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    JF; Reviewed:

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    Solution & Interoperability Test Lab Application Notes

    2009 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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    Avaya Solution & Interoperability Test Lab

    Application Notes for Configuring Alternate Methods ofDomain Based Routing for Outbound SIP Calls with theAvaya SIP Trunk Architecture Issue 1.0


    These Application Notes describe alternate methods to configure Domain Based Routing for

    outbound SIP calls in Avaya SIP trunk architecture. The Avaya SIP trunk architecture consists

    of Avaya Communication Manager as well as Avaya SIP Enablement Services. Comparisons

    with Avaya SIP Enablement Services Host Map provisioning are discussed.

    Information in these Application Notes has been obtained through testing conducted by the

    Avaya Solution and Interoperability Test Lab.

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    JF; Reviewed:

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    2009 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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    Table of Contents1. Introduction.................................................................................................................3

    1.1. Host Map Routing.......................................................................................................41.2. Domain Based Routing...............................................................................................4

    1.3. Domain Based Routing Using Host Maps..................................................................6

    1.4. Equipment and Software Validated ............................................................................72. Avaya Communication Manager SIP Trunks.............................................................73. Host Map Routing Method (No DNS Query).............................................................8

    3.1. Host Map Provisioning Example................................................................................8

    3.2. Avaya SES Provisioning.............................................................................................93.2.1 Verify the Avaya SES SIP Domain - System Properties............................................9

    3.2.2 Configure a Host Map.................................................................................................9

    3.3. Avaya Communication Manager Provisioning.........................................................123.3.1 Configure Signaling Group Far-End Domain Field..................................................12

    4. Domain Based Routing Method (No Avaya SES Host Maps) ..............................13

    4.1. Domain Based Routing Provisioning Example ........................................................13

    4.2. Avaya SES Provisioning...........................................................................................144.2.1 Verify DNS Provisioning on the Avaya SES ...........................................................14

    4.2.2 Add/Change DNS Provisioning on the Avaya SES..................................................14

    4.3. Avaya Communication Manager Provisioning.........................................................184.3.1 Configure Signaling Group Far-End Domain Field..................................................18

    5. Domain Based Routing with Host Maps ..................................................................19

    5.1. Domain Based Routing with Host Map Provisioning Example ...............................195.2. Avaya SES Provisioning...........................................................................................20

    5.2.1 Verify the Avaya SES SIP Domain - System Properties..........................................20

    5.2.2 Configure a Host Map for Domain Based Routing ..................................................205.2.3 Verify/Add the Avaya SES DNS Provisioning ........................................................23

    5.3. Avaya Communication Manager Provisioning.........................................................236. Summary of Avaya SES Outbound Call Routing Methods......................................23

    7. References.................................................................................................................248. APPENDIX A: Specifying Pattern Strings in Host Maps ........................................25

    8.1. Address Map Caveats ...............................................................................................25

    8.1.1 Over-lapping Address Map Strings ..........................................................................258.1.2 Using a Plus Sign (+) in a Host Map ........................................................................26

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    JF; Reviewed:

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    2009 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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    1. IntroductionThese Application Notes describe alternate methods for provisioning Domain Based Routing for

    outbound SIP calls from the Avaya SIP trunk architecture to a service provider.

    The Avaya SIP trunk architecture consists of an Avaya Communication Manager platform(providing PBX functionality) and an Avaya SIP Enablement Services (SES) platform(providing SIP proxy functionality). Figure 1 shows the typical Avaya SIP trunk architecture foroutbound SIP calls. From a service provider perspective the Avaya components are considered

    Customer Premises Equipment (CPE). Outbound calls are those originating from the CPE.

    Figure 1: Avaya SIP Trunk Architecture for Outbound SIP calls

    When Avaya Communication Manager sends an outbound SIP call to the Avaya SES, the AvayaSES has two primary methods to determine where to send the call for completion. One of these

    methods is Host Maps and the other is Domain Based Routing. Each of these methods has

    advantages and each requires different provisioning on Avaya Communication Manager and theAvaya SES.

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    JF; Reviewed:

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    2009 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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    These Application notes also describe a third method that combines Host Maps with DomainBased Routing.

    Note - The initial installation, configuration, and provisioning of the Avaya servers for AvayaCommunication Manager and Avaya SIP Enablement Services, Avaya Media Gateways and

    their associated boards, as well as Avaya telephones, are presumed to have been previouslycompleted and are not discussed in these Application Notes.

    1.1. Host Map Routing

    The most common method for the Avaya SES to route outbound calls is to use Host Maps (see

    Section 3). Host Maps specify matching called number patterns and then specify where thesematching calls are to be sent for call completion (typically an IP address). When Host Maps are

    to be used, Avaya Communication Manager sends outbound SIP calls to the Avaya SES with aRequest URI thatmust match the Avaya SESSIP Domain parameter (see Section 3.2.1). If theAvaya SES receives a Request URI that matches its SIP domain, (the Avaya SES is authoritative

    for the call), the Avaya SES will use Host Maps to route the call to its destination. Host Maps are

    not unlike the static routes used in network router configurations. That is, Host Maps typicallyspecify a specific destination IP address that may or may not be accessible at any given time.

    Outbound call routing issues due to service provider network modifications or outages can only

    be compensated for by manually adding to or modifying the destination specified in the HostMaps. The advantage of using Host Maps is they give a user control of Avaya SES outbound call

    processing and provide flexibility to support custom configurations (e.g. non standard transport

    protocol ports or protocols may be specified).

    1.2. Domain Based Routing

    An alternative to using Host Maps is to use Domain Based Routing for outbound calls. Domain

    Based Routing relies on the Avaya SES to issueDNS SRV queries to a service provider network

    DNS server. Responses to these queries provide the call routing information (typically an IPaddress) for each outbound call attempt. The service provider must supply the IP address(s) of

    the DNS server and these addresses must be provisioned in the Avaya SES (see Section 4.2.1).Since the service provider is in control of their DNS server, they have the flexibility to modify

    the DNS entries to reflect changes to their network (e.g. additions, outages, load balancing,maintenance, etc). This provides for a more dynamic environment with minimal Avaya SES

    provisioning. When Domain Based Routing is used, Avaya Communication Manager sends

    outbound SIP calls to the Avaya SES with a Request URI that does not match the Avaya SESSIP Domain parameter (see Section 3.2.1). Typically this foreign domain is provided by theservice provider ( When the Avaya SES receives the Request URI that does

    not match its SIP domain, (the Avaya SES is not authoritative for the call), the Avaya SES

    ignores any provisioned Host Maps and will issue theDNS SRV query to resolve the foreigndomain. Since Avaya Communication Manager is specifying a foreign domain for these

    outbound calls, a separate SIP trunk must be provisioned to the Avaya SES for these calls (see

    Section 4.3.1).

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    2009 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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    Table 1 shows a summary of the methods described in Sections 1.1 and 1.2.

    Avaya SES Outbound

    Call Routing Method

    Avaya Communication Manager

    Outbound SIP Trunk Far EndDomain


    Host Maps Avaya SES SIP Domain Host Maps offer flexibility as tothe transport protocol and port


    Host Maps may specify anydestination.

    Host Map matching criteria maybeas wide or narrow as required.

    Each Host Map can only specifyone destination. If a service

    provider supports multiple serviceaccess nodes, a Host Map may be

    defined to each, although the

    matching pattern must be unique

    for each Host Map.

    Possibility for over-lapping/contradictory Host Maps to be

    provisioned resulting inindeterminist Avaya SES call


    Host Maps are static in thatnetwork changes must becompensated for manually by

    editing the Host Map list.

    Domain Based Routing

    (DNS query)

    Foreign Domain Domain Based Routing requiresthat a service provider networkaware DNS server(s) is

    provisioned in the Avaya SES.

    No Host Maps are required. Requires a dedicated outbound

    trunk provisioned on Avaya

    Communication Manager that

    specifies a foreign domain. Domain Based Routing is dynamic

    in that no Avaya SES provisioning

    is required to reflect serviceprovider network changes.

    Alternate transport protocols andports cannotbe specified via the

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    JF; Reviewed:

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    2009 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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    Avaya SES although DNS

    exchanges can specify which

    transport protocols and ports touse (as provisioned by the service


    Domain Based Routing offersmaximum flexibility for the

    service provider since they can

    manipulate the DNS records toreflect load balancing, network

    changes, network outages, etc.

    Table 1: Host Map versus Domain Based Routing for outbound calls

    Note - The Avaya SES has an option to specify an Outbound Proxy. The Outbound Proxy is anexternal device (e.g. a SIP Gateway) that the Avaya SES will route outbound calls to if the

    request URI specifies a foreign domain. Since specifying an Outbound Proxy precludes the use

    of Domain Based Routing, Outbound Proxy functionality is not discussed in these ApplicationNotes.

    1.3. Domain Based Routing Using Host Maps

    As shown in Table 1, there are advantages to using Domain Based Routing. However there maybe circumstances where a user may not wish to add additional SIP trunks required for Domain

    Based Routing, or wishes to use Host Maps for all outbound calls. Even though Host Maps are

    being used, the user may still want the service provider network to control the destination ofoutbound calls via SESDNS SRV queries. In these cases Domain Based Routing can still be

    utilized in conjunction with Host Maps.

    A Host Map can be provisioned so that the Avaya SES will perform aDNS SRV query (see

    Section 1.2) instead of specifying a specific destination as described in Section 1.1. The usermust still define the matching pattern of the outbound call to a Host Map, but instead of a static

    destination being defined (IP address), a foreign domain provided by the service provider is

    specified. This foreign domain will trigger the sameDNS SRV query as described inSection 1.2.As with the typical Host Map provisioning, Avaya Communication Manager sends outbound SIP

    calls to the Avaya SES with a Request URI thatmust match the Avaya SES SIP Domainparameter (see Section 3.2.1), making the SES authoritative for the call.

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    2009 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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    1.4. Equipment and Software Validated

    The following Avaya components, software and firmware were used to test the configurations

    described in these application notes.

    Equipment Firmware SoftwareAvaya S8720 Server - -

    Avaya G650 Media Gateway


    MedPro TN2302AP

    HW3 FW43HW0 FW28

    HW2 FW41



    Avaya Communication Manager R015x.01.1.415.1 (5.1.1)

    Avaya SIP Enablement Services

    (SES)- ses-5.1.1-01.1.415.1

    Avaya 4610 SW IP Telephones


    a10d01b2-8-3.bin (H.323)

    a10d01b2-2-2.bin (SIP)Avaya 9620 and 9630 IPTelephones

    -1.5 (H323) (SIP)

    Avaya 6408D+ Digital Phones - -

    Table 2 Hardware, firmware, and software configuration list

    2. Avaya Communication Manager SIP TrunksSIP trunks defined on Avaya Communication Manager are comprised of a Signaling Group and a

    Trunk Group. These SIP trunks terminate on the Avaya SES. The Signaling Group form contains

    aFar-End Domain parameter (see Section 3.3.1). This parameter determines what domain namewill be inserted in the Request URI of the INVITE message of the outbound call to the Avaya


    When the Avaya SES is provisioned, a SIP Domain parameter is defined on the Avaya SES

    System Properties form (see Section 3.2.1). Based on how the SIP Signaling Group Far-EndDomain and the Avaya SES SIP Domain fields are provisioned, the Avaya SES may use Host

    Maps(Avaya SES Host Map form, Section 3.2.2), or Domain Based RoutingDNS SRV queries(see Section 4.2.1) to direct the outbound SIP calls.

    At a minimum, one SIP trunk is defined between Avaya Communication Manager and the Avaya

    SES. This trunk is used for communication between the Avaya SES and Avaya Communication

    Manager to support Avaya SIP telephone registration as well as to support inbound and outboundSIP calls. This Local SIP trunkmust specify the SIP Domain of the Avaya SES in the

    Signaling Group form Far-End Domain parameter so that the Avaya SES is authoritative for the

    calls. Additional SIP trunks may be specified on Avaya Communication Manager for inbound oroutbound calls as required by the user. If Domain Based Routing is to be used for outbound calls

    then a new SIP trunk must be created that specifies a foreign domain in the SIP trunk Signaling

    Group Far-End Domain field.

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    JF; Reviewed:

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    2009 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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    As described in Section 1, if the SIP trunk Signaling Group Far-End Domain field specifies theAvaya SES SIP Domain, the Avaya SES is authoritative for the call and will query Host Maps to

    determine where to send the call. If the SIP trunk Signaling Group Far-End Domain field

    specifies a foreign domain, the Avaya SES is not authoritative for the call and will attempt aDNS SRV query (Domain Based Routing).

    See the references in Section 7 for more information on provisioning for Avaya SIP Trunking.

    3. Host Map Routing Method (No DNS Query)This section describes the provisioning of Avaya Communication Manager and the Avaya SESto support Avaya SES Host Map routing for outbound calls. A specific destination is provisioned

    for the outbound call and no DNS query is issued. When Avaya SES Host Map routing isperformed for outbound calls, Avaya Communication Manager specifies the SIP domain of the

    Avaya SES in the Request URI of the INVITE message it sends to the Avaya SES. The Avaya

    SES sees that it is authoritative for the call, and looks for a Host Map that matches the calledpattern in the Request URI. Then the Avaya SES looks for a Contact that is associated with the

    matching Host Map and sends the INVITE to the destination specified in the Contact.

    Note Only the Avaya Communication Manager and Avaya SES provisioning specific to HostMap or Domain Based Routing is discussed in the following sections. See reference [1] and [2]

    for more information on SIP trunk provisioning on Avaya Communication Manager and the

    Avaya SES.

    3.1. Host Map Provisioning Example

    The following steps describe how to provision Avaya Communication Manager and the Avaya

    SES to support Host Map Routing.

    1. Avaya Communication Managera. Avaya Communication Manager has theAuthoritative Domain field of the ip-

    network-region form provisioned with the FQDN of the Avaya SES SIP Domain

    ( - see Section 3.2.1). This is the region associated with IPtelephones or the region associated with the C-LAN/Procr for legacy phones.

    Avaya Communication Manager will use this value in the INVITE From header.

    b. The Avaya Communication Manager outbound trunk has the FQDN of the AvayaSES SIP Domain specified in the Far-End Domain field of the associated

    Signaling Group form ( see Section 3.3.1). AvayaCommunication Manager will use the FQDN of the Avaya SES SIP Domain in

    theRequest URIof the INVITE.c. Avaya Communication Manager sends the INVITE to the Avaya SES.

    2. Avaya SESa. The Avaya SES compares theRequest URI( of the INVITE

    received from Avaya Communication Manager to its SIP Domain

    ( and sees that it is authorative for the FQDN. Therefore, theAvaya SES will look at any provisionedHost Maps.

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    2009 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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    b. The Avaya SES will send the call to the destination specified in the associatedContact (see Section 3.2.2).

    Note If no port or protocol value is specified in a Host Map contact, the SES will use port 5060and UDP protocol for outbound calls. However there may be cases where the user may need to

    over-ride these values. If the user needs to specify a different destination port and/or protocol,then Avaya SES Host Maps must be usedto specify these new values.

    3.2. Avaya SES Provisioning

    The following sections access the Avaya SES web interface from any web browser. See the

    references in Section 7 for more information on Avaya SES provisioning for Avaya SIPTrunking.

    3.2.1 Verify the Avaya SES SIP Domain - System Properties

    1. After login, the Integrated Management page is displayed. Select Launch SESAdministration Interface.

    2. The TopSIP Server Management page will open. Select Server Configuration optionand then select System Properties.

    3. Note the domain specified in the SIP Domain field (e.g. This will beused in the Avaya Communication Manager Far-End Domain field of the SIP trunk used

    for outbound calls to the Avaya SES (see Section 3.3.1).

    Figure 2 Avaya SES View System Properties SIP Domain

    3.2.2 Configure a Host Map

    1. Navigate back to the TopSIP Server Management page.2. Display the List Hosts page by following the Hosts link in the left navigation pane and

    then clicking on List. Next click on the Map option under the Commands section of theList Hosts screen (Figure 3).

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    Figure 3: Avaya SES List Hosts

    3. The List Host Address Map page will open (Figure 4).4. SelectAdd Map In New Group

    Figure 4: Avaya SES List Host Address Map

    5. The Add Host Address Map window will open (Figure 5).6. In the Name field enter a name for the Map (e.g. Outbound).7. In the Pattern field enter a called number string to match on. In this example a pattern to

    match on all 1800 numbers is entered^sip:1800[0-9]{7}

    Note See Appendix A for details on specifying Host Map patterns.

    8. Verify that the Replace URI option is checked.

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    9. Click on the Add button.

    Figure 5: Avaya SES Add Host Address Map

    10.Click on the Continue button when prompted. The updated List Host Address Mapwindow will open (Figure 6).

    11.Select Add Another Contact and the Add Host Contact window will open (Figure 7).

    Figure 6: Avaya SES Updated List Host Address Map

    12.In the Contact field enter the destination IP address for this outbound call (e.g. using the following format:


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    2009 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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    Note For clarity the default port 5060 was specified as was default transportprotocol UDP. A different port and/or transport protocol may be specified if required.

    Figure 7: Avaya SES Add Host Contact

    13.Click on Add and then Continue when prompted.3.3. Avaya Communication Manager Provisioning

    For Host Map based routing, theFar-End Domain in the Signaling Group form is the SIP

    Domain of the Avaya SES (see Section 3.2.1).

    Note - The Avaya Communication Manager commands described in these Application Noteswere administered using the System Access Terminal (SAT). SSH was used to connect to the

    SAT via the appropriate IP address, login and password.

    Note Only the Avaya Communication Manager provisioning specific to Host Map or DomainBased Routing is discussed in the following section. See the references in Section 7 for moreinformation on Avaya SIP Trunk provisioning.

    3.3.1 Configure Signaling Group Far-End Domain Field

    1. Using theadd signaling-groupx command (wherex is the next available SignalingGroup number) or thechange signaling-group x command, configure the Signaling

    Group as follows:

    Enter the Avaya SES SIP Domain (see Section 3.2.1) in theFar-end Domain field(

    add signaling-group 10


    Group Number: 10 Group Type: sip

    Transport Method: tls

    Near-end Node Name: clan Far-end Node Name: SES

    Near-end Listen Port: 5061 Far-end Listen Port: 5061

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    Far-end Network Region: 1

    Far-end Domain:

    Bypass If IP Threshold Exceeded? n

    DTMF over IP: rtp-payload Direct IP-IP Audio Connections? y

    Enable Layer 3 Test? n IP Audio Hairpinning? n

    Session Establishment Timer(min): 3 Alternate Route Timer(sec): 6

    Figure 8: Host Map Routing - Signaling Group Far-End Domain Field

    4. Domain Based Routing Method (No Avaya SES HostMaps)

    When Domain Based Routing is used, Avaya Communication Manager specifies a foreign

    FQDN in the Request URI of the INVITE message it sends to the Avaya SES. The Avaya SES isthereforenot authoritative for the call, does aDNS SRV query for this foreign domain, and

    forwards the INVITE based on the DNS response. The service provider may modify the DNS

    server entries to reflect network changes or outages, or provide multiple DNS entries for load

    balancing and redundancy. Therefore the IP address of the associated service providers DNSserver(s) must be provisioned on the Avaya SES (see Sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2). When a foreignFQDN is specified in conjunction with Domain Based Routing, any provisioned Host Maps are

    ignored. Domain Based Routing provides for more flexible outbound call provisioning for theCPE, as all the call route decisions take place in the service provider network.

    4.1. Domain Based Routing Provisioning Example

    The following steps describe provisioning on Avaya Communication Manager and the Avaya

    SES to support Domain Based Routing.

    1. Avaya Communication Managera. Avaya Communication Manager has theAuthoritative Domain field of the ip-

    network-region form provisioned with the FQDN of the Avaya SES SIP Domain

    ( - see Section 3.2.1). Avaya Communication Manager willuse this value in the INVITE From header.

    b. The Avaya Communication Manager outbound trunk has aforeign FQDNspecified in the Far-End Domain field of the associated Signaling Group form

    ( see Section 1.2). The term Foreign means that the FQDNdoes notmatch the FQDN specified in the SIP Domain field of the Avaya SES.Avaya Communication Manager will use this foreign FQDN in theRequest URI

    of the INVITE.

    c. Avaya Communication Manager sends the INVITE to the Avaya SES.2. Avaya SES

    a. The Avaya SES compares theRequest URI( of the INVITEreceived from Avaya Communication Manager to its SIP Domain

    ( and sees that it isnotauthorative for the foreign FQDN.Therefore, the Avaya SES willnot reference any provisionedHost Maps.

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    b. The Avaya SES will send aDNS SRVrequestto theDNS server(s) that has(have)been provisioned in the Avaya SES (see Sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2).

    c. The Avaya SES will send the call to the destination specified in the DNSresponse.

    Note By default the Avaya SES will use port 5060 and UDP protocol for outbound calls. TheDNS SRV responses may also specify which port and/or protocol the Avaya SES is to use.However there may be cases where the user may need to over-ride these values. If a differentdestination port and/or protocol are required, then Domain Based Routing should notbe used and

    Avaya SES Host Maps must be usedto specify these new values. See Section 3 for Host Mapprovisioning.

    4.2. Avaya SES Provisioning

    When Domain Based Routing is used for outbound calls, no Host Map provisioning is needed.

    However a DNS server(s) entry must be verified or added as shown below.

    4.2.1 Verify DNS Provisioning on the Avaya SESThe IP address of the DNS server used by the Avaya SES is typically specified during the Avaya

    SES installation process. The DNS address can be verified by logging on to the Avaya SES

    Linux shell (using SSH and the appropriate credentials). Go to the/etc directory and enter thecatresolv.confcommand. The current DNS entry is displayed (e.g. &

    Figure 9).

    craft@Avaya_SIL_SES> cat resolv.conf# resolv.conf generated by CCS Installer



    Figure 9: Avaya SES Display Current DNS Configuration

    4.2.2 Add/Change DNS Provisioning on the Avaya SES

    If a DNS entry needs to be added or changed, connect to the Avaya SES Linux shell (any

    directory) and enter the initial_setup command (the setup process may execute severalbackground functions that may take a few minutes). The screen showed in Figure 10 below willbe displayed.

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    Warning The initial_setup procedure described in this section for modifying/adding DNSinformation could result in there-initialization of the Avaya SESdata baseand all existing

    provisioning would be lost. It is strongly recommended that the Avaya SES be backed up priorto this procedure.

    Using the Tab key, move the cursor to the Primary DNS IP Address line and enter the newDNS address. If there is a secondary DNS address, enter it in the next line. Press the Tab key

    until the OKbutton is highlighted. Then press theEnterkey. You can press theExit button atany time to abort the process.

    Note The Avaya SES DNS Domain Name shown in Figure 10 below does nothave the samemeaning as the Avaya SES SIP Domain described in Section 3.2.1. The DNS Domain is thedomain name that network DNS servers use to resolve the Avaya SES IP address. The SIP

    Domain is the domain the Avaya SES uses for SIP messaging and to determine its authoritative

    state for SIP calls. These two domain name fields are typically provisioned with the same value,

    although this is not required.

    Figure 10: - Changing the Avaya SES DNS IP Address

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    After the OKbutton is pressed, the screen shown in Figure 11 will be displayed. Leaving thedefault value selected (e.g. Simplex), press the Tab key until the OKbutton is highlighted. PresstheEnterkey.

    Figure 11: Avaya SES - Default Redundancy Configuration

    After the OKbutton is pressed, the screen shown in Figure 12 will open. Verify theFinishbutton is highlighted (use the Tab key to change the selection) and press theEnterkey.

    Figure 12: Avaya SES - Finish Changing the DNS IP Address

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    Next, the screen shown in Figure 13 will open asking to stop the Avaya SES processes. Verifythat the option [y] is offered. If not, entery. Press theEnter key to accept the default value [y].

    Figure 13: Changing the DNS IP Address Stopping the Avaya SES Processes

    The screen shown in Figure 14 will open regarding the Avaya SES database. Verify that theoption [n] is offered. If not, entern. Press theEnter key to accept the default value [n].

    Note This step must be performed with caution. If y is entered and confirmed, thedatabase will be initialized and all existing Avaya SES provisioning will be lost!

    Figure 14: Do Not Initialize the Avaya SES Database

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    Next, the screen shown in Figure 15 will open asking to restart the Avaya SES processes. Verifythat the option [y] is offered. If not, entery. Press theEnter key to accept the default value [y].

    Figure 15: Changing the DNS IP Address Restarting Avaya SES

    The Avaya SES will then restart with the new DNS parameters.

    4.3. Avaya Communication Manager Provisioning

    For Domain Based Routing, Avaya Communication Manager specifies a foreign domain thatdoes notmatch the Avaya SES SIP Domain. Therefore a separate SIP trunk must be provisioned

    for outbound SIP traffic to the Avaya SES.

    Note The Avaya Communication Manager commands described in these Application Noteswere administered using the System Access Terminal (SAT). SSH was used connect to the SATvia the appropriate IP address, login and password.

    Note Only the Avaya Communication Manager provisioning specific to Host Map or DomainBased Routing is discussed in the following section. See the references in Section 7 for moreinformation on Avaya Communication Manager and Avaya SES provisioning.

    4.3.1 Configure Signaling Group Far-End Domain Field

    1. Using theadd signaling-groupx command (wherex is the next available SignalingGroup number), configure a new Signaling Group (Figure 16) as follows:

    Enter the FQDN provided by the service provider, the will be used to resolve outboundcalls via DNS, in the Far-end Domain field (

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    add signaling-group 10


    Group Number: 10 Group Type: sip

    Transport Method: tls

    Near-end Node Name: clan Far-end Node Name: SES

    Near-end Listen Port: 5061 Far-end Listen Port: 5061Far-end Network Region: 1

    Far-end Domain:

    Bypass If IP Threshold Exceeded? n

    DTMF over IP: rtp-payload Direct IP-IP Audio Connections? y

    Enable Layer 3 Test? n IP Audio Hairpinning? n

    Session Establishment Timer(min): 3 Alternate Route Timer(sec): 6

    Figure 16: Domain Based Routing - Signaling Group Far-End Domain Field

    2. Add a corresponding Trunk Group per Avaya Communication Manager SIP trunkprovisioning.

    3. Provision Avaya Communication Manager outbound call routing to use this new SIPtrunk.

    5. Domain Based Routing with Host MapsAs described in previous sections, the use of Domain Based Routing requires the provisioning ofa new Avaya Communication Manager SIP trunk that specifies a foreign domain in the Far-End

    Domain field of the Signaling Group. In addition, the Avaya SES will not use Host Maps when it

    receives an outbound call from Avaya Communication Manager containing a foreign domain in

    the Request URI.

    As described in Section 1.3, there may be circumstances where a user may not wish to addadditional SIP trunks required for Domain Based Routing, or wishes to use Host Maps for all

    outbound calls. Even though Host Maps are being used, the user may still want the serviceprovider network to control the destination of outbound calls via SESDNS SRV queries. In these

    cases Domain Based Routing can still be utilized in conjunction with Host Maps.

    5.1. Domain Based Routing with Host Map Provisioning Example

    The following steps describe how to provision Avaya Communication Manager and the Avaya

    SES to support Domain Based Routing with Host Maps.

    1. Avaya Communication Managera. Avaya Communication Manager has theAuthoritative Domain field of the ip-

    network-region form provisioned with the FQDN of the Avaya SES SIP Domain

    ( This is the region associated with IP telephones or theregion associated with the C-LAN/Procr for legacy phones. Avaya

    Communication Manager will use this value in the INVITE From header.

    b. The Avaya Communication Manager outbound trunk has the FQDN of the AvayaSES SIP Domain specified in the Far-End Domain field of the associated

    Signaling Group form ( see Section 3.3.1). Avaya

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    Communication Manager will use the FQDN of the Avaya SES SIP Domain intheRequest URIof the INVITE.

    c. Avaya Communication Manager sends the INVITE to the Avaya SES.2. Avaya SES


    The Avaya SES compares theRequest URI( of the INVITEreceived from Avaya Communication Manager to its SIP Domain ( sees that it is authorative for the FQDN. Therefore, the Avaya SES will look at

    any provisionedHost Maps.

    b. The Avaya SES has a Host Map defined with a Contact(Figure 21 below) thatspecifies theforeign domain supplied by the service provider ( asthe destination.

    c. The Avaya SES will issue aDNS SRV query for the foreign domain to theprovisioned DNS server (see Section 4.2.1 and 4.2.2).

    d. The Avaya SES sends the call to the destination specified in the DNS response.5.2. Avaya SES ProvisioningThe following sections access the Avaya SES web interface from any web browser. See thereferences in Section 7 for more information on Avaya SES provisioning.

    5.2.1 Verify the Avaya SES SIP Domain - System Properties

    1. Follow Steps 1 through 3 in Section 3.2.1 to verify the SIP Domain of the Avaya SES.5.2.2 Configure a Host Map for Domain Based Routing

    1. Navigate back to the TopSIP Server Management page.2. Display the List Hosts page by following the Hosts link in the left navigation pane and

    then clicking on List. Next click on the Map option under the Commands section of theList Hosts screen (Figure 17).

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    Figure 17: Avaya SES List Hosts3. The List Host Address Map page will open (Figure 18).4. SelectAdd Map In New Group

    Figure 18: Avaya SES List Host Address Map

    5. The Add Host Address Map window will open (Figure 19).6.

    In the Name field enter a name for the Map (e.g. Outbound_DBR).7. In the Pattern field enter a called number string to match on. In this example a pattern tomatch on all 1555 numbers is entered^sip:1555[0-9]{7}

    Note See Appendix A for details on specifying Host Map patterns.

    8. Verify that the Replace URI option is checked.9. Click on the Add button.

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    Figure 19: Avaya SES Add Host Address Map

    10.Click on the Continue button when prompted. The updated List Host Address Mapwindow will open (Figure 20).

    Figure 20: Avaya SES Updated List Host Address Map

    11.Select Add Another Contact and the Add Host Contact window will open (Figure 21).12.In the Contact field (Figure 21) enter the foreign domain provided by the serviceprovider ( for this outbound call using the following format:


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    Figure 21: Avaya SES Add Host Contact

    13.Click on Add and then Continue when prompted.5.2.3 Verify/Add the Avaya SES DNS Provisioning

    Follow the procedures described in Section 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.

    5.3. Avaya Communication Manager Provisioning

    The Avaya Communication Manager provisioning is identical to provisioning described for HostMap routing (see Section 3).

    6. Summary of Avaya SES Outbound Call Routing MethodsTable 3 summarizes the provisioning described in the previous sections.

    Avaya SESOutbound

    Call RoutingMethod

    Avaya CommunicationManager SIP Signaling

    GroupFar-End Domain

    New SIPTrunk




    Host MapRequired

    ?Avaya SES Host Map Contact

    Host MapAvaya SES SIP Domain

    (e.g. n y

    Specific destination IP address

    (e.g. sip:$(user)@ )




    Service provider supplied

    foreign domain

    (e.g. y n N/A

    Domain based

    Routing with

    Host Map

    Avaya SES SIP Domain

    (e.g. y y

    Service provider supplied

    foreign domain

    (e.g. sip:$(user) )

    Table 3: Summary of Host Map and Domain Based Routing Methods

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    7. ReferencesThe following Avaya product documentation is available at

    [1]Administrator Guide for Avaya Communication Manager, January 2008, Issue 4.0,Document Number 03-300509.

    [2]Administering SIP Enablement Services on the Avaya S8300 Server, Document number 03-602508, Issue 1.0, January 2008

    [3]Installing and Administering SIP Enablement Services, January 2008, Issue 5.0, DocumentNumber 03-600768

    [4]SIP Support in Avaya Communication Manager Running on Avaya S8xxx Servers,Document Number 555-245-206, Issue 8, January 2008.

    [5]Application Notes for Configuring the Avaya SIP Trunk Architecture with the VerizonBusiness IP Trunking Service in a 2-CPE Environment, January 2009, Issue 1.0

    [6]Application Notes for Configuring SIP Trunks between the Verizon Business IP ContactCenter (IPCC) Services and Avaya SIP Telephony Using DomainBased Routing, January2009, Issue 1.0

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    8. APPENDIX A: Specifying Pattern Strings in Host MapsThe syntax for the pattern matching used within the Avaya SIP Enablement Services is a Linuxregular expression used to match against the URI string found in the SIP INVITE message.

    Regular expressions are a way to describe text through pattern matching. The regular expressionis a string containing a combination of normal text characters, which match themselves, and

    special metacharacters, which may represent items like quantity, location or types of


    In the pattern matching string used in the Avaya SIP Enablement Services:

    Normal text characters and numbers match themselves. Common metacharacters used are:

    o A period . matches any character once (and only once).o An asterisk* matches zero or more of the preceding characters.o Square brackets enclose a list of any character to be matched. Ranges are

    designated by using a hyphen. Thus the expression [12345] or [1-5] both describea pattern that will match any single digit between 1 and 5.

    o Curly brackets containing an integer n indicate that the preceding character mustbe matched exactly n times. Thus 5{3} matches 555 and [0-9]{10} indicatesany 10 digit number.

    o The circumflex character ^ as the first character in the pattern indicates that thestring must begin with the character following the circumflex.

    Putting these constructs together as used in this document, the pattern to match the SIP INVITE

    string for any valid 1+ 10 digit number in the North American dial plan would be:


    This reads as: Strings that begin with exactly sip:1 and having any 10 digits following willmatch.

    A typical INVITE request below uses the shaded portion to illustrate the matching pattern.

    INVITE sip:[email protected]:5060;transport=udp SIP/2.0

    8.1. Address Map Caveats

    8.1.1 Over-lapping Address Map Strings

    If over-lapping address maps are provisioned, the Avaya SES may select the first matching

    address map string in the list, even if there is a more definitive string further down the list. For


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    If the following address map strings are listed in this order:

    ^sip:555[0-9]{4} with a contact of

    ^sip:555[0-9]{4}[0-2]{5} with a contact of

    And the following dialed string is received:


    The Avaya SES may send the call to instead of the intended destination of (the match will be on 5551212).

    A way to alleviate this situation is to indicate the end of the intended pattern by specifying an @

    character. Using the example above:

    If the following address map strings are listed in this order:

    ^sip:555[0-9]{4}@ with a contact of

    ^sip:555[0-9]{4}[0-2]{5} with a contact of

    And the following dialed string is received:


    The Avaya SES will send the call to the intended destination of

    8.1.2 Using a Plus Sign (+) in a Host MapSome service providers require that outbound call dial strings begin with a + character (e.g. A

    call to 123-555-1212 would be sent as +123-555-1212). When the + character is then defined aspart of an outbound Host Map, the Avaya SES will interpret the + character as a controlcharacter, not as part of a dial string, causing the route to fail. Normally this situation can be

    fixed by specifying a backslash character \before the +character to indicate that the + is not acontrol character. For example:


    However in the 5.1.1 loads of the Avaya SES, two backslash characters are required to perform

    this function.


    Note - If you go back to edit the map in the Avaya SES GUI (even if you don't change anything),the Avaya SES may remove a\character each time. As a result, each time you edit or create a

    map, ensure that you have the proper number of\characters before submitting it.

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    2009 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.Avaya and the Avaya Logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. All trademarks identified by and

    are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other trademarks are the

    property of their respective owners. The information provided in these Application Notes is

    subject to change without notice. The configurations, technical data, and recommendationsprovided in these Application Notes are believed to be accurate and dependable, but are

    presented without express or implied warranty. Users are responsible for their application of anyproducts specified in these Application Notes.

    Please e-mail any questions or comments pertaining to these Application Notes along with the

    full title name and filename, located in the lower right corner, directly to the Avaya Solution &

    Interoperability Test Lab at [email protected]