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Daily handling procedures of domestic cows from Vedas


Chapter 2: Daily Procedures & Rituals in Goshala subodh Page 1 12/20/2009दै�नि�क क�र्य� गौ कर्म� क��ड:

In Vedas knowledge on all topics in general, is often found dispersed at various places. That Vedic knowledge is concisely collated and provided as Sanskars/Procedure in the Sutra literature. In this chapter the procedures connected with cows, available in Shraut Sutras & Grihya Sutras are being furnished below: ( गौर्यज्ञ / गौन्धै�रभ्र्य�णं� ) As per RigVidhan 2-112अः� गौ�व इती� सू�क्ते� � गौ�ष्ठगौ� लो�कर्म�तीर� । उपनितीष्ठ�दै$व्रन्ती�श्च र्य इच्छे�त्ता� सूदै�क्षर्य�� ।।1- Goyajna / Fumigation2. Releasing cows for grazing in pastures.3. Receiving cows on return, after grazing in Pastures 4. Putting the Nose Ring on Young Bull5. Releasing the selected Bull for servicing the herd.6. After calving Procedure7. Tattoo Marking the newborn calf., ( with final object of breed improvements, and avoiding inbreeding)8. Daily washing & drying on the string used for tying the calf & legs of cow during milking,( to emphasise the importance of Hygiene to control bacteria count)9. Darsh Pourn Maseshthi ( Training- evaluation of an integrated cow and agriculture system)

2.1 Fumigation Formulation (Daily Twice) गौन्धै�रभ्र्य�क्षणं� गौव�� गौन्धै�रभ्र्य�क्षणं� गौव�र्म$।। गौ�0 गौ+0 सू�03-6-15Goshala should be kept clean. Twice both times morning & evening fumigation should be carried out.

2-1-1 बलोप्रदै� निवषा�णं�� स्र्य�दैगौ+हे� ��शा�र्य धू� �ूनिपक:।दै�वदै�रु, वचा�, र्म��सू�, गौ�ग्गौ�लो, निहेञ्गौ� सूषा�प�:। अः 0 प�0 292 (33)Fumigate with Dev Daru- (Himalyan Cedar) Vacha-(Sweet Flag Acorns Calamns)

Jata Mansi (Indian Nard). Gugglu (Indian Bdellium), Hing (Asafoetida) and Mustard ( all to gather in powder form) to kill all air born & other organisms to cleanse the environment.

Tying of bells गौ क� घण्टी; ब��धू��

2-1-2 गौ+हे�दिदैगौ ��शा�र्य एषा धू$ �ूप� गौ>व� निहेती:।घ�टी�चा�व गौ>व� क�र्य�� धू$ �ूप���� धू�निपती�।। अःग्निग्� प�. 292 (34)After wards a bell should be tied around the necks of the cows toward off evil

spirits. (It is now confirmed by modern science that proper ultrasonic waves have a significant role in controlling air borne viruses).

Recite the following Mantras

2.1.3 RV6-28-1 आ गौ�वA अःग्र्म�न्नती भद्रर्मक्र� त्सू�दैन्ती� गौ�ष्ठ� रणंर्यन्त्वस्र्म�।प्रजा�वती�: प�रुरुप� इहेस्र्य�रिरन्द्र�र्य प�वI रुषासू� दुहे���:।

For our health, welfare, let the cows of all ages sizes & progeny come and stay in our home. 2-1-4 RV6-28-2 इन्द्र� र्यज्व�� प+णंती� चा शिशाक्षत्र्य�प�दै दैदै�निती � स्व� र्म�षा�र्यनिती।

भ�र्य� भ�र्य� रयिर्ययिर्मदैस्र्य वधू�र्यन्नभिभन्न� ग्निOल्र्य� नि� दैधू�निती दै�वर्य�र्म।।The prosperous cow owners, who simply share their services & knowledge in

welfare of all, without withholding any portion selfishly for themselves, gradually grow in wealth & prosperity.2-1-5RV6-28-3 � ती� �शान्तिन्ती � दैभ�निती तीस्कर� ��सू�यिर्मत्रो� व्यशिTर� दैधूषा�निती।

दै�व��श्च र्य�भिभर्य�जाती� दैदै�निती चा ज्र्य�निगौत्ता�भिभ: सूचाती� गौ�पनिती: सूहे।।Those cows whose owners give to all & share all the bounties of the cows, they

do not get hurt, get stolen or suffer at the hands of unfriendly forces.2-1-6 RV 6-28-4 � ती� अःव�� र�णं�क क�टी� अःश्नु�ती� सू�स्क+ तीत्रोर्म�प र्यन्तिन्ती ती� अःभिभ।

उरुगौ�र्यर्मभर्य� तीस्र्य ती� अः�� गौ�व� र्मती�स्र्य निव चारन्तिन्ती र्यज्व�:।।These cows are not exposed to dusty battle field like or boisterous festivity like

atmosphere, but they stroll fearlessly among peaceful environments.2-1-7 RV 6-28-5 गौ�वA भगौ� गौ�व इन्द्र� र्मV अःच्छे��$ गौ�व: सू�र्मस्र्य प्रTर्मस्र्य भक्ष:।

इर्म� र्य� गौ�व: सू जा��सू इन्द्र इच्छे�र्म�द्धृXदै� र्म�सू� शिचादिदैन्द्रर्म$।।Cow's milk & its products are the first promoters of good motivation of man's temperament to have the blessings of a blissful life. Cows indeed are thus the very

fortune & prosperity of man to become like Indra.2-1-8 RV 6-28-6 र्य�र्य� गौ�व� र्म�दैर्यT� क+ शा� शिचादैश्री�र� शिचात्क+ णं�T� सू�प्रती�कर्म$।

भद्र� गौ+हे� क+ णं�T भद्रव�चा� ब+हेद्वो� वर्य उच्र्यती� सू�भ�सू�।।Oh Cows, sweeten our life and environments by your bounties, bring us health

and strength physical, emotional, and weaken the ugly and unfriendly.2-1-9 RV 6-28-7 प्रजा�वती�: सू�र्यवसू� रिरशान्ती�� शा�द्धृ� अःप: सू�प्रप�णं� निपबन्ती�:।

र्म� व: स्ती�� ईशाती र्म�घशा�सू: परिर व� हे�ती� रुद्रस्र्य व+ज्र्य�:।।May cows feeding in good pasture, enjoying clean life giving drinking water,

have great progeny of calves and not face harm by thieves hostile elements and diseases.2-1-10RV 6-28-8 उप�दै र्म�प पचा��र्म�सू� गौ�षा�प प+च्र्यती�र्म$।

उप ऋषाभस्र्य र�तीस्र्य�प�न्द्र तीव व�र्य।̂।May cohabitation with good bulls be the source of vitality of these cows to render

their bounties for us.

2.2--Releasing Cows For Feeding in Pastures.

Pasture Feeding was a very well organised and managed activity according to our scriptures, Cows should feed themselves freely in good pastures.Modern scientific investigations have endorsed this ancient Indian belief. The products of Pasture grass fed cows according to Vedas and Shastras provide complete nutrition for body and more importantly for the development of proper mental and intellectual qualities. Raw fresh from cow's udders Milk, its curd and Butter were known to prevent all Self Degenerating human body diseases and also acted as remedies for most of such human diseasesAccording to modern science, the actions of solar radiations are the only known source of the mysterious "Activator X" the precursors through which host of vitamin A and D like substances, provide nutritive actions for the human beings. Modern medicine uses vitamin D additives, as the main ingredient for preventing loss of tissue regulatory functions of human body. Chronic Calcium metabolism disorders, which lead to Osteoporosis and inveterate skin problems like Psoriasis are caused by inadequate solar radiation exposures and not getting Cow's Milk.. Inadequate natural vitamin D is also linked to cancer of colon, prostate, breast and ovaries due to inability of the human body to regulate cell growth. Vitamin D metabolism also regulates insulin secretion in pancreas and thus has a role in controlling incidence of Diabetes type 2. But only natural Vitamin D as found in Sun's rays and cow's milk is most effective. The efficacy of artificially produced and used as an additive is often a commercial tactics of very little proven efficacy..Diseases and conditions caused by Vitamin D deficiency1. Osteoporoses- due to impaired calcium absorption.2. Impaired cell growth-due to disturbed cell growth regulation resulting in cancers.3. Rickets -in children (a bone wasting disease.)4. Type2 Diabetes -due to impaired insulin Production.5. Schizophrenia 6. Fibromyalgia7 Skin troubles like Psoriasis The above note is based on "The Healing Power of sunlight and vitamin D" based on Dr. Michael Holick researches, Truth Publishing Public Release Document dated May 18th 2004. Buffaloes Milk contains no natural vitamin D. It is not surprising that Indian Dairy Milk, which is nearly 80% buffalo milk, is totally devoid of natural Vitamin D. No amount of artificial Vitamin D additives in Dairy products, can replace natural vitamin D present in Cow's milk. It is therefore not surprising that urban population in India, which depends literally on Dairy milk is suffering from all the vitamin D deficiency diseases listed above. The addition of synthetic Vitamin D to Dairy milk has not proved its effectiveness in replacing natural solar radiation activated milk of a cow.Only Pasture fed cow's milk and its products contain -Conjugated Linoleic Acid-CLA. Such milk also has a very high proportion of Omega 3 to Omega 6. This makes only grass fed cows milk act as protection and medicine against all self-degenerating diseases in Human body. These self degenerating diseases are such as Obesity, Cardiac problems,

Diabetes, Arteriosclerosis, cancer etc. This explains the importance of pasture feeding. Latest researches carried out in University of Wisconsin and the NIH Bethesda in USA have confirmed this.( Appendices have been provided giving up-to-date scientific information on these topics)

Grihya Sutras describe the following Mantras to be recited when releasing cows for grazing. 2-2-1 इर्म� र्म� निवश्वती� व�र्य` भव इन्द्रश्च रक्षतीर्म$।

प�षाञस्त्व� पर्य��वती���ष्टा� आर्यन्ती� �� गौ+हे��$।। र्म� ब्रा� 1.8.1 गौ� भिभलो गौ+हे 0 सू�क्ते 3-6-1Oh Cow as you go out to graze in pastures, let this be the provider of Vigour for

you to motivate the world for its sustenance and nutrition, without you causing any damage to the environments while grazing, and come back to your home safely.2-2-2 प�षा� गौ� अःन्व�ती� �: प�षा�न्न प�षा� रक्षवव�ती� । प�षा� व�जा� सू��ती� �� ।। RV 6-54-5

Pushan ( the protector by nutrition and. multiplier of all progeny) may push from back our cows and bring them back full of bounties for us 2-2-3 प�षान्न�� प्र गौ� इनिहे र्यजार्म��स्र्य सू�न्वती:। अःस्र्म�क� स्ती�वती�र्म�ती ।। RV 6-54-6

May Pusha thus provide bounties for the Yajman, the owners of the cows who worship them.2-2-4 र्म�निक� ̂शान्र्म�कd रिरषान्र्म�कe सू शा�रिर क� वटी�। अःT�रिरष्टा� भिभर� गौनिहे।।. �ूRV 6-54-7

These cows may not get hurt or lost by falling into ditches/wells and come back to us safely.

2.3 Receiving the cows back after grazing.

Recite the following:-2-3-1 प्रत्र्य�गौती�: चारणंभ�यिर्मती� गौ+हे�गौती� गौ�:।

इर्म� र्मधू�र्मती� र्म�ह्य, र्म�ष्टा�:, पर्यसू� सूहे।गौ�व आज्र्यस्र्य र्म�तीर इहे�र्म�: सून्ती� भ�र्यसू��।। Go Gr Su 3-6-1Mantra Brahman 1-8-2Here returns from pastures, leaden with milk full of nutrients, fats, satisfied by

roaming freely for our good fortune.2-3-2 आगौ�वA अःग्र्मन्न�ती भद्रर्मक्र�$ त्सू�दैन्ती� गौ�ष्ठ� रणंर्यन्त्वस्र्म�।

प्रजा�वती�: प�रुरुप� इहे स्र्य�रिरन्द्र�र्य प�वI रुषासू� दुहे���� ।। RV 6-28-1Welcome to cows making pleasant sounds, laden with nourishing milk, bearing

and supporting lot of progeny, of various colors, and with good record of high productivities.2-3-3 परिरप�षा� परस्ती�द्धृस्ती� दैधू�ती� दैभिक्षणंर्म$। प���` �ष्टार्म�जाती�।। RV 6.54.10

Let Pusha the protector not only push you from behind but from also from all sides, to hold our cows in protection from any fatalities. 2.4.1 About Heifers बशिgर्यA क� ब�र� र्मV RV 3-55-16 Raise heifers without stress and seperately आ धू��व� धू�न्र्यन्ती�र्मशिशाश्व�� सूबदु�धू�� शाशार्य� अःप्रदुग्धू��। �व्य��व्य� र्य�वतीर्य� भवन्तिन्तीर्म�हेदै$ दै�व���र्मसू�रत्वर्म�कर्म$ ।। ऋ 3-55-16With potential to meet our expectations of providing their bounties, the indolent looking , unstrained with hard work stress free young heifers ie without any offspring , turn in to daily milk providing excellent cows, by the blessing of gods.( There also a message here that heifers should be segregated from milk giving cows and raised under stress free conditions.)

2 .4.2 Putting Nose Ring on Young Bulls. ��सू� भ�दै� कT�र्म$

2-4-2-1 चाती�T ̂ब्दै� ती+ती�र्य ब्दै� र्यदै� वत्सू� दृढो� भव�ती।

तीदै� ��सू�स्र्य भ�त्तात्व� ��व प्र�गौ$ दुब�लोस्र्य चा।।प�र�शार क+ षा�शा�सू�र्म।।16।।In the 4th year or 3rd year never less than three years depending upon good body condition, the male calve is to be fitted with a nose ring by piercing the nose.(Breeding Soundness Evaluation formed a very elaborate system in directives given. Visible physical features of body, including shape and size of testicles, the past records of productivity of the lineage were all considered. Inbreeding was avoided by observing elaborate systems of pedigree recognition and tattoo marking the new born calves.2.4.2..2 ��सू�भ�दै ककeलोर्म��कT�र्म$।।

��सू�भ�दै� कeलोस्ती� Oदिदैर� ब�T शा�शाप:।।द्वो�दैशा�ञ्गौ�लोक: क�र्य� स्तीज्ज्ञ� स्ती���सू एव सू:।। प�र�शार क+ षा�शा�सू�र्म$।।17।।

The needle for nose piercing should me made of wood of khair (Accacia) Khair or Shisham (Dalberfia Sissoo Rokb. About 12 anguls (Nine inches) long. Only an experienced person should perform the operation.

2. 5 Releasing Bull for servicing the Herd. व+षा�त्सूगौ�

2.5.0 Avoid inbreeding व+षाभ दूसूर� क� लो र्म� क�र्य� कर� RV 3.55.17र्यदैन्र्य�सू� व+षाभ� र�रव�निती सू� अःन्र्यस्मिस्र्म� र्य�T नि� दैधू�निती र�ती�।सू निहे क्षपव�न्त्सू भगौ� सू र�जा र्महेदै$ दै�व���र्मसू�रत्वर्म�कर्म$ ।। ऋ 3.55.17The roaring breeding bull is all powerful and very able, but this bull roars and deposits its semen in a different herd, this is very important tradition of nature.र्यहे व+षाभ अःत्र्यन्ती सू�र्म�थ्र्यव�� हे�, परन्ती� इसू� अःप�� व�र्य� दूसूर� व�शा र्मV जा� कर स्था�निपती कर�� हे�। र्यहे दै�वती�ओं क� एक बड़ा� र्महेत्वशा�लो� निवधू�� हे�।

2.5.1 क�र्त्तित्ताrक्र्य�� पणं�र्म�स्र्य�ञ र�वत्र्य� व� ।ूt।ूtश्रीवर्य�जास्र्य। प�स्कर गौ+हे सू�त्रो 3-9-3

Bulls should be released on full moon of kartik or revati Nakshatra of Ashwin month.2-5-2 र्मधूर्य� गौव�ञ सू�सूयिर्मद्धृर्मग्निंग्�r क+ त्व�।ूt।ूtज्र्य सू�स्क+ ूर$vत्यिंेत्र्यr �ूहेरिरनितीरिरनिती षाटी$ जा�हे�निती प्रनितीर्मन्त्रोर्म$।। प�गौ+सू� 3-9-4

Perform Agnihotra, among the cows with Yajurved Mantras as given here,. Use Cow Ghee for the Agnihotra. (व�षाटी$ VOUSHUT is an offering in to the sacred fire while standing, whereas SWAHA is an offering made while sitting. This point is to be noted that among the cows these offerings made in to the fire may be given while standing.)

2.5.3Yaju 3.5 भ�भ��व� स्व� द्यौरिरव भ�म्�� प+शिTव� वरिरम्णं� । तीस्र्य�स्ती� प+शिTव� दै�वर्यजानि� प+ष्ठ�।ूtग्निग्�र्मन्न�दैर्मन्न�द्यौ�र्य�दैधू� ।। र्यजा� 3।5

2.5.4 Yaju3.6 सूयिर्मधू�ग्निंग्�r दुवस्र्यती घ+ती�ब`दैर्यनितीशिTर्म$ । आस्मिस्र्म�$ हेव्य� जा�हे�ती� ।। र्यजा� 3।1

2.5.5Yaju3.2 सू�सूयिर्मद्धृ�र्य शा�शिचाषा� घ+ती� ती�व्र� जा�हे�ती� । अःग्�र्य� जा�तीव�दैसू� ।। र्यजा�3।2

2.5.6Yaju3.3 ती�� त्व� सूयिर्मद्भि{रनि|र� घ+ती�� वद्धृ�र्य�र्मशिसू । ब+हेच्छे�चा�र्यनिवष्ठ्य ।।र्यजा�3।3

2.5.7Yaju 3.4 उप त्व�ग्�� हेनिवष्र्मती�चा�र्य�न्ती� हेर्य�ती ।जा�षास्र्य सूयिर्मधू� र्मर्म।। र्यजा�3।4

2.5.8Yaju3.6 आर्य� गौ� प+भिश्नुक्रर्म�दैसूदै�$ र्म�तीर प�र� । निपतीर चा प्रर्यन्त्स्व�।। र्यजा�3।6

2.5.9Yaju3.7 अःन्तीश्चरनिती र�चा��स्र्य प्र�णं�दैप��ती� । व्यख्र्य�$ र्मनिहेषा� दिदैवर्म$ ।। र्यजा�3।7

2.5.10Yaju3.9 अःग्निग्�ज्ज्र्य`नितीज्ज्र्य`नितीरग्निग्�� स्व�हे�

सू�र्य` ज्र्य�नितीज्ज्र्य`निती� सू�र्य्यःर्य�� स्व�हे� । अःग्निग्�व�र्च्चो` ज्र्य�नितीव�र्च्चो�� स्व�हे� । सू�र्य` व�र्च्चो� ज्र्य�नितीव�र्च्चो� स्व�हे� । ज्र्य�निती� सू�र्य्यःर्य�� सू�र्य्यःर्य` ज्र्य�निती� स्व�हे� ।। र्यजा� 3।9

2.5.11Yaju3.10 सूजा�द̂ैव�� सूनिवत्रो� सूजा� र�त्र्र्य�न्द्रवत्र्य� । जा�षा�णं�।ूtग्निग्�वत̂ी� स्व�हे� । सूजा�द̂ैव�� सूनिवत्रो�सूजा�रुषासू�न्द्रवत्र्य� । जा�षा�णं� सू�र्य` व�ती� स्व�हे� ।।र्यजा� 3।10

2.5.12Yaju3.21 र�वती� रर्मध्वर्मस्मिस्र्म�र्य���वस्मिस्र्म� गौ�ष्ठ�।ूtस्मिंस्र्मrल्लो�क� ।ूtस्मिस्र्म�$ क्षर्य� । इहे�व स्ती र्म�पगौ�ती ।। र्यजा�3।21

2.5.13Yaju3.22 सू�निहेती�शिसू निवश्वरूप्र्य�जा�� र्म�निवशा गौपत्र्य�� । उपत्व�ग्�� दिदैव�दिदैव� दै�षा�वस्तीर्द्धिद्धृrर्य� वर्यर्म$। �र्म� भरन्ती।ूtएर्मशिसू ।।र्यजा�3।22

2.5.14Yaju3.23 र�जान्तीर्मध्वर�णं� ग़ो�प��र्म+तीस्र्य दै;दिदैवर्म$ । वद्धृ�र्म��� स्व� दैर्म� ।।र्यजा�3।23

2.5.15Yaju3.24 सू �� निपती�व सू��व�।ूtग्�� सू�प�र्य�� भव ।सूचास्व� �� स्वस्तीर्य� ।।र्यजा�3।24

2.5.16Yaju3.35 तीती$ सूनिवती�व�र�ण्र्य� भगौ` दै�वस्र्य धू�र्मनिहे । यिधूर्य� र्य� �� प्रचा�दैर्य�ती$।।र्यजा�3।35

2.5.17PAoGRo Suo3.9.4.1 इहे रनिती� स्व�हे� ।। प�गौ+सू� इहे रर्मध्व� स्व�हे� ।। प�गौ+सू� इहे धू+निती� स्व�हे� ।। प�गौ+सू� इहे स्वधू+निती� स्व�हे� ।।प�गौ+सू� उपसू+जा�$ धूरुणं� र्म�त्रो� धूरुणं� र्म�तीर� धूर्य�$ स्व�हे� ।। प�गौ+सू� र�र्यस्पो�षार्मस्र्म�सू�दै;धूरती$ स्व�हे� ।।प�गौ+सू�

2.5.18 RV6.54.5 प�षा� गौ� अःन्व�ती� �� प�षा� रक्षत्वव�ती�। प�षा�व�जा� सू��ती� �� ।। ऋ 6.54.5 2-5-19 After the Agnihota Rudra Jap is recited.

रूद्र�ञ्ज निपत्व�क वणं� निद्वोवणं� व� र्य� व� र्य�T� g�दैर्यनिती �ूर्य� व�र्य�T� g�दैर्य� द्र�हेनिती� व�व स्र्य�ती$। सूव��ण्ग़ो�रुपती� जा�ववत्सू�र्य�: पर्यस्मिस्वन्र्य: प�त्रो� र्य�T� चा रुप स्मिस्वत्तार्म: स्र्य�ती र्मलोङ्$ क+ त्र्य र्य� T�र्म�ख्र्य�श्च तीस्त्रो�� वत्सूतीर्य�स्ती�श्च�लोञ्क+ त्र्य-एती� र्य�व��� पतिंतीr व� दैदै�यिर्म ती�� क्रeडन्ती�श्चरT निप्रर्य�णं।र्म� �: सू�प्तीजा��षा� ।ूtसू�भगौ� र�र्यस्पो�षा�णं सूयिर्मषा� र्मदै�र्म�त्र्य�तीर्य� व�त्सू+जा�र�$।। प�गौ+सू� 3-9-6

Rig Vidhan of lays down Rudra jap as consisting of Rigved 1.43 and 1.114, 2.33 and 7.46 chapters. is recited.

Rudra Jap रुद्र जापRV 1.43कदै रुद्र�र्य प्रचा�तीसू� र्म�ळ्हुष्टा$र्म�र्य तीव्यसू�। व�चा�र्म शा�तीर्म� हृदै�।। ऋ 1.43.1

र्यT��� अःदिदैनिती� करती$ पश्व� �+भ्र्य� र्यT� गौव�। र्यT� ती�क�र्य रुदिद्रर्यर्म$।। ऋ 1.43.2र्यT� �� यिर्मत्रो� वरुणं� र्यT� रुद्रभिश्चक� तीनिती। र्यT� निवश्व� सूजा�षासू� ।। ऋ 1.43.3गौ�Tपतिंतीr र्म�धूपतिंतीr रुद्र� जालो�पभ�षाजार्म$। तीच्छेर्य�� सू�म्�र्म�र्महे� ।। ऋ 1.43.4र्य� शा�क्र इव सू�र्य` निहेरण्र्ययिर्मव र�चाती�। श्री�ष्ठ� दै�व���� वसू�� ।। ऋ 1.43.5शा��� करत्र्यव�ती� सू�गौ� र्म�शा�र्य र्म�ष्र्य�। �+भ्र्य� ��रिरभ्र्य� गौव� ।। ऋ 1.43.6अःस्र्म� सू�र्म भिश्रीर्यर्मयिधू नि� धू�निहे शातीस्र्य �+णं�र्म$। र्मनिहे श्रीवस्ती�निव�+म्णंर्म$ ।। ऋ 1.43.7

RV 1.114इर्म� रुद्र�र्य तीवसू� कपर्दिदैr�� क्षर्यद्वो;र�र्य प्र भर�र्महे� र्मती��।र्यT� शार्मसूदै$ निद्वोपदै� चाती�ष्पदै� निवश्व� प�ष्टार्म ग्रा�र्म� अःस्मिस्र्मन्न��ती�रर्म$।। ऋ 1.114.1र्म+ळा� �� रुद्र�ती �� र्मर्यस्क+ यिधू क्षर्य द्वो;र�र्य �र्मसू� निवधू�र्म ती� ।र्यच्छे� चा र्य�श्च र्म��र�र्य�जा� निपती� तीदैश्र्य�र्म तीव रुद्र प्रणं�नितीषा� ।। ऋ 1.114.2अः श्र्य�र्म ती� सू�र्मतिंतीr दै�वर्यज्ञ्र्यर्य� क्षर्यद्वो;रस्र्य तीव रुद्र र्म�ढो$व� ।सू�म्��र्ययिन्नदै$ निवशा� अःस्र्म�कर्म� चार�रिरष्टाव�र� जा�हेव�र्म ती� हेनिव� ।। RV1.114.3त्व�षा� वर्य �ूरुद्र� र्यज्ञसू�धू� वङ्$ क�� कनिवर्मवसू� नि� ह्वर्य�र्महे� ।आर� अःस्र्मदै$ दै�व्य� हे�ळा� अःस्र्यती� सू�र्मनितीयिर्मदै$ वर्यर्मस्र्य� व+णं�र्महे�।। ऋ 1.114.4दिदैव� वर�हेर्मरुषा� कपर्दिदैr�� त्व�षार्म रूप� �र्मसू� नि� ह्वर्य�र्महे� ।हेस्त्व निवभ्रदै$ भ�षाजा� व�र्य��भिणं शार्म� वर्म�च्छिच्छेदै�रस्म्भ्र्य� र्य�सूती$ ।। ऋ 1.114.5इदै� निपत्रो� र्मरुती�र्म�च्र्यती� वचा� स्व�दै�� स्व�दै;र्य� रुद्र�र्य वधू��र्म$ ।र�स्व� चा �� अःर्म+ती र्मती�भ�जा�� त्र्म�� ती�क�र्य ती�र्य�र्य र्म+ळा ।। ऋ 1.114.6र्म� �� र्महे�न्तीर्म�ती र्म��� अःभ�क� र्म� � उक्षन्तीर्म�ती र्म�� उभिक्षतीर्म$ ।र्म� �� वधू�� निपतीर� र्म�ती र्म�तीर� र्म� �� निप्रर्य�स्तीन्व� रुद्र र�रिरषा� ।। ऋ 1.114.7र्म� �स्ती�क� ती�र्य� र्म� � आर्य� र्म� �� गौ�शा� र्म� �� अःश्व�षा� र�रिरषा�।व�र��$ र्म� �� रुद्र भ�यिर्मती� वधू�हे�निवष्र्मन्ती� सूदैयिर्मत्व� हेव�र्महे� ।। ऋ 1.114.8उप ती� स्ती�र्म��$ पशा�प�इव�कर� र�स्व निपतीर्म�रुती� सू�म्�र्मस्र्म� ।भद्र� निहे ती� सू�र्मर्म+�ळार्यत्तार्म�T�� वर्यर्मव इत्ताV व+णं�र्महे� ।। ऋ 1.114.9आर� गौ�घ्�र्म�ती प�रुषाघ्�� क्षर्य द्वो;र सू�म्�र्मस्र्म� ती� अःस्ती� ।र्म+ळा� चा �� अःयिधू चा ब्रा�निहे दै�व�धू� चा �� शार्म� र्यच्छे निद्वोबहे��� ।। ऋ 1.114.10अःव�चा�र्म �र्म� अःस्र्म� अःवस्र्यव� शा+णं�ती� �� हेव� रुद्र� र्मरुत्व��$ ।तीन्न� यिर्मत्रो� वरुणं� र्म�र्महेन्ती�र्मदिदैनिती� शिसून्धै�� प+शिTव� उती द्यौ� ।। ऋ 1.114.11

RV 2.33आ ती �ूनिपती�र्म�रुती�� सू�म्�र्म�ती� र्म� �� सू�र्य�स्र्य सू�द्दृXशा� र्य�र्य�T��।अःभिभ �� व�र� अःव�निती क्षर्म�ती प्र जा�र्य�र्मनिहे रुद्र प्रजा�भिभ� ।। ऋ 2-33-1त्व�दैत्ता�भ� रुद्र शा�तीर्म�भिभ� शाती� निहेर्म� अःशा�र्य भ�षाजाभिभ� ।व्यस्र्मदै$ द्वो�षा� निवतीर� व्य�हे� व्यर्म�व�श्च�तीर्यस्व� निवषा�चा�� ।। ऋ 2-33-2श्री�ष्ठ� जा�तीस्र्य रुद्र भिश्रीर्य�शिसू तीवस्तीर्मस्त्वसू� वज्रब�हे�।पर्षिषाrणं� प�रर्म�हेसू� स्वस्मिस्ती निवश्व� अःभ�ती� रपसू� र्य�र्य�यिधू।। ऋ 2-33-3

र्म� त्व� रुद्र चा�क्र� धू�र्म� �र्म�भिभर्म�� दुष्टा�ती� व+षाभ र्म� सूहूती�।उन्न� व�र�> अःप�र्य भ�षाजा�भिभर्त्तिभrशाक्तेर्म� त्व�� भिभषाजा�� शा+णं�यिर्म ।। ऋ 2-33-4हेव�र्मभिभहे�वती� र्य� हेनिवर्त्तिभrरव स्ती�र्म�भ� रुद्र� दिदैषा�र्य ।ऋदूदैर� सू�हेव� र्म� �� अःस्र्य� बभ्र� सू�शिशाप्र� र�रधून्र्म��र्य� ।। ऋ 2-33-5उन्र्म� र्मर्मन्दै व+षाभ� र्मरुत्व�न्त्वक्ष�र्यसू� वर्यसू� ��धूर्म��र्म$ ।घ+णं�व g�र्य�र्मरप� अःशा�र्य� निवव�सू�र्य� रुद्रस्र्य सू�म्�र्म$ ।। ऋ 2-33-6कस्र्य ती� रुद्र र्म+ळार्य�क� हे�स्ती� र्य� अःस्मिस्ती भ�षाजा� जालो�शा� ।अःपभत्ता�� रपसू� दै�व्यस्र्य�भ� �� र्म� व+षाभ चाक्षर्म�T�� ।। ऋ 2-33-7प्र बभ्रव� व+षाभ�र्य भिश्वती�चा� र्महे� र्महे� सू�ष्टा� नितीर्म�रर्य�यिर्म ।�र्मस्र्य� कल्र्मलो�निक�� �र्म�भिभगौ+�णं�र्मशिसू त्व�षा� रुद्रस्र्य ��र्म ।। ऋ 2-33-8च्छिस्थार�भिभर|�� प�रुरूप उग्रा�बभ्र�� शा�क्र� भिभ� निपनिपशा� निहेरण्र्य�� ।ईशा���दैस्र्य भ�व�स्र्य भ�र��� व� उ र्य�षाद्रुद्र�दैसू�र्य्यःर्य�र्म$ ।। ऋ 2-33-9अःहे�न्तिन्वभर्षिषाr सू�र्यक�नि� धून्व�हे�यिन्नष्क� र्यजाती� निवश्वरूपर्म$ ।अःच्छि न्न�दै� दैर्यसू� निवश्वभ्व� � व� ओजा�र्य� रुद्र त्वदैस्मिस्ती ।।ऋ 2-33-10स्ती�निहे श्री�ती� गौत्ता�सूदै� र्य�व��� र्म+गौ� � भ�र्मर्म�पहेत्��र्म�ग्रार्म$ ।र्म+ळा� जारिरत्रो� रुद्र स्तीव��� ।S न्र्य� ती� अःस्र्मयिन्न वपन्ती� सू���� ।। ऋ 2-33-11क� र्म�र्त्तिश्चrन्तित्पतीर� वन्दैर्म��� प्रनिती ����र्म रुद्र�पर्यन्तीर्म$ ।भ�र�दै��ती�र� सूत्पतिंतीr गौ+णं�षा� स्ती�तीस्त्व� भ�षाजा� र�स्र्यस्र्म� ।। ऋ 2-33-12

र्य� व� भ�षाजा� र्मरुती� शा�चा�नि� र्य� शा�तीर्म� व+षाणं� र्य� र्मर्य�भ� ।र्य�नि� र्म��रव+णं�ती� निपती� �स्ती� शाञ्चा र्य�श्च रुद्रस्र्य वच्छिश्र्म ।। ऋ 2-33-13परिर णं� हे�ती�रुद्रस्र्य व+ज्र्य�� परिर त्व�षास्र्य दुर्म�नितीर्म�हे� गौ�ती$ ।अःव च्छिस्थार� र्मघवदै$भ्र्यस्ती��ष्व र्म�ढो$वस्ती�क�र्य तीन्र्य�र्य र्म+ळा ।। ऋ 2-33-14एव� बभ्र� व+षाभ चा�निकती�� र्यT� दै�व � हृणं�षा� � हे�शिसू ।हेव�श्री�न्न� रुद्र�हे ब�यिधू ब+हेद्वोदै�र्म निवदैT� सू�व�र�� ।। ऋ 2-33-15

ऋ 7-46 रुद्र जापइर्म� रुद्र�र्य च्छिस्थारधून्व�� निगौर� भिक्षप्र�षाव� दै�व�र्य स्वधू�न्व� ।अःशा�ळ्हे�र्य सूहेर्म���र्य व�धूसू� नितीर्म��र्य�धू�र्य भरती� षा+णं�ती� ��।। ऋ 7-46-1सू निहे क्षर्य�णं क्षम्र्यस्र्य जान्र्म�� सू�म्रा�ज्र्य�� दिदैव्यस्र्य चा�तीनिती ।अःवन्नवन्ती�रुप �� दुरश्चर� ।S �र्म�व� रुद्र जा�सू� �� भव ।। ऋ 7-46-2र्य�ती� दिदैद्यौ�दैवसू+ष्टा� दिदैवस्पोरिर क्ष्र्मर्य� चारनिती परिर सू� व+णंक्ते� �� ।सूहेस्रं� ती� स्वनिपव�ती भ�षाजा� र्म� �स्ती�क� षा� ती�र्य�षा� र�रिरषा� ।। ऋ 7-46-3र्म� �� वधू� रुद्र र्म� पर� दै� र्म� ती� भ�र्म प्रशिसूती हे�भिळातीस्र्य ।आ �� भजा बर्षिहेrनिषा जा�निवशा�सू� र्य�र्य� प�ती स्वस्मिस्तीभिभ� सूदै� �� ।। ऋ 7-46-4

इनिती रुद्र जाप

Afterwards with recitation of the following mantras the young Bull along with at least four young heifers is marked with decorations and released.

To prevent inbreeding, for the group of cows, which one bull will cover, Vedas and Grihya Sutra, talk at length about pedigree, Phenotypes (the physical features) and Genotypes (the genetic traits with regard to producing good quantity of milk, cool and social temperaments of the cows, hardiness etc and the different breeds. Selection of the bull is also decided by giving due considerations of Size Match. These instructions are given at one place in Grihya Sutras. Complete text of Paraskar Grihya Sutram (HariHar Bhashyam) is reproduced below:-

HariHar Bhashyanam हेरिरहेर भ�ष्र्य-'रुद्र��...जा�र�$'।रूद्र�न्न�र्मस्ती इत्र्यधूर्य�र्य�म्��ती��$ जानिपत्व� जापधूर्म^णं पदि¥त्व� अःत्रो शा�लोगौव�नितीदै�शाप्र�प्ती�।ूtनिप रुद्र जापनिवयिधू� प्रTर्म�त्तार्म���व�कजाअःनिवकल्पनि�व+त्र्यT�� जाप�वसूरज्ञ�प��T` व�। तीन्न। अःप�व� एव�र्यर्म$, जाप्र्यत्व���प्र�प्तीत्व�ती$। प्रक+ ती निहे रुद्र�णं�� पशा�पस्था��� करणंत्व�� निवनिहेतीत्व�ती$। एक एव शा�क्लो�दिदैवणं` रूप� र्यस्र्य सू एक वणं�: तीर्म$। अःTव� द्वो� वणं¦ र्यस्र्य सू निद्वोवणं�: ती� व+णंर्म$। एव� वणं� निवशा�षा नि�र्यर्मर्म भिभधू� र्य�ध्�� व+षास्र्य परिरर्म�णं निवशा�षा नि�र्यर्मर्म�हे-र्य� व+षा� र्य�T� क+ त्स्�� वगौ� g�दैर्यनिती स्वपरिरर्म�णं���धू�: कर�निती ती� व� र्य� व+षा� र्य�T� वगौ�श्च्छे�दैर्य�ती$ अःधू�: क� र्य��ती$ ती� व� र्य�T�दैयिधूकपरिरर्म�णं� व� न्र्य��परिरर्म�णं� व�त्र्यT�:। र�निहेती� लो�निहेती एव व� र्य: स्र्य�ती$, एवक�र�णं लो�निहेतीस्र्य एकवणं�निद्वोवणं��भ्र्य�� प्र�शास्त्र्यर्म�च्र्यती�, प��: कeदृक$ ? सूव�ञ्गौ�रूप�ती: सूर्मन्तिन्वती: � प��हेI���गौ�।ूtयिधूक��गौ� व�, तीT� जा�व�: प्र�णंवन्ती� वत्सू�: प्रसू�नितीर्य�स्र्य�: सू� जा�ववत्सू� तीस्र्य� गौ: प�त्रो�:। तीT� पर्य� क्ष�र� दैह्मट्ठा�फह्म निवद्यौती� र्यस्र्य�� सू� पर्यस्मिस्व�� तीस्र्य� गौ�� प�त्रो�। तीT� र्य�T� वगौ ̂निवषार्य� रूपर्मस्र्य�स्ती�निती रूपस्व� अःनितीशार्य�� रूपस्व� रूपस्मिस्वत्तार्म: व+णं: स्र्य�ती$ तीर्म�क्तेगौ�णं निवशिशाष्टा� व+षार्मलो�क+ त्र्य वस्त्रोर्म�ल्र्य���लो�पहे�र्मपदि«क�ग्रा�व�र्यकघण्टी�दिदैभिभव+�षा�शिचातीभ�षाणं�भ��षायिर्यत्व� � क� वलो� व+षार्म�त्रो� ती�श्च वत्सूतीर�रप्र्यलो�क+ त्र्य, कeदृशा�:? र्य�: र्य�T� स्ववगौ^ र्म�ख्र्य�: गौ�णं�: श्री�ष्ठ� वत्सूतीर्य�: कनिती? चातीस्रं चाती�:सूञ्ख्र्य�प�ती�स्ती�:, एव� र्य�व��यिर्मत्र्य�तीर्यचा�� उत्सू+जा�र�$ त्र्यजा�र्य��।। प� गौ+ सू�क्ते 3-9-6�भ्र्यस्तीर्मभिभर्मन्त्रो�र्यती� र्मर्य�भ�रिरत्र्य ��व�कर�षा�णं।। प� गौ+ सू$ 3-9-7

This is followed by recitation of RigVed 10-169 Go Sukta of four mantras (which is as follows) while releasing the young bull with the cows.2.5-20 RV 10-169 RV 10-169-1 र्मर्य�भ�व��ती� अःभिभव�ती�स्रं�। ऊजा�स्वती�र�षाधू�र� रिरशान्ती�र्म।

प�वस्वती�जाIवधून्र्य�: निपबन्त्ववसू�र्य पद्वोती� रुद्र र्म+ळा।। ऋ 10.169.1

2.5.21 RV 10.169.2 र्य�: सूरूप� निवरूप� एक रूप� र्य� सू�र्मग्निग्�रिर ष्टार्य� ��र्म�नि� व�दै। र्यअःनि|रसूस्तीपसू�हे चाक्र� स्ती�भ्र्य� पजा�न्र्य र्मनिहे शार्म�र्यच्छे।। ऋ 10.169.2 2.5.22 RV10.69.3 र्य� दै�व�षा� तीन्व र्म�रर्यन्ती र्य�सू�� सू�र्म� निवश्व� रूप�भिणं व�दै।ती� अःस्र्मभ्र्य� पर्यसू� निपन्वर्म���: प्रजा�वती�रिरन्द्र गौ�ष्ठ� रिरर�निहे ।। ऋ 10.169.3 2.5.23 RV 10.169.4 प्रजा�पनिती र्म�ह्यर्म�ती� रर�णं� निवश्व�द̂ैव�: निपती+भिभ: सू�निवदै��:।

शिशाव�: सूती�रुप �� गौ�ष्ठर्म�कस्ती�सू�� वर्य� प्रजार्य� सू� सूदै�र्म।। ऋ 10.169.4

Finally the following mantras are recited while giving offerings into yagyani. तीती$ पश्च�दै इ� र्मत्रोA सू� आहुनिती दैV 2-5-24 shukla yaju 18-45 to 50सूर्म�द्र�S शिसू �भस्व���द्र�दै���� शाम्भू�र्म�र्य�भ�रशिसू र्म� व�निहे स्व�हे� । र्म�रुती�S शिसू र्मरुती�� गौणं� श्म्भू�र्म�र्य�भ�रशिसू र्म� व�निहे स्व�हे� । अःवस्र्य�रशिसू दुवस्व�ञ्छ्म्भू�र्म�र्य�भ�रशिसू र्म� व�निहे स्व�हे�।। र्यजा� 18-45

र्य�स्ती� अःग्�� सू�र्य` रुचा� दिदैवर्म�तीन्वन्तिन्ती रच्छिश्र्मभिभ�। ती�भिभ�` अः S द्यौ सूव��भ� रुचा� जा��र्य �स्क+ यिधू स्व�हे ।। र्यजा� 18-46

र्य� व� दै�व�� सू�र्य ̂रुचा� गौ�ष्व�षा� र्य रुचा� । इन्द्र�ग्�� ती�भिभ� सूव��भ� रुचा� �� धूत्ता ब+हेस्प्ती� ।।र्यजा� 18-47 रुचा� �� धू�निहे ब्रा�ह्मणं�षा� रुcho र�जासू� �स्क+ यिधू । रुचा� निवश्र्य�षा� शा�द्र�षा� र्मयिर्य धू�निहे रुचा� रुचार्म$ ।। र्यजा� 18-48

तीत्व र्य�यिर्म ब्राह्मणं� वन्दैर्म��स्तीदै� शा�स्ती� र्यजार्म��� हेनिवर्त्तिभr� । अःहे�ड$र्म��� वरुणं�हे ब�ध्र्यरुशा$ सू र्म� � आर्य�� प्रर्म�षा�� स्व�हे� ।। र्यजा� 18-49

स्वणं� धूर्म�� स्व�हे� स्वणं��क� � स्व�हे� स्वणं� शा�क्र� स्व�हे� स्वणं� ज्र्य�निती� स्व�हे� स्वणं� सू�र्य्यःर्य�स्व�हे� ।। र्यजा� 18-50

2.2.6 Procedure on calving प�यिष्टा कर्म�

प+यिष्टाक�र्म: प्रTर्म जा�तीस्र्य वत्सूस्र्य प्र�|र्म�ती�: प्रलो�हे��च्छि°ह्वर्य� लोलो�टी र्म�च्छिल्लोर्मह्य नि�निगौर�दै$ गौव� ञ श्ले�ष्र्म� सू�निती।।3।। गौ�प�लो� निवधू��-गौ�भिभलो गौ+हे सू�क्ते 3।6।3First thing a cow does on delivering a calf is to lick the new born with her tongue starting from its face, to clean it and swallows all the coverings. She may be helped in this operation by the persons attending to her.प�यिष्टाक�र्म एव सू�प्रजा�ती�सू� नि�शा�र्य��गौ�ष्ठ�।ूtग्निग्�र्म�पसूर्म�धू�र्य निवलोर्य�� जा�हुर्य�ती$ सू�गौ+हे�णं�निती ।।4।।गौ�0 गौ+ 0 सू�0 3।6।4For the protection and providing strength to the newborn and mother, (if it is night time a fire should be lit. Also homa/Agnihotra should be performed by giving special oblation of cows ङ् milk mixed with curd while reciting the following mantra.

2-6-1 सू�ग्राहेणं सू�गौ+हे�णं र्य� जा�ती�: पशाव� र्मर्म।प�षा�षा�� शार्म� र्यच्छेती� र्यT� जा�वन्ती� अःप्र्यर्य�ती। र्म�ब्रा� 1।8।4Significance of the cow licking the newly born is to clean and to help the calf to gain in strength to stand up. The fire is made in the vicinity, (Agnihotra Fire performs this function automatically) for protection from stray predator attackers. Fumigated environment provides, to calf and calving cow for better health. It is for modern science to investigate the beneficial effects of making specific oblations of cow milk mixed with curds into fire.This homa is also part of Darsh Pourn Maseshthi and is known by the same title Pushti karan by Sannaya Havi- सू�न्न�र्य हेनिव (milk + curd) mixture in दैशा�प�णं� र्म�सू�यिष्टाख्र्$. This clearly confirms the link of दैशा�प�णं�र्म�सू�यिष्टा in every day life

2.7 Tatoo Marking the New Born ( for good breeding practice)

Vedas and subsequent Indian traditions show remarkable scientific understanding of genetics. Vedas very clearly say that the same considerations of GOTRA apply to Cows as to Human beings for maintaining good progeny. To avoid inbreeding the inbreeding coefficient of less than unity is planned, by Heterozygous mating. A six generations gap, in mating is planned to achieve this by the system of Gotras and Sapinda considerations. By the seventh generation, inbreeding coefficient drops to below unity. Modern Veterinary Science confirms that for every one percent increase in the inbreeding coefficient the milk yield among cows registers a drop of up to 10%. Lack of importance given to the Breeding Bulls has been one of the main reasons for declining milk yields and population of good Indian Cows. The other reasons are lack of adequate feed, clean drinking water , sanitary condition of the cows and love and affection practiced in the care of cows. 2.7.1 AV6.141.2 लो�निहेती�� स्वयिधूनिती�� यिर्मT��� कणं�र्य�� क+ यिधू। अःकती��र्मभिश्व�� लोक्ष्र्म तीदैस्ती� प्रजार्य� बहु ।। अःTव� व�दै 6-141-2

2.7-2 प�यिष्टा क�र्म एव सू�जा�ती� स्वदुम्बर�णं�शिसू�� वत्सू यिर्मT�� र्य�लो�क्षणं�कर�निती प�ञसूएव�ग्रा�।ूtT भिस्रंर्य� भ�व�र्मशिसू सू�हेस्रंयिर्मनिती। गौ�0 गौ+0 सू�0 3-6-5For improvements of the cows by recoginising, their traits for further strengthening breed of the future progeny, relevant marks are tattooed on the ears of the new born, by an instrument made of copper. (Asper BhavPrakash Nighantu Udumbar also means copper). Then recite "भ�व�र्मशिसू सू�हेस्रंयिर्मनिती"* as given here.

2.7.3 र्य� फ�ल्गौ�न्र्य� उत्तार�र्म�वस्र्य� सू� र� वत्र्य� सू�पद्यौती� तीस्र्य�र्म ङ्$ कलोक्षणंनि�।।शा�ञ्O�र्य� गौ+हे सू�त्रो

Falgun month amavasya Revati Nakhatra is recommended as the appropriate season for carrying out identification branding of cattle.

2.7.4 भ�व�शिसू सू�हेस्रंयिर्मन्द्र�र्य त्व� सू+र्म�।ूtदैदै�ती$ अःक्षतीर्मरिरष्टायिर्मलो�न्दै�र्म$गौ�प�षाणंर्मशिसू गौ�प�षास्र्य�शिशाषा� सूहेस्रंप�षा�र्य त्व�। सूहेस्रंप�षाणंर्मशिसू सू�हेस्रंप�षास्र्य�शिशाषा� सूहेस्रं प�षा�र्य त्व�।। र्म�ब्रा�ह्मणं$ 1.8.5

2.7.5 लो�निहेती�� स्वयिधू�निती�� यिर्मT��� कणं�र्य�: क+ तीर्म।र्य�वती���� र्य�वती���� व ऐषार्म� लोक्षणंक�रिरषार्म$।भ�र्यसू���� भ�र्यसू���� व उत्तार��र्म�त्तार�� रूह्मर्म�र्म$ निक्रर्य�सूर्म$।। र्म�ब्रा� 1.8.6

2.8 Washing the string used for tying the legs of cow at milking time

तीन्त्रो� प्रसू�र्य्यःर्य�र्म�णं��बद्धृवत्सू�ञ्चा���र्म�न्त्रोर्य�ती�र्य�तीन्त्रो�गौव��र्म�ती�ती� । गौ�0 ग़ो+0 सू�0 3।6।7Washing and /drying of the string used for tying the calves and legs of the cows during milking.2.8.1 इर्य� तीत्रो�� गौ>व� र्म�ती� सूवत्सू���� नि�व�शा��।

सू� �: पर्यस्वती� दुहे� उत्तार� र्म�त्तार�� सूर्म�र्म$।। र्म�0 ब्रा�ह्मणं 1-8-7With this mantra the string should be washed and hung to dry every day for milking the cows.2.8.2 तीत्रो� ती�न्र्यहेरहे� क+ त्र्य�नि� भवन्तिन्ती । गौ�0 गौ++0 सू�03।6।82.8.3 नि�ष्क�लो�प्रव�षा�� त्न्त्रो� निवहेरणंयिर्मनिती । गौ�0 ग्गौ+0 सू�03।6।92.8.4 गौ�र्यज्ञ� प�र्यसूश्चर́ु� । गौ�0 गौ+0 सू�0 3।6।10

Modern Dairy Industry is very concerned about in house hygiene and cleanliness. But no control is exercised in this matter at the place where the cattle is kept, fed and milked. The result is that the milk collected by the Dairy Industry all over the world and not only in India, is very unhygienic, with extremely high Total Bacteria Counts. Good clean Raw milk never spoils. It will get sour and settle as curds, like in making of Cheese. The Dairy Industry therefore has to Pasteurize all the Milk, before it can be handled any further. Natural Milk contains the microorganisms which are pathogenic, and keep the raw milk clean. But external bacteria on entering raw milk, introduce mainly disease carrying germs in it. By Pasteurization all the germs and Bacteria in the milk are destroyed. In the process of sanitizing the milk from disease carrying bacteria which get introduced due to unhygienic handling, all the health giving disease preventing enzymes present in the natural milk are also lost. The Pasteurized milk is there fore 'Dead milk' without the qualities of nutrition , disease prevention and promoter of mental intellectual qualities, with which it is associated in our Vedic Indian Traditions.There is a very strong world wide movement for promotion of Raw and Organic Milk. In fact all Cheese in Western countries is made only from Raw Milk. Our Vedic tradition go very deep on this subject of producing clean milk, by following the definite systems laid down as below.

1. It ensured cleanliness of environment by fumigation/Homa as above twice a day.2. Elaborate directives on planning of cow shelter, with considerations of Ventilation, Natural Sun light by orientation of the shelters and Clean Floors etc.3. For the persons milking the cows and looking after the cows proper behavior to provide affectionate care.4. Requirements about the good clean hands of the milking men to keep the चा$bacterial infection g to utmost minimum is laid down. Here it has laid down the instruction to use only clean string, for the handling of cows and calf by the milk men, by washing it daily.5. There was a scheme to milk the cows three times a day. This had two very specific advantages. One the fresh from Udders Raw milk was available three times a day. Two with three times milking, the Udder stress is reduced. This practice is accepted to increase the milk yield by cows by up to 10%.

These are the daily procedures to be followed in Gopalan as explained above:1.Keep cows under very clean and peaceful environments.2.Allow cows to have daily outing to self feed in well managed pastures.3.Keep the young calves behind.4. On return after their daily outings, receive , collect and manage them properly.5. More attention is required to be paid to the nutrition and health of the young ones.6. Arrange for proper selection and raising of Breeding Bulls.7. Identify all young ones by tattoo marking for preventing inbreeding and breed improvement.8. For GoYagnas Cow milk cooked rice, Cow Ghee , Milk and Curds should be used.

2.9 Darsh Pourn Maseshti दैशा�प�णं�र्म�सू�यिष्टा

From the above elaborate and detailed ritualistic tradition it is seen that Breeding, was considered and observed as the most important area of animal husbandry and covered all aspects as per modern scientific practice.Functioning of the elaborate व+षा�त्सूगौ� procedure described here, also points to the existence of a central community based institutional system which operated as a community resource center. This institution played the role of Monitoring the skills and practices followed for Promoting, Training and Educating the community by dissemination of good knowledge and Skills in all aspects related to Pastoral livelihood and life support activities, involving. 1.Animal husbandry,2.Agriculture related areas like a. Selection and Preservation of Quality Seed b. Seed Banks for next harvests, c. Inspection of farm implements like tools, carts, d. Community decisions on health , feed strategies for cows e .Disposal of non productive not fit for domestic purposes cattle etc.

All these activities formed the subject of a community base yagna called Darshpournmaseshti. .Modern concept of Krishi Vigyan Kendras could evolve to play this role. The rituals of दैशा�प�णं�र्म�सू�यिष्टा Darsh Pourn Maseshti, are seen as the Vedic system of modern management like ISO 9000, covering entire Macroeconomic activities of the society.This calls for a very scholarly study in to the institution of this tradition for the Indian Cows and Sustainable Organic Agriculture.2.10 COW practices according to PANINI ( circa 500 B.C).

2.9.0 Terms and nomenclature prevalent related to Cows, Milk preparations2.9.1.0 Practices relating to breeding, Identification of herds, Judging Age of cattle, Feeding pastures

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