alt-c conference presentation: nailing jelly to the wall

Nailing Jelly to the Wall What do we mean by (e)portfolio ? Dr John Couperthwaite, PebblePad [email protected] @johncoup

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Page 1: ALT-C Conference Presentation: Nailing Jelly to the Wall

Nailing Jelly to the WallWhat do we mean by (e)portfolio ?

Dr John Couperthwaite, PebblePad

[email protected]@johncoup

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Telling ePortfolio Stories, 2009, University of Wolverhampton

Why is a definition of ‘Portfolio’ so important ?

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‘Portfolio’ Systems

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‘Portfolio’ Presentations

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an e-submission system

a feedback (and feedforward) system

a personal and professional development tool

a recording and registration system

a system for evidencing competences and standards

a tool for recording and presenting graduate attributes

an electronic lab-book tool

a collaborative learning space

a blogging platform

a tool for building and maintaining dynamic CVs

a peer review system

a template management environment

a document storage and retrieval system

a workplace based assessment system

an eportfolio authoring environment

an assessment management tool

a content delivery vehicle

a learning design environment

a learning and research skills system

a mobile learning tool

a private, reflective space

a personal learning space

How we use Portfolios

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Catalyst for Learning,

The e-portfolio implementation toolkit

The AAEEBL Webinar Series, 3rd Edition, Co-sponsored by EPAC and AAC&U - What Is An ePortfolio?, …evolved to "what is the eportfolio idea?"

RAPPORT (The International Journal for Recording Achievement, Planning and Portfolios) a new peer-reviewed online journal.

Cross-atlantic debates

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An e-portfolio is ‘a purposeful aggregation of digital items - ideas, evidence, reflections, feedback etc which ‘presents’ a selected audience with evidence of a person’s learning or ability’

Sutherland and Powell, 2007

While this description refers to the ‘aggregation’ as ‘purposeful it is neutral as to what these purposes might be.

Strivens, 2015

A definition (?)

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Type A

Represent one’s self

Narrative Style

Type B

Presentation of evidence

Form Style

Type C

Demonstrate achievement



A Definition as Typology

Strivens, RAPPORT (CRA), 2015

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An alternative definition as Typology Me-Portfolios Personal Professional Promotional

Task-Portfolios Process Project Placement Production Pedagogical.

Tend… to focus on the author

Tend… to focus on an activity

Sutherland, RAPPORT (CRA), 2015

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Definitions…in context


(&message) Content







Portfolio Format Model, Sutherland & Poot, 2015

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(&message) Content







Portfolio Format Model, Sutherland & Poot, 2015

Contexts for ePortfolios(Batson, 2015)

Learning – what is eportfolio’s meaning for learning for both learners and teachers.

Institutional assessment – how do eportfolios affect institutional assessment?

Technology in education – how are eportfolios different form other technologies used in education?

Culture and economy – what is the cultural significance of eportfolios?

Definitions…in context

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From definition to implementation





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…which is why it is no longer like ‘Nailing Jelly to a Wall’…hopefully!

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The portfolio adoption game*

*no jelly was harmed in the production of this game

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Clustered agentsPeripheral support – risk averse?

Fragmented uptake, random drop-outs

Lack of supportRandom failure

Late (robust) attempt to fix

Different productsDifferent departmentsSingle support agents

Out of the boxSingle support agent

Complete system failure…despite support

Success !Well supported

Used across institution

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Making your portfolio successful

Vision: Why introduce a Portfolio? How will it

improve student learning ?

Selection: What questions to ask, eg:

employability, assessment, tutoring

Implementation: How will students own

their Portfolio? Who will support and give


Tool: What is the right software? How will it integrate? What does

it lack?

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Any questions ?

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Dr John Couperthwaite, PebblePad

[email protected]@johncoup

AAEEBL ‘What is an ePortfolio’ screen-side chats

AAEEBL ‘Four-ways of seeing an ePortfolio’

Catalyst for Learning: ePortfolio resources and Research

CRA, RAPPORT, International Journal for Recording Achievement, Planning and Portfolios, Vol 1 (Strivens and Sutherland papers)

JISC ePortfolio Implementation Toolkit
