always told me that pure luck doesnt bring you success in life. it from dad.pdf · 2014. 6. 11. ·...


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Post on 02-Feb-2021




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  • My Dad always told me that pure luck doesn’t bring you success in life. It takes hard work and perseverance. That’s why no matter what job you have right now, you have to work hard to be the best at it.

    Daughter: Rosanna Guintivano

    Dad: Randy Guintivano

  • ‘How was your day?’ My Dad would let me go on and on about my day. He taught me how good it felt to be heard … and to want to be that kind of listener for others.

    Daughter: Staci Smith Johnson

    Dad: Chuck Smith

  • My Dad has always taught me to Have Fun with everything that I do. He always provides laughter and energy to every situation and brightens the room for those around him!

    Son: Josh Tippett

    Dad: Frank “Lancaster Ironman” Tippett (Lancaster Ironman is his “nickname” because he is a multiple time cancer survivor and lives in Lancaster, PA J )

  • My dad has taught me that hard work always pays off…especially when you’re a Seahawk!

    Daughter: Summer Eberhard

    Dad: Mike Eberhard

  • My Dad has taught me not to take life so seriously and to have fun in everything we do! We can break down on the side of the road and laugh and create memories over something that's not so great!

    Daughter: Carolyn Andrews

    Dad: Tim Andrews

  • The word, “hate” is a very strong word and we should never “hate” ….especially another person. We may “strongly dislike” a person’s behavior, but we never “hate” the actual person. To this day, I am very aware of the use of that word. My Dad may not be present here on Earth to celebrate Father’s Day this year, but his lessons and his love will live on forever!

    Daughter: Susan Ahrens

    Dad: Ross Marzolf

  • My Dad was very successful in the Pharmaceutical industry and when I went into the working world, one of the things he always said was, ‘Rise Above It, Deb.’ He meant, rise above drama and pettiness and stay focused on what is important. He has always been an inspiration to me. Hardest working man I’ve ever known!

    Daughter: Deborah Shapiro

    Dad: Marv Shapiro

  • One big thing that my dad always told me growing up is to never depend on anyone else but myself and to never ever give up on anything that I set my mind to. My Dad has been through a lot in his lifetime and in the end he has always prevailed. I have always looked up to him and the things that he taught me. He will forever be my hero.

    Daughter: Katie Speier

    Dad: Eric Speier

  • A major life lesson that I learned from my father can be summed up in the final verse of the Rudyard Kipling poem, “If”: If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, ' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch, if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!

    Son: Phil Bruno

    Dad: Reverend J. Jon Bruno

  • “My Dad taught me how to fish. Every summer we go on an annual fishing trip to the Eastern Sierras where we get to spend quality father/son time together and it is always a vacation I look forward to.”

    Son: Matt Mayeda

    Dad: Dean Mayeda

  • “My dad taught me to see the positive in every situation and to always laugh and love big.

    He is a true inspiration to me and I continue to use his words of wisdom and will someday pass them along to my children.”

    Daughter: Lauren Crane

    Dad: Dan Crane

  • “My Dad and his words of wisdom to me have been rich and everlasting. The one phrase that sticks with me is: ‘Life is not a Dress rehearsal’ meaning, make the most of your opportunity as you may only have one shot to make it happen. Sometimes there is no second chance…do it now before you don’t have the opportunity.”

    Son: Corey Miller Dad: John Miller

  • He lived a life that left a legacy … He taught me to believe in the goodness of mankind and to appreciate nature. My Dad was the first man I fell in love with. He showed me that love is magical, it runs wide, deep and it is forever.

    In his final days, my Dad made sure to tell me… Betsy – when I am gone – You do not have my permission to be sad. He wished me forever happiness.

    Daughter: Beth (pictured in center)

    Dad: William John Cali

  • Move to California. Best advice I have ever received in my life from my dad.

    Son: Brian Forster

    Dad: Michael Forster

  • My Father leads by example when it comes to generosity. He is generous with his time, with his love, with his counsel, with his money, and with his friendship. Whenever he encounters a need, an outstretched hand, or someone asking for help he gives, and does, whatever he can.

    Daughter: Leila Malekzadeh

    Dad: Youssef Malekzadeh

  • My Dad, Rich Hanik, taught me to respect others and that family comes first.

    Daughter: Lisa Hanik

    Dad: Rich Hanik

  • My dad’s favorite saying is “You’re burning daylight”. He was taught at a very young age the value of hard work and fortunately he passed that on to all 4 of his children. He is also one of the most loving and caring individuals I have ever known. FAMILY is always #1.

    Daughter: Robyn Sheppard (pictured lower right)

    Dad: Johnnie Sheppard

  • My Dad always told me to make sure my voice was heard and don’t ever be afraid to “speak up” and “flex your muscles if you have to.” He was so proud of his two daughters (my sister and I) and wanted to make sure the world knew we were here!

    Daughter: Sarah Bader

    Dad: Ken Lundquist

  • My Dad’s favorite quote that he says all the time is, “It doesn't matter what you do in life, but do it to the best of your ability.”

    Daughter: Kelly Moritz

    Dad: Mick Moritz