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Post on 08-Apr-2017






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Products of Tesla Energy CompanyProducts of Tesla Energy Company

The products described here are fully-functional and are currently being manufactured in Europe. Products with similar parameters, functions and characteristics do not exist elsewhere in the world. We have not invented a new concept of energetics, but renewed a concept that had been forgotten since the time of Tesla, as it could not be re-created until now.

You will find here everything you need for a warm and bright life, read and see about our technologies for a free heating, free lighting, free electricity. Look very carefully at the description of the products, their prices and terms of the order. For obvious reasons, our products cannot be sold in those countries that produce oil and gas. If you have any finances from 1 million Euros, which means you can not only look at our technology, but also to make an order for this product. Experience in the business of our company for over 30 years, so we understand who is only interested in our products, but not in a position to buy it, and who the real customer or the investor. 

Designed for multiplying electric power, e.g. connected to any engine of 100 kW, may be used to multiply its output of electric energy to 200 kW or more. Sizes and weight of this device for 1 kW of its power: weight-from 2 kg, sizes-30cm x 30cm x 30cm. Existing product now being sold in several countries. Increases the output of an engine from 200% to 300% or more. Manufacturing period of 1 day, depending on the amount of order and power. There are no analogies in the world. Term technical safeguards to every detail of the device from 1 year to 30 years. Environmentally safe. Continuous and alternating current. All products are patented. To work on the production technology "UM" need specialists: electricians, fitters, assemblers. Investors will get a huge profit, making investments in our technology, particularly technology "UM", as prices for our products, "UM" minimal and the cost of our products is very low. Complete automation systems and control over work product "UM" via cellular, satellite and the Internet. Alarm "UM®GSM" promptly notify you via SMS about the penetration of the protected object, triggering a variety of sensors (temperature, fire, gas leak, flooding), failure stress, etc. Stand-alone continuous operation. Managing a mobile GSM-phone any model supporting technology SMS; 

Power supply 220 V and the battery backup 12; Putting-disarming by electronic keys Touch Memory (6 keys); Mailing the alarm SMS to the list of 10 phone numbers; Daily report (or on the request) about the functionability system; Programmed to send an SMS on each withdrawal or arming; Built-in temperature sensor and heater control scheme using personal GSM phone. Security system "UM®GSM» is set to an object, together with the production of "UM" on the request. The cost of the alarm "UM®GSM» in conjunction with the installation of the object - 200 Euro. In order to collaborate with our company upon this production, there should be the sum on your account no less than 1 million euro, you will need to show us the bank statement for that amount. Conditions for potential investors: At the order of between $ 1 million, the cost of 1 kW "UM" - from 300 Euro For orders between $ 10 million Euro, the cost of 1 kW "UM" - from 200 Euro  The price for the products in the Euro, the production in Euro on case of unauthorized opening of the device is its complete self-destruction. 

Electric Power MultiplierElectric Power Multiplier «UM» DEVICE«UM» DEVICE

Allows to produce electric energy from ordinary tap water, fresh water or salt water. Can be used in all cars (of all sizes), ships (both river and sea based), and everything that rides on the earth, flies in the sky, swims in water (ships) or underwater (submarines), with engines working on petrol, diesel or gas. All of the above can be fuelled 100% with water (fresh or salty) using our technology. Also, all power stations, which work on petrol, gas or diesel, can work now on usual water (on the detonating gas from water).

Existing product currently being manufactured in several countries (at our production units). Calorific capacity of fuel from water, natural gas and petrol is; detonating gas from water – 33,3 kWh/kg, natural gas - 13,9 kWh/kg, petrol- 12,7 kWh/kg. Term of technical safeguards to every detail of the device from 1 year to 3 years. Dimensions of the installation of 15 kW of power (for cars up to 2000 cm3): weight - 1 kg, dimensions - 30 cm x 20 cm x 30 cm. Environmentally clean and safe. 

Time installation "PVEN" on a car, boat, power or other means of transportation, not more than two hours. Manufacturing period of 1 day, depending on the amount of order and power. Continuous and alternating current. There are no analogues in the world. All products are patented. The weight of the installation "PVEN is from 1 kg, depending on the brand of car, boat, power plants and other products running on gasoline, diesel or gas. Limit of power "PVEN" does not exist. Do not confuse our installation "PVEN" producing detonating gas from the water with "gas-Brown”, our technology is much more effective for all other similar technologies, which are described on the websites of other companies, but which have no comparison in quality, price and performance of these technologies, so we do not give out any information on the Internet. For large orders can be produced per day more than 1,000 pieces of "PVEN. In coming years, all vehicles in the world, all rides, swims and flies, all will go to our "PVEN" technology, because in today's world there is no alternative to our technologies.To work on the production technology "PVEN" need specialists: electricians, assemblers. All motorists cars, trucks, all sea and river fleet, are potential customers of our technologies. We all know that natural resources (oil and gas) are not infinite and we all care about how our children will live. We therefore welcome the opportunity to introduce our new technologies which are increasingly important, we can save

natural resources for future generations and to protect nature for our heirs and successors. 

CConverter of water into energyonverter of water into energy


These technologies can be installed in the homes of old buildings and in new homes, which is very important for builders and reduces the costly part, for the laying of cables. Our products are "PVEN" will be relevant in the world as long as there is on earth rivers, seas and oceans, it means that our technology will always be available, so-called "fuel", detonating gas from water. Investors will get a huge profit, making investments in our technology, particularly technology PVEN, as prices for our products "PVEN" minimal and the cost of our products is very low. Complete automation systems and control over work product "PVEN" via cellular, satellite and the Internet. Alarm "PVEN ® GSM" promptly notify you via SMS about the penetration of the protected object, triggering a variety of sensors (temperature, fire, gas leak, flooding), failure stress, etc. Stand-alone continuous operation. 

Managing a mobile GSM-phone any model supporting technology SMS; Power supply 220 V and the battery backup 12; Putting-disarming by electronic keys Touch Memory (6 keys); Mailing of the alarm SMS to the list of 10 phone numbers; Daily report (or on the request) about the functionability system; Programmed to send an SMS on each withdrawal or arming; Built-in temperature sensor and heater control scheme using personal GSM phone. 

Security system "PVEN®GSM» set on the object, together with the products "PVEN" on the request. The cost of the alarm "PVEN®GSM», in conjunction with the installation of the object - 200 Euro. To cooperate with our company for these products, your account must be an amount not less than 1 million Euros, you will need to show us the bank statement for that amount. Conditions for potential investors: At the order of between $ 1 million Euros, the cost of 1 kW "PVEN" - from 25 Euro For orders worth 10 million Euro, the cost of 1 kW "PVEN" - from 15 Euro 

The price for the products stated in the Euro, the production is in Europe. 

In case of unauthorized opening of the device is its complete self-destruction.  

CConverter of water into energyonverter of water into energy


Constructed for the production of free electric energy. Uses the principle of producing energy from physical vacuum (ether). This is an ethero-dynamic process.The sizes and the weight of the device on 1 kW: weight-0,5 kg, sizes- 20cm x 20cm x 20cm.There are no analogues in the world. All products are patented. Term technical safeguards to every detail of the device from 1 year to 30 years. Environmentally safe. Continuous and alternating current. 50 Hz (can be any, made to order). 

Manufacturing period of 1 day, depending on the amount of order and power. To work on the production technology "BES" need specialists: electricians, fitters, engineers, builders. Technology "BES" waiting for all people on earth, the time comes, when will the monopoly of some states to regulate the cost of electricity. All motorists cars, trucks, all sea and river fleet, all who use any equipment that needs electricity, it's all our potential customers. For our technologies are not dangerous man-made disasters, as we do not poles, not pull miles of wire, and install our equipment separately for each item ranging from 100 watts to 100 kW. In case of failure of one object, all other facilities will be operated independently, and without prejudice to anything if some other object, the accident occurred. An accident can happen to any object in the world, whether it is a perpetual motion machine or a conventional power plant, nothing lasts forever on Earth, but many of the consequences of possible accidents can be prevented in advance. 

We all know that natural resources are not infinite and we all care about how our children will live. We therefore welcome the opportunity to introduce our new technologies which are increasingly important, we can save natural resources for future generations and to protect nature for our heirs and successors. Huge market awaits our electric technology, and then these electric cars can go without recharging their batteries. All household electrical appliances and in general all electrical appliances for the convenience of people's lives, without which humanity cannot itself provide a normal life at home, everything will work on our "BES" technologies. Investors will get a huge profit, making investments in our technology, particularly technology "BES", as prices for our products "BES" minimal and the cost of our products is very low. 

““BES” DEVICE – Fuel-free electric engine BES” DEVICE – Fuel-free electric engine (perpetual motion machine)(perpetual motion machine)

These technologies can be installed in the homes of old buildings and in new homes, which is very important for builders and reduces the costly part, for the laying of cables. Complete automation systems and control over work product "BES" via cellular, satellite and the Internet. Alarm system "BES®GSM" promptly notify you via SMS about the penetration of the protected object, triggering a variety of sensors (temperature, fire, gas leak, flooding), failure stress, etc. Stand-alone continuous operation. 

Managing a mobile GSM-phone any model supporting technology SMS; Power supply 220 V and the battery backup 12; Putting-disarming by electronic keys Touch Memory (6 keys); Mailing of the alarm SMS to the list of 10 phone numbers; Daily report (or on the request) about the functionability system; Programmed to send an SMS on each withdrawal or arming; Built-in temperature sensor and heater control scheme using personal GSM phone. 

Security system "BES®GSM» set on the object, together with the products "BES" on the request. The cost of the alarm "BES®GSM», in conjunction with the installation of the object - 200 Euro. To cooperate with our company for these products, your account must be an amount not less than 1 million Euros, you will need to show us the bank statement for that amount. "Nothing lasts forever" - reads as eternal truth. Conditions for potential investors: 

At the order of between $ 1 million Euros, the cost of 1 kW "PVEN" - from 300 Euro For orders worth 10 million Euro, the cost of 1 kW "PVEN" - from 200 Euro 

The price for the products stated in the Euro, the production is in Europe.  In case of unauthorized opening of the device is its complete self-destruction.   

““BES” DEVICE – Fuel-free electric engine BES” DEVICE – Fuel-free electric engine (perpetual motion machine)(perpetual motion machine)

Fuel-free technology. The principle of electric power - from the physical vacuum (ether), and this device is in the same block with the control system of whirling induction heater "VIN". Whirling induction heater liquids intended for use in autonomous systems for heating, hot water and industrial processes associated with heating of the intermediate coolant. Durability (service life exceeding 30 years). The best technology for heating and electricity generation, the world simply does not exist, and this recognition technology has been due to its characteristics and high reliability in operation. Fire safety (lack of high-joints and seals). Frequency of 50 Hz. Installing heated fluid does not form deposits and scale. Ability to use various liquid coolants (water, antifreeze, oil, etc.). 

Technology, environmentally friendly. Analogues in the world no. 10-year warranty. Consumption of electricity paid for "BES®VIN» - O%, technology "BES" itself generates electricity. For example: device "BES®VIN", as shown in the photo, provides free electricity from the unit BES of up to 10 kW and works in conjunction with free heating for the house on the setting of "VIN" on the heated area to 50 m2 total cost "BES®VIN” from the 5000 Euro. Weight of 1 kW "BES®VIN” - 3 kg. To work on the production technology "BES®VIN” need specialists: electricians, fitters, engineers, builders. 

Manufacturing period of 1 day depending on the amount of order and power. Technology "BES®VIN” is only sold in the kit. These technologies can be installed in the homes of old buildings and in new homes, which is very important for builders and reduces the costly part, for the laying of cables. Multimillion-dollar market for our technology is enormous around the world. Complete automation systems and control over work product "BES®VIN" via cellular, satellite and the Internet. Alarm system "BES®VIN GSM" promptly notify you via SMS about the penetration of the protected object, triggering a variety of sensors (temperature, fire, gas leak, flooding), failure stress, etc. Stand-alone continuous operation.

FFuel-free whirling induction heateruel-free whirling induction heater

"BES®VIN” device"BES®VIN” device

Managing a mobile GSM-phone any model supporting technology SMS; Power supply 220 V and the battery backup 12 V; Putting-disarming by electronic keys Touch Memory (6 keys); Mailing of the alarm SMS to the list of 10 phone numbers; Daily report (or on the request) about the functionability system; Programmed to send an SMS on each withdrawal or arming; Built-in temperature sensor and heater control scheme using personal GSM phone. 

Security system "BES®VIN GSM» set on the object, together with the products "BES" on the request. The cost of the alarm "BES®VIN GSM», in conjunction with the installation of the object - 200 Euro. 

To cooperate with our company for these products, your account must be an amount not less than 1 million Euros, you will need to show us the bank statement for that amount. "Nothing lasts forever" - reads as eternal truth. Conditions for potential investors: At the order of between $ 1 million Euros, the cost of 1 kW "BES®VIN GSM" - from 400 Euro For orders worth 10 million Euro, the cost of 1 kW "BES®VIN GSM» - from 300 Euro 

The price for the products stated in the Euro, the production is in Europe. In case of unauthorized opening of the device is its complete self-destruction.

FFuel-free whirling induction heateruel-free whirling induction heater

"BES®VIN” device"BES®VIN” device

"BES®HEAT" device"BES®HEAT" device

Infrared heating of residential and industrial facilities. Technology "BES" invented by Tesla in the 19 century, and in conjunction with the technology "HEAT" with the new nano materials 21 centuries, was very interesting and safe technology of heating facilities, working on free electricity. Heat rays heat up only - the space in a room that is necessary to heat and the rays are called the rays of health because they have the same wavelength as sunlight. 

This heat is very healthy. Technology "BES®HEAT is sold only in kit. To work on the production technology "BES®HEAT 'need specialists: electricians, fitters, engineers, builders. Manufacturing period of 1 day, depending on order quantity. Products are environmentally safe. Analogues produce BES®HEAT in the world no. Weight of 1 kW from 0,5 kg. Consumption of electricity paid for «BES®HEAT» - O%. Term technical guarantees at least 10 years. Multimillion-dollar market for our technology around the world is enormous. These technologies can be installed in the homes of old buildings and in new homes, which is very important for builders and reduces the costly part, for the laying of cables. For cottage and garden areas is difficult and expensive to pick up something else but nocct our technology. Complete automation systems and control over work product "BES®HEAT" through cellular, satellite communications and the Internet. Alarm system "BES®HEAT GSM" promptly notify you via SMS about the penetration of the protected object, triggering a variety of sensors (temperature, fire, gas leak, flooding), failure stress, etc. Stand-alone continuous operation. 

"BES®HEAT" device"BES®HEAT" device

Managing a mobile GSM-phone any model supporting technology SMS; Power supply 220 V and the battery backup 12 V; Putting-disarming by electronic keys Touch Memory (6 keys); Mailing of the alarm SMS to the list of 10 phone numbers; Daily report (or on the request) about the functionability system; Programmed to send an SMS on each withdrawal or arming; Built-in temperature sensor and heater control scheme using personal GSM phone. Security system "BES®HEAT GSM» set on the object, together with the products "BES" on the request. The cost of the alarm "BES®HEAT GSM», in conjunction with the installation of the object - 200 Euro. To cooperate with our company for these products, your account must be an amount not less than 1 million Euros, you will need to show us the bank statement for that amount. "Nothing lasts forever" - reads as eternal truth. 

Conditions for potential investors: At the order of between $ 1 million, the cost of 1 sq. m. "BES®HEAT " - from 50 EuroFor orders between $ 10 million, the cost of 1 sq. m. "BES®HEAT " - from 40 Euro   The price for the products stated in the Euro, the production is in Europe.  In case of unauthorized opening of the device is its complete self-destruction. . 

"BES®LAMP" device"BES®LAMP" device

Thanks to the merits of "BES®LAMP", an opportunity to substantially increase the comfort, light life and simplify maintenance of any facilities. Lamps "BES®LAMP" work together with the installation "BES" and are sold only in kit. 

To work on the production technology "BES®LAMP" need specialists: electricians, fitters, engineers, builders. Manufacturing period of 1 day depending on the order quantity. Technology is environmentally clean. Consumption of electricity paid for "BES®LAMP» - O%. There are no analogues in the world. Design lamp can be varied. Multimillion-dollar global market is waiting for products developed through our technologies. These technologies can be installed in the homes of old buildings and in new homes, which is very important for builders and reduces the costly part, for the laying of cables. Complete automation systems and control over work product "BES®LAMP" via cellular, satellite and the Internet. Alarm system "BES®LAMP GSM" promptly notify you via SMS about the penetration of the protected object, triggering a variety of sensors (temperature, fire, gas leak, flooding), failure stress, etc. Stand-alone continuous operation. 

Managing a mobile GSM-phone any model supporting technology SMS; Power supply 220 V and the battery backup 12 V; Putting-disarming by electronic keys Touch Memory (6 keys); Mailing of the alarm SMS to the list of 10 phone numbers; Daily report (or on the request) about the functionability system; Programmed to send an SMS on each withdrawal or arming; Built-in temperature sensor and heater control scheme using personal GSM phone. Security system "BES®LAMP GSM» set on the object, together with the products "BES" on the request. The cost of the alarm "BES®LAMP GSM», in conjunction with the installation of the object - 200 Euro. To cooperate with our company for these products, your account must be an amount not less than 1 million Euros, you will need to show us the bank statement for that amount. "Nothing lasts forever" - reads as eternal truth. Conditions for potential investors: At the order of between $ 1 million, the cost of "BES®LAMP” on 0.1 kW - 100 Euro per item For orders between $ 10 million, the cost of "BES®LAMP" 0,1 kW - 80 Euro per item  The price for the products stated in the Euro, the production is in Europe.  In case of unauthorized opening of the device is its complete self-destruction . 

Watt consumption - Power LED bulbs 5 W = 100 W 4 W = 75 W 2 W = 40 W

Luminous flux 600 Lm 450 Lm 240 Lm

Illumination 120 Lx 90 Lx 48 Lx

Chart illumination 200° С

Light color - Color temperature Warm Yellow - 3200 KWarm White - 4200 K Cool White - 6500 K 

Frequence 50-60 Hz

Diameter 60 60 mm

Hight 116 mm

Normative lifespan  35 000 h

Warranty 3 years

Specifications "BES®LAMP" 

"BES®LAMP" device"BES®LAMP" device

"BES®HEATING" device"BES®HEATING" device

Technology "BES®HEATING" is needed to heat homes and for heating of industrial buildings and is only sold in the kit. To work on the production technology "BES®HEATING 'need specialists: electricians, fitters, engineers, builders. Manufacturing period is of 1 day depending on order quantity. Products are environmentally safe. There are no analogues produce "BES®HEATING" in the world. Consumption of electricity paid for "BES®HEATING » - O%. Multimillion-dollar market for our technology around the world are enormous. For cottage and garden areas is difficult and expensive to pick up something else but not our technology. Term of warranty - from 3 years. Weight of 1 kW "BES®HEATING” - 1 kg. Ability to use various liquid coolants (water, antifreeze, oil, etc.). These technologies can be installed in the homes of old buildings and in new homes, which is very important for builders and reduces the costly part, for the laying of cables. Complete automation systems and control over work product "BES®HEATING" through cellular, satellite communications and the Internet. Alarm system "BES®HEATING GSM" promptly notify you via SMS about the penetration of the protected object, triggering a variety of sensors (temperature, fire, gas leak, flooding), failure stress, etc. Stand-alone continuous operation. 

Managing a mobile GSM-phone any model supporting technology SMS; Power supply 220 V and the battery backup 12 V; Putting-disarming by electronic keys Touch Memory (6 keys); Mailing of the alarm SMS to the list of 10 phone numbers; Daily report (or on the request) about the functionability system; Programmed to send an SMS on each withdrawal or arming; Built-in temperature sensor and heater control scheme using personal GSM phone. Security system "BES®HEATING GSM» set on the object, together with the products "BES" on the request. The cost of the alarm "BES®HEATING GSM», in conjunction with the installation of the object - 200 Euro. To cooperate with our company for these products, your account must be an amount not less than 10 million Euros, you will need to show us the bank statement for that amount. "Nothing lasts forever" - reads as eternal truth. Conditions for potential investors: At the order of between $ 1 million, the cost of 1 sq. m. "BES®HEATING " - from 15 EuroFor orders between $ 10 million, the cost of 1 sq. m. "BES®HEATING " - from 10 Euro  The price for the products stated in the Euro, the production is in Europe.  In case of unauthorized opening of the device is its complete self-destruction. 

This device is designed for the heating up of any liquid and to be used in autonomous heating systems, water-heating systems, and technological processes connected with the heating of a heat transfer agent. The heater is supplied with an automatic control system. In the past 100 years there was no equivalent product with such real efficiency and low cost. Long - lasting (lasting over 30 years).

Whirling induction heaterWhirling induction heater «VIN» DEVICE«VIN» DEVICE

Completely noise-free. No analogies in the world. Better technologies for heating in the world simply does not exist, this recognition technology has received a huge number of satisfied customers around the world due to its characteristics and high reliability in operation. Frequency of 50 Hz. Setup does not form deposits and scale. Ability to use various liquid coolants (water, antifreeze, oil, etc.). Environmentally safe 10-year warranty. The minimum cost of large capacity from 30 Euros per 1 kW. Since the production for this product has not been any complaints and warranty cases. Weight - 3 kg per 1 kW of power.  Manufacture time: VIN-3 – VI -15 - 10 days, VIN-20 – VIN-35 - 15 days, VIN-40 – VIN-120 - 30 days.

For large orders, manufacturing rate is 100 pcs per day. For large wholesale orders and dealers discounts up to 30% and more available. Minimum purchase - 1 pc. All production is patented. The patent №: 93507. The certificate РОСС RU.АИ 25.В00310. In the coming years, all those who will heat their homes and manufacturing facilities, will use our "VIN" technology, because in today's world there is no alternative to this technology with these characteristics. 

http:// www.akoil-teplo.ru.

To work in manufacturing technology, "VIN" need specialists: welders, electricians, fitters, assemblers. To cooperate with our company to produce "VIN", your account must have a minimum amount of 550 Euros. These technologies can be installed in the homes of old buildings and in new homes, which is very important for builders and reduces the costly part, for the laying of cables. Complete automation systems and control over work product "VIN" via cellular, satellite and the Internet. Cellular control system of heating equipment “VIN®GSM" lets you use a cell phone to establish and maintain the desired temperature in the room, turn on / off various equipment from the signals, transmitted from a mobile phone or the Internet. Alarm “WIN®GSM" promptly notify you via SMS about the penetration of the protected object, triggering a variety of sensors (temperature, fire, gas leak, flooding), failure stress, etc. Stand-alone continuous operation. 

Whirling induction heaterWhirling induction heater «VIN» DEVICE«VIN» DEVICE

Managing from a mobile GSM-phone of any model supporting technology SMS; Power supply 220 V and the battery backup 12; Putting-disarming by electronic keys Touch Memory (6 keys); Mailing the alarm SMS to the list of 10 phone numbers; Daily report (or on the request) about the functionability of the system; Programmed sending of SMS on each withdrawal or arming; Built-in temperature sensor and heater control scheme using personal GSM phone. 

Security system VIN®GSM installed on the object together with the production of "VIN" on the request. The cost of the alarm "VIN®GSM» in conjunction with the installation of the object - 200 Euro. The price for the products in the Euro, the production in Russia and in Europe. In case of unauthorized opening of the device is its complete self-destruction.  The production price is stated in euro, the manufacture is in Russia and in Europe.

Upon non-sanctioned opening of the device, it self-destructs completely.

In coming years, all vehicles in the world, all rides, swims and flies, all will go to our "BES" and "PVEN" technology, because in today's world there is no alternative to these technologies. Payback of Finance invested in our technology - from a single month. Term depends on the capacity of selected products and how they work. 

Prices and production time can vary up or downwards, depending on our common understanding and providing the customer bank documents on the finances. From customers and all interested in you only need one thing: to show a bank statement with the amount that you wish to purchase our products, but not less than 1 million Euros. Form of payment: advance payment or credit, depending on the amount of your order. 

Products are already available in some countries. In all our technology, no bearing and no one site that would be spun or rotated. Therefore, the malfunction cans only electronics. We are interested in purchasing parts made by the most advanced technologies so that they work as long as possible. This explains the warranty period for these parts are used in our technologies. 

These products are manufactured by our partners and is based on our technology 

Products from our partnersProducts from our partners•Ship fuelled by water (fresh or salty) instead of petrol or diesel. When a “PVEN” in installed on the ship, it can travel around the globe without refueling.   • The cost of boats operating on the "water" (rattlesnake gas from water) using the "PVEN" may be any, for which it will acquire the customer himself. We do not sell boats; we sell only the "PVEN" device for this boat. The boat can be of any manufacturing plant or of any power. Prices on the products "PVEN” are states in Euro, the production is in Europe. The minimum order for installation "PVEN" must be made in an amount not less than 1 million Euros. 

•Amphibious car – the company invented an unusual transport solution, which allows one to travel both on land and on water. The amphibious car can go up to 180 km/h on a highway and over 100 km/h on water. The car can also function on fresh or salt water (detonating gas from this water), instead of petrol or diesel, using our “PVEN” technologies.

• The cost of flying car, a boat and set "PVEN" in one design, working on "water" (detonating gas from water) using the "PVEN, within a 100 000 Euro, which will become our customer is our partner on their own or with our help. We do not produce flying cars, we produce only the installation of "PVEN" for them, that these boats used water (detonating gas from water), instead of fuel. The cost of the car, working on the basis of our technology "PVEN" increases exactly as much worth our technology (see the price). The price for the product "PVEN in Euro, production in Europe. The minimum order for installation "PVEN" must be made in an amount

not less than 1 million Euros. 

Products from our partnersProducts from our partners•Vehicle, from any manufacturing plant, which drives on a conventional gasoline or diesel fuel, can also work on regular water (detonating gas from water), fresh, salt, instead of gasoline, diesel or gas. Speed and power of a car on water, does not differ from gasoline or diesel car, and even increases the power of 10% or more by using our PVEN technology. • The cost of a car running on regular water (detonating gas from water) using the "PVEN" can be any value, which it will become our customer. We do not manufacture cars ourselves, we produce only the installation of "PVEN", which are installed in cars to use water (detonating gas from water) instead of fuel. The price for the product "PVEN” stated in Euro, the production is in Europe. The minimum order for the installation of "PVEN" must be made in an amount not less than 1 million Euros. •Electric Car with an electric-powered engine of 200 HP, works on nano-titanium batteries. Time to recharge: from 10 to 60 minutes. Carries 7 passengers, acceleration from 0 to 100 in 5,6 seconds, travels 500 km without recharging. Maximum speed: 200 km/h. When an “UM” device is installed, the car can travel up to several tens of thousands kilometers before recharging. Upon the installation of the “BES” device, the car can travel until it wears out. • Electric car without our devices, "UM" or "BES" are already available and their prices in the world are approximately 40 000 Euros and anyone can buy it on their own and without our help. The cost of electric vehicles, operating on the basis of our technology, "UM" or "BES" increases exactly as much worth our technology (see the price list). The price for the product "UM" and "BES" in the stated in Euro, the production is in Europe. Minimum order for electric vehicles with the settings "UM" or "BES" shall be made in an amount not less than 1 million Euros. 

Our philosophyOur philosophyAll our products that presented on our site are sold only to investors and partners who have invested in our business finance from 1 million Euros. When ordering products from 3 million Euros, the terms of the order and the cost of production may be discussed in the direction of decreasing prices. As it turns out many people in the world and companies who do not have the finances to work with our technology. We have many investors’ millionaires and billionaires, with whom we work, but we want every person on earth was able to buy our technology in the near future when we begin to sell their products not only for rich people, but to all people with average incomes. 

Many people on earth believe that if they look at the patent of any invention and then just figure out how to work this or that technology and due to this patent can be made any technology on their own. Make no mistake gentlemen, a patent no one ever describes the KNOW-HOW. Do not be naive and do not believe in what is written in the patent and what is written in books and magazines about the fact that anyone can make their own "Perpetuum Mobile". It is subject only to those people who think outside the box and his brain is not blocked by those scholars who teach them after 8 – class of secondary school. 

All truth passes through three stages:First, it is ridiculed;

Second, it is violently opposed; andThird, it is accepted as self-evident.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Important informationImportant informationPerformance of plants in Europe of "Tesla’s Energy” companyWhen ordering products on the sum of 3 million Euros, the company can produce per day: Production of "VIN" over 100 pieces per day Production of "UM" more than 10 pieces a day Products "PVEN" over 1000 pieces a day Production of "BES" more than 100 pieces a day Production of "BES®VIN” over 100 pieces per day Production of "BES®LAMP" more than 100 pieces a day Production of "BES®HEAT" more than 100 sets per day Production of "BES®HEATING" more than 100 sets per day Number of products per day can be more or less, depending on the capacity of each kilowatt installed. 

•The main principle of our company is not to sell power in MW and more, but to sell small and most popular capacity for people from 1 kW -5-10-50 kW, as well as for enterprises up to 150 kW. Establish these capacities should be in every house, every apartment, and then will not need to install the poles, pulling hundreds of miles of wires, thereby increasing the costly price for residents and industrial needs. Material consumption of one kilowatt of our plants, depending on the materials used will vary from a few hundred grams to 2 kg per 1 kW of installed capacity. Terms of production will be determined according to the manufacturer's technical training - months, weeks, days, and for mass production on a profile factory to produce 1 kilowatt of installed capacity - hours and minutes. Terms of installation of our technologies - will require from one hour, depending on what it will be released on the means and the questions did not depend on the construction. 

•Operational needs - of course, you need to follow, but otherwise it's no harder than to boil the kettle. Devices were very simple to manufacture and use, very reliable, and therefore the staff needed to service more honorable than the educated. Here and compare our features with any of the currently existing energy sources. By any measure of our systems by several orders have advantages over conventional energy sources, both in cost and in the specifications, and most importantly, they do not consume any fuel. Alternative energy sources at a cost not only compete with traditional and some of them far below the cost of those energy sources, which we are accustomed to use, that is, fuel energy, by burning oil and gas. This trend will

change the world economy, and investments in promising projects can yield good profits. 

Important informationImportant information•Existed in the past century gigantomania in the energy sector is already producing its "bitter fruits". There are a monopoly, huge maintenance costs, cocooning Earth expensive transmission lines, the alienation of land under the reservoir, commensurate with the territories of some countries, and much, much more. This method of obtaining electrical energy is completely safe for humans and nature, simple and accessible for production, has no restrictions on generating capacity. As a result of learning this technology, the installation and maintenance of the company "Tesla’s Energy “, anyone able to secure their home and its production of the necessary quantity of energy. Level of education professionals who can work with our technology does not necessarily have to be above average or just need people with technical education. We are looking for people more with innovative thinking than with higher education. Preference for the sale of our products we make in the first place, for those countries that are not producing oil and gas. We work with those countries in which oil and gas are not the main budget revenue for these countries, there is preferential treatment for the execution of contracts for our products. The cost of fuel energy in those countries that produce and sell it comes to 1000 dollars per 1 kW, while connecting it to homes and industries. After this you will be connected toll electricity, and a new fee for every consumed kWh. But our fuel-free electricity is free, is only the equipment itself, "BES" or "PVEN" which makes this free energy. 

•"As long as you adhere to the established views on energy, then everything is fine. But as soon as you make something that does not fit the scientific paradigm, thus, you are proving that the entire academic science is moving in the wrong direction”. "Prompted by these selfish intentions, scientists are trying to destroy the image of our company, forbidding us to publish in scientific journals and spreading disinformation on the Internet about us." You can logically explain why investors, despite the mistrust on the part of many scholars to actively invest in our company: If the academic community needs, primarily theoretical evidence that businesses need only practical results. We all say: "We look at it this way - most importantly, for this to work and produce energy. In the language of investors, the main thing - result! ". Investors stand in solidarity with us: In contradiction to the laws of aerodynamics: "In theory, the bumblebee cannot fly - but who did try to explain it to the bumblebee? Now many say that that cannot be - but it

happens and most importantly, it works. " 

Important informationImportant information•While our partners have praised highly productive, environmentally clean, economical technology, all the rest have to wait, that's when we promise to open the curtain, behind which lurk in new energy sources, working on a new (long "forgotten"), Tesla technology. Regardless of whether we meet our stated deadlines or not, but the whole world will soon be seen how exactly we'll go down in history: as a company, have revolutionized. We are pleased to introduce our new technologies which are increasingly important; we can save natural resources for future generations and to protect nature for our heirs and successors. •Dear Sirs, if you think to find by yourself the inventors of our existing technologies on these topics, and thus gain independent access to these technologies, do not be fooled, free access to such technologies have long been closed in this world. All inventors also realize the taste of the good life, but do not know how to make money and get a good life, even with such technology. These are two huge differences to create the technology and to get under her the finances. When production begins to function, then begins a complex process of selling these technologies and security KNOW-HOW. 

This is the same complex phase in this business, as well as the invention of these technologies. This requires organizational skills and experience to properly organize everything in this business, and that we do. 

Our technology shock of all people on earth, not only by its technical capabilities, but also by low cost and terms of manufacturing. People could not even dream of such technology. All complex, though, and unique - no need for people, people need simple, cheap and reliable in the product! First, our opponents were furious denial and distrust of our technologies. But gradually, people began to realize that our technology is the future of the planet. Our technology is not for scholars and professors who will doubt, and to reject all "new" sources of energy, and for those people who will use our technology in their homes, in their enterprises, in a word where you want to free electricity.

Begins the new age in energy – the age of fuel-free power. 

HeadersHeadersTechnical Technical CharacteristicsCharacteristics of products of products

ModelVIN kW / hour Volume of

premises heated Voltage Diameter: inletoutlet,mm

Profile: height, diameter, mm Weight Price in Euros, in


«VIN-3» 3 90 - 140 220 20 600*133 14 550 

«VIN -5» 5 180 - 240 220 20 600*133 15 600

«VIN -7» 7 270 - 340 220/380 20 600*133/1210*133 38 750

«VIN -10» 10 400 - 480 380 20 1210*133 40 850

«VIN -15» 15 550 - 700 380 20 1210*133 52 950

«VIN -20» 20 800 - 960 380 25 1300*159 80 1100

«VIN -25» 25 900 - 1100 380 25 1300*159 81 1200

«VIN -30» 30 1200 - 1400 380 25 750*159*3 82 1300«VIN -35» 35 1300 - 1600 380 25 750*159*3 85 1600«VIN -40» 40 1600 - 1900 380 40 750*159*3 90 1800«VIN -50» 50 1800 - 2100 380 40 750*159*3 110 2000«VIN -60» 60 2300 – 2700 380 40 750*159*6 125 2100

«VIN -100» 100 3500 - 4100 380 50 750*159*6 150 3500«VIN -250» 250 8500 - 10000 380 50 tech. project 900 10000

Characteristics of «VIN» heating devicesCharacteristics of «VIN» heating devices

VIN connectionVIN connection

Geografy of VIN sellingGeografy of VIN selling

Contact us:Contact us:

To make an order, to make arrangements about the demonstration, to get more information – please visit:To make an order, to make arrangements about the demonstration, to get more information – please visit: www.akoil.dewww.akoil.de and to write a letter and to write a letter info@akoil.deinfo@akoil.de

or or

www.akoil.ruwww.akoil.ru and write a letter and write a letter akoil1@mail.ruakoil1@mail.ru  

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+420 723 688 373

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