Κοινωνική δικτύωση στην εκπαίδευση

Post on 03-Dec-2014






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Ιστορικά στοιχεία, τι είναι τα κοινωνικά δίκτυα, πλατφόρμες δημιουργίας, ανάπτυξης & συμμετοχής, προτεινόμενες χρήσεις, μελέτες, κριτική


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2. 3. 4. The WELL (1985),Theglobe.com (1994),Geocities (1994) Tripod.com (1995). , ( ) 5. .. GeoCities . ..SiliconValley Hollywood 6. SNS (Social Networking Sites) SixDegrees.com 1997 , 1998 7. SixDegrees, A. Weinreich, SixDegrees . , online. , . 8. 1997 2001, http://www.AsianAvenue.com, http://www.BlackPlanet.com, http://www.MiGente.com , 9. SNSs 2001 Ryze.com site . ( Ryze,Tribe.net, LinkedIn, Friendster ) Ryze , Tribe niche LinkedIn 10. 2003, YASNS: Yet Another Social Networking Service : LinkedIn, Visible Path, and Xing Dogster: , Care2: , Couchsurfing: , MyChurch : . 11. ( ), SNS Flickr.com ( ) Last.FM ( ) YouTube.com ( ) 12. MySpace , SNSs .Friendster - ,Orkut - Mixi - LunarStorm - ,Hyves - ,Grono - ,Hi5 - , Bebo - , 13. instant messaging, SNS LiveJournal, Vox, Skyrock, Windows Live Spaces 14. Facebook 2004 SNS Harvard. (trailer ) email harvard.edu Facebook , email. , . 15. 2005, . . , Facebook API 16. SNSs: SNSs , SNS aSmallWorld BeautifulPeople . , , . 17. (Boyd & Ellison, 2007) 18. , http://www.ning.comhttp://www.socialgo.comhttp://grou.ps [infographic] 19. ; 19 20. SNS (1 ): - , , ., (2 - ): (3 - ): SNSs (Social Networking Sites) 21. SNS SNSs . , . ,, , . , .. , . 22. SNS : SNSs . . , ( ). 23. SNS - . : ) Friends ( ) ) Follower, Fan ( , ) 24. SNS- SNSs . 25. SNS- : . 26. Facebook 26 27. Facebook Facebook - 5/4/2011 629 (1 13 ) 50% 18/1/2010 350 50% 28. Facebook Facebook 130 90 () 30 (, ,, , .) 20 10.000 site Facebook 200 Facebook . 29. Facebook Facebook 48% 18-34 facebook 28% facebook ! 6-7 30. Facebook InfographicsThe Anatomy Of A Facebook UserAre We Too Obsessed With Facebook?30+ Amazing Facts About FacebookFacts about facebook photosFacebooks 500 million Users 31. Facebook ! www.facebook.com ( ) Facebook! (. ) 32. Facebook 33. 18/1/2010 4/4/2011 2.170.300 3.266.940 1.255.800 - 949.060 1.790.940 1.420.140 31.900 43.000 13 13 187.680 267.080 15 15 34. 18/1/2010 5/4/2010 267.620 353.020 16 18 16 18 596.660 754.040 19 24 19 24 787.600 1.124.880 25 35 25 35 53.420 127.920 50 64 50 64 35. .., 160.000.000 36. SNS 36 37. SNS Classroom 2.0 http://www.classroom20.com/ Etwinning http://www.etwinning.gr/ Stanford University http://www.facebook.com/stanford http://blogs.sch.gr/ Logo : http://logogreekworld.ning.com/ 38. SNS Gurgle (Baby stuff) !! http://www.gurgle.com My Dog Space !! http://www.mydogspace.com/ TheSocialGolfer !! http://www.thesocialgolfer.com/ Greatcookscommunity !! http://www.greatcookscommunity.com/ 39. SNS 39 40. SocialGo: http://www.socialgo.com Groups: http://grou.ps/ Ning: http://ning.com mixxt: http://www.mixxt.com/ Bloomfire: http://www.bloomfire.com/ grouply: http://www.grouply.com Groupsite: http://www.groupsite.com bigtend: http://www.bigtent.com/ CrowdVine: http://www.crowdvine.com/ SocialParody: http://www.socialparody.com/ Wall.fm: http://wall.fm/ IGLOO: http://www.igloosoftware.com 41. ELGG: http://www.elgg.com DOLPHIN: http://www.boonex.com/dolphin/ BuddyPress: http://buddypress.org/ LOVDbyLESS: http://lovdbyless.com/ Social Enginge: http://www.socialengine.net/ Anahitapolis: http://www.anahitapolis.com/ Pligg: http://pligg.com/ Drupal: http://www.drupal.org Joomla: http://www.joomla.org/ Pinax: http://pinaxproject.com/ 42. a http://www.facebook.com/ http://www.bebo.com/ http://www.linkedin.com http://www.gowalla.com http://www.myspace.com/ http://www.sobees.com/ http://qik.com/ . 43. Facebook 43 44. Facebook : 45. , .. Notely (, , , .) Notecentric ( ) CiteMe ( ) Links ( ) SlideShare ( ) To-Do List ( ) Zoho Online Office ( , .) Podclass ( , , ,.) Rate My Professors ( ) SocialRSS ( tab RSS) . 46. Facebook : . 47. Facebook , ,, , : : 48. RSS 49. 50. 51. -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- . 52. 52 53. , 54. , (2008). ( ) Facebook , Facebook . , Facebook. Facebook . /, /. 55. , (2008). ( ) Facebook Facebook . Facebook , . , email . Facebook , (). 56. , (2008). ( ) Facebook Facebook , , . Facebook ( ). Facebook , (;). 57. , (2008). ( ) Facebook . Facebook, quiz test . Facebook, , , 58. , (2008). ( ) Facebook Facebook, , . Facebook , . . Facebook, . 59. , (2008). ( ) Facebook Facebook . , . Facebook, . 60. , (2008). ( ) Facebook Facebook . Facebook . , . . Facebook . . 61. , (2008). ( ) Facebook Facebook , . . emoticons . Facebook , , . . 62. , (2008). ( ) Facebook , . , , . . . Facebook . 63. SNS Madge et al. (2009) ; SNS ; ( ) 64. SNS Selwyn (2009) Facebook SNS Facebook 65. SNS Selwyn (2009) - (, .) 66. SNS Selwyn (2009) Facebook ( ) . 67. SNS Selwyn (2009) Facebook Facebook offline online 68. SNS Selwyn (2009) facebook . ( ) . , 69. SNS Angela Yan Yu et. al (2010) , . , . . . 70. SNS Angela Yan Yu et. Al (2010) 71. SNS Palaigeorgiou et al. (2011) web 2.0 , , , . . 72. SNS Hung, H. & Yuen, S. (2010) , , Ning . : 73. SNS Arnold, . & Paulus, . (2010) . . . , . . . , ( ) 74. SNS boyd, danah (2007) . , . , . . , . . 75. SNS Learner Experience Project : Get out of MySpace! . 76. ; ( ) 77. 77 78. By allowing us to have a collective experience with people whoare both like and unlike us, public life validates the reality that weare experiencing. We are doing our youth a disservice if webelieve that we can protect them from the world by limiting theiraccess to public life. They must enter that arena, make mistakes,and learn from them. Our role as adults is not to be theirpolicemen, but to be their guide Dana Boyd (2009) 79. 80. : : 81. : , . : : online : SNS. 82. Google generation , Generation M(mis-education). ; ; 83. ; , . 84. http://learn20.wikispaces.com/%CE%9A%CE%BF%CE%B9%CE%BD%CF%89%CE%BD%CE%B9%CE%BA%CE%AE+%CE%94%CE%B9%CE%BA%CF%84%CF%8D%CF%89%CF%83%CE%B7

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