托福听力 千 万别掉进坑里 , 小 伙伴们

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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托福听力 千 万别掉进坑里 , 小 伙伴们. 成萌. 成萌 Judy. 萌老师 萌百科. 托福听力老师 SAT 词汇填空老师 每个月 2-3 本书 古今中外 杂七杂八 看电影 听歌 看书. 卖得了萌,耍得了 2 ,扮得了正太, 演得了御姐,装得了萝莉. 英语听力能力≠托福听力高 分. 听音. 记笔记. 解题. 托 福听力考试其实是分为三个步骤,每个过程都有“转化率”!. 什么叫托福听力陷阱?. 你 一定遇到过这样的情况 : 明明提 到 过某个选项, 很对 啊,为什么就错了呢,死得很冤有木有? 为 什么正确答案我看不对眼 呢,死不瞑目有木有? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


小马公开课 400-663-1986

小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk

托福听力 千万别掉进坑里,小伙伴们成萌

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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成萌 Judy托福听力老师SAT 词汇填空老师

每个月 2-3 本书 古今中外 杂七杂八看电影 听歌 看书


小马公开课 400-663-1986

小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk

小马公开课 400-663-1986

小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk

卖得了萌,耍得了 2 ,扮得了正太,演得了御姐,装得了萝莉

小马公开课 400-663-1986

小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk

英语听力能力≠托福听力高分托福听力考试其实是分为三个步骤,每个过程都有“转化率”!  听音


小马公开课 400-663-1986

小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk

什么叫托福听力陷阱?你一定遇到过这样的情况:明明提到过某个选项,很对啊,为什么就错了呢,死得很冤有木有?为什么正确答案我看不对眼呢,死不瞑目有木有?说不选原文原词,怎么又选了呢,心情反复有木有?听得到,听得懂,最后一关做题,还被美国人坑了,很冤有木有? 做题环节,掉链子!! ~~~~(>_<)~~~~

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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通用技巧 解题,确定其题型确定关键词定位到笔记搜寻附近线索,不要跨层

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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解题环节别被坑了美国人,狡猾狡猾滴!!!你确定你读懂题目了?你确定读完题你还知道问的对象?你确定你懂选项了?你确定你读懂每一个选项的意义了?你确定你的答案没有跨层?你确定你的答案不是 YY ?你确定每个选项你都看完了?

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陷阱 1 :原词原句是对还是错?不要问我这么愚蠢的问题



小马公开课 400-663-1986

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“ 意合”最重要理解最重要废话!! 正确答案有 3 种:原文重现同意替换换个说法 ∴ 你不能根据有原词就选,你也不能因为不是原词就不选。


小马公开课 400-663-1986

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TPO5-3 SPA-basinWhat is the main purpose of the lecture?A. To explain why scientists disagree about the age of the MoonB. To present arguments in favor of another Moon landing 原文重现C. To explain how scientists discovered a crater on the far side of the MoonD. To review some finding of a recent mission to the MoonLast week, we covered some arguments against going back to the Moon. But there are compelling reasons in favor of another Moon landing too, um… not the least of which is trying to pinpoint the moon’s age.

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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陷阱 2 :读不懂选项选还是不选1 读主干 > 读细节 读不懂的信息跳过,抓住主要意思2 先用排除法3 再看文章主旨和结构4 最后生死抉择碰运气

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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常规排除法1 无中生有(原文中根本没有提及,也许有错,也许貌似有理)2 张冠李戴(凭空捏造信息 + 原文信息)3 答非所问(原文中的正确说法,但与题干无关)

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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小马公开课 400-663-1986

小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk

TPO15-3 geological time periods

6. What does the professor say about future researchers?They may not agree that humans have had an important effect on Earth’s surfaceThey will not have reliable evidence of what is happening todayThey will determine when the Anthropocene epoch beganThey will make predictions about when the Anthropocene epoch will end 人类何时灭亡?C D 矛盾选项

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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TPO4-5 moving rocks3The professor mentions experiments on the wind speed necessary to move rocks. What is the professor’s attitude toward the experiments?Their results were decisive.They were not carried out carefully. 扯淡They were not continued long enough to reach a conclusion. 扯淡The government should not have allowed the experiments. 跨层

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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排除法“逆天”技巧三反一正 一正正确一正二反一无关 一正正确矛盾选项 其一正确极端选项被排除

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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TPO7-3 Bats三反一正 一正正确What surprising information did a recent experiment reveal about lesser spear-nosed bats?A. They filter out echoes from some types of trees 无能B. They can analyze echoes from stationary objects with complex surfaces 能C. They cannot analyze “jagged” echoes 无能D. They cannot analyze echoes from certain types of small moving objects. 无能

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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TPO18-6 North American wood frogs一正二反一无关 一正正确What impact does freezing have on some thawed wood frogs?It increases their reproductive success. (繁殖)It decreases their life span. ↓ (生命)It causes them to be more vocal and active. 升(繁殖)It reduces their ability to recognize potential mates.↓ (繁殖)

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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TPO17-4 The role of spices一正二反一无关 一正正确What does the professor say about European explorers during the age of discovery?Their discoveries caused the price of certain spices to increase. 谈价格They were responding to the demand for spices. 找香料They did not expect to find spices during their 不找香料explorations.Their main goal was to discover unknown lands. 找大陆 = 不找香料

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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TPO16-2 L-cave矛盾选项 其一正确What is the main purpose of the lecture?To explain the various ways that sulfuric acid is involved in the formation of caves To describe caves and other geologic formations in U.S. national parks To use Lechuguilla Cave as an example of how most caves form 主流大多数岩洞如何形成To discuss the formation and characteristics of an unusual type of cave少数奇葩岩洞如何形成

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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扯淡美国教育体系 / 社会体系的不足,无能教授无能,工作人员服务不周到,校园设施不足人类灭亡

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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请理解每个选项的逻辑含义:已经,虚拟 have would have是否 if= whether单复数意义 among切记模糊大概,切勿脑补!!!

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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TPO7-3 bats ‘ultrasonic pulses

among+ 复数≠复数同义替换就高端大气上档次了 ? 忽悠了?1 What is the lecture mainly about?How animals emit ultrasonic pulsesHow bats use acoustical signals 同义替换 = ultrasound

A comparison of echolocation and radarVariations among bats in the use of ultrasound

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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if 是否Why dose the student go to Prof. Kirk’s office? to find out if he needs to take a certain class to

graduateTo respond to Prof. Kirk’s interview

To ask Prof. Kirk to be his advisor

To ask Prof. Kirk to sign a form

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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Why dose professor say this?She is surprised by professor’s reactionThe professor has not quite identified her concernThe professor has guessed correctly what her

problem is She dose want to finish the assignment

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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考点密集Why dose the student mention her high school newspaper?To inform the professor that she plans to print the interview

thereTo explain why the assignment is difficult for her To show that she enjoys writing for school newspapersTo indicate that she has experience with conducting


小马公开课 400-663-1986

小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk

陷阱 3 :代词陷阱 ***选项中的代词必然是题干中的相应代词,通常是主干成分,请在解题的时候,把代词翻译出来切记别搞错对象,别迷糊,别想当然,别大概似乎!

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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汉语英语区别:语言决定思维,语言决定社会汉语: 意合


英语:形合(单复数,时态,语态,主谓一致,定语从句, ing状语)形式严谨,逻辑严密 科学

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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TPO6-3 Nightcap OakWhat topic related to the Nightcap Oak does the professor mainly discuss? Click on 2 answers.

factors that relate to the size of the area in which it growsthe size of its population over the last few centurieswhether anything can be done to ensure its survivalwhy it did not change much over the last one hundred million years

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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TPO6-3 Nightcap Oak3. What point does the professor make about the Nightcap Oak’s habitat?it is stable despite its limited sizeunlike the habitats of many plants, it is expandingits recent changes have left the Nightcap Oak struggling to adaptits size is much larger than the area where the Nightcap Oak grows

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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老师,我会分不清吗?对比 搞清楚对比的两个对象结构复杂:( 不好好说话:突出,倒叙,插入,吐槽, anecdotes)

你会迷糊的, ETS 赌你会迷糊的,我也赌你会迷糊的

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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TPO16-2 Lechuguilla caveAccording to the professor, what substance found in surface water is important for the formation of typical limestone caves? Gypsum Oxygen Carbonic acid Sulfuric acid

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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The professor mentions parts of the process involved in the formation of Lechugilla Cave. Indicate which of the statements below describe part of the process Click in the coned box for each phrase

yes noGypsum residue accumulated to form decorative structures

Gas generated by bacteria reacted with gypsum deposits

Hydrogen sulfide gas mixed with underground water

Acid dissolved parts of the limestone

Bacteria fed on underground oil

Flowing surface water enlarged the cracks in the limestone

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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TPO1-3 ULD请不要激动,我知道你知道正确理论但不等于他就是正确答案2 Before the use of uranium-lead analysis, where did most geologists think the Grand Canyon sandstone came from?An ancient lake located in the American SouthwestA desert that once connected two continentsSands carried by a river from the Appalachian Mountains (现在更新的准确观点)A nearby mountain range that had flattened out over time


小马公开课 400-663-1986

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TPO18-3 Ancient Roman sculptureAccording to traditional art , why did the Romans copy Greek sculpture?The Roman public was not interested in original works of art. The Roman government did not support other forms of art. Roman artists did not have sufficient skill to create original sculpture. ( 传统错误观点 )

Romans wanted to imitate the art they admired. (现在更准确的观点)

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陷阱 4 相信笔记还是脑补呢?请相信自己的笔记,不要相信 YY ( YY < 笔记)你是相信有凭有据的耳朵+手 ? 还是相信没有根据的脑补+自我安慰呢?


小马公开课 400-663-1986

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有些答案确实逆天,没关系,那套题很快就会被 out 了According to the professor, why did the Romans sometimes remove the emperor’s head from a statue? Click on 2 answers

The head made the statue too heavy to transport.The head was placed on the body of a different statue.The emperor was no longer in power. ??The emperor was not satisfied with the quality of the statue.

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小马公开课 400-663-1986

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remember : 选项一定要贴近主旨一定要贴近笔记内容贴近关键词不要跨层 每做一道题,就意味着那一层的细节已经过去了,过去的事就让它过去吧,下一道题要从新一层开始!

小马公开课 400-663-1986

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小马公开课 400-663-1986

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TPO5-3 SPA-basin

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Thx! O(∩_∩)O~托福听力 SAT 词汇


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