americans and mobile computing: key trends in consumer research government mobility forum december...

Americans and Mobile Computing: Key Trends in Consumer Research Government Mobility Forum December 7, 2011 Washington, DC Aaron W. Smith Senior Research Specialist Pew Internet Project

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Americans and Mobile Computing:

Key Trends in Consumer Research

Government Mobility ForumDecember 7, 2011Washington, DC

Aaron W. SmithSenior Research Specialist

Pew Internet Project

• Part of the Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan “fact tank” based in Washington, DC

• Provide high quality, objective data to thought leaders and policy makers

• Funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts

• All data is from nationally representative telephone surveys of…

– U.S. adults age 18+ or U.S. teens ages 12-17

– Drawn from dual-frame (landline + cell phone) samples

The Gadget LandscapeThe Rise of Ubiquitous Mobile


How Americans Use Their PhonesEngagement With Mobile

Activities and Applications

The Meaning of MobileWhat is the Value Users Place

on Their Mobile Devices?

The Gadget Landscape

Cell phone use is on the riseChanging Demographics of Cell Ownership

Cell phone use is on the riseIn 2011, 84% of Adults Have a Cell Phone

In 2000, 53% of adults owned a cell phone

In 2011, ¼ of US

households are cell only

Mobile Grows, Desktop Use Declines

% of U.S. Adults Who Own Each Type of Device


52%45% 44%



All adults Age 18-29 Age 30-49 Black/Latino $75k+ Annual HH Income

College graduate

Cell phone use is on the rise1/3 of US Adults are Smartphone Users

15% don’t know if their phone is a smartphone

13% don’t know what type

of phone they own

Smartphone Ownership is Highest Among…

% of adults within each group who have a smartphone

Among low-income (<$30k HH income, 22% adoption): 39% of 18-29 have smartphone, 92% have cell

4% of 65+ have smartphone, more than half no cell

Based on May 2011 Pew Internet Tracking Survey

35% of smartphone owners / 15% of cell


Young adults (especially 18-24)

African Americans (mostly

not pre-paid)

Major Smartphone Platforms

Based on August 2011 Pew Internet Tracking Survey

24% of smartphone owners / 10% of cell


College grads

HH income $75k or more

24% of smartphone owners / 10% of cell


College grads

HH income $75k or more

Employed full-time


57% 55%


10% 9%

Cell Phone Laptop Desktop MP3 Player Game Console

Tablet Computer


Percent of US adults 18+ who own each type of gadget…

Based on Pew Internet Tracking Survey, 2010-2011

Tablet ownership rose from 4% to 10% between

September 2010 and

August 2011

Tablet and E-Reader Use is Growing

Tablet and e-reader ownership is highest among…. college graduates

adults with household incomes of $75,000+

In 2011, Roughly 2/3 Adults are Wireless Internet Users

Based on August 2011 Pew Internet Tracking Survey

SNS, Youth & Health

How Americans Use Their Phones

Information of all kinds is portable % of adult cell owners who use their phone to…

Send/receive text messages 73%

Take a picture 73

Access the internet 44

Send a photo or video to someone 54

Send or receive email 76

Record a video 59

Access a social networking site 59

Watch a video 54

Post a photo or video online 45

Access Twitter 15

Based on August 2011 Pew Internet Survey

The most active mobile users are:

Young adults (especially 18-29, but biggest drop-off around age 50)

College graduates

Adults living in urban or suburban areas 

Parents African Americans and Latinos

Usage Patterns Also Vary by Phone Type

Based on May 2011 Pew Internet Tracking Survey

Take pictures

Text messaging

Use the internet

Use email

Play games

Social networking

Use Twitter

Watch videos

Do online banking

% of cell owners who use their phones to…

Cell phone use is on the riseThe typical user sends/receives 10 texts per day

31% of text messaging users prefer a text to a

voice call


It’s not necessarily a replacement—heavy text users also make a lot of

voice calls

Number of text messages sent/received per day

Based on cell phone owners in each group

Based on May 2011 Pew Internet Tracking Survey

App downloading is highest among…

Young adults

Higher income adults

College graduates

Adults living in urban or suburban areas 


Most app users use 5 or fewer apps regularly

About 1/3 are “power users” who use 6+ apps


Nielsen data show the

most popular apps are…




Social Networking

What About Apps?

One in three adults download apps to a cell phone or tablet computer

Based on August 2011 Pew Internet Tracking Survey

From Superhighway to Bypass

Apps provide direct connections to information






Get more info about an event you're attending

Help shop or make purchases

Get info about a destination you're visiting

Learn about something you're interested in

News, weather, sports or stocks updates

% of app downloaders who have downloaded each type of app…

Based on August 2011 Pew Internet Tracking Survey

28% of cell owners use their phones to get directions or recommendations based on

their current location, but only 5% use check-in services on their phone


1/3 of adults use mobile devices to check weather or

to find local restaurants or businesses

1/5 use mobile devices to get information about local

traffic or transportation

1/6 use mobile devices to get discounts/use coupons at local stores

Information is Location-Based

Based on Jan 2011 and May 2011 Pew Internet Surveys

SNS, Youth & Health

The Meaning of Mobile

Cell phone use is on the riseWhat one word best describes how you feel about your cell phone? 72% of responses positive, 16% negative

Based on May 2011 Pew Internet Tracking Survey

Mobile (and smartphones especially) changes the relationship between

information, time and space…

51% of cell owners use phone to get information they need right away (smartphone owners: 79%)

42% use phone to entertainment themselves when bored (smartphone owners: 72%) and 40% have been

helped by phone in an emergency situation


29% turn phone off occasionally just to get a break

13% have pretended to be using their phone to avoid interacting with people around them

36% of smartphone owners have been frustrated by slow download times, and 34% have had trouble doing

something recently because they didn’t have their phone

Based on May 2011 Pew Internet Tracking Survey

25% of smartphone owners say that they use their phone for most of their online



Some do so out of convenience, some out of necessity:

84% of these “cell mostly” users own a desktop or laptop computer, but 32%

lack high-speed access at home

Within the smartphone universe, “cell mostly” internet users skew young,

non-white, and low income/education

Cutting the Internet Cord

Based on May 2011 Pew Internet Tracking Survey

77% use their tablet every day

Users spend an average of 1 hour, 35 minutes on their device daily

53% get news on their tablet daily


Other common daily activities:

Email (54%)

Social Networks (39%)

Games (30%)

Read Books (17%)

Watch Videos (13%)

Focus on Tablet Users

Based on 2011 Pew Research tablet user panel surveys

Information purveyors can…

Provide people with direct access to the information that is most important to them

Provide timely information when and where people need it most

Make their information portable

Operate in a 24/7 world, be constantly connected

Connect their information to real-world places

Create opportunities for information immersion and augmented realities

You can be a…Filter

CuratorNode in a NetworkCommunity Builder

LifesaverTour Guide

What does all of this mean for YOU?

Aaron W. SmithSenior Research Specialist

Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project

[email protected]

Twitter: @pewinternet


All data available at