amazone's warehouse


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Post on 21-Nov-2015




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Amazone's warehouse


PowerPoint Presentation


Even with that much work force, dont you think it would be hard to find out where is what? If you look at the pictures closely youll notice that Amazon stacks the stuff in a very odd manner. Random products are stacked up together and at the first glance it doesnt make any sense. But if you look closely and read about the chaotic storage concept, things will start to add up and you will be able to grasp how it works. By employing this strategy, Amazon is able to utilize the space more efficiently and it helps them stay flexible. The key idea is this; if you have a space reserved for a certain item only it will remain empty when the stock is low or the item is out of stock and that place wont be utilized.

It would be just empty space and thats a waste. However, using this storage theme that freed up space is utilized almost instantly with other stuff. This way its also easier for employees to avoid long walks to a certain items storage place because using the chaotic storage, the database can find them the closest set of required item resulting in an efficient storage and less time preparing an order for shipping. Database relies on the use of barcodes that are placed on every item which enter the warehouse. These barcodes are in sync with the storage place where these items are supposed to go in the warehouse. This facilitates the database in keeping a record of everything; whats coming in and whats going out and which space is empty or which space has been utilized. Only exceptions to the chaotic storage are bulky furniture and fast moving items which hardly stay at the warehouse before getting shipped. Quite a system, wouldnt you agree?