터키에 대해 알아보자 ~~

Post on 09-Jan-2016






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터키에 대해 알아보자 ~~. 터키의 국기. 아시아대륙 서쪽끝에 있는나라. 터키터키터키터키터키. 정식 명칭은 터키공화국으로 동쪽으로 이란 아르메니아 조지아 남쪽으로 이라크 시리아 북서쪽으로 불가리아 그리스와 국경을 접하고 붂족으로 흑해 남족으로 지중해 서쪽으로 에게해 마르마라해에 면하고 있징. 쿠르드족 : 국제 분쟁. 나라없는 슬픔. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation




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>hello, i\'m korean, i\'m 18 years old in korean age, and i\'m 17years old in American age. I;m high school student.>Actually, i\'m not good at Eglish, but I want to know about Turkey\'s culture and language.>I can teach you our language. >Please call me back

ofcourse i can help you nice to meet you you know i'm 17 turkish girl I'm going to high school i live in ankara our capital city i want to be a doctor please pray for me :) i like kpop and kdramas my favorte kbands shinee and cnblue i like sing a song ,play the piano and dancing ...if you want to learn something about me or turkey you can ask and i want to meet you can you talk about you?bye

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