أسئلة التصنيف المهني لفنيي المختبرات

Post on 23-Apr-2017






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CHOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER 1) The best anti-coagulant in blood cultures is:

a- Sodium oxalates b- Sodium citrates c- Sodium sulphonates d - Heparin

7) All the following samples are stained with Gram stain except: a- Sputum b- Bacteria

c- Urine and stool d- Water cultures

3) Sodium chloride percentage in agar culture is a- 0.58 % b- 0.058 % c- 0.0058 % d- 58.0 %

4) Agar is characterized by all the following except: a- Nutritive b- Un-nutritive c- Freezing point is 42°C d- Melting point is 100°C

5) The normal value of sodium in serum is : a- 135 - 145 mmol/ml b- 135 - 145 mg/dl


c- 135 - 145 mmol/dl d- 135 - 145 mg/ml

6) Gram staining start with a- Iodine b- Safranine

c- Methyl violet d- Crystal green

8) The causative organism of Toxoplasma is a- Cats b- Dogs c- Flees d- Lice

8) Gram negative samples are stained with a- Blue colour b- Yellow colour c- Red colour d- Violet colour



9) The colour of Cholera when cultured on TCBS is a- Blue

b- Yellow c- Green d- Black

10) The diameter of micro pore filter used in bacteria filtration is a- 0.22 microns b- 0.033 microns c- 2.2 microns d- 0.45 microns

11) Leishmania is transported by a- Sand fly

b- Mosquitoes c- Flees d- Pugs

12) To investigate one sample containing floro-carbon we use which microscope a- Light microscopeb- Brilliant microscope c- Florescent microscope d- Electron microscope

13) Virus is similar to live organisms in a- Crystallization b- Movement c- Growth d- Reproduction

14) The lowest resolution of a microscope is a- 0.2 microns b- 0.02 microns c- 0.002 microns d- 2,0 microns

15) Which of the following is liver function test a- Liver enzymes b- Serum bilirubin c- Urine bilirubin d- All of the previous

9) Which of the following causing enlargement of RBCs a- Reticulocytes

b- Platelets c- Plasmodium d- Leishmania



17) The best sample for the culture of children paralysis virus is a- Stool culture b- CSF culture c- Anal swab

d- Blood culture

18) Dry air oven is used to sterilize a- Sand b- Culture media c- Water

d- Micro-pore filters

19) The diabetic patient is going to comma when blood glucose is a- 75 - 95 mg/dl

b- Less than 50 mg/ dl c- 120 mg/dl d- 160 mg/dl

20) To differentiate between the two streptococci group which enzyme is used a- Co-amylase

b- Catalase c- Amylase . d- Kinase

21) The microscope which used in investigate syphilis is a- Light microscope

b- Dark field microscope c- Brilliant microscope d- Ultra-violet microscope

10) The antibiotic disc which differentiate between group A streptococci and other groups is

a- Neomycin b- Bacitracin

c- Tetracycline d- Erythromycin

11)All of the following is true for salmonella except

a- Contain cilia b- Produce H2 gas c- Oxygen positive

d- Does not ferment lactose

24) Amylase value is high in the following disease a- Liver b- Muscles

c- Salivary glands d- Pancreas diseases


e- c and d25) One jaundice patient has yellow skin and eye led, his bilirubin is a- 0.1 mg/dl

b- 2.5 mg/dl c- 1.2 mg/dl

d- 5.0 mg/dl

26) Acute diabetic patient has a- Blood sugar more than 150 mg/dl b- Blood sugar more than 180 mg/dl c- Glucose and acetone in urine

d- Non of the previous

27) The normal value of bilirubin is a- Less than 1.0 mg/dl

b- 0.2 - 2.0 mg/dl c- Less than 2.0 mg/dl d- Non of the previous

28) Diabetic patient has one of the following symptoms a- Acidosis b- Alkalosis

c- Dryness d- All of the previous

29) Insulin is regulating blood sugar by a- Increase the influx of glucose into cells

b- Increase the out flux of glucose from cells c- activate glycogenesis

d- a and c

30) The nutritive substance in culture media is a- Sugar b- Agar c- Ratings

d- Starch

31) The best media for urine culture is

a- Agar agar : b- Nutrient agar c- Chock let agar

d- Clad

32) The sterilization temperature of autoclave is a- 85°C for half an hour

b- 121°C for 15 minutes c- 150°C for 30 minutes d- Non of the previous


12)33) Shigella soni colour on

MacConkey and EMB is a- Red b- Pink

c- Colorless d- Black

34) The oil emersion lens is a- 10000 b- 100

c- 1000 d- 400

35) The Dwarf worm is a- Tenia saginata b- Fasciola

c- H. nana d- Schistosoma

36) All the following compounds are present in gram stain except a- Safranine b- Methyl violet

c- Malachite green d- Iodine

37) The diagnostic stage of amoeba is a- Cyst b- Trophozoite

c- a and b d- Non of the previous

38) To check the intestinal efficacy the following test is done a- Amylase

b- Stool fats c- Lipase d- Pepsin

39) The worm which cause blood in urine is a- Schistosoma haematobium

b- Fasciola c- H. nana d- Ascaris

40) The significant count of bacteria to be inflammation is a- More than 105

b- Less than 105 c- More than 103 d- Less than 103


41) To investigate gram stained sample we use the following microscope a- Light microscope

b- Brilliant microscope c- Florescent microscope d- Double phase microscope

42) The most important buffer system in the blood is a- Haemoglobin system b- Phosphate system

c- Bicarbonates system d- Acetic acid system

43) All the following bacteria are interobacter except a- E. coli b- Klebsiella

c- Proteus d- Non of the previous

13) In the microscope when using objective lens 10° and eye lens 10°, the magnification power of the microscope is

a- 10 b- 1000

c- 100

d- 10000

45) All the following parameters affecting Gram staining except a- Use conc.H2S04

b- Add absolute alcohol after washing c- Delaying the dryness of the slide d- Non of the previous

46) Glycogen is stored in . a- Liver b- Muscles

c- a and b d- Non of the previous

47) Malaria schizonts are present in a- Leucocytes

b- RBCs c- Platelets d- Reticulo-endothelial

48) Comma of the diabetic patient shows . a- Glucose greater than 200 mg/dl . b- Glucose greater than 500 mg/dl . c- Glucose less than 200 mg/dl

d- Non of the above


14)49) Blood donor selection in K. S.A. are all of the following except

a- Hb% 12.5 - 16 b- Free from syphilis c- Jaundice free

d- One year after delivery

50) Solidifying agent in culture media is a- Wax b- Starch

c- Agar d- Non of the above

51) Agar which used as a solidifying agent in culture media concentration is a- 1 - 2 %

b- 4 - 9 % c- 5 - 9% d- Non of the above

15) To sterilizing culture media we use a- Autoclave

b- Oven c- Boiling d- Hot plate

53) Bone matrix can also called a- Osteon b- Fibrous tissue c- Vascular tissue d- Non of the above

16) Unidirectional movement of WBCs directly to its target is a- Chemotaxis

b- Phagocytosis c- Sliding d- Non of the above

17)When focusing a stained smear under oil immersion field the used magnification is

a- 10 X b- 20 X c- 40 X

d- 100 X

56) In myocardial infraction a- Level of LDH is high

b- Level of Alkaline phosphatase is high c- Level of CK-MB is high

d- Level of GOT is high


..: 57) Variation in RBCs size is

a- Macrocytosis b- Anisocytosis

c- Microcytosis d- Polychromasia

18) Pretransfusion test that is performed using the patient red cells and donor plasma a- Major x-matching b- Minor x-matching c- Antibody screen d- Non of the above

19) Serum LDH is elevated in a- Cardiac disease b- Hepatic disease c- Renal disease d- Skeletal disease

60) Elevated sodium is seen in a- Severe dehydration b- Shock

c- a and b d- Non of the above

61) Serum chloride is increased in a- Severe dehydration

b- Shock c- Diabetic acidosis d- Non of the above

62) Which test is better to diagnose chronic common bile duct a- S-GPT b- S-GOT

c- Total bilirubin d- ALP

20) Generally diagnosed by recovery and identification of typical larva in stool

a- S. stercoralis


b- Hook worm c- E. vermicularis d- T. trichura

21) Enlarged RBCs is common in

a- P. vivax b- P. malaria c- P. falciparum d- P. ovale


22)65) Which of the following is not laying eggs in small intestine

a- Hook worm b- Pin worm c- T. trichura

d- T. saginata

66) Blood culture is used to diagnose a- C. tetani .

b- C. diphteria c- M. tuberculosis

d- Non of the above

23) How much of water should be added to 500 ml of a solution of 10% of NAOH to bring it to 7.5%

a- 666 ml

b- 125 ml . c- 166 ml

d- 250 ml

68) Ten microliters are a- 0.01 L b- 0.001 L

c- 0.0001 L d- Non of the above

24) While using the pregnancy test we are measuring a- Beta HCG

b- Total HCG c- Beta HCG and LH d- Beta HCG and FSH

70) Abnormal constitutes of urine include . a- Urea

b- Glucose c- Cholesterol

d- Proteins

71) With age the renal threshold for glucose a- Increased

b- Decreased c- Does not changed d- Non of the above

72) Most of the concentrations are calculated using a factor, this factor is a- Standard absorption/standard concentration

b- Standard concentration/standard absorption c- Standard concentration x standard absorption d- Non of the above

73) Calibrator sera are a- Primary standards

b- Secondary standards c- Tertiary standards d- Internal standards

74) A buffer made of a- A strong acid with a strong salt b- A strong acid with a weak salt c- A weak acid with a strong salt d- A weak acid with a weak salt

75) A standard microplates in elisa test has

a- 96 wells b- 98 wells c- 92 we

lls d- 94 wells

25) The enzyme in elisa testing is present in the

a- Conjugate b- Microplate c

- Buffer d- Non of the above

b- Strongly bound c- Not bound at all d- Non of the above7

a- It removes the excess binding b-

Increase the specificity c- Increase the sensitivity d- Non of the above

a- Enzyme

b- Antibody c-


d- Radio active substance

80) The difference between plasma and serum is that plasma

a- Contains fibrinogen

b- Does

not contain fibrinogen c- Has more water d- Has less water

81)Five ml of coloured solution has an absorbance of 0.500 nm, the absorbance of 10 ml of the same solution is

a- 1.000 nm b- 0.500 nm c- 0.250 nm d- 0.250 nm

27)Plasma or serum should be separated at the earliest for estimation of glucose because

a- The glucose value decreases with time b- Glucose value increases with time c- Lysis of blood will occur d- Non of the above

83) Sensitivity and specificity are a- Directly related

b- Reversely related c- They mean the same d- Non of the above

84) A dichromatic analysis is carried to increase a- Specificity b- Sensitivity c- Linearity d- Non of the above

85) Causes of high serum bilirubin are a- Overload on liver b- Cholestasis

c- Haemolysis d- All of the above

86) Polio myelitis is transmitted through a- Feco-oral

b- Respiration c- Skin d- Non of the above

87) Malaria does not grow in a- Packed RBCs b- EDTA blood

c- Plasma d- Heparinized blood

c- Clostridium spelica d- Salmonella typhi

88) Serious organism that causes food poisoning a- Staph. albus b- S

almonella enteritidis

28)29)89)Vaginal discharge occur with all except

a- Gardnerella e- Gonorrhea

b- Trichomonas vaginalis c- Chlamydia d- Candida

90) Hemophilia man married to normal woman the incidence of his children is a- Carrier male e- Normal

b- Carrier female c- Diseased male

d- Diseased female

91) Which of the following cause UTI and it is indole positive a- Klebsiella b- Staphylococcus c- E. coli d- Salmonella

92) Blood transfusion can transmit a- HIV b- CMV c- Hepatitis B

virus . d- All of the above

30) ADH is secreted from a- Posterior pituitary

b- Anterior pituitary c- Hypothalamus d- Thyroid gland

94) The following enzyme is more affected by hemolysis a- SGOT b- Alkaline phosphatase c- SGPT

d- LDH

95) Glycosylated hemoglobin of diabetic patient is important for a- Long term follow up

b- Short term follow up c- Patient has to come fasting d- Non of the above

96) For glucose tolerance test a- You have collect 5 blood samples only b-

You have collect 5 urine samples only c- You have collect 5 blood samples and 5 urine samples d-

You have collect 4 blood samples and 4 urine samples

c- CPK d- LDH

97) One of the following heart enzymes is measured after 4-8 hours of chest pain a- GPT b- GOT

c- HBDH d- CPK

98) Cardiac LDH can be substituted by one of the following a- GOT b- GPT

99) Light affects one of the following tests a- Glucose

b- Bilirubin c- Urea d- All of the above e- Non of the above

100) One of the following is specific diagnostic liver enzyme a- GPT

b- GOT c- LDH d- CPK e- Alkaline phosphatase

101) One of the following is specific diagnostic enzyme a- GGT

b- GOT c- LDH d- CPK

102) Alkaline phosphatase is a- Liver enzyme b- Bone enzyme c- Placental enzyme

d- All of the above e- Non of the above

103) One of the following is pancreatic enzyme . a- CPK

b- Lipase c- GOT d- Acid phosphatase

31) One of the following is pancreatic enzyme a- Amylase

b- GOT c- LDH d- CPK

105) All of the following are heart enzymes except a- GPT

b- GOT c- LDH d- CPK

106) Saliva is rich in a- LDH

b- GPT c- Amylase

d- Alkaline phosphatase

107) The following enzyme is important before anesthesia a- Alkaline phosphatase b- LDH c- Acid phosphatase

d- Pseudocholine esterase

108) Acid phosphatase is a- Liver enzyme

b- Prostatic enzyme c- Heart enzyme

d- All of the above

32) In uric acid estimation a- Patient has to come fasting

b- Uric acid is affected by carbohydrate meal c- No need for fasting d- Non of the above

110) Metabolic gout is different from renal gout in a- Serum uric acid level

b- Blood urea level c- Urine uric acid level d- Plasma total proteins level

111) All the following biochemical tests are affected by meal except a- Uric acid

b- Creatinine c- Albumin d- Glucose

112) Sodium is the main a- Intracellular anion b- Extracel1ular cation c- Intracellular cation d- Extracellular anion

113) Potassium is the main a- Intracellular anion b- Extracellular cation c- Intracellular cation d- Extracellular anion

114) One of the following electrolyte is more affected by hemolysis a- Calcium . b- Sodium c- Magnesium

d- Potassium

33) In blood glucose estimation the following is required a- Fasting blood glucose

b- Glycosylated Hb

c- Post prandial blood glucose d- Fructosamine /

e- All of the above

116) The best kidney function test is a- Total protein b- Urea

c- Creatinine clearance d- Albumin

117) The following kidney function test is affected by exogenous factors . a- Total protein

b- Urea c- Creatinine d- Creatinine clearance

118) For GTT in adults, the dose of glucose is . a- 50 gram

b- 100 mg c- 75 gram

d- Non of the above

119) For GTT in a child, the dose of glucose is a- 30 mg

b- 15 gram c- 30 gram

d- 75 gram

120) Random blood glucose a- Is used to justify blood glucose

b- Gives an idea about blood glucose in urgent cases c- Patient to fast d- Non of the above

121) Immunoglobulin is a- Synthesized in liver b- y- globulin

c- α- globulin

d- β- globulin

122) Ig-M is a- Acute immunoglobulin

b- Immunoglobulin in allergic conditions c- Chronic immunoglobulin d- α- globulin

123) Ig-A is a- Acute immunoglobulin b- Immunoglobulin in allergic conditions c- Chronic immunoglobulin

d- α- globulin

124) Exogenous triglyceride is carried on

a- VLDL b- Chylomicron

c- LDL d- HDL

125) Endogenous triglyceride is carried on a- VLDL

b- Chylomicron c- LDL d- HDL

126) Harmful cholesterol is carried on a- VLDL b- Chylomicron

. c- LDL d- HDL

127) Useful cholesterol is carried on a- VLDL b- Chylomicron c- LDL

d- HDL

128) Intramuscular injection increase the activity of the following enzyme a- GPT

b- CPK c- CPK-MB d- LDH

129) Muscular exercise increase the activity of the following enzyme a- CPK-MB b- GOT

c- Total CPK d- Alkaline phosphatase

130) For lipid investigation patient has to come fasting for a- 4-6 hours

b- 12-14 hours c- 6-8 hours d- No need for fasting

131) Chylomicron is a- The diameter of RBC

b- Size of one lipid molecule . c- One of lipoproteins

d- All of the above

132) Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase is a- Cardiac enzyme b- Pancreatic enzyme c- AMP pathway enzyme d- Prostatic enzyme

133) Estimation of G6PDH is a test to a- Measure blood glucose

b- To diagnose hemolytic anemia c- To diagnose myocardial infraction d- To diagnose pancreatic disease

134) To measurer G6PDH we use a- Plasma

b- Whole blood c- Serum d- All of the above

135) At what temperature degree blood is stored in blood bank a- 2-4 °C

b- 4-8 °C c- 8-12 ° d- Non of the above

136) Amoeba move by a- Pseudopodia

b- Cilia c- Flagella d- Non of the above

13 7) Trypanosoma move by a- Pseudopodia b- Cilia

c- Flagella d- Non of the above

138) Giardia move by a- Pseudopodia b- Cilia

c- Flagella d- Non of the above

139) Entamoeba histolytica cyst is appear in which part of gastrointestinal tract a- Stomach

b- Small intestine . c- Large intestine . d- Non of the above

34) Sand fly transmits which disease a.Leishmaniasis

b- Filariasis c- Amoebiasis d- Non of the above

141) By eating uncooked meet a person can infected with . a- Tape worm

b- Hook worm c- Round worm

d- Non of the above

142) One of the following is capsulated bacteria a- Klebsiella

b- E. coli c- Streptococcus d- Staphylococcus aureus

143) One of the following is Gram positive bacilli a- Anthrax b-

Neisseria c- E. coli d- Non of the above

144) The following parasite can seen in the blood a- Malaria

b- Filaria e- All of the above

c- Trypanosoma . d- Leishmania

145) The following parasite can seen in urine a- Schistosoma hematobium

b- Filaria c- Trypanosoma d- Leishmania

146) Female anopheles transmits which disease a- Leishmaniasis b- Filariasis c- Amoebiasis

. d- Malaria

147) Imfic reaction of E. coli is a- ++-- b- --++ c- +-+- d- +--+

148) Trophozoite of amoeba which engulfs RBC is a- E. coli b- H. nana

c- E. histolytica d- Giardia lamblia

149) Diagnosis of G. lamblia is by a- Cyst b- Trophozoite c - a and b d- Non of the above

150) Tuberculosis is acid fast because a- Stained in acid media

b- Can not be discolored in acid media c- a and b d- Non of the above

151) Na, K and Cl are best measured with a- Spectrophotometer b- Flame photometer c- Elisa d- RIA

35) When using normal saline that is mean the concentration of sodium chloride is

a- 0.85 gram % . b- 0.95 gram % . c- 1.0 gram %

d- Non of the above


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