проект март2016-the board of fame. рыжов александр

Post on 08-Feb-2017



Presentations & Public Speaking



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Project «The Board of Fame»

created by Ryzhov Aleksandr

form 7 «A»school № 5

Teacher: Lakeeva I.A.

Our class is not very big, but there are a lot of talented pupils in it.

Most pupils in our class are best at something.

I think if you are the best at something, you must getawards and your name and photo can be put on the

Board of fame.


My friend Alex Tulin plays chess very well. He can get an award «The best chess player»

The best chess player

Vika Rybkova is good at dancing.

She can get an award «The best dancer».

The best dancer

The best singers.

Liza Rybkova and Ksenia Kozakova can sing very

well. So they deserve an award «The best singers».

Anton Ruchin and Ivan Sytchev are fond of power lifting. They can get

an award «The best athletes».

The best athletes

The best athletes

The best athletes

Anton Paramonov and Dima Sukhov play hockey very

well. The can get an award «The best hockey players».

The best hockey players

The best hockey players

The best hockey players

Ivan Yukhtin is very good at playing the

bayan. He won a lot of contests. He deserves an award «The best player».

The best hockey players

Tanya Mamarina is very good at playing football. The girl plays

better than boys! She is the captain of our school football team! She can get an award «The best football player».

The best football player

The best football player

Nastya Zhulina is fond of boxing. She can get an award

«The best boxer».

The bestboxer

Julia Rassulova is very good at swimming. She won many competition. She deserves

an award «The best swimmer».

The bestswimmer

So, you can see, my classmates are very talented persons and their

names and photos can be put on the Board of Fame of our class.


Julia Rassulova

Nastya Zhulina

Tanya Mamarina

Ivan Yukhtin

Anton Paramonov

Dima Sukhov

Anton Rychin and Ivan Sitchev

Liza Rybkova

Ksenia Kozakova

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