american revolutiionary war

Chapter 8

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Page 1: American Revolutiionary War

Chapter 8

Page 2: American Revolutiionary War

I. Battle of Fort Ticonderoga

a. May 10, 1775

b. Controlled by 22 British soldiers

c. Green Mountain Boys led by Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold walked into the fort and took over

d. Took over ammunition and gun powder

e. Huge boost in belief that patriots could win

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II. The Battle of Bunker Hill

a. 1st major battle of American Revolutionb. Massachusetts, June 1775

c. British General William Howe defeated American troops.d. General Howe declared anyone helping the patriots would be considered a traitor!e. American troops lost the battle due to lack of ammunition

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III. Common Sense"These are the times that try men's souls."

a. Written by Thomas Paine in 1776

b. Inspired colonists to stick with their fight for independence from British rule

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IV.Congress declares Independence

a. Declaration of Independence- written by Thomas Jefferson

b. July 4th, 1776 Congress approved Declaration of Independence

c. Sent to King George III

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V. Battle of Long Island

a. July 1776

b. British General Howe wanted

to use New York as a military base

c. General Washington also wanted to control New York

d. British had more soldiers so Washington had to retreat from Long Island to fight another day

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VI. First submarine attack

a. New York Harbor

September 1776

b. The “Turtle” was invented by David Bushnell

c. Targeted British HMS Eagle flagship

d. Was supposed to place gunpowder on British ship but failed

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VII.Battle of Trenton

a. December 26, 1776

b. General Washington crossed the Delaware River in a surprise attack on a British fort at Trenton, New Jersey

c. Hessian soldiers (German soldiers hired by England) surrendered the fort

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VIII. America has a flag

a. June 1777

b. Sewed by Betsy Ross to boost the moral of Washington’s soldiers

c. Washington felt that if the soldiers could “see” what their freedom would look like they would continue to fight

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IX. Battle of Saratoga

a. October 1777

b. British General Burgoyne was forced to surrender at Saratoga

c. “Turning point” in war as a result of Burgoyne’s defeat, France decided to support American soldiers with money, supplies and ammunition to win the war

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X. Battle of Yorktown

a. 1778 Virginia

b. French and Americans join together to defeat British General Cornwallis

c. British realize defeat and retreat

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XI. Treaty of Paris

a. September 3, 1783

b. Ben Franklin, and John Adams went to sign agreement with King George III to end the American Revolutionary War