‘london’ responses (1662) · ‘london’ responses (1662) jgallan 1997(revised2020)...

‘London’ Responses (1662) J G Allan 1997 (Revised 2020)

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‘London’ Responses(1662)


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Page 2: ‘London’ Responses (1662) · ‘London’ Responses (1662) JGAllan 1997(Revised2020) PDFprocessedwithCutePDFevaluationeditionPDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition





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Page 3: ‘London’ Responses (1662) · ‘London’ Responses (1662) JGAllan 1997(Revised2020) PDFprocessedwithCutePDFevaluationeditionPDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition







And our mouth shall shew forth thy praise.

ad Uk k k k k k k k k k j

And our mouth shall shew forth thy praise.

ad Uk k k fk k k k j k j

And our mouth shall shew forth thy praise.


d Uj k e k k k k k k d k j

O�Lord,�open�thou�our�lips And our mouth shall shew forth thy praise.

bd Priesti

bd Uk j fk k k k j jz

O Lord, make haste to help us.


ad Tjz fjz fk e k k k j i

O Lord, make haste to help us.


ad Tjz jz k j k e k k i

O Lord, make haste to help us.



d Tjz fjz fk k k jz i

O God, make speed to save us. O Lord, make haste to help us.

bd Priestk k k k k k k

bd Tjz fjz fk j k j i

As it was in the be gin- ning,-


ad Tk j j k j k k j I

As it was in the be gin- ning,-


ad Tj k k j k j j k


As it was in the be gin- ning,-



d Tk j j k j k k jI

Glory�be�to�the�Father,�and�to�the�Son:�and�to�the�Holy�Ghost; As it was in the be gin- ning,-

bd Priesti

bd Tj k k j k j k j




Page 4: ‘London’ Responses (1662) · ‘London’ Responses (1662) JGAllan 1997(Revised2020) PDFprocessedwithCutePDFevaluationeditionPDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition

is now, and ev er- shall be: World with out- end. A men.-

ad Uk k k k k k k n n

Uk k k fjz e jz i

is now, and ev er- shall be: World with out- end. A men.-

ad Uk k k k k k k

n n Uk k k e jz jz d i

is now, and ev er- shall be: World with out- end. A men.-


d Uk k k k k k k n nUk k k

jz jz i

is now, and ev er- shall be: World with out- end. A men.-

bd Uk k k k k k k j IU

k k k fjz jz i

The Lord's name be praised.


ad Uk i k j k jz

The Lord's name be praised.


ad Uj

j j jz jz

The Lord's name be praised.



d Uj e j j

e jz jz

Praise�ye�the Lord. The Lord's name be praised.

bd Priesti k

bd Ujz fjz k j jz



Page 5: ‘London’ Responses (1662) · ‘London’ Responses (1662) JGAllan 1997(Revised2020) PDFprocessedwithCutePDFevaluationeditionPDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition







And with thy Spi rit.-

ad Tk

j j k j k k k kz k‡


And with thy Spi rit.-

ad Tk k k k k k k k kz k k kz j j

And with thy Spi rit.-


d Tj k k j k j k k k j j

The�Lord�be�with�you. And with thy Spi rit.-

bd i

bd Tk j k j iz i

Lord have mer cy- up on- us, Christ have mer cy-

ad Rj j k k e j j j I Sj j k k

Lord have mer cy- up on- us, Christ have mer cy-

adj j k k j j j

I Sj j k k

Lord have mer cy- up on- us, Christ have mer cy-


d Rj j e k k d k jz j

I Sj j k k

Let�us�pray. Lord have mer cy- up on- us, Christ have mer-

bd i

bd Rjz k e k k k j e j k

I Sjz k e k k

up on- us, Lord have mer cy- up on- us,

adj j j

I Tj j k k i j i

up on- us, Lord have mer cy- up on- us,

adj j j

I Tj j k k

j j j j j

up on- us, Lord have mer cy- up on- us,


d e j j j I Tjj e k d k j k k j e j j

cy- up on- us, Lord have mer cy- up on- us,

bd k

j j kI Tjz k e k k k j e j k i



Page 6: ‘London’ Responses (1662) · ‘London’ Responses (1662) JGAllan 1997(Revised2020) PDFprocessedwithCutePDFevaluationeditionPDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition






Our Fa ther,- which art in heav'n, Hal low- ed- be thy name,

ad 64Sk k k k j k k k k j n k k k k j i m

Our Fa ther,- which art in heav'n, Hal low- ed- be thy name,

ad 64Sk k k k j k k k k j n

k k k k j j k jzI

Our Fa ther,- which art in heav'n, Hal low- ed- be thy name,


d 64Sk k k k k k k k k k k k n k k k k k k i m

Our Fa ther,- which art in hea ven,- Hal low- ed- be thy name,

bd 64Sk j k j k k k k j k

Ik k k k j k i n

Thy king dom- come, Thy will be done, In earth as it is in heav'n. Give

ad Tk k k e j

Ik j k fj k j k k e k fk k jz n fk

Thy king dom- come, Thy will be done, In earth as it is in heav'n. Give

ad Tk k k k


j k k k k k k jz k k k k jz n fk

Thy king dom- come, Thy will be done, In earth as it is in heav'n. Give


d Tk k k k k

Ik j k j k k k k k k k e k d jz n k

Thy king dom- come, Thy will be done, In earth as it is in heav'n. Give

bd Tk k e k j Ik k e j j d k k k k k k k fk jz n fk

us this day our dai ly- bread. And for give- us our tres pass- es,-

ad fk k k j k k k fk k

Ik k e jz d jz

Uk k fk k k k

us this day our dai ly- bread. And for give- us our tres pass- es,-

ad fj fk j k fj k e k

Ie k e k k k k k k k

Uj k j k

us this day our dai ly- bread. And for give- us our tres pass- es,-


dj e k fj k d j k e k

Ik k jz jz U

fj k j k

us this day our dai ly- bread. And for give- us our tres pass- es,-

bd fj k e j k j k k

Ik k e j k j k Uj k j k



Page 7: ‘London’ Responses (1662) · ‘London’ Responses (1662) JGAllan 1997(Revised2020) PDFprocessedwithCutePDFevaluationeditionPDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition

As we for give- them that tres pass- a gainst- us. And lead us not in-

ad jz ISk j k k k k k d k k R

k fk jITk k k k j k

As we for give- them that tres pass- a gainst- us. And lead us not in-

ad ISj j j j j k k k

Rk fk j

ITk k k k j k

As we for give- them that tres pass- a gainst- us. And lead us not in-


d ISj j j j j k k kRk fk j

ITkk k k k k k

As we for give- them that tres pass- a gainst- us. And lead us not in-

bd ISfj j j j j k k k

Rk fk j ITk

j k j k

to- tempt a- tion;- But de liv- er- us from e vil.-

ad k k k jz k IUk k j k k k k j k I

to- tempt a- tion;- But de liv- er- us from e vil.-

adk k k jz k

IUk k j k k k k fk e k fk


to- tempt a- tion;- But de liv- er- us from e vil.-


dk k k k k k k IUk k j k j k j k


to- tempt a- tion;- But de liv- er- us from e vil.-

bd k k k j k k IUk k j k

k k k j k I

A men.-

ad Tjz k k k


A men.-

ad Ti k k


A men.-


d TizRj j

A men.-

bd Tj j j Ri



Page 8: ‘London’ Responses (1662) · ‘London’ Responses (1662) JGAllan 1997(Revised2020) PDFprocessedwithCutePDFevaluationeditionPDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition






And grant us thy sal va- ti- on:-

ad Rk

k j j k k k k k j

And grant us thy sal va- tion:-

ad Rj k k fj e j j j

And grant us thy sal va- ti- on:-


d Rk k k k k k k j k j

O�Lord�shew�thy�mercy�up on- us. And grant us thy sal va- tion:-

bd i k k

bd Rk j k k k j j fj

And mer ci- ful- ly- hear us, when we call up on- thee.


ad Tk k k k k k k k k k k fk k k k k k j I

And mer ci- ful- ly- hear us, when we call up on- thee.


ad Tk k k k k k k k k fk k k k k e k k k k k k k k


And mer ci- ful- ly- hear us, when we call



d Tj k k k k k k I k k j k

O�Lord,�save the Queen. And mer ci- ful- ly- hear us, when we call

bd i k k

bd Tk k k k fk k k I j k k k

when we call up on- thee. And make thy cho-

ad Rk k

‡k k

‡ kQj a

d Uk j k j

when we call up on- thee. And make thy cho-

ad Rk k k k k k k k

Qj a

d Uj k k j

up on- thee. And make thy cho-


d Rk j Qjz aM

d Uk j k j

up on- thee. Endue�thy�ministers�with�right eousness.- And make thy cho-

bd Rj j

Qjbd i j b

d Uj k k d j



Page 9: ‘London’ Responses (1662) · ‘London’ Responses (1662) JGAllan 1997(Revised2020) PDFprocessedwithCutePDFevaluationeditionPDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition

sen- peo ple- joy ful.- And bless thine

ad k k j j i

ad Sj fj j

sen- peo ple- joy ful.- And bless thine

adk j k j i a

d Sj j j

sen- peo ple- joy ful.- And bless thine


d j k k j iaM

d Sj j j

sen- peo ple- joy ful.- O�Lord,�save�thy�peo ple.- And bless thine

bd k j d k j i b

d i j bd Sj ej j

in her- it- ance.- Be cause- there is none

ad j j j i

ad Tk k k k k k k

in her- it- ance.- Be cause- there is

adj j fj i a

d Tk k j e j

in her- it- ance.- Be cause- there is


d j j e j fiaM

d Tk k j j

in her- it- ance.- Give�peace�in�our�time, O Lord. Be cause- there is

bd j j fj j j b

d i k k bd Tk j k j

oth er- that fight eth- for us, But on ly- thou, O God.

ad k k k k k‚ kz k k

Ue k k k jz I Tk j k jUjz jz

none oth er- that fight eth- for us, But on ly- thou, O God.

adk k d k jz

Ud k k d k jz I Tk j e k j

Ujz jz

none oth er- that fight eth- for us, But on ly- thou, O God.


d k k k e jzUk k k jz I Tk j k j Ujz jz

none oth er- that fight eth- for us, But on ly- thou, O God.

bd k j j k

Uk k k jz I Tk j k jUjz jz

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Page 10: ‘London’ Responses (1662) · ‘London’ Responses (1662) JGAllan 1997(Revised2020) PDFprocessedwithCutePDFevaluationeditionPDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition

And take not thy Ho ly- Spi-


ad Rj k k j j j e j

And take not thy Ho ly- Spi-


ad Rj k k j j j j

And take not thy Ho ly- Spi-



d Rj k k j j j j

O�God,�make�clean�our�hearts�with in- us. And take not thy Ho ly- Spi-

bd i k k

bd Rk k k k k k k k k k k


rit- from us. A men- A men-

ad j j Qyj a

d1st�CollectTj j a


d Tj j

rit- from us. A men- A men-

adej d j

Qyj a

d Tj ej a

d Tj j

rit- from us. A men- A men-


d j j QyjaM

d Tj jaM

d Tj fj

rit- from us. . A men- A men-

bdj j

Qyj b

d The�Collectsibd T

j fj bd Tj j

A men- A men-



d Tj j a


d Rj fj fj e j j j


A men- A men-

ad Tj j a

d nRfk k k e k k k k k k k k


A men- A men-


d Tj fj aM

d mRfk fk fk k j k k

k k Ui

A men- A-

bd Tj j b

d Rfi j izUi



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Page 12: ‘London’ Responses (1662) · ‘London’ Responses (1662) JGAllan 1997(Revised2020) PDFprocessedwithCutePDFevaluationeditionPDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition

