als sdh xpic

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Post on 13-Oct-2015




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  • 1 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.


    SDH Radio

  • 2 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Main items

    1. ALS SDH radio system2. SCT3. LCT4. Troubleshooting

  • 3 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    ALS : Family Overview

    Mechanical Arrangement: Split Mount

    Frequency Range: 6 to 38 GHz

    Capacity: STM-1, 2xSTM-1, 4xSTM-1

    Modulation schemes: 128 and 32 BCM

    Interfaces: STM-1 Optical and Electrical

    63XE1 (Expansion)

    Fast Ethernet / Gigabit Ethernet

    Configurations: Unprotected [1+0 2x(1+0)]

    Protected (1+1) 2x(1+1) : HSB, SD, FD


  • 4 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Standard channel plans for STM-1, 2xSTM-1

    and 4xSTM-1 transmission

    STM 1 STM 1 2xSTM -1 2xSTM -1 3xSTM -1 4xSTM -1


    6L 14 01 F.3836U 14 02 F.3847 F.385A3

    7U F.385A48 F.386A1

    11 12 06 F.38713 12 02 F.49715 12 07 F.63618 12 03 F.59523 13 03 F.63725 13 02 F.74828 13 02 F.74832 01 02 F.152038 T/R12 01 F.749

    Freq. Band (G hz)


    128QAM 128QAM

    XPIC only

  • 5 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Indoor Unit

    IDUs available :

    1RU IDU for 1 or 2x STM1 1+0/1+1 and 4x STM-1 1+0

    2RU IDU for 4xSTM-1 1+1

    All IDUs are made up by LIM, RIMs and Controller

    ALS System Modularity

  • 6 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Supported configurations:

    1xSTM-1, 2xSTM-1 both unprotected and protected

    4xSTM-1 unprotected only

    1U IDU

    LIM Line Interface Module- 2xSTM-1 or 4xSTM-1 interface- SDH Processor (STM-1, 2xSTM-1 Mux/Demux,

    SOH bytes processing, Wayside and Service channels insertion/extraction, hitless switch)

    Controller- TMN connection- Equipment Management

    RIM1 Radio Interface Module- Power Supply Unit- FEC (encoder/decoder)- IF Cable Interface- Modem (32/128 BCM)- XPIC (if requested)

    RIM2 Radio Interface Module(in 1+1)

    ALS System Modularity1RU IDU - Layout

  • 7 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.


    56 MHz (128 BCM)


    Unprotected 1xSTM-1 and 2xSTM-1


    28 MHz (128 BCM)


    STM-1 #1 STM-1 #2

    1U IDU1U IDU


  • 8 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.


    56 MHz (128 QAM)


    Protected 1xSTM-1 and 2xSTM-1


    28 MHz (128 QAM)


    1U IDU

    STM-1 #1 STM-1 #2


  • 9 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.


    56 MHz (128 QAM)


    Protected 1xSTM-1 and 2xSTM-1 S.1.1 OPTICAL interface LC connector, SFP


    28 MHz (128 QAM)


    1U IDU

    STM-1 #1 STM-1 #2


  • 10 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Unprotected 2xSTM-1Frequency reuse with Xpic

    Towards Dual Pol. Antenna

    VV HHTransceiver V

    Transceiver H



    1U IDU


    28 MHz (128 BCM)


  • 11 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Unprotected 4xSTM-1Frequency reuse with Xpic



    56 MHz (128 BCM)


    1U IDU


    Towards Dual Pol. Antenna

    VV HHTransceiver V

    Transceiver H

  • 12 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.



    56 MHz (128 BCM)

    1xSTM-1 and 2xSTM-1 2+0



    28 MHz (128 BCM)

    56 MHz (32 BCM)

    1U IDU

    1x STM-12x STM-1

    1x STM-12x STM-1

    Up to 4xSTM-1

  • 13 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Supported configurations:

    1xSTM-1, 2xSTM-1, 4xSTM-1 both unprotected and protected

    2U IDU

    LIM Line Interface Module

    Main Controller

    RIM1 V Radio Interface Module

    RIM1 H Radio Interface Module

    RIM2 V Radio Interface Module

    RIM2 H Radio Interface Module

    ALS System Modularity

    2RU IDU - Layout

  • 14 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Protected 4xSTM-1Frequency reuse with Xpic

    2RU IDU

    Dual Pol. Antenna



    56 MHz (128 BCM)


    V1V1 V2V2

    H1H1 H2H2


    Radio 1A

    Radio 2A

    Radio 1B

    Radio 2B

    Radio 1A

    Radio 1B

    Radio 2A

    Radio 2B

  • 15 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Protected 4xSTM-1Frequency reuse withXpicFrequency diversity

    2U IDU

    Dual Pol. Antenna

    Radio 1A

    Radio 2B

    Radio 1BRadio 2A

    Radio 1A

    Radio 1B

    Radio 2B

    Radio 2A



    56 + 56 MHz (128 BCM)






    V1V1 V2V2

    H1H1 H2H2

  • 16 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Outdoor Unit - Other characteristics

    ATPC Automatic Transmitted Power Control

    40 dynamic range with 1dB steps

    RTPC Remote Transmitted Power Control

    SW programmable, up to 40dB in 1dB steps

  • 17 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    ATPC operation





    PTx control

    Local Remote

    PTx control

    Transmission of PTx control


    Thresh High

    Thresh Low

    40 dB maxATPC range

    PTx max.

    PTx min.

    Remote PRx(dBm)

    Local PTx(dBm)

    Hop attenuation (dB)

    PTx min fixedPTx max defined by SCT

  • 18 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    ALS XPIC (1)


    - Double polarization antenna

    - IDU-ODU cables = same length (max difference 1,5 m)

    - RIM to RIM short cables F01693, 4 identical cables

    - Set same RF channel for H and V polarisation

    - Low ATPC level 15 dB higher than BER=10-6 threshold

    - J0 shall be different on path H and V

    Traffic Protection on manual operations on cross polar path

  • 19 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    ALS XPIC (2)

    Traffic Protection on manual operations on cross polar path :

    - In case of Loop IF, Loop RF, RT-PSU off, Carrier onlyother manual operations are automatically activated (and shown into Manual Operation List), for example:

    Loop RF Radio1A > Rim1A Xpic input disable (local radio),

    Radio1A Tx off (remote radio).

    Loop IF Radio1A > Rim1A Xpic Input Disable (local radio),

    Radio1A Tx off (remote radio).

    Carrier only Radio1A>Rim1B Xpic Input disable (remote radio).

    RTPSU off Radio1A> Rim1B Xpic Input disable (local radio),

    Radio1A Tx off (remote radio),

    Rim1B Xpic Input disable (remote radio).

    - A complete list of manual operations automatically activated are reported into ALS manual

  • 20 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    ALS XPIC (3)

    Autodiagnosis and Autoprotection of one traffic path for

    1+0 systems in case of failure on the other path:

    - Automatic distinction of internal alarms and external alarms (fading)

    - Automatic activation of the Fault Management Procedure (FMP)

    - In case of HW failure the transmitter of failed branch is switched off and all XPIC functionalities of the other path are switched off by FMP

    - FMP decision is permanent until an operator reset

    - The FMP can be disabled with a manual operation and after the programmable time out FMP is automatically enabled

  • 21 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Fault management procedureIn XPIC radio link where the two polarizations carry different signals,the problems on one polarization disturbs the otherFault Management Procedure (FMP) is used in XPIC 1+0 systems (2xSTM1 or 4xSTM1) to protect the traffic on a polarization against hardware failures occurred on the opposite polarization radio path.FMP distinguishes between external (e.g. fading) and internal alarmsand switches off automatically the alarmed path protecting the other:

    Once the decision is taken, only an operator with SCT/LCT program orNMS5UX can reset the status.

    FMP can activate the following manual operations: remote Tx off local Xpic disable disable FMP

  • 22 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Status of FMPXPIC enabled

  • 23 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    System block diagram



  • 24 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.LIM Tx

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    LIM Rx

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  • 27 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.


    17,5 MHz

    5,5 MHz

  • 28 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.


    Transmissions on the same RF channel with ortogonal polarizations are possible using a XPIC circuit (Cross Polar Interference Canceller).System consists of two independent transceivers, each of them connected to one polarization of a cross polarized antenna: to delete interferences due to propagation cross polarization and to antenna XPD, the receivers include the XPIC, which cleans and combines the two received orthogonal signals in order to recover the two original.

  • 29 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    In time domain, Rx IF signals are processed by demod and by orthogonal XPIC, are combined and are restored by a further decision circuit which improves radio hop C/I of 17 dB at least (depending on modulation used)

    Base band adaptive canceller

    Base band adaptive equaliser


  • 30 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.41







    RFCOH 176640 Kbit/sSTM-1 155 Mbit/s



    Main Traffic (STM-1)

    SOH Service Channels

    RFCOH Service Channels

    RFCOH Wayside capacity

    Radio Frame Complementary OverHead

    More Services Channels& Wayside Traffic

    Media Specific Bytes only used for Radio surveillance purposes

    All remaining SOH bytes free for national usage or for future International Std


  • 31 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Service Channels

    1RU/2RU IDU

    1x2Mbps G.703 per STM-1 (max 2) and 1xV.11 64Kbps

    RJ45 10BaseT

    SNMP AgentSNMP Agent

    IP RoutingIP Routing

    RS232 (PPP) STM-1 DCCs 1 or 2 (Radio Side 1 / 2)


    Network Element

    STM-1 DCCs (line side)

    TMN communication ports

    USB (PPP) for LCT

  • 32 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.1


    SOH Bytes structure



  • 33 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    R S T mode : RSOH

  • 34 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    A1, A2, J0If A1 and A2 are recognised by aligner and if J0 is the correct

    one, RSOH bytes are extracted from SOH.

    In case of:- no input (alarm is LOS)- failed recognition of A1,A2 (alarm is LOF)- J0 not correct (alarm is Path Trace Mismatch)

    then:1. MS AIS signal is inserted on MSOH and on Payload2. Local restart is enabled

  • 35 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    B1, D1, D2, D3, E1,

    B1:Byte Interleaved parity: carries link quality info (relevant to G.826)

    D1, D2, D3: DCC data communication channel for supervision and management (192 Kbit/s); DCC loss is reported by QECC alarm

    E1 and 3X: bytes for EOW and low speed data channel

  • 36 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.


    An equipment can be managed by SCT, always.

    In order to manage a whole link, following items must be prepared:

    Port addressing and relevant subnet mask

    Routing table

    Remote elements table

  • 37 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    IP addressing1B 2B 3B 4BIP4 Available bytes for IP addressing

    Class AN H H H Address0

    255 0 0 0 Subnetwork maskNumber of networks: 27 - 2 = 126 from 1 to 126Note: all o cannot be used as network address and number 127 (all 1) is reserved for loopback purposeNumber of hosts: 224 - 2 = 16774214 (host cannot assume all 0 or all 1 number)

    Class BN N H H Address10

    255 255 0 0 Subnetwork mask

    Number of networks: 214 = 16384First octet from 128 to 191Number of hosts: 216 2 = 65534

    Class CN N N H Address110

    255 255 255 0 Subnetwork mask

    Number of networks: 221 = 2097152First octet from 192 to 223Number of hosts: 28 - 2 = 254

  • 38 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Port addressesAll SIAE equipments, regarding SCT software and supervision, are routers: all interfaces need an address and relevant subnet mask

    Addresses can be set clicking:

    1. Set values

    2. Store

    3. Restart

    Client (always)

    In case of capacity bigger than 1xSTM-1, DCCs are 2 (indipendent)DCC2 = Disable for 1+0 and 1+1

  • 39 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    RoutingALS ports and address definition with SCT using Unnumbered

    LCT PPPIP address....Unnumbered...Net Mask............................


    PPP RadioIP address......Unnumbered....Net Mask............................PPP Mode: Client

    IP Ethernet IP addressLoc..........................Net Mask Loc..........................


    IP Ethernet RIP address R..........................Net Mask R............................

    PPP RadioIP address = Eth IPaddress Loc - 1Net Mask =Net Mask LocPPP Mode: Client

    LCT PPPIP address...... Unnumbered...Net Mask............................

    Remote element table (opt.) Remote element table (opt.)

    Default GatewayDefault Gateway


  • 40 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Routing table

    Type and address of crossed port to


    Type and address of crossed port to Destination

    Netmask and IP address of


    Default destination

  • 41 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Stored Routing TableThe Stored Routing Table adds routing lines, after a Restart, to

    the running Routing Table of the NE.In this way we can change Ports addresses (operation that needs a

    restart) without loosing a remote NE:1. In Stored Routing Table add the routing lines relevant to

    new port addresses you are going to set2. Set the new port addresses (the equipment restarts)3. After the restart the equipment has new addresses and the

    routing table already configured : NE management is still running

  • 42 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    AgentThe Agent is used in the Network Element history to identify the alarmed equipment and inSubnetwork Configuration Wizard to visualize local and remote

    Numeric identifier of the equipment


    local agent = local Ethernet IP address

    remote agent = remote Radio IP address

  • 43 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Stations and equipmentsNEs connected to SCT can be assigned in various stations

    using Subnetwork Configuration Wizard

  • 44 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Link management Prepare new network Send new configuration to local equipment Log as System on both equipments Retrieve the configuration of local equipment

    Send new configuration to both equipments



  • 45 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Alarm correlation

    Every alarm is reported with Alarm beginning Alarm end (gravity info is maintained)

  • 46 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Alarm acknowledgementAlarm acknowledge is available in alarm history list: every

    acknowledgement can be managed completely

    in station list: new alarminfo is highlighted by an asterisk

  • 47 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Command loggerCmd Logger reads the list of operations, executed by the users, stored

    on the controller of the equipment.The log, uploaded from equipment, is stored on the PC for further

    consultations. Following filters are available: Operations date User address User type Operation name

  • 48 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Configuration upload/downloadUpload (from equipment)From Tool menu, open the proper TemplateSelect Upload operation and the equipment you want to upload information fromSave them in a file (*.cfg)Download (to equipment)From Tool menu, open the proper file (*.cfg)Select Download operation and the equipment you want to download information to

    Uploaded parameters and *.cfg file are editable usingEquipment Configuration Wizard.

  • 49 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Configuration TemplateConfiguration template: it is relevant to equipment radio parameters as frequency, attenuation, capacity, thresholds,Address configuration template: it is relevant to management parameters as port IP addresses, routing tables, remote elements tables, OSPF.

    Both configurations are necessary during first installation or when Controller module is substituted with a spare one: you can use a file to download or set every parameter manually.

  • 50 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Full backupThe whole amount of parameters (equipment parameters, address parameters and remote element table) can be uploaded from equipment, saved in a file (*.bku), downloaded to equipment.

    These parameters cannot be editated.

  • 51 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Alarm summary panel

    Manual Operation or Download

    Active TX and RX

    Configuration, Capacity, Protection



  • 52 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Configuration Manager

  • 53 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    LASER Laser statusLaser module

    In case of LOS (no Rx) Laser is automatically switched off

    Manual test

    Disable Tx laser is always ON (also in case of LOS) Auto every Auto restart Time a test is performed (2 sec. Laser on) Manual a test is performed (2 sec. Laser on) pushing Restart Test a test of Test Time sec. is performed

  • 54 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Early warning alarm threshold

    Rx Power Low alarm threshold

    Rx Alarms setting

  • 55 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.Rx alarms and Rx switch

    Actions to perform in case of



  • 56 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Tx switch

    If both remote radios dont receive for more than alarm threshold sec. every check period sec. , on local side Tx switch is performed

  • 57 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.Channel Arrangement

    ACAP = Adjacent Channel Alternate Polarisation

    ACCP = Adjacent Channel CoPolarisation

    V or H V





    (With Xpic) CCDP = CoChannel Double Polarisation

    Roll-off factor is modified to reduce overlappingnarrower

  • 58 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    2Mbit/s and 64Kbit/s Wayside traffic

    (F1 into RSOH) If = not mapped: F1-1 and F1-2 trasparent

    If = STM1 RadioA, Frame1: F1-1radio side goes on V11 RJ45 and F1-2 trasparent

    If = STM1RadioA, Frame2: F1-2 radio side goes on V11 RJ45 and F1-1 trasparent

    If = Line1 or = Line2: F1 line side Line1 or Line2 goes on V11 RJ45.

    One 2Mb stream for

    each STM-1 available

  • 59 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    XPIC 1+0

  • 60 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    XPIC 1+0:General

  • 61 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    XPIC 1+0 Configuration

  • 62 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    RIM input disable

  • 63 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    XPIC fault management

  • 64 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Synchronization (1)Synch. source

    Source priority: 1Max 2min (2xSTM-1) 4min (4xSTM-1) disabled

    Selected: available synch. with higher priority.Available: present and not degraded

    Synch. status

    White: not forcedBlue: forced

    White: no alarmsRed: alarmed (drift and/or LTI)

    White: no alarmsRed: alarmed


  • 65 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Internal clock

    Clock source STM1-1 line side

    Clock source STM1-2 line side

    Synchronization (2)


    Among enabled sources with the same priority and not alarmed, clock selection follows the numerical order

  • 66 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Synch sourceBad quality

    Loss of Timing Input


    Source forcing A disabled source cannot be selected

    nor forced

  • 67 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.STM-1 line side setting

    J0 Trace Identifier Mismatch

    Loss of Signal

    Loss of Frame

    AIS in Multiple Section

    Remote Defective Indication in Multiple section

    Low quality

    Very low quality

    Line enabled

  • 68 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Radio side setting

  • 69 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Command loggerCmd Logger reads the list of operations, executed by the users,

    stored on the controller of the equipment.The log, uploaded from equipment, is stored on the PC for

    further consultations. Following filters are available: Operations date User address User type Operation name

  • 70 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    General preset: Tx switch to restore the link

    If both remote radios dont receive, on local side Tx switch is performed

  • 71 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Fade Margin test

  • 72 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    1) Fade margin : Remote link

    Remote terminal must be declared as Remote link

    In equipment 2 we want to perform Fade margin measurement

  • 73 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    2) Fade margin : summary Input data : Expected F.M. (calculated by the customer directly,

    basing on nominal output power and nominal LBER threshold) External Atten. : all the losses between radio and antenna (excluding

    Branching) Curr. Step : four step (TXL1RXR1 , TXL1RXR2 , TXL2RXR1 , TXL2RXR2) Real F.M. : value based on expected F.M. adjusted with real output

    power, real LBER threshold (and External Atten.) measured, and stored in the ODU, at SIAE final test department

    Real F.M.v. : value calculated decreasing Local Output power (1 dB step) until Remote LBER alarm is ON. This value should be compared with declared one (Input data)

  • 74 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Feature Management

  • 75 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.


    M U X - D

    E M U X


    E1 LOO P




    R F

    LO OPRI M 1 ODU 1

    A L : avai lable loo ps

    data direction: - toward s the equipment th at has enabled th e loop (baseband, IDU, RF)













    Line side Radio side


    MO-DEMBaseband loop

    IDU loop


    RIM1 ODU1


    RF loop


  • 76 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Loop timeout

  • 77 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Switching performance

    500 ms

  • 78 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Rx Switching criteriaHigh priority

    Low priority

  • 79 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Tx Switching criteria

    Highest priority

    lowest priority

  • 80 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Switch modes Auto

    Preferential: operator can select which branch must be operative without alarms.Tx WaitTime time before coming back to the preferential branch when alarms disappear. In this way the controller doesnt switch continuously in case of fleeting alarms.Reset = Wait Time is not respected (immediately to Preferential)Full auto: both branches have same priority

    Manual forcingOperator can select which branch must be operative despite alarms

  • 81 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.


    When a branch is declared preferential, the switch on opposite branch givesRevertive alarm.The return to the preferential branch, when available again, happens after Wait Time period (Tx only, remember Txswitch is not hitless).

  • 82 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Internal PRBS generator(Pseudo Random Bit Sequence)

    P.R.B.S replaces the traffic on the STM-1 frame where it is connected. The P.R.B.S. connection is pointed out as Manual Operation. P.R.B.S. can be used only into the link.

    Measures results and durationAlarm on analysed signal

    Analysed STM-1

    Measure status

    Pattern type

    Sync Los events during test

  • 83 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    ALS loop: with external PRBS

    STM1 loop line side: loop works with line enabled or not

    STM1 loop radio side: loop works with line enabled on local side and on remote side


  • 84 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Alarm GroupingThis situation:

    No signal fromremote

  • 85 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    ALARMSThere are two directions of alarms: Tx and Rx Tx This line starts in LIM and arrives to output flange: when a situation of more alarms is occurring, the most significative alarm of them is at the beginning of Txchain, all the others after are due to this Rx This line starts in output flange and arrives to LIM: when a situation of more alarms is occurring, the most significative alarm of them is at the beginning of Rx chain, all the others after should be caused by this

    Most Significant alarm









  • 86 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Common group alarms

  • 87 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    Plug-in module group

  • 88 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    STM-1 alarms group

  • 89 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    RIM alarms group

  • 90 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    RT alarms group

  • 91 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    SETS alarms group

  • 92 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    STM-1 line side alarms STM-1 Los: loss of signal (no input), AIS is inserted on tributary lines (Tx). STM-1 Lof: loss of frame (failed recognition of A1,A2). Perform a STM-1 loop

    and if alarm persists, replace LIM (Tx). STM-1 J0 Trace Identifier Mismatch: J0 received is not the expected one. AIS

    inserted on VC12. Check configuration and network (Tx).In case of: LOS, LOF, J0 TIM

    then:- MS AIS signal is inserted on MSOH and on Payload- Local restart is enabled

    STM-1 B2 Signal Degraded: BER on MSOH B2 is higher than configured threshold. Check the network.

    STM-1 B2 Excessive BER: HBER on MSOH B2. Check the network STM-1 MsAIS: AIS detected in input. Check the network. External fault. STM-1 MsRDI: K2 carries Remote Defect Indication in input from remote ADM.

    External fault. STM-1 Qecc: ECC interrupted line side. Check radio link and IP addresses


  • 93 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    STM-1 radio side alarms Bb SDH Proc. Stm1-x Tx Fail: Failure in Bb-Tx side STM-1 proc., replace LIM (Tx). Bb SDH Proc. Stm1-x LOS: loss of signal from RIM x (squelched?). Check branch

    x (Rx level, cabling, RT alarms). If necessary replace LIM (Rx). Bb SDH Proc. Stm1-x LOF: loss of frame from RIM x. Perform a loop on branch x

    and if alarm persists, check the branch, replace the LIM (Rx). Bb SDH Proc. Stm1-x B2 Signal Degraded: BER on SOH B2 higher than

    configured threshold. Check branch x (Rx level, cabling, RT alarms). If necessary replace LIM (Rx).

    Bb SDH Proc. Stm1-x B2 Excessive Ber : HBER from branch x. Check branch x (Rx level, cabling, RT alarms). If necessary replace LIM (Rx).

    Bb SDH Proc. Stm1-x J0 Path Trace Mismatch: J0 received is not the expected one. Check configuration and network (Rx).

    Bb SDH Proc. Stm1-x Ms Ais : AIS in MSOH, external alarm Bb SDH Proc. Stm1-x Ms Rdi : RDI in MSOH, external fault Bb SDH Proc. Stm1-x Qecc: ECC interrupted. Check radio link and IP addresses

    settings. In case of no result restart the local terminal (software reset), again in case of no result restart the remote (remotely!).

  • 94 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    1) RIM alarms RIM-x Unit Fail: replace RIM. RIM-x Unit Hw Mismatch: wrong unit, replace RIM. RIM-x Modulator Loss of Signal: no Bb-Tx. It can be caused by RFCOH processing.

    This alarm causes RT-Tx alarms. Replace RIM (Tx). RIM-x Modulation Fail: Modulator damaged or Carrier only command active. This

    alarm causes RT-Tx alarms. Replace RIM (Tx). RIM-x Demodulation Fail: Demodulator damaged. This alarm causes Baseband

    alarm in Rx side and all quality alarms. Replace RIM (Rx). RIM-x Demodulator Loss of Signal: Dem Rx signal is missing (no 140 MHz from RT)

    or squelched (bad propagation or no remote) Check Rx level, RT Rx alarms and cabling. This alarm causes Baseband alarm in Rx side. If necessary replace RIM (Rx).

    RIM-x Demodulator Loss of Frame: loss of Rx signal FAW. Check Rx level, RT Rx alarms and cabling. This alarm causes Baseband alarm in Rx side. If necessary replace RIM (Rx).

  • 95 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    2) RIM alarms RIM-x Demodulator EWL / LBER / HBER: quality of Rx signal. BER

    higher than relevant configured threshold. They can be caused by Demodulator alarms (LOS and/or fail). Check Rx level and cabling and, in case of HBER, link status also (Rx).

    RIM-x Modem ATPC Fail: ATPC info come from Demod, when its faulty info are missing and ATPC does not work. Replace RIM (Rx). RIM-x IDU-ODU Communication: check IDU-ODU cable. If necessary

    replace RIM. RIM-x IDU-ODU Cable Open: no current through cable interface. Check

    IDU-ODU cable RIM-x IDU-ODU Cable Short: overcurrent through cable interface. Check

    IDU-ODU cable

  • 96 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    1) RT alarmsRT-x Transmitter Unit Fail: replace RTRT-x Receiver Unit Fail: replace RTRT-x Oscillators Unit Fail: VCO is not lock. It can happen during frequency setting. If alarm persists, replace RT (Tx and Rx).RT-x Transmitter Unit Hw Mismatch: wrong unit. Replace RTRT-x Receiver Unit Hw Mismatch: wrong unit. Replace RTRT-x Oscillators Unit Hw Mismatch: wrong unit. Replace RTRT-x Cable Interface Unit Fail: check RIM-x. If necessary replace RTRT-x Cable Interface Unit Hw Mismatch: wrong unit. Replace RTRT-x Cable Interface Unit Sw Mismatch: replace RT

  • 97 ALS Copyright Siae Microelettronica s.p.a.

    2) RT alarmsRT-x Cable Interface Unit Not Responding: no connection with RIM-x P. Check IDU-ODU cable-x. If necessary replace RTRT-x Power Supply: check RIM-x PSU. If necessary replace RTRT-x Receiver Rx Power Low: Rx power lower than configured threshold.Check propagation, remote Tx and hop calculation values. If necessary replace RT (Rx).RT-x Rx IF Out: no IF from receiver (or low signal level). It causes Rx alarms in IDU. Replace RT (Rx).RT-x Transmitter Power Low: Tx power lower than fixed threshold. Check commands (local Tx off or remote RF loop). It can be caused by VCO failureor by RT IF In alarm. If necessary replace RT (Tx)RT-x IF In: modulated IF from RIM is missing or very low. Check RIM-x. If necessary replace RT (Tx)