american revolution - part 1

The American Revolution Chapters 3-5 History 140 – Devin Koppel

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Page 1: American Revolution - Part 1

The American RevolutionChapters 3-5

History 140 – Devin Koppel

Page 2: American Revolution - Part 1

Americans were fed up with the imposed taxes by the English and eventually took action to overtake British authorityRoyal governors were being replaced by more popular forms of government Continental congress began in 1774 – working towards American LibertyEngland's army challenged the revolutionaries and worked to restore order in 1775 Thomas Jefferson and a counsel proposed solutions in paper, although the declarations failed to stop a war In April, fighting began in Massachusetts, and in June the war began at The Battle of Bunker Hill where over 1000 members of the British army met their deathOn July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was approved It was a reflection of the enlightened ideals of the 18th century and had an appeal that was universal

Chapter Three

Page 3: American Revolution - Part 1

The government of the Crown was rejected when States came together to write the new constitution Once British influence and rule was removed, the Americans were free to choose their form of governmentFor the next two years (1776-1777) the colonies worked to establish a strong government Americans wanted to ensure that it would not be possible for any future monarchs to intervene in their newly formed government State constitutions were already in the making before the declaration of independence In March 1781, state constitutions were added to a collection of documents called the Articles of Confederation

Chapter Four

Page 4: American Revolution - Part 1

Revolutionaries put the people as their priority and wished to form a republic with elected officials and rule only by law, not by a King or a PopeRepublicanism was a radical idea that displayed moral, political, and intellectual separation from EnglandIt brought classical values together with simple American idealism of liberty and freedomNames and symbols were influenced by Greek culture and were adapted into society By the end of the 18th century, the popular belief was equality of all men and a world held together by commerce

Chapter Five

Page 5: American Revolution - Part 1

I have always been fascinated with the idea of Revolution and the rising up of the oppressed to the oppressor to claim back their

freedom and liberty. It was a brave act in history that established the country that we live in today. American colonists realized that

they were living under an unnecessary tyranny and that without the influence of the British they were able to govern themselves under

any ruler they chose. The Declaration of Independence was the final step necessary to emancipate the Americas from Britain’s

harsh rule. We have to give thanks to our founding fathers, including Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, and James Madison. These men put the enlightened ideals of the 18th

century into writing to ensure the freedom of their people.
