Филострат Софисты Новый Гермес 6

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Софист Флавий Филострат и его «Софисты» // Новый Гермес. 2013. № 6. С. 154–168


  • . 154 .. 155


    . .

    -,-,,-1.- - IIII . . ., , - , , - -,.

    (, ) -, (VSI,481),XIX.-2, , - . -

    * , 113100218-(,,,,-,).

    1 ..:.-/......,1985.

    2 -.:RohdeE.DieasianischeRhetorikunddiezweiteSophistik//RheinischesMuseumfrPhilologie.Bd.41.1886.S.170190(=Idem.KleineSchriften.Bd.2.Tbingen,1901.S.7597).

    , IV...--, . ( ), - -, , -,,,, , , -, 3(VSI,481).-, . , -4.,-, , ..;-, , - ;-,-- (, ) -, 5, .


    3 , , ,(CassinB.Leffetsophistique.P.,1995.P.459).

    4 .:BruntP.A.TheBubbleoftheSecondSophistic//BulletinoftheInstituteofClassicalStudies.Vol.39.1994.P.31.

    5 WhitmarshT.TheSecondSophistic.Cambridge,2005..1;4;9f..-,,- . - . : De OliveiraSilva M. A. A Segunda Sofstica: movimento, fenmeno ou exagero? //Praesentia. Revista Venezolana de Estudios Clsicos. No. 8 2007. [- ] http://erevistas.saber.ula.ve/index.php/praesentia/article/view/3735/3591(12.10.2012).

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    . - , 1969 .6, , , , . ,,,,- , , , - 7. ,

    6 BowersockG.W.GreekSophistsintheRomanEmpire.Oxford,1969..-anepoch-makingbook(WhitmarshT.Op. cit..8).

    7 : Approaches to the Second Sophistic/Ed.G.W.Bowersock.UniversityPark,PA, 1974;AndersonG.TheSecondSophistic: a Cultural Phenomenon in the Roman Empire. L.N. Y., 1993;GleasonM.W.Makingmen:sophistsandself-presentation inancientRome.Princeton, 1995; Swain S. Hellenism and Empire: Language, Classicism, andPower in the GreekWorld: AD 50250. Oxford, 1996; Schmitz Th. Bildungund Macht. Zur sozialen und politischen Funktion der zweiten Sophistik indergriechischenWeltderKaiserzeit.Mnchen, 1997;KorenjakM.Publikumund Redner. Ihre Interaktion in der sophistischen Rhetorik der Kaiserzeit.Mnchen, 2000. , ., 5, ., - : Puech B. Orateurs et sophistes grecsdans les inscriptions dpoque impriale. P., 2002. . : Anderson G.ThepepaideumenosinAction:SophistsandtheirOutlookintheEarlyEmpire//AufstiegundNiedergangderrmischenWelt.Tl. II,Bd.33.1.B.N.Y., 1989.P. 79208; SiragoV.A. La Seconda SofisticacomeespresioneculturaledellaclassedirigentedelIIsec.//AufstiegundNiedergangderrmischenWelt.Tl.II,Bd.33.1.B.N.Y.,1989.P.3678.

    :Being Greek under Rome. Cultural Identity, the Second Sophistic and theDevelopment of Empire / Ed. S. Goldhill. Cambridge, 2001; Paideia: TheWorldoftheSecondSophistic/Ed.B.E.Borg.B.N.Y.,2004;PerceptionsoftheSecondSophisticanditstimes/RegardssurlaSecondeSophistiqueetsonpoque/Ed.Th.SchmidtandP.Fleury.TorontoBuffaloLondon,2011.

    .:RotheS.KommentarzuausgewahltenSophistenvitendesPhilostratos.Heidelberg,1989;Filostrato.Vitedei sofisti: Introduzione, traduzioneenotediM.Civiletti.Milano,2002...

    -.- . . , ,,; 8. , , , ,-,..

    , - ,9,-, , - , -,, -10,,,,-. , ,-.,- , - . -

    8 WhitmarshT.Op. cit..10.9 .: StantonG. R. Sophists and Philosophers: Problems of Classification //TheAmerican Journalof Philology.Vol. 94,No. 4. 1973. P. 350364; CtD.Les deux sophistiques de Philostrate // Rhetorica: A Journal of the HistoryofRhetoric.Vol. 24,No. 1. 2006.P. 135,.. .: -,, (Anderson G. Philostratus. Biography and BellesLettresintheThirdCenturyA.D.L.,1986..17).

    10 Reardon B. P. The Second Sophistic // Renaissances Before Renaissance.Cultural Revivals of Late Antiquity and theMiddle Ages / Ed.W. Treadgold.Stanford,1984.P.24.


  • . 158 .. 159


    - , - , --,11?

    - -12 ( , . ,,-II...,-,13, ).. , - , ,,- 14. . .-,-:IIII...,,- (Greekness) - , -, 15. . - -,-,,

    11 , , , , -,,(VSII,25,535).

    12 Wilamowitz-MllendorffU.,von.Rez.:BoulangerA.AeliusAristide.P.,1923//Litteris.Vol.2.1925.S.126(.:BowersockG.W.Op. cit..10,not.6).

    13 BruntP.A.Op. cit.P.2552. 14 BowersockG.W.Op. cit.15 BowieE.L.TheGreeksandtheirPastintheSecondSophistic//Past&Present.Vol. 46. 1970. P. 341 ( -:Studies inAncientSociety/Ed.M.I.Finley.L., 1974.P. 166209);Idem.The Importanceof Sophists //Yale Classical Studies.Vol. 27. 1982. P. 2959;SwainS.HellenismandEmpire.

    16. . -- -17.

    , - , , 18. - - . , - , - , , , ,19., , (-),- - 20. ,-21.

    ,,-,,- , -.22()23,-

    16 SchmitzTh.Op. cit.17 Anderson G. The Second Sophistic: a Cultural Phenomenon in the RomanEmpire.

    18 Anderson G. The pepaideumenos in Action; Gleason M. W. Op. cit.;KorenjakM.Op. cit.; Connolly J. Reclaiming the Theatrical in the SecondSophistic//Helios.Vol.28.2001.P.7596;EshlemanK.DefiningtheCircleofSophists:PhilostratusandtheConstructionoftheSecondSophistic//ClassicalPhilology.Vol.103,No.4.2008.P.395413.

    19 WhitmarshT.Op. cit..9;22..WhitmarshT.GreekLiteratureandtheRomanEmpire:ThePoliticsofImitation.Oxford,2001.

    20 MillarF.AStudyofCassiusDio.Oxford,1964.P.174.21 Swain S. The Reliability of Philostratuss Lives of the Sophists // ClassicalAntiquity.Vol.10,No.1.1991..150.

    22 (Syll. 3, 878;879),(s.v.).

    23 , -



  • . 160 .. 161


    .(Eunap.Vitaephilos.etsoph.454;Synes.Dio. 1;.Philostr.VitaApol.VI, 27) 165170... (I),,.-,180-.24;-25,,.III. . 26.

    , - ( ) 27 (VS II, 20, 602; 23, 606; 24, 607), - , ,,-, , .-28,IIIII ., , ,-

    , : Solmsen F. Philostratos (10) // RE. Hlbd. 39. 1941.Sp. 125174; Anderson G. Philostratus; Flinterman J.-J. Power, Paideia,and Pythagoreanism: Greek Identity, Conceptions of the Relationshipbetween Philosophers and Monarchs and Political Ideas in Philostratus LifeofApollonius.Amsterdam, 1995; Lannoy L., de. Le problmedes Philostrate(tatdelaquestion)//AufstiegundNiedergangderrmischenWelt.Tl.II,Bd.34. 3.B., 1997.P. 23622449;BillaultA.LUniversedePhilostrate.Bruxelles,2000; Philostratus / Ed. E. Bowie and J. Elsner. Cambridge, 2009 (:BowieE.Philostratus:thelifeofasophist.P. 1932);Musesdemots:lhritagedePhilostratedanslalittratureoccidentale/Ed.S.Ballestra-Puech,B.BonhommeandPh.Marty.Genve,2010.

    24 LannoyL.,de.Op. cit..2372ff.25 (Euseb.c.Heirocl.2;Suda,s.v.;Syll.3,878).

    26 BowersockG.W.Op. cit..56.,-(.VS479,238.,- , 244249.(Suda,s.v. ).

    27 (VSII,27,617).28 (-VSI,25,530544;II,1,545566).


    ,,- , (abepistulisGraecis ), -,, 29, -,(VitaApol.I,3). - . , - (208 .) (212 .), - , ,,-30.,.

    , - , - . , - ()(Syll. 3,879= I. Eryphrai, I, 63). ( /), III(),,IV,31.

    . ,, . - (),- ( [Ep., 73] -

    29 .: BowersockG.W.Op. cit. P. 101109; Levick B. JuliaDomna,SyrianEmpress.L.N.Y.,2007.P.107ff.

    30 ..479.31 , , ();-(VSII,30,623).(), ,.




    adminSticky Note :

  • . 162 .. 163

    ,VIV.,32).,,, -- (). ,, - , , - -33., () 34. -,, - -.

    , , , - , 35. , - . , -, , - 36, , (. 346. 414 .), (-) , - 37 38. ,

    32 Penella R. J. Philostratus Letter to JuliaDomna // Bd. 107,Hft. 2.Hermes.1979.P.161168.

    33 ., : Korver J. Nron et Musonius: propos du dialogue dupseudo-Lucien Nron ou Sur le percement de listhme de Corinthe //Mnemosyne.Vol.3.1950.P.319329.

    34 . : Lannoy L., de.Op. cit.; Elsner J. A Protean corpus // Philostratus / Ed. E. Bowie and J. Elsner.Cambridge,2009.P.518.

    35 EshlemanK.Op. cit.36 Cp.BowersockG.W.Op. cit.P.15;JonesC.P.TheReliabilityofPhilostratus//ApproachestotheSecondSophistic/Ed.G.W.Bowersock.UniversityPark,PA,1974.P.11;CtD.Op. cit..P.1920.

    37 -(VSII,11,585).

    38 Eunap. Vitae philos. et soph., 454: . -

    . 39,-,, . 40. De viris illustribus (, - , 41) , - , () , 42..,-- ()43.

    , - - - 44, ,59- (IV...)- . Vitae sophistarum , .

    , -, I,-,,-, ( IV... , -

    ,(Suda,s.v.).39 .,(JonesC.P.Op. cit.P.11).

    40 , , -,(VS480).

    41 . , (Leo F. Die griechisch-rmischeBiographienachihrerliterarischenForm.Leipzig,1901.S.258).

    42 SwainS.TheReliabilityofPhilostratussLivesoftheSophists.P.151.43 RotheS.Op. cit.S.3536.44 ..:,,,(JonesC.P.Op. cit.P.16).


  • . 164 .. 165

    II . . .), - , ,-45. .,- , . : , ..350- , ..,IVIII...,, , ( -[Cic.Brut.286]).,- : -,46,,,,,- (VS I, 18, 511)..47.48,-,,, 49, - ( -50),. ,,.

    ,- , 33 , - II , , -

    45 .,-()-(CassinB.Op. cit.P.452).

    46 . - , ..Filostrato.Vitedeisofisti.P.428.

    47 FlaviiPhilostratiOpera/Ed.C.L.Kayser.Vol.II.Lipsiae,1871.P.IX.48 AndersonG.Philostratus.P.12.49 SchubertP. Philostrateet les sophistesdAlexandrie //Mnemosyne.Vol. 48,Fasc.2.1995.P.178188.

    50 SwainS.TheReliabilityofPhilostratussLivesoftheSophists.P.162,not.74.

    51..52, (magma flow53),- , , - -, 54. ,,, , .,,-,,,., --. , , -,.

    , -, , ,,-,.

    , -- , , - . - ,

    51 Kemezis A. Narrative of Cultural Geography in Philostratuss Lives ofSophists //Perceptionsof theSecondSophisticand its times /Regardssur laSecondeSophistiqueet sonpoque /Ed.Th. SchmidtandP. Fleury (Phoenixsupplementaryvolumes,49).TorontoBuffaloLondon,2011.P.11.

    52 ,.49,- : Kemezis A. The Roman Past in the Age oftheSeverans:CassiusDio,PhilostratusandHerodian.PhDDiss.UniversityofMichigan,2006.P.141189,p.161ff.

    53 .(Filostrato.Vitedeisofisti..15).54 . . :BowieE.L.TheGreeksandtheirPastintheSecondSophistic//Past&Present.Vol.46.1970.P.17.


  • . 166 .. 167

    , , - , - , , ,, ., - ,-,,,,. , -,- , -., , , , - . - , -,55.56.- , -.

    (), -,,,-(),-57.

    , 58. - Vitae sophistarum, II -III.,,, -., , , -,,

    55 Cp.SwainS.HellenismandEmpire.P.380.56 ,(VSI,16).

    57 AndersonG.Philostratus.P.14.58 .SwainS.TheReliabilityofPhilostratussLivesoftheSophists.

    (VSI,22,524;525).,-(VSII,9,583;23,605606).,,-, 150- ., -, 80. -(VSII,27,618619).,, , - - (VSII,9,585;10,586).

    . , , -,- (VS I, 8, 490; 25, 543; II, 1, 562563). -, ,, , -, ,,,(),,,,(),60,(VSII,9,585).-, , ,,,,, , .

    , -,..,-(VSII,1,557),-,. , , (VS II, 9, 581), . , (VS II, 1, 545;cp. I, 25, 536).., , , , , , -,, , 59.

    59 SwainS.TheReliabilityofPhilostratussLivesoftheSophists..159ff.;163.


  • . 168 .. 169

    ,,- , , , - , , . ,.. , 11 ( -), , . - , ,,,,,, .

    60 61.

    60 - . .: . - () /.. // /....-;....,1961..503509;II.()/...//--/......,1964..168177.

    : Flavii Philostrati Vitaesophistarum / Rec. C. L. Kayser. Heidelbergae: Sumptibus J. C. B. Mohr,Bibliopolae Academici, 1838 ( - 18421846 1853 ., :Flavii Philostrati Opera. Vol. II. Lipsiae: Teubner, 1871, - . ) Philostratus and Eunapius. The Lives of theSophists / With an English translation by Wilmer Cave Wright. London:WilliamHeinemann;NewYork:G.P.PutnamsSons, 1921 (TheLoebClassicalLibrary).-(GottfriedOlearius) (Lipsiae, 1709),- . : Philostratorum et CallistratiOpera /Rec.AntoniusWestermann;EunapiiVitae sophistarum / Iterumed.Jo.Fr.Boissonade;HimeriiSophistae.Declamationes/EmendavitFr.Dbner.Paris:Didot,1849,.

    61 . (Avotins I. The Date and the Recipient ofthe Vitae Sophistarum of Philostratus // Hermes. Bd. 106, Hft. 1. 1978.P. 242247),- (. 160238 .) -

    (I, 1 18) 60

    . .



  • . 170 .. 171

    ,,,-,,,,,,62,,-,--[]63.,,,,.,- 64 , , , -65. , , c,-,,

    237238 . . . I ( 238 . ..) . . . - II, I (BarnesT. D. Philostratus andGordian // Latomus.Vol. 27. 1968. P. 581597). -,I III (225244 . . ., 238244 . . .) , -,242/243....:JonesP.PhilostratusandtheGordiani//MediterraneoAntico:economie,societ,culture.2002.Anno5.P. 759767; Bowie E. Philostratus: the life of a sophist // Philostratus / Ed.E.Bowieand J.Elsner.Cambridge,2009.P.29.-.

    62 . (101177), -, 143...,..VSII,1(545568);Suda,s.v.).,.,.,-(IGIIIII2,3979)..BarnesT.D.Op. cit.P.587.

    63 .:Iulian.Misopogon.346;VitaApol.I,16.

    64 , (460403),,,,,,.-404403...,-..:.,, // . 2003. 4. . 6789 (= . . ., 2004..227259).

    65 ,,-.

    ,,,- , . -(),,- , 66.,!


    (... ). , , , -,,,.-,, - . -, 67. [] - , , , ;[]. (2)-,:


    69 ,

    66 Hom.Od.,IV,220;cp.VAVII,22;Iulian.Or.VIII,240c.-V...-,()(Elog.Hel.,14).

    67 .:Meno70;Symp.,208c;Thaetet.180a.

    68 Hdt.I,47(...);VitaApol.VI,11.69 ..,.





  • . 172 .. 173



    (3) , , -,71,- , , ,,[]. , - ( ), 72, , ,[],-.[]-73,,74,,,-; ,.

    (4) , , - , 75,

    70 Suet.Nero 39;VitaApol. IV, 38. -.

    71 Plato.Sophist.217c.72 . : Ct D.LesdeuxsophistiquesdePhilostrate //Rhetorica:A Journalof theHistoryofRhetoric.Vol.24,No.1.2006.P.135.

    73 Plato. Menin. 70 b. () (485380), , -(-).427...,-..,I,9.

    74 (389 . 314), , , , .

    75 (. 495429), -, -; 461 .. . ;443...15,,, . . .

    [] ; ,, , , 76, ; -, ,,77, . - , ,- , -,,[], , -- . , , : -! -,,, , . . (5)-78 , , -, -; ,,,79. , ,80-81,-,-.(6),

    .76 .:Demosth.Decor. 136; cp.:VitaApol.VII, 37..

    77 ,377353...,-; , -.

    78 .,.79 ,,-,..:Xen.Memorab.II,1,22.

    80 .:Plato.Protagor.315a,.81 , ,;.



  • . 174 .. 175

    ,.. ,- 82, - ,,, . , , [ :] ,?83.,-,: -;-,,, -84.

    (7) , , ,, -.-85,,,;- - [].,-86, , ;,-,87 [],,-.


    82 - . -;.Eupolis.Kolakes,fr.165Kock;Schol.adVesp.1408adNub.496;Ath.IV,164..

    83 (IX,74b);,-,. -.

    84 ,,,,,,,;VitaApol.VIII,3.

    85 .,:Aeschin.ContraTimarch.170;Demosth.Decor.276.86 Aeschin.ContraTimarch.170.87 .


    1. 88, , ;- , -,,,,,-,89.

    2.90 -,,,, - . , 91 , :- , , [ ] -?: ,-:,, , ,92.:-,.(2)-,- .,,., , : -,?,?, , [], ,,.,-

    88 (.390.340),,,.

    89 ()-(VI,5).

    90 , , II 339 .. . ,.

    91 II(382336). 92 .VitaApol.VII,42.




  • . 176 .. 177


    3. 94 95 , -.,,,,-,,,-.

    4.96,, , .

    5. , 97, - , ,, , -.-:


    93 FHG,II,329.(IV,37),. (XII, 74 f),-,.

    94 (Adv.Col.32,1126d)-,,.

    95 .(VitaApol.VI,12).

    96 (214129),(), , -,,-. 155 ..., ,.

    97 ..,,- (Plut.Ant. 80, 2: ,-,;...).

    98 (215),,, . : Ath. VII, 102 ab; Iulian. Misopogon.349d.,,,,(Anthol. Pal.VII, 645).

    6. 99, -,.

    7.100,,- , ;,,,101,[ ] [], . - , -, [ ] ,.-. -, , , , ,;- , , -, , , [].(2),-,,,,-,.,,102(,).

    (Plut.CatoMin.57).99 ,--,,-(Brut.24).

    100 () (. 40 112), - . , , -, ,.-,.-,,,. , - . 78 , , -, , .

    101 ..(cornucopia),,,,.

    102 . ,.

    [486] [487]


    adminSticky Note . "" "".



  • . 178 .. 179

    103, -,-, , , .

    (3),104;, , -105. , , -,,,106, 107, , -,- . , , , ,, -.(4)108,,- , 109,

    103 - . .. .: / . .. - ///....,1961..6386.

    104 (.I....- [9698]), , -,; . 8-,(), , , , .(),,,,;119...,.-,(Ep.I,10).

    105 .:VitaApol.V,33;37.-,.

    106 ... 107 .VitaApol.VII,4.108 (Or.XII,1720).

    109 .:Suet.Dom.23.



    , , , , , , -.,,-,-.,,,, , : -,,,111.

    ,, ,, .

    8.,., 112, 113.,,-114, : ;

    110 Hom.Od.XXII,1.111 .- .: Fein S. Die Beziehungen der Kaiser Trajan und Hadrian zu denliterati.Stuttgart,1994.S.2022;SchmitzTh.TrajanundDionvonPrusa.ZuPhilostrat, Vit. Soph. 1, 7 (488) // RheinischesMuseum fr Philologie. NeueFolge.Bd.139,Hft.3/4.1996.S.315319..(BowieE.L.Theimportanceofsophists//YaleClassicalStudies.Vol.27.LaterGreekLiterature.Cambridge, 1982. P. 44, not. 49), , (v. 1169). - -, (LXVIII,3,4),;.:Dio Cass.LXVIII,7,4Plin.Pan.47,1.

    112 ...Gell.NA.II,22.113 Cobet;Kayser.114 .Lucian.Demon.12, 13;Eunuch.7.- , , testiculi(Polemon.Physiogn.I,163F./H.).,,.-().



  • . 180 .. 181

    ,,-. ,-- 115. - , 116,.-,,-:,;-,,-, . (2) ,,,,.- , 117,,-,., , .

    (3),,-,,-,,,-118,.,-,, . , -,,,.-, , 119. , , -120.

    115 .Dio Chrys.Or.XXXVII,33sq.(3235)-.

    116 Cp.SHA.Hadr.15;Dio Cass.LXIX,3,44.1..SwainS.FavorinusandHadrian//Zeitschrift frPapyrologieundEpigraphik.Bd.79.1989.P.150158.1920-.(P.Marm.) (), , -, (.NorsaM.,VitelliG.IlpapiroVaticanogreco11//StudieTesti.Vol.53.1931.P.IXX).

    117 Hom.Il.I,80.-,.

    118 -.

    119 (De cor. 205) , , (Crito50).

    120 . (LXIX,3,56).

    ,,, , []121.,-,,,,.,, , , , : , , , ,.

    (4) , - : [] 122? , , ,,,123.,- , , , , -.

    (5)124-,, , - , ,-,,, .,,-,,,125,,-,,

    121 (Dig.27,1,6,8;50,4,18,30).

    122 (fr. 231 Kock), -(Or.LII,17).

    123 ,,,. ,-..Lucian.Lexiphan.2,9;,.(III,11).

    124 (.88144),,.,.,..:VSI,25,530545;Suda,s.v..

    125 .Thuc.II,44.



  • . 182 .. 183


    (6), , . , - . 127,,,, - ,,128;, , ,,129,-, , -.

    (7),, , -, - , , - , .,130,,.-,,,,.


    9. , -, , , , -., , ,,,,

    126 Hesiod.Op.25. 127 .128 .VSII,9,583.129 . Cp. Gell. NA.XI,5,5;Diog. Laert.IX,87.(.360270),-.

    130 . . 513. (Or.XXXII, 68),,,;.:Cic.Orat.18.

    ,,,,,-. , - , - , - , ; 131.(2),- , 132;,,-,,,,,, 133,,,134.,135, -136,.

    -,-[137],-., [],- ,- , , -

    131 ., :Porter J. I. The Seductions of Gorgias // Classical Antiquity. Vol. 12, No. 2.1993.P.267299;NolM.-P.GorgiasetlinventiondesGorgiveiaschvmata//RevuedestudesGrecques.Vol.112.1999.P.193211.

    132 .:I,praef.,482.133 (.450.404),-,,.

    134 :-,(.495429).(460396)33.

    135 (.447.405),,,411...-.

    136 .:Aristophan.Thesmophor.49.(Symp.195sqq.)-.

    137 ,.




    adminSticky Note . Hellenica.


    adminSticky Note

  • . 184 .. 185

    138. (3), , , . -,,-,-,, , -, ,,,,-,,,.


    10. 139, , 140,-141.,- ; -142,.,-,,.,

    138 Cp.Isocr.Paneg.42.139 . (.480410),-,-. 444 . . . ,. ,-, , , -(DK,80[74]B1;...),-.

    140 (. 460371), -, - ( ), , -.,,-,,,(Diog. Laert.IX,42).

    141 .(IX,34)-,.

    142 .Val. Max.VIII,7.


    ,,143,,-,,, ,,, . (2),,,,.-,,- 144, , ,.

    , -,,,, , . , , -, , - , 145, 146.

    11. 147 -,,,,. , ,-,,.,,[],-. , : [ ] - , , - , . (2) ,-, , -

    143 ,,.,.

    144 ,60,.Plut.Pericl.11.145 .Plato.Protag.319a;Gorg.520c.146 .147 (..410...), , -.,.



    adminSticky Note .

  • . 186 .. 187

    ,,148,-.,,149.- -.,,.

    12. 150 -, 151, -152,,. , -, -153.-154,,..-.,[155], 156. , , ?

    13. 157 [ ] , ,, . -, 158,

    148 ...149 (282),20;,,.

    150 ,.151 (. 430 355),,.

    152 ,412...,;.Thuc.,VIII,60.

    153 ,,Plat.Protag.316.154 Plat.Sophist.231d. 155 I,praef.,p.482483.156 .Xen.Memorab.II,1,21.157 ,-(Plato.Gorg.448c).

    158 ( ), , ( -).,-

    , , , .-, , -:,,159.

    14. , 160 -,,,161,:,,-.

    15. 162 -,. . -,,;- .,., , .,,,,,

    , (.).

    159 Plato.Gorg.467b.,-,..Plato.Symp.185.

    160 .430400...- , . ,-.

    161 Plat.Resp.341c.162 . .. : 1) - // Studiahistorica. . 6.., 2006. . 4068; 2) Antiphontea II: ---?//..7..,2007..2843;3)Antiphontea III:(-) //. . 8.., 2008.. 6795; 4)Antiphontea IV: ( -) // . . 9. ., 2009. . 127; 5) Antiphontea V: - // . . 10. ., 2010. . 2565;Antiphontea VI: (GagarinM.AntiphontheAthenian:Oratory,Law,andJusticeintheAgeof theSophists.Austin,UniversityofTexasPress, 2002.XI, 222p.) //..XI.M.,2011..258276.





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  • . 188 .. 189


    (2),,,,,; ,-, , ., [],,-,164,-., - [],, 165, , , 166. ,,,., . (3) - , , -, , , ;,,,;,,- . -, :,,

    163 ,411. . ., ,..--,,(VIII,68).

    164 .165 ; (;...)Hom.Od.IV,221.

    166 (vv.13):

    , ,,, , ?(..)

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