
Post on 21-Jun-2018






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" 1 1r Li

iTity-h-k; i nil v ka new york, 5, 1371. price two qmts. J

STll I K 0 .JlfKjn 1 1: C A N A L

IIIOM.VMV'"""' Till'. XATWXALtit mi) it:ii:iu:i ovr.

I '

The Nheilflt llittnr. ntut llllllln of lliirlir.ler Aalil: t o C'lititrni tor-Th- o flnipier nl Woik ill llirtlicut Hrrnk-la'gU- O

t.ubirrr it tu 11 u llic lltstltt.Uochl-ikii- , May 4. There Is n fortnidible

ilrine aiming tlic laborer cmilored st the great

trrsk in tli Krl" canal nlno milts frm till dir.Ailecrkls susTcnlod, anJ tho eontraetir h tile-- I

ra lit J In luc Mayor lor military asslsLince. Tliofl,.-,,i-r ol llio county baa mllcd for nillliurjr. in I

Itnmdicr-Ociiera- t Ciaik haaorlerrd out Inn com

pries ol tlx Nations! llmrd fur duty. The Shciia".

Ila.or. and the military siiritd at 4 o'clock this ti-

lt moon lor the scene or dlsnr ler.i:ociiraTv.n Evinlng. Two military eompml.s

lave gone lii the scene of the rml, md two n.oioire nl tli e armory ready to move on rtcilpt ofemer.

t, 1 I lr I report ire I at the ttMlnj was not ofI irriouii nature, and lltat


cr seriously wounded. Tue people or Falrpnrtwereriry mnrli alarmed, but the presence of the mil rcasiurc tlicm as to tlirlr stfely.

'I lie rains thin inrtnuon rreveiilcd n I work, andntilkef lolttg bromht Into tho rank. orci'lnned a

sTIke fcr h' wares. Hioso who hav cmni

Irfrn the break this crnluc oat tl'-- tltitn IrouMo

l : niicS alcj tomorrow. It In Mining agsln tulaemilng

tiis MAGMTcns or Titr. ftnin.FAtnror.T N Y . May 4. Sln'r my letter of vrn-int- .

r. pld progress has leni made toward recon-

structing the em nnKtnent at the great break In I lie

Trie Canal here. Tl o crrbsnknicnt on earh ible ofI e gap 1 as hern scraped In. and the 1 olinm of t..ochasm raised fJitcrn feet. Twelve hundred menwere cmoloyed and SaO team, l.arly on Sunny a

thuuti vvarrcctel. which now contains flf y hurcs,Willi Hay to tuurty thfin. Another was erected lorcoo., Ii.g purposes, food being cooked by slearu. A

I'M, W lee' by 130 Iret, contains 40 l.oraes.Am tin r rt ane la used as a iifre'..uicntla , 'ii .i'd dli.ln f 1 re.

A', i imn l'e men nnle n strike. drmanJIng3 tri ilay lor labor aud (8 lor te.ims.

abopt xinh ni'.sonrDre flint to work nt tho treent rate; 'he ofers

I .ii cter, Insist that work shall be siopiel untilI , li d mi n Is are acceded to. Tl c eoiti ic nr(.-- e

le ) sent the hdlnivlne despatch to Heche er ulsoon a eipec lug trouble rom luc strikes :

in JM'or (revs ami UnJorCen. UVUxtuf.1 ho nvn lisve virurk on Hie nreasi. Hrn I one or iff"

ymoiule Ii re or the n it Irani to prmert 'he mnwho waul lo "oiK If i.oi In mn' Inr tin'3o'i . ct sIm ren-- a rpf csl tram w.tuoni drive. 1 wnnt iheinlosuiy otci nisiit, LUVVI8 f M.1.EV..

reful1osiuE was recctted, dated 3:10 1'. M.:The eyimpsnles srf estherinff. Is there now a neces

III; lor their vinliup theCIIAI'.LI.B vV. linidO?, Mayor.

Tliererlreent Mat "Yesj IninieJIucly." Thefol.o in despatch In reoly to one Tr 'in ILe lepaitcrol the Bcn as reel reJ tuis evcnliu:

We leste t 140 wim two eompsnles armed anileiul pcd. will Uka ttuK II we esi i tli--

ruiiy. CAnrm.i.1., sii.iiit.TDI UlLlfABT OH Till UaoKMIl,

runronT, May 4 thrcMer lhe eicltemrnt Isen tlie licresse. At S'40 den. Clark. Col. Iljetrol.and tcteial staff i'Ocer ol the I'llly-- f urtli Uelratal arrived here with part ol Iwo co- - panics Inall ICO men. under the Immediate command oCapls. Henderson and Seiner. They al orciformed In ttio street and m.reiiel to Ilia scene ot utsiurtanee, leatln a cusrd at the depot lujrolect their luicaxc, consls.ln; of leiu. Ac.

i . x::nixa tub coal aTiiiiin.J

The lleslgnatlon ol John Hlney Sllners Itr- -mluK-tlnrvnl- lon Muring tbo .Miner In

tbo Faee Local Arbltrntlon JadoptcU Aftw Hallway Coneplrncy

ruiLiciLrnis, Uar 4. The Wllkesbnrro Cnnttad Iron Cuuipaiiy'a lava resumed woik this nicrn-trt

rorrnrtlLi!. Mvy I The Miners' Oen'rM Connell ) ester Jay toloJ. 1" to t. that each eoui.ty slial.settle t ie exiilini; dlCcaltlos by arblirmon, i rla any ether manner they mat deem tet undereillln2 drtumstiiices, ullb full ssuctioo of thisCojm il.

llTn rinx, 4. A larre mretlni; of minerswss ha d bere y, and It vta-- s resolved to leareLi malttra In dilute to aibltrailon. I).lr;a'csi ere ap olnted to meet the operators to.mnrruvi.It Is rnnorrd that they will resume work b Uelatii Inst.

I'oTTsviLi-i!- , Vav 4 I"lin Plney. Prea'dent of thet" uiktll W. II, A., has sent In a letter of reelrji-tio-

Ho lakes ihlt tup bcc.iU'e operators nlll no.

resoi'.a'e turou;h him. lie Is cnvvlllln to .iHurt em an excuse for demy, and Is deriioas of briDi111 tl u miners al'o to a decls on. Too onH rjue-- .

k n now hind rlncas til mint Is that of local artt a 1m ir rd to liv tl e General Oounell yesierda.The Atllir elic IU ar I have p' o Ii I sly n? I 11 1

and all otter tinns hnt tht- nxed sme r.te ttirirrm oiwd afier the .Mnucli 4 hunk ar Hr totine-- l

lv, It Is llkel t' ey islll icl.l Ills po nt a d conleui iolu-.i- l urblualHMi.

A. lo.illnz n luer " d.iya.lved hit n'soclnU'S llnltcr s must he inad . even it t ev wo t cm tutuknee to tl'o lo pu'euro them, as tind itrct 'in of their atsnctatl m aid survatluuriLU'd iiiiup.

I he rcsti Hon nt WUktsmns a o rois'.i it emblltcred ine-- i here boul. Mr. l'.irlsli tne n has !

a .if. np oktil the ia lioad i mb r; a reeuient IIa imt tl.lnk li.o rices tsinl ton tare. i

t v n in ret I rom lorn Ml they askoI r. mil ell their comralos here and o's

en in t e unllirae 'o locion innoil. The lit eiI t i' i.i.reii' iiiju tiee n' ilie "teiiy rni.sii loi opfrntor lo even comnrotrise with tliti'ni ro n:lv Hi never, il . ihic in shitt .s.w VirK and l'i li..ile.iinia ov.r .lio ran l il nii'i u v Hie cinbar.o. und ua tio i iue n" ii itrtilt I.uai i lie coil prodiici, wIum Is i ri.' .aiihi

a'l the l'e i y vanli utrln .eili rii-- u nil it i

li i lent me rteuuitluu of ouik i.r.aan Icit'oitaniI" A'

I -- ri it rallro d ri'Miip''i'oa ar n'. ro'.liilnx forII e control ol all tl.o iimi . rai eh lines i m.i In.lion I e coal il'.l"ll . 'i licit' intr linn lalncuirHi' cuul Iney mlli tb ini'lve al flint oust. :m i

lor' tr.'e rrivale mine o nets so niueh for frollI .u t h.ili'r will not be able u euuipoiu v. ni ,n in irico 'I i i. In nuv iiohl. 11 tin nir mI hope to si. p all uiimn? nl cn.1 n i t w i

I 'ev may elmseio lal i oal tliilutilvts, unci tbuIj.i.1 a laonnpnli in r" '

-- :

Tim it; i r i:i.i;ltio..rrrpntlnu In llbi-- (.riiul-lln- li lilnu TrMl-i- n

u v in Nullify I lie Will of the l't'iiple.HtHTrmni, May 1. Tho le gislative Coinmltloe

on Cunv - of Vulva met at the Stale HouseMessrs. I g'isoll, K rmour, and JS 'iihrup, lhUoicceratic memltcrs uf the Committee who asLo .

to be ix'usedfrom aerrina, were not preici.t,I ho lluuse did not vole to excuse the n.

Kriilcncv. was laacn in the L'luehiro cu shovrlnst'.i il '0 otes etc luunted for Joe :id 910 lotl'.i.clith. and so declared und returned by the ftopaid c n miitrralor; while the Deinoei-a'l- mi dsi nor d e ared Ilie v .te. Jnwe'l 210 "lid i:n .1 sh 210.ant ir'umed It. deducilnx "I vol.-- s tiom Uu He) obiicau oi tie ground th it iiaii.iM v erlakoriiiatly rdstcied. Thcie was no dispii abo Itne mi nt, and no evl lenoe to n.ww lor vlmm tli- - X1

lii"i tnied; In mn il apewared that onl. 31 nl memvoi' il al uh. All li nt I Leu mlii ilie 1 as an.r'T.stnrM A dediieilon 1M Has mule by theHui . critic pit elding oClccr fwui all lie Iltpub.lttutan Ii nu'.

Hit- it diRCH In the IJ'iflild ei'o Khonid thit SIfinse v.'Hsttire ih el red than thvie wire namorleik"! on me iiai I lot It parlies l.oluv.'l tuenMan ,n eirnr ill ill" n mil. The bhllo' Lux n.i"4le.i at the close of tfe enuni. Ti c i llluo

h is piiiK loUiii'l'i ll.ii all. 'aoun tn rou itj nit" In tin lo... tin i. uiii.uli ii to lu HonII n I' '. ir i

Ilie iv ii.u ii'i .if lievr.iis in I hi ballot box itl.lifii l I sli ed .h.n nue us ka o l.,r I c II .i,it-i nt cril.te .un uad i.euu "II in tiu ii J imen i ii im mnt num. tl.4 ,

. coin lined bat H Th.alii 'Ji iiixn the tmal v Iof K.uilsi . N ould IleC t.iiinilte Innl no i in,iIn Hit count in New HiViii, l..o iu .1 io,u, ai i .r nIn i ro eni il veh ni' imiIs, wunld f;,410; Jiwell. 47 I'iHj sc'liern.g. II As ii'i'l, iJ n . s Ii n r ili'ui'l iu in h c.ii , h s i.i j rity ns i me tines c. l,tl e l.ounl.ilure v, i. ..e .ot.iooua Ljoviri.or ut h m.

Conlrr lu'H's ill tliu llounly Jnll.0 urK W. Hull, i:!ia Cooloy Kcvls, was tent

lo I, e l.uiilow sliiel Jail yibli. ila) on charge olliuuiiy assiultin; Mary Hums lu hei rasldonce inWin 1 vieiity sisth slrcel. lit r physician U.liu.

a .e wilt l'j8 one cje. Mrs. Hums kit tuedKeie lor dnaarrs In A irnl. failing lo ai'pesryi'stenlay uiorm' : In tlio I ourt o licneral MS'tioiu o . i.sner th; crluilu.l i hurue'i la.l

s roriute ,acd a aicta waniat lrea.a fsr LisUnr.

uiiaxt la vnttr.n to kcoiih.The Itcpnbllrnn flcncrnl Conunlllec Hern-iilnll-

tho hnii Idinilnao hssludlr-Onlre-llnli- lrrs

I'nnbtr to Hleiu tbo Cur-rent of I'uhllo llplnlon.

Nolwlllilan ling tho incinanl rain, t!i4 Itepub-llca- n

Ocncr.l Cn"i.iiltteo met rn full force last Mailt

lo tns Han Dinlnyo Job. 1'iesldent,the Hon. Horace (Irciey, wat abent. and Mr. binchlr Touscy acted as Chairman. After ttrlkini themines of trro members, John It. Itussell and U. I).

Jenkins, Irom the rolls for continued absence Iromtl.e tneoilms, the Co.mnillto pailcntly listened tothe resolctlons scalost annexlnc Saa Ilomlnro,nl.lcli nad lee I approved by the KxccuUve. rominl'-ter- ,

only one nf tho latter body, Mr, Day-to-

voimi In the neEall7e, Mr. Dayton holds tliefit federal ofllce of Heiltler In llankruplcy. Mr,I.ecsat read the resolution!, which were reredediya, plaudcJ. The alluil ini to Sumner and Fcnlon andtheir oproilthm lo tlrant's Iniquitous schemes ntrlollowed by loul iheera.

air. John Pitch, who holds like lit. Dayton tiefoderal position of llcaistcr la Haitkruolcy, with a

salary of 13.000 a year, spoke the rcsolo-tlm- s.

He said that tho Unlied Stales couldrrske San 1)0111080 very nseiol as a coalliustation fiaiiRliirr), especially when they hadn linoiiiii tl.e Islliuius. LinKMer.Now, cenllemili, lontlnued Mr. Fmli. ou maylau:b, but bv inJ by v.m'il at the other sideoi your muul s. Luwnter auJ ur sive a ioj.s.j

Mr. Flich ill I not care what hl breihren didwhile he was sporting, lie wuuld tell tnem. how-iver- .

that the American people weren't ao much.1 aieai tuu -- an DoiitliKti Job as they wero as dusttne men who bouilit linds n Uai Itlmd to enr'cjI euisiives II It should bo annexed. Mr Filcnihen raisen his viilrn and csclanne i o want banDominrnnsacosiliia siailon. Up'oirious lautnt r

Mr Ira O. Mill-- r lli.iiunl they snou.d nilule ovlore they aduuled ll.c resolutions, Mr lilies ellinusband ol Lucy Hioi.e) nad be. n traesillnx la Panilomlnzo, ami w.s In favor of tho annex .lion nt tlioIsUnd. I hey should pn use wlieu such an authorityiv Mr. IlhcK.icil epoae in lavor ol a measure ivmclit.'ey were called upon tn onpost.

Mr. 11. ch hoped tuat tho intetlne would mullfrom uie resolutions all about the innevullan olMt, I) minuo. lllnars nl lilei.) I, I ilia.n walluntil the l h.imuer I Coiii'oerre met. (l.nutitei.Ti.t.o hundred u.eichanls of tnnt boly would asre nble lu n tiio.ln , un I vuic In faxr ol u 011111

turuunii tho lllar irvved lautrhler. Tuvur .,u lljinlnifo ou,d oe required

(.lull. Cucnrane spuae In laiurof 111? resolutions,lie spoko ol tne Tjla.i'.il rcrrices wulc.i -- o.iatorsSutni.ei' and Fenlon rendered lite lie uii.le'.u eau

he da)! 01 Ks trials, and if tin- shaniiiul treati.ei t wiiirh r'enator buuiiicr iia.l re.'iived at ibe.iius oi the J'icsi lent. Ho clos.-- lnu:

Tis roor fieedmen of tho foulh, aceoidina to thereusrt in ih- - uitit p.iper, ure now iiiii'tmoii "I Hie 1

uiis of iuv,r nvw On, lei is 11 e e nra trve-a- .

,111 ul lii'tiio, bcore wo suucx oihir lauds 10 Hiet'uited biale t

1 his scutlmenl called forth a burst uf crnulue applsu-- e.

'1 ie resolutions ncatnt the San Domingo Job werepassed uiii.iiuiouly.

Mr. ljsat i d 1 eommunl'illon from theTenly llist Asseinnly il Assoetillon approv-ih-

tne action 01 ilie tlcneral Cuui.niLU'e in ro u.11110 airre to reoraiute as by tne MaleuVuiml Can nuttee.

lien, l alui. r, 1 c newly c eded delegate from theAsfu i.itioii lu t.e lieiicral Cotumi liv uxirissiM

,e iiuciii'S iio 11. oeral, who iieeiit.y held Luc 01 Appraiser, ws warm y wilcouied.

was wrya 11 run nusr ricriM?lllil WHIInm 1'osler Kill Jninrn Nevsrnmrj

C'urler'a btory Nevvmuii'is Ull' bv n llrlck Ho Diva AccuaiimFoster of tbo Murder.

A strange story lias just coin to lllit coiv-c-

In; William Foster, tn murderer ol Mr. I'ul-i:m- ,

frcm which It would appear that in tue fa.l u.

UC8 Fosttr caused the dialti of James Nenuiau, a

usck ilrlvtr, by tlrlklox hint on lb head with a

Uu the nknt In question Newman waa tnilujhea'i saloon In llleccker street, wheuoi.e

with whom Newmsu waa on bad terms, came1, iccompanled b) John Caner and Willi im Foster.An attempt was made 10 imoolb over the trouble

etwe'n Ntwuisn and McDufl", aud the fcur men..tiled drank toeetner. Alter leavtnx the saloon

t c dispute was renewed, and Foster It la said look.u.rt wuh M. Duff tcalotl Newman, A (ei.eral

nt ensued wae:i one of tue party, naid to r.aveeeu Foster, lo-- up .1 briCK Irmu u pile in Mener

.trvet aaiu sliuc'e Net man on too he id v, Unt. Newman was loutid llnif upuu l.iulaveuiilit soou afterward atu taken hotuj1 some irlends. A piece of his Skull nUoUt an It11.11

ux was ukeu from uis Lead. Neamn recovered1 as 10 bo aUle lo w aU about, but he ul I not sir-- .

,ve the injury be,. iml u few monllis. He ueiamee in .us, ai.u roi'in uall) l aved about 1'osler,

iiim with ki.l.ui lui.John Carter, one o the four men. who nt-r-

li.hl In Nc sin.iti met with blaiin.was Int.rviev ed 0. s.'l'S it I oiler. He u ine.i,.

row ou :e lleniy llae' liilrclly well,1 kuew ibi 'b vvas an u d uiuate net iveu Mr. Hull, but i.i iii't bi.01, 11 viiM u'jou

It, pv. Ui W 00 sic ll'e parlU-- int itfi a iu hif

arter There was Newman, who worked attapes a l.ieu eiaulv, ahJ .'kUuH, -- nil uiy r, ana

..1 t.i- - r m. n.Iteportet Wlin was the oilier man ?

Crier His name was lill.) I'usier. He was annsievur 01 svwer4, uud Had Daeu a luct. tlilcr ut

ipi s'sItivni ter Is It nnl the siuie man who Is at pres

nl in the Touil'S loi linnMoriiiR Mr, I'ulua.n ICa tei1 Uoii'l kiion lur etrlaia.Crier t en iicsciiueil the titan, and hla descrip

mn t.llte 1 ex icily vM.h tuu appeal su. u ul Ilie I'm, im inuiui-rir- .

lU'ttrtir II mn be tooj cnouch tu tell raelow l.,e IIJli. to J plac . 1

1 111 and .illufl and Foster tvent Intoliquor 011 U.o lurner of Miner ana

..leeckT. Soon utter we cut Iu Newman arrive..McHuIl asked him to drink un.l Ic le usj.. he lieu wvut out ami relumed vmb1 number ol men I10111 Manes stable,I'lie. look a drink, und went outside tuesaloon, vviicn .McHulf und Newman not into .1 mu.

d;hl eiwund. anu somen dv li.t ewula-- l 111 tliui'u. wi n u uritk, but whuliier It vvas vlcDull ur

toiler I wuul.ln'i like 10 say, aSeiVUiaii iliua m.u.clute alter .aid. I don't know Iru 11 wiiat caiia.1.Tie M Hull ul uaud lo was vvanlnd l.tely 'or

lea urn a su. ol ban ess. Ha Is In hidtnz, hi't inav.11 st en 00 (' j. ly at uu'l.l la t.c wciulty ofvj.coue ai.d M' ro.i s roets.


And llrs. l'nv'a Will-Alvs- TrnselleilWilli n liiintirt, uu I iiilu'i'llu, uu xi 11 punul Sliii Ulr.m, uii 11 WoolK'n -- li.n.l,

Tusliuiuuy was luko.i 111 tlio Calliaii..i' I'uiwill case tefurc Buiroxalc 1 u c 1112a j u r,l.,vMia. Tay vialiatl tho l lla'aic two or threetiinea a wiek, yetiralir , uiinr to lur di al-- ,

taxing her dinner and supper th ro, p.iin one Hot-o- r

n uiea in,utd relr frcshai.-nt-s extr.i in 1

usually aii'iV ilitis carila:r, and paid lor the dm-el'-

meals and far th. tare of his hones. In uiuk-R- i

the pnynunts she si rarated the linns, oolnu up

eith amuuut ill piper b itsall, a.i I, cucios.n theenlim sum iu a In ticuiely tied, gave II to ti e

Uudlady.Mis. Fay always carried an umbrella, an extra

pair of itocklngs, and a tl.ica b.alike' s.mivl, even.11 the hottest davs of Ilcr dross was peca .r, Li'lui; louiewhai anoiur tlnti vihai lamesorilluaiili wear, ai.u urdurned with a piufutuii ulult.e nbiioiis and bow. She was never seen 111 tnetirett lil.oul a basket, wl.ieh contained ur.iitaeaii.u cand. She had tipeattdl) declared that uoueof her relations shoulu Lave her inonc). Sue saiuthat she ine ml to sptinl as inucn of it as pusnble,uud leave tuo test to air Allow.

.Mr, Wl . man, wl.n ws inilmate with the do-c- e

tad lauy. lesiilled that ki e wus rstiunal In tiereta un J cuiivuisatiuu, He tLouiibt she w.,s shictrd,

nolhinit ii.oi e She was iu old and Very I, ;ol .1 lemarkablu memory, sue had tola In in 01spoiled row wl.ieh loamed lot soiuewiierr near

ilnudway and I hiriLeiiln Mie.i. Tne uiuouiil 011111U wlncn I. ul eow nave, uc.outi t lo ,Mi. Fav,tvaa wuinlirful. He ihuuelit ul the lime sue had avery peculiar cow. Urn cc.v a accpled as

nf tliu SOIld Illt'lllOl','.Aus Fay was a 11 od talker. Ana Itorlnn. one of

Ilie 1.II1 esse-s- nevir knew oi.e mI.u taihe.l so m ,itiind iill'ioed oli el's tn liU soliltle. Siewasulat.v 1) dis uslitoi , and oicnuiailv raticul aioiii.ilti ruoui tu ine music ol tier own vol 'u Mrs Hopion hersrll u. need will Im. the dm nut luno iiibi ever iiavmi: d iiinjwilli it"! oluer eMrny'i' in He line way. She hail never seen ant-- t hi Mis 'a.'. acliniia lo ivarranl tne ussuaip-.-ii II.ut tho ws uul l el'incllv sail.

Ohriluir Orders Ii aits llciiiliiuiirli rs.At u iiieniiii of tl 0 Tlnnl Assembly Dislricl last tv 11,113. tlcure V, (J.matead. JJ. tic1 orniicx. .1. Hi 11011. I'airtcx Konnci, T. l'arroil, F Huiiiitli). li Hen, It. JmIIiii uud Win.1 ii i i,iidj weio jppuMtul u cjciu.llce ouivuruaaaiiuii.

M In. I Niki fMr. James S. Ainlersiiu, as one of tlio Commit.

slcncrs ol Assosnn uts fur ope 111 lis Scdawick aro-nil- "

In llorrisnnii. has ben awardeo (Ul ny theI o 'Hi autli'iri'io- - or 1. is en ires. Uu leivmt nl tl.elion 7. Mr Aiideisun sail ha considered his..i.o'u. not Vimtu mat mia, and banded back SIS.


dakiieu tinnn asi riir.nt: nv runHUS'H Ill.l'OniV.lli.

The Unit of the Hlnblo tlniiB-Tl- m 1'nor tlorol Ihr .llnhnvvk olvea 111 in n moat I'uiner-ell- ul

(Ifitiliir.The Klnblo tlanir Is a fjmotis social club tocnlcd

oter lh horse hotel of Mr. Oeorjo W. Dull, on Ihe

corner ol HayarJ and Ellxabetn ilreets. It hasbeen In cxlslence over twenty years, aud miny ofoar most estimable citizens are or have been mem-

bers of It. Iloss Tweed Is 111 head centre. It hastamed out nioro prominent politicians than any

other limit ir orsimnllon, and hasn't done vertbadly In Ihe way of successful merchants I and pro-

fessionals. Its members are also copnectod withelilter tho Americas. OnenTal. Bloisom, or citydobs, and their acquaintance thromhout the city II

therefor tery extensive, Ono of their most leas-

ing coiloms Is to celebrate on Its occurrence theblrthdav of each member. The member's portrait Is

decorated with flowers nnd bun In lh club rooms,auda niosi bniinnlul repast ni sll tho dellesclcso!theseason, and always li emeiidelicioos itiauipaitnepunch unatlnable, and tnJ Jo iu their thousand dollarLow I sent from Ci ina, is served up not only totie "dang." but to the uvlted anionj their numer-ous friei'ds.

The l.nt occurrence of ibis nature wss on wednesday esemng. Ueorx W Hull hi tiself was thevictim, lie reached his forts first birthdaysndltwas the proudest moment of his ll'e, or. sileast herald 11 wa. Amonx. a hosl of others whowere present to do Dim honor wero Jnd lMtordJ, Miamiley, the l'uor Hoy of tlie Mohawk, James1,. harvva , Die wholesale ilrmililj Cna ies II.Hall. Kecretiry uf the A nericus cpia ; Ju Jifo Sc ill,Snpurinlcudent K im. Marshal Tinker, lha Hon.David U Ml hr, U.nlrl llerricu, a runner ontner olll'ollo.t; 8. Fuier l).ey 01 I e Department ofI'u 01 ic Winks, Col, bchwaruw-ael'ler- , the linn.M.c.itcl J Sinn ley. Couimulore vin Dnrrr.Ueorco W. tllilen, win. If sue r lu straw cools ;Alder Oud'iv, A'fied CoS'iccllor ol tho tlotii imClub, It UcMuhun, a id Joint W ilir. (Ine ofIhe lealiiris or the evening was tHe present itlun10 Mr Hull by the 1'oor Hay 01 the Molnwk 01 a

cold I mHaci'ti cine. Tho cl.l Is v.i ued alover 101, the ileslsu bei'.g a tuer'a heal, tlie em-blem or tne AmerlciisClub, wtui a tonsua ol ra iy.eves ol e.tiaHl. and Uctn of illamoa Is. I'll cw i.ole aflatr is rich, unique, anil l.istelui lli'nlesthl a iiumuer of lT) laruc and re. Ilv innginflcc .1to, i.qti l" wt re sent m tuo jnung tell iw ly l.n lein:.U t leitils, inr tlearso Is a creat tavorlte uinoinithn If'tcs (it.v of mo lar'eil 01 luee eouquet'he is we .11:' i iu the lappet of l,ls spring overjoa,

The Kulchcrborltcr I. lie Inaiirnnce C'otnpu-u- y

Laoiieriiteil.The afTairs of llio Kniekcrlaockcr Cotnimnv,

whlh have oee.i In iliipute recently, have receiveua quietus 'ro.ii His Imuiance Ue.iirluieni lu AlanySuperiuli ndeat Miller bjvlni made his cOclal repoit jester Jay of tho results of his Inrrstlyailon.He ara t.ial Its tout liiul.llles are (CSII.DOO, whilelisasteltuie 7,lS0.0l, siting the Company a inrplus of aasets vtr all liabl.lties of about tlTC.OX).

Addina-- amounts staidlag on tho books againstat en's, claimed to be cuou, the lU'ilus would reach(,uO,Cu3, " thus showin;," ss Superintend tat Millersa s. " n.e l o.upany to no eiilleely solvent, and colli. ed to the itullaeiics ol lis po ley- - io d. rs and Ilupubne" Kcfeiriuj to II e lomiiuli.ts ae uusitLe Lempaii) ni a wsiit ofiairuesi und liberality. Lc

cuncluuer, " llut so inr as I .eis apaear Irom i..y In-

vestigation, 1 und ln..t the Knlcxcruocker Paa lionor-- u v ami pioiiratly met und discharged all legin-mat-

tlai.i s, the croa sum pud f r smM el ilm upmi po ties since Us t.r.-am-z illon umon-Hln- j lut i hrl.M'J SO. besi Ies Oi vl iuius paid to policy.iiuld-vis- ,

aa ouunnr to ?.'J3,l'JI.Aj."

l'llllnger's (irucnlogy.Daniel Htlliuizer 1U1J S.rali Huberls reside

on tno first and a:cond floors uf a Crcsbjstreet Itueiucni. Sara) s.its out of her winnow on

tne head ol Daniel, a he sits on Ihe steps below,litis engenderel a row, which ended Id Ihe Immo-

lation of awash-bow- l over Daniel's iicid. Sarah,who Is a regress, waa taken lulo the Special Ses-

sions yesterday as a prisoner. Daniel, who Is .1 yenuark.couiplesloned white man, appeared wlih hislau la handas-rs- , Vue was heard,and Cum scllor Ciiaile H.iencer aroe to addresstlie ouil In oeli.ill of Airs. Ho icrts

Year Honor " ssld tiis or it t. is a poorcnlou-- wonisn living un tl e urper fl .or nl a lentu.unt ouse. on ihe lover llo ir of wuie.i lives tuisv.rious ioioren inn who""Wuai's man" sere nue I Mr. ni'llncer. spring-In- : " NM10 says I m a 11, ger 1 1 tmyiu It's uu -- tc thing (ltus.,iur tl jkuo-- i tu V.Alcucer) lajok al tne and tea 11 I'm a iiineiYou ouai.t iu Know better iitustng Ins vulc. .111, anu siri'iing uu to Justiie Hnwiiuu ) LookIn 11 y r)te.our Honor, uud tie il tut re are .tlo'is ol ul.tir blood. It's u lie, aud 1 canllova 11."

1 c 1. tie Mr. ntllingcr was with difficulty quiet-ed Mr..seiK'ti old uu. 0 .Is.. U spei c 1. ami the

tr w.s sent lo Ili.cxiveH's Island for six0.0uihs.

A .Hissing (Jutiili'rtlr Cnt.Henry (.'. Al.rens 01 "1 Ka-- t Kightecntli street

ha lost uis famous cat. Tuts rai was boin In I'mton ceuuie, this S.ale. In M 1), 1S10. and is, as ueirJ' uscan ret al II, c uscquentiy abautoue ve.r u d.

Tne cat 0 sea In fame 10 tne met, that II cna bul two1. gs. lis head ana s.ieul. eta me I erleoi. nd It h is

iwo isu calar lore le.s, Fr m tl.eahou.ders tl e rattaper oil' in t. 0 shade of an e'ong.ilLC fuunel, lu tuoen I of whioi h all cie I a line lull ci nsl,ncleJ Intl e iiruaiorilei oTiut uichltecluro. Ii seals and eolswi ro lumiiiou in Fulton county, tun atiinu.nunl u Jasi rihe I as a trio c cross of 11 c il, an tel.and a rat. Mr. Aureus nas buen mrnred for 1 10

tal, and I is pl ica has boo! viMled by numerous med-ical iuc.i and many others nuxiuui to see inn tun-o-,it-

; ami its ncaily ad of Ihe v sitori Cillluragla-- i ol' Leer be.oro t .ev go, tue rut has teen a

S'.uire of rciC'.uo to Vr. Almns Mr. Aniensthink' I'.it He cat stra e,l oui throuih ll.e opendour t. tin In'ent to allenJ some I'eline slngl' i ut itch111 the ueighuuihood, uud was pickud .up by tua-- c

aaru.ri:i o. odi luoa.

Tho Woiti or the Civil Co tin Thlevrs.The poor woman, Mrs. ll.tker, whuso fui nil lire

a it I out to tho tl lewslk i n ued v, undera wairant from ono of tho civil ditilct courts, wus

still without s. filer ycftiudcy. Her goods wero on

thn rldevva k eiposlle liT'l Ullrahetli s reet duringthe diT, and wet-- satuniieil o) 1 10 1:1111jjvej two Irtle he on. log id no- - chill wereuisiel uculiKl I' o wu.l bv ne civil court Hit ten.a- d flung uut ul Ihe beek window. Ur Cullman.Mipi rlnlenileni of birett Uh lining of tlie Hoard olll.uil'i. oil 'red lo pur lor Hi renoval. but the pourwo. .an and lies' cl.lld could nnsi oiv De luuua.

fine of our J 11 II 11 n t lit I Clllcns.During one yeur uf murrieil nfe 1'uliirk Ileilly

nadoiih 1. rnuig glvin Ins youn.- - vvlio twenlv five

cents and u whi; ping. Site hud siarvt'd ann smarie.lon the-- , r.ttloit-- t until lestcrday, when I'atrlrli wassent to Jul lioin the c'neeial Mslous lur ten dati-"H-

(..ill ho'd just as toon kill 11 0 us nuu," teaiiuvdtie wile, "ott.iufo he hud iiillueuce, und wouldn'tot more than a year for it."

mi: r, 1:1:ac :; ;,v uiiooklvs'.The Ilurulnr" nt Work vvhllo the l'nllee

nnd I'Tiriiirn were m the l'lle.Firo Manliul Kcady niailo an lnvestlrrntlon

reslcrday Into the causo ol tho firo In lt.vuionJslrcel by which James II. Fienlice's extensive haland skill manufactory was destroyed. Tho firehad lis origin in the " dutch room." from the fric-

tion of tho tnschtnrr)'. The loss on the building ises'lmaUd al (Kl.OOO. and 011 tho stock and mattrlannl less than (.200,000. The number of persons cmplot ed on Iho premises wero 450. Many of llio em-

ployees reside In neighborhood, on,Navy, and Lafayette stieets. hi; J eoi'.ie nl them werecompelled iu make lunty lelieai. tliu) suslaiuiiutHiioiiw lots, i 11c lustn ir.ees are;lltlicl. New Vors.... f ' Niaau 5taMNtw Anihln uain.,,. 5 ifri Mi nil. 111.', 1'iov.... iCW)I r.nlct.i un". a Ofn'.f.oiumouwe.iliii tonblur 5 Ml.' Atli tuy 2 MO1. .mn. ouii'ln nv.. ami ilin.t Sew Yolk. . 6.UO

fitcili-nt- v A.0.IIO e, I'mviUenee... li, O'li urn n. i, ll.ti'itoiu SaV'1 Mo roponta i S'KrOMi .i t' l i icutto. SaV.ii! i f ifrn, hull.ilo I.,0OOIn lo 1.. 'lent. II. s.nn tii.oOi.iil,uiii SimAnnate uu Uf' in xo'ianue S.ft'OlnilTiiln i... V.fiti illoine. Siw v ulu..., 100 0lit, fl il ' l'irt Main. o V ss a i lesnsell Sim

r in n J.wsi i.itiiiil. I'm atl.'lplili. i' fanvi"rchaii.. li ui. oi. s.t'ii jilr.oluiii onooMe Ii ll is lla'Uru' .' ' 'illl.kllil.l'ul a fiOi, ". I.I n New Vol t. OO

i'u U.K a.i'i tl. Nielioi it ji.tinoI ii Im h.itn Cny el llart.oid Hull1 neuniu's I'llitd.N.V BUliUunti'. I'a.l .ax IIIUUOO

llio Airer e. n Y..t r not f C'lmh M inul.triury onthe tpi'in-iti- ' side ol It ijnioiiil tlreit was (Jaui.i'ulabnin tr.'.OtW oy llm und wutur.

A It Aialln'its it Lohu' dry cuoils -- tore at Fullontit eft and (litl.ailti ) laco was linteo lttj millohbcd on Weiiiio.div nirihi dining the flip. I liegoods sioicn wero valrteJ i t .B X). Ti.e upper pirtnl li e unil'iMg It occupio.1 by Ilia llinoklyn Y. MI!. A. A v.hle pungeln tlie ruir oi tlie stoic lea Itlo ihe upper run-it- Theiu Ii also a doorw iy lo tnestores, ilour was hioken open und Iho goodswere taken out m l carted nay. A tew boxes ofun lerclollung, wlik'i the thieves either drup. ed cr

1 did not thin a It woith while lu take away. vmofound vu luc aldcvralK,

MJlir.R ItrmiLAHTlXO lawsviw.Knlrr .Iny (Ion Id nt the llend of nn Army

Fqulupril vvllb l.edaers Tivo I ill 1 u HomUol t! 1, 0011, 1100 ntnl 8'J,0UU,I)U0-An- d uIlnll lliind ol 810,1100.

The mailer of Hie Coleman receivership of IhoKnjisli stockholders' shares of Hrlo stock vtaa d

bciore Masier In While jestenlar.At nbonl ono o'clock Jay (lould entered tl.o courtroom with the countenance of a boy who nad plated"liooitev." He wore ft gloomy nlr, and seemedmuch depressed. Soon after him lollowed abouttwenty men eari-yl- pile! ol hooks noatlv wrnpoedIn hrown paper. In compliance with Judje IPatch-rord'-

order, Mr. Houti.uia,d fcald !

V.r. Onuld, do you no produce Iho books andpspei whleit tno Court called for f

Mr. (lonld- -I diMr Soulhmsyd I now call for he slock ledgers

of Noveruocr und September 4, 1310, und January17. 1371.

ll'roduced.Mr. SoutlimayJ Thsro aro three slock ledeers,

are there no; two ol common stoc and one ofprelerred sloe f

Mr O'.md No five common and one preferred.Mr Souiimat.i Note 1 aut tne ro;lster oi (tails

biances, or register oi ttoct kept by th trausierclerk In December, 1ST0,

(1'roiluced.Counsel Now w want lh slock certificate hooka

irom wbleh were cut tl.e sleek eertllluites issued uyH e lirle llallw iy Company, Docemocr Z), 13TJ, andJanuari td 1871.

I'roduied iwo common aid one preferred.')counsel We alto want two cuiivcrtllil ponds Is-

sued st toil time.'reduced.

slas.ei ion had belter give those to me.Counsel Yes, sir. Now, we want Un- - essli ac-

count kept b Mr. Wnite, toe AssliUot Trvasufer,tor the same dates.

Mr. Wnite luis Is It. fir.Uouiitu Is the e any account of cash received

for couvertlule In this book f

A'sitta'ii i leasurer 1 here is nut.Counsel 1 there any book ol onr Company

other t ian tint now produce 1 the cait nookl.y Mr, Wniie in. ten shows Ine receipt uy

II, e F.rla It ill a. si Company lor C:lh received lorll.iisc lontertlble or for the projace of tuestock l"to which luote nonis were convarteJ f

Asistaiil Ircasjie No ol er ouun titan misCotiuiel .So utner cci.erul csli book t Tills

contains a recuid ul all receipts of tae Couipauy Iromday 10 day t

Assi'i.iit Treisuror Yes, sir,lou sel tins oiiler calls for any other

th'jtvliu tne u 01 convertible bonds. Arellieie ant such look, ur ptipcisl It ..ppears turnllic Hno I'oinptuy issued io bonds ptiipoi'.iiir lolu us ohlUailons.ot.e to p.v a millloii ul Uollarsand t..e i t iei two tnli ions ul doll .rs. Isb, ok in whlih they enteri-- tuu creation of ihesjuullzaitona ol these loud 1

Mr. Doulu Yes sir. I'nero Is an orJer author-Ixla-

tae l"ue ihe !u!i'Ulo-bo..- uf the Kxevullvel.mtlllltee. Tint hook was Lot Mr.ttc.i uj, tu Ihave brouxut a copy.

Cuunei i neu ierc Is no other hook In wLlcliihotu nbilgal.oas weie entered wheu tae) werecusi.ei! f

As.tiunt Treasurer No. sir.Cuunssl I : ey were never entered as bond! pay.

ab.c or ou. uiv.ble J.Mr. tlould-N- o. sir.Counsel tto Mas lei) I think, ilr. that the book!

l ave ueeu procured wrlcu were tailed lor In theoiuer.

All.r some furthir conversation th Mastered M- - rertiueate to tae hacx of the attacnuicnt,

In tl.e elfeci lli.l the Doaks and p.iprrt had bcruproaucel iu rout 'lance vvlii theurder.

1 he order wa Uiea sent In to JuJuc n atcliford.v ho ei.uorj?d u to Lie c OVel tnat, as l.s lenus h 1 1

been rniiipiiel wlin, Mr OjuIJ wou.d be udmiltedto 10,lMSt out. In wo surell s.

s.essn. Usury Bail u an I K. Wlllard were nccep:e.t us suiell.s. aud Mr. Uuul.t aud Ms left the com I.

Mr. Ju.tln II. While, the Attlttint Treviurcr otthe lino Kttlw.y (' np.iiy, w.s cil.oJ i s awitness Ho icalifa.-- tuui Mr. Cloud, ullhuurbthe ' ul the Company, did nut at-tend to the del. .Us nf oolee as Troisureri'e witne-i- tae t tdcn.Mod luo two coavcrtlole bond, and roatiuued! Tue bid .1Iho bond lur (3,1-J,0- spiral s to be lu thobaud "ruing of .nr. Fro Icr.e A. Line; theb.'dr of tae boud fur 11,0.110)0 aoceais lo LoIn lh bandwiltiug ol Mr. Mur. liner Smith. Mr.James Flak Is Vice President and Conip-- I

o.ler of the Company. I beliero tintall the money received by Ihe passesIhruu h my bauds; I never received auy prod'eU' olIhsie bonus, t did nut know In Daceiuoer and Jaa-usr- y

last to it any eonsertiple boods or sinek nadtarn Issued, nor did any of the 3J.0OJsnares u tio I: sans lo b.en !su-- J ou insbon .s come imo my ban is, I .nnAiu.eaiJ rponey ote the t roctL .s t, suuli siuck. 1 received (6oJ,uiJhoui W ilium, Martin & llaohe iu II ueaiovr uu iiuttuarv ua a in tn ; it was devoted to tue geueial

eau.-use- s ol tho; I cuuhol loil to wal .

ures il wusiut. M si ol the csk oi ll.c tovss deposileJ In tho Marine an 1 Tenthl.a ik ; the auiuaut re.oiv.a fi.i.n Will.rJ,

n.r ti. ,a Ilu, ur, Ii appears f. otu lju cash boua, wasiiluii lea i.i ll i'tii b iiis.ahmeuls.

tue oi ject in ciuiaiuii'i: Mr. While was to ascer-tain w.tst uad Picouie ui tue rccciuli lur t e slockistiicil ou ti.e convertible D uds nued In Dccu ..b.--ami JauUurj lan uul un uis pout tho w linescuuid give no dsllnile lesllmouy.

Air inl'.'in, luc iiau.I r tleiK, was questionedbriefly iij .Mr Suuih'na d.un.iuii Mi. 1. usiniroellons us lu wan it uoo s vteie w i.teu n.iuioriiiny, tl.e lunLer exaiuiuutiun was adjuurued to

ut 1 1'. Al.

j.oxu .taul'.s i:in.ntv oaxo.Ihe Oiitliivrn of HI it ur rslua-II- oir a Kngue

IkiuioiI on bin vvuv to Jtll-Au- d nowthe Itou'iie txiH'cl lo llrcoiiie Itnli.

Tho nulor.out Jacob Miller, u.ias l.aiirf Jkwiit'se name was mentiu cJ in coan.c.i ni wit.t tuegane thai rennil f.roil Mr. I Ion ry Youua'a house InSlug Slug, Is about to sue lilt tu.s lor t'JJ.UJO. Itis understood Hat tho euuuiel for tins will knownlualer is ihe Justice of the l'cucewho.i few weekssgotcniencol Miller lo Ihe county J. II at Wl.ilof'lalut, and who Inui-i- lf was a a tort time ajoUreaicned lm aricst by tuu Chici or

conduct wnlle on one of Iho principalthoruugh'arcs uf Shu Sing. Lan ; Jake's vute wasueeded at Ihe last e ecllon ; ti he luanaxo I to escipewhile un his way to tl.o lot, up. Vestarday mornin he and ills' lii.urshed counsel p. rainbulutedIho vll.a.e, trvlux to 0.1 a dozen bUNs, Dut lUep.ioera hal ull been selJ.

IVoccedinis have teen h.s'iluiel against Long

J ike nnd his conireri s, t.,e oharne Lelng thai I c andthe gang bro .o lutn a poor ttUos's nouae I.. si 1 net-da-

night. .1 fatv hours pruvloos to luo Luiuiuz uMr. Youua's ma.nt.lo i. lliscinewul eo i,e ore tl o(iriii'l Jury. Mlder says lltat Justice .N'cliunII. llaktr will act ss I la counsel, and bus promise,to share iqn.illy all money w.tlcu can bo mudeout of the t IN suit. He nankly tats that he ox- -

ptctstogct rlcil llnoujli tho c&ortul Ihutulenloliriilkmsn who ha his casu In hand, lleioiu II o

trial, however, Jake expects to irect a uimsardinol uver the shoulJer oi the Sun reporUT. .r. Hiker hut gen.Ti u.i nth r.d lo toot mlexpense alten lin: .ii'.nt ; nut i ulw:iiMao l:n talihut, J.ikesa)S tno Buys, iieanmg Ins gang, willI alio coiisideiuhlo money to pay c uiisal.

1 lift respect ihlu tnliabi inns ol Mllaze are luhopes i UK SfN will ticciiuplMi what tlio aitthuriiiesLave hilled in attempting, tia'iiclv, the hreiialiK u )ul oneoi mean st an J ni'xt tiesp rale gangswhich nave cur infested u c m.iiry to . n. villaec ufllelals Ii ivc become alarmed nt lh freqii'neruf li.ceudlary fires, and yesleida published the fol-

io ting notice ;

(Ink Tito m Hollas Ilrwaap. 1 he President ar.dtiisteesol ine vilUtis oi Hi g h u,on at. kooumucin to adlunieov mix tuo d.t.iard y i.ot'a Ha-

nts ,io iiave o eu reliiiu lira t v ir oa n til ,noui inn st. 1 ne crime Is nrso i pntiish.t'aie tsnhiioatnTo encoiirsgo tho enuoatois of our peop.o tj fluu outtl.e wickej irimluals, we here.iv oircr n reward ofll.ono, to be paid for the arrest sn e.invicllon of tin,icrsinoi tirtons who stt n.e loMr inn g's houto

o. uoti.e toe Calliotle Lhuicnon in, mot i.tuv ofili lol Msy. I'll. A re.iH.rtt ut U.0 wi l Pu piml f, i thoarrtsi i.nd conviction oi Ihe pc.ton or peituns teitliulire I'Cit'lo.oic to uuy oiher nui d n.' lu II vl lace ofMnj fclna--

. Isaac u. Mixo.s. l'l.smeni.Mr. Young Ins also oUcred a rewtij.i (ill) for

the unest ul 1 io scouutl.el who UiejSr.. houtu.

llrmnnllc Tnleut not Appreeluteil.I'kovipumi!, May i. Oar citiions nro amused

by a lingular contiariray bet veen a

merchuut and tho 1'r 'Vi l mcj iVjti. Mr Levi K

Joalin, known for years as u hionev-mii- ng dealerin groeerle", has hecomo Inlected with t'ao spiritual-le- i

mania, unil recently becunte a mclliim. La tS nday, lu a muling In L'nlon Hall, he assumed tube Inspired hv Vi'illuin Sl.ukupcaro, und lo perfurmuil ram :i in live ails, unuer tl.o inspiration uf the"Hull nl Avon." Tlio uudlciico lhou;hl Mr. Jus.tin's 1'i'ih T.,,onro li il cqnul In tho ctoat orl.tliiii,and tne wiro emnly hoioiu tie "urama" wusHuh nv r. The i.'fnlng IStM nf ihe following arpti.. icil mi nl tiiopotfoim nee, wiitc't lrJu.ilu tn tliiircil llliellous. and he itcuandcil In udverlivuiint In the tAooiher ei'v l 't l.u tii.Kttpoluav. '1 uu J'rtsi teplio I, Hi, I ttaiiyin: Mr, Ju-il- n

in lit lor drama le iih'i.t, and tins mmuiiig hu a I

verll C lor Lvu oi tin1 first m iheII i.d I'U'iid bar to tonducl his cie ngiiltist tluiucusp.ccr.

A l.uily Hurhclur of I.utvs.Sr. mums, .mi. , Mii l'lneho W, Cousins,

vvho nus gained consid.7."! ""ouiain i .s a Ite'.ur-e- rui woman f uuraTO and klndicl sitbjivta, urailu-ate.- l

inilay as liiiiielor ol Law lu the Us icbvulWushli gtoa University.


a niAXTOM nuif sniiiTtxa innCOAST or CVII A.

Strnngp fftintoris Conrernlng the I .Itnrln1 tut Vessel nttlri to linvo been byher 4,'rev, anil her t'nptnln ,M iinleretl.

Two months bro Tug Sun punted an nccjuntof the rumored loss of Iho once latr.ous yacntMaria, together will a short horrallto of hervarious triumphs while bolrnglng lo CorrmndnroStevens, of th New York Yacht Cluh. There lanow good grount for be. loving that tho lumor wascirculate! by certain Interc-te- d rarllea for the e

of covering ever tho Healing ot tho vessel, atdprobabl' the murder of her cuptalr. Tho ownersuf the Marli, ncMng m.dcr oavlco of prlvuto coun-sel and of the United States District Attorney, re-

fuse to disclose any particulars until the vesselshall have been captured, lor fear that tl thlciesmay get wind of the tact that tho authorities areafter them, destroy the vessel, and fly. It Is a, so

feared that ocrlal 1 other persons In th city who

ire suDposed to bo Implicated may become alarmod,and lake measures to warn tbo pirates, and to coverup their own tracks, to tlio grant detriment and pe-

cuniary loss of th owners. A tl'.l Kroner, how-

ever, has succeeded Id gathering the following Horyfrom official sources l


Mr. Stevens waa shout to bmk tne Maria no,wticn Capi. IUrkalow, John Lvnlurd, Peter Mar-eel- l,

and Andraw Koal uf lloboken. tma.ij to;oib-cran-

purcnsse.l her for (3,010. Tnev altcreJ herInto a working bolt at a lurl'.ier cost of ( 1),000

Thirteen tons of iron an! scvan tons of lead Irom her keel, and her soirs were considera-bly shortens 1. Her present dl (tensions aret tinwater hue, 111 feet .0 inches; over nil. Hi i'eeldepth ol hul.t, 8 feel: breadth ol 1)3 mi. Vf fcetjletgtlt of malum irt, 71 icet (tl wis VU); length otlorrmiiet. 71 leet ; inaiuooom, CO Icel; loreboom, 40tee- - 0 incites ; length ol tnpinl ls, 11 und 41l.itreiocilvciv; gaUs, 3.1 ,nd 31 let ; bowsprit, 'J fe tuutooard (Ii as Si). She Is p. .In!" I PIjc Whina o was a jaihl, the A.urla spread l'J.OJO fquaro leetol canvas,

S cw is first used In therlne wood trade, andcarried 1 tl cords al a time, tier tint load was uoldto the lloaokcn l.ind an i Improvement Compan.Sho ti.ei wetu Into the o.sttr t 'a.U, mil hercirjoftiaveragrd C.OJO Lushes. Sh" ulle'.vurl made oneulo io llsriiiuaa, bringing b.rrj.a un her wayI o re. Hue was then laid uo.

She eenllnued lo be very fast. Time mil grainshe ran n it o Virdlii t aieniiers, and onro snopassod a tailed Stales gitnoo l wll.i eate. II is rolate, I that ulu thcr time t.fT lat sho catuo upwith tho schooner Annie. (' nt. Holers, fl vtsselwhl.h vtas reckoned tu be a vcrv smalt salttr. 'i uoMaiU swept u. her so quickly llut the lormcr'acaptain couldn't re ruin Irom veiling out to tu know H llio Am lo Was ill alienor. Nextluornlug Cai t. arnso early and sacpl tn,.l.orix n villi his must powerful glass io get a lookal tuo in crital schooner wulc.t lis vesei lusuch un artunlsnliig manner, bul sue w is alreadyout ol il.'ht. When tne Annie reuched New YurkI er tapttln spent iur days i.tiilinr nls rival up, nilfur tho purpose of peltnu a close view ol her. Heloundlcr ul tax, uud her captain having bion ols.characd, he was cu.-ac- e l at oik to Iks tils place,aud laa ncr uniusho wis id up.

uxti roraou.Tlie Cohans Ihen tried lo purchase her. They

too a trip In her to ti.nor Hook and back, undwere vcr u.u:ii pleaied i.ll.i her; out aa lueraisited io pay only hall hi cash nnd tuo rest luCuban bonds, they could not come to terms with tueoiviieis. Fiuaitv sae was chartered by tl. Wcsselot South street, and on the 12 .1 ol Jell, IKO, sailedlor St. AuJlos. In ch.irto ul Captain M.iliu, wiohud been Llchly retomuiendeti bv thn New Yoikoysteiinen. A man naaied lUrnor. who It lalj lohave boruo a very bad character, went ont In Ler aauavlator.

Sue ran three trios. Sho was reported last In Nove. nner, 1S7U ut St. Laurent, and was near.l tru.n atNasau iho lultowtnx Dscamlier, wtta "Captain andail iiunds sick un boarJ." Sue never reported sloce.

On tbe4ai u, Fehiutry last a sjilsriuz man wisciu-- il .c tho Hire, ay street lerry to Hubuken. Heenxied InVi conver.atlon with the engineer of thelerry boat, aud asked him If Ihe Marts wssn'tOAnott In llnuoken. Un tue engineer repltlug Intl.e aforuiative, t,e said that ho had hern iu board ofher omy a wees: or lao orvvlous aud mat sae wast en engaged la running the blockade oetween nnoulucrii pott und Cuba, under her own name, mdin couimti.u or a SpauUh captain, was loi uduitii coke. He sala t at a gunhnat nnl tlihtrdthrm, bull al Ihej nad outsailed her Ilu also s IdHid he undertool that her lorttier capl .In hadsol I htr to Uo ueouie ttho wero then running her.Day Lelorj lesterday auulucr seatariu; man tookpntsaec on uue ul tue simu line ut boats, and sl'u.ol laulnx wiaj the cngluecr about iho Maria, liec nob. rate t the story ol tho first man about herrunulug Lie blockade, and about tno bpautsa cap-t.-

, and added lual It was bclietcJ thaicrr. iiauTiN had hscn ui'iinturD

iiciere she was sold. He sa.d that be had J

In i or a' Aspiuwali on April U 'or ltlas,1. 1. e h'r las' Cut, eu'peitlug thit

somet'ou? wus wrotu, s ule.1 lu loot ner uponu' her uwueis. Ha t ox cxlraurJi.iiry pre-

cautions lo kee) In. ('epartnre a tecrel, au.lir yuned Irom lace tn p!ac 'alon; Iho eo cl ol Cuntte.,rchltig lor her. Wnal he ol ho leluscs.o ten; but, s I muib ho (I.d nnl suiceed lu reeov-u- .

lit : ner, it i. l.u n he came bnek with I. isuinblciius lulty eonllro.el, uud lutnie,iintely tookstean lo alt the L'nlte.1 siites inLu,i i, S .ti Hoa .go, an I Net l'rovideucc, un i thenue In Asuluwall tu seize her "I. cm tershusiuuid lo put In to any port ul iLusrpi e . Th . tloventjiei.t nus alst given siilci or-ders to the naval luium.n ler, cruUint In thosewaurs lo keep a sharp ljuknal lor her tuui capturoher' met wllu. ACao.uin Davis has latelybeen tenl lo Aspl iwall by luo uwiurs lo nunl netua, and il t more t i..n I l.fli 1 it he his her bero. othis, lor on re erring lo me Ionian limine hewspub.iinod lu last Tues iy' Ne Yora: ptp ra un Jerthe Lead of As, in all," nellnj Ihe f.,11 iwtiuarrivals: Apnl ii, schr .M.i'li. 'ton Sm II. as j""April 10, schr. Mans, Irom Z .ni'j.i."

.i rui:siciA.'.s svicnn:.Dr. Ctirlls (iinpniiin ul l'erlisltlll llnllttg

bin I. He Willi n Dose ol I'lutulo Arid.I'oiGtiKtiivir, Stay 4. Dr. Cmtia Chapman, it

pro Inent phytliliu u. l'evksnlll, was found (load

In lie woui's one n.ile r.onh oi tl at tlllayc this -tirniioti. He had been missing tin e Tuosdaj. Kok l.od hl lf w till a do-- o of piu.t.c acid. He left aUtter re. i nl, atalnig th .1 Latinos troub es andn, her Mun.H wi re tno e use o' Iho rish uet. liewt'hetl io lave no tervtee hehl over hts leutaint,and iiquetU'd to be Luttet in a pine cn&kn, ami thathi- - l..t.,cr anu ui.'llicr -- i mild nut mien j the Iuiki.iI,iiltl.ouen In his letter he expressed the gientest luvelor tin in und Ids lUlytlMer. l.'..i,.iicr Mtiuh u.I. listings held an Inquest tho Jai y returnln.- - averdiet u. wlhul suieid.', 1I was IM tears ol ugo. uudui.marilsd,

Frnnk Dull'i'ti I'lillutv .Urn ofltriilus,

The lion. Triiiik Dully, ut a mi' of tliuMi nljeti'cry Democratic Club of II o btventli Ward

on Wedmiday cvciinig, was loudly called for, Mr.Dull, res onded to call. Ilo W"n attired lu huusual eiecaree. end vn ro s pair ol sollenno kidgloves utid ucusti) liquet iu the luttuniiuie ul histoat.

The Hon. Frank said I

" l.adtcs an 1 gentlemen, I am here t but you know Iat. 'i atieukir, lor ll lakes n man who u eouctleil uulo it to ti n "" sXs r I innnni sp-- ru'irh. tn i miltiiov make niv uiutilun ana. lau niosi nonrenal,i ulttl m n aiinvit that 1 taiiuot t,.'.ik.,.tiuu J fImvulought agaiuti liimiiii.'.y Hall, ami tildiaiuM.'1 weed, and Jul u J. Illatr. and Jnhnti ttviti. a. id 1 n whow It is invti-li- I ill 1 have louulil ugaintt ineu ofbl alt-S- ntl I when 1 IllO men of bl Hills i.oi I (lo mnPent, nut get briiin.laini loltow them, btesuta 1 haven'tloi the lo lead litem inv. ell i and 1 till si)ihstIhe uiotl ui tu I snow la. w m M Teo4. Inleuurit ta li e hi ic. uii'l grey aimea I will tny thit Imade aire d llkhl. nnd t ot luote voiej wn. tt I rud"tiieui.tnsn t'linuiucii gel h they I.a1 nl- the hose.Irani ho." in nil' Ualt T,. In Cjulilliiou anutv luo laIhun',' you. und vow let ui h tvo inree louiiug il.tii,lor Urn Mi'IhilI.

Drzriidillluii Hum tho Allnlstrr,Cuietao. May 1. Tho Kcclcsiaalical Court for

the trial ol the Ittv. Mr. Ci.tiiey loasucmaled thismornlnr, when it was uiiuounred thai Iho C'uurl

.ud agreed upon thu following v.rJicttThat Hie said H;v. I harles UJwurd Clienev Is

guilty ou all en rgoa ami vt'ilicitiout colltamed lu th'' pres uimi iil, und w Ilu .t I'ic.oyu'.s

i, ting In )'i Igmi'tit on I e c niiuci nf uunti ir 1'iesbytir wo hit. I our duly an cxcio ling.v paluiul one,ttu leol tiuhged lo state mat in our npiu.oii

ami ei'cli'si n.ic il teiiiuni-- ol ucgi olationfrom tint uiiiiistrv of t iu t'li.iivii m tl nl shuuid bepinitouuced upon him. Tuu Court Ihea udjuuillttlsine (nr.

It Is utidrrttofid Unit ttnlenca' will not heuntil l tok or iuuic shall elapsud.

I'.lght Men Droit nc. I In liitltii fliilnrlo,Nufitrtt, Hiiy 4. 'llio lifcboit lieliuging to

Fill Niagiiugo', aoillt oui lug a gulo this uioi i.ttig,and i boat manned by ni b"ldiers mi 1 L. ti.At '. in I ,1. C. Morns siaris I lu pursuit, bulthe,.-- .tul caisiiJ.l uuJ ull were lu.t.

Vhoae Wile op Mster f'lite body ru woman was found on tlie bench

el 1'it' ll.iu.llton ) I it. Thn elotttiug i'oi..itcilof . black alpaca dies, black kid gloves, guid fro-- t.

el slievo bullous, black sen, mouo'o c tier",(tttiail lire and nearly new.) iho body badbceuaiI.uji a luuulh iu Ui Wuisr,

nir. WAxnnitrxa hloxsoux.Hnrprlslng Iteeeptlnn nl Hnn rrnnelseo-lnlir- .it

nln llcllrs Urcogulrlng OvrrtiIII etiunn'e Wnnderlnl llrnillv -- i lie Cliutn-plo- u

I'lihrrlsi Scoop t ihe Hot".Ban r'rtANCisro, May 4. 'Ihe visit of the

!llooms has ciealed great Joy. Their rooms In theLick Hou-- e uro Huong"! b cltlz ms.Th gs arc fly inr, bonfires uro, and l'iepeop,oaro cxtravi:ant lu Inclr ileunnstrallons .it plessurr.Tho Hon. Willi un llrligs. the lion. Thnmn Pcnno.and Ihe Hon. Charles lliittonnlis are among the emi-

nent citizen who have InvlteJ tne Jllnssnms to a

tnr.qsct In Mr. Slep'ten Whipple' club room. Theladle- - at lite Lick House are astonished st ti e l

manly beauty of nrennan. Ifi famehas spread to Oregon, sn I a party of l.rilei haschurtered a steamer at Portland locomoduwu heroand look t htm.

The U'ossnins were met at Bvcr'menlo by a n

he t e' by the Hon. Haul ol tneSacramtnU Vi,Iqi. This delegation nceumramedtirin lo this citv. Mr. Morrill is probtbly the bestrokertil In Ctllfornta. When It was knoAo that hewus to n eel the Hlosoms. the people o' Sacratneniowei grcait rieitsd. Il"ts were nlfrred. It. roe toone, that Morrill would clean nut the part) be'ole1'iey read eJ ban Francisco, Tn ro wero but lewt..kers Ile'ore Morrill had been on tao Irani fiveuilnules Lo rot up a 11,11 game. Ho held wonder-ful Inmls The ear was n disastrous une lur thebui. Dolors tne Irsln had reached bin Jose Moirl'l Mas siooulm things. Ilo won several hundreddollars In moner. Mr. Malonr' dhimonaHUds and Frank McCabo'e Anieilcus Club bad'o.Al Ssn Jute some of the boys teicj-- ipnrj btek InNew York foi more money, Callfoinlans aro jubi-lant over Alon Ill's succcs.

Alderman .Mitchell was looking lor Indians all theway Lei ween Often nnd S.i cram c nl o. lie keatuwaae nlghis to watch f r them. At Dutch Flat hosaw one Ilo ahot at him and mlssc i him. TheHon Wl.lluin Al. Lent, tho rono.vne.l hunter ot'nllinrnia, cilled on Alderman to look athis famous double hack action spiral soring foailng.piece. Mr. Lent spent several hour-I- n examining thegun, and said tnat ne was coming aruund to mo, rowmurium to looa st it again. He exprcitod theopinion that It w a the oiggest thing In the ship ola gun thai ho ever Air. !.cnt I a bmlncr o,old Abo Lent, t'omiuo player otour city, tlcorio Mllchell went Ilaliln; In theSan Leandro ci. e t When last neird Iroml.o had caught six wagon loaJs ot soeckled trout,und was all, i tl'.iiur

atzAXT'a jn:svuris.u uoxnr.Mxun.Itrsoltitlon of the IlriitiicliT Demo-rnl- lc

Mnte Ciiiivriitlon-Hnquiitin- ed AinuestyDeniiiuilt'd -- Ceiilr.-tllz.tllou uud Oppres-sive i'nxittlnn lteprtibnlctl.

I'mnkroiir, Uy., lay 4. Tho DcmocralioStale Convention which assembled at this plaro jesterdny was largely attended, and business was

with itiuiti Interest and spirit, The lo'low-ln-

crnllenen wero ni'mtnated! 1'. II. Leslie for

(iovcrnor; F. O. Carlisle for Lleutenint-Uavcruo- r ,

H II. Snilh lor Auditor : J. V. Talo lur Treasurer ;

It A. M. Ileiidcrsou (or Superintendent ol PahllcInstruction; F. A. Dinso.i for Itetistcr Land(Jflce; John Kodnun lot Attorncy-tJanera- l.

Tho lotlowln: resolutions were alo'lrj: TheDemocratic niriy or Kantnrk In Convention

the principles announced by tneConventions held sine t io war. resolve:

AIM! I hat wlac nil' i'ii .niinp and true patriotismiciiure tiiilve tul su J iiiiqnaurie a nnetlv.

Mion t mat ths indusirics ot the country demandthe soointou ot lhn ptetent mod,1 of ra s na Ihe reve-nu.'- i

by f hl h poitlotis ol the llcimnlie are otipresscdHint rol'ben lo enrteh inono,ones and certain f ectlons,sua tne speedy udoniion of a tv.tcni by which tne har-dens of isxsuoi wi.l be Iy and JutMy rl slribnted,una the t..iv actually i nu may icaeii the Irrssury.

Mr.l-H- ,ul ine pri'Mivution ol liberty It noaslaleon y tnr mgh thtt btaieu, an t wo proieit ugalntl everyact av wh ov state are de irited ot this Jutt ant eontlllulioual power, uud Hlalo lilouna.s are oitlted pioper and neestrv Juiitdtclion. Ann wo sreready tnjoin in ull Isalui anu Pitt messiires lo revrrseIbe it ran ileal ad of (h psriv la power, whereby It Iss ugnl to strip the ttistes nl all rlaht. nnl lo eotieaninto all Ihe power of the Uovera.ueat lu a grcal cen-tralised

oattA- -l eadoire Ihe scrims recenlly Isiued bythe Democratic members of (.igngr-r- s. aud unite lacouileuiniiig all acl br which uncontlllnliou .1 anddet'oiic fowers are conferred utiou the 1'ictlUeni, l.ywheb wlin the ute of the arm a .d navv. the suinen-tlo-

uf the writul Aaoeni corpui. lb power tu iWioiu--

insrtlst iaw, eail oui tliu militia sn1 Invade the sutcswith .ul tue rrqnett ut their hxrcutlveor Legislalnra.and oth t uudenned meani.hecaa destroy uia Ireenomof election, inr lude.n-nduuc- of the Judiciary, andibe rovereisnly of the Males.

A(iA Keoincky Is unaltrrably opposed to everyform of iMwlesncis. whelher roiuniiurd under cuteroi unconstitutional enaetinen s or oigamrel bsnds.and wr inedgo oaisclv es. uu occasion mm ante, to useevery legal mean to prevent ine one and (n baseeuncied suoh la.'t as may iteinon. rtte tot iieresaar lu i ul iMh n iioniiirr, nad lo furnldi pinleol oa In nfe, liui-- i Ir. anJ iiotcrty. ui uit the l.trrsruseie'l ut Legutnlure aud aduituittcreU nyour owa Couits.

Ike Convention adjourned it 3 o'c'ock.

a iia i ox Jto i 'u i: i oiixa no.

Hnitsex V.iroofcd nmt Illovvn Dotvti nndTreen Ctiroott'd-I'lantrtllo- ns hwept oftheir llulltlincn nnd Negroes KIHod.

Kkw Oklkass, Muy 1. A tornado swept overIkitoti Hou.e an l vtclaliy on TuesJ i) , cjuilng greatdestiuction oi rroperkj'. Trees were uprooted, andbricks and pumas were whirled in the air. Thenorth anl soulh walls of the penitentiary, iho roofof the shoo factory, and the cslbj In tho sout.i wmgof tho luildlug Wero bioivit away, 1 he vvliols ! c

ond siory and roof of the st iro house ol the UnitedStates arsentl, with 3)) feet of llio laboratory (airame but din.), and the root of one ol tne wcie rent In ir..rment. Tie roof walorn Irom tt c C'ati.ollc cnuich, aud the cemeterylencewas demntisho.1.

A large number ol frame boosts won" unroofedand received other (Induce. Tho sue.r hon-- e andt I, umber if lunlns on lhn plat. 1. 1' ion ol Jotepltlk'tnard were blown down, und ono negro waskilled and were wounded. Tne si'gir nou-e- ,gin .nue ann ciblns on the plantation ol J triesMiCuilen were ml ilisuojcl. ahd many coloredItrsons wire hjured. ihe siiinr hoiieuud ad the csl h.s un Ihe plautntion ol W. 8 l'i,:ewine lluwii down, aid two colored men wereLlieit anu a nu'iihcr were wnunilid Maityboitsinn flits lalcti with cual were sunk. Tho iota willleich J I.IOOJ).

During tl e storm some of Ihe convicts escapedfrom the iruoii, out lie, weie speoully recuvtuied

A Cnsr Inr Midi en I liivculigullnn,III Kuiiduul, Ulster county, llic Newark I.tmo

and Cement Compan, have a largo quatrr, iromvvhicn luitucuso quaol lies uf cotucul atone havebeen tikcu oui. The iutninr preseu.s tie .ppearancn of a vast honevroutb, with mt'.i on utileut rubtcir.ineous pasauges, tlirk as Ilivbus. U.icutetlng the quarry uue day last week withouthis lamp, Jo, in Oilileu, a labour, lull ttuun Intoa pit smite twdity feet in t.e;th, and pust:ilue,lti von1 Injuries. Since then hu tins been in conuemus, a', i im itboi.t a vvcvk tiss t'a.iu nullinglio pliitlctins hue hei'ti ojll.'tvl to r"sIt lo aruil:ial me. uis to reunite Ho l&(u! uiatter, tintwnat Is ino- -t curious Is t'.o lai't that at ivti)moveir.eHt if the ttriuarv organs tlie puticitt tisesIn. iu 1. he I, an I snurl'y uit.T lap, a luck in loun tutcoiiail' ll stale, Ihe cso has iitliiiiltnl utUittion lu medical ilrcles, Tho injure! man IsMilking lapidly. und cauuot, it la thought, tliau

Another Woriiuti'n hitlrldr.On Thtirsduy uftcriioou on ulhccr fuund a col-

ored wouiuo, whogavo tho numo uf Mary Merev. In

the street, as ho supposed In a stato al Intoxication.She was taken Into the We-- t Tweotictb streetroilcc sialiun, and committed to a cell. Ifivo ot tlxhours u'tcrward she complained to the iloornnn ovtnl.'iil I'tiii.s In her sioinacii. 1'ohco Surgoon been suntimintd, prouodnce I it a case oopium pontonlng. Tuo slim ucu pump was uptuiudnil,.oui ufluruiLg relict, nud too woman soou died.

fsnnvv Slorui ou .lloiint Wushliiston.Mount VAsniM.foN, N. 'I., May 4- -7 1'. M.

Long bciore ninrito tue whole eatturn hirizon wasa bl ize ul ucep citiustui, but tio sun had hardhrisen befoio ll was obscured bv dense clouds thatluyi lung the east Al CM) A. M., douds begin loiiiveluim Ilu suminil, uud unco b A. M it lutluustuow slor.ti has been laulng lioinvilli a ri'mantublv nigh uuio oelrr.

An (Mil Mcriiiimt (lone.Hr. William Wulton, an old reul.lciit of lirook-- I

n. und lonncrly of the dry goods firm, of Walton,t Aldirr, Hirehy ttrcet, No v Yoik, died yeslerd iyii. oi nine at l'Jl blatu slreet. He was 7J Halt ulugo.

A lliir'lert'r'B Couitp IMseom-ngril- ,

Aluvnv, May 4. Wlun tlio cite wasc nic.uded hi counsel asked un adjournment uf IheCourt until today. In ord r in it lln-- muhi rr'pir'ft li.ll itl i".' i ptnt'ls ; tin I Diet Intti III or tued J UugeI.e.itK'il n at iui'. wi I pi nc I i o lutiiicr,

I'rnus) Iviiuln Miilitn.-- Ilinii,Tl.e bill ptotithiliug lion rest lenls Irom telling

tiysti is tu I'.iliailcli I a nu i" it n ivuia His piui'iueda I rente, It ,s parcvil uoih Houses ot the I'(ii.itatila Ltyisiu' tno. ..ii iucisuiu is cuusijtrvd icluli--

uiy upun Now Jeisoy.

The Sleepy llollmv Murder,11 is repotted Is.tau V Un klimit is to be

Irii I in June tor lh murder ol Mr A,r Hondo.. will It Uuciboui's lh). a trial tor kb. Ii.e,


Til K G1VI L W A II IN FRANCE. ; 1a cur.cK io mis r i: its a i lusts' ad. i H

VAXVK OS l'Attm. HThe Orlenns I'rlner Itrfinesteil to f.env l

Furls The t'nmmnnlst (inrrlson of ForiIssy llrinued vre Nrunllntlug, n

Ixinpom, May 4. Tlio 7Vir' special despatch i IIIron Versailles savi that on TucsJa nUht three H

' 'divisions of the Armyol th Asiomolr, nndar lhImmeJtate conmimlof M irtlul ;MciM i.ion, al- - ' '11vanceil toward the nee! nit of I iris throujh th 14II its de lloulogn ; an entire corpi was or.tcrod to ' IItollow. Owing to cticumiancea which It la liiiprn i jl'jdent lo explain, the movement waa not eontum- - 'illinited. It I positively listed that U. Thiers re-- j fljjfuses tn entor Into a j Hi

coHur.nctiL mxiTT wim oinu ant, ,

and that IMnco Illsmatek has proleile.l against lh 1 Mlunjust dlscrlmlitatioL! mide hr France nialnst (ler- - (91man commerce. It Is rcporlrd that tl e Common j Mlhas requested tlios? of tits Orleans Princes still la , fflfl'ufls to leave the city . UJ

Tin tNiunnicTiox in alqiiha, 9Slf.dntgtj. Humors ire circulating that the la. . HI

sorrrctloti In Algeria Is extending, and that th j fl(loreruxeH at Versalilea la htodicsi of the growing j 'STdanger. jjH

iLLntss or two rnnuixxxr couhdniits. J Mufrom lAe Ettntnj Leader. VMu

Panis, May4. MM.DclescIuxeand Amoroux, two Inprominent members ot tho Co nmunr, are dinger I 111ousl) lit. Tho life uf th taller Is despaltsd of by j

bh) physlct.ns, oBAtiutxQ tna wouxn. ill

The ceremony took p'ao at the Il itel do Vlll at Harming the worae.i to defend Ihe barricades, I jBnir cxiHut'Niir aAuniso.v or ronr isar liiamu . I 9jl

VgiiaAiLLia, Mar 4. Tuo aporotchei ol tbe Ver-- HJsulhes army to Fort y are being rapidly com jHpletcd, and It Is now regard I us Impossible lor th ' MmCommunist garrison to escape. The cannonading ! Mmiml musketry firo contlnas. and several cngjge- - , twjments of an unlmporanl nature hate occurred. Aj iB1 stall of those affairs ilxiy prisoners havo beta iHbrought hi Irani tho Iront. Al Favre has gone to jjlllrussol to partlcipalo la the peace Lejot.allons. IPThe Vcri.lllrs lorces have earrle t by rssault Ihsj HInsurgent potliioti at Saguit Mill. O .o hundrett Hand titi y of Ihe Uomtnuulsls woro klllal, and tea mmcmnon and tnreo handr.'d pitsonir eipluiol Th MMmill has, however, bjon ciacuaio.l by 1 Yersallle IHtroop, as It la exposed to a destructive lira from , MMthe Insurgent ioriillcatlons. j iMm

tut AISCUDLT. jHjThe Asiembly ycsterdiy dobalcd the removal of i M

maglilraies oa account of their political antecedent! HTby O .mletta during tho udiutnljtr itiou nf llio Oov- - Dernment of Nailunnl Deloiico. Mr. Dufanre, th 'WkI'rocurour-Oeiicra- said toino of these ofDclals had 'MW

been lelustutcd, but ou the whole ho prctcrroj (lam-- "B,beita's miglslratcs tn thuse appulutol by Nat uleon. !

It vvas I'rcsldout i hlera and not Ihe Falls Commans IIPwho issard tho recent orJeri for Iho expulsion ol jlIhe Orleii.s princes. Jl

OnL'iizL. May 4 Haron von Arnlm has f,ono toDcrlln, and the French plenipotentiaries to Ytr- - ! 1sallies for Ircsh Instructions.

JOSTI.KD JIY .1 JILl.M) MAX. ItThe I'nsnfrnest of the Htrrls In sshlch

l'.lalilli Wnrd I'nllceiuen Travel.Kdward Morris, a sailor jutt returned from a MM

long voyage, and Alexander Mclltosh waited to- - 1 Mmrcthcr down Eu Ilvan sticot. They arc honest men j jRand were perfectly aober. They met officer iilewart, j IHof tie Llelub ward, who as In plain clothes, and Mm

was taking two prisoners to tbe Prince slreet pollc ' Mstation. Uue of the prisoners being blind. Jostled 1 9M rrls, Officer Stewart turned around and eald to '11the Id an Insulting tone: . M

"What aic you ttvtngto dot IWords and blows fo lowad, neither Morris nor I M

Mcintosh knowlux Siuatt as anonceman. Dnritig i Mlliejtele", o(na"' MtAlans, wlioivisulsj In civil- - Mllan's clotlie-- , arrived. From hi n Huirt njlalned a , which he Irutsed Morris' head Irighilully. Mf

1 he infurl ite I nflieei eici't", und wielded Kits d naly weapon until M rrit lac? was e irered i iMKwit i bl.-o- whicli Hiifimel from his 'sounds. The I '

two nfllc rt InnK both Morris and Mcintosh tn the jflfpolice si lion, atd tuey weio arntinol In tho Soeflal Sc'ttona itsl'td.y, lor ussauluug the ouicer. I uDjI hey vero discharged, howi ver, after too lacis had I Jaljbei ti (Hotel. mt

OSlc- -r Stewart a imltt d that ho elnbhsd his vie I Hitlm without vrovuralioii, and that ho s.rtiC Mcln- - , )IWlush un the vvav to tue ihiIicq slatlun "beeitie ho ! Mnlies, rvtd It;" bul pleuded In excuse that he was ex. 11 Uld ed. Mi

mils, j u.i i:r ii coitLitx'.s nUATii. mY

C'obtirn Hfnppeit l,y ft Teluirnin while on lit jMft ny to the riBluluir (ai'niinil, jjn

Mrs, Coluin, wife of Joe Co burn, died In Dili : ucity al li'.kl u't n k tern nlay. Tills event will ne- - wtcessnrlly tne light betwocn Cohurit and ' miMace, which was to t.tka place next Thursdtv, un- - jless Mice Insists on Cgi.ling on the day nauiej. It ,

Is the upiuton ol spotting iron here, however, that Mm

Mice will not ao luiist, dui that a mutual arrange- - Jfl.cent will bo inurle to the llglit to another Mlday. Harry Hill, the s.akehiil ler, eats If Mat'O In- - t IIsists nn the it tv n lined, na will exeiclse hla puwer t L

and deelt'e all outsid.' h' ls ntr. PCA desiiatth houi II tllaio s its thit Cob-ir- and his j

Iramtrs weie l.i mill city tt sterdaj on tnelr wuv to V;the gr, uud wlnn, to urn receive 1 news uf . Bnts wife's death. He to ak the fl I(. M, train for Nair . IHYork; but betoro tlottir tu, aiiiiouuiod that t'to n!dealti uf Lis w u wnulit not neceusaril, iHistpone tl. i, and tin If Mace Insisted he would be lit lh I (Uiring ut the time arptiliicd. ' ulj

The Hove ol the llntverv I'll. JJnj

" roared little Da. c Soincri I jHIn the I te.-n- l Strsions vtsurlay ; "If jnu'.l pli ca .' Ilet me ell this time l'i u steal a. in." B

"Yes my son," tal.l Juste. Doalln:, "hut what Idid )ou liko luis'4 cU.iui,a;ne baskul Ft

lur t" ll"I to sdl If," anbbed Ihe urchin, D1

gouging I n evt with hu l.t uc "S. "srd go Ur Iho( ft

lur.t'k.'. Jiiun'j M, Nuliy an. I a Ihe bh-bur- s was I Uf.1 lo the II li tuwe.v ur mc J ijiiinnj Ainu." m

DaViJ vvas lold lo gu on. I tl't no mora. I

Anntlirr (Inr Allcrcnllon. 'TjAt about li.ill'-piu- t 11 o'clock la.--t night, in car D

41 nf tl.o Meeckir slteet line, nl and inHit ccker streets, lleniy Coshland. t o loiiauetnr, InItomplo I lo cu led Ihe fare ul Jul n l'mtu 1, ol 610 , JS

tiiemwtch slreet, anl Mieliuel M.'C.irlt, ol lia i hWushlnatun tiieei, when it arose, en ting in it1)Fuiitll sirutiig lliecou.luctor iu (he l.tiu McCarty , 11then lift tue car, und soon the icoort ol ii tiistut washeard. Farred und .Mccarty weru locked up lu ths j 1

tlreiunich sticct police station. I j

Win, E. lliirlliig'si rsiireessor. j i IMcjor lltillurd, formerly cuuucctcd tviili tlio j i j

ofllce ol lieut-uiiton- has hceu appointed fiCulleotor of the Ninth Distiict Intuit cilv, to fill t I

the voe.jiey occitlone t hv tho aPiin.ntitient of Wll fHam I.'. Darling as Appraiser. The revenue otlcer I 1

n that Al 'Jot l.ullard has filed bonds as Culicctor. 17i 'IIIAwards by tho tuition Cuminluslnners. lt ;

James linihuiii i Co., Philadelphia, 4:10,100 pounds V) 'coffee. I)

lhlcher bugar Hennery. SI. Loul, 79100 pounds I fnie.r. ' IW

Doiiant Tall. rtil'Mlrli his. II! Wvu; pountli 'olacco. I fitl utvute eV Co , New Vol k. 1C4.U.3 r oumis n. t 1 ii ,

J. A S, Vinillii. Cneteiiue, Wt i , M puuiiui flour I lffor lite lteu Cloud ageuei. Cui'ieaue, itio i H.

Muy n Wnninu l.cnrit lo Henl f 1 I

The Anicricuii M 'licil in tussinri ,'f(In bin Fraueibcii, is hivuiiit l.velv t uv.r thiidii'l-siu- ti ut women Ue eg.ius, tLtb.h uu wuuicu ltf t

a;(luauu ara tu aiitt.d uul'. ' .ahjo i i i mis a iio ur ro irx. SI

wThe of tomiuerw rcSloclod IU oSrerijencidiy. ilsJJol it Huhatil recovered (111 OS In the Suoenir ' IvJl

f'ouri tetierday aguuil Ills ilaoku in Fire luturaiao 1?itt on pau), Ul r

The in. M. Tweed AssorlaH n el th Nin'iecntli , SafHunt oi ttK'il their room- - ut IM I. ail liiiy. ioniu Mi,Sinn I lo toe puoiic la't ul. hi. rjjj,

Chiiui.ccv Iluir night uJ.lie.Kd tho Ninth . Ifward 1 weed An elation. . lf'j

A vaiiuhle cotnpil mon of en ii'itre'al sLallsllm ll ! 'Vi.the I'nir f " I.J'i.l l.tuel br ua publishers of Haul's) Ifii.Jllrc'd JJciice iWrj

The Pickuii'K Cluh hive eleetn t Hoiert I'. Oiurt- - islrj'ney. Fictiili nt : F. I', siiiiloue, Vice I'reinirnt i ti. o, j 'MVV, Utttlre),'. bucie my . J A. I'icard. Iitrau'irur. Jouu vA,

lleinolil.. tno. daore, uu I Ihi.'eue Mix, llueoiari. , R '

A. J. llleccker, Adrlui It, Mullcr, md Coutiland ;)I'ulnt Hi ne ai'i iaual the value ot real caiate iu lha !$c li stlliJtiD.iJW, IW

olev's iilt'hraled liink Hold Pens are the finest, i 'J;leu, anl I'h.apait, Si.CMOOi aul fauWfy, Jut "It,UioaJvtu.-A- dj. J)

s4s. HH

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