amali respiratori

Lab 6: Respiratory System

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Anatomi & Fisiologi


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Lab 6: Respiratory System

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Extra Credit Assignment

Extra Credit Quiz

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Quick and Painless Review

Where is your thymus?

What is the difference between lymph nodules and MALT?

What is the difference between your lymph nodes and your spleen?

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Respiration OverviewAnatomy of the Respiratory System

Mathematics of the Respiratory System

How do you evaluate malfunctions in the respiratory system?

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Respiratory System

Respiratory System:


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Respiratory System

Respiratory System:


1. Receive air for breathing

2. Exchange gases (O2. CO2) with the blood

3. Expel modified air

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Schematic of Respiratory System

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Upper Respiratory TractNasal Cavity Guard Hairs Mucous

Oral Cavity

Pharynx Posterior to Nasal

and Oral Cavities Cleans Air Intersection of

Respiratory and Digestion

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Upper Respiratory Tract

Epiglottis- Flap blocks food

from entering the lower respiratory tract

Larynx 9 plates of Cartilage Large Chamber Contains vocal cords

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Anatomy of the Larynx

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Anatomy of the Larynx

Intrinsic and extrinsic muscles in larynx pull the cartilage

This causes the cords to move

Males have thicker cords

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Functions of the Upper Respiratory Tract

Cleans airGuard hairsMucus (MALT)Cilia

Warms air

Moistens air

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Anatomy of the Lungs

Trachea C-shaped cartilage Mucociliary escalator

Primary Bronchi Cartilage Right wider than left

Secondary Bronchi

Tertiary Bronchi More branches on right

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Mucociliary Escalator

Muscus- Traps particles

Cilia- Move particles up

toward pharynx

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Lower Respiratory Tract

Bronchioles Small – 1mm or less No longer contain cartilage Continue Branching

Terminal Bronchioles Last passages before aveoli Still have Cilia

Alveoli – where gas exchange occurs Phagocytosis removes small particles

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Lower Respiratory Tract

Convey air to alveoli

Clean air and remove particles by mucociliary elevator

Macrophages in aveoli phagocytize foreign particles – last line of defense

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Dynamic Human


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Airflow in the Lungs1º Bronchi

2 º Bronchi

3 º Bronchi


Terminal Bronchioles


GAS EXCHANGE with Capillary Bed

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Mechanism of Airflow

Airflow is a result in changes of pressure between two systemsSystem 1: the outer atmosphereSystem 2: the pressure within the alveoli

How does pressure change within the alveoli?

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Mechanisms of Airflow

How does pressure change within the alveoli?Boyles Law: P 1/V

(Changes in Volume result in changes in Pressure!!!!!)

How does volume change within the alveoli?

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Mechanism of Airflow

How does volume change within the alveoli?

Inspiration The diaphragm expands the thoracic cavity during

quiet inspiration Deep inspiration is aided by the pectoralis minor,

the sternocleidomastoid and the erector spinae muscles (external intercostals)

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Mechanism of Airflow

ExpirationQuiet Breathing: Volume changes are not

caused by muscular contraction, rather the elasticity of the lungs and ribs

Deep expiration: internal intercostals, abdominal muscles

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Alveolar Gas Exhange

O2 loads into RBC; CO2 unloads into the alveoli

Factors involved:Concentration gradientsSolubility in H2OMembrane thicknessMembrane area

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Oxygen Transport and Carbon Monoxide

Oxygen is carried through the blood stream by hemoglobin

Carbon Monoxide binds to hemoglobin 200x better.

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Carbon Monoxide


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Carbon Monoxide

Sources?Car Exhaust

Cigarette Smoke

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Chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and cancer

Over 2000 chemicals in tobacco smoke.

What gives the lung at the top its dark color?

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Carcinogens in Tobacco

Carcinogen: substance that increases the potential for tumor growth

50 carcinogens in smoke (2 radioactive)eg.- Nicotine, Formaldehyde

Implicated in 90% of lung cancers

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Dynamic Human

Mechanics of Breathing, Gas Exchange, and Carbon Monoxide

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Respiratory volumes tidal volume: air inhaled or exhaled in one quiet

breath inspiratory reserve volume: air in excess of tidal

inspiration that can be inhaled with maximum effort

expiratory reserve volume: air in excess of tidal expiration that can be exhaled with maximum effort

residual volume: air remaining in lungs after maximum expiration, keeps alveoli inflated

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Spirometry Exercise

Each group is to measure one members tidal and expiratory reserve volume.Record on front board, indicating gender.After all groups are done, average total to get class average tidal and expiratory reserve volume and compare to known averages.

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Flexible tube with camera attached

Used to identify blockages in bronchi and to biopsy tumors/growths

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Dynamic Human

Spirometry and Bronchoscopy

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Inflammation reaction in the lung caused by and allergen

Results in bronchoconstriction and sometimes suffocation

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Treatments for Asthma

Inhalers – daily or rescueAlbuterolVanceril

Pills - dailyAccoladeSingular

Injection or Nebulizer - rescueEphinedrine

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Gross Anatomy

Human/Cow Trachea Primary Bronchi Lungs

How many lobes?

Larynx Epiglottis

Cat Left and right lungs

How many lobes?

Trachea Primary Bronchi Larynx