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Secret s of the Psalms

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Secrets of

the Psalms

By Akinniyi Adebayo





Copyright © 2018

All righrs reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, wirhout permission in written form from the publisher.




Psalm for woman who is pregnant-----------9Psalm for dangerous confinement ................9Psalm for danger at sea or storm ................10Psalm for severe headache or backache 10Psalm for luck ...........................................................10Psalm for court cases ............................11Psalm to heal diseases of the eyes .........12Psalm for cross condition and to overcome enemies plotting against you 12Psalm to be successful in business Psalm to cure male childrenPsalm to overcome an evil spiritPsalm to overcome fear and stop persecutionPsalm to overcome persecuting influences Psalm to protect from bodily sufferings and unnatural death Psalm to become free from slander and mistrustPsalm against insanity or melancholy moods Psalm to find out name of robbersPsalm to turn sorrow into joy Psalm to keep secure from all evil Psalm if you are about to be attackedPsalm for a protracted and dangerous confinementPsalm to become free from danger and suffering Psalm for danger at seaPsalm to keep all misfortune Psalm to receive instruction or through a dream or vision Psalm to escape danger of floodsPsalm for someone to undergo severe imprisonmentPsalm to receive hospitalityPsalm to become reconciled with your enemy Psalm to cast out an evil spirit Psalm to be safe from all evil occurrences Psalm to escape vexation Psalm to receive grace, love and mercy Psalm to keep children alivePsalm to have high people receive you favorably Psalm for a law suit



Psalm against all libelPsalm for anyone who drank too much Psalm if the law is taking measures to punish you Psalm to free yourself from evil spirits Psalm if enemies have made you lose money and have caused youto be mistrustedPsalm to become safe from enemiesPsalm for making up between man and wifePsalm to make yourself be believed by your fellowmen.Psalm to overcome fever in a member of your familyPsalm to receive good after committing a heavy sinPsalm to free yourself from slanderPsalm to revenge yourself from secret enemies Psalm to free yourself from the influence of passion Psalm to make yourself fortunate in any of your undertakings Psalm to prevent harm when a vicious dog attacks youPsalm to make yourself safe from being possessed with evil. Psalm to make soldiers safe from injury Psalm to make your home luckyPsalm to receive holy blessingsPsalm to overcome trouble, and loss from business partnersPsalm for those travelling at sea, to make themselves safe and free from all accidents Psalm to become fortunate in all undertakingsPsalm when possessed with an evil spirit Psalm for severe imprisonment and fever caused by evil influencePsalm to free yourself from the slavery of sensuousness and to conquer enemies Psalm to receive power liberating one from prison Psalm to make yourself forever safe from poverty





PSALM ONE: - When a woman is pregnant and fears a premature delivery or a dangerous confinement, she should write or cause to be writte n on a piece of parchment prepared from the pure s kin of a deer, the three first verses of the above Psalm, together with the hi dde n holy na me and appropriate prayer contained herein, and pl ace it in a small bag made ex pressly for that purpose, and suspend it by a stri ng about the neck, so that the bag will rest against her body.

The holy na me is called Ee l Ch ad, which signifies, great, strong, only G od, and is taken from the four foll owing words: Aschre, verse 1; Lo, verse 4; Ja tz l i ach, ve rse 3;1Vederec h, ve rse 6.



The praye r is as fol lows:

May it please thee, 0, Ee l Ch ad, to grant unto this woman, N., daughter of R. , that she may not at this ti me, or at any othe r ti me, have a p rem ature conf inement; much more grant unto her a truly fortu nate de l ive ry, and kee p he r and the fruit of he r body in good he alth. Amen! Se lah!


PSALM 2. - Shou ld you be ex posed to danger in a storm at se a, and you r li fe threate ned, then re ci te this Psalm without de lay and with becom ing reve r en ce, and think re s pectfully of the holiest name contai ned the rein, na mely Scadde i (wh ich me an s, mighty God), then im med iate ly utter the praye r belonging thereto, ane r which write everything togethe r on a fragment of a pot,and in full confiden ce in the Omni potent, who f ixe s the bou ndary of the se aand re strains its powe r, th row it into the foaming waves, and you will seemarvel ous wonders, for the waves will in sta ntly cease their roa ring and thestorm will be lul led. The words, the le tte rs of which consti tute this holy name, a re take n fromRageschu, ve rse 1; Nosseu, ve rse 2; and J oses, ve rse 9.

The p ra ye r is as follows: " Let it be , Oh, Schadei! (Almighty G od!) Thy holy will, that t he raging of the storm and the roaring of the waves may cease, and that the proud bil lows may be the pl ace of our de sti nation in safety and in good time sti l led. Le ad us, Oh, all merc iful Father, to he al th, for only wi th Thee is powe r and might. Thou al one canst he l p, thus Thou wilt su rely he lp to the honor and glory of Thy name. A men! Se lah!

This Psa lm is also an effectual re medy aga in st a raging headache. The di rection is as fol lows: Wri te the first ei ght ve rses of th is Psa lm together with the holy name and appropriate prayer, upon pu re parchment, and hang it upon the neck of the patient; the n pray ove r him the Psa lm with the prayer arranged for it. Do this in hum ble devot ion, and the su ffe rer will be re l ie ved.



PSALM 3. - Whosoe ve r is su bject to seve re he adache and backache, let him pray this Psa l m, with the lead ing holy names and appropri ate prayer con ta ined the rein, ove r a small quantity of ol ive oil, anoint the head or back while in the act of prayer. This will afford im med iate re l ief. The holy name i s, Adon (Lord), and is fou nd in the words, Weatta, ve rse 3; Baadi, verse 3; He ki zoti, ve rse 5; and Hasc heini, ve rse 7. T he prayer is as fol lows: Adon (Lord) of the world may it please thee to be my phys ician and he l per. Heal me and re l ie ve me from my seve re he adache and backache, be cause I can find he lp only with T hee, ana only with T hee is cou n sel and action to be fou nd. Amen! - Sela h- Se lah!


PSALM 4.- I f you have bee n un lucky hithe rto, in spite of every effort, then you shou ld pray this Psalm three times be fore the risin g of the Sun, with



hum il i ty and devotion, while at the same time you shou ld i mpress upon your mi nd its ru l i ng holy na me, and each time the app rop riate p rayer, trusting in th e help of the mighty lord, without whose will not the least cr eature can perish. Proceed in person to extricate your contemplated un dertaki ng, and all things will resu lt to your entire satisfaction.

The holy na me is cal led: Jiheje, (He is and will be), and is composed of the four letters of the words. Tepp i l la nti, verse 2; Selahfi, verse 5; Jehovah, ver se 5; and Tosch iwen i, verse 9; the p ray er is as foll ows: May it pl ease Thee, oh J iheje, to p rosper my ways, steps, and doi ngs. G rant that my desire may be amp ly fulfil led, and let my wi shes be satisfied even th is day, for the sake of Thy great, mighty and p raiseworthy name. Amen! - Selah!

If you wish to accompli sh an undertak-i-ng by or throu gh another, pro ceed in all thi ngs as al ready stated above, with this exception: you must ch ange the prayer as fol lows: let me find gr ace, favor and mercy in the ey es of N., son of R., so that he may gr ant my petition, etc.

Again, if you have a cause to bring before high magi strates or pr inces, you must pray this Psa lm and the closing pray er arr anged for it, seven times in succession before the rising of the sun.


I must be p ermitted in this p l ace to insert an other cautio n . When it is N., son or daug hter of N., it must be understood that we must fi rst mention the name of the person by whom we wish to be served, and afterward the name of his mother, as, for examp le, Isaac, son of Sarah, or Di nah, dau ghter of lea h.


PSALM 5. - I f you have busi ness to tran sact wi th your magi strates or with your pr inces, and desire to obta in their sp ecial favor, then pray this Psalm early at the rising of the sun and in the evening at su nset. Do this three times over pu re ol ive oil, while at the same time you think un ceas ingly, upon the holy name of Chananjah (merc iful God), anoint your face, hands and feet with the oil and say: Be merc iful unto me, for the sake of Thy great, adorable and holy name.


Chananjah, turn the heart of my prince to me, and gr ant that he may regard me wi th grace. Ame n! - Selah !-

The holy name is fou nd i n the words; Ch apez, verse 5; Nechini, verse 9; Nechona, ver se 10; Hadi chemo, verse 1 2; and Kazi nna, verse 14 .Stil l another pecu l i arity of this Psa lm is, when you fin d notwithsta ndin g the utmost indu stry and case, your business does not p rosper, and you have reason to fear that an evi l star, sp irit or destiny is opp osing you, then pr ay this Psalm daily, even to the last verse with great devoutness, and you will soon·find yourself in more favourable c ircumstances.




PSALM 6. - With this Psa lm all di seases of the eye may be healed. Read the Psa lm for three days successively, and pray the prescri bed prayer seven t imes slowly in a low tone, and with devot ion, and with this keep contin ually in you r mi nd the holy name of Ja schaj ah (which means help is with the Lord); be lieve w ithout a doubt th at the Lord can and will help you . The prayer is asfollows: Jehovah, my Father, may it please Thee, for the sake of the great, mi ghty, holy and adorable name, J eschajah Baal H ats chna, th at is, Help is with t he Lord (for he is t he Lord of he lp, he can help), which name is con tai ned in this Psalm, heal me from my di seases, infirm it ies, and from pa in of my eyes, for th ine is t he power and the help, and thou al one a rt mi ghty enough to help; of this I am certain, and t herefore I t ru st in thee. Amen! Selah!-

Fu rther it is said: If a trave ler encounters da nger by land or sea, he shall, when there is no ot her help to hope for, pray this Psalm seven t i mes, and each ti me, with full confidence, in the mi ghty and su re help of the Alm ighty, and add thereto: J eschajan, Lord of help! m�y it be thy holy will and pleasure to assist me in this ext rem ity and to avert this da nger from me. Hear me for t he sake of t hy great and most holy name, for th ine is the power and the help.·Amen! - Selah! -

The five letters of this holy name contain , accord ing to the prayer the words; Je hova h al, verse 2; Schuba, verse 6; Osc hesc ha, verse 8; Bewos hn and Vej ibbahaln, verse 1 1 .

PSALM FOR CROSSED CONDITION AND TO OVERCOME ENEMIES PLOTTING AGAINST YOUPSALM 7. - When evi l persons conspire to render you un fortun ate, if your enemies watch for an opportun ity to overthrow you, if they pu rsue you in order to harm you, t hen upon t he spot pray this Psa lm and keep in you r mi nd the holy name of Eel E l i jon, great, strong, highest God! then throw the dust in the di rect ion of your enem ies, uttering a prayer prescribed for this case, and you will find that you r enem ies will cease their persecut ions and leave you undi stu rbed. The l etters of the holy name are fou nd in the words: Aisher, verse 1 , Ode, verse 1 8, (accord ing to the order of AI, bam, and t he letters verse7; J adin, verse 9; Jash uf, \terse 1 3; E l ijon, verse 18).



The prayer is as follows: Oh, Eel Sl i jon! great, st rong, and hi ghest God! may it please thee to ch ange the hearts of my enem ies and opposers, that they may do me good in stead of ev il, as thou did st in the days of Abraham when he cal led upon Thee by thi s holy name. (Gen. xiv. 22.) Amen! - Selah! -

If you have incu rred the i l l-w ill of an enemy, whose cunn ing power and vengeance you have reason to fear, you shou ld fill a pot with fresh water, and pronounce over it t he twelve last verses of this Psalm, namely the words: "Ari se, Jehova h! in thy wrath!" Pronounce these four ti mes, and at the same ti me think of the holy name of Eel E l i jon, and of your enemy, and pray each ti me. "H umble and overth row, O h! Eel El i jon, mine enemy, N., son of R., th at



he may not have the power to provoke or to injure me." Amen! After this prayer, pour the water upon a spot at your enemy's res iden ce, or at a place where he mu st pass over it, and by doing this you will overcome him.

If you have a case to decide before the court, and you have reasons to fea r an unfavora ble or partial verd i ct, then pray this Psa lm sl owly before you appear in the presence of t he J udge, th ink ing at the same ti me of Eel El i jon and of t he righteousness of you r cau se, and as you approach the ju dge pray as fol lows: Oh, Eel E l ijon! turn thou t he heart of the judge to favor my best i nterests and grant that I may be fully ju stified when I depart. G ive unto my words power and strength and let me find favor. Amen! - Sel ah! -


PSALM 8. -I f you wish to secure the love and good will of all men in you r busi ness transact ions, you shou ld pray this Psalm three days in su ccess ion after su ndown, and think conti nually of the Holy name of Rechmial, which signif ies great and strong G od of love, of grace and mercy. Pronounce at each time the appropriate prayer over a sma ll qu ant ity of ol ive oil, and anoint the face as we ll as the hands and feet. The letters, composing the holy name are found in the words: Add ir, verse 2; Ja rea ch, verse 4; Adam, verse 5; Melohim, verse 6; Tanischi lenu, verse 7. The prayer reads as follows: May it please thee, Oh, Rec hmial Eel, to grant th at I may obt ain love, grace and favou r in t he eyes of men acc� rd ing to thy holy will. Ame n! - Selah !-


PSALM 9. - The pri ncipal att ri bute of this Psa lm according to the precept is, that it is an unfail ing remedy in the restorat ion of male chi ldren, who are feeb le in healt h, when no medicines and help are at hand. This Psalm should also be prayed against the power and mal ignity of enemies. In the fi rst in st ance write this Psalm, with its holy name, upon pure parchment, with a new pen, and hang it around the pat ient's neck. Afterwards repeat the prayer w ith reverence, and think at t he same ti me of the holy name of E heje Aischu E heje, th at is, I am he that will be, and utter the following prayer: All merciful Fat her! for the sake of t hy mig hty adorable and holy name, E heje AischerE heje, may it please t hee to take away from N., son of R., the illness (here



name the di sease} from which he suffers, and reli eve him from his pa ins. Make him whole in sou l, body and mi nd, and release him during his l ife fromall pl agues, injury and da nger, and be thou his helper. Amen.

In the second case repeat this Psa lm and pray devout ly: May it be agree able to thy will for thy sake of t he most holy name E heje Aisher E heje, to re lease me from the power of my enem ies and opposers, and to protect me from their persecut ions, as thou once di dst protect the Psa lm ist from th e enemies who pu rsued him. Amen!- Selah!

The letters of this holy name are in t he words: Ode, 2; Haojeff, verse 7 and verse 1 6; and in alphabeti cal order in the At Basch.




PSALM 10. - I f any one is pl agued with an unc lean, rest less and evil spi rit, l et him fil l a new earthen pot with water from the spri ng, and in the name of the pat ient, pour into it pure ol ive oil, and pronounce over it this Psalm ni ne t i mes, keep ing in mi nd consta nt ly the adorable name of Eel Mez, which means Strong God of the oppressed, and at each end in g of t he Psa lm: May it be thy most holy will, Oh, Eel Mez, to heal the body and soul of N., son of R., and free him from all his pl agues and oppress ion: wilt thou strengthen him in sou l and body and del iver him from ev il. Amen!- Sel ah -The holy name may be found in the words: Alah, verse 6; Lamma, An awin, verse 1 6; and Hassez, verse 1 7 .


PSALM 11 . - Whoever prays this Psa lm daily with feelin gs of devot ion •. and w ith it keeps constantly in mi nd the holy name of Pele, th at is, Wonderful, and who bes ides utters a suitable prayer to God; he will be safe from all · persecuti on, and will not have any great ev il to fear.

The holy name is in the words: Ofel, verse 2; Paa l, verse 3; and Adam. The closing prayer may be as fol lows: Ad orable, mi ghty and holy God Pele: w ith thee is advi ce, act ion and power, and only thou canst work wonders. Turn away from me all t hat is ev il, an'd protect me from the persec ut ion of evi l men, for t he sake of the G reat name Pele. Amen - Selah.


PSALM 1 2 .- This Psa lm possesses si mil ar power, act i on and worth as the foregoi ng, The holy name is Ai neel, which means Strong G od! my Fat her! and is fou nd in the words of the si xth verse of Ewjon im, Akum Lo. The prayer is as fol lows: Alm ighty Father, my God Ain eel ! grant that all conspiracies aga in st me may be set at naught; turn away from me all da nger and inju ry, and thine is the kin gdom and the power. Amen - Sela h!



PSALM TO PROTECT FROM BODILY SUF FERINGS AND UNNATURAL DEATH'PSALM 13.- Whoever prays the Psa lm daily with devotion, together with the proper prayer belong ing thereto, and th inks at the same ti me of the powerful name of E ss ie!, that is, My help is the mi ghty God, will be safe for the next twenty-four hours from an un natural deat h and from all bod i l y sufferings and punish ments. The prayer is as follows: Protect me accord ing to t hy good will and pleasure from viol ent, sudden and un natural death, and from all ot her evi l acc idents and severe bod i ly affl ict ions, for thou a rt my help and my God, and th ine is the power and t he gl ory. Amen - Sela h!

Accord ing to trad it i on this Psa lm is atso a good cure for da ngerous and pa inful di seases of the eyes. The pat ient mu st procure a plant th at is good for the eyes, and with this mu st pray this Psalm w ith a suitable prayer, t rust i ng



firmly in the certa in help of the mi ghty Ess ie!, and then bind the plant upon h is eyes . The letters compos i ng this holy name are conta ined in the words: Ez oth, verse 3; M ismor, verse 1; J arum, verse 3; Aneni, verse 4; Ojewi, verse 5; and Jagel, verse 6.

Ed itor's Note: E yebright herb is cons idered very good for the eyes when washed wi th a weak tea made of it.


PSALM 14 .- Whos o prays th is Ps alm in childli ke faith and trust in the most holy name, Eel enu net, that is, the true God, or God of Truth, and prays the prayer belonging to it dai ly, will find favor wi th all men, and will be free from sl ander and m istrust. The prayer is as fo ll ows : "May it please thee, Oh! Eel sum met, to grant me grace, love and favor with all men whose help I need. G rant, that all may bel ieve my words, and that no sl ander may be effective against me to take away the confidence of men. Thou canst do this, for thou turnest the hea rts of men according to thy holy will, and l i a rs and sl anderers are an abom ination to thee. Hear me for the sake of thy name. Amen - Sela h! The letters com posi�g this holy name are fou nd in the words E lohim, verse 1; Mask iel, verse 2; Ec had, verse 3; Ammi, verse 4; and Azai, verse 6.


PSALM 1 5 .- Aga i nst the presence of an evil sp i rit, i nsanity and melancholy, pray this Ps alm wi th the prayer bel onging to it, and the holy name I ali wh ich means: My Lord ! or the Lord, too, is mine, over a new pot fi l led with wel l water that was drawn for this express purpose and with th is water bathe the body of the patient. The prayer which must be repeated during the process of wash ing is as fol lows : May it be thy will, 0 G od, to restore N, son of R., who has been robbed of h is senses, and is grievous ly pl agued by the devil, and enl ighten h is mi nd for the sake of thy holy name l ali. Amen - Selah!

The three letters of this holy name are fou nd in the words: J agu r, verse 1 ; Raga l, verse 3, and J i mmont, verse 5. He who otherwise prays this Ps alm with reverence will be generall y



'received wi th great favor.

PSALM TO FIND OUT NAME OF RO BBER PSALM TO TURN SORROW INTO JOYPSALM 1 6.- Th is Ps alm is important and can be prof itably employed in different undertaki ngs. As for exam ple, 1s t. If any one has been robbed, he m ust proceed as follows : Take mud or sl ime and sand out of a strea m, mix them together, then write the names of all suspected persons upon small sli psof paper and apply the mixture on the reverse si de of the sli ps; afterwa rds lay them in a large and clean bas in, fil led for this pu rpose wi th fres h water from the strea m - lay them in the water one by one, and at the same time pray this Ps alm over them ten ti m es wi th the prayer ada pted to it keeping in mi nd at



the same time the name of Caar, that is, living, which name is to be fou nd in the words of sixth verse, as fol lows: Chabali m, and Alei, and if the name of the rea l th ief is written upon the slip, that upon which his name is written will rise to the su rface. The prayer is as fol lows: let it be thy will, Eel, Caar, the living Cod to make known the name of the th ief, who stole from me (here name th at which was stolen). Cod grant that the name of the thil'!f. if it is among the na mes, may arise before thy eyes, and thus be made known to mine an d all others who are present, that thy name may be gl orif ied: grant it for the sake of thy holy name. Amen - Selah!

2. Whoever prays this Psa lm daily with reverence, and in childl ike tru st u pon the eternal love and goodness of Cod, directed to circumstances, will have all his sorrows cha nged in to joy.

Fin al ly, itls said, that the daily praying of this Psa lm will cha- nge ene- mies into friends, and will disperse all pa in and sorrow.


PSALM 1 7 .- A traveler, who prays this Psalm the proper prayer, in the name of Ja h, will be secu re from all evi l for twenty-four hours. Rise early in the morni ng, with vigor, together with prayer as fo l lows: May it be thy holy will, Oh Ja h, J enora, to make my jou rney prosperous to lead me in pleasant paths, to protect me from all ev il, and to bring me safely back to my loved ones, for thy mi ghty and adorable name' s sake. Amen.

The two letters of the holy name J ah are taken from the words Shodd ini, verse 9; and Mirmal, verse 1 .






PSALM 1 8. - I f robbers are abou t to attack you, pray this Psalm qu ickly bu t fervently, with the prayer belonging to it, with confidence in the ho liest name of Eel J ah, that is, mighty, al l-merciful and compassionate G od, the robberswill leave you su dden ly, without infl icting the sl ightest injury upon you. The letters necessary to make the holy name of G od ar e conta ined in the words, Ais her, verse 1 ; Shoal, verse 1; Tamin, verse 33, and Haol, verse 47.

The prayer is the fol lowi n g: "Mighty, al l-merc ifu l and compassionate God, Eel Ja h! may it be pleasing to thy most holy will, to defend me agai nst approaching robbers, and protect me agai nst all enem ies, opposers and evil ci rcu mstan ces, for th ine is the power and thou canst help. Hear me for the sake of thy most holy na me, Eel Ja h. Amen- Selah ! -

Is there a sick person with you, with whom the u sual bn di ly remedies have fai led, fil l a small fl ask with ol ive oil and water pronou nc e over it, with reverence, the eighteenth Psa lm, anoint the limbs of the patient, and pray a su ita ble prayer in the name of Eel J ah, and he will soon recover.


PSALM 19 . - Du ring a protracted and dangerous confinement take earth from a crossroad, write upon it the five first verses of this Psalm, and lay it upon the abdomen of the parturient; al low it to rem ain until the birth is accompl ished, bu t no longer, and in the meantime pray this entire Psalm seven ti mes in su ccess ion, with the proper holy name of God and the appro pri ate prayer. The holy name of this Psalm cons ists of two letters from the most holy name Je hovah. He, which, accord ing to the trad ition of the Ka ba l i sts, are of great power, and which em brace the so- cal led ten Sepiroth or reckonings, and other deep mysteries.

The prayer is as fol lows: lord of heaven and earth ! May it pl ease thee graciously to be wi th th is parturient, N., d aughter of R., who is f luctuating between l ife and death; amel iorate her su fferi ngs, and help her and the fruit of her body that she may soon be delivered. Keep




her and her child in perfect health and grant her l ife, for the sake of the holy name, He. Amen. - Selah! -

Do you desire you r son to possess an open and broad heart, so that he may become an apt student and understand th e lessons pl aced before him read i l y, then speak th is Psa lm over a cu p fil led with wine and honey, pro nounce al so the holy name and an ap propriate prayer over it, and let the lad drink of it, and you r desires will be rea l i zed.

Final ly, it is claimed that this Psalm is effectual in driving away evil spirits. It is necessary, however, to pray this Psalm, wi th the holy name and an appropriate prayer seven times over the person possessed of the evil spirit. The letters of the name He are conta ined in the words Hashamaijim , verse 2and Begoa li, verse 6.




PSALM 20. -M ix in a vessel, rose-o il, water and salt, pray ove r it seven ti mes in the most holy name Je ho, this Psa lm and a su itable prayer, in a low voice and with reve rence, then anoint with this oil your face and hands and sprinkle it on your clothi ng, and you will rem ain f ree from all da nger and suffer ing for that day.

Are you sum moned to appear before the ju dge in person, in a judicial trial, you shou ld ava il you rself of the above means shortly beforehand, and by so doing you will surely be ju stif ied and depart without restra int. The prayer in the last case is as follows: Lord and judge of all the Worl d! Thouholdest the heartso f all men in thy power and movest them according to thyholy will; grant that I may find grace and favor in the sight of my ju dges and those pl aced above me in power, and di spose their hearts to my best i nterests. G rant that I may be favo red with a reasonable and favora ble verd ict,that I may be ju stified by it, and that I may freely go f rom hence. Hear me,merciful beloved Father, and fu lfill my desi re, for the sake of thy great andadorable name, Jeho. Ame n. - Sela h! -

The letters of the holy name J eho are conta ined in the words: Asnah, verse 2; Sela, verse 4; and Korem, verse 10.


PSALM 21 . - During an existing storm at sea, when there is danger at hand, mix rose-o il, water, salt and resin, pronounce over it slow ly this Psalm, and the holy name J eaen, and then pou r the consecrated salve into the foam ing sea while uttering the following prayer: Lord of the world! Thou ru lest the pride of the foaming and roa ring sea, and cal mest the terr ible noise of the waves. May it please thee, for the sake of thy most holy name Jehach, to calm the storm, and to del iver us mercifu l ly from this danger. Amen- Sela h!-



The letters of this holy name a re contained in the words: Jehovah, verse2; Duma, verse 1 4; and Ki, verse 1 3 .

If you have a petition to present to the ki ng, or to some other person in high power, pronou nce this Psa lm over a mixture of ol ive oil and resin, and at the same ti me th ink of the holy name of J ehach, anoint your face, and prar in faith and in conf idence a prayer su itable to your circumstances, and then you may comfort yourself wi th the assurance that you will be favora bly received and receive grace.


PSALM 22. -If a trave ler prays this Psa lm seven ti mes dai ly, with the ap pro priate divine na me, Aha, and a prayer arranged accord ing to su rrou nding ci rcumstan ces, in full trust in the mighty protection of ou r exa lted and most merc iful God, no misfortu ne will ha ppen to him. Should he travel by water neither pirates nor storms can harm him, and if he trave ls by land he will be safe from harm, by beasts and men.



The letters of this holy name are fou nd in the words: E li, verse 2; Assab, verse 33.

PSALM TO RECEIVE INSTRUCTION OR IN FORMATION THROUGH A DREAM OR VISIONPSALM 23. - Should you desire to receive re li able in structions in regard to som ethi ng through a vision or in a dream, then pu rify you rself by fasting and bathing, pronounce the Psa lm with the holy name Jah seven ti mes, and pray at the end of each r� eti tion. Lord of the World! notwithstandin g thy unu t terable mighty power, exal tation and gl ory, thou wi lt sti l l lend a listeni ng ear to the prayer of thy humb lest creature, and wi lt ful fil his desi res. Hear my prayer al so, loving Father, and let it be pl easing to thy most holy wi ll to reveal unto me in a dream, whether (here the affair of which a correct kn owledge is desi red must be pl ai nly stated) as thou didst often revea l through dreams the fate of our forefathers. G rant me my peti tion for the sake of thy adorable na me, Ja h. Amen - Sela h! -

The letters of the holy name Ja h, contain the words: Jehova h, verse 1 ; Na pschi, verse 3; and accordi ng to the alphabetical order Aasch Bechar, accordi ng to which the letters He and Nun become transposed.


PSALMS 24 and 25. - Al though the contents of these two Psalms differ mate ri ally in respect to thei r mystical uses, they are equal and a like in power and action. Whoever repeats these Psa lms dai ly in the morni ng wi th feelings of devotion, wi l l esc ape from the greatest danger, and the devastating flood wi l l not harm him. The holy name is cal led E li, and is fou nd in the words of the twenty-fi fth

Psa lm; E lecha, verse 1; Lemaa n, ' verse 11 , and Mi, verse 1 2 .

PSALM FOR SOMEONE WHO IS TO UNDERGO SEVERE IM PRISONMENTPSALM 26.- When im mi nent dangers threaten, whether by land or by water, or some one should be cal led upon to undergo severe imp risonmel'"!t, he shou ld pr ay this Psa lm with the in dicated holy name of E l ohe, and with an ap propri ate prayer, and then he may confidently look forward to an early re lease from prison.



You wi l l find the letters of this holy name in the words: Aisher, verse 1 0; Li schmoa, verse 7; Lo, verse 4 (after the order of At Basc h), and Chattai m, verse 9.


PSALM 27. - I f you wi sh to be we ll and ki ndly received in a strange city, and desi re to be hospitably entertai ned, repeat this Psa lm upon your jou rney again and again, wi th reverence, and in full confidence that G od wi ll dispose the hea rts of men to receive and en tertai n you ki ndly.




Si nce the author has neither a holy name nor prayer for the above Psalm, it may be presu med that the frequent repetition of the Psa lm is su ffi ci ent for all pu rposes intended .


PSALM 28. - Do you wish you r enemy to become reconci led to you ? Pro nounce this Psalm, with the appropriate holy name Aile, and a su itable prayer trusting in the power and read iness of the G reat Ru ler of hearts, and so, you r wish wi l l be fu l ly rea lized.

The two letters of this holy name are conta in ed in ,the words: Ledavid, verse 1; and Al laolam, according to the order of At Basch.


PSALM 29. - This Psa lm is highly recommended for casting out an evi l spi rit. The manner of proceedi ng is as fol lows: Take seven spli nters of the osier and seven leaves of a date palm that never bore f rui t, place them in a pot filled· with water upon w hich the sun never shone, and repeat over it in the evening, this Psa lm with the most holy name of Aha, ten times with great reverence; and then in fu l l tru st in the power of G od, set the pot u pon the earth in the open air, and let it rem ain there until the fol lowi ng evenin g. Afterwards pou r the whole of it, at the door of the possessed, and the Ru ach Roah, that is, the evil spi rit, will su rely depart.

The two letters of this holy name are contained in the words Jehovah, verse 11 , and accord ing to the alphabetical order cal led A jack Bechar and Ha bre, verse 2.

REMARKS BY THE TRANSLATORWi th this Psa lm also there is no pres cri bed prayer given.




PSALM 30. - Whoever prays this Psa lm dai ly, shall be safe from all evil oc currences. The holy name is Eel, and may be found in the words: Aromi mdha, verse 2; and Lemaan, verse 12 .

BY THE TRANSLATORT his Psa lm and the fol lowing are also wi thout a prescribed prayer.


PSALM 31 .- Woul d you escape sla nders, and are you des irou s that ev il tongues may do you no harm or cause you vexation, repeat this Psalm in a low voice, wi th commendable devot ion, over a sm all qu an tity of pu re oi l, and anoint you r face and hands wi th it in the name of J a h.



The l etters constituting this holy name are fou nd in the words: Pa lteni, verse 2, and Hamm esachlim, verse 22.

REMARK: The transl ator regards it necessary to remark once for all, that prayers espec ially ada pted to these as we ll as many of the fol lowing Psa lms are wanti ng, and that the au thor undoubted ly thought that the prayers al ready given wou ld enable each one to extemporize a su itable prayer. This presum ption is the more probable, si nce we find further on in the work, thatthe au thor exhorts all to engage in prayer to God, without pesc ribing anyparticul ar form. An other.-<: ircum stance, however, rel ated to the holy na mes, and if these are wanting it was so ordered by the ancient Kabal ists, and onthis accou nt it shou ld be particu la rly noted at all times.


PSALM 32. - Whoever prays this Psa lm daily receives grace, love and mercy. With this Psalm will be found nei ther holy name nor prayer.


PSALM 33. - Have you been unfortu nate in respect to the constant death of your chi ldren at birth, pronounce this Psa lm with the hol iest name Jehovah, over pure ol ive oil and anoint you r wife, therewith, and the children born to you thereafter will l ive.

At the time of a general fami ne, the inhabitants of the afflicted district should pray this Psa lm with un ited hearts and powers, and they will surely be heard .

The Letters of this holy name you will find in Lajehovah, verse 2, Hodu, verse 3, Azath, verse 9, and Hejozer, verse 1 4.


PSALM 34. - Have you resolved to visit a prince or another person high in authority, pronou nce this Psalm and the Holy name Pele, that is, Wonderful, briefly before appearing in their presence and you will be received pleasantly and find favor.



The letters of this holy name are fou nd in the words, Paude, verse 23; Lifue, verse 1 , and Kara, verse 7.

E ven so this Psa lm is hi ghy recommended to each traveler, for if he prays it dil i gently he will surely fini sh his jou rney in safety.

PSALM FOR A LAWSUITPSALM 35. - H ave you a laws uit pending in which you are opposed by unrighteous, revengeful and quarrelsome people, then pray this Psa lm with itsIholy name ja h, early in the morn ing for three su ccess ive days, and you will su rely win your ca-se.



The letters compos ing this holy name are conta in ed in the words, Lochmi, verse 1; and in Wez inn a verse 2.


PSALM 36. - Agai nst all ev i l and sl anderous l ibels pray this Ps alm, and they will cause you no inju ry. The holy name of this Psa lm is fou nd in the words: Arven, verse 6; Mischpatecha, verse 7; Tehom, verse 7.


PSALM 37. -I f any one has drunken so much wine as to lose his reason, and in consequen ce fears are enterta ined for his safety, then quickly pou r water into a pitcher, pronounce this Psalm over it and bathe his head and face with the consec rated water, and give him also to drink of it.


PSALM 38 and 39. - I f you have been so much slandered that the king and the off icers of the law have been turned agai nst you, and are ta king measures to punish you, arise early, at the break of day and go out into the fields. Pray these Psa lms and their holy name seven times with great devotion, and fast the entire day.

The holy name of the first Psalm is Aha, and of the seco nd He, taken from the words Ha scha, verse 1 4; and Amarti, verse 2.


PSALM 40. - The pri ncipal characteristics of this Psa lm is that, by its use, we can free ou rselves from ev il spi rits, if we pray it dai ly.The holy name is Ja h, and is found in the words: Schauaiti, verse 2, andChusc ha, verse 14 .




PSALMS 41 and 43. - I f you r enem ies have despoiled you of cred it and cau sed you to be mi strusted, and thereby reduce your earni ngs, or perhaps deprive you of your off ice and in stalled another in your pl ace, you should pray these three times a day for three successive days, together with a prayer that is appropri ate to your circu mstan ces, and by doing this you will perceive in cred ible thi ngs. Your enemies will be put to shame and you will be un scathed.

The 42nd Psa lm possesses th is pecul iar characteristic. If you wish to be sure in regard to a certa in cause, and desire to obta in information through a dream, you must fast one day and shortly before retiring to rest you must pray this Psa lm and the holy name Zawa, (which means Lord of H osts) -



bel onging to the Psa lm, seven- ti mes, making known you r desires, each ti me, in an appropri ate prayer in which your wishes shou ld be plainly na med.


PSALM 44. - I f you wish to be safe f rom your enemies the freq uent praying of this Psa, lm will, it is said, answer you r expectations.


PSALMS 45 and 46.- These two Psalms are said to possess the virtue of making peace between man and wife, and, espec ial ly, to tame cross wives. The say ing is namely: Whoever has a scoldin g wife, let him pronou nce the45th Psa lm over pu re ol ive oil, and anoint his body wi th it, when his wi fe, in the future w il l be more lovable and friendly. But if a man has in nocently· incurred the enm ity of his wife, and desi res a proper return of conjugal love and peace, let him pray the 46th Psalm over ol ive oil, and anoint his wife thorou ghly wi th it, and, it is said, married love will aga in retu rn.The holy name· is Adojah, (this name is com posed of the first sy lla bl es of·the two most holy names of G od, Adonai and Jehovah).

The letters are in the words: E lohim, verse 2; Meod, verse 2; Jehovah verse 8, and Sela, verse 1 2 .


PSALM 47 . - Do you wish to be beloved, respected and wel l received by all your fel low- men, pray this Psa lm seven times daily.


PSALM 48. - I f you have many enemies without cause, who hate you out of pure envy, pray this Psa lm often, and with it think of the holy name Sach which means Pure, Cl ear and Transparent, and your



enemies will be sei zed with fear, terror, and anxiety, and in the future they will no more attempt to injure you.

The letters of the holy name are to be fou nd in the words: Achasatam, verse 7, and Ki, verse 1 4.


PSALMS 49 and 50. -I s one of you r fam il y burde ned with a severe and perhaps incurable fever, then take a new pen and ink prepared for this pu r pose, and write the 49th Psa lm and the first six verses of the 50th Psalm, together wi th the appropriate holy name Schadd i, which signif ies Al mi ghty, and which belongs to these Psal ms, upon pure parchment prepared for this particular case, and hang it arou nd the patie nt's neck with a si lken string.

The letters com pos ing the divin e na me, Schaddei can be fou nd in the words of the 49th Psalm, Schi mm a, verse 1; Adaw, verse 3, and Wi kas, verse 8.




(Shou ld some one choose to write and wear ta l i sman such as is descri bed on page 23, we wou ld k i ndly advise him to procure parchment, ink and pen from a J ewish writer of the ten com mand ments).

It is asserted that whosoever wears the 50th Psa lm, written as above descri bed, upon his person, will be safe from all da nger, and escape from all ·the machi nations of robbers.

The holy name is Chai, which signif ies, Livi ng, and the letters are ta ken from the words: Sewach, verse 5; and Anoc hi, verse 7.


PSALM 51 . - I s any one troubled with an anxious and restless conscious on accou nt of the commission of a heavy sin, then let him pronou nce this Psalm with the word Dam connected with it in the min d, three ti mes a day, nam ely, early at noon and in the even ing over poppy-o il, and at the same time utter a prayer su itable to the occas ion in which the ev il deed mu st be menti oned in deep humility and sorrow, which must be obta ined from the just yet merciful J udge of all men through a contrite heart, then let him anoint hi mself with the consecrated oi l over the body, and he will find in a few days that he has found grace and that the heavy burden has been removed.

The letters of the word Dam, through the transposition of the B and M in the words Parim, verse 20, and Bebo, verse 2, are taken accord ing to the order of the al phabet, AI Bam, in which the B is taken for M.


PSALM 52. - He who is so unfortunate as to be di sturbed through frequent sla nders is to utter this Psa lm daily in the morni ng, and no spec ial prayer or holy name is needed to obta in the benef it of the Psalm.



PSALMS TO REVENGE YOURSELF AGAINST OPEN AND SECRET ENEMIESPSALM 53 to 55. - These three Ps alms are ordained to be uttered by him who is persecuted wi thout cause by open and sec ret enem ies. If he des ires only to qu iet his enem ies, or fil l them with fear, he must daily repeat the presc ribed53rd Psa lm wi th the holy name Ai. The letters of this name are the first letters of the two bl essed names of God, Adona i, Jehovah, and are found in the words Amar. verse 2, and J i szm ach, verse 6.

If, however, he wishes not only to be secure from th eir miracle, but if he also desi res to revenge hi mself upon them, then he must repeat the 54th Psa lm with the prescri bed holy name Ja h. The·letters of this are found in the last words of this Psa lm, Eeni, and in the word lmmenu, verse 2, and in deed accordi ng to the Kabal istic ru le Gematria, in asmuch as the letter He, when it is written out signif ies six in nu mber, and in this manner may eas ily be taken for the letter Vav, whi ch, in cou nting also numbers six. Should he desire to render his enemies ev il for ev il, he shall repeat the55th Psa lm with the name Vah, which contain s both of the fi nal letters of thename J ehovah. The letters of this name are found in the words: Wattah, verse12 , and Haasi nad, verse 2.


PSALM 56. - This Psalm is recommended to him, who is desirous of freeing hi mself from the bonds of passion and of sense, and who is anxious to be delivered from the s o-cal led J ezer Horra, which means, the ev il lu sts of the desire to com mi t sin.

PSALMS TO MAKE YOURSELF FORTUNATE IN ANY OF YOUR UNDERTAKINGSPSALM 57. - Wh osoever wi shes to be fortunate in all his un dertak ings shou ld pray this Psalm daily after the morning prayer in the ch urch, and with it the holy name Chai, sign ifying Livi ng, which name he shou ld keep constantly in his mi nd. The two letters of this name are contained in the words: Chonneni, verse2, and in El ohim, verse 6.



PSALM TO PROTECT FROM HARM WHEN A VICIOUS DOG ATTACKS YOUPSALM 58. - I f you shou ld be attacked by a vicious dog, pray this Psalm qu ick ly, and the dog will not harm you.



PSALM TO MAKE YOURSELF SAFE FROM BEING POSSESSE D WIT H EVILPSALM 59. - Would you be entirely free from the J ezor Horra, that is, from the incli nation which all men possess to do ev il, and the sinful ap petites and passions which often overcome them, then pray this Psalm from the second verse to the end, for th ree days in succession, at early noon and in the eve ning, and the holy name bel onging thereto, namely Pal tioel, which sign if ies Strong God, My Rescuer and Saviour; also, pray the prescri bed prayer, and you will become aware of the most wonderful cha nges within yourself.

The prayer is as fol lows: Lord, my Father and the Father of mine, mig hty God! May it please thee for the sake of thy Great, holy and adorable name, Paltioel, to re lease me from the Jezer Ha rra (from my ev il desires and pas sions and from all ev il thoughts and acts), as thou di dst the author of th is Psalm when he prayed to thee. Ame n. - Selah!

The letters of the holy name of Pa l tioel may be fou nd in the words, Pisch ii, verse 3; E l ohim, verse 5; Ch attati, verse 3; Je hovah, verse 8; Asch ir, verse 1 5 , and Maschel, verse 14 .


PSALM 60. -I f you are a sold ier in any army, and are about ma rch ing into the field, repeat th is Psa lm, keepi ng in mind the holy name of Ja h, and at the conclusion of each repetition of the Psa lm, utter a su itable prayer in full re l i an ce upon the end less om ni potence of Hi m, who can give the victory where he will, and you will be enabled to return to your home uninj ured.

The two letters of the holy name J ah, are conta ined in the word Zarenu, verse 14, as the last word of this Psa lm, and in Lelam med, verse 1 .


PSALM 61 .- When you are about to take possession of a new dwel l i ng, re peat this Psa lm just before moving in, wi th a suitable prayer, trusting in the name of Schaddei, and you will experience bless in g and good fortune.

The letters com pos ing this name are taken from the words: Schimmu, verse 2, Ken, verse 9; and jom, the la st word of this Psa lm. It shou ld,



however, be remarked that both the la st letters are sel ected accordi ng to the al phabeti cal order of Ajack Bechar.


PSALM 62. - Speak this Psa lm wi th proper revere nce on Sun day imm ed iate ly after the evenin g prayer, and on Monday after the evenin g prayer, and on Monday after vespers, and at the same time think of the holy name lttami, which means "conceal ed, hi dden, or invisi bl e" (w hich most probably refers to the invisible G od, who covers the tran sgressions of pen itent sin ners) and utter the fol lowing prayer: G reat, mi ghty and merciful God! may it be thy holy will to pardon me all my si ns, transgressions and offe nces: wilt thou



cover them, and blot them out as thou di dst the sins and transgressi ons of him who uttered this Psa lm in thy presence, wilt thou do th is for the sake of the adorable name of l ttam i, Amen - Selah! The letters of this name may be fou nd in the words: Achi, verse 2; jeschuate, verse 2; E mot, verse 3; Leloh im, verse 6, and Leisch, verse 1 3 .

PSALM TO OVERCOME TRO U BLE AND LOSS FROM BUSINESS PARTNERSPSALM 63. -I f you have reason to bel ieve that your busi ness partners are about to take unfair advan tage of you, and that you will suffer loss through them, and if you desi re, on this account, to wi thd raw from the firm, repeat th is Psa lm, and with it th ink of the holy name, J ach, ind you will not only be able to withdraw without loss, but you will obta in further good fortune and blessi ngs.The letters of this holy name are conta ined in the words J dsjmach, verse1 1 , and J echuda, verse 1 .

PSALM FOR THOSE TRAVELLING AT SEA TO MAKE THEMSELVES SAFE AND FREE FROM ACCIDENTPSALM 64. - l n reference to this Psa lm it is only necessary to say, that seafarers who daily pray it with devotion will compl ete thei r voyage without acc ident, and reach their place of dest ination in good hea lth. As for the rest, neither holy name nor especial prayer have been consid ered necessary.


PSALM 65. - Whosoever utters this Psa lm with its appropri ate name J ah, pers istently, will be fortunate in all his undertaki ngs, and everything that he attempts will resu lt to his best advantage. It is particu larly recommended to one who has a petition to prefer, for it is asserted that he will certa inl y obta in his desi res.

The two letters of th is holy name are taken from the words ) oschiru, verse 1 4, and Dum ijah, verse 2.


PSALM 66. - I f a man is possessed of a Ruack Roah (evil spi rit), write this Psa lm on parchment and hang it upon hi m; then stretch your



hands over him and say: Save me, 0 G od, for the waters are come into my sou l.

PSALM FOR SEVERE IM PRISONMENT AND FEVER CAUSED BY EVIL INFL UENCEPSALM 67 and 68. - Both these Psa lms conta in the divine name of )a h. The letters com pos ing it are found in the first Psa lms and are selected from the words: j echonnenu verse 2, and from the last word of the verse, Sela. In the



second, on the other hand, from J akum, verse 2, and from A ora, verse 36. The first shou ld be paya ble in a protracted case of fever, or in severe imprison ment. The second, on the contrary shou ld be prayed over a vessel fil led with water upon which the sun never sh one, in a low voice, and in the name of the patient, and then work his body with the water, and the ev i l spirit will depart from him.

PSALM TO FREE YOURSELF FROM THE SLAVERY OF SENSUOUSNESS AND TO CONQUER ENEMIESPSALM 69 and 70. - The first of these Psa lms shou ld be uttered daily over water, by the l iberti ne and sensualist, who is so confi rmed in his ev il hab its, as to become a slave to them, and who, however much he may desire to escape these habits, is unable to do so. After having prayed this Psa lm over the water he shou ld drink of it.The second shou ld be prayed by him who desi res to conquer his enemi es.Ne ither of these two Psalms have prescribed holy name or prayer.


PSALM 71 .- With this Psa lm there is likew ise ne ither holy name nor prayer, but it is said to have the power to l i berate any one from pri son, who will for a time pray it reverential ly seven ti mes a day.


PSALM 72. - Wr ite th is Psa lm with the name Aha, in the usual man ner, upon pure pa rc hment, and su spend it around your neck, and you will become a universal favorite, and find favor and grace from all men; you may then l i ve un concerned, for you can never come to poverty.The letters of the holy name are ta ken from the words: El ohim, verse 1; and J easshruhu, verse 1 7.

PSALM 73 to 83. - Si nce these eleven Psa lms have ne ither holy na mes nor particular closing prayers, I shal l, in order to econom ize on space, record the peculi ar virtues ascribed to each one for the good of mankind.



The 73rd Psa lm shou ld be repeated reverently seven ti mes dail y by those who are compel led to soj ou rn in a heathe n, idol atrous or infidel cou n try, and by doing so, no one need feel afraid that he will be in duced to deny his faith.

The freq uent and earnest prayer of the 74th Psalm is said to defeat the persec ution embi ttered by enem ies, and will frustrate the oppressions of the self-mighty, wea l th-seek ing, hard-hea rted people, and will at the same time bring them to a terri ble end.The devout prayer of the 74th Psa lm will effect the forgiveness of sins.



The 76th Psa lm is said to be the quickest and most effective defence aga in st da nger from fi re and water.

Whosoever prays the 77th Psa lm daily will not be overtaken by want or danger.

Whosoever prays the 78th Psa lm ea rnestly and often, will be beloved and respected by ki ngs and pri nces and will receive favor from them.

The frequent prayer of the 79th Psa lm, it is said, is fata l to enemies and opponents.

The constant and industrious prayer of the 80th and 81 st Psalms is said to be a ha ppy mea � s of saving men from fall ing into unbel ief and saves them also from other errors.

The prayer of the 82nd Psa lm will assist an envoy to transact his busi ness toward the last word of this Psalm, and in Lelam med, verse 1 . You shou ld write the 83rd Psa lm properly, upon pure parchment, and su spend it around your neck, and by so doing you will abide safely in war, avoiding defeat and captivity. If you shou ld, however, be overcome, your captors will not harm you, for even in captivity no harm can befall you .

PSALM 84. - When a man, through a severe and protracted illness has ac quired a repu ls ive, di sgust ing and bad odor, he shou ld pronounce this Psalm with the prescri bed holy name of Af, which means Father, over a pot of water upon which the sun never shone, and then pou r the water all over himself, and the bad smel l will leave him. The letters of the holy name Af, are found in the words: Zebarth, verse 2, and in Bach, verse 6.

PSALM 85 . - Do you wish that your former frie nd, but who now l i ves at enm ity wi th you, shou ld again be reconci led to you, if you can di scover no di spos ition on his part to make it up with you, then go out into an open field, turn your face towards the South, and pron ounce this Psalm, with its pre scri bed holy name Vah, seven times in succession, and he will approach and receive you in great friends hi p.

PSALM 86 to 88. - These three Psa lms again are left without a holy na me, and there is nothing further said about them, than that a person shou



ld accustom hi mself to pray them often, because by so doing much good can be done and much ev il avoided . The frequent pray in g, of the 85th Ps alm espec ial ly, is said to promote the welfare of the community and the congregation.

PSALM 89. -S hould one of you r own family or dear friends waste away so rapid ly, in consequence of a severe i l l ness, so that they are al ready near co llapse, and useless, speak this Psalm over ol ive oil and pour the oil over the wool that has been shorn from a wether or a ram, and with it anoint the body and l i mbs of the patient, and he will speed i ly recover.

If your friend is under arrest, and you des i re his liberation, go into an open field, ra ise your eyes toward heaven and repeat this Psalm, with a



prayer su ited to the ci rcum stances, which shou ld be uttered in full con fidence in G od.

PSAlM 90. - Shou ld you accidentally encou nter a l ion in the forest, or shou ld you be deceived, cheated or plagued by an evil spirit or ghost, then grasp in your mind the name of God (S chaddei) and repeat this Psalm, and they will withdraw themselves. But you will be sti l l more secu re when such a da nger shou ld arise, if you pray the fol lowing 91 st Psalm in con nection with the 90th, at one and the same time.

PSAlM 91 .- The holy name of this Psalm is E l , which mea ns Strong God. After speak ing this Psalm, and the preced ing one, over a person tormented by an ev il spi rit, or one aff l i cted by an incurable disease, in the name of Eel Schaddei, then pray humbly: let it be thy holy pleasu re, oh my God! to take from N., son of R., the ev il spirit by which he is tormented, for the sake of thy great, mighty and holy name E l Schaddei. Wilt thou presently send him health and let him be perfectly restored. Hear his prayer as thou once did that of thy servant Moses when he prayed this Psa lm. let his prayer penetrate to thee as once the holy incense arose to thee on high. Amen. Selah!

The two letters of the name, Eel are contained in the words J eschuti, verse 16, and O rech, verse 1 6.

Again write th is Psa lm in con nection with the last verse of the previous Psa lm upon clean parchment, and conceal it beh ind the door of you r house, and you will be secure from all evil accidents.

Ka bal ists ascribe to this Psalm when taken in con nection with the above verse, the most wonderful virtue, when it is used in accordance with the nature of ex isting ci�cu mstan ces, and when it is comb ined wi th other scriptural passages, holy names of angels, characters and prayers, it is said, for exa mp le:

Prayer through which all di stress, danger and su fferi ng may be turned aside. If any one shou ld be in da nger of his l i fe, or become distressed, be it what it may, such as being attacked by an incurable di sease, pesti len ce, fire or water, overwhel med by enemies or murderers, in battles, sieges, robberies, close imprisonme nt, etc., let him confess his sins fi rst of all, and then speak the Vi hi Nasm prayer (the name by which the 91 st Psa lm with the aforesaid verse is usually known), ni nety-nine ti



mes, according to the number of the two hol iest names of G od, Jehovah Adone i. Each time when he comes to the fourteenth verse, "Beca use he hath set his love upon me," etc ., he shall keep in mind the holy name, and then pray devoutly each time: "T hou art the most holy, king over all that is revea led and hi dden, exalted above all that is hi gh, sa nctify and glorify thy adorable name in this thy world, so that all the na tions of the earth may know that thine is the glory and the power, and that thou hast secured me from all di stress, but espec ially out of pa inful emer gency (here the object of the prayer must be distinctly stated), which has overtaken N., son of R. And I herew ith prom ise and vow that I will now and ever after this, as long as I shall l ive upon the earth, and until I return to the du st from which I was ta ken." (H ere the vow must be verba l ly stated,



stating what we will do, perform or give in the service of our C reator. The vow may consist in fasting, giving al ms, or in the daily reading of several cha pters of the Holy Scriptures. Psa lms, of the Sohar or of the Tal mud, releasing of captives. nursi ng the sick and burying the dead.) "P raised be Jehovah, my Rock and my Sa lvation . Thou wil t be my representative and intercessor, and wil t help me, for thou hel pest thy poor, feeble and humble creature, and in time of need releasest from fear and da nger, and deal est mercifu l ly with thy people; merc iful and forgivi ng, thou hearest the prayer of every one. Prai sed art thou, Jehova h, thou who hearest my prayer." (The last words shou ld be repeated seven times at each ending of the prayer.)

And now, whoever will. punctually observe the foregoing instructions three days in succession, in full trust in the mighty help of G od, he may rest assured of the ass istance which he des ires.

Kabal ists, and espec ially the celebrated Rabbi I saac Loria have assu red us that in a time of pesti lence or general emergency, the Vihi Noam prayer shou ld be prayed seven times da ily connecting with it in the mi nd the figure of the golden cand lestick, when it is com posed of forty-one holy and importa nt words and names of this Psalm wi th which we shou ld espec ially cons ider the holy names in their order.


The extraord in ary powers ascribed to the 91 st Psalm may all be right and proper enough, but it is to be regretted that the reader cannot avail himself of its benefits, espeC ially in the last experiment, because all the recorded holy names consist of the first letter of all the words of the 91 st Psalm, and like wise of the 23rd and 28th verses of Exodus, cha pter xii, a passage which has al ready been quoted. It is, therefore, impossible to pronou nce this na me, properly, neither can it be transl ated in to E nglish or into any other language. And how shall we then memorize the first letters of each word of the Psalms together with the poi nts or vowels belong ing to them? If any one, notwith standing the difficu lties attending the use of this Psalm, shou ld desire to ava il himself of its virtues, then he must underta ke the bu rdensome task of learn ing the Hebrew la nguage, or he must write it, and wear it upon his heart as an amu let.PSALM 92. - He who desi res to atta in to high honors; let him take with this object in view, a new pot fil led with water. Pla ce in it myrtle



and vine leaves, and pronounce over it, with perfect trust. the following Psa lms, namely, 92,94, 23, 20. 24, and 1 00, three times in succession, and at each time let him wash himself out of the pot and afterward anoint his face and whole body wi th the water; then turn his face toward the north, pray to God for the fulfi l lment of his desi res, and he will see wonderful things. He will be as ton ished with his ever-increasing good fortu ne. He will al so. in a wonderful man ner, advance f rom one post of honor to another.

PSALM 93. - There is nothing special recorded of this Psa lm, other than that it is highly rec ommended to any one who has a suit wi th a stern and unj ust opponent. The proper use of this Psalm. it is said, will surely win him his cause.(Figure A.)

lifo. A


PSALM 94. -I f you have a hard, unyield in g and bitter enemy, who oppresses you sorely and cau ses you great anxiety, repa ir to an open field on Monday, ta ke some in cense, into you r mouth, turn wi th you r face toward the Ea st and West, and repeat first the 94th Psa lm and then the 92nd, seven ti mes keeping in mi nd at the same time the holy name Eel Kanno Taf, which signifies great, strong, zealous and good God, and pray each time at the ending of these Psalms: "May it pl ease Thee, 0 great, strong, zealous and good God, to humble my enemy N., son of R., as thou once did the enemies of our great teacher Moses, who rests in peace, and who completed this Psa lm to thy glorification. let my prayer arise to thee as did the sweet smell of in cense from the al tar of incense, and let me beho ld thy wonderful power. Ame n! Sela h!

PSALM 95. - The appropri ate holy name of God pecul iar to this Psalm is Eel which is, great, strong God, and the letters are fou nd in the words: Eel, verse3, and lez ur, verse 1 .

The pious bel iever shou ld pray this Psalm for his erring and un bel ieving brethren.

PSALM 96 and 97. - The holy name of these two Psalms is Ja h, and the letters of the first a re found in the words, J eschu ato, verse 2, and Hawn, verse 7, and those of the other in the words, J ismechu, verse 1 , and Atta, verse 9. Who soever wi l l pray these two Psa lms three ti mes dai ly, will cause his fam i ly great joy and contentment.

PSALM 98 . - The holy name of this Psa lm is al so Ja h, and should be pro noun ced in order to establ ish peace and unity between fam i l ies. The letters of the holy name are taken out of the words: Is rael, verse 3; and Ha schiah, verse 1 .

PSALM 99. - Wi th this Psa lm there is no holy name recorded, and all who wish to become really pious are advised to pray it often with proper devot ion.

PSALM 1 00. - The holy name J ah, so often mentioned al ready, is also appro pri ate to this Psa lm, and whoever prays it several days su ccess ively seven ti mes, will overcome all his enem ies. The letters of this holy name are re corded in verse 3, and in Aetodah, verse 4.



PSALM 1 01 . - Whoever bears this Psalm in addition to the 68th u pon his person, written upon parchm ent, is secure from the persec ution of ev il spirits and vi nd ictive persons.

PSALMS 1 02 and 103. - Both these Psalms are said to be very good for barren women by the use of which they may receive grace and favor from G od. The holy name of the one is cal led )a h, and is taken from Anneni, verse 3, and the name of the other is Aha, and is taken from the word Adona i, verse 1 2, and from Sela, verse 20.


PSALM 1 04. - The frequent and .earnest prayer of th is Psa lm is said to be attended with such great power, that throu gh it the Masick may be de stroyed.


The work Masick signif ies, accordi ng to its poet, only someth ing hurtful, someth ing that will cause harm, it may be by spi rits, beings or animal s. Gen era l l y, however, the J ews un derstood the term to mean the Devil, and with its connections in this place the word must mean ori ginal sin and the propensity to com mi t sin.

PSALMS 105 to 107. - To these th ree Psa lms the holy name of J ah is ascribed, and accord ing to the original writi ng, it is said, that the 105th Psa lm will cure three days' fever; and finall y the praying of the 107th will cure the daily fever.

The letters of the holy names are taken from Lejai kof, verse 7, and H odu, verse 1, and fu rther from Sochren i, verse 4, and from Teh i l lato, verse 2 of the 1 06th Psa lm and fin ally from J ischlach, verse 1 9, and Veri nna, verse 21 .

PSALM 1 08. - Write this Psalm with its proper holy na me, Vi, (two letters from the most holy name of Jehovah, in which Kabbal ists seek through its many divisions, great sec rets), upon cl ean parchm ent, and hide it in a secure spot beh ind the door of your house, and then your going and com ing will be blessed, and you will be su ccessful in all you r busi ness tran sactions.The two letters of the holy name J ehovah, by a tran sposition of Vav, andJ od, are contai ned in the words: Zarenn, verse 14, and in Na chon, verse 2.

PSALM 1 09. - Have you a mighty enemy, who plagues and oppresses you, fill a new jug with new, sparkling wi ne, add some mu stard to it, and then repeat this Psa lm three days successively, while at the same time you keep in mind the holy name of Eel (great and strong G od), and afterward pour the mixture before the door of you r enemy's dwel l i ng. Be careful, however, that you do not sprinkle a single drop upon yourself when in the act of pou ring it out.

The letters of the name Eel are found in the words, E l hoim, verse 3, and in Ki Ja mood, verse 5.


PSALM 110 and 111 .- The first of these Psa lms is marked with the holy name Ja h, and by its frequent use in the form of a prayer, and a man may compel all enem ies and opposers to bow to him and beg for quarter and peace.

Throughout praying the 111th Psalm a man may acqu ire many friends without the necessity of keeping constantly in mind any special holy name.

PSALM 112 and 1 1 3 . - By pray ing the first of these Psalms a man will increase in mi ght and power from time to time, and by praying the second devoutly it is possible to check growi ng heresy and infidel ity. Ne ither of these Ps alms has a pecu liar holy name.

PSALM 114 .- The Holy name of this Psalm cons ists of two letters, taken together from the names Adona i (Lord), and Je hovah, namely Aha, whic h



may be found in this Psa lm in the words J iszraoel, verse 1 , and Je huda, verse2. If you desire success in your trade or bu si ness, write th is Psalm with itsappropri ate holy name upon clea n parch ment, and ca rry it about your person constantly in a small bag prepared espec ially for this purpose.

PSALM 1 1 5 . -I f you are determ ined to dispute wi th infi dels, heretics, and scoffers at re ligion, pray this Psalm devoutly beforehand.

PSALM 1 1 6.- Whoever prays this Psa lm daily with devotion, trusting fully in God, will be safe from violent death, neither will he be overtaken by a sudden death.

PSALM 11 7 . - Did you make a vow to obta in a certa in com mandment or perform a good work, and fail in the performance of them through forgetf ul ness or careless ness, as soon as you reco ll ect you r remissness pray this Psa lm with a broken and contrite heart.

PSALM 118 . - I f you pray this Psalm often and devoutly, you will be able to si lence all free-thinkers, scoffers of re l i gion and heretics, who labor to lead you astray.

PSALM 119.- This it is we ll known is the largest of all the Psa lms, and con si sts in the Hebrew of eight al phabets, but in such a manner, that each letter appears in undisturbed regula rity, and through this there arose twen ty-two spec ial divisions, which are incl uded in each eight verses, because a particu lar power is ascribed to each divisi on, which I can not present to the reader in clearer manner than by placin g each letter before him which forms the par ticu lar divis ion.

ALE PH . - The eight verses of this letter, which all beg in with Al eph, should be pronoun ced over a man whose limbs shake and quiver, and if this be done in a low and even voice, he will be rel ieved. If any one has made a vow, which has become bu rdensome to fulfill, it will be easy for him to keep his prom ise.

B ETH .-It is said that through the second divi sion from the ni nth ·to the si xteenth verse, a man may obtain a good memory, an open heart, desi rous to learn, and an extended intelli gence. Whosoever desi res to attain th is must begi n as follows: Remove from a hard-boiled egg



the shel l deftly and clean ly, so that the inside shal l remain uninju red, and pray over it the above eight verses as well as the fourth verse, of Deutoronomy, xxxi ii, and eight verses of joshua, i, and also the holy name of the angels Chosniel, Schrewn iel and Mupiel. The translation of these th ree angel-names it is not necessary to know because they must not be pronounced, but since it will be of interest to the reader to know the meaning of them, it will not be superfl uous to give them here. Chosn iel, signi fies Cover, or overshadow me, mi ghty God ! (namely, with the spi rit of wi sdom and knowledge.) Schrewniel, turn me, again, mi ghty God! that is, change me, convert me in to a better man or woman, as David once said: "Create in me, oh God (namely, let me attend upon the decrees of thy laws, as if I heard and received them from the mouth of God himself.) Finally the following must also be prayed over the egg: Open and enl arge my heart and understand i ng, that I may hear and comprehend everyth ing that I read, and that I may never forget it.



All th is must be done on a Thu rsday eveni ng, after fasting the enti re day, and then the egg must be in serted whole into the mouth, and when it is eaten, the four firs! verses of this di vi sion must be repeated th ree times in succession.

C I MEL . - The divi sion of the third letter, verses 17 to 24 shou ld be prayed seven ti mes in succession, in a low, solemn tone and with full confi dence in the omn ipotence of Cod, over the ser iously injured eye of a friend, so that the pa in may cease and the eye restored.

DALET H. - By the earnest pray ing of this divi si on, verses 25 to 32, a painful in jury of the left eye can be cured in the first pl ace, in the same manner as is descri bed above, and in the second place, if a man is engaged in a lawsu it, or is vexed by a change of occu pation, or residence, or if he desires to make an advantageous selection, or make resolution, he shou ld repeat these eight times in succession. On the other hand, however, if a man must avail hi mself of the advice and assistance of many persons in order to accom plish an undertaking successful ly, he should repeat this divisi on ten times.

He. - The division of the letter H e, verses 33 to 40, is said to make peo ple ref ra in from comm itting si ns. A sinful being who has become so much accu stomed to commit sin and vi ce, that he cannot ref ra in from them, notwithstanding his best resolutions shou ld write these eight verses upon parchment prepared from a clean deer skin , (or cause them thus to be writ ten.) place it in a bag prepared for this pu rpose and hang it arou nd his neck, so that he will carry it conti nually upon his breast.

VA U.- Speak these eight verses, 41 to 48, properly over water, and give it to you r servant or dependent to drink, and then your ru le and power over him will become easy and agreea ble, and he will serve you will ingly.

ZA IN.- To the seventh di vis ion, verses 49 to 56, two different effects are ascribed. It is said, for exa mp le: If one of your friends or acquai ntances is aff l i cted with melanc holy, or becomes splenetic, or has severe stitch ing in the side, write this divis ion, with the holy name Raphael, which signif ies, heal mighty Cod, properly upon a small piece of cl ean parch ment, and bind it upon the patient where the sp leen is situated .



If you have been led into an undertaking that prom ises evil results, through the mi srepresentations of ev il cou nsello rs, repeat this di visi on eig hteen times, and you will find means to wi thdraw from the undertaking wi thout inju ry to yourself.

CH ETH . - Speak the division of this letter, verses 57 to 64, seven ti mes over wine, and give a sick person, who has severe pa ins in the upper part of his body, to drink of it, and he will soon find re l i ef.

TET H. - The divisi on of the letter Teth, verses 65 to 72, is an easy, qu ick and tried remedy to cure the severest case of kidney or l i ver com plaints, or to take away pa in in the hips. Pronounce these eight verses properly, specially and reverently over the sick person and he will conva lesce.



JO D. - Wou ld you find grace and favor with God, and man, pray at the close of each morn ing prayer the division of this letter, verses 70 and 80, trusting fully in the mercy and grace of God, and your prayer will be heard.CAPH. - I f one of yours ha s a da ngerous sore, or a bu rning swell ing on the right side of the nose, pray the eight verses of this division verses 81 to 88, ten ti mes, in a low and conj ur ing voice, over the sore, and you will perceive to your aston ishm ent and joy, that the otherwise in curable sore will be healed.

LAME D. -I f you are summ oned to appear personall y before the ju dge in a lawsuit, pray on the preced ing day, just after the even ing prayer, the division of the letter lamed, verses 89 to 96, and you will obta in a favorable heari ng, and will be perm itted to leave the court ju stified.

MEM. - For pa in in the l i mbs, and espec ially for paral ysis in the right arm or hand, a man should pray this di vision, verses 97 to 1 04, seven ti mes for three su ccessive days, in a low conjuring voice, over the affected arm, and the pa in will cease and the arm will be healed.

NUN.- Have you a mi nd to travel, pray this divis ion, verses 105 to 112 , which beg ins with the words: "For thy word is a lamp to my feet," a few days previous to starting upon your jou rney, each time after the mornin g and even ing prayer, and you wi l l accom plish your jou rney safely and will prosper in you r avocation.

SAME CH.- If you have a favor to ask of a su perior, pray, before pre senti ng you r petition, or before you attempt to ask the favor verba lly, the eight verses of the letter Samech, verses 113 to 1 20, and you will not go away unheard.

A IN. - I n the same way and manner as the prayer of the division of the letter Mem, heals pa in in the right arm, so al so, the praying of the eight verses of the letter Ain, verses 1 21 to 128, will cure pa in, in the left arm and hand.

PE. - The prayer of this di vision, verses 1 29 to 1 36, will prove of the same effect in the case of a boi l or swell ing on the left side of the nose, and·the proceed ing in both cases must be the same to effect a cure.



TSAD DI. - Si nce it freq uently happens that persons in an off icial sta tion are ind uced, thru mi srepresentations and other circum stances, to give a wrong and unj ust dec isi on, even aga in st their better kn owledge and desire, they are ki ndly advi sed to pray thee eight verses of this letter, verses 1 37 to1 44, three times devoutly before giving their decision, at the same time asking the help of the ju dge of all ju dges, to enl ighten their mi nds.

KOPH . - The mysterious operation of this division, verses 145 to 1 5 2, relates to the cure of a dangerous and pa inful injury at the left leg. These eight verses shou ld be pronoun ced in a low and conjuring voice over a quan tity of rose-o i l and the injury anoi nted with the oil.

RES H.- Are your bu rdened with a pa inful, constantly ru nnin g boil in the right ear, pronounce the eight verses of the division of the letter Resh, verses 1 52-1 60, in a low and conjuring voice, over onion-water or juice, and



let one drop run into the ear, when you will experience im medi ate re l ief.

SCH IN. -Agai nst severe and burning headache speak the division of this letter, verses 1 61 to 1 68, in a low conjuring voice three times over pure ol ive oil, and anoint the place where the pain is the most severe.

TA U. - The last divisi on of this Psa lm, verses 1 69-1 76, shou ld be used in the same ma nner as the divisi on of the letter Resh, that is, it shou ld be spoken.over oni on-water, and by its use a bo il in the left ear may be cu red.

Final ly, it is stated at the end of this Psalm; that whosoever is aff licted with a tea ring pain in both arms, in the sid es, and in the legs at one and the same time, shou ld repeat this whole Psa lm in the following order: 1 . The eight verses of the letter Al eph, of Tau and Beth. 2. Those of the letter Schin. 3. The divisi on of the letter Gi mmel. 4. The eight verses of the letter Resh. 5. The division of the letter Da leth. 6. That of the letter Kuf. 7. The eight verses of the letter He. 8. Those of the letter Zain. 9. The divisi on of the letter Van. 10. The eight verses of the letter Pe. 11 . The division of the letter Zain. 12. The division of the letter Ain. 1 3 . The ei ght verses of the letter Cheth. 14 . Those of the letter Tamech. 1 5 . Those of the letter Tetc h. 16 . Of Nun. 17 . The eight verses of the letter J ud, and final ly, 18 . The divisi on ofthe letters, Mem, Caph, and lamed. This remedy has been tried, and has proved in fa l l ible. Should any one become aff licted with tea ring pains in the loins, make for him, at the conclus ion of this Psa lm, knots, combi nations, or magical kn ots in water, wi th or under the names of: Adam, Seth, Enoch, Canaan, Maba l leel, Ja red, Methusa leh, lamech, Ntah, Shem.

(The translator is compel led to admit honestly, that he does not compre hend this latter cl au se, and much less is he able to give any directions in regard to the method employed in making magical-k nots, he does not pre sume that any one will be interested in this matter.)PSALM 1 20. - I f you mu st appear before the ju dge, repeat the Psa lm beforehand, and you will receive grace and favor.

If a trave ler shou ld fin d hi mself in a forest infested wi th many po isonous snakes, scorpions and other poisonous repti les as may eas i ly



ha ppen, and thus be exposed to da nger, let him pray this Psa lm as soon as the comes in sight of the forest seven times and he will be able to proceed on his jou rney without any harm.

PSALM 1 21 . -A re you com pel led to travel alone by ni ght, pray this Psa lm reverently seven times, and you will be safe from all acci dents and ev il occ u r rences.

PSALM 12 2. - I f you about to address a man high in station, repeat this Psa lm thi rteen times beforeha nd, and you will be received graciously and fin d favor. Also, pray this Psa lm each time that you are present in church, and you will obta in a blessing.

PSALM 1 2 3. - I f your servant or journeym an has run away from you, write this Psa lm, together with his name, on a leaden or tin pl ate, when he will return to you.



PSALM 1 24. - I f you are about to cross a swol len stream, or undertake ajou rney by water, pray th is Psalm before entering the ship, and then you maycommence your jou rney without fear.

PSALM 12 5. - I f you are com pel led to travel in a cou ntry, where you have avowed enemies whom you have reason to fear on account of th reatened inju ry to yourself, then take, before entering the cou ntry, both you r hands full of salt, pron ounce this Psa lm seven ti mes over it, and then scatter it into the air towards the fou r quarters of the globe, and by so doing, not one of your enem ies will be able to bring any harm aga inst you .

PSALM 1 26. -A re you so unfortu nate that you r children are taken away from you in their infancy, and that you are not able to raise any of them then, when your wife again becomes pregnant, write th is Psa lm upon four amulets made out of clean parch ment, and add to the last l ine of each amu let the names of the following angels: Sinui, Si nsuni, and Semang laf, and afterward hide the amu lets in the four wal ls of your hou se, when your child will l i ve.

PSALM 1 27- Write this Psa lm upon pu re parch ment, place the amu let in a clean bag, and hang it about the neck of a new-born son immedi ate ly after bi rth, and no ev il will ever befall him afterward.

PSALM 1 28. - Wr ite this Psa lm upon clean parchment, and hang it upon a pregnant woman, when she and the fruit of her body will always be secure hom un lucky acc idents, and she will have a fortunate conf i nement.

PSALM 1 29. - Wh oever acc ustoms himself to repeat the Psa lm daily after the morn ing prayer, will fi nally prepare himself to l ive pi ously and virtuously, and will be able to ca rry out many many remu nerative and good works.

PSALM 1 30. - I f you are l i ving in a bes ieged city, to and from which no one can go wi thout danger, and if you have u rgent busi ness, so that you feel constrai ned to venture on a jou rney, then, just as you are about to leave the ci ty, pray this Psa lm in a low and abjuring voi ce, toward the four quarters of the earth, 'and tlien you will be able to pass



all the sentries wi thout being seen or harmed. A heavy sleep will overcome them, so that they will not be con scious of you r presence.

PSALM 1 31 . - He who is so strongly possessed of the evi l spi rit of pride that he regards all other people with scorn, but who, upon sober ref lection, de si res to occupy a middle path, if his into lera ble pride wou ld only perm it hi m, is advi sed to pray this Psa lm reve rently three ti mes a day, after the morning and even ing prayer. Hi s pride will receive a ce rta in check. PSALM 1 3 2. - I f you have sworn to perform anyth ing punc tual ly, and "notw ithsta nding you r oath you neglect to perform you r obli gation, and in this manner have perj u red hi mself, you should, in order to avoid a fu tu recrime of a simil ar k i nd, pray this Psalm da i ly with profound reverence.PSALM 13 3. - Whoever prays th is Psa lm dai ly, will not only reta in the love and fr iend ship of his fr iends, but he will also ga in many more friends.PSALM 1 34. - This very short Psa lm, consisting of only three verses, shou ld



be repeated by every learned man, and espec ially by every student before entering col lege.

PSALM 1 3 5.- Whoever is desirous of repenting sincerely from sin, and of consecrating his l i fe to the service of God, should pray this Psa lm daily after the morn ing and evening prayers, and then his heart and spirit will be daily renewed, and he will become more closely united with God from day to day.

PSALM 1 36. - Whosoever desi res, on accou nt of wilful sins and tra nsactions, to make a pen itent confess ion of his misdeeds, should pray this Psa lm befo re hand, and then make this confession with an humble and broken heart and with great reverence.

PSALM 1 37. - The praying of this Psa lm, it is said, will root out of the heart the most inveterate hate, envy and malice.PSALM 1 38. - Pray ing this Psalm, it is stated, will produce love and friendship.

PSALM 1 39. - This Psa lm should be prayed to increase and preserve love among ma rried people.

PSALM 1 40. - Pray ing this Psa lm is said to be a powerful means to remove growin g hatred between man and wife.

PSALM 1 41.- Whoever is often oppressed wi th heartfelt fears shou ld pray this Psa lm freq uently.

PSALMS 1 42 and 1 43. - Praying of the fi rst of these two Psa lms will cure pain in the thighs and praying the other will remove tearing pains in the arm.

PSALM 1 44. - When any one brea ks an arm this Psalm shou ld be prayed, and the perfect cure of the arm can not be del ayed or interru pted by untoward circumstances.

PSALM 145. - He who fears ghosts and evil spi rits, shou ld pray this Psa lm in connection with the 1 44th, with reverence, for the praying of these Psa lms will drive away all ghosts and apparitions instantly.

PSALM 1 46. - Whoever has been da ngerously wounded by a sword or other dead ly weapon, he shall, during the time he is recoveri ng



surgical assi stance, pray this Psa lm reverently dai ly, and espec ially when the wound is bei ng dressed and the bandages renewed, and he will shortly find reasons to rejoice in perfect restoration from his in juries.

PSALM 147. - For the cu re of dangerous and deadly wounds, bites, sti ngs of a sa lam ander, l i zard, snake, scorp ion or other poisonous repti le, the earnest prayer of this Psa lm is said to possess the same power of hea l i ng as the former Psa lm, already descri bed.

PSALMS 1 48 and 1 49. - These two Psalms are said to possess the desirable virtue of check ing fire, when they are prayed in childlike trust on the unfail ing help of the Alm ighty.


PSALM 1 50. - This happy Psa lm of Praise shou ld be uttered by every G odfeari ng, thankful bei ng, after havin g escaped a great da nger, or received apecu l i ar grace in answer to a prayer to the Lord of Hosts, and it shou ld berepeated wi th a thankful heart to Hi s praise and gl ory .




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