allometry in physarum plasmodium during free locomotion...

© 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd. Allometry in Physarum plasmodium during free locomotion : Size versus shape, speed and rhythm Shigeru Kuroda 1,* , Seiji Takagi 2 , Toshiyuki Nakagaki 1 and Tetsuo Ueda 1 1 Research Institute for Electric Science, Hokkaido University, N20W10, Kita-ku Sapporo, Hokkaido 001-0020, Japan 2 The School of Systems Information Science, Future University Hakodate, 116-2 Kamedanakano-cho, Hakodate, Hokkaido 041-8655, Japan * Correspondence should be addressed to Shigeru Kuroda: [email protected] Journal of Experimental Biology • Advance article Access the most recent version at J Exp Biol Advance Online Articles. First posted online on 8 October 2015 as doi:10.1242/jeb.124354 Access the most recent version at First posted online on 8 October 2015 as 10.1242/jeb.124354

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© 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

Allometry in Physarum plasmodium during free locomotion : Size versus

shape, speed and rhythm

Shigeru Kuroda1,*, Seiji Takagi2, Toshiyuki Nakagaki1 and Tetsuo Ueda1

1Research Institute for Electric Science, Hokkaido University, N20W10,

Kita-ku Sapporo, Hokkaido 001-0020, Japan

2The School of Systems Information Science, Future University

Hakodate, 116-2 Kamedanakano-cho, Hakodate, Hokkaido 041-8655, Japan

*Correspondence should be addressed to Shigeru Kuroda:

[email protected]


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le the most recent version at J Exp Biol Advance Online Articles. First posted online on 8 October 2015 as doi:10.1242/jeb.124354 the most recent version at

First posted online on 8 October 2015 as 10.1242/jeb.124354


Physarum plasmodium is a giant unicellular organism whose size varies

by more than three orders of magnitude in length. Using plasmodia ranging

from 100 m to 10cm, we investigated the size dependency of their thickness

distributions and locomotion speeds during free locomotion. (1) In the

longitudinal direction, the organism is thickest close to the front, and decreases

exponentially in thickness towards the rear. The slenderness ratio varies with

body size according to a power law such that large plasmodia are long and flat,

whereas small plasmodia are short and thick. (2) The mean locomotion speed is

proportional to the mean maximum thickness of the frontal part. By conducting

a dimensional analysis, possible physical models are discussed. (3) The intrinsic

period of the thickness oscillation is related to shuttle streaming (period 1-2

min) and increases logarithmically with body size. (4) Various characteristics

exhibit size-independent, long-period ( 20 10 min) oscillations including speed,

shape, and intrinsic thickness oscillation period. These variations are closely

coupled to the formation of the entire cell shape including the undulation of

thickness along the longitudinal axis and the branching timing of the frontal tip.

Based on these experimental results together with those reported previously, we

propose a simple mathematical model for cell locomotion.


cell locomotion; scaling; self-organization; Physarum plasmodium;

dimensional analysis; spatial memory; localization of locomotion machinery;

traveling wave;

Summary statement

We investigated allometric relationships in the plasmodium of Physarum

polycepharum which is an ideal candidate for allometric studies due to its

variation in size over several orders of magnitude.


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1 Introduction

Biological scaling, referred to as allometry, is of great importance

because it does not involve chance but instead tells us about the physical laws

behind biological behaviour [Shingleton, 2010, Calder III, 1996, Schmidt-

Nielsen, 1984, McMahon and Bonner, 1983, Barenblatt, 2003]. In particular,

the observation of scaling laws that hold across size differences of several

orders of magnitude may lead to substantial revisions in the understanding of

not only the field of interest but also in many other fields of study. However,

data involving large size differences are usually gathered from many animal

species because size differences are usually limited in a single species. The

plasmodium of true slime mould, Physarum polycepharum, is an exception and

serves as an ideal candidate for allometric studies due to its variation in size

over several orders of magnitude.

The plasmodium of true slime mould is a multinuclear single-cell

organism and moves like an amoeboid cell. Its size varies from 510 to 010 m.

Nuclear division occurs synchronously without cell division every ten hours

[Ashworth and Dee, 1975]. Two plasmodia with the same genetic fusion type

can coalesce to form a single plasmodium. Conversely, a single plasmodium

can be divided into many parts, each of which eventually forms a new, tiny

plasmodium. This provides a convenient experimental way to generate cells

with sizes varying over several orders of magnitude. Body size can thus be

regarded as a system parameter that can be varied, inducing quantitative and/or

qualitative changes in other characteristics of the plasmodium.

It is known that cells serve not only as the fundamental unit for the

engagement of life activity but also have the ability to discriminate their

environment, to make decisions and to behave appropriately. The shape of an

amoeboid cell, including plasmodium, is very flexible and has essentially

infinite degrees of freedom. However, specific situations place restrictions on

these degrees of freedom such that the organism self-organises its shape in order


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to remain functional.

Directional movement is one such situation. For example, if an extracted

protoplasm droplet or a small piece taken from a large plasmodium is placed on

plain agar gel, it begins to shape its body after a given time, and finally migrates

in a specific direction (figure1). The plasmodia shown in figure2 all migrate in

the upper left direction. Smaller plasmodia adopt tadpole-like shapes

(figure2a,b). As they become larger, the extended edges of the plasmodia tend

to branch (figure2c) and their two-dimensional shape increases in complexity.

Finally, very large migrating plasmodia (of the order of a centimetre) extend

two-dimensionally to adopt a fan-like shape with a complicated network of

veins towards the rear (figure2d). It is empirically believed that the longitudinal

distribution of thickness during unidirectional locomotion has a similar

tendency among plasmodia of various sizes. The thickness is high close to the

leading edge and gradually decreases towards the rear. Therefore, the direction

of migration can always be predicted from the distribution of the protoplasm.

However, there are no quantitative reports on the relationship between the

longitudinal thickness distribution and cell size.

It is also well known empirically that large plasmodia tend to move faster

than small plasmodia. However, except for one brief report [Ueda, 2006], to our

knowledge there are no quantitative studies on the relationship between

locomotion speed and cell size, either.

Plasmodia exhibit a coordinated, regular oscillation in thickness with a

period of 1 - 2 minutes that involves protoplasmic flow inside the body. It is

also empirically known that the contraction period in large plasmodia is longer

than in small plasmodia. This phenomenon was first observed by Vouk at the

beginning of last century [Vouk, 1910], and there are some quantitative reports

on small plasmodia with cell sizes limited to less than 1 mm [Ueda and

Kobatake, 1982, Ueda and Kobatake, 1980].

Here we report on a comprehensive allometric analysis of three types of


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characteristics (shape, speed and rhythm) in plasmodia with sizes ranging from

100 m to 10cm, that is, for plasmodia differing by three orders of magnitude in

length during free locomotion. For each plasmodium, we obtained one-

dimensional locomotion data over the course of 6-8 hours. We observe well-

defined allometric relations with the shape and locomotion speed. The physical

basis of our findings is then discussed using dimensional analysis. While we

also observe size-dependent property in the intrinsic thickness oscillation

period, we identify a significant, size-independent, long-term variation in the

intrinsic thickness oscillation period. This long-term variation was also found in

the locomotion speed and the shape. We discuss the evolution of body shape is

tightly coupled with the long-term variations. Two examples are presented. One

is undulations in the longitudinal distribution of thickness and the other is the

timing of branching of the frontal part of migrating plasmodia. Both are

discussed from the viewpoint of the dynamic encoding of temporal information

to the spatial structure. A simple mathematical model describing this type of

phenomenon is then presented.

2 Materials and Methods

2.1 Organism and culture

The plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum (strain HU195 x HU200)

[Akitaya et al., 1985] was fed with oat flakes (Quaker Oats Co.) on agar gel at

24 C in the dark [Ueda et al., 1975]. Agar gels used for all experiments were

nutrient-free (Wako Pure Chemicals Inc.) and their concentration were fixed at

1.0% weight by volume.

2.2 Preparation of plasmodia with various sizes using giant


Before experimental use, the organism was allowed to move on plain agar

gel overnight. Using the frontal part, various sizes of plasmodia (n=54) were

prepared as described previously (see [Ishigami et al., 1987] for smaller sizes

(volume < 0.1mm3 (n=18)) and [Takagi et al., 2007] for larger sizes (volume >


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0.1mm3 (n=36)).

The smaller plasmodia were placed on plain agar gel in Petri dishes (9cm

in diameter) and were allowed to move freely. After a few hours, the organisms

exhibited locomotion that was almost one-dimensional in nature and adopted

tadpole-like shapes (figure2a,b). Larger plasmodia had more than one advancing

front (figure2c), and still larger organisms adopted a fan-like shape with a sheet-

like leading edge (figure2d). Therefore, in order to limit the number of

advancing fronts to one or to confine locomotion to one dimension, the larger

plasmodia were placed on narrow agar gel lanes (width = 1.0 (n=3), 1.5 (n=4),

4.0 (n=24) or 8 (n=5) mm and length = 17 or 25 cm) which were separated from

the adjacent lanes using PET film (100 m thickness) placed on the agar gel.

These plasmodia were also allowed to move freely and after a few hours they

exhibited stable, almost one-dimensional locomotion with shapes distributed in

the longitudinal direction of the lane and a sheet-like leading edge (figure2e)

[Takagi et al., 2007]. The experiments were conducted at room temperature

( 24 C 1 ) and the humidity inside the apparatus was maintained at around 90%

relative humidity (RH) using a plastic lid that was lifted a little.

The small plasmodia used in the study of branching timing were

separately prepared from protoplasm droplets to control their body size [Takagi

and Ueda, 2008]. Their free migration on agar gel was then observed.

2.3 Measurements of thickness of plasmodia by image analysis

The plasmodia were illuminated from below using an infrared beam

( 950nm ) that was passed through light diffuser plates and viewed from

above [Takagi et al., 2007]. The transmitted light images were magnified using

either a lens (NIKKOR-H Auto 28mm f/3.5; Nikon or 55mm telecentric f/2.8;

Computar) or a microscope (C-DSD115; Nikon) and captured using a CCD

camera (XC-ST70; Sony) or a cooled CCD camera (Retiga EXi Fast 1394

Mono Cooled; QImaging Corp.). They were stored in a personal computer as

time-lapse images covering approximately twelve hours, where the time-lapse


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interval periods were 12 (n=45), 20 (n=3) and 30 (n=6) seconds. The spatial

resolution of the images were 0.008-0.027 [mm/pixel] for the smaller plasmodia

and 0.072-0.363 [mm/pixel] for the larger plasmodia. The field of view was

720x480 or 696x520 [pixel x pixel].

Pixel values in the images were converted to optical density (OD) values,

which were calculated as 010

( / )log I I , where I and 0I are the transmitted and

incident light intensities, respectively. A calibration table relating the OD to the

thickness of the plasmodium was constructed for each measurement apparatus

by confining the protoplasmic sol in glass tubes with various known diameters

[Takagi and Ueda, 2008] or by placing the protoplasm between a glass slide and

a glass cover with a small tilt angle. The thickness of the plasmodium under

study was linearly interpolated from these calibration tables.

Thus, the thickness of a plasmodium h(x, t) was obtained as a function of

position x and time (or frame) t. We analysed the resulting spatiotemporal

patterns using programs that we developed in-house as plug-in software for the

ImageJ image processing software [Rasband, 2011].

2.4 Data analysis

2.4.1 Longitude coordinate and measurement of locomotion speed

The plasmodia exhibited stable locomotion in an almost one-dimensional

manner. However, in experiments using tiny plasmodia and no lane, it was

occasionally (once or twice per recording) observed that the plasmodium

changed direction sharply ( > 90 ) or flipped its front and tail. Such frames were

removed from the further analysis. For each plasmodium, we obtained one-

dimensional locomotion data over the course of 6-8 hours. In this paper, the

mean values of various characteristics (averaged over the measurement time)

were examined and denoted by overbar on the symbols. To analyse the

directional movement of a plasmodium, we introduced a longitude curve

coinciding roughly with the centre line of the trail and also containing the

frontal tip and body axis as far as possible in every frame (figure3a). The


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longitude curve and its perpendicular lines are referred to as the longitude

coordinate for locomotion, which is used to describe the shape and movement

of the plasmodium. The coordinates of the leading edge, ( )fx t , and tail edge,

( )bx t , on the longitude axis were determined for each frame, t, using a threshold

criterion (figure3a). The locomotion speed of the plasmodium was calculated

from the distance moved by the leading edge along the longitude axis during a

fixed time interval ( = 4t or 8 min). We refer to points lying on the longitude

axis between ( )fx t and ( )bx t as body points in the following analysis. To outline

the body area of the plasmodium in each frame, for each body point x, a

connected body components, ( , )x t , on the perpendicular axis centered at x was

determined using a threshold criterion; the width of the plasmodium, w(x,t), was

obtained as the length of ( , )x t ; the maximum width, max ( )w t , and the mean

width, mean ( )w t , were given by ( , )max x x xf b

w x t and ( , )xb


w x t dx , respectively. The

volume, V, of the plasmodium was estimated by body area thickness, such

that ( ) ( ) ( , )

= ( , )x t x x t y x tb f

V h y t dydx .

2.4.2 Measurement and characterisation of longitudinal size and


Figure4a shows the relationship between the volume and the width of the

plasmodia. For the larger plasmodia [V > 0.1 mm3], the maximum width was

independent of the volume because their bodies were laterally confined by the

narrow lane. To quantify the longitudinal size which is independent on the

width, we estimate the volume per unit width, ( )lV t [mm3/mm], which is

calculated as volume / mean width, mean( ) = / ( )lV t V w t (Figure4b).

We refer to the contour of thickness distribution of the plasmodium in the

longitudinal direction as the longitudinal shape. More precisely, on the

longitude axis for a unidirectionally migrating plasmodium, the longitudinal

shape of the plasmodium at a given time is estimated as


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{( , ( , )) ; is a body point at }x h x t x t , where ( , )( , ) = ( , )max y x th x t h y t is the maximum

thickness along the perpendicular axis centered at x. The three quantities

max max( , , )( )Lx h x t were measured to describe the longitudinal shape, where the

length ( )Lx t is the distance from the leading edge to the tail edge, max ( )h t

( = ( , )max xh x t ) is the maximum thickness and max ( )x t is the distance from the

frontal tip to the position of maximum thickness. Whenever the longitudinal

shape is described, we use a moving longitude coordinate, the origin of which is

always set at the position of the leading edge on the (fixed) longitude axis of the

plasmodium; the direction of the longitude axis is reversed such that = fx x x


2.4.3 Determination of intrinsic period of thickness oscillation 0T

It is known that plasmodia show oscillations in thickness with a period of

60-120s. These oscillations are coordinated along the longitudinal body axis

with some phase gradient and produce protoplasmic shuttle streaming

[Alexopoulos et al., 1996, Kessler, 1982, Kamiya, 1959]. This rhythmic

contraction also gives rise to a to-and-fro motion of the leading edge during

each cycle. However, although the oscillations are often regarded as ‘regular

oscillation’, the period of the oscillation in each plasmodium is not strictly

constant but variable in time [Coggin and Pazun, 1996]. In this paper, using

spatiotemporal thickness data along the longitudinal axis, h(x,t), we estimated

the intrinsic period of the thickness oscillation for each time t, 0 ( )T t . A more

complete description is given in the Appendix.

2.4.4 Averaging of variables over intrinsic period of thickness


The regular oscillation in thickness may induce oscillation in various

other variables including the longitudinal shape and the locomotion speed with

the same intrinsic period. To get rid of this short-term, regular variation from

our further analysis, each variable max max( ) { ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( , )}Lz t x t h t x t v t h x t was


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averaged over the period 0 ( )T t such that ( )/2


0= ( )/2


( ) := ( ) / ( )t T t

s t T tz t z t s ds T t


2.4.5 Statistical analysis

In order to estimate the power-law-type functional relationship between

two variables, major axis regression between the logarithmically transformed

variables was employed because all the variables were subject to measurement

errors in this study [Sokal and Rohlf, 1994]. The fitting result is denoted as

= a ay bx , where a a means that the 95% confidence interval of a is

( , )a a a a . Moreover, the correlation coefficient, r, of the variables was

estimated by Pearson’s method after the logarithmic transformation. The

probability value of the t-test on r (0 : = 0H r ) was placed in the text only when

the probability was more than 1.0e-10. The tail of the longitudinal shape

( max 2x x x ) was fitted using the exponential function maxexp( ( )/ )x x ,

where 2x is the position at which the thickness is equal to max0.3h at that time.

The exponent is referred to as the exponential decay distance in this paper.

The semi-logarithmic relationship of the intrinsic period of thickness oscillation

( 0T ) on a longitudinal variable ( max, ,l LV x x or maxh ) was estimated by non-linear

regression which was performed using the nls package with a port algorithm of

version 2.14.2 of the R software [R Development Core Team, 2012]. The

correlation coefficient between each longitudinal variable and 0T was also

estimated after the logarithmic transformation of the longitudinal variable. The

period of the large, long-term variation of a variable max 0( ) { , , }z t h T v , 1( )T z , was

estimated as follows: firstly, the auto-correlation function of the time-series of

z(t) was calculated after a band-pass filter (period = 3-40 min) was applied. The

period was then evaluated as the smallest time-lag at which the auto-correlation

function had a positive peak. The time-lag maximising the cross-correlation

between x, max 0{ , , }y h T v , ( , )x y , was estimated as follows: firstly, the very

slow (hourly) oscillatory component (>60 min) of each variable was removed


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by subtracting the mean value averaged over a period (=30 min). The time-lag

maximising the correlation between ( )x t and ( )y was then extracted from

the range 20 20 min.

3 Results

3.1 Size dependence of longitudinal shape

Figure5a shows examples of the longitudinal shape of plasmodia with

three different sizes. Their thickness decreases exponentially towards the rear

after the thickness reaches its maximum value in the leading part. Moreover, the

exponential decay distance ( ) follow the volume per unit width (lV ) such that

0.59 0.04


; r=0.97 (p<1.0e-16) (figure5b). The exponential decay of the

thickness indicates that almost all protoplasm is concentrated in the frontal part.

However, we often observed a protuberance in the caudal region, especially in

smaller plasmodia.

Figure5c shows the longitudinal size dependency of the characteristics

( Lx , maxh , maxx ) of the longitudinal shape of the plasmodia, where Lx is the body

length, maxh is the maximum thickness and maxx is the distance from the frontal

tip to the position of maximum thickness. The following allometric

relationships hold: 0.40 0.03

max lh V ; = 0.97r , 0.50 0.04

max lx V ; = 0.97r , 0.66 0.02

L lx V ;

= 0.99r . The growth rate of the body length ( Lx ) with respect to the volume per

unit width ( lV ) is larger than the other two characteristics ( maxx , maxh ). This

shows that large plasmodia are long and flat, whereas small plasmodia are short

and thick (Figure5d).

The clear allometric relationships above indicate that we can adopt

whichever characteristic ( lV , Lx , maxx or maxh ) we like to describe the

longitudinal size.

3.2 Longitudinal size dependency of locomotion speed

Figure6 shows the dependence of locomotion speed (v) on the maximum

thickness of the plasmodium. The locomotion speed is almost proportional to


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the maximum thickness of the plasmodium ( 0.94 0.10

maxv h ; r=0.93). The other

characteristics also have allometric relationships with the locomotion speed

(Data points fit to the curve 0.39 0.04

= 0.071 lv V

; r=0.94, 0.59 0.06= 0.020 Lv x ; r=0.94,

0.77 0.12

max= 0.076v x ; r=0.88).

3.3 Longitudinal size dependency of intrinsic period 0T

Figure7 shows the dependence of the intrinsic period of the thickness

oscillation on the maximum thickness of the plasmodium. The period increases

logarithmically with the maximum thickness of the plasmodium

( 0 max10=15.3 ( ) 98.3logT h ; r=0.75). The period also increase logarithmically with

the other characteristics ( 0 10= 6.8 ( ) 92.1log lT V ; r=0.77, 0 10

=10.0 ( ) 82.9log LT x ;

r=0.76, 0 max10=13.5 ( ) 92.6logT x ; r=0.78). Our results are consistent with the

previous studies cited above. However, this is the first study involving

systematic measurements of plasmodia covering a wide range of sizes during

free locomotion.

3.4 Long-term large variation in speed, shape and intrinsic period

During free locomotion, the locomotion speed, longitudinal shape and the

intrinsic period of the thickness oscillation always exhibited large variations

with a period of a few tens of minutes (figure8a). The oscillations in these

parameters often co-varied with fixed time lags but the phase relationships

between them were not identical in the observed plasmodia (figure8b).

However, statistically, the change in the locomotion speed (v) tended to proceed

the few minutes against that in longitudinal shape ( maxh ) (figure8b leftmost

panel; max( , ) = 5.0h v [min] (t-test for H0: > 0 (p < 0.0001) )). The periods of

these long-term oscillations are all independent of the cell size ( 0.10r

(p>0.49)) (figure8c).


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4 Discussion

4.1 Locomotion speed is scaled by the longitudinal size

We found that the locomotion speed is scaled by the longitudinal size as

the length, maximum thickness or volume per unit width rather than by the

overall cell size. In other words, the plasmodia migrate faster as the aisle gets

narrower, like inside of rotted trees and under ground where the they inhabit.

This indicates that the self-propelled mechanism of directional movement is

confined to the longitudinal section of the body and that the lateral two-

dimensional extension is not directly connected to the factors that govern the

locomotion. A similar result has been reported for the relationship between

locomotion speed and longitudinal size of the pseudo-plasmodium (slug)

Dictyostelium discoideum [Inouye and Takeuchi, 1979, Rieu et al., 2005].

Moreover, the scaling exponent, about 0.6, between the speed and body length

of the plasmodia investigated here is good agreement with that of the slugs on

agar plate, 0.63 0.06

slug slugv L which was obtained by fitting the data points in [Inouye

and Takeuchi, 1979]. This relationship also provides a rough estimate for the

locomotion speed of organisms with smaller size, which is in the range of 1-3

m/min for 10-30 m length.

It should be noted that the scaling discussed in this study is restricted to

almost one-dimensional locomotion and the scaling for two-dimensional

migration may different from the present conclusions. However, even in the

two-dimensional case, if the thickness profile along an extending direction is

similar to the longitudinal shape in the one-dimensional case, we may expect for

the extending speed along the direction to obey the scaling law in one-

dimensional case. Further investigation of this aspect will be left for future



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4.2 Alternative physical models fulfill for maxv h

We consider the physics-mechanical meaning of the proportional

relationship between the speed and maximum thickness of the plasmodium.

Insight can be gained by conducting a dimensional analysis under the following

two assumptions. (1) The speed v is proportional to the characteristic length h

[L], v h . (2) The speed v is a function of at most three possible mechanical

quantities, including h, among the following: [FL–4T2] ( density), [FL–1T] (

viscosity), p [FL–2] (pressure in the cell), [FL–1] ( contractile and tensile force

of ectoplasmic cortex per unit arc length ) and D [F] ( drag force with the

substratum), where the contractile and tensile force includes the active force

generated by actomyosin fibrils in the cortex and the passive force due to gel-

like material characteristics of the cortex. Here three is the smallest number of

variables that can represent v as their function, because the number of related

fundamental physical units (F,L,T) is three (Buckingham theorem, see for

instance [McMahon and Bonner, 1983]). These assumptions lead to the

functional relationship = /v const ph as a unique solution.

We now attempt to obtain a migration model for plasmodium that

satisfies the above functional relationship. For simplicity, we can regard a

plasmodium as a dome-shaped ectoplasmic cortex with radius max=h h that

envelops the protoplasmic sol (a highly viscous fluid), and we can assume that

the flow velocity v is identical to the locomotion speed of the plasmodium. The

cortex induces the protoplasmic sol flow due to the pressure difference p

generated by the effective surface tension , where p is proportional to /h ,

(Laplace pressure, see for instance [de Gennes et al., 2004]). By the Stokes

equations, the pressure gradient (p/h) and the viscosity term ( 2/v h ) balance and

thus we have ( / ) = /v p h . Therefore, the following two alternative situations

are implied: (i) When the viscosity coefficient is independent of h,

= ( )h h is followed by the constraint v h . That is, the contraction force


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generated by the cortex is proportional to the maximum thickness of the

plasmodium. This situation is probable if the thickness of the cortex is

proportional to the maximum thickness of the plasmodium and also to the

contraction force. On the other hand, (ii) if is independent of h, then

1= ( )h h . This requires that the viscosity of the frontal part of small

plasmodia should be larger than that of large plasmodia. One feature that may

give rise to size-dependency of the “effective” viscosity is the channel structure

that is observed in the frontal tip of plasmodia (see for example [Matsumoto et

al., 2008] for the case of small plasmodia). Further analysis is left for future


4.3 Two examples of the body shape evolution related with the size-

independent, long-term oscillation

It is reasonable to ask about the origin of the difference between the

scalable and the non-scalable properties over several orders of magnitude.

Because the size-dependent properties result from physico-mechanical

processes, they are likely to be quite general properties that hold for a wide

range of organisms. In contrast, one probable reason is that the size-independent

properties result from biochemical processes because chemical reaction speed

mainly depends not on the body size itself but on the chemical characteristics

and the concentration of the substances involved.

We found the size-independent, long-period ( 20 10 min) oscillations

including speed, shape and intrinsic thickness oscillation period. In order to

consider their physiological meanings, we present two examples of body shape

evolution tightly coupled with this oscillation.

4.3.1 Branching of the frontal tip

Under free locomotion on a large enough area with no narrow lane,

branching of the frontal tip was sometimes observed in plasmodia of

intermediate size. These plasmodia is too large to maintain the tadpole-like

shape throughout the measurement period but is not pronounced enough to form


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a two-dimensional fan-like sheet structure. Figure9 shows an example of a time

course of the locomotion speed for such a plasmodium (0.2 mm3) during free

locomotion. The times at which branching occurred are indicated on the time

course; branching was observed shortly after the slow-down phase of the

locomotion speed. After each branching event, one of the two advancing fronts

stopped extending and disappeared by the time of the next branching event.

4.3.2 Thickness undulation along the longitudinal direction

Figure10 shows a space-time plot of a plasmodium migrating one-

dimensionally in the upper direction on an agar lane. The thickness of the

frontal tip varied with a period of approximately ten minutes. This long-term

oscillation is visible from the stripe pattern parallel to the time axis. In contrast,

the stripe pattern parallel to the spatial axis arises from the shorter thickness

oscillation with an intrinsic period. The labels x and t in the figure indicate

examples of places or times where the thickness of the frontal part became

much larger than the mean value, indicated by the relatively dark contrast. The

time trace of the thickness at a given position decreases exponentially with time

(lower left panel of figure10). As shown in the upper right panel of figure10,

which shows the thickness distribution in the longitudinal direction at a given

time, large fluctuations are superimposed on the base line which exponentially

decreases from the maximum thickness at the frontal tip. We note that similar

fluctuations can be observed in figure5c. Each undulation in the tail corresponds

to a peak in the long-term, large variation of thickness of the frontal tip; this

correspondence gives rise to the stripe pattern parallel to the time axis in the

space-time plot.

Rodiek et al. recently reported two distinct patterns of intracellular

thickness oscillations along the longitudinal body axis depending on the

locomotive speed of the freely migrating small tadpole-shaped plasmodium

[Rodiek et al., 2015] . Interestingly, one of them, referred as multinodal

standing wave-like pattern, seems to have a similar spatial structure with the


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above mentioned thickness undulation pattern. That is, it has a large amplitude

oscillatory component with a relatively long period, about ten minutes, and a

fairly regular wavelength which is same order to the migratory distance during

the period. Exploring the correspondence further is left for future works.

4.4 Physiological role of the size-independent, long-term large


Our observations indicate that plasmodia commonly have an internal

rhythm with a size-independent period that appears in many aspects of the

organism. It is useful to consider the physiological function of this rhythm in the

plasmodium. One of the important purposes of the organism during free

locomotion is exploitation of the surroundings. Thus, the long-term modulation

of speed determines a spatial sampling size of the environment, because in the

slower phase the organism stays in a given area for longer or is afforded a

chance to change direction by branching. On the other hand, the locomotion

speed may be largely modulated by various external signals such as changes in

the temperature, moisture, light level or chemical substances. Therefore,

exposure to such signals during locomotion might be recorded in the form of

thickness undulations in the longitudinal direction. This can be envisaged as a

kind of dynamic encoding of temporal information to the spatial structure.

Moreover, if the branching in small plasmodia is related to the vein network

structure of large plasmodia with a two-dimensional fan-like shape, the events

experienced are also recorded in the form of a two-dimensional mesh pattern in

large plasmodia. Therefore, if the one and two-dimensional body shape at a

given time represents a sequence of episodic events, the shape may influence

the future behaviour of the organism. The body shape of plasmodia could thus

be considered as a prototype of episodic memory.

4.5 Simple mathematical model for cell locomotion with thickness


In order to explore possibilities for the dynamic encoding of biochemical


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activities into the body shape of the plasmodium, we try to construct a

mathematical model for cell locomotion.

The exponential decay of the thickness indicates that almost all

protoplasm is concentrated in the frontal part. Takagi et al. [Takagi et al., 2007]

have reported that a frontal tip amputated from a plasmodium during one-

dimensional locomotion can migrate for some time at the same speed as before

without the regular thickness oscillation. This self-migration of the amputated

frontal tip is evidence that migration ability can be localised at the frontal tip.

Furthermore, the fact that the migration lasts for only a short time [Takagi et al.,

2007] suggests that the engine in the frontal tip is a self-organised local

structure that is dynamically and stably maintained in the plasmodium system.

It has also been reported that the polarised intracellular chemical pattern

corresponds to the polarity of the plasmodium, for example the ATP

concentration is higher at the locomotion front and becomes lower towards the

tail [Mori et al., 1986, Ueda et al., 1987]. According to these facts, we can

consider the locomotion of plasmodium as the propagation of a polarised

protoplasm pulse based on an excitable system that can be expressed as a one-

dimensional reaction-diffusion system with two variables, c and h [Takagi et al.,

2007, Ueda et al., 2011]

= ( , ; ),t c xxc D c f c h a (1)

= ( , )t h xxh D h g c h (2)

Here, c = c(x,t) is the concentration of a chemical C that is responsible for the

sol-gel transformation, h = h(x,t) is the thickness of the body, a is the activity

level of C, x is a coordinate along the longitudinal direction, c hD D , 1

which implies that c h where h and c are slow and fast variables,

respectively. We assume that this is an excitable system where the parameter f

gives the bi-stability for c and h is a slow variable. For simplicity, we adopt

f(c,h;a) = c(1–c)(c–a)–h and g(c,h) = c – h, according to a FitzHugh-Nagumo


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type system. This system has a travelling wave solution with speed ( )v . As

0 , the speed approaches 1

= 22

cv D a

[Kawahara and Tanaka, 1983].

This implies that the speed of the wave front is linearly dependent on the

activity level a and on the square root of the diffusion level cD of the chemical.

We now extend the model by introducing a slow modulation of the activity

level a of the sol-gel transformation only in the frontal region of the wave. We

assume this modulation results from unknown biochemical processes which are

independent of the body size. Figure11 shows a numerical result of the model

where a propagating wave with an oscillatory wave front and an undulating tail

was obtained. Here, the oscillation of the activity level in the frontal part

induces an oscillation of the thickness there (lower panel of figure11a). The

propagation speed of the waves is also temporally modulated as expected from

the exact calculation of the speed of the wave above in the case of constant

activity level (lower panel of figure11a). Figure11b shows a space-time plot of a

propagating solution. The thickness h modulation in the frontal tip remains in

the form of undulations superimposed on the wave whose baseline

exponentially decreases with time or distance from the frontal part. A similar

profile is shown in figure10a for a plasmodium. However, our understanding of

physiological basis, especially the physiological origin of the slow modulation,

is still poor. Further studies should be performed to verify this hypothesis. Jo


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List of symbols and abbreviations

t time

averaged value of a time-dependent characteristic

over the measurement time (6-8 hour). (ex) , ,v V

v(t) locomotion speed. [mm/min]

V volume of a plasmodium. [mm3]

mean ( )w t mean width of a plasmodium. [mm]

( )V t the volume per unit width which is calculated as volume / mean width.


( )Lx t distance from the leading edge to the tail edge along the longitudinal axis

of a plasmodium. [mm]

max ( )h t maximal thickness. [mm]

max ( )x t distance from the frontal tip to the position of maximum thickness.


0 ( )T t intrinsic period of the thickness oscillation related to shuttle streaming.


1( )T z period of the large, long-term variation of a variable max 0( ) { , , }z t h T v .


( , )x y time-lag maximising the correlation between ( )x t and ( )y

where x, max 0{ , , }y h T v . [min]

the value of the exponent in the exponential function maxexp( ( )/x x

which is used for fitting of the tail of the longitudinal shape. [mm]

exponential decay distance [mm]

r Peason’s correlation coefficient after the logarithmic transformation.

longitudinal shape the contour of thickness distribution of the

plasmodium in the longitudinal direction during one-dimensional locomotion.


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Appendix (Determination of intrinsic period of thickness oscillation

0T )

Suppose that ( )fx t and ( )bx t are the positions of the leading edge and tail

edge on the longitudinal axis at time t, respectively, as described in the section

on Data Analysis. Taking the moving coordinate, u, with its origin always at the

leading edge, we obtained the time series of the thickness, ( ) = ( ( ) , )u fh t h x t u t , at

each relative position [0, ]bu u , where = { ( ) ( )}mintb b fu x t x t is the minimum tail

edge of the plasmodium. We now have / (= )bu x M time series for each

plasmodium, where x is a pixelated spatial unit. After respective time series

were normalized in zero mean and unity standard deviation, the M-dim time

series { ( )}uh t were projected on the principal components (PCs), and reduced to

M -dim time series { ( ); =1, , }jh t j M where M is the minimal number such

that the cumulative contribution ratio up to the M -th PC is larger than 70%. To

obtain the oscillatory component with periods in the range of a few ten second

to a few minutes, the thickness variation ( )jh t at each j was derived by

moving-averaging with the time-window 30 s (low-pass filtering) and

subtracting the moving averaged component with the time-window (0)T (high-

pass filtering) where (0)T is a initial putative mean period =80 s. By extracting

the peak times ,{ ; =1, , ( )}j nt n N j of ( )jh t , we obtained a series of the

oscillation period at each j, (1)



( ) ( =1, , ( ) 1)jj n

T t n N j

where 1 , 1 ,,


= ( )/2j n j nj n

t t t


Then we obtained a new putative mean period (1)T by averaging (1)

,{ ( )}j j iT t over j

and ,j it after the removal of outliers. Moreover, a time series for the oscillation

period (1) ( )jT t at each j was reconstructed by linear interpolation of (1)

,( )j j iT t along

time axis. To obtain a more reliable estimation of the oscillation period, we

iterated the above procedure twice after replacing (0)T with (1)T and obtained

(3)T and (3){ ( )}jT t . Finally, (3)T and (3) ( )T t was adopted as the mean intrinsic


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period, 0T , and the time series of the intrinsic period,

0 ( )T t , of the plasmodium,

where (3) ( )T t was given by average (3){ ( )}jT t over j after the removal of outliers.


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We acknowledge helpful comments about dimensional analysis from Dr.

Yoshimi Tanaka.

Author contributions

All authors gave final approval of the version to be published.

Shigeru Kuroda

• substantial contributions to conception and design,

• substantial contributions to acquisition of data,

• substantial contributions to analysis and interpretation of data;

• drafting the article

• revising the draft critically for important intellectual content

Seiji Takagi

• substantial contributions to analysis and interpretation of data

Toshiyuki Nakagaki

• revising the draft critically for important intellectual content

Tetsuo Ueda

• substantial contributions to conception and design

• revising the draft critically for important intellectual content

Funding statement

This work was supported by the Strategic Japanese-Swedish Research

Cooperative Programme from JST and by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number

26310202, a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas

‘Fluctuation and Structure’ (no. 25103006) and ‘Cross talk between moving

cells and microenvironment’ (no. 25111726) from Mext Japan.


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Figure 1: Emergence of one-directional migration from protoplasm. A

small piece of plasmodium was cut from the sheet-like frontal part of a large

plasmodium, and it was placed on plain agar gel (1w%) in a Petri dish (9cm in

diameter) without a cover and set in an incubator ( 24 C , 60%RH). The

plasmodium was illuminated from below and the transmitted light images were

captured from above; details of the measurement are given in the text. Darker

contrast indicates areas with relatively thicker plasmodium. (a-d) Snapshots of

the plasmodium after 0, 150, 300, and 450 min, respectively, which was

extending in almost all directions. (e,f) Snapshots of the plasmodium after 600

and 810 min, which kept migrating in the upper left direction.


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Figure 2: Photographs of plasmodia during free locomotion. (a)

Plasmodia with various sizes. (b) Plasmodia on narrow lanes.


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Figure 3: Coordinate system and longitudinal shape. These plots are not

from real data. (a) Longitudinal coordinate and its perpendicular axis. (b)

Characterisation of longitudinal shape of plasmodium: ( maxx ) denotes the

position of the foremost tip, ( Lx ) is the effective body length, and ( maxh ) is the

maximum thickness of the frontal part. Thh is a threshold used to determine the

front edge. The abscissa axis is the longitudinal axis of the moving longitude

coordinate at a given time. The ordinate axis is the thickness of the longitudinal

shape. More details are given in the text.


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Figure 4: Dependence of width and longitudinal size on the cell volume.

Data are plotted on double logarithmic scale. (a) Volume (V) versus the

maximal width (maxw ) (left panel) and the mean width (

meanw ) (right panel). The

dashed lines represent the width of the lanes for the larger plasmodia. (c)

Volume versus volume per unit width ( mean= /lV V w ).


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Figure 5: Size dependence of longitudinal shape. (a) Examples of the

longitudinal shape of plasmodia with three different sizes, where the shapes

were averaged over the intrinsic periods of the thickness oscillation. Data are

plotted on a semi-logarithmic scale. Examples for large, medium and small

plasmodia are shown by the black solid line, grey solid line and black dotted

line, respectively. The origin of the abscissa axis is set at the position where the

longitudinal shape of the largest plasmodium has maximum thickness. The data

for the medium and small plasmodia are shifted such that the maximum

thickness coincides with that of the large and medium plasmodia, respectively.


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The lines on the tails represent exponential fits where the decay distances for

the large, medium and small plasmodia are 11.6, 6.9, 2.6 mm, respectively. (b)

Dependency of the exponential decay distance on the volume per unit width.

Data are plotted on a double logarithmic scale. Data points fit to the line

0.59 0.04

= 3.42 lV

. (c) Dependence of the longitudinal shape on the volume per

unit width. Data are plotted on a double logarithmic scale. maxh (circles), maxx

(crosses) and Lx (squares) are plotted against

lV . Data points fit the lines

0.42 0.03 0.50 0.04 0.66 0.02

max max= 0.40 , = 0.92 , = 8.3 .l l L lh V x V x V

(d) Summary of scaling

property in the longitudinal shape.


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Figure 6: Longitudinal size dependency of locomotion speed. maxh and v

are plotted on a double logarithmic scale. Data points fit to the line

0.94 0.10

max= 0.17v h . Jo


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Figure 7: Longitudinal size dependency of intrinsic period 0T . 0T is

plotted on a linear scale, while maxh is plotted on a logarithmic scale. The solid

line is 0 max10=15.3 ( ) 98.3logT h , which is given by fitting of the data to

logarithmic function.


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Figure 8: Large, size-independent long-term variation in speed, shape and

intrinsic period. (a) Example of v(t) ( = 8t min ), max ( )h t and 0 ( )T t for a

plasmodium. (b) Histogram of the time-lags maximizing the cross-correlation

between pairs of parameters among the time-series 1

0 ( )T t , v(t) and max ( )h t . (c)

Size versus period of the large, long-term variation 1T of max ( ), ( )h t v t and 0 ( )T t .

The abscissa ( maxh ) is logarithmic scale and the ordinates are linear scale. The

correlation coefficients are r=0.09 (p>0.5), r=0.04 (p>1.2) and r=0.10 (p>0.49),

respectively. The right-hand panels show histograms of the period 1T for each

variable. Estimates of kernel density using a Gaussian kernel are superimposed

on the histograms. The dot on each ordinate axis indicates the mean of the



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Figure 9: Branching of the frontal part in the slow-down phase. The upper

panel shows the locomotion speed v [mm/min] ( = 4t min) of a plasmodium of

intermediate size (0.2 mm3) during free locomotion in the Petri dish (9cm in

diameter). The timings at which branching of the frontal part was observed are


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labelled from (1) to (6). The six lower photographs are snapshots taken at these

six timings. The plasmodium was illuminated from below and the transmitted

light images were captured from above; details of the measurement are given in

the text. Darker contrast indicates areas with relatively thicker plasmodium. The

branching frontal part is observed in the upper region of each snapshot as a dark

expanded area.


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Figure 10: Undulations in the longitudinal shape. h axes are plotted on a

logarithmic scale, while t and x axes are plotted on a linear scale. The upper left

panel shows a space-time plot for a plasmodium extending in one dimension

towards the upper direction on a plain agar gel lane. Darker contrast indicates

areas with relatively thicker plasmodium. The parameters x and t are

examples of places and times where the thickness of the frontal part is much

larger than the mean value. The lower right-hand panel shows a magnified view

of this plot in the region containing x and t . The lower left-hand panel shows

a time trace of the thickness of the plasmodium at position x , which

exponentially decreases with time. The upper right-hand panel shows a snapshot

of the thickness distribution along the longitudinal direction at time t .


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Figure 11: Propagating wave solution in the reaction-diffusion model

with periodic modulation of activity level in the frontal region. No transient

motion was exhibited. (a) The upper panel shows a snapshot of the propagating

wave solution which moves towards the right. The black and grey lines indicate

the body thickness, h, and the chemical concentration, c, respectively. The

middle panel shows a time course of the activity level in the frontal region

frontX , given by ( ) = ( , ) = 0.2 0.19sin(20 )fronta t a x t t , where ( )frontX t is a connected

region defined as { ; ( , ) > 0.05}x c x t . The activity level in the other region was set

at a(x,t) = 0.2. The lower panel shows time courses of the maximum value of h

(black line) and the propagation speed, ( = 0.5)tv , of the wave (grey line),

which was calculated from ( )frontX t . (b) Space-time plot of the value of h(x,t)

constructed from the simulation in (a). Darker contrast indicates areas with

relatively large h. h axes are plotted on a logarithmic scale, while t and x axes

are plotted on a linear scale.


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