amiea med – the aesthetic dimension of health · and development team cooperates with renowned...


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Page 2: AMIEA MEd – ThE AEsThETIC dIMENsION OF hEAlTh · and development team cooperates with renowned institutes, medical professionals, chemists, and our scientific advisory board to



Prof. Dr. B. r. Muck


amiea med is a complete micropigmentat ion system developed specif ical ly for the medical pract ice.

The high-precis ion micropigmentat ion device amiea med revive and extensively tested colors al low for

safe, precise cosmetic and reconstruct ive procedures that help reestabl ish the pat ient’s sense of sel f

after surgery. designed with a clear focus on precis ion, safety, and rel iabi l i ty, the amiea med system

del ivers consistent ly high-qual i ty, last ing results.

“Medical micropigmentat ion is a current standard procedure for

areola reconstruct ion. amiea med has introduced a professional

device for the exper ienced plast ic reconstruct ive surgeon.”

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MT.dERM has been developing and manufactur ing

medical devices s ince 1998. The MT.dERM research

and development team cooperates with renowned

inst i tutes, medical professionals, chemists, and

our scient i f ic advisory board to develop products

that meet the most discerning qual i ty and usabi l i ty

demands. like al l MT.dERM products, the amiea med

revive device is manufactured in our IsO 9001 and

IsO 13485 cert i f ied faci l i t ies in Germany.

MT.dERM is involved in the research of intrader-

mal in ject ions. Our project partners include:

• Technical Universi ty of Ber l in, Germany

(Prof. dr. rer. nat. heinz lehr)

• Universi ty Cl in ic Regensburg, Germany

(Prof. hans Wolf )

• NKI-AVl Cl in ic Amsterdam, Nether lands

(Prof. John haanen)

• Friedr ich-löff ler- Inst i tut (FlI ) ,

Insel Riems, Germany (Prof. Jens Peter Tei fke) 3


Members of the MT.dERM scientif ic advisory board: Dr. Stef StienStra, MD anD BiocheMiSt and Prof. Dr. rer. nat. heinz Lehr , TU Ber l in,

expert in medical microsystems

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Before After


The amiea med micropigmentat ion device revive and the colors are based on extensive exper ience

and development efforts in the f ie ld of micropigmentat ion. With a wide range of needle cartr idges

and broad palette of natural- looking colors, the amiea med system del ivers precise, last ing results

in numerous medical micropigmentat ion procedures. amiea med is perfect ly suited for:

• post-surgeryareolareconstruct ion

• scarreduct ion

• permanentmakeupafter chemotherapy

• cleft l ippigmentat ion

• radiotherapymarkings

areola pigmentation with amiea med

The areola complex was recreated after reconstruct ive surgery.

After mastectomy, micropigmentat ion may serve to enhance the

areola complex and camouf lage scarr ing.

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areola restoration on burn victim

The effects of the burn were reversed in a

combined procedure. First , the scarr ing was

reduced and camouf laged, and the areola

then restored through micropigmentat ion.

cleft l ip pigmentation

The cosmetic micropigmentat ion procedure

camouf lages scarr ing and recreates the

natural look of a fu l l l ip and l ip l ine. The color

matches the pat ient’s natural skin tone.

Permanent make up after total loss of hair

(e.g. chemotherapy)

The visual effects of loss of eyebrow hair and

eyelashes can be balanced by a natural look

appl ied by a wel l t ra ined pract i t ioner.

natural permanent make up

The photo shows the ful l scope of possibi l i t ies

in permanent make up cosmetics. The effects

should be subt le and under l ine the pat ient’s

natural beauty. A subt le, natural look al lows

for versat i l i ty in appl ied make up and sty l ing.

Scar reduction/camouflage

during the micropigmentat ion procedure,

col lagen in the scar t issue is e l iminated through

microdestruct ion. Results are achieved without

the use of color.

Before After

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Dr. MahDi rezai director of the Breast Center

duesseldorf and the EAos



Engineered specif ical ly for the modern medical

pract ice, amiea med revive meets the most

discerning standards for surgical instruments.

As part of the amiea med system, the micropig-

mentat ion device excels in a l l three dimensions

of qual i ty: precis ion, safety, and rel iabi l i ty. The

ergonomic design of the hand piece lets you work

smoothly and without exhaust ion, even dur ing

long and complex procedures. Extremely f ine

needle points with adjustable penetrat ion depths

del iver precise results and clean punctures with

a considerably lower puncture trauma. safety

and hygiene are ensured by the device’s patented

cartr idge system, avai lable in a wide range of

needle cartr idges for a l l types of procedures.

The sealed cartr idges prevent l iquids including

bodi ly f lu ids to f low back into the hand piece,

e l iminat ing the r isk of contaminat ion.

Both you and your pat ients wi l l appreciate

the advantages of amiea med revive:

• lessskintrauma

• minimizedpain

• reducedswel l ing

• reducedwoundsecret ions

• faster, betterheal ing

• s igni f icant ly fewertouchups

• natural results

• devicesarecert i f iedasmedical products

“amiea med micropigmentat ion products have

enhanced medical tattooing procedures in our

c l in ic. We exper ience

reduced trauma to the

pat ient’s skin as wel l

as shorter set up and

procedure t imes.”

The cross sect ion shows the membrane that seals the cartr idge,

prevent ing l iquid backf low

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larger, f rayed punctures made by regular system Clean, extremely smal l punctures made by

amiea med’s high precis ion needles

The amiea med micropigmentat ion device is

manufactured in Germany according to qual i ty

standards IsO 9001 and IsO 13485 and was

issued a 93/42/EEC accreditat ion as medical

product. There is a two-year fu l l warranty on the

device. We know that your pract ice processes

are f inely tuned and have therefore adapted our

customer service to minimize interrupt ions: in

the unl ikely event that you exper ience problems,

we wi l l exchange your product within 24 hours.

MT.dERM holds the fol lowing German and

internat ional patents for amiea med devices,

the amiea med cartr idge systems, and amiea

med colors: Us 6,505,530; Us 6,345,553;

dE 299 19 199; EP 1 495 782; EP 1 618 915;

EP 1 882 492; EP 1 743 673; addit ional

patents pending.


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Perfect ly attuned to the amiea med device and

cartr idge system, amiea med micropigmentat ion

colors are character ized by even f low and last ing

color retent ion. Most important ly, though, amiea

med colors are extremely safe. Our manufacture,

safety and agreeabi l i ty standards surpass not only

the exact ing European Resolut ion ResAP(2008)1,

but a lso even str icter nat ional regulat ions within

Europe. This makes amiea med colors super ior to

many colors st i l l imported today from the

United states and other European countr ies.

amiea med colors are…

… compl iant with ResAP(2008)1

… tested by dermatest® and found “excel lent”

…packaged in hygienic s ingle doses

As a result of these discerning standards,

amiea med colors have signi f icant ly

reduced toxicological , a l lergological ,

and microbiological r isks.

The pigmentat ion colours correspond to the

German Tattoo Product Regulat ions. Medical

registrat ion is in progress.

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Color density and retent ion are key to last ing,

natural results. The high pigment concentrat ion

in amiea med colors – achieved through a

special ized manufactur ing process – ensures that

the results of micropigmentat ion are dense and

long last ing. however, amiea med abstains from

using br ight, u l t ra- long-last ing pigments that

may be visual ly attract ive, but do not conform to

our exact ing safety standards. Cancer, accidents,

and potent ia l ly t raumatic procedures take some-

thing from your pat ient. let us help you give

something back – with a broad natural color

palette that offers a wide var iety of tones that

match your pat ient’s color and skin type.

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The best tool is only as effect ive as the hand that

holds i t . That is why amiea med offers a compre-

hensive tra in ing program for doctors, nurses, and

other medical professionals. I t a l lows you to hone

your ski l ls , broaden your range of procedures,

and provide your staff with the tra in ing they

need to assist you rel iably even in complex

cases. The teaching and tra in ing program wi l l

be conducted and monitored by the European

Academy of senology (EAos).


amiea med is proud to offer our areola micropig-

mentat ion tra in ings in cooperat ion with G-IMC and

EAos, European Academy of senology. Committed

to promoting and communicat ing medical research

and expert ise in breast cancer, EAos is an ideal

and powerful partner who shares our v is ion of

providing the best possible results and care to

pat ients everywhere.

eaoS’s objectives are:

• toprovideatra in ingprogramfordoctorseager

to enhance their knowledge on breast cancer

• toorganizetra in ingsessionsonspecif ic

new methodologies in al l f ie lds of senology

• to implementastandardizedqual i ty

assurance management system

• topromotean internat ional guidel ine-based

breast center model to opt imize ear ly detect ion

and pat ient care

• todevisenewmodelsof breastcancer

mass-screening programs

• topromotebreastcancerregistr iesand

epidemiological research throughout Europe

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the fol lowing art icles provide an overview over the current research

in cl inical micropigmentation:

camirand, andré and Jocelyn Doucet

“Needle dermabrasion”

Aesthet ic Plast ic surgery 21 (1997): 48-51

chun, Yoon Sun and Dennis P. orgi l l

“Breast Reconstruct ion and Nipple-Areola Reconstruct ion”, August 20, 2009 ic le/1274411-overview

(accessed February 24, 2010)

de cuyper, christa

“Cosmetic and Medical Appl icat ions of Tattooing”

dermatologic Compl icat ions with Body Art

Ber l in/heidelberg: spr inger Ver lag, 2010

el-al i , kamal, M. Dalal , c.c. kat

“Tattooing of the Nipple-Areola Complex: Review of Outcome in 40 Pat ients”

Journal of Plast ic, Reconstruct ive & Aesthet ic surgery 59 (2006): 1052-1057

farhadi, Jian

“Reconstruct ion of the Nipple-Areola Complex: An Update”

Journal of Plast ic, Reconstruct ive & Aesthet ic surgery 59 (2006): 40-53

i jsel lmuiden, otto

“Anwendung von dermatographie als Behandlungsmethode in

verschiedenen mediz in ischen Fachbereichen”

der hautarzt 47 (1996): 682-685

tsur, haggai and haim kaplan

“Camouflaging hair less Areas on the Male Face by Art ist ic Tattoo”

Plast ic and Reconstruct ive surgery 92.2 (August, 1993): 357-360

Vassi leva, Snejina and evgenya hristakieva

“Medical Appl icat ions of Tattooing”

Cl in ics in dermatology 25 (2007): 367-374

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MT.dERM Gmbh

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14167 Ber l in


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