amazon s3vol+15... · 2017. 7. 12. · \ , .' , ". "-: ',.-. i . '."...

\ .' , , ". "-: ',.-. I ......... -. . '." :tr .. . . r" { .. . , . '''.'' & TBW-TWO -DOLWI PIR AND II 1 ".-lICI., . j " lWrTBD BY 1 comma: or m BOUD. , . BY THE SEVlOOm-I),A.,:rfB.A:PTU;T SOCIETY. VOL. XV; ......... ,;.,NO. 48. " ! ' . NEW MAY 5, '1'859." . " .. WHOLE NO: '77.6.: . QI: : bat b t r , sball have plaiu under the divino. figurative 'child is soon as it is, .+ In tbe,book : .•. :. ,and thel tll&t be I vert, on this aooooot, has been afraid to speak the 1D0rld, and enter iIltO the joy ·6.(,tlii .' .. , PUBLISHED WEEKLY , , rule-of their' duty .both:ln time and boru, to save its life-for the purpose of mit !!Jan .ahine 18 the. brightness'of' the firmameut: of thejoytif Goff"alvatiOfl, and the glorimu which, as the prophet s'!-ys, ,bis or 8y 'be BlIlltiat l'JIb_ 8oeiety,. In this we may be God has his turing and educating 'it. at. court,. that at tha .&ad tbey that ,turn many to 'righteousness, as lilmty and power. of the trntlr; through felr of llae he must give up his convictions, and re- ' At No.5 Ohat{lam Squmt,);e". York. 'l!en-the kingdom the time, the opportunitj, proper time it would 'be qualified for its mi.. stars forever and ever."-Dan. xii. 1-3_ being rebuked by carnal mi/ldedr anti enslaved lapse into the love, fashions, and gain of the, ' TERMS-$2 00 per yellr payable In adv: ance . Sub-. the will, and the omnipotence. He is willing sion to .. rule all nations with a 'rod of iron." It I saw the' beast and the kinga of the earth proCessors. . , world for his rest. . :: !.."'" win" of ,,' 'lO"""=.'",,,,, By "mm" "_1, "'" ...... lb. .... Ibm """'" galbm' .... "'" ... mol w ........ , p", bog'" ... , """!'PI'" or Now if ., boild .p c1 .. ""b" of .... .&c<mltr is devoted to the exposition and for hIm of chOice, but work for him they mnst chnrch-not particularly the JeWish, bot the .lim that sat upon the horse and his army. the betore mentioned bondage, 'with the verb .members, them the church or. God,. alld ,indIcation heviewB and movementsoflhe'Seventh_ eitafr from choice or constraint.: "He shall chorch, and more properly theOhristian chorch.: I beast was taken, aDd with him the . In the past tense: I ural alirJe uritAotIt ike laur applY, ,to in ,dis,tihction'f(?1Ii" , Bllptist De ination. It' aims to promote vital do my pleasure." "Kings shall be· uursing "And she being with child, crlell tran,iljog"J "" . • .'. Tbese bQth 1Ili,o 9." Here' he evidently refers to a the world, . we practice the worst deceptlon and at rathel'll, UId qllMll8 nu1'Biag mothe1'8!' Neither bIrth and pained 'to be delivered!' '\ into a lake of fire."-,Rev. xix. 20. "And the state or nat,ive darkness and stupidity: then he that is perceptible, 'and bring the,greatest pos- !:'::;':::':::: .. ,"'11 lb •• wMk b, ..... , hill "" ,b.rob ",,.,,,,,, g"'!' ,'" p_m"" ,,,II..,.. '''''''w Ii>Om ...... Ii.".ho lok, '"'.''''''''''' 00._ .............. ,. .lb', "p""oh, .. , ... ,m,!," ,of God, ... the advocacy 0' all refoJ:Dlatory nieaenres which seem go before thee and make. the crocked places at the first advent; but instead, disgrace and of fire and 10. "Depart IIiveil aM' I died: he comes to anotber w,e will add agalD, the thIrd time" that we likely to improve the condition of society, dift'nse will break in pieces the gates of suffering;.·she was made a victim (as sheep ye cursed intI! for the state,' a state of genuiue and thorough convie- ministers must prepare to answer this, \ knowledge, reclaim·the. inebriate, anuenfrancbise the lirass, and,l!nt asunder the bars of iron, that ,among wolres,) She was hated and killtidfd!' the devil-lind his God's angels are tion of sin, by which he dies to all his Cormer ·abuse. BAUK. enalaved. In its Literary and Intelligence Depart- thou mayest kn?w that I the Lord which calf' many .years. This was the period of her trat not,neceSlarily celestial IIe1lig's, but whoever prospects, but llees and knows no better state: ments, care Is' taken to furnish matter adapted to the h h 1 Fro th Ame 'can'BaptlSt wanls and of every class of readers. As aRe· t ee by t y:.,name am the God of Israel."-Is. vai1ing. She expressed herself in the shall dO.liis work. Tlie:.devil's angels named,' aud this state of death he continues to. describe m e , , . I 2 C d h . '. ( . " A.Letter from the EIIIt. IigiouS and Family Newspaper, it is intended tbat the x v.. yruB was name a imdred years be· ing language: "How long, 0 Lord, holy and connected With ':in ¥att. ;xvtli the' close of fhe chapter, showing, whiLt a _ I,'. lIecordtr.sball rank among the best. fore was born. The favored power of which true, dost thou' not judge and avt'.nge OUr chapter,. are. the ten .. J Ohapter ,true penitent is, nnder the working of the holy JERUSALEM, Feb. 14, 1859: j8"PayDIents received win be acknowledged in the we Will speak was n!,med many centnries be- blood on them that dwell on the ilartb." and xixth in one case they go into a lake of lire law of God, before Christ is revealed in bim This city is " beautiful for sitna:tion." Hills," .. p'per so as to indicate the time to which they reach. fore it brought into use. But more of op- THE THING begets its like," an burDing w;ith brimstone, in the other, everl.asting 81! a deliverer. Iu the 14th verse, ror gram- ravines rocks and trees, lend each their No paper discontinued until all arrearages are t t , chantm'eilts. The Dead' Sea and the'.Jordau P aid, excnpt at the'discretion of the Oomml·ttee. por unl y. allegorical woman-':'an associated power-an fire .for them.-Isa, x. xx. 33, It· is To- matical purposes, he changes the verb from the H ' I ' ! . . HEY SHALL HAVE AUTHORITY.-" Listen, 0, of common sentiment, will make lin phet ordained of old, ,prepared ;king. past to the present tense, but still cODtirmes of large dimebsions,' some of living water, but T CaD easily be seen. ere are numerous'poo s RATES OF ADVERTISING. ltd h k I f . . H h h ' ' IS es un 0 me; an ear en ye peop e .rom a ar; impression of its own ideas. These. ideas wil.,·1 ".e at made it. dee. p aQd larj8j the pile the same and the same character, de. most are tanks or cisterns, filled with r.lin ",' ._ For a !!Quare lIf 16 lines or less-one insertion, $ " h L d h 1, "each subsequent insertion, 50 t e or ath called me from the womb; lind be good or bad, trne or false, dignifi.ed or thereof is fire aud. muc,h; wt?od; breath of scribing nothing but the bondage of the law to water. ,There is water enough in Jerusalem at . ;; ;; six montbs" 6 00 he hath made m! mouth like a swo:d, in mean"":"according to the presidiug genius. TJits the Lord like stream of brims.tone doth kin, the end of the chapter. all times of the year, for the baptizing' of tbe . For eaCh additional sq:: the obove 2 °tes.° O the shadow of hIS hand hath he hId me, and woman is a symbol at once of greatuess, good. die it" It is ,the of some existing Now if thili is left with the hum. WHOL1l:'WORLD.'. ",. M £m d r II d h '. I have. been ronnd the city, through the. ma me a po 18 e ,shalt; In is qniver hath ness, glory, and the highest Btyle of wisdem. power to clear .the site of Solomon's temple of ble penitent, under thorough conviction of the 'fh' th he directed (post paid,) to the Editors of.lhe SiWbath he hid me. Thou art mY'ser, vant, 0 Israel, in She I'S clothed w',th the sun and the moon undl its present incumbrance, lind the whole territo- weakness and.,inefficacy of' all human nnwe.. city, aDd u'nder the city. eNrti IS a 'cafe; D' e &clYrrkr No rYOhath m Sf}U4 Ni 1'< lc , 1"- entrance of which is at the arth, near. &. :. '!. ( are, ew- "". I Will. be glorified, ' . And he said, It her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelv ry must be purified of all idolatry, superstitiOJi and skill, tO'contend with the holy law of God, mlUlcus.'(iate, about a qu,ar.tilr of mfle' ip, et- The Burial of Moses. --- IS a lIght thlOg ·that thou shouldest be my aer· stars. Here is a divinely illuminated commul and infidelity. II GathJlr out of his kingdom or to deliver himself from it, until Ohrist is reo tent,Rupposed to be. t?e qua!);Y,:;:1I'hICh vant to raise up the tribes orJ acob and to reo nity, sublimely taught, crowned with light and l all that offend and' them which do 'v'l,aled in him as his deliverer; and if this dead the marble for tbe city .. It· IS "beautIful ana. store the preserved of "Tbns saith trutb, with all, hated and pursued by the dra, iniquity, and, shall cast them into a furna.ce body is made to hang about him until he is magnificent. Dr. Barclay it, a few _'f " And he buried him in the valley in the land of over against Beth'peor, but uo man knoweth of his)Bepulchre nuto this xxxiv. 6. I By Nebo'slonely mountain, On this side Jordan's wave, In a vale in tbo. land of Moab, I' . , ,.'!here lies .. lonely 'grave; And no mau dng the sepulchre, And no man saw It e'er; For the angels of God upturned the sod, And laid tbe dead man tbere. That was. the grandest funeral That ever passed on earth; But no man heard the tramping . Or saw the train go forth . . NoiseleBSly as the daylight Comes when the tight is done, And the crimson streak on ocean's cheek Grows into the great sun; Noiselessly as tbe sPring-time Her crown of verdure weaves, And all the trees on all the hills Open their thousand leaves; So without sound of mosic, Or voice of them that 'wept, Silently down from the mountain's crown The great proccBSion swept. Perchauce the bald old eagle, On gray Beth'peor's heIght, Oui of his rocky eyrie Looked on tbe wondrous sight. Perchance the lion, stalking, Still shuns that hallowed spol; •Ji'.!!L.,IH!Ut,tt UP Ii hII. .... "IIiih ""-d heard -That which man knoweth not. Amidst the noblest of' the land, Men lay tlie sage to rest, And give the bMd an honored place, With costly marble dressed, In the great minster transept, Where lights like glories fall; , And the cboir sings, and the organ Along the emblazoned wall. This was tbe bravest warrior That ever.bubkled sword, This the most giftild poet Tbat ever breathed a word; AJid never earth's pbflolioplier Traced with bis. golden pen, On the deathless page, truth balf so .age AS he wrote down for men. And h!Ld he not higb bonor, TheJilll·side for bis pall, To lie in sta.te while angels wait, , WitH sian' for tall; And the dark rook pines Wm tOBSing plumes , Over bis bier to wave, And own hand, in tbat lonely land To lay b.lm'1o tbe grave. In tha.t'deep grave without a name, , Whence his uncolfined clay Shall break again-mbst wondrous tbonght! Before .the judgment day; Aod Btand wilh glory wrapped around, On tbe hill he never trod, And speak of the strife that won our life, With' incarnate Son of God. o lonely tomb in Moab's land, o dark Beth,poer's hilH , Speak to these curious hearts of ours, Aud teach them to be still. . God hatb his of grace, Ways that we cannot tell;, He bides them deep-like secret jIeep Of him he loved so well. [DubJin Uhiversity Magazine. For the Sabbath Recorder. The. Glory of·the Latter Days. th L d I bl I I Y ears since. The tombs of the klpgs, Just north. e or,. n an accepta e tl?,e have heard gou. So under the pressure of persecution, of fire. there ,s)la I be weeping and gnashing of 'thoroDghly dead to al\ worldly hopes ao.d fears,' of the city, are made in solid r<1C k .. thee, and 10 the day of 8alvatlon have I help. is iu pain and cries to God and is delivered.' All these are jndgments this side of then it becomes a beautirul and powerful part Some fifty are easily disco18red; most or them '\ thee; and I will preserve' thee, and give A man child is born. A p1auly senti- (whl;'t is called) eternity. B. MATTHIAS. of divine truth" and answers evidently to the are side by side, .but some are a;story: , thee for a c01euant of the people, to establish ment is born. "N'ow when they shan"fall, they'" - well.known reference which Paul had In view. These are the prodnct of mnch t te earth to aus t 'nh 't th d I t h . FO'r Ihe Sabbath Recorde".. B f . h d II' tb Gt . A very large cistern of water'is close by. '\Jal. n f e 0 I erl e eso a.e er.-. shall be holpen with a help.II-D. an. xi. ut i .we carry It .art .er,.an ca It eon· h H'n C Th h h A Call to lIIinisters to Repent. vary, tbe Mount of Olives, Bet a!ly, I 0 tages. a t au mayest say to t e prIsoners, Personal liberty and rehglous toleration was 0111 of the children of God, we shock Evil Council, Siloam, Hiuoom, as weIl as Geth. go forth; to them that are iu darkness, show the thing designed and obtained. But like all Once more, my brethren in Ithe'ministry, common sense, turn r so Crom its orbit, and semane, preseut great pointR bf it\terest. The yourselves. ',' . I wi\l make all my mountaius innovations-was couceived secretly-nurtured once' more I veuture into your presence, aud cast a total eclipse over th sun j and one of Field of Blood is remarkllhlc. I Ti Fact, this away, and my highways shall be exalted." cautiously and matured slowly but firmly cut myself. at you.r feet, hum. bly begging that the ,worst effects of this wr ng application' is, city vicinity are widely dijferent from all T " , others. God selected them. . They are physi- REY SHALL RA.VE SUCCESS. - U Shall the like Moses hid for a while till the fullness of we may inqilire, in penitential solicitude, why that alI our converts have to stop in a law· caUy'as well as morally nWlime. prey. be taken the mighty; or lawful time. This child was bronght fortb in tue the ways of Zion mourn, and wby the two work,"witliout"knowiug the pOlfer of the Gos- Th II Kni ht Tem lars" of Au'stria are captive be delivered.? But thus .salth· the persecution and taken into the divine care- Witnesses of our God are yet clothed in sack- pel, or the constraining 10ve'of:Christ;: or if DOW ;utting someP magnificent 'bnildlngs; Lord, Even captives of the mighty B?all (educated at court,) and came to maturity in cloth? apr one happeus to leap through these (Jeathlyi' and many others are being by Greeks. be taken away,'aDd the prey of the terrible the reformation. This thing was schooled in If it is hnmiliating to our pride, who have va POTs, the church SOli!! Brag' liim back·to,.hlt of tbe Is,Yet; shall be delivered, for I will contend with him llxperience and matured by trials. been calI!ng oth,ers to repent, to confess that bondage. in lie, .. For the )lacksUder most of It IS ID rUIDS. III the that contendeth with thee aud I will save thy d to Ii t'd L b k to the' .... ' 'te f b d ments, and dens of destroctlOn, m1;l!en' and '. ' . ' . The reforma.tion was a bold manly mission, we nee repent· rst, we mill consl er, .or a,c . 'eo, salile s,a 0 on age are conspicuons. Idolaters, heretICS, and pro-: ' chIldren, I. wIll feed them that oppose thee onr cDconrag' ement, that honor iii ".mil- that he l,eft.· : This,we see in. t.he :0086 of the C' hr'lstians are At v.ariance. Few COD.- ., h b I d k divinely appointed and endowed. The iustru-;t,' " with their own ties , and they s al be run en iatioll, while ;"ridll goes before. dutrtlCtion.. 'charcn of GaHatia./ Paul tells them that they verts are to ChristiaDity. The popula- 'b h , mentality appropriate and efficient. The men r. d WIt t eir own blood, as with sweet wine. '- . The deformed dress of the two Witnesses dill run urell,' but that they had fialletl from to little or no conSCience, an of those times were intelligent and sturdy, a8 I th k th I ttle done adapted to the low lsa. xlix. (the Old and New Testaments,) above refe'rred and got under the law 'and tbat Christ IU ere IS I! . E I d b . I Id E I d 't II' well as pious. They had devotion without as, grttee" . . cQndition of Jerusalem sIDners. There are a .ng an --8U stantla 0 ng an -10 e to, that was predicted. in :the Apocalypse, and hali left them 80 that they co"ld fIOt do the! .' od" . . thO fi Id d Go". . hI' . tentation, trutb, simple and bold, withoutcnm, , 'J Ie" gQ miSSiOnarIeS 10 18 e an III' gent, onorab e and Wise that 10 the broDs ceremonies, and stripped of the trappings wa to continue 1260 Years, must meau the de- lAirtg. Mat 'tkey .otdtl.. This is just the bond- O!_wbat a this i,s when the hater ot our ,hOlt 'impO.ed. by superstition and bypocri!l1i they f«iIIed ... &.g", Of;iti'th ... (or to come. relIgion, broke·forth like a flood' upon Cie stood forth in all the greatnllss of manly jnteg- the 'by they are t? a1l8, before noticed; but he encouragllB' the'!-: 18 fine, warm and The remnant of the woman's seed, and h"s maiQ- . " d d ."ey. .e' .... intended, and by whicb. to by telLiug them tha,t"he travailed people B.rp The .water 18 rlty, and gave their cause to tlie worl ali J' ... '"" ted th bmesoone Olives figs and grapes tained for the most. part a 'consistent .attitude they arA odion. to the good sense of man- b' th a a'ln ror them nntil Chrl'st sb:ould be na WI I ' , " . . '. . .' , posterity upon its own merits. •Ever since 10 Ir g .", are abundant. Tliorn'grass is used as fuel to 10 Its dealings th,s exceptlou sensible men have espoused it. kind.. formed in them again. . bnrn lime I)nd brick. Th\l stones of the streeta has been her lemency to It, which popery can· We will re.view, with the vilth Now as we conveyed in our former address, are daugerously, slippery. Living is poor;' not bear. It always would and ever will E.ugland !l nd politically, re· cbapter of Roma,ns. St. Paul, in this cbapter, we can hardly imagine a worlle"abose' of the meat poorly ftitted. N9 PIltatoes are to be abuse privilege. Like the serpent in the fable, pres.ents the great reformation doctrines in re- descrl'bes the convictions of the law, and itS . . The people are glad to get the milk .of d b h 'f I' d d d Jig' ion and politics. In religion, "J'ustification by Bible 'than to interpret this state' of shaep goats and even asses But moral II". wheo warme y. OSpl a Ity an ren ere elects,. its bondage and. slavery, before Christ '. '_. ... '. . . . . . raith," aud the Scriptures the only rnle or faith as the true Christian liberty-; or 'of a 01'016 109 IS poorer stlii. They venerate the magmli- suple, will bite Its benefactor to death. is revealed as a deliverer, speaking of the law. cruel act thau to tie the yonng convert's fa.ith Cl!llt work the rich and splendid impo .. England. is the destiued power to take into and practice. Politically, II L!berty or per· work, and 'hat only', a state in contrast with s'it'lons of the Oh;rch of the Holy Sepul.chre," d . " tQ this loathsome' carcase, "hlch the heaiheri custody Turkey in Syria and Palestine. She is 80n an consCIence. the state., as as our State's d b Id d h . '. and' 'kiss the stones thereof. I walkect or Th' t' t £ d th at h word of '; poet, as qoote e,ore, cons ere t e grea... h t' t h HIS I h G the power providentially appointed to this-work. IS sen Imen orme e 11' provision is with troe republican libertv. Yet . ,rat er crep \D 0 teo y epn c reo ene.r, h . d h millions in 1848, in. the whole of Europe, J est act of cruelty that they" were ever' guilty ally the boots and shoes are removed' but I, Eugland has the discreti()n-t e WIS om-t e we have made no distl'nction between this state . ' ] . h 't h d f th h ts d ot:, We know that 80me' of our commentators did not stop' for the ceremony. Here 18 much power-the opportumty. Other powers covet w en I a a ree pass roug cour an of the soul and the state of the Christian give the definition which we here deplore,' but pretension but mtle else except glitter aud the distinction. Russia would like to fasten kingdoms in these words-terrible to kings: made ;Mdee",' so dull have beun' our per. credulity. ' I walked to Bethlehem and back "L'b t I't d fr t 't" Th' on "' we must remember .that all such wrote under the Greek religiop. upon Palestiue. France or I er y, equa I Yan a erm y. IS sen' t" d bl; d ft" , the same day, lIeven miles. Was well repaid. .Austria the Latin. Neither is better than timent, then, like a rod of irou shivered thrones cep 10M an ,,0 ID our powers 0 percep Ion. tbe thick shadows which Robinson, in his ad- It comprises a pair of twin hills, terraced all Musnlmism iu which of either event the des';" and cowed kings, and for the time f!.uspended In order to make. this idea plain, we will dress to the departing taught. them the lo,!'poiut of the valley up; . ' I d d h t bl' all the institutions of the eastern hemisphere. analyze it. I!l this to, the. to shun, and which Dr. Watts: apprised his beaubfnllUdeedl Ohves,goatsandsbepherdl, labon would be pro ! an . t a Ime sonl. is. said to be carna.1, 10.ld under 'in; pupils of,' and also that ail who have upheld were io abundance. I saw the reputed spot country be mocked and rIdiculed by theIr IDBuf· THE PURPOSES OF ITS BIRTH.-" Rule all na- t h b th t of Christ's birth, with the star resting on it., .' 8 ate IS t e same. as . el.n .. g. ID e ga oJ ul' the definition in qnestion, were of one tbeolo- h Cerable mummery andsnperstition. Russia can- tions with a rod of iron." This purpose 'Vas db d If N t and tbe manger in which e'was laid •. Some.,. not atl'ord to fight for this distinction. France well nigh fulfilleJl lu the events just reCerred 'eTfItII an on I 0 . '."!flllty. ow as par y gical sentiment. It may agaiu De replied that things I did n?t believe, but I felt solem.n and Austria muat fight each other and be to in the neutralizing of EDropean institu. ,customs, and feelings can make though oor Methodist brethren give to tbese very reverential. Oh, that men" ,,:ere, Bancti. . ' any appear consistent, so this, with Scriptures a diil'ereut definition, yet their Chris- lied by! Bethlellem and ""are and go IUto perditlou. there tiolls. other similar expressio.ns, in the same CODnee- tian state accords well with others. To this very beautirul and The weatKiitl I1ere IS no glory but carnage. No distinctIOn, bot God favors the rise of kingdoms, with the ti9n, has been llle,de, I!-nd is by us still argued we reply that for this we have already ac. is like May in New York, bnt . II double destroction." They have popery .purpose of getting some sen ice out of them. en .. l'h B'f I k ' Athens, alld two months later"than Evpt; . about their necks as a mill-stone that will drag Il'hey are all born to a mission, but all work for, as true, rllt,!'" I ertg. ut I we 00 connted.· Tbe backslider gets into the state Yesterday,' P. I ,preached for Bro. .Jones . • h 't . t th't thO th t' . I h d d to upqn these the eyes of reason, he once left. .Auy observer may see that they .All well. Y-tlurs, &c., E. ANDREWS. WIt I 1U 0 e pi ,every IDg, a IS ID auy sparing y, except w en new an unuse which is ",a1 bave left the spirit oC their doctrine Bnd disci. ,1 _______ _ way allied to it., eitber in faith or politics. power-" new brooms sweep clean." JehU God requires us read his word, and wltho.ut piiue far behind. This the dyiug A.sbury, one .-l A Firat Step. England may, if it will, be the second Oy- was death on the house of .Ahab-but soon whlch .the Bible is aa useless to ns as the sun of their first bisbops testified to on his dying _, rolf-BOme power will fill this place assigned left olf to work for God. The whole Jewish is a;blind shall see toat no two bed; and as I said before, Wesley would find : Dr. of New Haven, in'his discourse iu prophecy. That land ot which I am speak. nation was appoiDted to privilege and power. states can be, uo church member now, but wbat, were of Dr, Taylor, narrates the ing must be restored. The II depolations of They had all the means of leading the rest of Take Paul, in personating he to come now, many good-Yethodists would ,foIloWlDg IDcldent: many generations most be repaired." The tbe world and of universal 118efulne'@-but that state, says,. II 0 I W!etched man that I gladly follow him; but he would require . II It ,wa9 some daring his college lite;. in', desolate must have many more children than forebore to work, when became a prey to who shall deliver"me' from the hody of this to reform which they would gladly do. And hiS seDlor year, I think, .that he became. decid- the married wife. The Sarah-the,free cove- outsiders; they'first weakened themselves by d h P '} '. h' tto th Ito-' '.. ed!y a .servant of Obrlst. Respecting that "God is a great}dng. -j, Lord of kings, and ruleth t t b l'fi th th H turn'lng from God'- worshl'p to that of I'dols, eat 7" an . preac IDg e.. tho '!lime IS to be said of the other that eveut, I bave beard bim make a s. tao temeut In the klngaom 01 men."-DANlJ:L. nan mUB e more pro I c all e agar. or a h rte f, lTIld th to om of their G d I th d ood "Whlohin his times shaU heshe,! the blessed 'bond·womau covenant.-(Isa. Iiv.' Gal. iv,) and then were robbed by idolators and last of eon re e ... em . s e .' we ,named.. . 00 pe.oP e,are ere,. an 'g wbicb is very instrnctive acd monitory. There and the King of kings, and Lord of , r h' "h I :we!U.nown means oC conveYlOg is dging, but not the good required. was a particular of h'is, ]ords."-«pA.UL. . ' . Jerusalem must break fortb on the right and ·all, removed out O. IS slg t. ,,6 truth. So in this expr.ession, he describes the . '11 h h'l who, at the saDie tIme, by the wOrklDg of the Kingdoms and Repub1icB are liable, (as tbey 011 the and ber /Ihall inherit the Gen- The rod of iron must represent the SWO\'IV of true, uuder .the conic. ' It .requIres no great Ski, see t at w I e Spirit, . was concerned for bis .eternal ever have beeu 'I'nclined in p'ractice,) to 100. k to tiles. .The woman forsak. en, grillVOO in spirit, II To rIlle " is to subdue,.and break the nations, ,.. ,llB. "' ' . .. . d we. ought to be far ahead 1U plety'of what onr interellts The two rriends communicated tbeir ' ' tiona of the law, before dehverance came, an ., h' ',,' b h; it' W h' .. h h . their own ways and to follow the policy of and wife of youth must be received back agaill. The nations so subjected, embrace all super- . • ", .. ' .•.. " . h' " "e!'8,were,!e aro ,.ar e 10. '. eave feellDgs to eac ot er. And one day, while' pride and interest. This, the Lord, of kiugs . stitiousheathen and Idolatrous powers who only before Chnat was wlthm by faIt externals, but lost internals; we walking together, they raised -j'll no· 'to'lerate' It Is a pl·ty· "hey d t t ..... ted d . b r' u'I'e m'l8Ch-Ie c and are II well known custom among them, and one of have increased iu form"but lost ill spirit. whether they shonld then call on President ". "" But 0 thon to/lt an empes IWllC , """ aD sore, reIgn or ea r" I, •. . V' thl\ most cruel that the] ever iuvented, of pun: , . '. Dwight, who had invited all persons thought- had not-preCerred the advice ,of a good pro- Thy Maker is thy husbend he will aftIictno more. stroyers of the earth;" of whom It IS wrItten, 'lii the' l' 4 rim' Is by tying And now let me, close by saYlOg as ful upon religion to calland converse with him. P het·,to a prdl'a'ne. king, many years ago. It :forget thy father's house with/aU, II And shonldst destroy them which destroy IS d , Ir tan th C Inad! d'o' and in' 'alI hnmllity'iind lo"e, if we would mend At while still talking and doubting ou . . , N th b t . . ea uman' 0 les 0 em, lin 80 0 mlDg . . . h th top. D'. ht' is this: II ;WliefJ'. fo,r.e, 0 king, let my couDllel or more y same regre, , . the earth,"-Rev. xi. 18. And by the way, tb? Ii . '. to d' b th' te h f 'th' d 'd for the Cuture, we'must repe.nt of the past; or t a question, ey came reSident lTJg, ' So shall thy Lord delight in thee, , e VlDg ones 18 yes IW 0 e ea " .,. "'ate There the v stopped and hesitated At be acceptable' Ullio thee, and,break of tl!! sins l.. this term II earth" is often applIed particular- . " . . . to meet the oonseqnences of betraymg.,. . . '. , . _ ' '1'1I0U shalt be honored yet. . . . . ' •. ; ones, belDg so tied face to race and hand to , . : '. length Taylor said, II Well, I shall go In." by righteousne88, and thine iniquities bysbow- IDltead of noble ancestry, tby sons shall princes be, Iy to PalestlDe, and probably In thiS hand that tbey could not free themselves. Of Gods word. For I do not w4at II Well," said his companion, "I think I will . ing mercy to thl! if it may be a length- Thy kingdom universal, shall stretch from sea to sea. stance. his cruel, r.ctice the heathen poet thus ex- bave stated doubtful; have only detaIl- not, to-day." Taylor webt in;- aDd the resalt ening of thy tranquility."-Dan. iv. 27. Mr, Wilsou thinks that the Anglo·SaxoUl Political pewllr must wield this rod, when' 'presleS lii:selr'. ' ., ed what is. general conviction with tbe can- of his conversation with tha;. , Inaugurated-power or instituted, aathority, are the real descendants of the ten ti'ibei of God will be glorified; Jesus inaugerated into ' I. 1" did and thoughtful; we m.y, to be sure, have tiau guid& wu, ,that hebg&vbe kuulIe to oo rUlt . . h" What tongn.o caa JIIWIt th.e el:ecrab e times. .' .' ., h' hId h in a cove'nant never to. e ro en and callie is a legitimate; alid ; essential con\litiou tor the IsraeL If this should' happen to be true, tben. full power "pon DaVid's tbrone," and the urcb , Thl! \ina' the tyrant's cf;lmes! glveD'8?me ideas too Ig a co or" P?' aps a' burning and shining' light' in 'biB klugdom. people. 'Tbe. 'could' not trnst them· without controversy England is the elected redeemed forever. Our Lord The lj. V1n r rr!ce 1lO:::!d, too low j we pretend to no .perfection of His companioD trom that time thought 1_ aild BeiTee without. them. T,hey expect to be ruled power, the same doctrine in the following:." He will wUh in' tied, tliis kind; we consider tbe leading ideas less 01 the snhject; inil though he lived for ' -they would not kuow whit to do, lert to But there is a special prophecy which will send forth his angels gather ont of his The l\ng'ring and ,dietL" unquestionably true; 80 that to tum from lI!any . a ,,!spsc,table man,. he l themselves. ap'ply' no where else as to England, found in kingdom, all things that offend, and them Now this .and. cruel of all these considerations, may be u:pected to Sau Y h efiden h C8 ,8&!llIg . h · h d ... d h II t th to ' t' f th d ,. ed L_ th h 1 h' t. God' In teres In 1-' ns.. uc are t e crISes in the Bot while kings and cabinets. are providen- Rev. xii. 5: "And she a man 11' IC 0 lDlqUlty; an s a cas em & IceS 0 e ... ,en we., ave '0 ve' t e 'consequences 0 pervertlDg s bistory 'immortaf .souls. Tbul,it' ,is' tialIy iDstituted,:.and appointed to power, they child, who was to rnle all natlous WIth a rod furnace of fire, etc. .• Then shall the nght- be bllt, ,of:our Lord word. comp'nloM'travel together till the,. eome"tO ought to. temember they .are lubordinates. of iron, aud the child' was caugbt up to God eons shiue Corth as the sun in the kingdom ,of ing love to tbe sonl, wheu he comell, by his laur For the troth is;. no liTO 10ni in where tliey see plainly the patb to OIIrf1t:: There is a great "liord or ex- Bndbia throne.",' their Father."-Matt. xiii. n, 42. Three D./ilu qnf'il tif·lifll, to mAke him free-1",tUM.. this state. The ,vue .peniteut They consider, the one t"k!ug tile. )lects them to do' hi. will: Like Oyma, ot It hu been takOD for granted tbat this child other texts in three ditl'erent books represent .and fill him with jOg and foIl oJ'mu..:.pre!li thro1lgh this boiIdage,: (and how W&y tot 9tohber b '. f h ' ,. " ... 'I'A h- 'r' . I .;.1: ..... tb" h 'h way 0 e,er as. ng ea" ,le l1li !lee ,. Olll it wu '",Uten, II He sba!l all was Jeans, but realOn or fitness. I same events, and m language t e . . t I !b e . , .B,re it in these crises. or .eternal .lQy Tiblll .• 1lI name one obJection, others jwill ·lUlPllrt. .t A.ud 'be a Thu:' 'We he Regatd' tbe Diflne wanilD" lila; , a. to. Jf,eGMo hQayen /ll'hen ble, .. , .. at tbat t1 me thy mOre 'glOomY 'rtpalsl1:tHhall' the oA' ,th4f entreaty,. ';Qaench'IDot; .-1 tlOIt .haJJ:be, laid!' P(lwerl'lo appofated aDd After' *he dragon .had him; but this enry one man be foaIId ,wn*" world iIl·thefr ,:_putlesj IDd. COD: .hali'(Lt&d:foot ... get tbe,r"l\h _ :' ., c \' ' . • . . " ' , ...,.'.,.. . ,'- " " ",' : . : ", f.: ' ,-" .. -\ \ . I

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" lWrTBD BY 1 comma: or m BOUD. , . PUB~HED BY THE SEVlOOm-I),A.,:rfB.A:PTU;T P~LISBlli'G SOCIETY.

VOL. XV;.........,;.,NO. 48. " ! ' . NEW YOR:~j ~Im'.l);AY, MAY 5, '1'859." . "

.. WHOLE NO: '77.6.: .

QI: ~ ~ : t~'a'ti bat ~ ::~ ~t·o.r b t r , sball have plaiu indic~~i<!ns under the divino. figurative 'child is ea~t aw~y,~ soon as it is, .+ In tbe,book : .•. :. ,and thel tll&t be ~i8e I vert, on this aooooot, has been afraid to speak the 1D0rld, and enter iIltO the joy ·6.(,tlii tio~d, .' .. , PUBLISHED WEEKLY , , rule-of their' duty .both:ln time and measur~. boru, to save its life-for the purpose of mit !!Jan .ahine 18 the. brightness'of' the firmameut: of thejoytif Goff"alvatiOfl, and the glorimu which, as the prophet s'!-ys, ~ ,bis ~t!yngth; or

8y 'be 'y'intli~ay BlIlltiat l'JIb_ 8oeiety,. In this we may be ~nfident. God has his turing and educating 'it. at. court,. that at tha .&ad tbey that ,turn many to 'righteousness, as lilmty and power. of the trntlr; through felr of llae he must give up his convictions, and re-' At No.5 Ohat{lam Squmt,);e". York. 'l!en-the kingdom the time, the opportunitj, proper time it would 'be qualified for its mi.. ~ stars forever and ever."-Dan. xii. 1-3_ being rebuked by carnal mi/ldedr anti enslaved lapse into the love, fashions, and gain of the, '

TERMS-$2 00 per yellr payable In adv:ance

. Sub-. the will, and the omnipotence. He is willing sion to .. rule all nations with a 'rod of iron." ~,l' It I saw the' beast and the kinga of the earth proCessors. . , world for his rest. .

,~,,: .::~.;~ :::,~": :: !.."'" win" 'b.t~" of ~~, ,,' 'lO"""=.'",,,,, ~'k By "mm" "_1, "'" ...... • lb. .... Ibm """'" galbm' .... "'" ... mol w ........ , p", bog'" ... , """!'PI'" or Now if ., boild .p c1 .. ""b" of .... "~ .&c<mltr is devoted to the exposition and for hIm of chOice, but work for him they mnst chnrch-not particularly the JeWish, bot the .lim that sat upon the horse and his army. the betore mentioned bondage, 'with the verb .members, ~all them the church or. God,. alld ,indIcation heviewB and movementsoflhe'Seventh_ eitafr from choice or constraint.: "He shall chorch, and more properly theOhristian chorch.: I ~nd"the beast was taken, aDd with him the . In the past tense: I ural alirJe uritAotIt ike laur applY, t.~~ promi8~s ,to the~, in ,dis,tihction'f(?1Ii" , J~y Bllptist De ination. It' aims to promote vital do my pleasure." "Kings shall be· uursing "And she being with child, crlell tran,iljog"J "" . • .'. Tbese bQth 'were~ 1Ili,o ~: '"or~e' 9." Here' he evidently refers to a the world, . we practice the worst deceptlon ~iety and vlgor~ ~n?,:,?le'!t s.ctio~" at ~e. ~e rathel'll, UId qllMll8 nu1'Biag mothe1'8!' Neither bIrth and pained 'to be delivered!' '\ into a lake of fire."-,Rev. xix. 20. "And the state or nat,ive darkness and stupidity: then he that is perceptible, 'and bring the,greatest pos-~~: ~'::: !:'::;':::':::: .. [~~.:=:: ~ ,"'11 lb •• wMk b, ..... , Go'~"" hill "" ,b.rob ",,.,,,,,, g"'!' ,'" p_m"" ,,,II..,.. '''''''w Ii>Om ...... Ii.".ho lok, '"'.''''''''''' 00._ .............. ,. .lb', "p""oh, .. , ... ,m,!," ,of God, ... the advocacy 0' all refoJ:Dlatory nieaenres which seem go before thee and make. the crocked places at the first advent; but instead, disgrace and of fire and brimatonetL'~.-n:. 10. "Depart IIiveil aM' I died: ~er~ he comes to anotber w,e will add agalD, the thIrd time" that we likely to improve the condition of society, dift'nse ~traigh.t,.I will break in pieces the gates of suffering;.·she was made a victim (as sheep ye cursed intI! e~eri~t~~ 'fi~e p.r!lp,~red for the state,' a state of genuiue and thorough convie- ministers must prepare to answer 'fo~ this, \ knowledge, reclaim·the. inebriate, anuenfrancbise the lirass, and,l!nt asunder the bars of iron, that ,among wolres,) She was hated and killtidfd!' the devil-lind his angels'.~'1 God's angels are tion of sin, by which he dies to all his Cormer ·abuse. ,SAJlUE~ BAUK. enalaved. In its Literary and Intelligence Depart- thou mayest kn?w that I the Lord which calf' many .years. This was the period of her trat not,neceSlarily celestial IIe1lig's, but whoever prospects, but llees and knows no better state: ments, care Is' taken to furnish matter adapted to the h h 1 Fro th Ame 'can'BaptlSt wanls and ta.~tes of every class of readers. As aRe· t ee by t y:.,name am the God of Israel."-Is. vai1ing. She expressed herself in the foIlb~;, shall dO.liis work. Tlie:.devil's angels named,' aud this state of death he continues to. describe m e ~ , , .

I 2 C d h . '. ( . " A.Letter from the EIIIt. IigiouS and Family Newspaper, it is intended tbat the x v.. yruB was name a imdred years be· ing language: "How long, 0 Lord, holy and connected With the-judg~~~t ':in ¥att. ;xvtli ~~. the' close of fhe chapter, showing, whiLt a _ I,'.

lIecordtr.sball rank among the best. fore ~e was born. The favored power of which true, dost thou' not judge and avt'.nge OUr chapter,. are. the ten ~ings .. J Ohapter xvi~th ,true penitent is, nnder the working of the holy JERUSALEM, Feb. 14, 1859:

j8"PayDIents received win be acknowledged in the we Will speak was n!,med many centnries be- blood on them that dwell on the ilartb." and xixth in one case they go into a lake of lire law of God, before Christ is revealed in bim This city is " beautiful for sitna:tion." Hills," .. p'per so as to indicate the time to which they reach. fore it ~as brought into use. But more of op- THE THING B~RN.'--'·'Like begets its like," an burDing w;ith brimstone, in the other, everl.asting 81! a deliverer. Iu the 14th verse, ror gram- ravines rocks and trees, lend each their en~ ~ No paper discontinued until all arrearages are t t , chantm'eilts. The Dead' Sea and the'.J ordau Paid, excnpt at the'discretion of the Oomml·ttee. por unl y. allegorical woman-':'an associated power-an fire prep~r~d .for them.-Isa, x. xx. 33, It· is To- matical purposes, he changes the verb from the H ' I

' ! . . HEY SHALL HAVE AUTHORITY.-" Listen, 0, commn~ity of common sentiment, will make lin phet ordained of old, ,prepared fo{th~ ;king. past to the present tense, but still cODtirmes of large dimebsions,' some of living water, but T CaD easily be seen. ere are numerous'poo s RATES OF ADVERTISING. ltd h k I ~ f . . H h h ' ' 7~ IS es un 0 me; an ear en ye peop e .rom a ar; impression of its own ideas. These. ideas wil.,·1 ".e at made it. dee. p aQd larj8j the pile the same ~ount and the same character, de. most are tanks or cisterns, filled with r.lin ",' ._ For a !!Quare lIf 16 lines or less-one insertion, $ " h L d h

1, "each subsequent insertion, 50 t e or ath called me from the womb; lind be good or bad, trne or false, dignifi.ed or thereof is fire aud. muc,h; wt?od; th~ breath of scribing nothing but the bondage of the law to water. ,There is water enough in Jerusalem at . ;; ;; six montbs" 6 00 he hath made m! mouth like a sbar~ swo:d, in mean"":"according to the presidiug genius. TJits the Lord like ~ stream of brims.tone doth kin, the end of the chapter. all times of the year, for the baptizing' of tbe .

For eaCh additional sq:: ~~:thlrds the obove2°tes.°O

the shadow of hIS hand hath he hId me, and woman is a symbol at once of greatuess, good. die it" It is ,the of some existing Now if thili de~ription is left with the hum. WHOL1l:'WORLD.'. ",. M £m d r II d ~. h '. I have. been ronnd the city, through the. ~ommuIucations,orders,andremittnniles'Bbonld ma ~ me a po 18 e ,shalt; In is qniver hath ness, glory, and the highest Btyle of wisdem. power to clear .the site of Solomon's temple of ble penitent, under thorough conviction of the 'fh' th

he directed (post paid,) to the Editors of.lhe SiWbath he hid me. Thou art mY'ser, vant, 0 Israel, in She I'S clothed w',th the sun and the moon undl its present incumbrance, lind the whole territo- weakness and.,inefficacy of' all human nnwe.. city, aDd u'nder the city. eNrti IS a 'cafe; D' e &clYrrkr No rYOhath m Sf}U4 Ni 1'< lc , 1"- entrance of which is at the arth, near. &.

:. '!. ( are, ew- "". ~ho~ I Will. be glorified, ' . And he said, It her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelv ry must be purified of all idolatry, superstitiOJi and skill, tO'contend with the holy law of God, mlUlcus.'(iate, about a qu,ar.tilr of .~ mfle' ip, et-The Burial of Moses. --- IS a lIght thlOg ·that thou shouldest be my aer· stars. Here is a divinely illuminated commul and infidelity. II GathJlr out of his kingdom or to deliver himself from it, until Ohrist is reo tent,Rupposed to be. t?e qua!);Y,:;:1I'hICh ~il'o~ded

vant to raise up the tribes orJ acob and to reo nity, sublimely taught, crowned with light andl all thiug~ that offend and' them which do 'v'l,aled in him as his deliverer; and if this dead the marble for tbe city .. It· IS "beautIful ana. store the preserved of Is~ae.I." "Tbns saith trutb, with all, hated and pursued by the dra, iniquity, and, shall cast them into a furna.ce body is made to hang about him until he is magnificent. Dr. Barclay ~isdD; it, a few

_'f " And he buried him in the valley in the land of

Mo~b, over against Beth'peor, but uo man knoweth of his)Bepulchre nuto this day.'~-Deut. xxxiv. 6.

I By Nebo'slonely mountain, On this side Jordan's wave,

In a vale in tbo. land of Moab,

I' .

, ,.'!here lies .. lonely 'grave; And no mau dng the sepulchre,

And no man saw It e'er; For the angels of God upturned the sod,

And laid tbe dead man tbere.

That was. the grandest funeral That ever passed on earth;

But no man heard the tramping . Or saw the train go forth . . NoiseleBSly as the daylight

Comes when the tight is done, And the crimson streak on ocean's cheek

Grows into the great sun;

Noiselessly as tbe sPring-time Her crown of verdure weaves,

And all the trees on all the hills Open their thousand leaves;

So without sound of mosic, Or voice of them that 'wept,

Silently down from the mountain's crown The great proccBSion swept.

Perchauce the bald old eagle, On gray Beth'peor's heIght,

Oui of his rocky eyrie Looked on tbe wondrous sight.

Perchance the lion, stalking, Still shuns that hallowed spol;

• Ji'.!!L.,IH!Ut,tt UP Ii hII. .... "IIiih ""-d heard -That which man knoweth not.

Amidst the noblest of' the land, Men lay tlie sage to rest,

And give the bMd an honored place, With costly marble dressed,

In the great minster transept, Where lights like glories fall; ,

And the cboir sings, and the organ rlngg~ Along the emblazoned wall.

This was tbe bravest warrior That ever.bubkled sword,

This the most giftild poet Tbat ever breathed a word;

AJid never earth's pbflolioplier Traced with bis. golden pen,

On the deathless page, truth balf so .age AS he wrote down for men.

And h!Ld he not higb bonor, TheJilll·side for bis pall,

To lie in sta.te while angels wait, , WitH sian' for taper~ tall; And the dark rook pines Wm tOBSing plumes

, Over bis bier to wave, And ~'8 own hand, in tbat lonely land

To lay b.lm'1o tbe grave.

In tha.t'deep grave without a name, , Whence his uncolfined clay

Shall break again-mbst wondrous tbonght! Before .the judgment day;

Aod Btand wilh glory wrapped around, On tbe hill he never trod,

And speak of the strife that won our life, With' th~ incarnate Son of God.

o lonely tomb in Moab's land, o dark Beth,poer's hilH

, Speak to these curious hearts of ours, Aud teach them to be still. .

God hatb his mysterie~ of grace, Ways that we cannot tell;,

He bides them deep-like th~ secret jIeep Of him he loved so well.

[DubJin Uhiversity Magazine.

For the Sabbath Recorder. The. Glory of·the Latter Days.

th L d I bl I I Years since. The tombs of the klpgs, Just north. e or,. n an accepta e tl?,e have heard gou. So under the pressure of persecution, .~e of fire. there ,s)la I be weeping and gnashing of 'thoroDghly dead to al\ worldly hopes ao.d fears,' of the city, are made in solid ~arble" r<1Ck

.. thee, and 10 the day of 8alvatlon have I help. is iu pain and cries to God and is delivered.' teeth:~ All these are jndgments this side of then it becomes a beautirul and powerful part Some fifty are easily disco18red; most or them '\ e~ thee; and I will preserve' thee, and give A man child is born. A ~reat p1auly senti- (whl;'t is called) eternity. B. MATTHIAS. of divine truth" and answers evidently to the are side by side, .but some are a;story: ~e~~ , thee for a c01euant of the people, to establish ment is born. "N'ow when they shan"fall, they'" - well.known reference which Paul had In view. These are the prodnct of mnch 'Iab~r andl~rt. tte earth to aus t 'nh 't th d I t h . FO'r Ihe Sabbath Recorde".. B f . ~ h d II' tb Gt . A very large cistern of water'is close by. '\Jal. n f e 0 I erl e eso a.e er.-. shall be holpen with a help.II-D. an. xi. ut i .we carry It .art .er,.an ca It eon· h H'n C

Th h h A Call to lIIinisters to Repent. vary, tbe Mount of Olives, Bet a!ly, I 0 tages. a t au mayest say to t e prIsoners, Personal liberty and rehglous toleration was 0111 Ll~ertll of the children of God, we shock Evil Council, Siloam, Hiuoom, as weIl as Geth. go forth; to them that are iu darkness, show the thing designed and obtained. But like all Once more, my brethren in Ithe'ministry, common sense, turn r so Crom its orbit, and semane, preseut great pointR bf it\terest. The yourselves. ',' . I wi\l make all my mountaius innovations-was couceived secretly-nurtured once' more I veuture into your presence, aud cast a total eclipse over th sun j and one of Field of Blood is remarkllhlc. I Ti Fact, this away, and my highways shall be exalted." cautiously and matured slowly but firmly cut myself. at you.r feet, hum. bly begging that the ,worst effects of this wr ng application' is, city an~ vicinity are widely dijferent from all T

" , others. God selected them. . They are physi-REY SHALL RA.VE SUCCESS. - U Shall the like Moses hid for a while till the fullness of we may inqilire, in penitential solicitude, why that alI our converts have to stop in a law· caUy'as well as morally nWlime. prey. be taken f~om the mighty; or th~ lawful time. This child was bronght fortb in tue the ways of Zion mourn, and wby the two work,"witliout"knowiug the pOlfer of the Gos- Th II Kni ht Tem lars" of Au'stria are captive be delivered.? But thus .salth· the persecution and taken into the divine care- Witnesses of our God are yet clothed in sack- pel, or the constraining 10ve'of:Christ;: or if DOW ;utting ~p someP magnificent 'bnildlngs; Lord, Even th~ captives of the mighty B?all (educated at court,) and came to maturity in cloth? apr one happeus to leap through these (Jeathlyi' and many others are being e~ect~d by Greeks. be taken away,'aDd the prey of the terrible the reformation. This thing was schooled in If it is hnmiliating to our pride, who have va POTs, the church SOli!! Brag' liim back·to,.hlt .and,Jew~, • ~ pa~t of tbe Clt~ Is,Yet; shall be delivered, for I will contend with him llxperience and matured by trials. been calI!ng oth,ers to repent, to confess that bondage. in ~hich t~tiy lie, .. For the )lacksUder most of It IS ID rUIDS. Ma~ylLve. III the oa~e-that contendeth with thee aud I will save thy d to Ii t'd ~ L b k to the' .... ' 'te f b d ments, and dens of destroctlOn, m1;l!en' and VIC~ '.

' . ' . The reforma.tion was a bold manly mission, we nee repent· rst, we mill consl er, .or ge~ a,c . 'eo, salile s,a 0 on age are conspicuons. Idolaters, heretICS, and pro-: ' chIldren, I. wIll feed them that oppose thee onr cDconrag' ement, that 1J~rore honor iii ".mil- that he l,eft.· : This,we see in. t.he :0086 of the ~essed C' hr'lstians are At v.ariance. Few COD.- ., h b I d k divinely appointed and endowed. The iustru-;t,' " • with their own ties , and they s al be run en iatioll, while ;"ridll goes before. dutrtlCtion.. 'charcn of GaHatia./ Paul tells them that they verts are to ChristiaDity. The popula-'b h , mentality appropriate and efficient. The men r. • d WIt t eir own blood, as with sweet wine. '- . The deformed dress of the two Witnesses dill run urell,' but that they had fialletl from ~iQn.seem to h.av~ little or no conSCience, an

of those times were intelligent and sturdy, a8 I th k th I ttle done adapted to the low lsa. xlix. • (the Old and New Testaments,) above refe'rred and got under the law 'and tbat Christ IU ere IS I! . E I d b . I Id E I d 't II' well as pious. They had devotion without as, grttee" . . cQndition of Jerusalem sIDners. There are a

.ng an --8U stantla 0 ng an -10 e I· to, that was predicted. in :the Apocalypse, and hali left them 80 that they co"ld fIOt do the! .' od" . . thO fi Id d Go". . hI' . tentation, trutb, simple and bold, withoutcnm, , 'J Ie" gQ miSSiOnarIeS 10 18 e an III'

gent, onorab e and Wise that s~od 10 the broDs ceremonies, and stripped of the trappings wa to continue 1260 Years, must meau the de- lAirtg. Mat 'tkey .otdtl.. This is just the bond- l!l~eII. ~ O!_wbat a plac~ this i,s for_pilS!!~,! b~8ch. when papac~. the hater ot our ,hOlt 'impO.ed. by superstition and bypocri!l1i they f«iIIed iDterpretaUon·."hic~'_b ... &.g", DdiDsb~ity'BponD Of;iti'th ... ;let»t~i'a:gr~lfmBDere (or mont~s to come. relIgion, broke·forth like a flood' upon Cie stood forth in all the greatnllss of manly jnteg- the Script~rllll; 'by wh~ch they are .m~e t? a1l8, before noticed; but he encouragllB' the'!-: 1b~. 're,~~er' 18 fine, warm and ~rultfo!; The remnant of the woman's seed, and h"s maiQ- . " d d speak.,,~at ."ey. .e' .... intended, and by whicb. to r~over, by telLiug them tha,t"he travailed people B.rp ~ealthy. The .water 18 .al~ 'Impreg~

rlty, and gave their cause to tlie worl ali ~ J' ... '"" ted th bmesoone Olives figs and grapes tained for the most. part a 'consistent .attitude they arA ma~e odion. to the good sense of man- • b' th a a'ln ror them nntil Chrl'st sb:ould be na WI I ' , " . . '. . .' , posterity upon its own merits. • Ever since ~.... 10 Ir g .", are abundant. Tliorn'grass is used as fuel to 10 Its dealings w~th th,s ~ower:-the exceptlou sensible men have espoused it. kind.. formed in them again. . bnrn lime I)nd brick. Th\l stones of the streeta has been her lemency to It, which popery can· We will b~g;i.n,· I~ ~ur re.view, with the vilth Now as we conveyed in our former address, are daugerously, slippery. Living is poor;' not bear. It always would and ever will E.ugland !lnd politically, re· cbapter of Roma,ns. St. Paul, in this cbapter, we can hardly imagine a worlle"abose' of the meat poorly ftitted. N9 PIltatoes are to be abuse privilege. Like the serpent in the fable, pres.ents the great reformation doctrines in re- descrl'bes the convictions of the law, and itS . . ~ad. The people are glad to get the milk .of

d b h 'f I' d d d Jig' ion and politics. In religion, "J'ustification by Bible 'than to interpret this state' of shaep goats and even asses But moral II". wheo warme y. OSpl a Ity an ren ere elects,. its bondage and. slavery, before Christ '. '_. ~ ... '. . . . . . raith," aud the Scriptures the only rnle or faith as the true Christian liberty-; or 'of a 01'016 109 IS poorer stlii. They venerate the magmli-

suple, will bite Its benefactor to death. is revealed as a deliverer, speaking of the law. cruel act thau to tie the yonng convert's fa.ith Cl!llt mo~ue work the rich and splendid impo .. England. is the destiued power to take into and practice. Politically, II L!berty or per· work, and 'hat only', a state in contrast with s'it'lons of the Oh;rch of the Holy Sepul.chre,"

d . " • tQ this loathsome' carcase, "hlch the heaiheri custody Turkey in Syria and Palestine. She is 80n an consCIence. the true.Ch.~i8t.jan, state., as ~.DlIy as our State's d b ~. Id d h . '. and' 'kiss the stones thereof. I walkect or Th' t' t £ d th at h word of '; poet, as qoote e,ore, cons ere t e grea... h t' t h HIS I h G the power providentially appointed to this-work. IS sen Imen orme e 11' c· provision is with troe republican libertv. Yet . ,rat er crep \D 0 teo y epn c reo ene.r,

h . d h millions in 1848, in. the whole of Europe, J est act of cruelty that they" were ever' guilty ally the boots and shoes are removed' but I, Eugland has the discreti()n-t e WIS om-t e we have made no distl'nction between this state . ' ] . h 't h d f th h ts d ot:, We know that 80me' of our commentators did not stop' for the ceremony. Here 18 much power-the opportumty. Other powers covet w en I a a ree pass roug cour an of the soul and the state of the Christian give the definition which we here deplore,' but pretension but mtle else except glitter aud

the distinction. Russia would like to fasten kingdoms in these words-terrible to kings: made fre~ ;Mdee",' so dull have beun' our per. credulity. ' I walked to Bethlehem and back "L'b t I't d fr t 't" Th' • on "' ~ we must remember .that all such wrote under the Greek religiop. upon Palestiue. France or I er y, equa I Yan a erm y. IS sen' t" d bl; d ft" , the same day, lIeven miles. Was well repaid.

.Austria the Latin. Neither is better than timent, then, like a rod of irou shivered thrones cep 10M an ,,0 ID our powers 0 percep Ion. tbe thick shadows which Robinson, in his ad- It comprises a pair of twin hills, terraced all Musnlmism iu which of either event the des';" and cowed kings, and for the time f!.uspended In order to make. this idea plain, we will dress to the departing pi\grim~;' taught. them the w~y ~rom,the lo,!'poiut of the valley up;

. ' I d d h t bl' all the institutions of the eastern hemisphere. analyze it. I!l this ~criptnrereferred to, the. to shun, and which Dr. Watts: apprised his beaubfnllUdeedl Ohves,goatsandsbepherdl, labon would be pro oug~ ! an . t a ~u. Ime sonl. is. said to be carna.1, 10.ld under 'in; pupils of,' and also that ail who have upheld were io abundance. I saw the reputed spot country be mocked and rIdiculed by theIr IDBuf· THE PURPOSES OF ITS BIRTH.-" Rule all na- t h b th 11'~ • t of Christ's birth, with the star resting on it., .'

8 ate IS t e same. as . el.n .. g. ID e ga oJ ul' the definition in qnestion, were of one tbeolo- h Cerable mummery andsnperstition. Russia can- tions with a rod of iron." This purpose 'Vas db d If N t and tbe manger in which e'was laid •. Some.,. not atl'ord to fight for this distinction. France well nigh fulfilleJl lu the events just reCerred 'eTfItII an on I 0 . '."!flllty. ow as par y gical sentiment. It may agaiu De replied that things I did n?t believe, but I felt solem.n a~~ and Austria muat fight each other and be to in the neutralizing of EDropean institu. prepo~sessiou8, ,customs, and feelings can make though oor Methodist brethren give to tbese very reverential. Oh, that men" ,,:ere, Bancti.

. • ' any abBDr~ity appear consistent, so this, with Scriptures a diil'ereut definition, yet their Chris- lied by! Bethlellem and .VlCJIlI~Y ""are ~roken, and go IUto perditlou. ~o~ th~m there tiolls. other similar expressio.ns, in the same CODnee- tian state accords well with others. To this very beautirul and fl!~tiIe. The weatKiitl I1ere IS no glory but carnage. No distinctIOn, bot God favors the rise of kingdoms, with the ti9n, has been llle,de, I!-nd is by us still argued we reply that for this we have already ac. is like May in New York, bnt ra~Hind . II double destroction." They have popery .purpose of getting some sen ice out of them. en .. l'h B'f I k ' Athens, alld two months later"than Evpt; . about their necks as a mill-stone that will drag Il'hey are all born to a mission, but all work for, as true, rllt,!'" I ertg. ut I we 00 connted.· Tbe backslider gets into the state Yesterday,' P. ~., I ,preached for Bro . .Jones .

• h 't . t th't thO th t' . I h d d to upqn these expI:e~~¥s. \lVi~h the eyes of reason, he once left. .Auy observer may see that they .All well. Y-tlurs, &c., E. ANDREWS. WIt I 1U 0 e pi ,every IDg, a IS ID auy sparing y, except w en new an unuse asi~e from.aDy.pl1l~8sion, which is th~ ",a1 bave left the spirit oC their doctrine Bnd disci. ,1 _______ _ way allied to it., eitber in faith or politics. power-" new brooms sweep clean." JehU God requires us ~o read his word, and wltho.ut piiue far behind. This the dyiug A.sbury, one .-l A Firat Step.

England may, if it will, be the second Oy- was death on the house of .Ahab-but soon whlch .the Bible is aa useless to ns as the sun of their first bisbops testified to on his dying _, rolf-BOme power will fill this place assigned left olf to work for God. The whole Jewish is ~o a;blind mau~',~e shall see toat no two bed; and as I said before, Wesley would find : Dr. Dutto~, of New Haven, in'his discourse iu prophecy. That land ot which I am speak. nation was appoiDted to privilege and power. states can be, grell:ter.~pposites. uo church member now, No~ but wbat, were comm~mo~atl'f:e of Dr, Taylor, narrates the ing must be restored. The II depolations of They had all the means of leading the rest of Take a~,other(an.~lyjis. Paul, in personating he to come now, many good-Yethodists would ,foIloWlDg IDcldent: many generations most be repaired." The tbe world and of universal 118efulne'@-but that state, says,. II 0 I W!etched man that I a~,. gladly follow him; but he would require the~ . II It ,wa9 some ~i~e daring his college lite;. in', desolate must have many more children than forebore to work, when ~hey became a prey to who shall deliver"me' from the hody of this to reform which they would gladly do. And hiS seDlor year, I think, .that he became. decid­the married wife. The Sarah-the,free cove- outsiders; they'first weakened themselves by d h P '} '. h' tto th Ito-' '.. ed!y a .servant of Obrlst. Respecting that

"God is a great}dng. -j, Lord of kings, and ruleth t t b l'fi th th H turn'lng from God'- worshl'p to that of I'dols, eat 7" ~s an . ~a,s preac IDg e.. tho ~ '!lime IS to be said of the other or~ers that eveut, I bave beard bim make a s. tao temeut In the klngaom 01 men."-DANlJ:L. nan mUB e more pro I c all e agar. or a h rte f, lTIld th to om of their G d I th d ood "Whlohin his times shaU heshe,! the blessed 'bond·womau covenant.-(Isa. Iiv.' Gal. iv,) and then were robbed by idolators and last of m~ eon re e ... em . s e .' we ,named.. . 00 pe.oP e,are ere,. an 'g wbicb is very instrnctive acd monitory. There

and olll~otelltate, the King of kings, and Lord of , r h' "h I :we!U.nown cnsto~s, ~.,a means oC conveYlOg is dging, but not the good required. was a cl8SSm~te au~ particular frie~d of h'is, ]ords."-«pA.UL. . ' . Jerusalem must break fortb on the right and ·all, removed out O. IS slg t. ,,6 truth. So in this expr.ession, he describes the . '11 h h'l who, at the saDie tIme, by the wOrklDg of the

Kingdoms and Repub1icB are liable, (as tbey 011 the l~ft, and ber s~ed /Ihall inherit the Gen- The rod of iron must represent the SWO\'IV s~ of th~ true, ui~t' uuder .the conic. ' It .requIres no great Ski, ~ see t at w I e Divi~e Spirit, . was concerned for bis .eternal ever have beeu 'I'nclined in p'ractice,) to 100. k to tiles. .The woman forsak. en, grillVOO in spirit, II To rIlle " is to subdue,.and break the nations, ,.. ,llB. "' '. .. . ~ d we. ought to be far ahead 1U plety'of what onr interellts The two rriends communicated tbeir '

' tiona of the law, before dehverance came, an ., h' ~ ',,' b h; it' W h' .. h h . their own ways and to follow the policy of and wife of youth must be received back agaill. The nations so subjected, embrace all super- . • ", .. ' .•.. " . h' " fOfef~t "e!'8,were,!e aro ,.ar e 10. '. eave feellDgs to eac ot er. And one day, while' pride and interest. This, the Lord, of kiugs ~.Iiv. . stitiousheathen and Idolatrous powers who only before Chnat was fo~med wlthm by faIt ,~y:a externals, but lost i~ internals; we walking together, they raised th~ qU~ltion -j'll no· 'to' lerate' ·orev~r·. It Is a pl·ty· "hey d t t ..... ted .-~ d . b r' u'I'e ~or m'l8Ch-Iec and are II d~ well known custom among them, and one of have increased iu form"but lost ill spirit. whether they shonld then call on President ". "" • But 0 thon to/lt an empes IWllC , """ aD sore, reIgn or ea r" I, •. . V' thl\ most cruel that the] ever iuvented, of pun: , . '. Dwight, who had invited all persons thought-had not-preCerred the advice ,of a good pro- Thy Maker is thy husbend he will aftIictno more. stroyers of the earth;" of whom It IS wrItten, 'lii the' l' 4 rim' Is by tying And now let me, close by saYlOg as ~erore, ful upon religion to calland converse with him. Phet·,to a prdl'a'ne. king, many years ago. It :forget thy father's house with/aU, II And shonldst destroy them which destroy ISd 1/~dgh' , Ir c~bP'dl~~ tan thC Inad! d'o' and in' 'alI hnmllity'iind lo"e, if we would mend At leng~h, while still talking and doubting ou

. . , N th b t . . ea uman' 0 les 0 em, lin 80 0 mlDg . . . h t· • th top. D'. ht' is this: II ;WliefJ'. fo,r.e, 0 king, let my couDllel or more y same regre, , . the earth,"-Rev. xi. 18. And by the way, tb? Ii . '. to d' b th' te h f 'th' d 'd for the Cuture, we'must repe.nt of the past; or t a question, ey came reSident lTJg, • ' So shall thy Lord delight in thee, • , e VlDg ones 18 yes IW 0 e ea " .,. "'ate There thev stopped and hesitated At be acceptable' Ullio thee, and,break of tl!! sins l.. this term II earth" is often applIed particular- . " • . . . prepa~e to meet the oonseqnences of betraymg.,. . . '. , . _ '

'1'1I0U shalt be honored yet. . . . . ' •. ; ones, belDg so tied face to race and hand to , . : '. length Taylor said, II Well, I shall go In." by righteousne88, and thine iniquities bysbow- IDltead of noble ancestry, tby sons shall princes be, Iy to PalestlDe, and ~ore probably In thiS lD~ hand that tbey could not free themselves. Of Gods word. For I do not conslde~ w4at ~e II Well," said his companion, "I think I will . ing mercy to thl! ~or; if it may be a length- Thy kingdom universal, shall stretch from sea to sea. stance. his cruel, r.ctice the heathen poet thus ex- bave stated ~ doubtful; w~ have only detaIl- not, to-day." Taylor webt in;- aDd the resalt ening of thy tranquility."-Dan. iv. 27. Mr, Wilsou thinks that the Anglo·SaxoUl Political pewllr must wield this rod, when' 'presleS lii:selr'. ' ., ed what is. general conviction with tbe can- of his conversation with tha;. emil~ent 8:~i'. ,

Inaugurated-power or instituted, aathority, are the real descendants of the ten ti'ibei of God will be glorified; Jesus inaugerated into ' • I. 1" did and thoughtful; we m.y, to be sure, have tiau guid& wu, ,that hebg&vbe kuulIe tooo

rUlt . . h" What tongn.o caa JIIWIt th.e el:ecrab e times. .' .' ., h' hId h in a cove'nant never to. e ro en and callie is a legitimate; alid ; essential con\litiou tor the IsraeL If this should' happen to be true, tben. full power "pon DaVid's tbrone," and the ~ urcb , Thl! s)1~j~t's ~r, \ina' the tyrant's cf;lmes! glveD'8?me ideas too Ig a co or" a~ P?' aps a' burning and shining' light' in 'biB klugdom.

people. 'Tbe. :Diasse~. 'could' not trnst them· without controversy England is the elected redeemed forever. Our ble88e~ Lord .te&Cb~8 The lj.V1nr rr!ce tlJ,e:iI=.~ 1lO:::!d, so~e too low j we pretend to no . perfection of His companioD trom that time thought 1_ aild BeiTee without. them. T,hey expect to be ruled power, the same doctrine in the following:." He will rnt~t~!J. wUh ~c'If, in' 1~~'emb1'!'Ces tied, tliis kind; ~ut we consider tbe leading ideas less 01 the snhject; inil though he lived for ' -they would not kuow whit to do, lert to But there is a special prophecy which will send forth his angels a~d gather ont of his The l\ng'ring .wre~;pIuI!dllway and ,dietL" unquestionably true; 80 that to tum from lI!any ~ears . ar~!w.rds a ,,!spsc,table man,. he l

themselves. ap'ply' no where else as to England, found in kingdom, all things that offend, and them Now this m~ 'Wl'~tc~8!i .and. cruel of all these considerations, may be u:pected to in~ ~Ied,'!ng SauYh


C8 ~~. ~ ,8&!llIg . h· h d ... d h II t th • to ' t' f th d ,. ed L_ th h 1 h' t. God' In teres In 1-' ns.. uc are t e crISes in the Bot while kings and cabinets. are providen- Rev. xii. 5: "And she broug~t ro~~b a man 11' IC 0 lDlqUlty; an s a cas em I~ & ~rac IceS 0 e ep~av. ... ~~ ,en we., ave 8U~ '0 ve' t e 'consequences 0 pervertlDg s bistory o~ 'immortaf .souls. Tbul,it' ,is' th~t"

tialIy iDstituted,:.and appointed to power, they child, who was to rnle all natlous WIth a rod furnace of fire, etc. ~ .• Then shall the nght- be bllt, ~e f~UI~ ,of:our Lord s.l~lttdon-. word. comp'nloM'travel together till the,. eome"tO ought to. temember they .are lubordinates. of iron, aud the child' was caugbt up to God eons shiue Corth as the sun in the kingdom ,of ing love to tbe sonl, wheu he comell, by his laur For the troth is;. no on~ ~a.n liTO 10ni in where tliey see plainly the o~n patb to OIIrf1t:: There is a great "liord or ~ngs'" tb~t ex- Bndbia throne.",' their Father."-Matt. xiii. n, 42. Three D./ilu qnf'il tif·lifll, to mAke him free-1",tUM.. this state. The ~nller-.-'b.e ,vue .peniteut They consider, t~ey.~ecide, the one t"k!ug tile. )lects them to do' hi. will: Like Oyma, ot It hu been takOD for granted tbat this child other texts in three ditl'erent books represent .and fill him with jOg .~able' and foIl oJ'mu..:.pre!li thro1lgh this boiIdage,: (and how W&y tot ~1'8~IuI' ~I~·li~de, ~hh~ 9tohber P"t~~IDg'~toe" b

'. f h ' ,. " ... 'I'A h- 'r' . I I~ .;.1:..... tb" h 'h way 0 e,er as. ng ea" ,le l1li !lee ,. Olll it wu '",Uten, II He sba!l pe~rorm all was Jeans, but wi~hout realOn or fitness. I ~be same events, and m language ~ t e 8&m~. ~~1f1rJ. . ~'.. . can;~e ,~~: t ~ I !be. ~.n.18.r11111';l , ~? .B,re it th'a~. in these crises. or .eternal de8tini:t\8:r~: .lQy pleuiI~j .e'~n I~YlD8 ~JeroaalePl· Tiblll .• 1lI name one obJection, others jwill ap~ ·lUlPllrt. .t A.ud ~~er~ ~hall 'be a ~:~:trO~ Thu:' .~,.~ 'We ~e .~nr ,a~, ar~U1t bu~r) he ~U!ft.p~.·lto It~})', achng~tfi Regatd' tbe Diflne wanilD" lila; , I~II&-'" ~~U'i a. to. 'b8"te~·rr.b1·.tqllA~ ~t11.: .~- Jf,eGMo hQayen /ll'hen a'ma~ ble, .. , .. at tbat t1me thy pe9'p~,j~Il: ~ mOre 'glOomY ~~ 'rtpalsl1:tHhall' the 8OC1&~ pn~ oA' h~ ~re cloth~ .~t~ ;1!~lcfl"e.I~. ~~d' he~ ,th4f ~i~ne entreaty,. ';Qaench'IDot; .-1 tlOIt .haJJ:be, laid!' P(lwerl'lo appofated aDd After' *he dragon . had ~ted him; but this del~nred, enry one tha~ man be foaIId ,wn*" world iIl·thefr ,:_putlesj IDd. tbe..<y~ul COD: .hali'(Lt&d:foot ... ~lId get tbe,r"l\h tb&t~~ _ Splll~''! ~,; :' ., c

\' ' . • . . " ' , ...,.'.,.. . ,'- ,,~ ~ " " ",' ~ : ~' . : ", f.: ' ,-" ..


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190 THE SABBATH RECORDER, l\IAY 5,1859. Bnt no time after his (said to be) miracnlons' tU'nmUtuu·(ruft·nna • / / was the miud so mnch absorbed by secular con- WI, Iiara, and remain nndls«:iplined members of might Rnbmit to baptism "nnder protelt," ~d ~onverBion was lost by the prelates of the Ro- \lI.I 'JJ cerns that there was no room in thy hellrt for proressed~brj8tiau den,Qminations and churches throw the responsibility on tbe church whl:h man Church to enlist this superstitioos monarch - -:c-=- thtlHeavenly Dove? Dost thon sing with the But it 18 not to 8ucli abommable profana· will not ailmit me wlthoot it.

New York, lIlay 5, 1859, in their nefarions schemes to enforce a on. Letter from Bro, Carpenter, Spirit and with the uuderstanding? Dost thoo tions of tbe Cbristian 'name we wonld now Now, Messrs, Editors, will yon oblige me :::=============== r _ h specially rerer, bnt to those which are more by yo.or opinion whether or not Ishonld with

hormlty in the w ole Church to their un· MILL YARD, Apri17, 1859. generally obtllin blcssino!!8 in thy cold and for- d btl T b th h d h ' EDITED BY A COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD. common .nn 8U e. ~ e a orong, Boun , my VIOWS on t e snbject, be justified in taking


The Office of TOE SABBATH RECORDER having been removed to No, 5 Chatham Square, New York, onr corre.polldeuta, Rnd friends sending remittances, are

r.!quested to direct to U8 6sllbove.

Church Festivall.

scriptnral ceremonies and nsages He was reo Dear B'j' Balley,-I trnst yon have re mal prllyers 7 Or do tby past unholy condnct symmetrIcal Chrlst13n, IS It only necessllry to snch a step; my own impression ii tbat It markably fitted for this pnrpose i and he ceived a note I addressed~ to yon soon aftel' and thy previons sins, (of which thon hast not have passed, ill the regenerating process, from would savor little of that "godly lineerity" proceeded as though he was endowed with onr arrival in this conntry :. In that I think I repented,) hinder them? Dost thoo neglect death unto lifo, to unito one's self to a Cnris, which shonld mark the acts or e,ery Ohrls­a divine right to establish laws and rites stated we intended to start for New York in daily entrance " into thy closet" to pray con. tlan chnrch composed of baptized behevers, tQ tian, whether he make a pnblic profellSioo or

h .. h~ chnrch going, to he prayerful in the family not, And, next, can yO!! point me to any dl (or t e Church of Christ., He allowed himself the ellrly pllrt of April We have engaged siderately, humbly, ardently to thy Heavenly C1rcl~ anlllll the house of God, to be fervent rections in tbe New Testament wbich will jus. to be advised by the priests of Rome, He our passage however on the packet ship Vic. Father? Or are thy secret devotions perform· I~ prl,vate and pnbllc exhortatlOlls, to be dIS' hfy the exclnslon from a church of J ID1 ODe possessed theirprejndices, and saId, "Let ns have toria, advertised to sail on tbe 14th of the ed as bnrdensome duties 7 Does family prayer tlngnlshed for alms'giving, to be a good citizen, who entertains ench a belief, bnt who in nery nothing in common with the accnsed sect of the present month. The tIme of o~r arrival will sfrlke thee With dread 7 And does thy heart and even a good husband or father? Somo other respect wonld be Willingly admitted?

thing more, vas.t1y more. It is to be good, and A.N OOTER COURT W ORSBIPIR

b. fell h f t' I ltd Jews." He was fresh from the ranks of po.. of conrse depend on circnmstllnces whicb we secretly desire to be absolved from the dnty! p"Te, and trlle 10 all the compllcllted relatl'ons •

The an ~ect 0 urc es IVB 8 S sugges e , . h ,. ' D • th . hI' f d' I ? D .. P rhaps som f d be bl b h t d

' I d b th R gaUlsm, Wit ont an IIcquamtance WIth the law cannot Corsee It may be the middle of May os. on pray m pn IC or ISP ay ost of hCe, in the family circle, in the chnrch in e e 0 our rea ers may a e to to 09 Y t e recen ISP ays ma eye 0- f G d th 't' f th b t th' , thou S'I m fi 1 I th' r the marts of trade, in thono"ht, prlrpose m' n_ belp the infirmity of the Iltdt'Pt1Iti,·t, aDd

C h I· 't 'th I b r f 0 0 - e wrl lOgS 0 e prop e S, e SOGner or later and it may be never Great ng ore or popu ar app ause an 10 ~ B

man at 0 IC commnnl y In e ce e ra lOll 0 t \.' f Cb . t 't' f h' A ' . th-' d h' f G d' Wh th tive, desire, as well as in actIOn. It IS to' love snggest n good answer to the inqnl'ry of aD .. L eacumgs 0 rls ,or wrl lOgs 0 IS pos- and sndden changes await IIUIny of the humen e praise lin wors Ip 0 0, en ou their nnUlversary of ent. tl H k I h t h' ., I 'd t d t th h d th t' f S God with all the heart, and with all the so1l1 " Onter-conrt Worshiper." • , . es. e new on y w 0. IS spmtua gUl es family, perhaps ns, prayes os on ee e Bugges Ions 0 0.' lind with all the mmd-the trIUne sonl, AND ~

A,',· Wtdllt,day-ThIB 18 tbe first day of had taught him and he made such laws to fa- B t ho' th h th d f God to tan-be precise nnd eloqnent or the people will NEIGHBOR AS ONE'S SELF How rew love God Bnnday in the Sandwich Ialallda, L I b ' th ~ t d r f t' wh' h' n plDg rong e goo ness 0 }j.- II

flit, t egms e lor y ays 0 as lOgiC vor their views as snited them to propose I' \-~ ':: not Bay yon are gifted, and learned, and smart? so snpremely, ns an obiect of pOSslOllate lire: . . f . see yon soon, remalD, • " precedes the.anUlversaryoftbe Resnrrectlon 0 Snch was the ignorance of these splrltnal Yours very trnly, Dost thon snbmit tacitly, to all the extrava· continuing adoratIOn-setting the Lord always .For a great many years, Cbristlan minion. Christ. It 18 snpp.osed to be so called Crom gnides in regard to the Scriptnres, that they S CARPEl'TER, gllnee and tyranny of fashion? Dost thou before their fllces. How few love their neigh. ~rl~s have been laboring zealoOll1 for the re-

f kl h a on the head "bor as themselves in all their relations to tbem, hglOlIS conversion of the Sandwich IsIandell, ) II custom 0 sprm 109 as e 'dId not know as tbere was any difference he. treat thy poor brethren With coldness, and con· M h ttl F 111 ull their scbemes, motives, and deaires with uc l!De, a ent, an~ money havo beea ex·

Lent-ThIS is the g,nadragesima or fast of tween a moral and a ceremonillllaw. They nev- or the Sabbath Recorder. descend only to proffer the friendly band, and respect to them. "Look not every man," sllys pended lD a work~ which is not only not &C-

forty days observed by the Roman and other er knew that there WIIS any thing in the New The Passover Sabbath the Sabbath of the to favor the most distingnishtd, learned and the apostle, U on his own things, but every mun compllshed, but IS actJIally tending towardl EpiBcopalilin churches in commemoration of the Testllmcnt that even hinted at the observation Lord, opnlent f Dost thon consider the most wealthy also on the things of others" Reader, do yon ~nfidelityl Even .80, • The misslonarieR hning

'h f S· 'r t C h fi d f h k so love God 7 Do yon so love yonI' neighbor 7 Instructed the natives m religions and seenlar forty days and forty Dig ts 0 onr IIVlonr 8 as· 0 t erst aJ 0 t e wee on any account what· "Forvertly leay nnto you, tin heaven aud earth P""", tbe most worthy, becanse they are rich? Dost tt I to j t tit! h II' Are yonr condnct, speecb, thoughts, motives ma ers a so, some extent, these same na-Ing In the wilderDeBIl I~ is however not ob· ever. Tbey did not know that John was in ~Nf 1I~1 ;:: ~~~llede,L~M~~ n~ ~~se pass from the law, thon despise the meek and lowly Christian nnd and desires such as can endnre the divine m. tives are now using their secnlar edncation to aorved by a totlll fast; but by abatinence from the spirit ob the Lord's dllY, or that in what he The law of God written WIth the fing~r of neglect to Visit the poor di~clple, hecau,e he u spectio?-even, if thfy are to be laid bare only overthrow the Chr,i,stian obs~rvan~e of Snnday flesh only, while fish and eggs are freely used. wrote he ever mentIOned the do.y, With such God on tables of stone is acknowledged where. poor 1 Dost thon trellt With moroseness the to the inspectIOn of a congregated nniverse? among theml "IC ~nrse~. hke chIckens, come

h d k . . t I 'd d h . t d I b f h fl k' D h h' k f We allude to lUck snbtle defiCiencies in be· home to roost, so In thiS Inltance does tbe Good.Friday is one of t ose ays ept 10 SpIrl na gUl es on snc an Ignoran an sn· ever the Word of God is known by both Jew am sot e oc lOst t on t \U more 0 • fl' lievers. Hnsband do yon love yonr Wife as Spirit 0 prose ybsm "retnrn to plague the In.

memory of Christ's cr\lclfix lOn, following the perstltions Emperor we shonld not be snrprised an~ Gentile as "holy, jnst and good," (Rom tbe world, its bnsiness, its wealth than of yonrself Y. Do yo~ stndy fol' her happmes8,' ventors." The, missionaries have got more trlldltion that the Savipur was pnt to death on that all the usages \U the Chnrch established vii 12,) and not the least part of it clln pass Christ 1 Are tby examples of conduct worthy ber gratification as yon do for yoor own? than they bargamed for, and are now COli­FrIday. ~ by his anthorlty were as nnl'ke tbe holy rehg· away as long as the heavens and the earth re- of imit!1tion? " Keep thy heart WIth all dlli- Father, are yo; a model chIld of God before vinc~d, no donbt, ~at It il Dot intelligence

Ead" SUllday terminated the faat of Lent, ion of Jesns Cbrist, as tanght by him and his mam nnleb8 it has its fnlfillment Tbis law is gence Cor ont of It are the issnes of life," yonr own children? Dost tbon say npon thy bot Ignorance that IS the mother of devotioD, A tl th Id b d t II t' N"rll M< h 30 1859 E S B knees, I love thee, 0 my God, snpremely, and and. that in order to llIake Bure of keeping

wh'lch '18 kept as an annnal festival of Ihe Res· pos es, as ey con. e, an sire am the Ten Commandmellts, and a" I'f to I'mply ... , arc , th th ~ Id h k > then belie the speech of thy lipS, by loving the e!r ~nverts m e 10 , t ey mnst . eel' nrrection, It is cl\lIed Easter from the Saxon some resemblance to ItS most prominent fea· their perpetuity they ore written on Imperlsha. For the Sabbath Record~r world co.ordmattlly if not excessively? Dost theIr mmds permanently stnnted, There 18 no Ellster (Webster,) and answers to the time of tnreR. ble material, alld With the Imperishable fing~r Evidences of Regeneration, thon fan~y, thou do~t love thy neighbor as tby. otber w.ay t? preserve tbeir religion intact and tho passover of tj,le Hebrews. The word EllS' Ohrlltmas is another festival of the Chnrch, of God. 'l'he manner in which they were WrIt. self, and then, be sordIdly or sltg;htly selfish m render It abldmg; for the, moment they become

. f A kept I'n memory of Chrl'st's bl'rth Bllt there A Inve of virtne and hatred of vice A sn· all thy connection With him? Dost thon pray enlightened enongh to think and reflect, they ter occurs in onr English translatIon 0 cts . ten and the material on which they were writ· I ' II

G k 1 .1 't h Id bas heen no record of tho time of Christ's premt love for God and dehght in his worship. "Lord, let thy kmgdom come," and let the WI . Yflry natnrally follow the ~!ample of tbe

xii. 4', hut is in ree, palC,.a, anu I s on ten being entirely different from tbe book (roll t't' ttl' t II db natives of Hllo who lately presented to the II h bl'rtb nor any reliable tradition of It In an Grea satisfaction in reading the Holy B,ble pe I Ion escape m 0 aIr, 1m air, nn,o owe y ,

have been rtdered passover as in a ot er ' 'or parchment,) of the law written by Moses. the legitimate action? Dost thou labor pray Honse of Nobles of thb Hawaiian Legislature, early day wben Christ's birth day began to be d b' h mora thadl in the perusal of all other books and exhort ~or what IS popularly denom'I'nated the following peti~ion relative to tbe Sonday

parts of the criptnres, . . an su ~ect to c IInge and decay The one is " Many of those who are called the early fa, noticed, It )Vas supposed that .he WIIS born in binding m /Its reqmrements as long as beaven nnd prints. More ple!LSore in searching the 0." revivo.l of religion," dOlOg" de8pite onto law' .

'herl, seemedtohaveha'd II ma.;a for chnrch fes- th.e month of September; bnt It was an after ~nd earth e~ndures, and I'S the Dlvl'ne morallnw1 " Holy Scriptnres than in conning politics, A the spirit of grace" nlr the while ill tbe world "The statute now m force, prohlbitiog labor • '" Q ~ I f h h d ~ f h by an lnCOnblstent I,f~? If a trnstee of tru; on the Sabbatb, is attended with no bene6u, ti'Vals, lind there WIIS at an early day a disagree. discovery tba.t ~e wns born on !h~ 25th of De- the other contains rnles and ordinances for ove 0 t e bret ren lin pre erence 0 t e com· pecnUlary interests of oth"ers, or of 0. benevo- tempo~al, moral,. or reltgions; ~ut on tbe con-

th E t d W 8t rn por hmber_ And Indeed, the ChflBtlan world has D . 'r . d ,~ d pttuyof tho godly to that of worldly society lent funds I'n trnst 11"Ve you s"credly rego.rded trary, 18 prodnctlve of mnch eVil. ment between e as ern an e e . IVine serv'ce 0 ceremODlCS an sacrwces, an D h'" , ~ u , f h Ch h tl'n the t'lme when never come to an agreement as to the yeor in t • ht fIr d" b ellg t m religions conVerSo.tlon, and hatred them as sucb, nnd as belonging to God's Cllnse', ,. We know that ndvantage is frequently

tlons 0 t e orc, respec g . .. , lor rig eousness 0 lie an JostIce etween . t k f rl t t b th b h Id b I br ted

whIch he was born Had It been hIS deSign d Th . d' . I of flbaldry and nonsen,o A non conmvance have you hr.ld them relldy to meet the lawful a en 0 Ral R 0. nte y e worst persons as lIome of t em s ou e ce e a ,.. mlln an man e one IS nncon Itlonll m its ,. • I h d f h • a pretext to allno" to curry favor 0 ~ 'E b' Jnden Syrlll lind that the several Important events of hiS hfe, . t d th ~ II d at SID m IIny form, lind a rei lisa to Inng at ra ts upon t em lit auy momeut, Dost thon J, , r lor pe·

'I he 118tem, em raclOg, h' d h h' . b' , reqmremen s, an ere ore, co. e command· d . II fi t d bl k d' .1 profess to hve by fliltb, lovmg not the world nor cnntary gain Ulstory teaches tho.t this IlIw • I bserved the IIs"over week"t the IS cat, IS resurrectIOn,. IS ascension and t th th' d' I ra eness, JO I ca Ion an ac gUlll Ism, anu t b t th h d d Egypt ) P " " men S; eo er Iscon ,tlOnl1 m part nnd hns tb.e things in It. to be content wltb such things came ID 0 .vogue II on ree nn re . yeara

, f th . I h the pas the descent of th~ Holy Spmt, should be com· tt h d It r iii I.' no fellewship WIth snch uufrnitful works of as yon Ilave·. to set yonr alrectl'ons 00 thl'ngs after the o.r onr Sa.vlonr, and th, at I.t 1i.llda same season 0 e year 10 w lle' • •• a ac e pen a les lor 0 enees, 1\ po Ity adapt k h' . I d II'

b k t b th H memorated by rehglons festIvals, he wonld d t th J (. t d' darkness. Grace, mec ness, nmlhty, ove an above and not on thiti<'os beneath: to "look fora no ~lIrrant.ln hiS teachmgs, Thllt It orlglDnt· Bover hnd always een ep Y e e- e 0 e ews as a na lon, no leta ted by . I' d' h ddt r th tId . wlthont any doubt, have secnred the falthfnl h . d b t r r h sobriety mdwelmg the soul, an mouldlllg t e city which hath foundatIOns, whose boilder and e lD a :81~e 0 'o.r er a, par Icn ar cree, brew Chnrch, and closed their season of fast. t .. f th' d t t th Ch h nman WIS om, U emana 109 rom t 8 great h t d t Th" I d In"k"r I'S God'" 'l'hon IS I't made manl'fest I'n and that It IS at thiS day ID the nature of l , ransmlSSlon 0 elr a es 0 e nrc, • ' . d ear an emper, e rCIgmng ove an " , I , ing or Lent on the same dllY of the week With . . . . ,onntalll of WIS om, from whence no error clln f G d fi' d f th h t thy actions, thy speech, tllat thy affections are speCial R~atute to f08ter sectnrian, il!terest. the passove~, let It filII on wbatever day of the TOLthis da

Ay, hthWe SCdrlptdnrlessHfesltlvaTlsh' Cbdrlst. emanate, so perfect in it~ character that it needs gradc~ho 0, .:~ Dln~ an s~ tell~n~ de eal, on houses lind lands, and Silver nnd gold, which .bence, It IS cOllt~ary .to t~e broad pr!nclptes ~f

week It might. Of courso, tbey hod no East. mGas, e~t, 8 E' e nesway: 0 y. nrs a~, no change or amendments so long liS tho Jews II~ e acqmsi IOU 0 . II goo lin en er. con· Will perish in the uSlOg' as If thol1 knowest law estabhshed III thIS kingdom, which permIt

Th W t t' f th ood FrIday, aster, hltesnntlde, Lord B f b'd' G d' ( .. ' sCience An over·awlDg sense oC the contllluat thou shall hve to complete thy cherIshed earth· every indlVldulll to worship God accordmg to

or SandllY. e es ern por Ion 0 e d tl d ddt d h liS a na Ion II I 0 ID 0 B avor, Or nntil they r th d d s of AI 'ht Iy pl"ns and tllat death WIll not knock nt thy tbe dictates of his own conscience. , h R t't h ddt d th ay, an ays e Ica e to t e memory of t' II • Ifill d d th d' ,presence 0 e power!Ln goo ne s mig y ", Chnrch WIt ome a I a ea, a op e c . "are yplCIi y IU e, lin ano er IspenslitlOn God d '( d f t d • II d d door to be reody 'or IllS summons, w"en thon " Mllny of the nnde.rsigned have no 8~mpa. , , SalOts and Marytrs, are more highly es- .•. h ,an gratl n e mam es e lor 0. goo on " U h

prnctico stIli parsned by her adherents, and d b t" f h Ch" IS IDstltuted, w ereby God can be approacbed r 'f d b II f tb 'f f H' art not prepared? 0 brother Chri.tilln be· t y for the creeds derived from tbe Cliflstlao otbers who observe this ceremony, to com. tCeheme

h Yh a grhea maJodrlty 0 t 0d rlshanc withont the blood of beasts and ceremonies Of per ect d

g! t~, anI til ove n orG 8 tg: to rls werel' , Bible, and feerthat their rights aro trenched

, nrc t an t & sacre commlln ments 0 h I th h h d' on to Ie lor os BlDners. r~a ,ear In 0 To be a thorough CllfIstlan of symmetrical upon. lD a very Ber.ions, and ofte.n In a Tery In· mence tbo fllst annuaUy so as to have the forty h" I k b h h f God t e aw, roog anot er mc 111m, an anointed . G d " tl HIS" d It d

d k· . t e "eCII onne spo en y t e mont 0 d' t J th S' th S elldmg 0, grIeVlDg Ie 0 y pmt an piety, is to be a fiuished gentleman Ill' all the ~u mg an an?oymg ~lInner, ID conseqnence

days ond on Snnday, an ept It liS nn IInDl' . e , , me la or, esns e aVlOur, e on of God fl' of tbe statnte III qnestlOn f th R t'on It was 0. 10 g and written npon stone With IllS own finger, Tb t h' I I I d' t tb S . Jesus our Lorll and hope 0 ollr sa vlltlOn A delicate thmgs of 11fe. A ChrIstian shonld be " ' ..

vcr'llry 0 e esurrec I n e Y .. lca aw ea 109 0 e aVlonr ba .. . h h' h I f J C In vIew of the present conditIon of the .• , I R t'o f the Chnrch and confirmed by the examples aQd injanctions 'ts r Ifill t' h b t th h" k h COn8Cl0usnes~ of SillS forgiven and a firm relt· t e Ig est stye 0 a man. esns hrlst was . , .. . tlmo helore t Ie oman sec I no, . I n men III 1m, u ey w 0 eep t e , D . . d h'b- . soch III his bumnn Side A professed Christian HaWalla? .people, It IS the candid ,oP.IDlon or

h t 1 n'lliorm't of OhrlBt 1Ilmself. Foil well do they make d t f G d d th •. h f J " .anee Oll tuu lVlne promises an nn ex I ItlOn "0 t t tb t th 101 I I b t enoug 0 compe a n I y comman men s 0 0 an e .001t 0 eans . has DO right to be boorisb rongb IDdelicate " or pe I loners 11 e fbn e orlglna aw, ccnme s rong . ,voi~ the law of God by their traditions (R I 12) "re' d d 'th' of faIth In onr Lord and Savlollr Jesus Christ, selfish in IIny thl·ng. Ho,,' often 'are mon o'f as ~.onnd in the 'Decalog,no,' waoJ.d not n01l'

In this matter, and It WIIS finally nccomphshed _ ev. x V. ,.. ,oun away own ID e I' C b t h 'Ih .... < , ena d( time, aDd the" ble&ied" who "do h'lS U ni,versal b. cnevo ence, lind shedd~ng forth of the -world accomplished in these matters reo e mapproprl,a e ere e nec~lty of ",0/'1t.

by the aid of counCils and anathemas. History ofRhocle Islaad, d" b' '" h ~trriMuD kmduess, and the enttiOll of 11 be· peIled, if not disgusted, driven away from the 'ng Itl ~a" \D case the seventh IS consecrated There were two strong reasons combined to ,commlln ments 0 taID a rIg t to the tree • . fl th Id t h . d embrace of Christianity, by the nnslghtly man. to reat, I~ ~ conceded fact; hence, if one p~rt

R Cb h th Ii t d of th We have taxed onr pockets ID the snm of of hCe" and to a citizenship in the glorions Dlbgn Idn ne,n, cNe nponh e wkor f' ath flome1 an ners of its pro(eSiors. Christians may plead of the orlgl.ra.llaw Is e1Iforced, It lithe OplDIOD fix for tho oman nrc e rs a1 e "'2 50 I ( • S G A ' a roa , ow t e wor s 0 e U,. lire r tb t h h

k b I . I ~ t' I d -. lor a copy 01 ..rnUEL REEN RNOLD s city of God -Rev xxii 14 We nowhere infirmities resultant from a defective physical 0 your petitioners lite ot er PII!t ought

1'0e os t e r prl~cra e\;va ay: t d ~ History of the State of Rhode Island, from lind the Ten Comm~ndme~t8 separllted mnti manifest, whIch lire these, Adnltery, fornica· development a diseased Constitution or per. to b~ enforced also; IIRd If one part IS left to I, They were n recen y conver e rom a 1636 t 1700 bl' h d b D A I tN' . tion, nncleanness, lasCivionsness, idolatry, witch· verted habl'ts-formed and establ:slled ere the free observance of mankilld, the other part

. . h' h th S th" I 0 ,pn IS e y . pp eon, ew lated or altered in any wise by the anthor'lty ht t b I " PligllDlsm m w IC e nn was e prmClpli. ' ft h t d' I t' th CbristlaDlty had cOlnmenced l'tS esthetiC work oug 0 e a so.

h' 't h d b w'th po York, Little attention has beeu heretofore of God or of the Son of God or of tbe Ap08 cra, a re, varIance, emu a 10nR, wra , '1' • r I h "bject of wors Ip as I a een I gans " . 'r d' , h' . d on the son I. Tbese are to be overcome', .nd 1118 IS Irom a peo,p e w om th, e.mi.Slionariel

,,' paid to the ample materials existing (or a com· J Btrlle se Ibons eresles envymgs mur er~ .. h b t t to Ch ' "cnerally from time immemorial thongh called ties of esni Christ, "ndd thou not nnto his k' , I' ' d h I'k f h' a ChrtBtian is not to plelld exemption from the ave een at emp IDg rl8tlaDl~8 lor a " 'plete history of onr famons lIttle sister State. d I t h th d th be drnn enness, reve IDgs, an snc I 8: 0 t e reqnirements of Cbristianl'ty I'n all thel'r refine. great nomber of yellrs I [Inveltlgator by dllferent nllmes It was not only a matter of wor s es e reprove ee an on fonnd h' h I II b r I hit Id • ... Tbe first volome of a work hitherto wanting is I' " P 6 Th 'h w IC te yon e ore, as ave a so 0 ments and snbtlety He IS tij fight the ood convenience bntofpoltcy to comblDe m the rehg- alar. - rov. xxx ns m t e Gospel t' t th t th h' h d h . g Bible Examplea of DoD1eltio Worlhip. , howeTer pnblished, and others WIll follow till d' t' th S bb th' t d ( yon mime pas, a ey w IC 0 sllC 6ght oC faith. He IS to take lInto himself the Ion or their recent choice asmnch of the outward Ispensa Ion e a a 18 perpe nnte, not h' h 11 t' h 't th .k' d r G d whole armor of Ood, that he may be able to trappIngs and trimmin;iI' of the heatben reJig- the hi8to~ical cravings of the descendents of institnted, nor another day snbstltnted,) by the h lDg~ 8

; .~o r:: ~I, 't ~ ling om 0.., o. stllnd and prevail. "Whatsoever tlllngs are .J Tbe plltriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,

Ion .s could weU bo done In other words, to the first founders oC rehgions hberty shall be same autborltative jajnnclion of the Fonrth at t elii r?1 0 e

l pm Isdove, ~O!'b peacke, true, whatsoever things are J'ust, whatsoever whenever, in tbeir pilgrimages, they fired 00 a

.. " . satl'slied Three volnmes of the reftords of tbe If h h Id loog·sn ermg, gent cness, goo ncss, lalt ,mee • place of residence, erected an altar to God for Present the Christian religion to their Idolll" "Commandment t ere s on have heen . h h . I tbings lire lovely, whatsoet'er thiogs are of family devotion, and called on the Dame ot the

. .. . colony extending from the settlement of Roger '( . I' db)' ness, temperance: agalDst snc t ere IS no aw, good reportj if there be IIny virtne, and if L d trous neighbors With a8 few ohJectlonable POlDtS W'lltams in 1636 to th e r 1706 h 1 any excep~lOns :\s IS c alme y Bome, 1D reo And they that are Christ's bave cruci6ed the there be auy praise, tlu7Ik 071 thele tlli,,".I" or

'bl The pag~uB did not obsene the ley a ave a so gard to thiS commandment, we reasonably con.. . , " Joshna resolved that, as for bim and lib ~::;:; Ii~ a Sabbatb, but JIll .. eMu.val of the. been pnh!ished by th,e State, and others are clnde that the Lord who says he is Lord of the lIesh WIth the affections and lusts, '-Gal. v [American Baphst famIly, tbey wonld serve the Lord, that ill,

N 'h d'd h I Ch' t' ns reg rd torthcomlOll, We hall these v-olnmeHllS a val· SaI1tiatb wonld have so signified in some w 19-24. - E B. B A C Sh II hOC i 1 worship him. Snn. Olt er I t e ear y rls lI\ a bl "t' t h' t . II" , MiUcm A ..... 'l8 1859 ase- a we ave pen ommuu on Job practiced Cllmlly worship. "lIe'lent or observe the day as a Sabbath, bnt as 0. festi· na e ncqUlsI Ion oonr IS orlca Iterature, hnt he has not done so; bnt on the contrary, ' 'r' - , and sanctified his chlldreD, and rOle earl,. i, val only. The rormer obsened the day in honor he sanctioned the Sabbllth, honored it, called The following letter was received long IIg0, the morning, and offered bnrnt-otreringa accord· ." (;V" The Trlhune haa a horror of capital Esthetic Christianity. and has been reserved for conSIderation. We

j' of'the no.tnral SnB-the latter in bonor of the pnnishment and yet maintains that linch" ex. it by ItS name, and in no instance has be inti· ,find no reason to doubt tbat the somewhat ing to the nnmber of them all, Thns did Job Son of God, So that the Christians of Rome posnres as tbe conCession of Mrs. Sickles, which mated it shonld become a nnlity, and I believe Of conrse, all genuine Christianity will make singnlar case which it represents IS an actual cO~in~~lIf' , d ' b' I h

t lIy went over to the pagans so far as their no respectable writer has ever claImed that Je- itself manifest-more or less pure in the hearts one; thongh we know nothing abont it save aVI, aVlOg spent one ayln rlog ng t e ae ua " it pnblished 'improve,' if .they do not • abso- . of its proCessors Chrlsttamty IS not solely an what appears in the letter itself. After all ark from the house oC Obed-edom to the pllce chief feRtival was concerned. As ~Ime ad- Intely pnrify, the moral atmosphere.' It· ut. sus dId not respect th? Foorth Commandment abstract creed, lIke the trnth of mathematical onr deliberation, we are still at a loss how to he had prepared for it, and in preBeoting peace· vanced,the festival days of the Churcb IOcreased terly Bconts tbe fashionable assnmption that as w~U ,as t~e other mne, or that he ever gllve science, to be assented to by the nnderstanding answer the two qnestions proposed by the nn. offerings before the Lord, retnrned at night to In nnmber nntil thflJl'oatnnmbered those observ· they are demornlizing' IJ Snch snmmary pnn. any IIltImatlOn of a change of the rest day of liS verity, withont any rellltion to the hearts known writer at tbe end of hIS statement, We bless hiS honsehold, that i8, to pray tor ble ... lid by either the Jews or the Gentiles. It . h t th t' fl' t d K . th ht t that commandment, lind if tbe translators of and consciences of moo in revolutionizing, hope that some of onr contemporarIes who ings npon hiS family, or to attend npon family

, IS lJIen ns a In IC e on ey IS ong 0 th B bl b d' ~ . h' I . f h qnickening sanctifying gnidin" stimnlating th h b't f d' h I b devotion. ' wonld have been difficult for a pagan to tell pay well in preventing fntnre casos of adultery e I e a given a lalt 10 versIon 0 t e ..' th h l 'l;~ . t'l' 1 ' are 1D e II I 0 expen 109 mnc II or on Cornelius, the centnrion, it is said, "feared

. h' tb Cb' t' 'I f ' I d M tt . l' M tt . 2 9 restralDlOg em, u aye til "e IOU, as sn· the qnestioh of close communion among the G d h II h' h " . h' ed when couvened WIt ID e rIB Illn space 0 bnt as Sickles is now declared" not gnilty" of angnage: nse a XXVIll, , a XVI. , ; premo and dominant, as that inviSIble energy Baptists, will come to onr help; and that we 0 Wit a IS onse, meaumg, worR Ip worship, wbetherhe wa~ where the Son of God mnrder what shall be done to stay the progress Lnke XXIV. I; John xx_ 1\19; Acts xx. 7, and in the body P9tent In It, and vivifying it, en· may obtain from them some Itght on the qnes. him with hiS fllmily. waB worshiped, or the god of fire, Tbis conform- of that crime? 1 Cor, xvi. 2, ~t w~nld be plain that the Sah· tlt~d .. It hilS its J~~o.ret~c tions that have waited so long for our IInswer. forI;a~iy ~o:!~i~~~~~f~; tti:~:nn~~~:::! Ity to the heatben enstom obviated a very im. bath was nnd IS stIll the same rest day, the an practlcll Sl e ID nmon, never ISJolDe [Independent. fore, pray ye: Our Father who art in heavea"

< porlant Impediment In the wily of bringing the WBro, ROWSE BABCOCK wishes his correa· seventh day of tbe Fourth Commandment and The intellectn.alassent,on the pa:t of any o?e Mwu, Editorl,-I am a ch-ld of pions 'I'he 'orm of prayer I'S plural. It must, there' d t dd h· t J k Ct·· ' to the trnths IDvolved ID the miSSIon of Christ t b h I th ft t Id I'

heathen nnder Christian instroction, We need pon en s to a rellS 1m a nc son en re, Its anthorlty not lessened by J esns Christ dnr· , t Id d t t't t th t paren s, y w om was, 0.8 ey 0 en 0 fore, mean social prayer', and if sacla', then Oh

. . . In 0 our wor, oes no cons I u e a per- me, dedicated to God by earnest prayer when DOt go back to those early times to learn how Shelby Co., 10, 109 hiS mllllStry, nor by the practICal example son a Christian believer. Tben were the devils yet lin infantj but nnhllpplly for me, I was family prayer, for a family is the most proper difficult 0. thing it is to change from an ancient I7Bro. JAKES C, ROGIRS wishes his corres- of the Apostle Paul for at least twenty·five in hell believer~, for they '~e!ieve and tremble,' not baptized, as one parent was a right Bap society to engage in this devotion. and almost nniversal celE!brlltion of II weekly pondents to address him at Edgerton, Rock years after the crucifiXion, lind this not only as well as mnltItodes of logICIans on ellrth who tlst, and the other, though holding Infant in:~:I~::d h~~:p~~t!e d~ti!~e oro~=:~~1 h::ci • I IdE Ch . t' . th t C W' with the Jews bnt also with the Gentlle-' datly prononnce their assent to the trnths of Baptism necessary, yielded the point. ,eat va IIY. ven rIB I3ns ID e presen 0, IS. 0: .... Iat on M wives, parents and children, mutell and ler·

"Th hI" t'll' b d' t re.g ore than a qnarter of II centnry since, 1 dd 'C' hi h eVilogelico.l age of the world, are seldom fonnd ~ Bro. V ARNUII M. BURDICK baving reo on sat, s I enlorees 0 e lence 0 every It 'IS trne, that either side may be abnormal •• I' d '" I vants, a s,' ontinue III prayer, watc ute J3' ,e t It my oty to ouer myse f for commnnion . b h to he willing to forego the advan,tagc! derived moved to Sonthampton, Peoria Co" III, wisbes one of the ~en . Commandments; .an~ "Thon J1 d~veloped .. ~here bnt a.n ill defined with a Congregational Chnrch; bnt previously same Wit t anksgiving" Tbe subject npoD Crom 0. conformity with populo.r cnstom, though his correspondents to address him accordingly. shalt not kIll," IS IiO more authorltlltlve than tenUity o~ religions emo~lOn playmg round a to that, I had met with a work on baptism ~hicb he Was speaking, leads ns to conclude convinced that the law of God demand, it of "Remember the Sabbatb-dIlY, iu it thon shalt broad bnsls of .nndcrstand!ng, or ,th,ere may be which seellied to me to prove very satlslacto- e meant family prayer. i tbem, ROIoU,NISH Ill' COCRIN CHINA.-l'be last nnm· not do any work." "The seventh day Ii the a"fiery c1on~ pillar of. feelIng whIrlIng throngh rlly that, IIIthongh beyond dlspote that sacra. In his epistle to tbel Ephesi~nh8, bell eDjoiDI ,~

, , f A 1 (l, 1 P ,. dd ~ thearth Without solid repose. Tho pedestal ment was appo' t d d- f P as a dnty to "pray a ways Wit a prayer, S. Tbe preJudIce which the Westeru portion ber 0 tb? II11a" ~ a, rop~a 1011 If Sabbll1o," Ttte S of God respeet'l .DCl otitlifOreticr1rullt!t may be-faultless in strncture iytism amon th~ hea~eann ~~thlll;~c~hose d~se~ that is, to offer prayer of every kind, "nd I~ ~

of the Church entertained and cberisbed against Foi contallls the followlOg IUrorma~lon respect. hOJ:ors his Father' commandments "Who- and fillisb whilst the ascending shaft or statne d th g t 't' t' f t I bl- Y every form, and at every proper 14!&IOII, .,...UI . C h' Ch' d T . (" . an e presen , I IS no 0 perpe ua olga. pray r mnst tberefore be included In tb1llD-the Jews, of whom m.;)St of the Ellstern por. Ing oc III IDa an onqnm: soever therefore 3hall break diaoney) one of of Christian life may be diminutIve or nnsight- tion on the children of pions parents or on· ~ , , tlon was composed, hlld its inflnonce In making :'These two countries have, si~ce 1809, been these least commandments and llhllll teach men IYj or, the s~tne .may be in. proportion, while those who have bten educated under the Gos JUD~~I~n~ tie Peter bborll husbands and SandllY Instead of the Sabbath tbelr . '. llDlted uhder the name of the empire of Annam, 80 shall be called least (01' shall not he ae- the fonndatlon I~ ~ncertalll' Th~ Mister pel, It was not wlthontseeking advice wherev· , t r to th rio the discharlPe of the

, ' prlllCI I\nd contllins a popnlatlon of about 95,000,000' , 'h 'iould have HIS discIples" grow up mto Him er I co Id obt"t d d b k wives 0 Ive ge e. d Ch • '1'1 pml day of worlhi~, ~hey not only ended their souls, or this nnni;ber abont 530,000 are connted of) In the kmgdom of eaven, but who. illIlI things "-" the measnre of the stature of tbat clI~e iu :;~~'y :~at [:eaBt~ndg ::at~s B~ob. d?ties of conjngal affection an n.~ an obe-forty d"Y8 of faltmg on Sunday, In 0pposltiou Cbristlilns Of late years tbe nnmber ot con· soever shall do and teach them shllll be called tbe fullness of Christ." lIe wonld have them ject and I WIll add not withontslDc r dlence, to the long-eltablished custom of tbe J eWI, verts has ~een greater than it nse~ to be, n~t- great iu the kingdom of heaven." "I am Dot perfect Christians, He woold ~ave th~!r piety, for hght on it, that I came to thO conclusiou, Nineteen twentiethl of all the IIqnoll COIlr

QUd mllde It au annnal celebration of the Res· ,,!lthstan~lDg the ~erce persecution of ChrIS' come to destroy the law and the prophets, but sonlld, ronnd abont, symmetrlcni. Be y.e In offerlDg myself as a member of a chnrch slllDed in New Jersey, accordiDIt to the report nrrection' bnt the weekly S"bbath became tlllni whIch Is carr!ed ?n. by ~be gover~m.ent. to fnlfill"-Matt. v. 17 19. ~herefore P.ERFECT, eve? as .yo~r ~ather :v~o IS whicb held to tbe ohligatory natnre of this of the Legislative InveltigatiDg Committee,

, t t h b It The Roman Catliohc mlllSlonanes have ~lVld~d ' J, 0, lD heaven IS perfect," 18 HIS slglllficant InJnnc· ordiD1\nce I felt it my dnty to state that I had are viIlianouR componnds, containing 10 lOlli' .110 Olceedlngly repugnan 0 t em, ecAuse th.e wholo conn try ~nto ~even aposto!lc dIS' }'or the Sabbath Recorder tion to all believers in HIm. not been baptized, and at tbe snme time my lion narcotics, drngs and poillOooOl mltter, w .. observed DOt ooly by tbem generally, bnt trl~ts, three 10 CocblD Cbma ~nd tour. In Ton· Seriom Thoughts. But how true it Is, that, whilst the creed of views ou the snbject, The re.ult was the ad- most deleterions to health, w ... atIll observed by those of them who had qn!n, and In each there Is 0. biShop, With a co- the mnltitnlle of believers, as it was with the vice of my pastor who was my warm personal ----=,~----embrACed the Gospel and of such the early adJ u tor, Of these ro~rteen prelates, teo are .. Ile that truBteth in his own heart Ie a fool' bat Pharisees in tbe days of the Savionr himself, friend that I wo~ld withdraw my application, The Snpreme Conrt ot Muucho!l8ttl, III I

Ohllrch Wal' moat! com OIed ~he Fr~nch .and ,tonr ~pD.nlsb, and tbey ~a~e nn~er whoso walketh wisely, he shall be deiIvered."-Prov may be sound, their Christian life in all its as I ';onld snrely be rejected A second ap' liqnor case bronght before it, bal let &lide I

Enltern 1 p. their Cllrectlon sixty European ml8S1onarles, xxvlii. 26, many sides of development. has been Tery, defec lication to another chnrch met with the same Terdlct baRd on tbe roliogs 'of Obief Jaatice Cbrlstlan Fathers ot the West did all the1 and upwllrds of 9'0 nlltive priests. Scbools Reader, what is the state of thy heart? tive, f t, d ever since thllt time (thongh often Shaw, thllt to abate a onllance, TloleDce i. eOllld to advance and promote th"dignlty of for tr,\[ning priests bave . heen eatablished, a~d Wbat are thy motives? Are they corropt The present deficiency is amazing, when the e~:~el~~' desiring the privileges of Christian legal. A oew trill w .. ordered. SUllday,Jn accqrdance with their traditlou tbat they have now 90~ poplls. The mi~onafles and selfish? Wbat indnces thee togo throng}J development of light on the teachings of our commnnion,) Ceehng that the attempt might Cbrl.t rOle OD the Jirlt day of the week' but Ind priests are o.!lSlsted by 650 CAhtechl.ta, IDd the performance of religious acts in a thonght. SaTionr for eighteen hnndred yeau, is consid- be frnitless, I have abstained (rom fnrther ap Samoel Bacou, a l'8I~table farmer of l(idOl"

, bl 1800 females, who dlIvote t, emaelvel, to . ered. Men, io the Itriklng category ot the plication. /' ril, Otsego cOnnty, N. Y., COllllllttecl IIIi1c • tHY bad DO legal power to earoree it ulltll the teac:bing the yoang an~ attealltug the lick leSt" formal manDer f DOl!I tile lIoly Bible apostle, caD, in this da1, be nnholy and prQ< Lately, howliver, I haTe had freqnent COD- recently by banglag hlmlilt. U, ... ta -/ tllll' or Con.tllntlDe, the Jirst of tbe Romall ThIlJ, tbe whole of tho ml8ll0Dary ltalr in the enjom Inch _sertlcrea 7 W II ~t :p .... nJ *~i' fane, murderers of fatbers, and murderers of venations on the InbJect with t"o or three cirelllDltaDcel, and th, lao&i",.'tbe'. -Elllperon who elllb1'llCed the Ollristiau 'alth, couDt? 18 U6' persOD.," momlar dIctated by the Sphit or Ohrlst' or motll'l'I,lII"Q .. l&yers, whoremonpra, _ . .teal- Cbri.tlao friendl, ooe of whom Inggeata tbat I iI a my.terr,

Page 3: Amazon S3Vol+15... · 2017. 7. 12. · \ , .' , ". "-: ',.-. I . '." ......... :tr -. .. . . r" . { .. , . '''.'' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,,~,,~~~~~.~.c & TBW-TWO -DOLWI

£ -- • THE SABBATH RECORDER, MAY 5,1859. 1-91 "

---- - th od demand for the trade and the East Ba-r d II Governor of Rhode 181and, died at h\8 resl use of flUid lamps, In this city MISS Mlltiida I WI II go d d In moderate supply We have lost a father, but they have rlen s stl dence In Bristol, on SlIturdllY, April 23, aged Sawyer, a yonng lady, wdho boa

2rded 1\ SI~~'1 ~:~t~ ~!:-:::,~ b: $175.1150, do City, 9 ooa

left to Hmile upon them and take them by the sixty four [N Y Sun street, WBi ratally burne at J.){, yell 50 do extra new 1216aI350, Mess Pork, new, 11.1_ Canal and <hand Slrt,lf, haud her own daughter may find, If not an explosion of a can of camphenke, WI hhile dShe w

Sab8 ..., brl' 1675 do cle~r new, 1915. do prIme new, S P R I N GeL 0 T H I N G other'mother, at least some one who mlly learn Tm: CASK OF MRS. HARTUNG -In the cape fill I p 11' tb the WIC S Ig te e '" , °

her to forget wbo her mother was, 1I0d Sickles of Mrs Mary Hartung, of Albany, convicted wa~!h~rt1;~o be Imarned, and at the time or 12 15a12 87, do pnme M-ess !~::I~e::O~a;ardBee;' FOR


ALFRED MUNROE & CO., Daniel E Sickle. AcqUItted

Th\8 extraordmary trial at Waabmgton 11'118

brought to a close on Tuesday of last week, hy the jury brlDglOg 10 II verdIct of not gUilty after II consnltatlOn of about olle hoor The follow 109

forCible remarks we take from tile N. Y. Ex

blmself, liS the years flee over hiS head, may of tbc murder of her bnsband, Judge Wrlgbt the accident wos slttmg up makIDg her wed- brls 111a13fc, Ham8, 8a;C, ~ k d ,,~ 100' MEN AND BOYS. bor, " '"."",,,,, m"b ., tho b":"d~ "" .... .., .. ",,' mo" "d .. , ., P" dmg g"''',''' n.~, "'. "'M 00, 0 _ .. , JlEN'S 8P RIND 0 YER COA,., 8" .... eo... "h" "h •• "Id," '.M' .,U "" • " ""'" .... In,h ''',., tho "ot", ,,,. ... COUNTRY MAllI!JlTS v_ ......... ~ .u .... _ .. _ .,,~ of ".... ... h,,,b. d"" " h" ,.~ E."... ",,' " ,b. 0 ..... ' T,", ., th, B,p"'" Th .... m .... N"h .... 'ro" SL [,0,,, to ............. d _ .. hiS friends are endeavoring to outdo oDe onotb (fonrt, commencmg 1D Albllny, on Monday New Orleans, exploded on Suoday Dlght, April BUTTER-Butter IS m moderate demllnd for new A large utortme'n' of 1,lece goodl In Ibe OUS70 ... er ID theIr efforts tp encourage aud cbeer him next The Albany Journal, of the 25th, says 24tb, near Tsland Sixty, kllhng between thIrty Butter" Ib 23@25, State, 10@15c , do seleeted,26 DEP ,ARTJlEN7: aDd lir .. t clUB cutler. emploltd, But wh

o dllres hsp the oame of Teresa Bagloh, "The CaC' of n writ of error havlUg been d d@28c,Frurtogooddo19@2Ic,Ordinarytogoodwhoexer"bemselvel 10 pleue.lnd Iro in.ullcle1 n~' prell unless to make It ttle appen IIge 0 a ma e IC granted 1D the case of the unhappy woman, wonndmg abont twenty others "

d f I d '" ~ lind forty of ber passeogers an crew, an 15@17c,'orOhlo,12@18ctoforcegarmentallponcUitomerathll do Dol p ca.o " N" Ouu.w.-W. ",,,,,I, ""..,.".,. .,,,! Wb, d.". to " .. , 'ro" th. b"m'" WM "m""" • .., to "" ,bo" _ U PO' "'-_..... ,..J,~, ~ .. "liin., ,,,. •• ~~ BOYS' (JJ.OTHTNG '" ""'m, .'" 'b. p'bh"" .... , 'P"" tho '~M "., ... th, wh"h •• w. ro , ... 1, ,,, " .. " .. "" roo", oh .... ro.,d " •• ,. 'ur .ood .... '.,. _~, .. ,b~ Do., (G"", "Iii "'"~ d._,", ..... ____ , .... {w torm, .. ',.. of th ... In"d,,,,, ""I •• W"b h" h"h.rut • "",. drop ,. b."h 'P" hor! th •• "dow, ."h a "M"I " , .. ,or "bor ll<' y, H.nt", lb .. lI ... d .d. P'~"'. I~., ""'lioh _ (Oh"l, "Iii"', N~..... • .K ....... ,,,, .. ,... ... D'''' ·1'" W ........ tho, ... u '"d .. wo N ". d ... ~". h'" d ... d-." •• 01' d... h ..... b"b .'" h" ",d,,111 boo, ... d"g, " h.m, ..... " ... , B.,,,d ... , N J, ,. liil~ .................... '" ""_ .... fI" .. "It,,,, .... , •• ,,' ," ""d.'". B .. ', .. otb", h ... "''''','' b • .rih •• " ,,, h" m."" ... ..,," Md hor MM" M'''''1, Apn' ,,~, pI~d.d "", .. "," C"""-,,,~" "m .IU!@." SI D.~... po No d .............. d ......... UnI.,.,., .... od tho ~po'"'' """'.g' ~ lb., h ..... 11 .... d .. "ot"" '00. tho ... ,k "'" d.".., 'h"ghl Ju 'h. Sh .. ".p s IO~ , ... '2!0, , .... "I' «. DlWADOVtJ' 'k tho """I "'" •• f ", .... d ,,, •• , .b" B,. wh" h ... h. ".od! N,'hm. H" p" .. hol bor, ."h, ~d"g "".""~, h. FINANCE AND COMllERCIAL MM~W. ,00', Boot .d., ,,,, 1\ , '1Iii", .,<1-<0] "'-"""" .. _ • ....... 'ho .hd,.,,, of ,h .... ,., ... ,,,,,,,I b."d "","d-'~d~~ .. ,.t.,-" ..... oo. ..,d, "M .. " Ih ... "",,,d - d""',b ,,,,, M ..... ',,~ '@''', LomJo '"..,1\ b"d ". .. .. !d'. to! II.v M Itllr • .... d'1 " d." ...... ,." ... or,"" .,., -.u ,,,.1 Sh, " ''''g, ,,,, tho .,rid , .. II M,. IIodloy," .hoa oh. _., bol b.,or •• h. ~ .~ Iii"', Pm _ _ "" ""0, ....... OONTAINJNG NINETY PER CBN'P. PURB ... ,,"" ..... Loo. "., II " ~ " ••• " b., ... bot, ,.. 'to. ,,,,~,W. to """,,. hor ",Id ." ... " .. " ,tt.=" to •• ,nI, '" Tho ...... -... or .............. ""..... .=. "''11ii'', V"","_, o@& ,r:.t ... U.. COD LIYBR o/L , becomes our dnty, as JourDllhstR, to be tbe hlsto- the utterly Irrechllmable wanton she WIIS some- Cuyler extended towards ber hIS hand, sllymg, rates of foretgn excbange, as notIced under that head, welgbt,4@6c TllE great remed, for Coughs. Coo,umpbon, CoIl8ll .". " ".,'" ...... , W. b", '" b.... ',m .. ,,-" tho ....... 'ftb ...... " •• , "y" n",,,., .b, d. y" .. d.!' Bb. ~ "'" "" _ .'om'" 0' """ AI •• ,,,,M .... L= P~""-lVo ,."" ,~,. 1\ ,"", "Iii''', ,.,~ "d ..... "d,",,,, ,,"h •• ork, "d •• ..., 'hmf.., .... lb. W. d, 00' boI,~ .b. " .. ,rrocl •• ,bI. wo, p''''' "I ... h, , .. " .. ",."". th.. '" m ... "..... ..... "M f~ _", M' Ih_.ot D~" ,,,. ~ "',' 00@' 25, ,,,,.,, Un 1\ Jh, A. _,;..,... "" ,,_ ..... _'" g

wto" .h"h ". ,0\1. 'p"" lb. .to"., to, "d w. koow b,II,ttl"f h,,,,, ...... , b.'~". good .... I. Th. Bbo"fth" ",d ...... , _ ... '" .~'Ih"_,."" ,~~, th. '40''', ""_, L " ". "Iii"', "'ok.... .... .. W.rloI for ""'" •• ~ >t ... "'m .. _ of Wasbmgton, amid the deafeulUg applanso of 0 If t'hose wbo deal \D the ollcgalion tlunk, In 80 the dl'patch to her, which she received With bills of exchange sold AmerIcan com has been gent, 14@1510n




ltbdeblllty,wbile"lemore. d d

' , h f b t b 1>- c ,be Cough It InVlgor.tea t e IY"lern oro.. "or, roo .. m.y ..... ,,~ .,." 'P d,m. 'boy... .. .. .... "00 .... " ~ •• ~,' gJod,," Bb, bM ",d .. tI, h." wh,"" .............. " roO. ~ M" ... • _ .... "" SU'"Y _', ''''~ " • , d. n" ___ fw _._ h _ ........ .. """ M,th .. "". "."' d" "d ...... M, B,oId.'. ,,, .. doh,p F" ,or ,., P''', "bon"" "d." P~"'''.01 'b., .b. woold ,.... T"~""",,,,, ... "". th .... k"" ,., .. "' .. M~, ""." •• ",.. ... ,.".. ', .• ,..,,,, ~th _ .. Ch~. r_",,' ..... • oo .. "",' b.,p Ibmkmg, thor. ." ...... f ,,' bo b"g, , .. ,'w.. "" ,"t.nI_"b." "'.,." .... ",m 000 Th~. " ....... ~, ""'" .... p"n"" ''''''; .. _. Polloo, D. th_ ..... • ot, ....... ... " .... dr'''' G, a. Da,oJ B 8.'01 .. , \boa, .,,,d,, •• ,,t..,.f "=Ih"" .. ,, th" .. , .. I .... , .h. m",to" .t • .., In tho Bh"'" D,n.. tho "ro",,', ... "". _ m .ho ... bo' ..... ,.,. .... """ "", N. 'Po"", ."''' ....... r.. "'" ,..m-th. m • of ....... "

.. ,",I m,nt". 8. ooy ,h. J .. ,-- ". .,., om" .h", " lb. ''''' ' ....... d, h~ .h. "",,,01 th •• "''' ",d~t "d "."', ..... 00 ...... ~ _ " ....... .,th ••• B,_Flm' '''' IV$ .... , ...... , '''''', 21. ~ ........ ""' .. Gm ........ " b~'" to ,,",.TO" b" .. , "d """"h'" "". wo. mod .. b,ow.nI "d rep""b," d.po,'.'" 'b., b" 'h" ....... db" ""' .. , = •• " __ g!' ". ~."'.,. of hoi. ~... '''', D" _" •• IV"'", ,..,' .. 'M., IV..... '" ... ~."h .. ,N Y. Jnry-nod their declsloo we o"e bonnd to re pecllIlly as It IS understood to hllve been m her SIDce her IncarcerlltlOn able m bank which have not been remvested Th S t d W t 40 60 Ib 10L.11c R I I d b1 A CUSR)[AN, rrurg/al. Corner of t H k II d Ph I B t

n Key but we I $6 7568' th k I asb ed, ta e an es ern, a 2'" ell edT cond 8t JUHN lIF:AKnf, ... ..,. "P''', Po'"' .. ret", " .ot m ... d.r,,~, ..... , " .... ,_ •• _., ,M OW." _"" 01 ... '''''1' 1\','0 P." , .... d .. , u • ,.. • L1 dN ........ " ... "1,,11, ""rut to b.,... 'b,t thot J '" 10 ."Ire, tb. f ... "f ."'" th., .... 11.... R"m "''''~m 'NO Ex_. N 'w. ..........,. "" .... tho ' .. 0..,. "" .. "'" ..... '1' 1\', ", ••• , ' .. d 1110 •• , ..... ' "1\ "., ~"J!~b:'!":: ~ .. , .... H:'~" ••. .... , .. ".d.d lb • ." .. "" "'h a 'ro"," ... "., h" Th. .tor •• poo. ,. '''' 'P" ,,,. Yw" - Th .. ,,,,,,, T" ...... , .h"b '200000 .h .. " •• _,0 S,.." ~, .... "'... "'..,., OW" 1\ h'th , .. ","' " '"AS'" B H.uuus, D_. '" C ..... , ... ",d.,,, " ."d •• lbot,., u .. b"."h.. hor ."h"t .10",,,,, 'ro. h" • "lob,., ."d .. " ..... N •• Ort .. " Apn"', h'''''... .".""" "". Now Orl.". ,,,,,.~Lm """, ... ,~ ol _ .. ,. ,

.'"u, .. "I~" ... ,,, .. h" 'or tb.... W. .f ".'M""" .r" "pro"b A" ",'~.d , ... 'ro" ","" to tb, "d, ,,' 'ro" ... n, ,., ..... ,- , ... ,," " -,"'~" "',"Wll-'''''' ". ",",""" D_"""" '" ad~g:?-6a h ... " ''''m .... to ".,,,,,,t •• g~'" .... ."t .. " ... Id Mt "'" boro. th", 'In,,, C'" 'f y."" .. ,b. '9Ib "Aprd Th..., "'" •• , ~ ,~, ho ..... ..., "" •• ili. _ "'~Th •• ~'" '" ili" _" 00 b~ "dml, .od h", " ..... h."" " •• b.d tho th" Bh •• "Id b ... b .. , , .. kl~ "d bold .... " of g'''' " •• "., "d "d, .. t.. • "'" .. ~_., ,m.d .~ ."","", " ....... _ ........ 'R '" """ ili .. ,. _ .,~ ..... .. •• b", .. , .... d to tb .... ,.,,' .fth. ,ro -00' "b"~,,. 'M .... Sb. ,,,'db... d .. ,dod' ,h"go " tho .. , .... , ., .. " m ..... d'. • •• ooh ........ w. IV. " ... St ••• "!Ph,, ... 1 "".', ... b •• ,b •• M, S.kI.. ,',,' ,oo,. .... ... d,,,'"'" "t .. ', ",.nI'_ .f ,oo "',," G.. M,,,,,,,, b.d ........." , ..... -n, ~,...... ~, ...... ,~, ph", 1\ do, "I"''', Ohl .... W""", ,*" , .DE ,.XILY DOCroD' f.II, oooJ ., tho t,m., m.m'~tod. 'ood,d,' .. q", .... ,,'h '''PO'' M .or." b" "" for, .. , tho ,,, ... f tho L,b ... , 0" ... ,. A. th, ', ... _,1M" q ...... of _....... ,~, ... L 1,,, , .... , '''''I _~ ,uw ........ , ...... 0 .........

d ..... " 'mo,h", " h. mad,,,,' B.", mood I. d.f"d b ••• If, .b~ d.' ....... ,.. "d .. "d Lim " O .... h., "d b" .... d w., r, .. " 'PO' th. _ko' ., , "',"""". a. ,,"'~IV. q". M_ ..... " bhl, " ,.. .. .... neltber Judges nor Jurors, nor Lawyers, but Sible The wellk pOints 011 the other Side, she forward to the capital, wblch City be reached cline PartJes who had heen buymg speculatIVely for $1<> 150 J N th $1 ooa THE OAVUS, SYJlPTOllll AND CVBI

What Everybody Wants •

I r I t we let all that pass aud con h h h d Th I 1 88, do common, .6a ,unes, or , O"J),,-au ,,. .vcr" Fonft. III tli Imporlanl B._ 00 Y lion na IS ,B'II t h' , d wonld hllve IIssaIled, lind were t er~ were on the 11 th, With a dlmIn.s e IIrmy he cash-While seilIng more llll'gely on hme for a dec me 1 12, PeachblOW8, North, $2 12a2 25, Peachblaws 'J fu

; Prmrvl..g tJ.. /kid''', lind /JerIC' ,~,,, .. '" ,. OW 'WM." •• " ,,,... • dom.g", "" ...... ho d,"'~d, .. ~" M' "."" .. o."n1 hod .k ... , "m",,~d t • ~"""'ru, """" m,,", ...... th. _ko Mth ,~, l\ bhl , .. ", W"m ..... "', ".,,1- so<> "''"'" ... " b,.",,,. ",,, 'b. doo" p,,,,,,bod b, lb. D, p'"'' .b ..... ", ., J,dgm'" ,,, b .. , tho .ork" ""gb"', .... M ".nI""g "'." .... , ...... t "" '" ........ "",. _rohl" 0~1flo'" .... " .n"",'OO ... "n~ $4 ... ~ ""'~~, oj "" D"", If "th, th. D .. ",,, 'h. C"" "",,' .",. h,,, b .. , "'hi •• " "''' """"',, .. ,rut",,,,,,,.k', R. h.d '0' "d.~ , .. hi'" to ." .... , ,.. ~"".. ... • ... .... , """' .....

, .. , 0,,,,,, W"b,,"", 'Wh". oh., .. ,d. Tb,..,." h.d " po,,,. Ib, II."" ~,.,. ,,,~, ".." •• -_. lb. ""<",to,, .. "hI .... ~ • ..t."", _ ... _ .. nl~. th... l\ =~,_ W"tom .",,, >Om'" hoo" •• "'~ THIS book II written in I plain, euy. and familiar man's blood, by man shall hiS blood be shed' cal InCIdents winch Illustrated the trllli She of the J ullrez Government 'I he exequatur of I--t year All the Western railroad. sbow a large de'- t $250 b Id $7 "" bbl atyle adapted upre

81, to rdnllly I':~ IlIdld\l~lyal I f h

f t f th I G I I d ~ 4, common apple. a a3, a WID. '" usa It a I.ocate. no "articular tl."r1 UI me •• no, H. " .... " .... • .,mpo.", ". ·.M m 'b"",-ob. """oa. tb. d,...... M, B.,k, lb. A"m, .. ",," ."",,, ,_ ".... Th .. ru. of th. ""," ........ D_ "'~w. ,,,. So ..... ''''', S... hood ...... , .. , ......... mof ........ , ...... ," ""'""d.,,,,, 'f b. foI',,,",,,,,,, h ... , "d ,,,,,,m-bot, h.d M .b. "'1 b., .b. b.d h .. , .,tld"", "d b. ..."h" ,- tb. ~" Co .'" "'... P._. R .. """, C. • .. ,", '''''' ". of th. G ...... , " •• x ..... of wit" ..... h •••. " tho, .,.,,,Ib, '" " .. , d., ... '"b'" th. " ... ,b,' '.m,,'. oob" m.d"" to ,"~, '"'''''' • "" .. "".th .... ,,~ ... th.,. ..... w,n {.... ""~_IV. ",oW ""' ,,,"~, ",.17 ~ "'h "" ,.. ... tho~, •• '" .... ,M", bnrthen he mnst bellr through the rest of Ins from commg before the curtam, lind cnough of Mazlltilln hlld been captured by Pesqnelrll eo' pro"penty WIth a fnrther upward tendency in 0 12 W t ~7 9 u31 bd,evlDg Ihat wherever dIsease I,~ fOUl d I Joo .. hi I

, OD tbose who would k t I h h th t d the U lr brl, good prIme $1 a , es ern, .. a hold the,e the of all Good ba.,11D lome fotm, " W ''','' .... .~ , k f. .".,,'. " .. ,,,~,.,, too, 00' to .~ • .. Th. E",. .." \ ..... ,,'" ... d •• ",. Th ........ of tho 'ow '" C ... "" Ro, ,.. H_Am"~" ._ .... ,,," IV. "' ... 0I" ... ';', •• " ... ,d 0""'0 N •• ~ ,.,. " _ ... ,Iodl, .. d .. "th", ." t. • ro., '" hor "~'"~ b, ,I .. " •• ,,,,, .. ,,h .... ," ,'b" M"" .. p"", PO'''' "d d.m,,, "g c. h ... ~ ........ d~"y .... ,"'" ''''', ,,. .J;< 'or ,,,' ... """ { .. ofd .""" .... php'_, ..... " ".!"d ~"'_..,

Th ... • a , .. do' "'''''''''' , .. tho ad,lI" "th. doo, ,;, b" ,,,.,,"h,, ".111 b., .. , ", .... ,' ,'OO~ .,,,,,. th.. ,or ",. ",,",,-T" .""'" '" """', .. d .n" •• re ". ..a .... _ " .... 'h, •• _,~ .......... _ or "" th .. d,II."" "th. h""', .fth".. ., th." Th ... " .... b, .. ,.t, .""., A' V ~ Crn. to', "., .. ,,,,,",, ". ~" ..... • •• "V,. 0" ...... ,!.,,,, c ... 01 *'~, " .. " ,",,, .h,_ "", ""'~t Iialld ant! read, markable case, wblcb can hardly fall of IlIstmg ro ·ucb a womlln lind we also trust that If a crISIs Tbe British MlDlster blld 1 on Wlthm the Ia.~t flveyeafs says the J[t~opoliLanBank Porto fUCO at 6la7ic 10 6ene you lis 81mple reclpel mil MVO ),ou Dian, iii ~ d I tb Ii tic It IS S en .' , II h I I t.me8 Its co.t In. lew months whll I~ lonle crltlc.1 • ... "B'" ""'"', ' ... b." 'b. palh ., ... "t .... , .h •• , ,,. th. "n ",."too' .11 • "m.,,', "" ........... d~ ""' ........ woth ... ",411 .. " '~-Th. _"' •• '.", ... n ml"" '''~ ._ oh .. ,_ ............. " ." ,,,.,, .. , ..... 00 ".,~, h.w """"'" "" bo ,h. , .. k k"d wont. "d f"""1 "",,' .. b." .,.,,,,,, "db" ".t ..... d th, ",,"" "., "d ."'1, ....... d , .............. """" ,,.'" ,,,~,,,,, , •• , ......... , .. " .. n .... ,,' _. _boo oo,tn .... ~, "bow ,...... .. .. ,pod, .. " bor" th"'1 th. E'.'oh .... ot V .. , C= t. d .... ' ", .... ,. "". of ili ... ~." ............. ""ol of 0' f~' .~'" "".~ _. 't

r R.' d dUl.r. u __

" .'",h lb. 1m .......... """, " .nI" ,. 50 •••• 'ro" 'bo ""to" H .... m .h.. "'" ="00. hM "'" .ho,' u _"" " "100, U ,. Spemol N_ ,... Cloth rrn. " ... carryon lind cOllceal their crime, RetrlbntlOn, Foreign News and'lIl case of refusal, to bombllrd tbe City Wag necessary to get ont the circulatIOn. ThIS clrcu Th S th-d B t t Ea"'-n A •• o latlon WIll ~ Slhgla copies lent b, IIIdl POil pal.!'1 ~ ~n,. Vengeauce, and PUDlshmeot are lIleVitable III Jnarez had wlthdrllwn the exeqolltur of the d ed e even ay ap IS • ..,.. = C add~ .. OD receipt ofprlca Tu A elltli II wII 'lit h dd

C h B f B men u IntIOn bas never heeu re eem bold Itg Twenty third Annl'rersary WIth the Church io III.II-d JU quaOlJlIe~ all telmB I~al ~annol fali 10 pa, the end And It 18 oDe of t e sa est leatures ;rrhe screw steams Ip remen, rom re SpaDiRh Consnillt Vera' Cruz f h b ksh ',u ~ I d of th

·t retribution and pUDlshment, tbat the and Southampton, arrIVed here early Sanda.y It IS a noticellble fact tbat some 0 t ese an ave PlalDfield, N J commenclIIg on Flflh-day before Ihe Gela copy and try I~ among yo", r I ell s. ~ • • t '19th ..... 0_ h,~. """ "to ... or"" who "", r""" Soh"" (th. 2fith do, • tho m"th , .. M., Ad.... 'GHN, ruTT.~ P""W". _ " ... ,. m,,' "'or •• ",,,. ,,,II, F" P"'''' .or",. Bb. ,.nt". ,.,.,.... "I" ... ,,'''' N .. "". Uun - Tb. O.", .. d Id ."' hook J'u" ~. • .... _ ._ .. r '''', .. ID ,','00' OK , • ..,,,Imy d_~ by •• "."'" , NoO" ....... "" '''"'''''',., F. Barton Key, It must be borne In mlDd, ]ellves nit Her udvlces are one day later tbau by CalIfornia Mall of the 4th Aprtl, arrived at or pu 0 W B Gllrette S Bardlck,lIlternnte

hehlDd blm four lovely children, orphllDs, and a. the Clrcll~slau it St Johns 'l'bey are of un St LoOls AprIl 25th, bllVlug mllde tbe trIp In gam The amount of fraudulent gam8 denved from 'E G CHAMPLIN Bee. Sec 1/ Alfred Di&blolld WaleroCure. I 0 h 8 b th I

d k the Issues of banks whIch ultimately fall are very THIS estab11sbment, for the cure of Chronio Dil- ' nombroos Circle of otber famIly relatives, to a- usual Intere~t lite 1 t e ong promIse twenty one days and eight houfs, the qmc est ell"e8 Is conducted by H P BURDlOJ:,ll D 1114 J ... ,-" to """-' ,ho d", d •• "",,,f "".,,,,,, .. ,."',," ,I tho P",,"" .rut" h". ,., _, o. ~ .... ". for ,ph"",., ... V"." • Tho N", ...... ,', M~"", .fth. ""' .... , ... M ;".,= "18 taking 0[' 'I'hat little bllDd of mourners tual state of oegotllltlOns upon the Itallao Advlces from Utllh represent aQ'''lrs 1D tbot paper currency In some Instances the CirculatIon of Baptist Churches of Coloma DacC0ta

l and Berlin, WIS The #--'IlLleJI in thil ''Cure'' tor the IUCCC8litnl treat..

U b f f h d tb H fLo d b b banks IS purchased by nnpnnclpled plll'tIes for the WIll he held With the Church at 0 oma, commencmg '-D f th L r S31me

Ner~e8 Fe-a'. must wander on through hfe, ere toone w Q, question, were mil e ID e ouse 0 r s y terrItory as worse thlln tbey have ever een, onSixth-day,14ay 27tb, at 2 0 cl{'ck, P k ment of lselll!eS 0 e Ive, , " ..... ~ h [I b d D b d ID f h.A purpose of alteratlon on other banks.. 1lll!&Gf-lorok E L BABCOCK Clerk DIseases, Bronchitis, InCipient oUlnmption, ct:c, an J .h •• ", ho ", ........... h ......... , •• .ho ... , •• f , ,,,~ or,.. "', .. ,,"'or ",,'M " .'00 tho "nod , •• '.'" ~d _."" ......... .." "tood" ... _.. .., ......... M, __ t Po, .. """ "" ' At lellst, a father and a friend It IB, thus, not the House of Commons by Mhr Dlsrhaell r;Froml there -'l'hErIH feeling hlld rellched Itshculml those of good banjm thrpngboul the country nndare, The Next Quarterly Mooting of tb. Seventh-day tbe beDeli1 of okilJfuI Homeopathic. p!'e8Cnfti~OnF-1II the blood of the alleged seducer that Dione tbese reTelatlons It appeArs t lit t e lD.orma nlltlDg pOint, aod the people were on t e eve fR k D d WI tb C adtllntagefoondIn but few 'Water-Cures.' lal

II' , '''h ltd b tb E .. hsb Gov of course forgeries. Such forgenes are not conlined BaptIst Churcbes 0 oc ane, an a wor oun attention Will be "'ven to di8ease8 commonly c lleel sufficel to ~oae ror IiIB 'Ollence .L e eVI IIItermedlIItlon Ilttemp eye 11" of oPen hostl.ltles to tbe 188ue of IinY, one bank,-the lesl1es of the fol tle8 Wisconsm Will he held WIth the Church at Milton ~.,_ 11 th."", d, ... an .. th.,,' Th ....... Ib. .ra .......... ht, ... "." Lood Co''', to D,.,~_.... u.' bo ••• " goo"... _ •• _, .......... , _ •• , • ., " ... '''' """" _ """ u ro, D, ...... ""'. ''"'' .... reaved and broken bearted children must help Pans and VIenna, blld reached an encouraltlDg CnmmlDg Dod Geoerlll Jobnston, toucblDg lowmg broken banks bave been so used Farmers' Cancers, (in thell' early stages,) and Carles Ind Necrll. b d d d b h h t f Ge

reral Con h I k Bank of Wickford, R I, Mercbants' Bank of 'I'IlrIons Th E t B d f tb S th-d B t t 81S ofllOne on 'P tho ",,,, ... , ",. ,t., .m". ,.,,,. ~. ....".., ,,,.." th", ...,., ... PO"''', ... • ..." , •• ,.. • '00"" = 0 • oom ., 'P' """""" mU .... _U........ "0), ~ .. ,...... Th. "'" ... , k"","" ,,',,' .~, ."."h., &om R, ... , ... ~,... "'PO' m,t, .. hot ... , tho E"""" "" '0001,,, ... ,oo,., MMgo" ",""", IV ..... ' _ Nor. W ..... A ....... " .. , ..... '" ........... 11 .... " ............. won ... t ..... ,. " ,,,' .. Id. ".,.. "d ... "d lb. "" mto Aboad""g ,I. "d".,,' ., .. 1, 'h. Bn •• h ,b. J,d,.", N • ......, "d """'" -, ""mI, "'" ""''', .. th. '3d of "" ~ 'E'1!1'll'cOOK. s.',...... H P BR""'K, Ibe Honl when all the rest of tbe world blls CablDet at once devoted Itself to advance tbe Tbe Federal Conrts find It ImpOSSible to THE nRY GOODS TIUDE L '" A.l&ed, Allegan, (]o N Y borled their orlglD In obllVlon,IS pllrt and pllr RUSSlall proJect, but ellrly encouutered a serl exercise tbelr funClions, tbe Grllnd Jury reo The trade contmnes aclIve, though more so among LETTERS STATENISLAND FANCY DYElNG ESTABLISH-., .f thok """1 Y", ,bo, p."I" • - '" d,m .. II, " .b. """"I., A .. , .. t. t,... 'oomg .. ',d ",", ... Mmg " .. , .Ib.. tho J ..... ood , •• ~ .. , 'm .... ~ T" 'm... MENT, 0.... ,., , ........ (Z dom .... Iwo-edged weapon I It cuts both ways, and, unless SllrdlnIa dIsarmed Subsequently tbls mellos to screen parties accosed of murder and from the near by trade IS active and IS absorhmg the Geo R Wheeler, L R Bnheock, N V Hull, H Broadway) New York J d I t bl ffi I b t d

Iy a sug'estlOn that Clar\!:e J Lawton Jr, A R Jone8 T E.Babcock S Replete With every detllrableapparatu8,and pro'hl Lt. '''' B •• """ "''', ... ,. ,wo," d, "', - , ".., 0 .",,, ,n_ , .. ,. h,,"" "ru' """ or ......... _" tho "8,,...k, B. L ","00' (th ........ .,. ON"'" .. mlh tho _h", ... " ...... ". *,n " ... 'h. ".w .... , ""', .IIh ' .. ,M , ... ,10.10.,. .ho 'b~ •• m, boll,,,""t po- .h,,1d d. J .. " ",.ffi.b"gb b.d d",h.rg.d th, ~.k" Plo ....... y ....... """hll "" """ _ ,." ','" .h,"" ,., to ", 14 No to,1 tv. ......, th. Go_ ... tho ............ """ ff ""hOd,,, 0/ PbO" B" .. , K., ....... or. '''" .. , to 'b. m"'''g .f tho Coo,,,. J "1, .. d b" h_ ""'''u .. to d,~b,... " _b _ d .. ".~ or •• ""............. ""',' R In ... , D "' •• Goo 8 ....... , T,,, 8 .......... _" ,_" UwJ,...-. out In the world fatberless, wo cllunot forget Austrlll acceded to thiS plan, but SardinIa de also al\ the prISoners In custody On the oc on whIch a loss WIll be sustamed RIbbons are m BrOlin that pre-emment as may have been theIr prevlollerep-b

f f d h E f tb Fr ch would f h J th utatIOn then' motto II &:CI!LBIOR. ID dyelog, cleana-tho .. • • ''''I m.'''', ,,,,,, , • ,.. • ''' .. d,'' t. "'''''', ." ,g,,, ., 'h. d",h • .", • t. ..,,' • ~_k Th ...... ' ." ... ~ _ F_.. '" ... _ "".' ...... _.' ....... h" ."'" moth",.~ U po. tho 'or, Ibre.b "" """, .,Ib "'m ........ m""'''h.~ J,dgo 'h ..... lb. 11 .... " ."h h .. mg.b ""th". dol' hot _~" ... '''''''u of ... RECEU'TS ..... v •• ~. """" ""I .. OIoth, .to, .', ~.., hold of !tfe the ~t8 of her uobappy parents ollmely, that If Sardmla dlsllrmed, she should structed the officers of the Court, snppressed styles attract demand The domestic fabrlC8 are well _ mean to 8tllnd unnvalled, and they 101lClt tbe contiD b h t th C

r ss and k ~ ___ All payments for pnbllcatlOns of tlte Society an f th ty have eondemued her to Jonrney on throug t e be admitted to a sell ID e ong e , testimony, and refused to ma e prOVISion .or sustained ID prIces The stock ot Cotton goods IS ~"knowledged from week to week In tbe &wrd<r, ned custom 0 e communI r b d t b ld Ot precede tbe f _ Goods received lind returned by Expre81 with U. ""h ,,"" tho or""'''g .",ht. "tor "." ,b.ttb. ,,,, ••• ,, ." , tho ","" ....... ", •• 00"""" p_~ •• 01. Woo'~ r ...... , ........ ~.= u''', P. __ ill., .""", , .. _'.' or ..... ,.... , .... ,...." .... Mdo ...

, ...... d I, lb. d ... .,..h .... " , dor' ,",d, d",b.""oo", .b. Co, ...... hot .boold '" 0.", to lb. u" •• d .t... " ,b. pop".. ""''''tr r" th. ~."."., ..... Mao,._ or d,,,. u ............ ~"M~ .. " _,,, .... of ....... NEl'HBIV8. Co, ••••• oot full .. hor ", on t. tho gn... ",tot. th"",,,,. ..,,, Ao th",... " '"h'g ...... b"". .f '" 'h,,,,,d • ...,. ""..... Co._. "d .'''''"hn" of "."'... '''' ,-" SO fiJoIm ..... I' ..... '''' _.W'

B,I doc. tho "h.pp, ",", who " th.... hopo.' A,,'n. " "g'"d "."-'. 'r "'d ";'.01 &0. C'''p FI"d, ond """pod ~""II ,.,,, .. W"." _ •• h" L._.", _ ... """'" .. "",.. '''''_Om N.. .. med~ .. ''''',,,,,. " .'lth ..... ,." I"" th, "'" ...... m .. " Ih",_ .. p,.,b,htl' , .. , T".. ... .... re ,mol 'h".po" .ra" go.d ... 'ho E\. """,, Wood""" R I, ,,, ...... ,, N. " II 0 IB a lB 11 sa'i

"........ dock " ... ", .. .., .M h.pp, 1- ''''',. ", ••• ", ",.,do"b. d ..... ,,,, .f 0.",,'7 C,,,,,m, b.d """'. prool"'~ ........ _ u _ 0 th •• ,. lb. "_"',,, ll'.1; l"3'Wl:. ";"'~,n., : g: l~ :: .. _ ... W,,", .""' .... " "'"", 0 b, "". '''.', 'b"'oa.,, to h'" .... d, ~.b'" ',d ... , boo, "k". PO" .,'b tho M" ..... ,',.... .... of '''' ........ to ,,_ •• ,&, HOW"" "",",,, •• I, .. "fi2 FA II I LY SI WIN 0 II A C H [XI 8 , om"1 - ... tho ",., .. , " ,,' .. d.,: "d , .. u .. n ,,',~01 ""''', ,. ~ ..... "Iood ,,,'" ......... both .. h. bod d •• "d., 'b. JI ._ J' , H'_ml'., "0 "" A JI ... Bl'fT.B P.tRlB 10' ....... tho .... ,,' .f ..,,,.toI " " ... ,d.d ,b.t tho .hj .. , .ft". .. "t" ", ..... ".f .,"'d"woI .fth. to", .. from Pro", bol ". MARKETs 00 .... _m __ ."".. '" .... "'1, N~ Y." tB ....... _ ..... , to b, tk, "·"PO'"·' ""10" •• ,,. ud... F ... " WM ".ret, .. g,,, b •• ,,, tho "'" ""~ bod b,d h, •• ,,' to lb. ''''rg' ., R~ N W .... , Al.., Coo"', ... '00 ""' ..... ""'ll Ph,...."." "' .... gratulationlof sympathlzlOg (rlends 7 It can pletlOn of her mlhtary preparalions Parlia compliCity With the Mormoll theoracy NEW YORK, Apn130, t859 ELIPHALET LYON ~_,,,. tunore stl'eet, altimol'&; 68 Wm .ot bo Thoro"" ..,,,.toI ",,, lb •• t", ... , .oo p""""d " tho 19th ,I, Th. Moob b.d f .. ,,,. ,t.o ." • .., botw", tho ~",~. _" _ ... ..!:::"'_"'l::;.0.::.""".'!.. ... _. " ........ "d lb ........ th., ,,,,,"b', M" ,,, • oo. P"h .... , woo ... h. ,~., 1I .. m" owl tho U B t...... ""gh th... Tho 0,. •• _ ,. lb. 1 ...... _ """U" 11 A R", A G. B _ '" u ....... """"", ..... " ... ,,_~, "II • ., tho ;"",,,,. ".,,'. h",. "tho "th. 23d "th. ''''''' .b •• ro .".".d _, Pro .. , bod w_ c... ...... .h ...... clw .... ,,,, ili. .bloh won WM ...... ,,"....,. •• rlh ........ '_ blood of a

'ellow man. We are qUite sure behared With remarkable forbearlloce A col market for some weeks past, has been qnite noticeable In Akron m, Apnl 15th by Eld S M Bnrdlck, The" are IlDqueltlon,bly the best ill tbe mark" 101' II D B h D II e of the S Mr CHRISTOPHER F. JOHNSON and MISS AnzELa B • Iy ll8e 1[, S"ld ... ill h" ,,,' ""gh .. "' .. , .bo B",,, ." .. - ..p •• , h •• ~ bow .... , bo' .... tho two ,."'.. ... donag th .... 'm, .. d .'1' - .." .... , ,_, ..... P_. Co RI ,~ ,r8JJND lOB A anrcfYUR'ao 'oIhog., .-.,-'" ...... '" K.,'".k., h,. E .... p.' d".... .1 Now J ''''1, .... .. _d."d ,.m" .. ' Wb ......... of.W" .. , ... ~ , .......... '" ... I. """'=, l<T ."It "d, by ,.. 0 8 """ ''''''-

flar the s·ke of the IDnocent ones who are mllde Illness of about two weeks, died on Wednes as the warm weather approaches the deSIre to realtze ner Mr WM T OTT and MIS8 .d.MY D DAVIS, all 01 _ _

.. A I 27 t h d In Bnrhngton I d th tl T m I OC I W t Bran ifni Nicara"'o! PmdllCl at tbe lodll'l: I to snlli

or 'or bls misdeeds', and to regret IIke- day, prl ,n 18 resl ence 'A slUgn ar ea ,says Ie roy.L Ime , IS greater Mucb of tbe F our arrIVIng from the es Gardner DU

• I' BID e was a k 0 T d tl h JU:H pllbll~hed I wOlk ofllllu.lllllnterelt_1HCA • ... , dod ," P'"'' .,' .... "".11', ..... b". OW".... "'" ~ "",d ,,,' .oo '''' ',,' go, "", ",...... Th_",.,. bI ......... "" 'oO • ill '.111. G ... _, NY, .,"",th,.' ili. ~ d .. ~ •• G •• P,", "'-' .... _, • _, • .,th"" ",h,In"'g b ... h.". to. go,,, •• "W, "t," " Now J .... " .rut .m" .. " b" " •• H,g_ B.dl.nI, bo' .. ,,,, " Now •• "" Ch"" -.. ........ '" ............ , or .......... G_" "" 0, EM T B 8row" BDU "" ........ ~ ... C_ ............. ,",,, ... .. d ."., to tho roo •• " .. " h.u" th... b ...,.f 'b., d"".. R'.M m, y,,,,.rut .h, WM m Troy, ,,' .h,,01 m ........... mid """" s_".~ , ... .,. ~:;;.":'!i. "I~N. Y ~. ""',_ .., .... _ .... __ , "-od ." ..... .. .... • f b.. foIlJ' If tho.. '" .. .., wh, ~d"1 "d fu""hI, .".. thro"b,,' lb. ""f lb. b,,""' .h... lbm 0, .. I,rom. ... ,M" "'dd~~",- """'~ Ft ....... of r.~'", 'M 'd' D~"". h, Fft" n .... ~ ~,,' tho ,.,,,,, .. lth. h .. hu " p.",II, to ~"",, oad h" dooth , .. ," • ..... ,' 00' fro" ,Ib, "",,,kol ,h.t h. b.I.,,,ltb.t tho ~""' .. d ........ -..1 S ........ ,,_... DE AT R S W;!'::" ~,l:': ;'!"";,:n":~':':~:"'; po, " .. "' .. ..,. , ..... h. "., h .... ,m"" "'" """ n. 'M • moa .f ... "b.,.ri, ",h .. h.d "' .. b,,, .... d ..... , " .... 11 "" ...... ~"""', .,. F1= ... ""'" ,,,. .. _. by ."', ._ ...... ~" _" ~ ... _ ted, let him or her thIDk of thiS remorse and attlllDments, and Bom~ of hiS poetlca] efforts pimple opon hiS IIp paIDed him very badly, heavy and~s qUIet Corn )[eal IS mor~ plenty, and At the re8ldence of her falber, Thomas Williams of Add,. ... II, ......... , "d .. k,ow"", • .,lb "th.t, b ... "'" moob "'~ .. d owl bod -"""", mil,,. .no, h. - cl_ ...... of..,... W. ,00.- ""'" N Y Apnl or. of ... h.'.... Mm... '0 .... ,..""" "'_', l( hnman trIbnnals refuse to pnDlsh, there IS a Frederick Sbeldon, a venerllble New York sbaved presentIDg an angry, IDflamed appear b $4 75@S5 00 BAJlY 1. COR~"w8LL, wire' of Pror. A R tornwell of fob24-3m] 617 SamlOm Slr.rt, rhllldrlphl., J'a;

iii d b merchaut whose ollme has loog been familIar auce 'DurIO'" the day, thiS soreness grew ~t~~~u~~mmo~ b~~nds 5 Iii! 5 25 Albion, WIS In tbe 29th year ofber nge LAW R ENC!l 'higher law' Within the b

O henthers own OStobmer' to our ClllzenA, dlcd on Thursday last, at hiS worse, and be "suffered so much from It thllt State extra brands 6 00 6 25 The subject of thl8 notIce Wl\B born In DarIen, Gen rR1ZE lIED'L, '

(rom tbe mandates Of 11' IC ere IS nel b 5 90 1 60 esee Co ,N Y, where, at lin early age sbe became the .. reSidence ID Westcbester county, agtd a ont he deCided to retnrn home, whlcb he dId on Mlcblgan, extra brands d ni'~d th tb S th • appeal nor escnpe f h b OhIO common braDds, 5 60@ Ii 70 subject of BIIvmg grace RD n '" WI e even 1111 t I, b j' I'll t l'1li. l w. ., •• lb ......... , .h, .", ,.. ""'" = ,.... M, B ." ". • ,. W .. , .. d., ",hi ..... ,d,." fOp'''' • 0 .. _ "- " ... ., do, 8., .. , Ch~'" rn_ .. 'no Co N Y So. ..1

0 OllftIJI"U on ,nt "" ... 'I'[!, .......... ''Y.,.th11"' lb. '.", .. , tho fu"d~, "d 'rot P ... d" •• , th. U "tod .. ". ,,~ d_'g_ tho .... ox.,d., Oh"....... • "O@ n, ... _.,,,,.~ ..... "" .m"' ...... ,,"".. 08. B ...... ,. A Yo _ oj _., ,. r .... ' d tb t th 'sympa Stlltes Life Insurllnce Company of tblB City, tbrough the body and to the 'It8Is~lInd OhIO, g t!:; c extJlllbrand8, ,,,:." " 'j-",,, .oo • h h', '" n, tho 1. ""'.0 "'" Ouu""", ,", "'" "'. Iah ""tot,. th1' _,d " lb: ".."or'. ~"" "ghl ". ,,, .... 'bo, 'oo., ,.on , .. to .. ,,,Ity, .. 8"d'1 morn"., .... ..,,,". ~.:: r~ ~"d:"" ", 6<0 .......... h"hoad" .... ,.., NY, .... _ ..... ,_ .... _ ....... "".m .. " tho ",th" Ib, 10 .... tho ,,,,,,,,,,, wo " "",, , ... " lb. '''''.', """"""', ""to, ... ", b, d,., Tb. d_~d ... ... ... "'" ..... ." '25 _II, .. " ...... IV., .h •• "",I"" M. tim ... , ..... ,~ ........... u ........... " .... - ... -- .h, tIn'k tho< tho ph,'ootbrop" oo~ .. h,,,,, ", ..... ,. " tho .. " .. , ,. ult-,b .. ", "d tb" "., b", _= , ,_ c>=" .. d _'" , .. p" ..... ,," .. , ." ....... "' ..... " "'" • _ .. , .... ~"' oill .. .. jurY8honid hi

', found Mr SIckles gUilty of City cllnsed hiS death, bnt as loog Ill[ ho remlltned Cilwida 6 60 1 30 to her father'. II few weeks betoreoher deMb Sliter cbango or fade G Id A II II hoof learn b d h tt' t tb C was bleMed with an amll~ble nnd generou8 nature, P -'I R .""',4 [mil II-Sill m,o\oo, h,t .-,,'.d 'h.. ,"",,' ."h ,D, "" • ',' p '''". .""", b •• ", ,t, ","or.go • ." _ ......... , .......... Chm' ... ~', ~ili", _ ."_. ~ ,

... • .............. "''''., .. , .... ,' ". "d ,h,h." ""PI'" • hogh ,".'" tho 00" .... 0( th. ....". 'P" h. h, •• h Tho d_ "" ""'" th. ,U, - , .. 4_ •• "h •• , ..... , .. " ... ,_ " .......... ""... B ROW N & ... LA N D, u y, B,,..,., .oold "' .. h .. , too hoppy .M,,,.t,,,., h" ... , ... ,,~ b .. ",,,,, u .,11 .... " 'rom lb. huh.e. ""',. "" ,~'''' .= ....... ,.,., .h ........ " "" ....... r lit., __ y"" ,..... PBOJ\V" to hood Joj th" "y, ",. ' .... , th' ,',,"'., u", ,,,,. " .. I. of ".,." d"" " Ib" "'1, _I",,,, "" w ...... go .u ...... th, 'hlob • • • COIOlISSION MllRCIUNTIl jUltl~e and mer" would bnve been bctter con ou Mooday, April 25, at tbe age of forty Dine Tbe DetrOit Fru P'~I$ says the Judson mpBrted a firm tontto the market and Wmterclosed In EnglIsh Pra.lne, TIl, April 25th, of !!Carlet fever, T'ER ST. N. Y. J ~ .. 1 .. f th I f P t th th I 'aller a Bevere Jltnesa or thirty 81X hour8, JULIA EVA NO 3 TV.A , .... ,h., I, ... "","."1..,,,,,.,, thol U. WOO '00 "th .. ""oot "".'ooON • • ."L .ho" ",."". rom ", ... , • .. ""'WOWIS .......... b ....... n""""",,, y~ ... , ........ of ... S ... tho "" ~"'''"' .............. " __ '" ....... of""" "" .. lb. wooId ,,' h ... • h.,,,fh,, h~mp.'b" ",rom" ...... ,., "d .... , ."", S, ..... • " ....... ~d .... ,d ... hl. .hlo .... ~'''h or , ...... "'n "", ",b, .. , .......... " .... 3,. ... ,_ ...... """ ... CD...,' fA""' ............. _ hood J:. "';'!hoy ... Id h'" h'm go '"Ib ". "". tho """ .ft'" lW • ."..,," Hz.. to", ,. ". " C,,,,,,, ,,,'" .,,, h ... , bo,,,. ""..J" ili. ,_ "'"'.. Wh' •• M .... "" ill .......... tu • Y, A .... " .. Hm.o, .,. or .", ....... _,.f;.:, N l b r, ''''' .... ,.or' "'" Ib, world .,tb ,h. h .. ,d '''', • •• d",' ponod,," p.bI.h.d to tho ..... d ... ,.., hor h,,, ... d ,,,,,.. 0, ,bo ftll_ R,. h" '~""d ... """._ ..... so ....... "" "'_ Md U .'"b, _ to E , 0 ...... , .... , ~ 'ser 0 t. Ker.

h h OCCOBion of her former elopemeot, her rather I he 1 atTi j h d Ii d, th ood demand at "meMed lire the dead lObo die In the [,ord" chant's Exctange Bank, or 0 BOS TlLlJU)!, FAq , oftbelawnponhllbrow T ey 11' orellson \u city. G f th f D John A and brother reclaimed herwILbgreatdlfficlllty, I rII vas as ec ne WI a g 13 Broadway l\ugl'-l,-thi. way may be right, but, on tbe wbole, Judge Jobn ray, " er 0 r the Qlose of the trade We qnote Wheat White, at SA.SDS' SA;RSA.PA.lULLA __ ~or Pu IfJlng 'ho

po,h.,. II " .. woI'" ,'" '''' "ro' PO' O"y, .fth" "'" d.d ,t F."",,,,,,, Oh~ .rut too. bor .. "d"M, .bm ad,,, ... _. "'~, ", ... ", .... " " ... 1 00, ......... do BLood -8'" b ....... ,,'."""".yo.~ ". Con\~' I"""" or W .. I'M, I.hment the Conrt could po8llbly IDflIC~ npon a tanque connty, NY, on tbe 22d lOst, In hiS obtalOed Sbe went hilme With tbem BDd re- 1 50a112, do OhIO, 150a160, do llIcblglln, 1 50a Itlte Dr the bloOd; If tho TllaiJZlIIg lIuld winch per CONNECTING III New Hampton with the Dela­man In the ..... Itlon or DanIel E Sickielwas to Dluetleth year, aUlIIO 'he fnll possession of bls maloed till last week, when sbe agam left. 1 63 do Chicago 82a9Sc. Rye Nortbern 1!4a88c ndes e"."., t1u"e, membran., fiore. fiI'men~, gl nd ware, Lacknwanna and Western ttn11 rond, to

r-- 'H tied to the poSition tb or wltbout the consent of her Darents' , " or other organ. pnmu1 and ."b<idlar1, be charged Scranton, Great Beni!, tbe Nwth and )l'rot,81ld at ... h" .. " ..... tho """,,,~ hot'~ ~""'" •• oo.'" ' ' '., , C.m S,,~= """, " .... , •• do ,...~, '''''', .Ub th •• ~ ... of .~ ... .-m .... th. ~, ..... with "" Lo',,, V.It" "".wl .. "'''' .""'f Tho' - .. "",oJ .. ,,, ... ,. '''' "J"'go" th. C"" .f C,,,,,,, P"" ., "d ..... to Dot"" C, ..... tho "'or, oh. do W""," ..... , 8"'~, ...,., """', "' ...... _ "" ••• "" ,,_ .. ""m"" ", .. _ Ch"k-S,,~ "'=",.", .. mm.""" _"d, 10.,... .M"." ....... "d' .... ' , ... If Chao .... ""'" h., 'or. "m"" or ,.'" '.ood J .. , "d 'bo, .... ,,,,,,~ "m"" Ri.~ ... Co'., .-," w_... . ... &,.0 .. "....;. ~ .. ".... • " • h.m ..... ". ,"' ", IS'" .... ~ N~ , ..... "'... • ......

O" .. ont ........ , h ... d". O,.n.ho ... ~ boo "'" ,,,'" ,. ,,', .. "',. A. tho 'or tho ...... '''' ...... 00. ,,,'.. "lb. N~ '''"'Y, .... ~, do ""_ "''''',...... .... ...... _.",","'" "'AN"" ,,"s> ."' ..... _ .... P,. N. " North Ill",,!, •• ha'81nfered and Ire atIlI to snffer, from tbe age offonrteen he was enrulled In tbe ranks of enjoyment of connnbial hliPPlDess, Joe haVing White 1 ooa1 20 P ARILLA. are lIlamfe.led Ita fig

01 era. 0 A ~f 12 M, I\nd :JOO P Y , tor SotnemU nt 0 30

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Ind rn'ln .... nltlng I. om tbla sad domes- the army of the Revolntlon, and waa employed told hIS horse and cart, and bongbt 80me furDl- reacbes &he germ or dl'ea'e, Ind we C\1rft It perform P 11 The abOve tr'RiR8 conneC\ Il-t tf.tZ\\jlx til \~ tli .~. ,- " -- 'N~''''_''''''''_'''' ""'~~"'N~ • ..., ....... , wid .. ,'''" •• .. -1, - • - ..... hom '''' hi, ... , ",,,,, .... , tho ....... &0"., "tho "".,,, tho ,........ ThoP"""" _ n.... ..... ....... ......., ...... by.c B • D BAN .. D' ........ Y,,", ...... ..., of """"" ........ \"" ... baa fallen With more erDlhlDg elect tba1\ the State 'l'L~.1 I b d'" dded ith fair' '*trw 100 FulIOASu'eOf, Nelt' York 12)[ and ~ 00 lind Ii 00 PM. _;.,l, "lid m; wlfl, and mother, The Francia M Dimond, for BeTeral yean U S. On llIIIl!\Iay ut, aDot er ea ... 11'01 a wUh ~ decree or hnell, w • Inq ~ '&riO "1 Dranbll ieneraU,. lOON ° BTERNS, SUperiotea4t11\ ~;. ChIi1;~f ber blllband'. Tic tim Oonsul at Vera Crill, and more receotly Llent to the Uit of fatal ~Ue. pr.oluoea by tne the future, the am,..l are Ilot wI' Beef" per


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= THE SA·Bl3A.TH RECORDER, M:A: Y 5, 1859~'

.\ '" c 192

--- --- - .. -'-----'----'--

3I1i1rtllaniou. " 'Do try Ada. I hav~ iii 9tH,nga desire in the sun, and two evil spirits who reside deprived by nature, than are others, ~u~ ~&t they were eudowed with iutelligence, they PD.DlleitloD.f Ibe Amerien1a'''Q-Tnd leeIeI,

to see your' face by daylight. ~o-day,is Fri- in the moon. Their estimate of the white they have been left unrestrained to do wlc),ea-, wonld valne themselTes on acconnt Df the sklll T:QJ AMERICAN ~B'A"JVTRJ.CT ~CJCmri 'day' I have not" seen it, sinee Sunday. '1 ral](l may be gathered from the fact that they Iy, that they had become hardened in lint,t:o 1lnd knowledge wbich was expended npon them. I publlahes the toIlowing l'rW8, wblch Ble for .Ie

- - .... -- must look 1lpon iii>nce again! suppose them to have originated in the forgetfulness of God, aud of their obll~~ons We may valn& ourselvesltecanse we are God'. at ta Depollitory, No. 100 N_ tlrt«, N. Y., viz: -,. ])ear Old Home, , '" Do you If~}. ~~~e 1" asked she anx- moon. Departed souls go, according to to each ~t~er; that t~ey were. given o~er to i~telli~t creatnres, and ~re watched ~ver by F ~-Reasoll8 Cor introducing the Sabbath of the

I came again to my dear old home, iously, feeling fns lIB sbe spoke.' character, to one or the other of these places. the dommlOn-the rIOt of theIr. ~earts lnst. hlB pr Vidence. But a higher honor IS ontl, ~a~~!b~I~~e::.~. ~eor:rn;:=~IO!d o~c~hp: But years lqn( Blnc~ have Bped, 11 '" No -no I think not; but I do want to When death occurs the horses of the de· Vice long since had become famIliar by com- as the workmanship npon whom the Triune ~l Obeerv&llCe of the Sabbath' 1i2'pp. S. Author-

And 'mid the."'~.IOC)ksitf youtb see you~ tsde once more by daylight. I can- ceased are also killed: that he may have the mission. Let him that thinketh ~e ~tandeth, God as condescended to labor. Who cau Ity Cor the CltllDge of the Day of !he Sabbath' 28 pp. Lay many a ~lvery thread!, not wait till Sunda.y! means of traveling in the spirit world.- take heed lest he fall. If there 18 dlft'erence, doubt bot that we shall be exalted still higher 4. The SlIbbath aUd. Lord'. Day: II history of their oil-

ThTt!':::~efi:ry~;:~d'i:,d sad,' II Gladly would she have tarried by his Sometimea you find a place where the bones let tbe grace of God be ador~d, ~hat has made in glory? If here we are the prodoct of divine ~::c~;!~ljh~ ~t~~ TC::f;j~e~!n's ;;r te~:g A.lld the blrd-noles once so blllbesome, fell bedside till sunlight had stolen through their are laid by, and leaning, propped up around the difference, and pray for It, to preserve to wisdom and power, what shall we be in that holy, In each week, the Seventh·Day Instead of the 01

Like the ~hlmesor a funeral hymn. little window; but it might not be. Money the place, will be skeletons of hprsei. All the end.. . . B~ate ~o which the present is related ~nly as the F\rst.dr.yl/' pp. 7. Thirty-sixpia.mQuestlonpre-, was wanted and she must go forth to labor. the goods that are combustible lire burned 9. We pereelve, that the SIDS of '!len Will Right IS to day! But thoogh thus raised to senting the main points iu the Sabbath Controversyj a

I looked for tbe rOof tbal sheltered once' b 'I Ii d th t b d t b . d"t d I tb h' I Dialo~e between II Minls)er of the GoI!pel aud II &b-The loved of childhood's hoursj She left her husband. She reached the kitch- and t us smt onward with the departed to sooner or ater rn em on, oun 0 e, 10' IgOl Y an gory, e onor IS onrs on y as we ba.ta.nan: Counterfeit Coinj 8 pp. 8. The Sabbe.tb.Cou-I sought for Ibe bearthstone-upon it lay en of her ,employe" and with a troubled furnish him again; while such articles as evitably in the world to come, o.foon, as in this are in Cbrist oor Head. To him is and ~ver troverayj the True Issue' 'pp, 9. The Foortb Com-

A mound 01 graBS lind ftoW'ers; . . face w!)ited for the basket to be brought. fire will not make gaseous-as knives,spears, eRie, in the present sta:e. Whither. shall they shall be all the glory. [West. Watchman. mandment: False Expo;;(tlonj 4 pp. 10. The Sabbath The broad-armed oak, whoee abeltering A smile played over her wan face as she as- etc., are buried with him. The skins of the fly, not only from their ~wn co~sclonsnesB of I Embraced and Olleervedj 16 pp. (In Engllah, Freneh

Was the seene of our m~ pllly- d . Sh ld t th h h b . I d d b h 't b t Ii th ehenslon of It on the part THII: SUDS OF CONSUMPTION.-The te 'ble IIDd German.) 11. ReligiollS Liberty Eodangered b, A mosa.grown stump marked out the spot sorte Its contents. e cou ge roug orses emg no onger nee e yt e owner I, U rom e appr Legislative Enactments· 16 ~p. 12. :Misuse of tbe That told 01 its 8iId decay. by two o'clock, yes and if she hurried per- are used for economical purposes by the rr:. of every being in God's universe. The uni· mortality cansed by the bronchitis, pneum nia, "Sabbathj" 8. pp. 13. The Bible Sabbathj 24 pp. 14.

haps by one. 'Love' and anxiety lent' new. latives of the departed. They blow over verse is a whispering gallery completely netted and consumption, which together kill-in ng- Delaying Obedience~ 4 pp. Iii. A.ll Appeal for the I wandered down to the poplar spring, strength to her weary arms, and five min- graves with their mouths, and beat their and interwoven .with wires of mind, ov~r which land and Wales-only a hnudred tho and Restoration of the Bible B"abbath, In an Addrees to Che

B Andh drank frOlDh It81 gUsblat .Iream, {lteS -"ter the clock struck one she hung'he heads with their hands, making horrl'ble and athwart which, over and over agam, every people,(being 1'4 of the entire mortality from Baptists, from the Seventh-day Baptist General Con ut t e draught, ad, osC Us !p.a;ic charm, "'. I'll h h d d h .. • Cerencej 40 pp. The waveelheir:goldW SlellllD:' last garment on the line, and was just noises. You will find among men lIIarks of thing said and done will reverberate forever. more t an a un re ot er canses In a~ ItlOn The Society haa al80 pobliBhed the following worke

For lhe rippling Wal~8\l!efnl~ to speak emptying her tubs, when the mistress came gashes cut in the calves of their legs, I}nd There is to come the great revealing time be· to themselves,) sboold make us think a little to which attention is invited: o~!~;~n:;!~1~~I~!iriiIl1, in with a couple of bed-quilts, saying. on the cheeks of the young women 'similar fore Jehov~h sitting ~n .the thr~ne. lerionslr of the freaks of fashion, which set A Defence(}f 1M Sabbatll, in reply to W~ on the

That Iolngled wilh their JlOl1. . " I As you .have so small a wash tiHlay, marksj these aie,the lines of l!iortoW' which 3. How Important It IS to resist the first be- climate at defiance. Why do we send children Fourth Commandment. By George Carlow. First Ada, I tliink:you. m~y 00 .thelle yet! the ~ourners' voluntarily make, and in the giunings of evil, to nip its first boddings. No abroad in damp and cold weather, with their printed In London In 1724j reprinted lit Stonington •.

I turned to seek, lrith lIngerio, step, ".After the miaj;resl;1 had turued bet back, a bloQd they dye their 'fingers and - toss it man suddenly became a criminal, soch as these legs bare, submitted, tender a& tbeir bodies in 1802; now repllbliBhed in a reVi~d form;. 168 pp. Fo~;~~~~;atbfLa~~t.ioWIY TOof cry of agony wrung'from the deepest foun- towards the sun, with prayers for ,the de- wretched parties are. Tbere had been a pre· are, to risk that even strong adults conld not n.. Rogal Law Oontendtd tIlT'. By EdWlli:d StenDn

And made tha hearthlltiini!g'ta!i; , ! tain of the washenyoman's heart, gasPed to parted one. , . vioos long process and :training for the act, brave with imponity? Cnstom has made this First printed In London in 1658; 64 Plh ' Aud I Coiuia them all wll~re'{h,& W1ltow t1roopedl her lip$ ... Smothering i~:,:\11 .beSt she coultl, The" doctor" among them fills alt the nntil aU things were ready for the fatal de· appear familiar and trifling, but it is not out Vi~ of 1M 7hu Sabbath. By J. yr. Morton;

Its lon~'greetl biinglinrHnmI"'" " she set to. again, and' l'uIJlied !lnd hung out. offioes of Counsellor in peace and war,-wiz- nooement. There was an honr, when all o~ place to say, at ~he beginning of. another ~~~~onary of the Reformed Preshytenan Chorch, . so;:~::~~~~~~~~~~er~, , It Wail naIf past three when.She Btart£1i for ard'and weather doCtor. For curing diseases these hearts were comparatively free from im- wlDter, the ,de~lal to young chIldren of Also, a 'periodical sheet, quarto, n.. Sabbath VindJ-

h!lm~hau hour too. late!" And the aged-nar- he ,is not better prepared than are others. purity. They were once gnileless children as proper skirts to their clothes, and warm cover· caJM. Pnce $1 per hundred. _ I am forlh 8~ m Ihili widel oold world,' . . taWl: Ml]l:Ied. . In their ideas of witchcraft, they resemble children can be, dandled on their father's knee, ings to their legs, has sown the seed of con· The series of fifteen tracts, together with Edward B~t where er my Cootstel'l tielUY, , _ ." Ah' Mifr' top late," continued slie, after a p.erfectly the natives of Polynesia. They or rocked by the Inll~bies of the mother to snmption in thoosandS and thousands and is, Steunet's" Royal Law Contended for," and J. W. Mor-

'I'hedearbhe&tWill be'tollle J). " "HerhuBb~nd was,dying~hes, believe:in·the.absolute power of the wizard sweet and innocent sleep_ First, came the of many dangeroos things dono in ~bedience ~on's"Vindicationoftbc True Sabbath," may be bad TIl. bOlouNlte laved oDel4~ j 1 II Ii ,i gth 'th I h' had h h h" t Iff h' th th t' th t III a bound volnme. ThtsaUhIlW'steallltliro'.thehanklng:boughs, amostg~net e au-stnl!) . given, im. as.t(J~ea er,life, death, disease, hunting, desire, ong c erls ,,", ten, t e soag t .or, 0 awso asdlOn, e on~ . a IS .e mos The tracts of the ahove series will befornishedto Wllh IllIOftened, sleady.light; to whisper a few words tq the half frantic or the futtunes of war. When the wizard perhaps the long ,.ght for opportunity. That thooghtl~s an croel. It IS 10. tbe child th~t those wishing them for distribution or ssle, at the rat~

And pilent IWa glelllD por8lt there, . wife to tell her how he had longed to look conducts their worship, he conceals .himself was the time un<ler: God's grace, to have Lrash- consumptIOn can be most readily planted-ID of WOO pages for $1. Persons dersirlng them can have 11n hu8b of the ,summer n1~ht. upon her facej that· he could not ,see her in Ii corner of the tent, amI beats a dr1jm- ed it out. By jadulgence, desire has become the child, that when the tendency exists, it them forw.arded by mail or otberwise, on sending their

than; l)e lay in the shadow of death. ,One like instrument; he then feigns a fit, when habitua~ Boon it becam~ master. Reason, can be conqoered, if at all. It is to be fought addreB8-Wlth a reml.ttllDce, to GEO. B. u~, Genel'lll hoilt she-..... iJ1owed.bis he a..! upon b~r suffer- be pretends to struggle with the evil spirit- J'udgment, forethought, all prodence are aban- against by protecting the body with sofficient Agent of the Ammcan Sabbath 7hret Socitt1f, No. 100 , w,1;; I h" • h' .:I db' YIIU/J'U Itf't«, NtIIJ Yo. k.

, .. :---: •.. , ' , ing ii~at'~IJilld·t4en:-l)e was at rest! his eye turns up, his limbs become rigid, and doned. The person has become morally in- cot lDg agalOst c III an.,. amp, y securlDg -------------'---" I declare, I have h'alf-a mind to put thil ~'~4if, Jrfm!', deat,," and the~e w'I\S a Boul- he to.ams; at the mouth, and then he quicjdy sane. Tbe bosom is fired by a raging demon a plenty of wholesome sleep, not suft'ocated Seventb·Day Baptbt Pnblllhln~ 8oeiety'1 PublimtioDI

bed.quilt in iliC wasli iOlOOy. 1t doe~ not to~cliin'g 'eMllhasfs in the' aged· WQman's set~le8 iJ:\t9 a resolute stiffness, in which mo- Long years may have passed. There may sleep among feathers and curtains-pleDty of -really need to gd, eftlieri 'hilt I think I will ~or~," b~ killd to;yo'ur washerwbntan.' In- tioijle/ls mate he remains some time. Upon have been successfnl concealment from the free ablotion without prejndice on behalf of ij[ ~ t .6 it b bitt ~ Jl teo r b- t r, send it down." .,' ,:. sU\~ ,0fistri'9"ing to j{o,ke het days work!ls his 're~Qvery he utters 'a wild scream, which public, but one omniscient eye has seen it all water, icy cold, plenty of cheerfol exercise PUB~RED WEElLT.

" Why will you put irin; Ml\ri if it uoe long a~ may pe;short.eJ,l it-lighten jt. Few is'the p~etended departure of the discomfited -perhaps many human eyes have seen much. short of fatigue, plenty of meat and bread, TER){8..:.S200 PEl!, ANNUlI IN ADVANCE. uot-need to go?" :a~ked .~ei ,~o.od ol~ aunt, women -wHl g(}!~t 'washing daily unless 'Spirit. . Then sitting on II tripod he answers The acts of men cannot be wholly exclnded and wholesome podding. These, indeed, are in ,~eF quiet expressive way.- '~: . . . th~ir nee~s arerm;essing. "No woman.onher all ,qnestions put to him. from the observation of each other. A... thon- the things wanted by ~Il c~ildren_ Vin2Jics=::~t:;,!s.!~v~~!:e~~:C~:~~~::h~

Why you se~, Q1}nt!'w~,~!\."G.but a.small brldal day Q~ec' '.~ '1abo.r'that way; ang '. ~he call~g of the wizard, though a well sand ey~s are n~on one all da~. m.o II he1 [Dickens Household Words. day BaptislDenomination. It aims to promote vital washto-daYi sostifall·11h~t 'Sdslm wIIlget bejsure my mece if she IS constrained to paId one IS not always safe. If a chief Where18hegtnllg1 What"h~{hmlglare AD G A taO ltd t pietyllDdvig;orollSbenevolentaction,lItthe88lDetime through by one o'clock at'lstest, alld I shall dol so, it-is the ta:~t tesort. That poor wo- dies, sev~r-aI of them are put to death for the eternal interrogatories th/lt m.flit-.I1o!B cease- EATH- /IP.;-B s: cap ~n [et e a that it urges obedience to the commllDdments of have to pay-ber the same as though she mlln, l&bonn ... now eo hard for yon, lias not no~ preventing it, and in time of a pesti. lessly plying with respect to. eaQb. 'other, as a Pthr~Yll~r.m~e !dng It~ hO~ Bas or. Ime ~gAO God IIDd the faith of JeBUS. Its col11Illll8 lire open to worked tUlI n 'ght" 1 b" h Sh h I th h'" t' d I th d At I th II thO a rl 109 lOCI en ID IS own expenence: the advocacy of all reformatory measures which seem , ,I ; so-r- aways eenawas erwoman. e aaseen ences, e c Ie.s somelmes estroyneary ey pass an repass. eng a lUgs ~ " 'dh "I T b th likelytoimprovetheconditionofsoclety,dilfuseknow

"Stop a 'momentl de"r," said the old lady, be~er days' s~e has passed through terrible the whole sacredotal order, in order to in- are ready. The net of woven .. BI w Iearcaio, s~ t~ was sa;~ng {the ledge, reclaim tbe inebriate, and enfranchise the en gently, /' stop a lnoment and think. Snp- t~' 1B, too: .' Lcan read Iier stoty in Iierpale duce the remaining ones ,to arrest the epi- The magazine of fory is garnered. The train Ib~n ,0 0 a'bw ed!, eI;rry ra~ rO~~1 t e slaved. In its Literary and Intelligence Departments, Pose yob. were ill the !jituat.ion poor Susan, sa face. Be kind to hel':' pay her what sh~ Genuc. They believe that wizard. upon is set. The devil explodes it, aud away go S ItP, mtahn °hvelr oafr th h' wasb ItmpIo~SI e 10 care is taken to furnish matter adapted to the WllDts " 1 " , j., 'pu up e e moe s Ip n Instant y and tastes of every cllll!8 of readers. As a Religioue is, obliged, 1.0.11 te l !De, to to~l, over too as s; and let her go home as early1tB she their d~ath, become evil spirits. The whole single hearts and clostered hearts offamilie. . d d th ·l th h" aodFamily NewBp&per, it is intended thattheRecordlf' wash-tub sixl days Q~ of· aeven for the bare en ." ' . Of ;their worship is directed to these evil and priceless interests, all that is pr~cioos in 8~lZe a .rope ~et threw I t over. .: s If s lIball rank among the best. , nocessaries ofllife; would' ~QU ,not be glad * * '" * '" '" .* ·agencies. this 'World, into rnin. ;, s .er~, cryIng ou. 0 e man 0 seIZe I . as or once iIj a w~ile to get thTo~h before night, . "You have finislied in good tilll:e t~a'y, ' "'. Be mre yovr ,in will ji,.d gON ONe. .0,. bls hfe.. The sailor. caoght .the r~pe Just as THE SABBATH-SOHOOL VISITOR, to !jaY\) 'a t()W 1I0urs 9f dliyJight '0 I~bor for Susan," said Mrs. M" as the washerWQl,ll3n, , . LesIons of the Washington Tra(8dy. that that senteoce could be written on the the t~hlp was Pa~g·. I Im~edlately ~o~: Publiihtd JIor:tlUlI" YOU.~~',\fl~q· fB!nll,Y., ~r, be~~ 8~nr, a: few with her cl~ak and hood on, entered the : -, tablets of every heart, and be made to keep ~n!l ,er r?pe, an Ing a SIp n?ose 0 1, ' hourllof,r8BU;,Maryt deWl,ltis a hard way pleasant room'to get the money she haa Probably there ne~er- h~s b~n ellocted a boding with prophetic monition in each beat, attached th~ oth r, a~d slid I.t down to TEDS PER ANNUK-IN)'A1lIABLY IN ADVAMCE. lor a woman 'to earn a living; begrudge not earned. more fearfo! tragedy In SOCial lIfe! th~n ~be of the dangers and woes that inevitably await ~he strn~glIng satlor, and directed. him to pass ~~~ ~~~r:a t;, 00; ad~eBS, - _. _ - _ $1 ~~ the poor cfeatn.te an eaey: da'y/ ·This is th~ "Yes ma'am, I bave; and my heart is re- recpnt one at Washing~, the details of'\vhlch the transgressor. 0, tbat it could jet oot of It over hiS shoulders and under hlB arms, and Twelve copie~to one address, - . 2 00 f?urt1i fi! ,~ucceij810n s~e h~s r~sen by capdIe lil1Yed. of a heavy, load. tllo; I~!! so afraid' ,uo" ~cc~py th.e attention of the country. It the sky in letters of flaming ligh~-w strike he w?old be drawn on board. He ,!as res- Twenty ~oples to one addreBBj '- 3 00 hght and plodded through th~ cold herf;) al).q I, ~hould be kept till night, ad I am needed had I~ IDceptlo~, development and ~enoue- tha gaze of every being as he tirst goes forth cued, but ~eh had grasped tha~ rope wl~h such Twenty-elght copies to one address, 4 00 there to her customers' houses,. and 'toiled 8ui at Jtome." . ment In the capital. Its bloody cD;lmmation to hill morning task, aud the last to meet his firmness, Wit .snch a death-grip, that. It took Forty copies to one address, 5 00 away exls~~I': Letoor go at·no.on, if she ~'Is there sickness there ?":iaid the old w~ o~ S~dIY: Bot.h of the chief acton eye, when he retreats to his evening meal: honrs before hlB hold re~axed, ~nd hiS hand ij["e <!tarol: gets thrd~~"'ftIhb'KnowEi but that she may :It, kindly. ltopd high m thSlr re.latlons to the goverument; Young man, yoong woman, be sore your sin conld .be separated from It. With sn~h eager- IJ bave cOn.e ~l!'lthe siok-bi)iI'of . some lovea ears :gushed to the ,woman!s eyes as she on~! sa ~ represeota~Te Of Oar co~l1Ierelal em- will find yon oot. Resist its ,Ilrit beginnings. ness, Indeed, ~ad he clntched the obJect that A ~ 1.w~=:= fo."'!;::i:::;:"!~ " (lne" ,n~ • .at!~JCRunt.\l the ijourB.,ie~, ·th~ ~il!.-' ' wered, "Ah, ma'am, I left my baby most porlum In the counolls of the natton-:-- law· Future weal or woe, eternal, u well as tem- was to save him, t~at the strands. of the r~pe Familiu. 00mJlilt!l1lJl LUOIUS CRANDALL. 128 pp. ocl. lltea-,JtilLllI\Je; can, return, fearing J that she :de",d lhis morning' he will be q,uite' sq to- :maker, land 11J' profeIBlon! de~oted to Its study poral, is involved. Ther~ is no safety in an in- became ~mbedded In, the flesh of hiS handSl PM S5 centI per Cf1J1!I. lila] ~ .</,ne too late? Put it book bn'tlie mQrrow;' 'I know-it. I have Been it SOltb~J) , -4 respect; the. bt~er. likeWise an adl'ocate, staat's dailliance with it. In instantaneous Tbus It seems as If Go,d had let down from Tn CJ.lIOL ill designed prlncipall..! for Sabbath be'lI~~~I~t down here white h,11 y,ou~hat times, an(l none ,but! a cliild ot nine years ~ '=oIIIccr of the dl8tnct, ~worn til Bee that expulsion of it from the sool, or instantaneous heaven a rope ,to ,every slDn~r on th~ earth, Schools, IIDd containsMosic and H~ .pted to all thl!.1W~ierwoman endured, oecause hllr em- attend hint. Oh; I must go, and quickly I" Cions of I~!B" .~re dllilently broqht- to ,","illS' 0111 of it, io it, is safety, only. ~ep that every strand was a .precloWl promiSe, and ~!':l ~c::.!h~~::e= :::l::rs ~ thl pl~;jti as you .would to make out the Atid, grasping the money -she .had toiled for 110 ee, alld. dlligelilly pr08llCnted to cJHj end. thy,eif' pllre, and remember, that thon only that we ought t? be so Inteosely eager to se- nnmber of pieces anItable to social and public worship, 'IV.IIlt.'-' UP' while oor babvwas !lYing she hurried to her A.1.Mr_ G~ham, the connsel for the defence canst do it by the grace of God. Remember: cnre these from~, as to I'!y hold on them tosether with II feW temperance IIOngB, are included In

A'tiIl':;a)e old woman took 04' her KI!II!8es' dreary·hdfMf'f'~-:·~ .. : ' tGfClblr ana JlJ8tl, eXJlreased: " when lost hath conceived it bringeth forth as for our lives, and suft'er neither the powers the hook. It contains 93 tune. arull5()hymuB.

and wiped away the ~at"~rr.~ID:: ~~ Shortly;Ster they followed her. The "Tbel!are 1!dIb~ ~npitioo. whicll 40 DOt in- sin~ AND SIN WHEN 11' Is- I'~SBED, ~1l!GRlI dfa::"h or bell to shake our contidence or adCess?d~:" ='kr::~:f=II=~~~.~ cause ~ad gathered in her .a&-ed eyea, and young wife :who had never known' sorrow, ~rrere ,,!Ith the frivolity ~f hn.mau uatnre; bnt F~RTII DEATH." - [Am. Baptis~" ~~": - CJhotham Square, N_.1':odo. then, WIth a tremulous VOIce, related the and the,,~ manon whose hair was white If tl.tere!ll any.proftisslon In thiS world short of UNCONSCIOUS 'GhutNCE.-The very hanet-promise~ 8tory~ . • with troubl6, follo~ed her to her home-the ~ pn!plt, which can and onght to sanc- Good Workm8J)obip. ling of the nursery is significant, and tlie l.Gea1 A~II for tile kbbatll lMOIIla

" There never was a more bhthseome bn- home of, the di:UnlCard's. babes. She was not tifitd, If.I may BO s~k, th~ hn~an ~llnd, ~d .. , petulence, the passion, the gentleness, the NEW YORK. dal thaD that of Ada R. None ever had too late. The little dying boy knew its mo- commUDlcate a gnr:Vl~y to I~ whl~h II not .Its We stepped IOto an .art!sta stndio a day ~r tranquility indicated by it, are all repro- .d4a--charlesPotter. higher hopes, or more blissful anticipations. ther. At midnight he died, and then kind nl'1Dral.ves~m~l1t, It IS tbe ~rofesslon t~ which tw~ ~go, aod fo~nd hi?! IDtently engage~ in doced in the child. His sool is a purely re- Alfr~les D. Langworthy, mram P. Burdick. Wedding the man of her choice, one of friends took from the sorrowing mother the I belong--;It IB the prolesslo,;! t~ which Mr. palotln~ a 'por~ralt. HIS face .wore a serious ceptive nature, and that, for a considerable .Alfrtd Gmtre-B. W.:MilIard. . whow any woman might be proud few in- bre!lthles/f form closed the brightf eyes Key belonged. The very busmess.of our pro- aspect, mdlcatlve lit once of anxiety and of con- period 'Withoat choice or selection A little Akron-Samnel ~unt. I Btrl.n-John Whitford.

, deed, had a sunnier life in prospect than straightened the 'tiny limbs, bathed the cold fe&llion is to study out the ri~hts of other m~n, fidence, concerniug the result of his work. We furthe; on, he begics volontarily to'copy every ~~~~~:k. ~::o':'G~~~~. she. clay, and folded about it the pure white and to have them obsened: Of aU the duties glanced a~ouud the r~om, and beheld a num· thing he sees. Voice, manner, gait, eYery Stat.! Bridgf--John Parmelee.

"And for ten years there fell no shadow shroud; yes, and they did morej they gave which are cast opou ns a~d the last of all that ber of finished por~r.alts. Some of tbem r!l" thing which the eye sees, the mimic instinct o--W.P.LlIDgworthy.! GorDaruia-D.O.Bordick. on.her path; her home was one of beauty what the poor seldom have-a time to weep. we c~u ~ excnsed from, ~ the performance of prelented faces famIliar :0 USj others ~e did delights to act over. And thus we have '" IhutoI,/kld-W. Green. lit . . P. Livermore. and rare comfortj her husband the same " Oh, aunt!" said Mrs. M., with tears in her B~udYIlIg It oot of the SOCial and pe~onal rela· not know. Bot ~~ey all pomte~ ~o the artlst,~n~ whole generation of fotnre men receiving from =~ti~;!:~" ~~~ck. kind, gentle, loving man as in the days of eyes, "if my heart blesses you, how much tl08S of man to ~an, an.d the dotles that at- leemed to say, We are hiS work~anshlp. us their very beginnings, and the deepest im· PM"bura-'-H, Clr.rke. PortI1ille-A..B.CrsndaU. collrtehip; winning laurels every yeaI' in must poor Susan's! Had it not been for you, tach l? t~ose rel~tIOn9-1B the first o.Dice and ~e coul.d then account, for the ~lin~us ml~ pulses of' their life and immortality. They Pr~. C. MlIXlIon. Ric/JJwyJh-J:B. Cottrell. hiB profession adding new comforts to, his she would have been too late It has been the pnnclpal bnsmesB of onr profession, and With which he labored. Not only ID hiS studiO watc~s every moment in the family before /!ad<dJ ,Harbor-E. Frink. W~L.R.Babcock. hOllle,,,and n~w joys to his fireside, ~ a sad yet holy lesson, I shailalways now thereroT~ a la\fyer, abo~e all others, .before w!"thes~paintingste~~ifytohiS8k!lI,butthey the hearth, and at the'table; and ~hen we :::"1;~HermanA..~~D.P.WilIlam8 besides th~se blessings, God had giveq an, be kind to the poor washerwoman. But, e'er! tribunal, wheth~r It be erected ID the wI!1 ~,ontlDue to say, Weare hlB ~or~man- are meaning them no good or evil, wben we &ut1o OIIeli&--- I ~~.B )fuaou other; a httle crib stood !by the bedside, its aUnt, was the story you told me a true one, arch of heaven or npon t~e fate of ~e ell~th, ShiP, after ~hey sh~1l have been dlst~lbu~d are conscions of exerting no inQuence over Verona-Albert Babcock. WtitEd1Jlalon,-E.MUSOD tenant a golden haired baby boy, the image all true, I mean?" Is entitled to the l~tcha!l.table conSIderation. am?ng a hondred parl?rs. The adDuratlon them, they are drawing from ns impressious Wut Chntu6-E.L.Maxscn. E. WihOl1-D. Da~8. of jt8 noble father, and dearer than au-ght U The reaHty of that story whitened this W~lt!· t;oo, was hlB PD!lltIO~ r . He ·.vas the wh~ch t~ey command will be awarded to t~e and moolds of habit, which, if wrong, nO CONNECTICUT. else could o!l'el'. head when it had seen but thirty summers, proaeeuting officer of thlB DlItnct. !Ie was artIst: If, o~ the othe~ hand, they prove f~I!- heavenly disciplin.e can wholly remove; or, if JI1ftlicBrit1ue-:-8.S. Griswold.

" But I must not dwell. on those happy and, the P,iemoi'Y, of it has been one of my selected to co~serv~ the cause of publIc decen· ores, the dlsgroce will be heaped upon ... " right, no kind of associations utterly dissipate. WaUrfurd tintl NtIIJ JAntlon-P. L. Berry daVA' In'' ......... hail tG dQ !With olluir onea k':'enest 'Borrow" It is not strang!· that I cy. It was hiS bosmess to see that yonr homes head. Now it may be doubted I think whether in RHOD~LAND.

"'-, ". h-thJ' . ' , ......, < ~', • te ted 'Inst seduce· d It d W t • th A tl' ' .. ' .' , lie a,... ..... '-Tioml8 M. Clarke. It was Wit . em.'i:illt'bu lofte:n been With sll.ould pity the poor w\\Bherwoman." were pro c a,ga .. rD, a u erers ao e wen away musmg npon e pos e s all the active mflnences of oor live s we do as 2d ~~ H Spice otkersj j~,'wh~ the 'cUP. w!i8 J lIW~lIt it ' every .other ~peclesof cnmInal~ an~yet hew~ap- word~ suggea,ted by the art~t's paintin~s. "'Ye much to shape the destiny of our fellowmen, 3d H~AI!;..~ er:r&'-Il. wa. dashed away. A senes of lD.!sfOrtunes < PatacoDiaQ iiul ~e1r CllItoDII. ped bunaelf 10 the garb of hypocr18Y, came IDtO are hIS (God a) workmanship, created In Ohnst as we do iu this single article of unconscious PatI'O'ltucl-.--S. P. Stilbbn. and revenes occurrecJ 'witp. 'startling rapidi- 0 _ this Oonrt and hunted down, witb an almost on· Jesus unto good works." The artist's object infloence over children P~arke Orandall. tyj &lid swept: away f~om them everything 'Perhaps there ill no p~tivE} tribe of Amer- paralleled Jl1lCcesa, the mere worms that crawl is to transfer to canvas the exact featnres ot' NEW JERSEY. ~ but io-ve and the. babe. Spared ·to' one an- ica concerning whose religion there is 80 oppn the face of the earth, while the fnll grown his subject. God's intention in creating us GAMING.-A: California cot~mporary in alln- Mar!lJqraugk-----otHer atrd'to',that, they bore a br'a-te heart lit~e ,lqlqW1l as· of the Pat~o.Dians, say8 a m~n of crime, 8uch as be himself was, !"as per- anew is to mnke us a?oun~ in good works, t~at sion to this vice, which has been the ~urse of N~r2!;, I ~~m. anll'in a 'distant city began" a new (ortune. t:oQ'ej!(!Q~qent the!e, 'l'I:e ~ep0rf:'i o~ early mltted to stal~ through our commuOltYi not w~ may thereby ~lorlf, hu!'. To l\CComphsh the gol<l, seeking classes. aSserts that it has de· klBaao West. Well and-ltrDngl:YJdid they'Dggre;ca,!d at tra!,elers, conce~mng ~ell' glgantiC:'B~ and ont1. ~ot pnnlshed, but not even admonIshed thiS he h~s taken IDfinlte palUs. The w:ork has stroyed Its thottsandS. It has turned yonthfO! PENNSTLvAMJ..~Benjamin Stelle. length: begin again to see the sunlight of therr unequaled feats In liorsmooshlp, maKe for It. been carrIed on throogh everyage-af time and heads prematurely gray with BOrrow and dis· VIRGINIA.. Jlr~i~ s~ill~PP,~ r~r hl!me." .Bllt, /lJit- their manne~s' a: Il!-atter of .interest e'v.erJ.- trhe third party invo.lved 1!as a young woman, ~ve~y cycle of ~ternity.. ~nd ~ust as. the arti~~ appOintment. . It has robbed: in a single night, Loll £ht.k-Wm. Kenned .\ o. B. Run-W:F.Randolph Uo,whUe.~t ~Yfl4, ana ,then" thE! sfU1;dqwJ where. Their persIBtel)t ~e81stance to thl) al~ged to be accomplished In p~rso~ and man- IS dlshonore~ If he .fall ID h~ d~8tgn, BO, In th.e hard·workmg, bnt ~omentarily infatuated N.,MiUon-J.p.Randolph: Cup'. &or-Zebolou Bee. feU. ,The hUllband, sickened, 'and JIay..for en~~oaclu'nen~ of the whites, and thefac' Il.ers, one who had appeared With IDterest at some sense, IS God dls~o~ored If hl8workman- mmer of the accumolatlon of months or years Omo.-JIontN-EIiForsythe. ~~ mont~s.upOn ~ weaTY Much, 1!Mp.~lt. thq., n? J'atar;~nian \uw. ev~r ~mbraced t~e the Court of ~t. James, and i~ the social cir- s~ip prove imperfect-If It fail to meet the d~- of honest toil !n the mud and rain and snow, WISCONSIN. • Int'i1,Ot.)q~y. '!i~~nt~ 'a!l~ ~O~Iry J1am', Ch~~tlan r~hglOn, clo~es WIth m~rest the~ clQI. of 'Yashln~ton. . ~n an I~stant, all the sl~n of the . G.rea~ Workman. Bu~ ther~ IS or In the wean some cavern under ground. It Alhioti-P. C. Burdick and T. F. West. " b~f!)fU~#~e~ for fOO,dr !lp.~:.'lI~di:PJ»:eB., ~ll tellglous hiStory. It IS ~e ,that In the days par,tles With their famIlies are In ollTly. ~bls great. dlstmct.lon. The ca!1Yas IS passl.n; has taken the gold which was to feed the inuo· lkrlin-Datus E. L~wi& b~R.l Crandall. tha~.itle ,coUld .dol the wjfe'fpe.rformeij"w~tA of Rosas, the despot ?f 'Bu~nos .Ayres, there 1t'u a t"""u~t i!{ blood.. One father IS sudden- It ac~s neither With nor against t~e a.rtlst; cent and helpless. It has given .to the vilest ~OB. Goodrich, W. . Whitford, A. C. B~~C~ & faith{ul hanit She, ;9Ilellt "fro~ one ~ WGre some Patagomans m hiS army, and ~y shot down In the streets as an envenomed and It does not, therefore, share In hm: ra- of the vile and the lowest of the low thll com- Vlica-Z.Oampbell. I WalrDorIA-H.W.R&n 0 p to another till at leng~b .!l~.Il who bad worn those may have been e~ll~d 'c;onveI1sj' liut' dog, in 'the 80ft gush of a Sunday's sun·light' sponsibility. Bot meu are not thus passive. paratively little, liut really great snm which ILLINOIS. a satit,l;e:\ ~n' herbrid'al 'lla~, ~oiled at the coJlTersioJl. barely si#Ji¢if)Jt to qualif;t a His cbildren are made orphans, mjpery and God works in them to will and to do; but was to redeem the mortgaged ho~estead and FarmiIlgloR-D. Bio.o~el'& I ~. C. Roger. tho_. : 'olllie. . .8c8ntiesUV:Ing_ .In a savage for a system of guerilla. war, must .lillgbt;entailed ou them, and shadows gatber they can, if they choose, resist the impulses ot preserve tho sacred roof·tree over the t~ting Alit.: t4.. hltnflt ~ '6 ~ dreary wiIlter.lollW'JMJofetlight Ishe would be a low grade of it. .. round the resting place ot the buried dead. his Spirit, and thus defeat, to a certain extent, hopefnl ones at home. It has dug the grav~ 14aI~" 87ft ~ ,~,dn,unt rise morning aftali'. arorning and labor for It is far from the truth to .represent the The other ra~er in his phrenzied rage has be· the end he proposes. Tbey are, therefore, re- of the once happy and enterprising and indns· tIut dear;.qnolliof .her, lowl! home. Often real native Soutb Americans-the ab • me the mllrderer. The fall of hili wife, from sponsible to him for the impression which they, trions and sent darkly down the tide of ruin l'IlBLlJIDD 1IZDLT, abel b\td"to. set 'oft' thtoutlf'tM 'cold, deep 'ines-as' decreasing~.or 1ik'1l those of Nort\!' what heights of beauty to what depths of as his workmanship, produce npon others.- the y~ung, the gay and the thonghtless. BJ tbe ImIItll-4lJ BQtlll h'liI~ lIoektJ .. 1Dl)1f'tDct'grope her' way to kitchens, which Al,llerica, tendhig towarda extinction. "'Of IgllOlll1n11ike Luc~rer never to ri~8. again, is Ohristian reader, you are his workmanship. [Western Watchman. .AI No./; Oloatliatrt Squan, N_Ydrk. weflj ~otnetinies smoky and gloomy, and toil Patagonians, there are five trilies, speaking· Bnddenly renaled to alr mdtiud. Thete is You were publiely marked as such in the day fEllJIB-;-S2 00 per year, payable ill advance. Sub· at J'1lb~g, rinsing, starching, not uuCre- the same'langb.age, which number about fit~ woe unutterable in the bosoms of a ODce hap. whieh witnessed yoor union with his people. A. ~;~t&~~J:,!!'~~~~e!E~if~o~~ ICriptions not paid till the olose ot the year, will be quentl,lwading knee deep ill the drift8, to te~n tliousanq" a~d others, bu~'less ~umerOUi PI ]m~band a,nd wife- in tbe hOOBe on ~rayette Men need not inquire, Who is the artist? The vicinity that he has opened a DENTAL OFFI(JE at liable to an adiHtioual charge ot 60 oeIItL hang' OM ,the clothes that were frozen ere tribeS are found In the Southern part. The Sqoar~. The future prospects of an IQnocent answer precedes you wherever you go. What Alfred Center, where he Is J?rel)ared to perform all ,.. Paymentsrecelved will be aclmowledp11n :he she had f8Bten,e~ . them to the line. And, South tl.ilers froin the Notirth din lahnguknage, little girl are ~Iou~e~fl not Ibli~hted alto- impression do yoo produce? Are men COn- ~~;~tions on the teeth in a SCIentific and careful mar- pa:-;~ ::~~:::.:~;~ -== ~e when.Dight .came._with her Bcanty earnings. but there can be natives oun w 0 ow gether. There IS a.e a refe atloD, in part, strained to glorify the power that moulded Having had practice with those standing bighest in paid, except at the dillCretion.ot the CormD1ttee. BhA wourd again. grope through the cold and the langua~e of all. The Southern portion of the antecedent lives of the parties. All the anew your moral character I Remember, that the profel!8ion, he solicits patrOoage of all who wi8b .--communications ordeJ'8, IIIld remittance!, lIbonld anow to her oftentftae'ljJi~t1e8s and fireless of the -4lontineht is not peculiar in this re- families involved are draped in woe. They unless yon bring forth good worb, you are a operations upon their teeth performed In the latest IIDd be directed, JI08I paid, t; the EtlitrJr, Of 1M &bbaIA Bt· hom~j.. foi lIet. bii.b8.h'd waS! tOO sick; much I.Ipect, as there are in the interior of the con, studiedly retreat into retirement from observa· failure; and while the gnilt of that failnre rests most app~ved . eurd4r, No.5 (Jud/uJm 8gtIan, NfJfI1 y",,l

of tlie time, ....... ~1J1t,~ 'fire outrike a tinent, as Mons. Balbi states, in 1833, forty- tion. Ah, what a 'grea~ matter' a 'Uul, with you, the world in consequence dishonors I ~Cl~!h T'ftt~~ ~m ~c 10 IlIl enlire 8~t. LIJ.BILlTDI8 OF TllOBJi no 'tAD PlmOnICJ.LII. liclrt;. 1 And oil, wIth. what a lhiveriDg heart two tribes wh(lse. n:ver af- fire' of lin at ~e outset, h~s k!n~ledl Y0D;r MIl~er.. Do men in. their dealings or in b::ty, uffiIty !nd d~~~provements, coblblDlDg The liw dec\llel that persoo to whom a Period .. would draw,fearlng she would be fected by the Spanish. dommatlOn In that 1. We lee, Into the commlBilOn of what theIr SOCial Interconrse With yon ever find it A.II. W:il! also prepared to Insert the new and 1m- loalls IIflnt, Is responsibl:'1or pa~t, If he received too late I It is a fact! that, for six weeks at country, and some of them numbered their_ cri~es ,the hnman heart is exposed to be led, dilIicnlt to decide whether in point of fact yon WOved style of teeth, with .Allen's Continoous Gum the paJJ:::;' or milke! UBe Of it, even If be hili! nev~ oile time, she never saw \he face of her hus- eighty thousand persons. nnrestrained bJ the hand of God-nnsanctified are, or &fe not, the workmanship of God? If ~~nJI&t!t~trase.. t' .ti 8 f the i:' bed for~, or\~:!e:' it sto~ :: ::ce bUd or child, save by lamp-light, except on· All. the independent In~ans . o~ So~th by his grace. Let no oae imagine, h, is per- 10, there ~ danger that you may finally prove teeth. ~:actln: d~!~~: e:re~gu1a.n e 0 o~ a ~Ilo~ 1b.e papm: ~ J!r~i:ilotlfy the 11 on Sunday. How glad she would have AmerIca are Pagans. RODllsh mlBslonanes, ~nl~1 exempt from such exposedness. Every an utter faIlure; for God's true peop:e are alto. PersoDS Visiting his Oftlce for .Dental operatioll8, puC that he doee no~ 1IiI!It it. been to have had, once in a while, a small have visited most of them at various times. Ulan carries in his breast a magazine of de· gether marke4 and pecoliar. How strluge will be carried to and from the Alfred De~Lur of If pt.jlIllII are _t to alOl\~, store or tavern,.r ", .. hiDg gathered for her. There, were none that receiv~ the Catholic pravity-or all crime combined, that only that in a world where so many millions are the charJre. aUaM y other plaCe or a9}lOli~; Ji# art! D,9t taken by the per-

u One dark winter morning, ail she was religion' that. did not also submit to the Span- oeed circnmstancell, and place, and time and new creatnres of God's Spirit, his glory shonld .eil kYIQ IIItltl1ltL 80n to 1i'h!,)ID ~ r ~:: f,~r, .=~ preparillg the frugal breakfast and getting ish civil dom{nation. temptation, under the infernal engineering of be yet 80 little thonsht of-his power 80 little '1 3~ A~ •• '.-: ~~~ ~~dd~ lI1el1t or d ~v:ut!:~ ~ or Ii DO:l. ~~ullulhtr lylfJ'thiDg ready bef'o~ ahe left, her husband I believe that idols .are not found atall the Evil One to expl~e ~t.. What a terrific acknowledged. To wbat can we ascribe it, uo· 0 ;:lId~~ ~~: !l0 o~clOflt Ind ~D *=lIlU. thaU~'1 are ljiDr d!ad In I:: ~ c~!M her to the bed.lde.. . among !lny of the,e tr}be8,~or IS the~e any explosion there was 10 thll cue! Ifappy i. 1888 to the r~t that moat or ns do DOt relect Slturdayoyenin,.CroIll5 108 P. M. lDterellaUow·

'Ada,' Did he, almwt In a whis~r, 'I regulanty of seJ'Vlce In theIr worshIp, but that heart that hu learned to dlltra8t itlelr. honor npon him whose workmlaahip' we are. ed on depotlta at the nleor 6 per cellI. 011 nll1efftIID 1I.0lJ or ~TmxdrD...uoa " 16 "'&lit 10U to trT and,.t home early to-night; they have a well-defined system of faith, and to cut Itself dan, ~d hourly on the BOl'~ "We are his workmaDlhip;" and in that 15101500, andSperT'Dt.OI1Slli' ... erNOt.PreI'L r ... a~ntf,~·ll~'::sa~.IMiriJ~ eo be, ~me before the bgbt goes; do Ada!' taught ~y tt:aclition, and no unbeli!lver.dar~: erelgo grace of onr LOrd J'elDI Ohrist, .for lies onr highest dignity. The paintings of the Pan.Ur w~o:::.; l'fILuaU, ' ,,' " JU _~ .. " • • = .' I'll trT/ aDlwerid .Iie, With a choW to que.tion Jt. Tbey hold thatihe UDlvetfe' ".~aild iD~tlol1 to Itii. n II Dot, thal great mutm al'6 hlghly:T&lll,ed. They ClIm· . Oa .. tU.llu.l., S 'fiG .. Prwli.I1" "" OIle ~.ti:!.i~L_ ~:.. Ilt~. i. Iroverned by one good spirlt, who ·retide.' the'~ of ~Iiie' pr.rtlo were'more.lDipure, mand. eDOl'lll()~ ~8 o~ _~~~. -. ~~lt if lIuII T.a.m, tk.. . r ..... ~~ ~~ ..... ...,_",a. -