american history final exam part i. chapter 18 child labor child labor was at its peak during the...

American History FINAL EXAM Part I

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American History FINAL EXAMPart I

Chapter 18 Child LaborChild labor was at its peak during the Industrial Revolution

Children worked in horrible working conditions and received horrible treatment and pay

The reason so many children worked was to help their family financially because so many families lived below the poverty line

Chapter 18 Knights of Labor

Made emergence in the 1880s

Fought for an

*8 hour work day *termination of child labor, *equal pay for equal work *a graduated income tax

Chapter 18 AFL

Stood for American Federation of LaborIt was made up of skilled workers then eventually unskilled workers joinedFought for *40 hour work weeks*overtime pay *pensions and *medical benefits

Chapter 18 IWW

Stood for Industrial Workers Of The WorldIs an international labor unionFought for overthrowing capitalism and believes people earn what they work for

Ch.18-Eugene V. Debs

• Debs was a labor organizer and also a socialist candidate for president 5 times. Debs successfully united railway workers into the first industrial labor union in the united states. He became president of the American Railway Union in 1893. Debs was sent to jail though

Mother Jones• Mother Jones was a

strong supporter for worker’s rights.

• She inspired many people and convinced many others to join her cause to protect Children

• Some of Mother Jones’ methods of organizing were unique for her time.

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire• A fire that happened at

the Triangle Shirtwaist factory in New York that killed 146 people. It was a tragic event for people in New York and the families of the workers who died in it.

• This event exposed the poor and hazardous conditions of high-rise factories, which led to new more safe factories being made.

Gilded Age“Showy on the outside but corrupt on the inside!”

• The Gilded Age was the growth of industry and Robber Barrons in America as well as the large wave of immigrants that were coming over to America.

• During this time period the production of iron and steel increased drastically. All industries were getting rich as well as the men in charge of them.

Civil Service/Merit System

The merit system uses, qualifications, testing, job performance, and, criteria to select hiringIt was made to improve parts in the government that were staffed by the spoils system or political patronage so they couldn’t give there friends or unqualified people a job


Also known as the SPOILS SYSTEM

Awarded uncertified people or supporters of the candidate government jobs as award for voting for them or doing them favors

Pendleton Act

A federal law that establishes rules and regulations regarding who could be hired and hold federal jobs with in the federal government resulted because of the assassination of President McKinley

Women's Suffrage

Womens suffrage is the fight for the right to vote and for women to be able to run for office.

They protested, they marched and had rallies

Finally in 1920 the 19th amendment was ratified by Tennessee on august 18th and becomes a law on August 26th

Ch. 18 Susan B. Anthony

She founded the NWSA –National Woman Suffrage Association making many attempts to unite women in the labor movement for the suffragist cause.

National Women’s Party The NWP founded by Alice

Paul was an organization that fought for women’s rights particularly the right to vote.

Chapter 18 Ideas supported by Populists Many of the ideas and goals of the Populists

would become laws later on in American history.

Direct election of US senators by popular vote, rather than by state legislatures. –17th amendment

introduced the ideas of the initiative, referendum and recall which were added to many state constitutions.

government ownership of railroads and the telegraph.

a graduated income tax--they felt the wealthy should pay a higher percentage in taxes than the middle class or poor. 16th amendment

Chapter 18 Ellis Island Ellis Island

developed from a sandy island that barely rose above the high tide markers into a hanging site for pirates, a harbor fort,

and finally into an Immigration Station

For mainly European immigrants

Chapter 19TENEMENTS Mostly 1 bedroom

apartments that an entire family was shoved in and many families took it because it was better than nothing even though the were disgusting and cramped.

Chapter 19De Facto Segregation Pretty much natural segregation

because there were laws that made segregation , but in reality this type was just natural. Examples: Little Italy, Chinatown

Political Machine

A small political organization in which an authorized boss or small group commands support from a corps of supporters and businesses, receive rewards for their efforts

Boss Tweed

American politician most remembered for being the “boss” of Tammany Hall, a democratic party political machine.

Melting Pot Theory

The melting pot theory is the idea that people of many cultures and beliefs come to America and unite and learn the belief systems of the American people.


The political favoritism of the established Americans, and the discrimination of new immigrants. “opposition to immigration”

Yellow Peril

•People felt the immigration of Asians threatened white wages

•The term “Yellow Peril” was spread through newspapers


• When larger, more powerful countries take over smaller countries politically and economically.

• Used in history for centuries

Yellow Press• “Yellow Journalism”• Made up or

exaggerated information in newspapers of magazines

• Technique to sell more newspapers

Spanish-American War

• Caused by the American involvement in the Cuban War of Independence

• Rough Riders were involved• Battle of San Juan Hill• Ended by the Treaty of Paris


Spanish American War Results

Cuba became independentUS would take over Puerto Rico and

GuamUS gave Spain

20 million for the Philippines

Common Wealth

Federation of statesPuerto Rico becomes a common

wealthThey were able to make their own

laws and handle financesThey were allowed to move freely to

the US


Country who’s affairs are controlled by a stronger power

US tried to take Spain's place in controlling Cuba

Panama Canal

Water passage between Atlantic and Pacific Ocean

US had rights to build and control itPresident Roosevelt gave money to

Panamanian rebels who overthrew their government and then we built the canal.

Dollar Diplomacy

A policy aimed at furthering the interests of the United States abroad by encouraging the investment of U.S. capital in foreign countries.

The biggest example of this in the early 1900’s was when we bought the Philippines from Spain

William McKinley adopted this policy

Big Stick Diplomacy

This policy was adopted by Teddy Roosevelt

This was the act of doing diplomacy by

showing your countries strength without saying anything and having an army to back it up with

An example would be the Great White fleet

Pure Food & Drug Act

This act was passed to make food and drugs safer for the people

This act forced companies to LABEL what was in their products

This act cracked down on unhealthy food & bad medicine


The illegalization of the distribution and consumption of alcohol

This was created with 18th amendment and eradicated by the 21st amendment


Muckrakers- investigative reporters

Muckrakers were Upton Sinclair- exposed meat packing industry, Ida Tarbell- exposed oil monopolies, Lincoln Stephens- exposed big businesses, Jacob Riis- exposed conditions in the cities

Upton Sinclair– The Jungle

Was a muckraker Wrote The Jungle Book about the poor

conditions in the meat packaging industry

Book helped pass the Meat Inspection Act

Chapter 21

a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. When one country shares everything.

The Government controls the economy and Businesses.

Chapter 21: Communism


A system in which the community rather than private individuals owns and operates the means of production and distribution. All members of the community share in the work and the products

Promoted to eliminate capitalism Socialist party was formed off of this



Social system based on individual rights System of objective laws when freedom is applied to the sphere of

production its’ result is the free market System of laissez-faire (freedom)

A major accomplishment of this square deal was that monopolies were shot down.

Another thing Roosevelt did was considered an accomplishment was helping businesses grow by REGULATING TRUSTS

Pure Food & Drug Act

Chapter 21: Square Deal Achievments

The principles and practices of political progressives.

Making your country better for ALL Moving Forward and bettering your

economy and citizen’s lives.

Chapter 21: Progressivism

Progressive Party of 1912nicknamed the

Bull Moose Party from a quote by Teddy Roosevelt.

When asked whether he was fit to be president, he responded that he was as fit as a bull moose.

Chapter 21: 3rd parties and Bull Moose Party

1912 Election• Republican Party:

President: William H. Taft • Democratic Party:

President: Woodrow Wilson• Progressive Party:

President: Theodore Roosevelt

• Socialist Party: President: Eugene Debs

• Winner: Woodrow Wilson • His campaign theme was

“New Freedom”