfolio using Call Report grouping

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    Qualitative or Environmental Factors Changes in lending policies and procedures, underwriting

    standards, and collection practices

    Changes in economic and business conditions

    Changes in volume and severity of past due and adverselyclassified loans and in nonaccrual volume

    Changes in nature, volume, and terms of loans

    Changes in lending management and loan review

    Effect of concentrations and changes in levels

    Changes in underlying collateral values (only addition since1993)
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    FAS 5 Accounting for Contingencies

    Reflect overall effect of qualitative factors on aloan group as adjustments that increase or

    decrease groups historical loss rate

    Alternatively, reflect effect of qualitative factors

    through separate standalone adjustments within

    FAS 5 component of the ALLL

    Evaluating effect requires significant judgment

    because data to determine precise impact offactors may not be reasonably available or

    directly applicable

  • 7/31/2019 Alll Oct 2008



    FAS 5 Accounting for Contingencies

    Maintain supporting documentation for

    historical loss rate developed for each

    group of loans

    To support qualitative adjustments,

    maintain reasonable documentationexplaining how adjustments reflect current

    information, events, and conditions

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    Changes in the ALLLChanges in the ALLL

    Should be directionally consistent with changes inShould be directionally consistent with changes in

    the factors, taken as a whole, that evidence creditthe factors, taken as a whole, that evidence creditlosseslosses

    If declining credit quality trends relevant to theIf declining credit quality trends relevant to theportfolio are evident, ALLL as a percentage of loansportfolio are evident, ALLL as a percentage of loans

    should generally increaseshould generally increase

    If improving credit quality trends are evident, ALLL as aIf improving credit quality trends are evident, ALLL as a

    percentage of loans should generally decreasepercentage of loans should generally decrease

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    InstitutionInstitution--Specific FocusSpecific Focus

    Ratio analysis helpful as a supplementalRatio analysis helpful as a supplemental

    tool for evaluating overall reasonablenesstool for evaluating overall reasonablenessof ALLLof ALLL

    Not a sufficient basis for determiningNot a sufficient basis for determiningappropriate amount of ALLLappropriate amount of ALLL

    Appropriate ALLL is an institutionAppropriate ALLL is an institution--specificspecificamount determined based onamount determined based on

    comprehensive analysis of the portfoliocomprehensive analysis of the portfolio

    and factors affecting collectibilityand factors affecting collectibility

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    InstitutionInstitution--Specific FocusSpecific Focus

    Inappropriate for institution to adjust aInappropriate for institution to adjust a

    properly computed and supported ALLLproperly computed and supported ALLLfor sole purpose of reporting an ALLLfor sole purpose of reporting an ALLLthat corresponds to peer group median,that corresponds to peer group median,target ratio (standard percentage), ortarget ratio (standard percentage), orbudgeted amountbudgeted amount

    Address concerns about high levels ofAddress concerns about high levels ofrisk or possible future events byrisk or possible future events bymaintaining higher equity capital, notmaintaining higher equity capital, notby arbitrarily increasing ALLLby arbitrarily increasing ALLL

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    Off Balance Sheet ExposureOff Balance Sheet Exposure

    Unused loan commitments, standby letters ofUnused loan commitments, standby letters ofcredit, guarantees, and recourse liabilities fromcredit, guarantees, and recourse liabilities fromloan salesloan sales Estimated credit losses should be evaluated similarlyEstimated credit losses should be evaluated similarly

    to loan loss exposureto loan loss exposure

    Institution should maintain an allowance for theseInstitution should maintain an allowance for theseexposures if FAS 5 conditions are metexposures if FAS 5 conditions are met

    Should consider funding probabilityShould consider funding probability

    Report such an allowance as anReport such an allowance as another liability,other liability,notnotpart of the ALLLpart of the ALLL

    Once funded, move fromOnce funded, move fromother liabilityother liabilityto ALLLto ALLL

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    Examiners Should Assess

    Credit quality of loan portfolio, considering all significantfactors affecting collectibility, including value of collateral

    Effectiveness of board oversight

    Quality of loan review system

    Appropriateness of ALLL policies, procedures,methodology, and documentation

    Appropriateness of reported ALLL

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    Examiners Should Generally accept managements estimates and not seek to adjust the

    ALLL when management has:

    Maintained effective loan review systems and controls for timely

    problem identification

    Analyzed all significant factors affecting collectibility of portfolio in

    a reasonable manner

    Established an acceptable ALLL evaluation process that meetsGAAP requirements

    Incorporated reasonable and properly supported assumptions,valuations, and judgments

  • 7/31/2019 Alll Oct 2008


    Examiners Should

    Recommend corrective action for inappropriate ALLL level and/or

    deficient process in the Report of Examination

    Reverse Provision

    Suspend Recurring Provisions Strengthen Documentation

    Cite any departures from GAAP and contraventions of revised ALLLpolicy statement and 2001 policy statement on methodologies and

    documentation (one exam pass if no criticism at last exam)

    NOT use 1993 Policy Statement benchmarks as standard for evaluatingan institutions ALLL methodology (15/50/100).

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