ambush attacks

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  • 7/30/2019 Ambush Attacks



    Counter Offensive Tactics

    "There is only one tactical principle which is not subject tochange. It is to use the means at hand to inflict the maximumamount of wound, death, and destruction on the enemy in the

    minimum amount of time."George S Patton

    Section 1. Context and Objectives

    What is an Ambush Attack?

    From the Oxford English Dictionary

    Definition of ambush



    a surprise attack by people lying in wait in a concealed position:seven members of a patrol werekilled in an ambush [mass noun]:there might be terrorists waiting in ambush

    verb[with object]

    make a surprise attack on (someone) from a concealed position:they were ambushed and takenprisoner by the enemy

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    Middle English (in the sense 'place troops in hiding in order to surprise an enemy'): from Old Frenchembusche (noun), embuschier (verb), based on a late Latin word meaning 'to place in a wood'; related to


    From Wikipedia

    An ambush is a long-established military tactic, in which the aggressors (the ambushing force) take advantage ofconcealment and the element of surprise to attack an unsuspecting enemy from concealed positions, such as

    among dense underbrush or behind hilltops

    So an ambush attack is an asymmetric strategy (not a symmetric or fair, square go,gentlemans boxing style test of skill type of duel) in which the prey is attacked from aposition of considerable advantage by the predator with the intent to do maximum harm.This type of attack does NOT represent an intent to posture or psychologically dominatefor social gain but to deliver violence, simply as a means to an end, to further an objective.

    A very dangerous scenario.

    Therefore, strictly speaking, the whole remit of self protection ONLY deals with ambushstyle attacks.

    Self protection being defined here as :

    a desperate struggle for survival in which all other options have been exhaustedand inwhich the attacker has chose the context, the time, the place, the numbers, the conditionsand the practitioner is left no option but is forcedto retaliate with the judicious applicationof violence.

    That being said, Ambush Attacks in the context of this video tutorial will focus specificallyon attacks that come from the side or rear.

    If an attack is coming from the side or rear we are making the assumption that we havefucked up (to use the technical term for failing to follow standard operational procedures)and are now into damage control.

    It happens.

    What are the objectives?

    Given the context the objectives couldnt be simpler:

    1. respond quickly;try not to get badly hurt

    2. respond quickly; try to badly hurt the other guy

    To expand:
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    Our objectives are to find and develop useful training methods that will allow us toweather the storm and survive an initial ambush attack without:

    -getting knocked out,-sustaining too many serious injuries,-getting knocked down,

    -compromising our position.

    This is priority 1 : don't get killed.

    Priority number 2 is then to find ways to drill into ourunconscious muscle memorya rapid,ergonomic, explosive, violent and (hopefully) overwhelming response that is immediatelyand simultaneously aggressive AND protective and that fulfils all the micro-objectivesmentioned above.

    Train with Offence in mind; deliver multiple injuries in rapid succession.

    Attack the attacker.

    Nobody ever defended anything successfully,there is only attack and attack and attack somemore.

    George S Patton

    It's a tall order. Which is why when people get seriously hurt in street fights its usually as aresult of some manifestation of an Ambush Attack and why we must take this scenario,very, very seriously.


    An Ambush Attack is always a SELF PROTECTION scenario by default.

    I don't care if you are in any form of ostensibly human-punch-bag role or not (policeman,

    psych nurse, nightclub security or one of those guys who stops the guests killing eachother on chat shows highlighting the dark doings of village idiots and inbreds) if someonehits you from the side or the rear it is a potentially LETHAL assault.

    They can be assumed to have extremely ill intent towards you and yourinitial reaction atleastshould use the highest level of force to protect yourself in order to survive.

    If having quickly regained control of the scenario you feel its safe to move back to acontrol and restraint protocol, which for obvious reasons always lives in a totally differentmental and physical box to a self protection protocol then please do so.

    It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to have a thorough understanding of the laws of yourcountry and state as they pertain to self defence and to always act lawfully.

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    But DO take the initial attack as a potentially lethal assault.

    Dont take my word for it base this assumption on research of the ample cctv evidence outthere of people being seriously injured and killed in ambush style street attacks.

    Section 2. Five Simple Ways to Avoid Being AmbushAttacked

    We are going to assume that all the usual methods of avoidance,awareness and de-escalation have failed and that you are now in theprecious seconds before you think an attack is imminent OR we assumethat you are in a fight with just one person and at risk of being ambushed bysomeone else whilst engaging with the first person.

    1. Pre fight : do not let anyone drift out of your peripheral vision and intoyour flanks.You may or may not be experiencing a bowel loosening shit storm of terrorinternally, your adrenaline may or may not be spiking (you can and shouldbe controlling this emotional fear-response by using the Core Visualisationand Violent Intent Training Drills which form the Essential components ofNeuro Combative Conditioning.) BUT YOU MUST NOT allow yourself toverbally engage and get focussed tunnel vision on the person you arearguing or reasoning with whilst letting his associates silently drift out of yourperipheral vision to flank you.

    The human entity, taken as a piece of machinery, has evolved to verydexterously deal with problems in front of it. It is NOT good at dealing withproblems to the side of it and next to useless at dealing with problemsbehind it.

    Our eyes and arms and fingers face forward. Our main sensory organs areat the front. Our main options of movement are forward facing.

    Wherever possible : Face your attacker. Keep the fucker in front of you.

    If during the unfolding of a situation you notice the miscreants moving toyour sides you must verbally stop them or move to a position where youcannot be flanked. Do your best to maintain 360 degree and 3 dimensionalawareness and skilfully use your environment. Easier said than done.



    You should be facing all potential threats at all times.

    If you cannot verbally stop them or alter your position and they startsplitting your focus and getting behind you then you MUST ACCEPT THE

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    are in the gym. Where the instructor is. Keep pushing your consciousnessOUTWARD.

    If you constantly banging into people in training then you all need peripheralvision training.

    A nice training drill is to force students in to training in a tighter space. Evenallocate a student to be that evil person who sucker punches people (do itslowly, obviously) or headlocks them or bear hugs them whilst they fightother people. Good drill, good fun, very effective, slightly higher possibility ofinjury so be careful.

    Another great peripheral training drill? Old school Boxing.

    The hook and jab pad drills will train you to react to visual stimuli coming inFAST in your peripheral vision and for you to give an appropriate combativeresponse (duck, layback, or cover).

    As will normal boxing sparring.

    4. Increase your 360 degree awareness.Nobody is fully switched on all the time. I think the colour coding system ismental masturbation that will make you more internally focussed when youshould be engaging all faculties on being as externally focussed as possible.I read recently on a self defence blog that you there are only two states ofconscious awareness relevant to self protection:

    -switched on or- switched off.

    I could not agree more.

    Multiple shades of grey in states of consciousness are useful onhypnotherapy or meditation courses but are not of much relevance to realworld brawls and assaults. Don't over-intellectualise.

    I have spoken elsewhere about the simple Zen style practise of mindfulness.

    No need to break out the crystals or grow a beard just yet. Simply allow yourconscious mind to be in a continuous feedback loop of reality as the mindperceives it. That is one type of meditation. The most pure and combativelyrelevant one in my opinion.The one favoured by the Samurai, as it happens, if martial history andculture interest you.

    Go through all senses and feedback consciously what you can see, hear,feel etcExpand your conscious awareness to what is in front of you (everything youcan see and not see) to the left of you and to the right of you and behind


    Example: I can feel my feet in my shoes hit the ground as I am walking

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    forward and I can see two people approaching me from my left, there is abus stop on my right, it is a clear day, I think I can hear someone rushingbehind me to catch the pedestrian crossing, I can hear the rustle of theirshopping bags as they run, as I look ahead of me I can see....

    A useful skill and very good for your mental health as well as your

    awareness training.

    5.Keep moving.Whether its an argument or mid fight, its much harder to line up a movingtarget for an ambush attack. Most of your most vulnerable spots are aroundyour head and throat so if all else fails keep these covered or moving. Inambush scenarios like gang attacks it is most convenient for them to circleyou and for you to keep still while they all hit you at the same time.Keep moving your whole body in any direction and keep breaking thecircle.Guiding principle? In a multiples/ gang attack scenario: move faster, move

    further, keep fucking moving.

    Section 3. Combative Principles

    The combative principles focussed on in this tutorial will be

    SpeedWe must all be consciously working on our ability to react quickly and to act decisively andrapidly.

    ExplosivityWe want to ensure that we can deliver multiple shots to the opponent effectively andquickly. Think about it from his subjective point of view. He has picked a moment when youare weakest from a position in which he is strongest in order to take you down. You are

    responding in a way that not only messes up his game plan which will cause shock, butthat will put fear, pain and injury into his subjective experience rapidly. We rely on theinjuries to shut him down physically and the overwhelm of sudden sensory information toshut him down psychologically.

    AsymmetryThis is not a duel. Rule of 5's: Hit him 5 times harder, 5 times more rapidly, using morecunning and more savagery and more intelligence and make sure for every one of hisstrikes you deliver 5 back with 5 times more violent intent.

    AggressionIf you can do violence to another human being in a cold zen state of detachment, why areyou here seeking solutions? You should be up a mountain somewhere. For the rest of usmere mortals violence is an emotionally disturbing experience and mammalian protective

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    aggression is the natural response. Get used to it, train with it, make that inner animal yourally not your enemy. If you can move forward with the cold aggression of the sportsmanor the tactical operator that is the ideal state do NOT seek to rely on going berserk. Thatwill only scare off the least skilled of attackers and will exhaust you rapidly. Don't take myword for it try going berserk on a heavy bag. If you last more than 20 seconds withoutbeing falling-to-your-knees exhausted then you arent truly going berserk or are

    exceptionally fit.

    ErgonomicsNo fancy / silly/ magic moves please. If it isnt going to work on a resisting opponent pleasedont train it. Want to know how to test a move? The Thug Jitsu course has 3 simple, safecombative pressure tests.

    DestructivityDon't play with your food. Don't paw at your opponent or use defeatist genericallytargeted strikes. Choose specific targets and hit them with the intent to destroy them.

    Section 4. G.C.R. (The Two Types)

    You need to develop two different Generic Combative Responses that can be appliedacross a multiplicity of combative contexts, please watch this video for more information onexactly how to do that.

    Click the Picture to open the video.
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    Section 5. Understanding Patterns of Attack

    Compilation of Ambush Attacks in Real Street Fights

    Section 6. Potential Responses (principles BASEd)

    click picture below to open video
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    Interested in getting this tutorial?

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    p.s. Sorry for the swearing:

    "When I want my men to remember something important, to really make it stick, I give it tothem double dirty. It may not sound nice to some bunch of little old ladies at an afternoontea party, but it helps my soldiers to remember. You can't run an army without profanity;

    and it has to be eloquent profanity. An army without profanity couldn't fight its way out of apiss-soaked paper bag. ... As for the types of comments I make, sometimes I just, By God,

    get carried away with my own eloquence. "

    George S Patton

    Appendix 1:

    The military approach taken from one example of the multiple manuals you can find online.

    a. Soldiers immediately take up the nearest covered positions and return fire in thedirection of contact.

    b. Team or squad leaders locate and engage known or suspected enemy positionswith well-aimed fire, and they pass information to the squad or platoon leader.

    c. Fire team leaders control fire using standard fire commands (initial andsupplemental) containing the following elements:


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    Description of target.


    Method of fire (manipulation and rate of fire).

    Command to commence firing.

    d. Soldiers maintain contact with the soldiers on their left and right.e. Soldiers maintain contact with their team leaders and report the location ofenemy positions.

    f. Leaders check the status of their personnel.

    g. The team or squad leaders maintain contact with the squad or platoon leader.

    h. The squad or platoon leader--

    (1) Moves up to the fire team or squad in contact and links up with its leader.(The platoon leader brings his RATELO, platoon FO, the squad leader of thenearest squad, and one machine gun team. The squad leader of the trailsquad moves to the front of his lead fire team. The platoon sergeant alsomoves forward with the second machine gun team and links up with theplatoon leader, ready to assume control of the base-of-fire element.)

    (2) Determines whether or not his squad or platoon must move out of anengagement area.

    (3) Determines whether or not he can gain and maintain suppressive fireswith his element already in contact (based on the volume and accuracy ofenemy fires against the element in contact).

    (4) Makes an assessment of the situation. He identifies--

    The location of the enemy position and obstacles.

    The size of the enemy force engaging the unit in contact. (The numberof enemy automatic weapons, the presence of any vehicles, and theemployment of indirect fires are indicators of the enemy strength.)

    Vulnerable flanks.

    Covered and concealed flanking routes to the enemy position.

    (5) Determines the next course of action (for example fire and movement,assault, breach, knock out bunker, enter and clear a building or trench).

    (6) Reports the situation to the platoon leader or company commander andbegins to maneuver his unit.

    (7) Calls for and adjusts indirect fire (mortars or artillery). (Squad leadersrelay requests through the platoon leader.)

    i. Team leaders lead their teams by example (for example, "Follow me, do as I do")

    j. Leaders relay all commands and signals from the platoon chain of command.


    SITUATION: If the squad or platoon enters a kill zone and the enemy initiates an ambushwith casualty-producing device and a high volume of fire, the unit takes the followingactions.

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    a. In a near ambush (within hand-grenade range), soldiers receiving fireimmediately return fire, take up covered positions, and throw fragmentation,concussion, and smoke grenades.

    (1) Immediately after the grenades detonate, soldiers in the kill zone assault

    through the ambush using fire and movement.(2) Soldiers not in the kill zone immediately--

    Identify enemy positions.

    Initiate immediate suppressive fires against the enemy.

    Take up covered positions.

    Shift fires as the soldiers in the kill zone assault through the ambush

    The published military doctrine is "immediate, positive, and offensiveaction" against the ambush. But this is very likely to have beenanticipated by the ones who set the ambush, and often plays into theirhands. The value of withdrawal is the preservation of the force to "liveto fight another day", when not taken by surprise.

    Copyright Richard 2013