american' - unger memorial

AMERICAN' Owl Coach Reaches Plateau Hale Center Owl basketball coach lunior Ashmore recently reached a plateau in his brief coaching career. The Hale Center graduate and basketball star claimed his l00th career win as a head coach. Aahmore has recorded at least 22 wins during each of his four full seasons at the helm of the Owls and with a district win over Springlake two weeks ago Ashmore received an early Christmas present with win 100. 1991 Year In Review January Coach Junior Ashmore's Owls wen were Sheila Ray and lana Tiner. Belly Stout was named Hale County Exlension Homemakers Woman of the Year . ,eliminated from the playoffs with a '3- Jon Ivy was elected Area I FFA Coach Ashmore began his coaching career as a lunior High coach at Dinunitt tutored by one of the state's leading basketball coaches, Kenneth Cleveland. He continued to learn under Cleveland for three years before joining the siaff al Hale Center. Ashmore's last year &I Dimmitt, his seventh grade team went undefeated and is now one of the stales lOp AAA teams. Ashmore's teams have added a lot of glitter to the school's trophy cases and is the most successful Hale Center basketball coach. During his rookie season as head basketball mentor Ashmore took a team that WIIS picked for the cellar in the district and took the limited talent and sculptured a squad that had a record of 23-9 and the district title. The 1988 team advanced to the Area playoffs before they bowed to Canadian 66-57. For his accomplishments Ashmore was named the district 3- AA Coach of the Year and South Plains Coach of the Year. Ashmore's other seasons records include: 1989-Hale Center was picked no higher than 5th place in the district polls. The Owls went 22-11 and won Ihe dislricl crown for the second straight year. Hale Center lost to Canadian in the Area playoffs 64-61. Coach AshmOre gained district 3-AA Coach of the Year honors. 1990-Ashmore led the Owls to their third district title after forecasters pegged H.C. to finish 3rd. Hale Center recorded a 22-7 record before losing to Haskell 69-68 in triple ovcrtime at the Regional Semi-finals. The district coaches again honored Ashmore with his third straight Coach of thc Year. 1991-The Owls rolled to a 25-7 record and churned rurmerup honors in the district. Hale Center was stopped by Seagraves 53-51- in the last second at the bi-district contest. , Ashmore reflected on the wins of the past four and a half seasons and commented that some of the most memorable wins were when the Owls stopped Olton's 28 game district winning streak at Olton in 1988; this year, 's win over Plainview during the Pioneer Classic: and of course, anytime Hale Center and Abernathy meet. The most surprising team for Ashmore during his tenure as Owl Basketball coach is the 1988 team. He commented in that the '88 team probably' had the least amount of raw talent but desire and determination madeup the difference. Members of the squad that went 23-9 were-Lupc Calderon, Jamie Garibay, Twylo Ards, Jason Tiner, Keith Roden, Sky Bizzell, Shane Berry, Stanley Roy, Vincent Roberts and Roshea Stephens. The young coach demands strict disCipline from his team and has a finn grasp on each of the players. It is the knowledge of the game and the ability to handle each player as an individual that he has gained the respect of the players. Ashmore has an unique ability to get players to use their maximum skills. He carries his allributes 10 the classroom where is is becoming a lOp qualilY teacher. Coaches and players surprised Ashmore with a "'andsome plaque his 100111 win played at Springlake. ' Stock Shows Headline Month The volunleer fire department received pagers for the 26 members. First place winner in the home lighling conlest was the Coney Nec1 residence. Hi-Plains Hospilal opened the newly created Cardiac Rehabililalion Center. KaLyn Laney was named acting director of governmental relations for the Slate Bar of Texas. Ronnie Sherrod was named OUlslanding Conservation Farmer by Ihe Hale Counly Soil and Waler Conservalion Dislrict. Operation Desert Shield became Operalion Desert Storm al 3:50 p.m. CST. ' J. R. Smilh was inslalled as president of Ihe Senior Cilizens organization. Mall McCarty, KrislY Sageser and John David McFerrin were top exhibilors at the Cotton Center Project Show. Hale Center FFA and 4-H members showed lOp winners allhe Hale County Slock Show, Jon David Roberts exhibited Ihe Grand Champion Steer and Jennifer Ahrens exhibiled Ihe Reserve Grand Champion Hog. . February Selecled as OUlslanding Members of Ihe w.o.W: 'weft) Claudino· Oatter and Lloyd Jeffreys. The century mark fell 10 the Owls as Hale Center defealed ShallOWater 100- 60. Longlime civic leader and doctor, Dr. Ray Freeman retired aCler practicing FFA and 4-H members, parents and boosters are busy in preparation for the upcoming local and Hale Couilty Stock Shows. Dates for lb. two shows are Hale Center Jan. 16 and lIie Hale County Stock Show Ian. 18-20. operation of the steer show are Pat ,Shepard, Kit McDaniel, and Brian Patlerson. medicine at Hi-Plains Hospital for 38 showing in lasl years Hale Counly Slock years. Show capturing a lions share of top Nicki Logan was honored as Sever,!l supportt . of the Hale County Stock Show have leading roles in the operation of'the major evenL Carl Marshall has been assigned as superintendent of the .steer show. Sorvinaas Marshall's intbe Tommy Louthan will be heading the large hog show. Jinuity Curry and OaryKoelderwillbeservingasassislant superintendents. . ' Helping in the operation of the lamb show and as assistantsupel'intendents are Tommy Rambo, Kermy Campbell, Brian Patlerson, Chris Cummings and Ronald Groves. Local exhibitors made· a strong rl , aJ . ribbons including the Grand Champion Woman of the Year. Steer exhibited by Hale Center 4-H The Owls clinched their fourth member Jon David Roberts. consecutive playoff berth wilha second Serving as hoard members of the place finish. , 57th Hale County Stock Show are: ThecommunitystagedaServicemcn KeMY Campbell, Jim Carver; Gary Support Rally. Special speaker for the Koelder, Forrest Lloyd, Tommy rally was U.S. Congressman Larry Louthan, Carl Marshall, Briin Combest. Pallerson, Bert Rice, Pat Shepard, TheFirstNationaiBankwasawarded ROMieSherrod' and John Starnes. a five-slarrating. Serving as superintendent of the Hale , 1-Iale Center enlered into conlrllct Show will be Tommy with Plainview concerning a, regional landfill; , . . (arm pflhe tIl.e local showis Jana. Tiner was uiJ!ci J-.rge'st cllnununity show. in . the · az:e. •. 'I1le IQtaI exhibitorshavQ Athlete. " A.s 'Giant Ki'liers an ' !lQtSt.ooi!'lg' reputatioi1for March '. . ' . producin&topquili!yanimalsandbeing MlltgaretToler was appointed . oll,tstendirig showmen in the show ring. Postmaster for Hale Center. Coach Owls , continlled their reputation as giant killers durin. the Caprock Holiday Toulnament coiIductcd lut week in Lubbock. Sportins the best 23 teams in the Owls . marched their way into the consolation fmall ·and defeated 5A Midland for thellOphy. . On their way to the trophy matcb,. H.C. slipped F '. -lees ' ·· .. amll ··, . Reeeiv ;e '. ,. ' .,. :--. '. "', :' , ,Donations tbe . • .• Ie •• fortllnlte local f.uilci had. a . Iilore . . ' With the by 5A Lubboc.k High 5":52, fell to 4A Levelland 46-38,eued by 3A Slaton 67-60 and IUlprised SA Midland 71- 66. In theopeiung lilt for theOwls, H. C. · jumped. on the Lubbock High early and held off a second half I;harge to defeat Lubbock 59-52- Hale Center led 33-17 at intermiasion butthe Lubbock High team elosod.the . gap46-;40to$tartthe periocLluniOr Mulin ' Thonttohpaeed lIiC "Owls in scOnn.dlllilpingin 24 points; . Also. .cOring in was Smith with 14.Mdin. H.C; scOi'C. ""as Dewight 10hn.sQn-9,Koy Smith-9, 'and .1.Pete In.a re-matCh of , , game, we OWls. flCOda tOlJah Levelland team. '. )'be Lobo'., ¢onlinued to doininate .tho defeating H.C. Hale Center . . , Roben DeLaSantos with P,tdson Noe to9k advantage inch Cuistmas snow to, build a SDOWman Il8Iried 'Frosty .. 51 defelt at the hands of Seagravea. president. Greg Sherrod and Aarun Heather Huffhines, daughter of Rambo qualified for the State FFA Eddie and Barbara Huffhines, exhibited Proficiency Contest. the Reserve Grand Champion Barrow June at the Houslon Liveslock Show. The LaurieStroudwunamedH.C.Uont animal sold at auction for $30,000. Sweethean and Craig Curry was named Longtime resident and community Outstanding Lion Member. supporter, Wesley Davis, was named Michael Harrell was awarded winner of the Cilizenship Award Outstanding Texu Young Farmer by Kay Smith was named Sou!h Plains the Texas laycees. Playerofthe Year for the second straight A late afternoon storm wrecked tho year. area causing wide spread damaao. A new modem Post Office was stamped for approval for the Palacios was found gUilty of murder in community. a 1989 shooting. April The Hale Center SeniorCitizcnshcld Owlelle Jana Tiner was selected to their Armual Chili Cookoff. play in the Golden Spread All Star The First Baptist Church held it', Classic. Centemial Celebration. COllon Center track teams qualified 10hn Irwin was named pastor of tho for the Slate 60Man Meet. Qualifying United Methodist Church. were the girls relay tearns of Teresa StalC Representative Pete Lancy wu Cisneros, Marci Jones, Shelly McFmin, preaented the Tellas4-H Alumni Award. Kari lones, and Yolanda Cisneros. July individualqualilierswere: luniorMena, Roseanna Shepard received tho Nancy Sageser, Kristi Sageser and Tony Texas 4-H Salute 10 Ellcellcnco Awud. UreSle. The First National Bank Llttlo A knifing incidenl al Junior Hiah League Team captured firlt place resulted in a hospitalization of one honors in the Olton Leaauc. student and another taken 10 Lubbock Doctor Jack Jordon joined the staff Youlh Center. at Hi-Plains Hospital. Tho Hale Cenler Women's Club TheCather/aonteamofTommioand hosted a Community Picnic and Steve Ro,cn claime6 lOllm¥MD' Concert. Spec:ial mlerlainmcrit frill the Counlry Caravan from South PIIins Rick Well wu BppOillled Ci" College. Councilman to fill the vacancy left by Selecled as the Most Outstanding Bob Stroud Students by the high school staff were Rick .Black was named MOl' Pipar Bizzell and Albert Gomez. Valuable Player in the National Roller Gomez and Michelle Sisemore were Hockey Tournament. selected as Mr. and Miss HCHS. AUlust Stacy Brown, Michael Fisher, Gregg , The community was hOlt to the Greenhaw and John David McFerrin Fourth Armual Suburban Rally. R.W. qualified for .the State FFA Ag Waller's 1957 Bellaire Chevrolet wu Mechanics Contest. named Best of Show during the car Marci Jones was named winner of show. Ihe KCBD-Dr.Pepper Outstanding The Hale CenlerSmior Citizena Student Athlete Award. named 1.C. Sneed Volunteer of the ' The Hale Center Owl Band claimed Year. Sweepstakes honors · for the third ti , me Rachael Madrigal was crowned in ' four years. lamaica Queen durin. St. Theresa'i Henry RieffannouQCed thathe would Armual Celebration. not seek another term as County Paul . an ludy Oglo re-openOil the Commissioner of Precinct 3. Tell" CaCeW)der the new oCOur JanieyLaney was named. the TownCaCe. Studei\t inthC 1'\fllU Tec:h . '. t.iary ·WiIliiin• .advlntOd . '0 SchQOl Q( " ' . cornpetiHOI) . in . 4'-JlF..mon '.' .... . .... . ' Stephens advantedto· ' AI!' in . .,.,t HlleCai.. . Ma,' . After 29 years of dedicated i'avice A hUge whirlwlnd-tossed .part of a to the Colton Center Schooll and metal roof into power lines knocking corrununity .owen Moring retired. out pOwer in the downtown section of September town. Cotton Center Schools eSJlblished a lim. Bradley wu elllployed the PrA. ' city's third police officer. The City filed . luit on loveral Paui Shc;pard . was <;tow\led Miss propenies to .rid the community of , Hale Center. Runnersupwere Amy substandard housing and Ogle and Mary Williams. Miss lames Gass WI!S named director of Con,enilliity winner was Tracy Ihe Hi.PlainaHospital Cardiac: Quintaila. Rehabilitation Center. ' ' A tornado struck cast of the , The COtton eentq Elks their comJ!'illnity .. causing damage.t0 buililingaand .' . , ' Lindsay BurgeSs and Groves .' x..urieStroud Was Crowned 1991 .wereliated .. top S\lIl\e1),tsin 11,1niQl" HOliIecQiniDg Queen. . ' . High. ' .' . . . . . . . ". October . Durina tJtc Amiual Sports Banquet, LesterSellOli puri:hased BusbGin. bIgh sclIOol .teacher Wynema Adams Crowned Co.tlon Center waS nan;cdhblioruy team member. Homecoming . King . aild were . Winners of the Fighting.Heart Award Martin Diu and CorinaS.aucedL were: . Michei!eSisemorei 1m Thier '. Don: Oe1l1!11cU and Larry l.oc:ketl and Gilben Trevino. . begin miJ\ufaCilurin.8 Itripper Top 10 beUJelj . OIl the . 1OW MarciJones. ·. .' 'lohn .. Coadn!Iod on Pap 2,

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Post on 24-May-2018




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Page 1: AMERICAN' - Unger Memorial center/1992/1992-01-03.pdfAMERICAN' Owl Coach Reaches ... Keith Roden, Sky Bizzell, Shane Berry, Stanley Roy, Vincent Roberts

AMERICAN' Owl Coach Reaches Plateau

Hale Center Owl basketball coach lunior Ashmore recently reached a plateau in his brief coaching career. The Hale Center graduate and basketball star claimed his l00th career win as a head coach. Aahmore has recorded at least 22 wins during each of his four full seasons at the helm of the Owls and with a district win over Springlake two weeks ago Ashmore received an early Christmas present with win n~ 100.

1991 Year In Review January Coach Junior Ashmore's Owls wen were Sheila Ray and lana Tiner. Belly Stout was named Hale County

Exlension Homemakers Woman of the Year.

,eliminated from the playoffs with a '3- Jon Ivy was elected Area I FFA

Coach Ashmore began his coaching career as a lunior High coach at Dinunitt tutored by one of the state's leading basketball coaches, Kenneth Cleveland. He continued to learn under Cleveland for three years before joining the siaff al Hale Center. Ashmore's last year &I Dimmitt, his seventh grade team went undefeated and is now one of the stales lOp AAA teams.

Ashmore's teams have added a lot of glitter to the school's trophy cases and is the most successful Hale Center basketball coach. During his rookie season as head basketball mentor Ashmore took a team that WIIS picked for the cellar in the district and took the limited talent and sculptured a squad that had a record of 23-9 and the district title. The 1988 team advanced to the Area playoffs before they bowed to Canadian 66-57. For his accomplishments Ashmore was named the district 3-AA Coach of the Year and South Plains Coach of the Year.

Ashmore's other seasons records include: 1989-Hale Center was picked no higher than 5th place in the district polls. The Owls went 22-11 and won Ihe dislricl

crown for the second straight year. Hale Center lost to Canadian in the Area playoffs 64-61. Coach AshmOre gained district 3-AA Coach of the Year honors.

1990-Ashmore led the Owls to their third district title after forecasters pegged H.C. to finish 3rd. Hale Center recorded a 22-7 record before losing to Haskell 69-68 in triple ovcrtime at the Regional Semi-finals. The district coaches again honored Ashmore with his third straight Coach of thc Year.

1991-The Owls rolled to a 25-7 record and churned rurmerup honors in the district. Hale Center was stopped by Seagraves 53-51- in the last second at the bi-district contest. ,

Ashmore reflected on the wins of the past four and a half seasons and commented that some of the most memorable wins were when the Owls stopped Olton's 28 game district winning streak at Olton in 1988; this year,'s win over Plainview during the Pioneer Classic: and of course, anytime Hale Center and Abernathy meet.

The most surprising team for Ashmore during his tenure as Owl Basketball coach is the 1988 team. He commented in that the '88 team probably' had the least amount of raw talent but desire and determination madeup the difference. Members of the squad that went 23-9 were-Lupc Calderon, Jamie Garibay, Twylo Ards, Jason Tiner, Keith Roden, Sky Bizzell, Shane Berry, Stanley Roy, Vincent Roberts and Roshea Stephens.

The young coach demands strict disCipline from his team and has a finn grasp on each of the players. It is the knowledge of the game and the ability to handle each player as an individual that he has gained the respect of the players. Ashmore has an unique ability to get players to use their maximum skills. He carries his allributes 10 the classroom where is is becoming a lOp qualilY teacher.

Coaches and players surprised Ashmore with a "'andsome plaque foH~g his 100111 win played at Springlake. '

Stock Shows Headline Month

The volunleer fire department received pagers for the 26 members.

First place winner in the home lighling conlest was the Coney Nec1 residence.

Hi-Plains Hospilal opened the newly created Cardiac Rehabililalion Center.

KaLyn Laney was named acting director of governmental relations for the Slate Bar of Texas.

Ronnie Sherrod was named OUlslanding Conservation Farmer by Ihe Hale Counly Soil and Waler Conservalion Dislrict.

Operation Desert Shield became Operalion Desert Storm al 3:50 p.m. CST. '

J. R. Smilh was inslalled as president of Ihe Senior Cilizens organization.

Mall McCarty, KrislY Sageser and John David McFerrin were top exhibilors at the Cotton Center Project Show.

Hale Center FFA and 4-H members showed lOp winners allhe Hale County Slock Show, Jon David Roberts exhibited Ihe Grand Champion Steer and Jennifer Ahrens exhibiled Ihe Reserve Grand Champion Hog. . February

Selecled as OUlslanding Members of Ihe w.o.W: 'weft) Claudino· Oatter and Lloyd Jeffreys.

The century mark fell 10 the Owls as Hale Center defealed ShallOWater 100-60.

Longlime civic leader and doctor, Dr. Ray Freeman retired aCler practicing

FFA and 4-H members, parents and boosters are busy in preparation for the upcoming local and Hale Couilty Stock Shows. Dates for lb. two shows are Hale Center Jan. 16 and lIie Hale County Stock Show Ian. 18-20.

operation of the steer show are Pat ,Shepard, Kit McDaniel, and Brian Patlerson.

medicine at Hi-Plains Hospital for 38 showing in lasl years Hale Counly Slock years. Show capturing a lions share of top Nicki Logan was honored as

Sever,!l supportt . of the Hale County Stock Show have leading roles in the operation of'the major evenL Carl Marshall has been assigned as superintendent of the .steer show. Sorvinaas Marshall's assislan~ intbe

Tommy Louthan will be heading the large hog show. Jinuity Curry and OaryKoelderwillbeservingasassislant superintendents. . '

Helping in the operation of the lamb show and as assistantsupel'intendents are Tommy Rambo, Kermy Campbell, Brian Patlerson, Chris Cummings and Ronald Groves.

Local exhibitors made· a strong

,Q'~J.s: rl,aJ . ~II:le .

ribbons including the Grand Champion PI~inviews Woman of the Year. Steer exhibited by Hale Center 4-H The Owls clinched their fourth member Jon David Roberts. consecutive playoff berth wilha second

Serving as hoard members of the place finish. , 57th Hale County Stock Show are: ThecommunitystagedaServicemcn KeMY Campbell, Jim Carver; Gary Support Rally. Special speaker for the Koelder, Forrest Lloyd, Tommy rally was U.S. Congressman Larry Louthan, Carl Marshall, Briin Combest. Pallerson, Bert Rice, Pat Shepard, TheFirstNationaiBankwasawarded ROMieSherrod' and John Starnes. a five-slarrating.

Serving as superintendent of the Hale , 1-Iale Center enlered into conlrllct ~nterProJccl Show will be Tommy with Plainview concerning a, regional LQ1i~an, ~laiec.lto;,heproj~1 landfill; , . . (arm ~I!U~ pflhe ~ity, tIl.e local showis Jana .. Tiner was ' recogrti~: uiJ!ci on~.btlP~ J-.rge'st cllnununity show. in . KCBp'or~ PepperOutstaridi!lgSt!Jdent the· az:e. •. 'I1le IQtaI exhibitorshavQ Athlete. "

A.s 'Giant Ki'liers g~ an '!lQtSt.ooi!'lg' reputatioi1for March '. . ' . producin&topquili!yanimalsandbeing MlltgaretToler was appointed

. oll,tstendirig showmen in the show ring. Postmaster for Hale Center.

Coach l~ior Asbmore~. Owls , continlled their reputation as giant killers durin. the Caprock Holiday Toulnament coiIductcd lut week in Lubbock. Sportins the best 23 teams in the ·~ the Owls . marched their way into the consolation fmall ·and defeated 5A Midland for thellOphy . . On their way to the trophy matcb,.H.C. slipped

F' · '. -lees' ·· .. amll ··,

. Reeeiv;e " ", ~. ' . ,. ' .,. :--. '. "', : ' ,

,Donations 1'broIlgh. tIIe ·.~.~C)f

tbe . comm~nity • .• wen.y-~IIC Ie •• fortllnlte local f.uilci had. a . Iilore

. . ' . ,~ With the

by 5A Lubboc.k High 5":52, fell to 4A Levelland 46-38,eued by 3A Slaton 67-60 and IUlprised SA Midland 71-66.

In theopeiung lilt for theOwls, H.C.· jumped . on the Lubbock High We~tenters early and held off a second half I;harge to defeat Lubbock 59-52-Hale Center led 33-17 at intermiasion butthe Lubbock High team elosod. the

. gap46-;40to$tartthe f~1 periocLluniOr Mulin ' Thonttohpaeed lIiC "Owls in scOnn.dlllilpingin 24 points; . Also. .cOring in d~ublefi~ was W.~ · Smith with 14.Mdin. to~ H.C; scOi'C. ""as Dewight 10hn.sQn-9,Koy Smith-9, 'and .1.Pete Laney-3~

In.a re-matCh of; , c~pitNhi(J ,game, we OWls. flCOda tOlJah Levelland team. '. )'be Lobo'., ¢onlinued to doininate .tho Owl~, defeating H.C. Hale Center

. . ,

Roben DeLaSantos with P,tdson Noe to9k advantage of~ ~ . inch Cuistmas Da~ snow to, build a SDOWman Il8Iried 'Frosty ..

51 defelt at the hands of Seagravea. president. Greg Sherrod and Aarun Heather Huffhines, daughter of Rambo qualified for the State FFA

Eddie and Barbara Huffhines, exhibited Proficiency Contest. the Reserve Grand Champion Barrow June at the Houslon Liveslock Show. The LaurieStroudwunamedH.C.Uont animal sold at auction for $30,000. Sweethean and Craig Curry was named

Longtime resident and community Outstanding Lion Member. supporter, Wesley Davis, was named Michael Harrell was awarded winner of the Cilizenship Award Outstanding Texu Young Farmer by

Kay Smith was named Sou!h Plains the Texas laycees. Playerofthe Year for the second straight A late afternoon storm wrecked tho year. area causing wide spread damaao.

A new modem Post Office was LongtimcHaleCenter~identTom stamped for approval for the Palacios was found gUilty of murder in community. a 1989 shooting.

April The Hale Center SeniorCitizcnshcld Owlelle Jana Tiner was selected to their Armual Chili Cookoff.

play in the Golden Spread All Star The First Baptist Church held it', Classic. Centemial Celebration.

COllon Center track teams qualified 10hn Irwin was named pastor of tho for the Slate 60Man Meet. Qualifying United Methodist Church. were the girls relay tearns of Teresa StalC Representative Pete Lancy wu Cisneros, Marci Jones, Shelly McFmin, preaented the Tellas4-H Alumni Award. Kari lones, and Yolanda Cisneros. July individualqualilierswere: luniorMena, Roseanna Shepard received tho Nancy Sageser, Kristi Sageser and Tony Texas 4-H Salute 10 Ellcellcnco Awud. UreSle. The First National Bank Llttlo

A knifing incidenl al Junior Hiah League Team captured firlt place resulted in a hospitalization of one honors in the Olton Leaauc. student and another taken 10 Lubbock Doctor Jack Jordon joined the staff Youlh Center. at Hi-Plains Hospital.

Tho Hale Cenler Women's Club TheCather/aonteamofTommioand hosted a Community Picnic and Steve Ro,cn claime6 lOllm¥MD' Concert. Spec:ial mlerlainmcrit frill honaraat_~~PIIIDIIIIIip. the Counlry Caravan from South PIIins Rick Well wu BppOillled • Ci" College. Councilman to fill the vacancy left by

Selecled as the Most Outstanding Bob Stroud Students by the high school staff were Rick . Black was named MOl' Pipar Bizzell and Albert Gomez. Valuable Player in the National Roller Gomez and Michelle Sisemore were Hockey Tournament. selected as Mr. and Miss HCHS. AUlust

Stacy Brown, Michael Fisher, Gregg , The community was hOlt to the Greenhaw and John David McFerrin Fourth Armual Suburban Rally. R.W. qualified for .the State FFA Ag Waller's 1957 Bellaire Chevrolet wu Mechanics Contest. named Best of Show during the car

Marci Jones was named winner of show. Ihe KCBD-Dr.Pepper Outstanding The Hale CenlerSmior Citizena Student Athlete Award. named 1.C. Sneed Volunteer of the '

The Hale Center Owl Band claimed Year. Sweepstakes honors ·for the third ti,me Rachael Madrigal was crowned in ' four years. lamaica Queen durin. St. Theresa'i

Henry RieffannouQCed thathe would Armual Celebration. not seek another term as County Paul . an ludy Oglo re-openOil the Commissioner of Precinct 3. Tell" CaCeW)der the new .~ oCOur

JanieyLaney was named. the TownCaCe. OIiI$~in. Studei\t inthC 1'\fllU Tec:h . '. t.iary · WiIliiin • . advlntOd .'0 ~. SchQOl Q( ~griCiti1t!l~. " ' . ~OQal cornpetiHOI) . in. 4'-JlF..mon StephariieH~zaridUS~ ~eYiew. '.' .... . .... . '

Stephens advantedto · 'AI!' early~fll'C ~· a ·· COI1,1JiCtiti~in~un.LiienrY.Con_ inob'ileh~ in . .,.,t HlleCai.. .

Ma, ' . After 29 years of dedicated i'avice A hUge whirlwlnd-tossed .part of a to the Colton Center Schooll and

metal roof into power lines knocking corrununity .owen Moring retired. out pOwer in the downtown section of September town. Cotton Center Schools eSJlblished a

lim. Bradley wu elllployed ~ the PrA. ' city's third police officer. The City filed . luit on loveral

Paui Shc;pard . was <;tow\led Miss propenies to . rid the community of , Hale Center. Runnersupwere Amy substandard housing and struc~ Ogle and Mary Williams. Miss lames Gass WI!S named director of Con,enilliity winner was Tracy Ihe Hi.PlainaHospital Cardiac: Quintaila. Rehabilitation Center. ' '

A tornado struck cast of the , The COtton eentq Elks ~ their comJ!'illnity .. causing damage.t0 13g~elOlingstreakbybealingR~ buililingaand f~ eq~ipmen~' 3~24. · .' . , '

Lindsay BurgeSs and Gre~g Groves .' x..urieStroud Was Crowned 1991 .wereliated .. ~ top S\lIl\e1),tsin 11,1niQl" HOliIecQiniDg Queen. . ' . High. ' .' . . . . . . . ". October . Durina tJtc Amiual Sports Banquet, LesterSellOli puri:hased BusbGin.

bIgh sclIOol . teacher Wynema Adams Crowned Co.tlon Center waS nan;cdhblioruy team member. Homecoming . King . aild ~ were . Winners of the Fighting. Heart Award Martin Diu and CorinaS.aucedL were: . Michei!eSisemorei 1m Thier '. Don: Oe1l1!11cU and Larry l.oc:ketl and Gilben Trevino. . begin miJ\ufaCilurin.8 Itripper

Top CoUonCei1teriraiiu~tes w~ 10 beUJelj .OIl the .1OW GregG~w~and MarciJones. ·. . '

'lohn O'~id Mc~eJ1i.n; ..

Coadn!Iod on Pap 2 ,

Page 2: AMERICAN' - Unger Memorial center/1992/1992-01-03.pdfAMERICAN' Owl Coach Reaches ... Keith Roden, Sky Bizzell, Shane Berry, Stanley Roy, Vincent Roberts

ovenL . . MMIa)'iJiuiu.r, '6. . . . .. ... . . The. Cily COUDCti formecll1!e

PorcupiDeMe,a\bllla, Ric:e Pilar, Wildorf S~ Veaellble Medley, DQar ' Cill~hip lqIrovemem CoIrmiiI-. aophy. The f __ ~ IO .~ fill ..

. Roll, Chmy Cobbler Owl Ciao itar~ Kay Smilli,.iSMda plCed ~ lhal fealUied 16 Ibreo- ;"n\-:~-""""-""-----------"""" nalional Leuer of inlelll with Tex.. point bombl. . . . Vor"* ys

Tuescta)'. Janu., 7 Tech Univenhy, . MidlIIIII jumped 10 I _ poinl MOIIIoaI', POIaIOCl AuOralln, Slewed TUIIIIIOCI wlCroulOlllJ, Dinner Roll, POle Laney wu nlllMd u 0110 of lead 19-12 with 3:$9 JeIIIIinin. in tho ANNUAL .

Appleaauce Cake Texu Tech's Dislinguiithod Alumiu. openin •• IIIIZI bul tho quick hands of , . The TeXIS HighwlY Deparunenl theOwtsledbyJPoIeLuieyIllClWayne CLE' ARANCE SALE

belan mllllh needed work on a four Smith.lud 10 Midllllll lIIrnoven thai Wednesday, Janliary 8 Pinto Bean and Ham. Potalo Salad, Pried Okra, Cornmeal Muffin, Canned

Peach Halves

Thuraday. Januar)' 9

block area of Cleveland SIreeI, . resulled in quick poinll for H,C.1IId tho L f ood b DwayneJohnson,Owlrwming bade, qUlrler clO$Od with Midland leading ots 0 g Uys

wu Damed 10 tho fll1ll team all dislricl 21-19. Ii I

on offense and defenae. Action in the IOCODd period saw the 'lJorot y s Chicken Fried Sleak wlCreamed Gravy, Green Beans, Mashed POIaIGes,

Carrol Cabbage Slaw w/Vineaar Dressing, Dinner Roll, Apple Pie Polic:e Chief Harley People. was I~ Change hands several times md a

awarded the uLegion of Honor Award" )4 point lurn uound by the Owls, Gabriel Sho Center. Plainview for injuries he received during a police !railing 19-12 with 3:591efl in tho fml

Friday, Janu.y 10 punuil in 1981. quaner 10 leading 34-27 wilh 5:02 BurrilOll. Refried Beans, Mixed Vegelables, Spanish Rice, While Cake December remaining in tho half.

Happy New Ycu 10 all, . May you have lIWIy aood thinas 10 enjoy.

During !he Christmas hoJida)'l we have had quile a variety of we.lber­anow, .Ieel, rain, wind and a few beaulitul days. Due to the bad ruraJ R*I conditiona, several chaDged !heir plUil aI!he 1111 minute md _ided 10 meelal the Cenaer. On Sunday before ChriJIJnu the Venhaus family of the Tuli .. Happy and NIZII'CIb area used our building, Then on ChriSunlS Eve the Cannon tamily mel here. Sunday arler Chrislmas Ihe Siewarl family CCIIIgregaled al the Center. We are very happy for anyone 10 use our facililies. Before this, several other group. used our building.

her son and family in Lubbock. Jack Lewis W88 in Dinunill with daughler Bubara and family. laVerne Barnes met her family in Abilene. Jack and Catherine Smith had all their children

DoclOr Hugh Wilson was appointed Hale Cenler and !he Bulldogs bauJed 10 Ihe Texas Medical Association to a slandslill during the third frame Council. . with neitherleam able to gain the upper

"Ladies Nighl Oul" apollBOl'\ld by hand. The Owls were able to gain a the Hale Cenler Women's Club was a narrow 53-52 advan\8ge 10 tipoff the

and grandchildren-excepl for one huge success. family-aboUlthirtyinail. ThelmaCluk Collon CenlCr EI1cs. Mau McCarl)' Spenl Chrisunas wilh daughler and and Louis AdlUllll, were named 10 the family in Belen, New Mexico. Julian six man all disuictleams. and Lope Benavides had a large group The Owls caplured second place offamilymembershomeforChrisunas. honors in the Plainview Pioneer Classic. DoraJd and Elm. Gray spenl several The Owls defealedAndrews, Plainview days in Munday and Slamford with and 10SI to Levelland in Ihe relalives. Derald was chosen 10 be our championship game 72-62. newpresidenlforl992,andweareglad Dwayne Johnson cOnlinued his he made h home safely. , gridiron honors being named to

The response 10 our roquesl for food Honorable Menlion All Slale. for lite needy was very good. The ilems The Hale Center ISO conunilled 10 a were lumed over 10 Sherril Rigsby and buildinl projccl al Akin Elemen\8ry. his commilloc for disb'ibution. COSI of the projccl is approximalely

We also had good response for our $65 1,000.

final slanZa. Hale Cenler Slaned fourth quUler

aclion in a flurry with Koy Smilh 'popping the nel for a 3-poinI. Wayne . Smith's fast break and J Pole lAney's threC poinl play 10 give tho Owls a 61-55 lead with 5:44 remaining in the contesl. Midland was never able to recover and the Owls cruised to the wilL All five H.C. SIUIerS marked in lite rmal slanza throwing the Bulldogs off balance. Leading all scorers was Kay Smith's 35 poinlS followed by Marlin ThomlOn and Dewigbt Johnson lossingin 14 and 11 poinlSrespectiveJy.

II wu good 10 be back al the Conler 011 Monday and see everycne again and hear abolil whel thoy did for Ouislmas. Some of the things leamed-by juSI listening-were thaI Ira Roy had her three brothers. and her three children al herhouso. Vicki Rosales and her family wore wilh her in-laws. Yolanda MUBquiz. and family, her six bro!hers IIIIIsislers, along with lIteir Mom and Dad mel al Ihe Rotary Cenler in Plainview, ale and had a dance. Essie

bake sale on Dec. 23 and 24Ih, and we Oene Alexander was appoiDlcd City thank everyone who baked, and those Judge by the City Council. Alexander who bought Yon can be assured thaI filled lite vacancy formerly held by the money collecled will be put 10 good Fancher Archer. use. Derald Orey was selecled the Hale

On Chrislmas Eve, Jack Bourland. Cenler Senior Cilizens organizaliolL


~e~~:~I~~~;:~~e:7: o~rCM!~Se:: Owl •.• Wheels clienls. Conl'd from Page 1

Ware had a largo CIOwd with her during CongralUlalions 10 one of our own. the holidays. BellY Kirkland had Gene Alexander, on being appointed children. grandchildren and a brother al City Judge of Hale Cenler. her house. Horace and Virgie Moseley have

Bath and Kitchen Fixtures

Repair Parts

Or Supplies Sinks and Faucets

Water Heaters Other thinp ovemeud--Joe and moved 10 Plainview 10 be nearer 10 their Barbara Slokel had Iheir children, son and family. We regrello lose thesco SIeve, Vickie: Chris and Jeff of two fine people from our group. . Plainview; Kurt and Karoline Ashmore Recenl visitors at the Cenler: Alan andKaylaofSpeuman;Barbara'ssisler Rhoades, Carla and Chase from and husband, Pred and Clua Robertson Memphis, Tennessee, as guesl of Aliene of Plainview. Prather; Cowboy Adams had daughler

match H.C. exhibiled a balanced scoring attack and the 3-poinl bomb 10 beat Slaton. ScOring in double figures were KoySmith-26.andMarlinThortonand Wayne Smith willt 17 poinlSeach. Hale Cenlet; ripped tho n~ COr nve 3-poilll bombs during !he conteS! with Wayne Smillt striking for 3 and Koy Smith and Dewighl Johnson hiuing for one each.

Stems and Washers'

J.C. and Novella Sneed had Roy and Trula Palmer and sons Harry E, Palmer MaryRaslellerofDenlon;Tony,Karen, of lIouslon, and Morris Palmer and Josh and Bccca RaslCllerofSanAngelo; wife Kim of Plano; Archie Teeler had and a nephew Mike and Ruby Jones of son Billy Don willthimoneday;Cryslai HOIISlon. ' Kirkland of Collon Cenler was with

Jolm and Venda Robertson vlsiled grandmollter Belly a few limes while daugbler, Shirley and family al Plano. OUI of school. CatherineHunlsmall spenl the lime willt II is lime 10 renew our ID cards al a daughler, Kay Holley and family al fee of 55.00 for the yeu. Wylie, Jake and MUlarel Bourland We are looking forward 10 gelting had ninclocn family members aI their our new IS passenger van in the near house. Dan Prather and family of f"lure.

· Jackson,Missiaaippivisiledhismother, We would like 10 pay lribule 10 our Louise Prather. many volunlcers who have done .so

Margie Rhoada haclller IWO sons and much this pasl year, Without the help familie., Charlel of Bonlonvme, of volunleers, il would be v.ery hard 10 Al'ltanau, and Mae of MIIleshoe, Roy keep going, To those whodelivermeals .

· McCollum ~enl 10 Midland lO80n',to shul-ins, meals .onwheell wbC.ethitti!JUlyme!,AIie~cPra!her'l p .. licipanll;J1I!)m~yeQ"Blflbi,.h~p in . fll!lily lI1elal ~i1!1CI' ~Berl'l ' kilChen; tielp ~ith cl~ng\Jbl~'~ ~J.V.~twuwiihsisler,~iiIe . mil,ly mQ,e things; a!iigthank you ~o.iei'.family,aene~.AcldieMae . . tromll19fus. 'VOll'. ' wcir)derful ' . WiI.SOh had :two of theit c:hilcliCil with group of people, We are sure that with .

· them. Ed and Oearsia Saandefer mea your conlinued cOoperalion thai 1992 theirchildreninHouslOil. MynleKa,rh will be mother ~eal year. hadChriallDUinHolllloDwithdaugJuer Belly Rae and family.

Davie RoICl'lIpODl ChrisIm.u with

larb.raG. Holland '

May we .11 have good health and greal happiness in the Now Y cu.

In a physical malch the Tigers led early in the game and a 3-poinl shol by Wayne Smith broke .a 9·9 score. Hale Cenler led 16-11 bul a lale Sialon rally lied the score 16 all to begin the second period,

The lead changed hands several lime in the beginning minules unlil Sialon made an S-2 run holding· an 31-25 advanlage aI the mid-poinl ofthci period. Following a timeoul H.C. rallied for a run of their own 0111 scoring !he Tigers ~ and the half ended 36-3S,

Both \e&IIlS batded evenly ' in the Slaning minUleS of the second half UDlii tho Owls shul down SI8IOII ~ fmal

Electrical Supplies

Qualified Plumber and Electrician On Standby We're Here To Be Of Service To The Area

West Builders Supply Center Redi·Mix

Phone 839·2102 or Call Perry Vick Mobile Phone 296·8433 Truck In Radio Contact With Office

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.' . ·1 4


5 6 7 8 9 10 11

was in Plainview Memorial Puk. Hcdied a~ 12: 15 a.m .. Saturday;l)e(:.

21,1991, al Hi-Plains Hospilal. Born Oct. 26,1912, near Winnsboro

inWoodCounty,hemovedloPlainview with his parents in 1922 and allended schools in Plainview. He married Allene Kemp all Jan. 21, 1934 in Plainview. She died July 19, 1986.

Mr. Panon waS a masler plumber with Barton Plumbing Co., from 1948 to 1962. He was a master plumber for Wayland Baptist University from 1962 to 1972.

Survivors include three sons, Bill of Amarillo, Eugene of Plainview, and L YIUI of H ale Center; a daughter Laveda NeWlon of Houston; three sisters, Ona Tyner of Carrollton. Aora Smillt of Chichasha. Okla ., and Lois Zinl of Grafford; eight grandchildren; and live great-grandchildren.

Grandsons served as pallbearers.

Dorothea Anna Gannaway

Funeral services for DorOlhea Anna Gannaway, 66, of Edinburg, former J\'layfleld Communi ty resident, were held Friday, December 27 , 1991 in the First Presbyterian Church in Edinburg wi th the Rev. Blair Cash, pastor, offiCiating.

Graveside services were held Saturday in Plainview Memorial Park with Dr. Rex Mauldin, dislricl superintendent of the Lubbock District, United Methodist Churchcs. officialing. Local arrangernellls were by Freeman Funera l Home.

Mrs. Gannaw ay died Wednesday, Dec . 25. 1991 , in Ed inburg Oeneral Hospital.

She wa s born Dorothea Anna Casherg on Jan. 24, 1925 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa . She moved to Edinburg in 1927 and graduated from Edinburg schools and from the University of Texas. She was past president of Ihe Edinburg Junior Service League and a member of the First PresbYlerian Church.

She married LA. "Duke"Gannaway on May I, 1946 in Kerrville. He died Dec. 18, 1961l. They lived ~n the Mayfield Community from 1954·1979 where they owned Gannaway Gin.

Survivors include Iwee sons, Lourie Arthur III of Snow Hill, Md., Geoffrey Milton of Corpus Christi and John Michael of Edinburg; one brother. Thomas Casberg of Alel(andria, Va.; and six grandchildren.

Elosia Mendez Funeral Mass for Elosia S. Mendez,

79, Was held Saturday, December 21, 1991 in SI. Theresa 's Catholic ChurCh · with the Rev. Gc'Orge Roney, paslor, ufficiatin\l'

1929 in · Chrisli. She moved" to ihe Pep

. commuilily in 1949 and 10 Hale Comer . 'in 1971. She was a membcrof SL Theresa's Catholic ChurCh.

Survivors include her husband; six sons, Erasmo, Osvaldo, Renaldo and Mario. all of Hale Cenler, Prudencio Jr. of Lubbock and Juan of Sunnyside, Wash.; IWO daughlers, Marianna Navarro of Sunnyside, Wash., and Lydia Valdivia of Hale Cenler; a slepdaughler, Janey Castillo of Dumas; two brothers, Roberto Sanchez and ' Alcarico Sanchez, both of Falfurrias: a siSler, Martha Rivera of Kingsville; 56 grandchildren; 59 great·grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren.

Sara A. Pineda Funeral Mass for Sara A. Pineda, 86,

of Hale Center was held Monday, December 23, 1991, in St. Michael's Calbolic Church of Anson willt the Rev. Paul Haefner, pastor, officialing. Burial was in Mount Hope Cemelery by Lawrence Funeral Home. Local arrangemems were by Freeman Funeral Home.

Mrs. Pineda died al7 :45 a.m. Friday, . Dec. 20, 1991, in Hi·Plains Hospital in Hale Center after a sudden illness.

She was bom Feb. 19, 1905 . in Monterrey, Mexico and married Martin Pineda in 1922 in MomerTeY. She moved to Hale Center in 1954 from Anson. She was a homemaker and member of SI. Theresa 's Catholic Church.

Surviving are two sons, Jack of Anson and Marlin of Hale Center; four daughlers, Josie Pineda and Sally Munoz, bollt of Hale Cenler, and Delia Galvan and Gracie Galvan, both of Anson; 12 grandchildren; 21 greal­grandchildren; and IWO great·greal· grandchildren.

Grandsons served as pallbearers.

Woodmen Schedule

• ...c- . '. . ~ ..eo':.:\! ,

Meeting The local Woo6lmen organization

will hold Iheir monthly meeling Thursday, January 9, al 7:00 p.m. Hosling a pOl luck dinner will be Peggy Shaver and Missy Shaver. Following a short program thc Woodmen will move into a business session.

During the business session ·Ihe organization will selccl commillecs for lite upcoming year as well as vote for thehonorofMr. Woodman and Woman of Woodcrafl.

CROP HAIL MANAGEMENT _r"Iii ....... Crop, Hail & M,P.C.I, Insurance

PAUL ROBERTSON . Fot your' seed needs also call

Home g7944G3

I. ijRlrchine I' sel & Industrial

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ANNUITlb Income for Life

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ConcemedtibOuJ CD IJIIdMoiwy Marke'~' Find .out~· W~" AnllUUie ••.


~the 'chm~" leason; a ' . surVey llaled thai the average family

spenl$370forgifla. Foronceinmylif~ I'm way abOve average on something. I had a hud lime gellins into the spiril of IbInas-1 milled Ihe communily Chrisunuareeand the Chrisunumusic thai the COIIIJIIIIniI)' had in the pasl, WhlI did brighten the spiril was the home lighlinS and Ihe senerous response thai !he sludenlS exhibited in collecling food for families less fortunale.

Ho .. is illhal when you talce a week off from work tho lillie chores you have planned 10 do never gelS done. It seems lomcrrow becomes )'CSlerday real fasl.

We enjoyed Slaying al home and gelling 10 drink a cup of coffee withoul bring in a rush. I really like a good cup of coffee and I tried a new kind that is very good-Hazelnul. I usually don'l care for flavored coffees but this one is a wimer.

II didn't seem like lhere were as many holiday SJll:cials as in the past. The Wahon's is always one 10 make you feeilltankful and Reba McEntire's was also enjoyable.

The city and all of us are facing a very serious problem, the very real possibility of one of the mosl valuableoflhe community's asscts·the Hale Center EMS. The threat is very real and your help is critical. The Cily Council is addressing lhe problem and your ideals are needed. The problem is a lack of volunleer manpower. The numbers have dwindled the paS! few years and now liIere is nOl enough volunteers to continue. The EMS has enough volumeers 10 drive bUI h is in vcry short supply of. men and women for the proper Iraining. The present EMS crew has been very dedicaled, so much thaI Iheir own businesses and home life has suffered. We have secn litis problem approaching and have been warned before but we have turned our heads Ihe other direction. We need to face the problem straight up and respond 10 the plea for help. If you can help or have suggestions let lite Cily Council know-they will listen. Need help in rcmembering . ~~~ ~irects lite city?

Cotton Center School Menu

BREAKFAST Monday Ian 6

Proil Ccreal/l'oasl

Mille ·

Tuesday Jan 7 Assorted Juice French Toasl

Brcakfasl Pork Links Milk

Wr4of$Sday Jan R Assorted Juice

BiscuilS/Sausage Milk

ThUrsday Jan 9 ' . Fruil .or Juicll • ..

. Hot ClinilillR.liisin ~read . Milk

' Prid)!y )m]O . Fruit !If Juice

Scrambled Eggs/foasl Milk

LUNCH Mgnday hp6

Chicken Fried Sleak Oreen Beans

Whole Kernel Com Rolls .

icUow ~o wIFrosling

TwwI.y J;07 Beef & &.a DmiloS . TOSieclSiIld

Pic.nleSauee . Sliced.l'tillhes .

<l!oieCi MiIli: .

Wedn.'Y hn: H . . Baked Chicken

while Ric.e

RedBcans. BiacUi~

. ' OUpea Oi9I~.Milk

Councilmcn-OeneCaner,R.W. WaUer, Oary Binell, Sherrill, Rick Weill and Mayor Bob Brown .

Your goina 10 see alol of aclivily around the school prbjecl farm. FF A and 4-H members are gelling ready 10 .slan the show season. The local Slock show is slated Jan. 16 followed by couRlyshowJan.IS-20. Club members and parenls, including myself, will be washing, Clipping a.nd grooming animals for Ihe evenlS. ResidenlS are invited and encouraged 10 walch the stock show and wimess all !he work that is involved to gel animals ready for lite judge.

Don't forget the EMS problem. Enough said ..

Production Carded

The Plainview Civic Theater will be presenting the three acl play, ''The Odd Couple" by Neil Simon. The Plainview production will be directed by Darin Cook.

The Neil Simon play will be staged on three nights, Jan. 9·11. Curtain time will be at 8 pm. The performance will be held held at the Harral Auditorium Black Bo~ Theater. Tickels can be purchased at the door, student. and senior citizens $3 and adults $5.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McFerrin .

Mr. and ·Mrs. Ralph McFerrin of Cotton CeRler will celebrate their 5011t wedding anniversary with a family dinner Saturday, hosted by lIteir children, Doyle and Ernie McFerrin of Lubbock, Jim and Risa McFerrin of Levelland, and Joe and Phyllis McFerrin of Cotton Center. Lillian Barrington and McFerrin were marri<-d Jan. 4, 1942 at Cotton Center. He has farmed in the Cotton CeRler community for 51 ')Iears. They have eight grandchildren and on. great-grandchild.







101. PKG. n ....... ;;;;;::::;~_





Page 3: AMERICAN' - Unger Memorial center/1992/1992-01-03.pdfAMERICAN' Owl Coach Reaches ... Keith Roden, Sky Bizzell, Shane Berry, Stanley Roy, Vincent Roberts

tet · hosts Shallowater lbesday, Jan. 7

Hale Center travels to Hart Friday, Jan. 10

Brian Clark

and 2-0. The Wb1 i!lIii'kl!d the l00lh ViCIOI'y 'rdr Coach 'JlMicJr Ashmore.

Hale Centcr had icc cold shooling hands during Ihe first period only scrntching for 6 points whileSpringlakc playing physical ball siayed close wilh ~m.rkers.

Hale Center made some adjustments during the second period and pulled away by intermission 28-12 TheOwls rallied ror 33 Points in Ibe second hair behind the shooting of Koy Smith and Marlin Thornton that finished the grune with 27 and 13 points respeclively.

Hale Cenler resumes district play Tuesday when the Shallowater Mustangs visit the Owls. The Lady Mustangs arc 9-4 for Ibe season and the roys come to the Owls nest sponing a I Q-3 record_ Friday Halo Center travels to the close confines of the Hart gym. The Lady Horns presently have arecord of6.6andO-2indistricL Thel,iitighorns own Ii 2-8aqd 0-2I!1af.k.

Tournament Recognition

Hale Center's Koy Smilh WII$ an uminimouschoice for Ibe Caprock Holiday All-Tournament Team. He

Coad! Lisa Logan's Owlettes got back on Ibe winning track and evened their district mark at 1- f with a convincing victory over Springlake 48-33. Two stcllardefensive performances were turned in by seniors Aimee Schwanz and Belinda Poindexter.

Schwartz gave H.C. a IO point advantage late in the first period and the Owlettes lead 18-7 to start Ibe second stanza. Hale Center took advantage of miscues by Springlake that was a result of back court pressure by !he Owlettes directed by Schwartz and Poindexter. Hale Center was able to get several easy baskets under their own goal on the Springlake inrounds passes. By intermission Hale Center held a commanding 32-18 lead.

During the second half the reserve Ow lettcs ga ined alot of va luable playing time and the two teams matched points and the Owlettes cruised to the easy victory.

Pai:ingthcOwl~csinscoringhitting for double figures was Poindexter with 18 and Schwartz wilb 12 points.

The win moved the Owlettes season record to 4-8. .

In a rough and tumblo outing, the Owls overcame a' poor first quarter performance and handed Springlake only their third loss of the season 61-46 and improved the H.C. record to 8-2

was OlIO of ton playors selected to the squad that featured · 250 players representing 23 teamS. .

Tho Tex.1I$ TCi:h signee ripped tho nets for 88 points inCluding len 3,poinl bombs in tl)e four sanies Ibat Ibe owli played. " Sinith. cOillj'OlJed. !he. pice of Ibe gamesandb.dlO'pl~y againsldefClDlllll

: . tb81were.~n.·onbim; ·NOlCinlydi" . 'he impreJacoa~hes offensively but

:defensiv\llycredited with a nJlmberof blocked shots and .d~inating Ibe defensivebacklxi.ards. ·

Also ~ci)ling high. reviews from . tQumilnenl coaches were point suard . Dewight JoImwl!.Ind pOSI Marlil! ThomtOlL Both. players..-e jl1riiO!Sind were instt't!m~l4l ill !lJes~ess of Ib.e Owls ' .

Lemond Farm Store 111 Stevenson 839-2112

®fYl ml WfYl~ rp:~[fUn 0 n~~~ 879-4521

Hi-Plains Hospital 203 W. 4th Nursing Home & Day Care 839-2471

M~~~ ~rrn~Mr~rrn~~ C.H. Keeton

602 Main In Hale Center 839·2212

Freeman Funeral Home Bill & Arleen Freeman


We Support the Owls It Owlettes in District Play

Owl Booster Club J{air tEenier

Roy's Automotive

clJi-Ude BurDett Aaency INSURANCE 839-2414 REAL ESTATE

. Brown~ Pharmacy 601 Ave. G Bob and Tany Brown

622Ave.G~~839-2222 <G; :tJ3 SUR;e.1!w

.. ~e-2$41 .

First . NatfonalBank 701 Main Member F.D.I.Ci·· 839-2448

West Builders Supply & Ketti·Mix Concrete 816 Main 02

AoVLTF1~ON AIm. Cyriihll Harrod.Eagles Ceremaoj of I!inclc:ence. Daranna

Gillel Comeback. Dick Francis _ Daughterofdlll RedDcer. JOIl1 Wolf The Deceiver. Frederick Fonylb The Duchess. Jude Deveraux The Fum. Jolm Grisham The Oolden TlIIlp. Rosalind Laker Needful Things. Stephen King No Greater Lovo. Dwelle Sleel Remember. BarbaraTaylorBradford SleepinS Beauty. Judilb Michael The Soulb. Cohn Toibin A Thousll1d Acres. Jane Smiley

Three Cbrilllmas films were sbown al Ibe Public Library on Monday, December 23. I wish to Ibank Blanca Ceniceros for bringing her children and Ifriend to Ibe program_Those enjoying thefilms were Blanca Ceniceros, Edgar, Melissa, Cynthia and Sandra Ceniceroa

your cqjln'blliiolll IJ1d are wiolll 10 Older new 'boob~ video •• ele:. for your pleasure.

. The Public Library had 111 excellem . year in 1991 servina • IOtal of 6,052 peopleintheLi'-ary. Therowere4,8S9 served and 1,193 additional people Ihrough dill Library doors. Total circuluon for dill year was 10.006-bOob, 7,033; records. 52; book &; _lie. 216;videos, 2,352; magazines. 248; reference boob, 83: interlibrary loan, 15; and spot-book films, 7.

The Owl Hoots

Hello!" I hope everyone had a wonderful vacation. Students returned 10 school Jan. 2 and are studying hard for semester tests which are next week.

The varsity girls and guys roth defeatedSpringlake-Earth.Friday,Dcc. 20. The girls are I-I in district and the roys are 2-0. The J.V. roys and girls teams lost hard fought matches to Springlake.

Tho varsity roys competed in Ibe Caprock Tournament Dec_ 26-28 at Lubbock. They def&aled Lubbock High, lost to Levelland and defeated Slaton and Midland High toreceivoco­coqsolation: Ko)\~Ull..wfll.lllUllfcIJ.Q the all-tournarnentl\eanf tobgrilsF '

- The vanity girls will compete in the Sudan Tournament January 2-3. Good

luck! The J. V. and varsity boys will play

Dimmitt there Friday, the3rd. TheJ.V . begins at 6:30 and varsity at 8:QO.

Tuesday, Jan. 7 all four teams will play Shallowater here. The J.V. roy. and girls will play at 5:00 in the Jr. High and High School gyms. The varsity girls will begin at 6:30 and varsity boys at 8:00.

Stock shows arc just around the corner. Several FF A and 4-H members will be competing in the Dimmill Jackpot this weekend. Good luck!

Happy birthdays this week to to Rosa mores. 111n_ .3; and MnI..Davls.,Jaq. 7. 'Hilpe yoUr day is spCl:iaJ! .

Till next time ...

~--------~-------~----~ 1 1

! Bliml~iitB3IDltJY<Ckm~! 1 1 1 Serving agas Birth to 14 years 1 I . 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. 1 I . Aftar School Child Care I 1 1

I Nutritious Meals & Snacks 1 1 Planned Programs , 1 l'nt~ractionWith Nursing Home Residents .. 1. i ' ' .- . I .' . . .. . . .. .. .' . '. ' . ·1

l' '. 203'WeSt4thln Hali ~'l}t.1 1 Karen Boyce, Director 839-2471 1


Offering Multiple.line Insurance Service



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AMERlCAN~ . Dis7r~~~t;~~:~:~~~~;:r~ing


II BR I Ba&b, II Car Gar .... _ w.& 10th. Would be .... a& for a retired couple or for • .tarter home.

Keeton Real Estate 602 Main 839-UIII

Llda Jones Estate , 2 BR, I 3/4 Bath, Living Room,

Den, 2 car garage, stonn cellar. 200 fL lot. Price reduced to S45,OOO. Owner might carry pan.

Keeton Real Estale 839·1112' 602 Main

For Sale to Settle Estate Lovely home located in excellent

Hale Center neighrorhood. Brick, 2 bedroom, I 3/4 bath, 2 car garage, interior access storm cellar • spacious, we\l-equipped kitchen, central heat, refrigerated air, great storage. For privale showing contac:t

LuAnn Lemond, Agent Day 839-2112

Evenings 839-2360 Ronnie McBeth 839-2506

FOR SALE \lale Center Florist Building

107 Wesl 3rd Fonnerly a residence. Would make

a nice horne again with some work. Good location. Reduced to $9')00.

LuAnn Lemond, Realtor

839-2360 Morgan.Eaves Real Estate


FOR SALE Comfortable 2 bedroom country

horne ncar H.le Ccnter. Recent remodeled. beautifully decorated. central heal. refrigerated air, fireplace, slorm cell ar

. 526,800 . 'LuAnn Lemond, Realtor

839-2360 Morgan·Eaves Real Estate


We HlVIce mOlt brliKII of T.V:. IndRefrlgeralor.

SMvIc. 011 .11

$15,00 per ~ear In Hale County ••••••••••• ill • e. II •• $18,00 pene!!r outside Hale.County. •

March 2, .1872 : Bargain : r:==~~~~~~~~. •.

I;d!tedandPublished. by .· .'. ' . : ...... J ~~:w~~:ndClau~'aRamb(i r ,...,4 ~7~: : . .. 839.~2761 -, . -:

Phone 839"2312 TEXASPRES$ ... ' : aonnleChlltcm: Hale Center, Tex~s 79041 ASSOCIATION I. 219 West FlrstStniet •

: Hale Center : 1. ____________ Il;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!l ........... .. .. I •• I ...

Tape,- bed, texture, minor repairs and quality painting. 'Ih~. Beadenon Jr.

839-SINI or 889-2318

Cacpente[ Cleaners Drop Station

Is.Ube Hale Center American

62S Main Delivery Every

Monday & Thursday


Train for high paying construction jobi-<arpentry, miSOIll)', painter, etc.

No Tuition -- Get Your G.E.D. Housing, Meals Provided

Receive Cash & Clothing Allowances. Age 16-21.

A U.S. Dept. of Llror Program TRAIN FOR YOUR FUTURE

Call: 1-800-733-1OBS or (806) 763-6416

EXTRA INCOME '92 Earn $200-$500 weekly mailing

1992 travel brochures. For more infonnation send a addressed stamped envelope to: J.R. Travel, P.O. Box 612291, Miami, FI.. 33161.


LOST YOUR KlTI'EN White cat with collar found on

Ave. K Call 889-2684 after 4:00.

The next meeting of the Hi-Plains Oem and Mineral Society will be held on Thursday, Jan. 9. 7:30 p.m. at the Moody Science Center, Wayland Universily, Plainview. Tho program will he given by Jim Word on West Texas

PECANS FOR SALE Shelled or In Shell

Weldon Blount

879·4571 FIREWOOD

Dry - Cured P«an .Mesquite ·Local Mixed Free Delivery In Hale Center

296·5646 1/10 pd

FOR SALE Children's oak bedroom suit: 2 twin

bcids. Converts to bunk beds or L­shapedcrewquarters. Dresser, mattress &; rox springs.

879·4731 1/3

A BARGAIN .. Fresh shellr;d pecanS tot sille, '. ' $4,7Slb

T()ri1Iny Apple~Jiite . 8'/9-4779

l/Hi '

: Dlamond ,lndU$trlal Supply, Inc.

:. . ' EL.ECTAIC. COrmW:T1NG AND .AEPAIRm · .. . .

Chlln. Sproketa Sh ..... .SKFJJCA

Phon.e .296~i418 • i014 Braadway Plliinview, .Texas .

U-Jolnta OUSeala WIKonaln TI.~k.m.owtr

' JQhn~eel~' Ag~li;ulture Equipment ·· ..


. ~421 OLTON ROAD . . G.ITY. EL~CTAIC6F PLA~INV. I~ . ... · ... INC ... . .. " . PLAlNVi6W.TEv.s7lO72 · .' . '

RICKY .MAS6N !B06)"-296-5t, t ·· .. SUE LQONEY . ~ame Phone: 296-7993 ' . . . . ...... Home I>hone: 293" B59

Steve Rogers Compa.ny Raal Estate. Appr.I • .,. Andeansultlints

. (806)

. ~inVie",'TX 790n i .. 800-281~ WELL 1·800-281.9355

Page 4: AMERICAN' - Unger Memorial center/1992/1992-01-03.pdfAMERICAN' Owl Coach Reaches ... Keith Roden, Sky Bizzell, Shane Berry, Stanley Roy, Vincent Roberts



12·17 OZ. CANS









4 LB. BAG ·

IiOCT,·7 .. ,gc BOX '





$i~9 6

.a..:;::;o. .............. HEAVY GRAIN FED SEEF ,,' " , WHOLE BOI\IELESs '

';;'L'i-~';" .. :~ TOP SIRLOIN ,






'SHURFINE '~~S~~JVI $289