- amazon s3 · 5 | 20 ways to get out of the workout rut now that you have taken a basic overview...

Post on 27-Jan-2020






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Table of Contents

The Problem ........................................................................................................................................ 1

Review Your Current Workout Regimen ............................................................................................ 1

Are You Varying Your Workout? ..................................................................................................... 2

Is Overtraining the Problem? .......................................................................................................... 2

Are You Eating Right? ...................................................................................................................... 3

Are You Under Too Much Stress? ................................................................................................... 3

Are You Getting Adequate Sleep? .................................................................................................. 4

20 Ways To Get Out Of The Workout Rut .......................................................................................... 5

1. Vary Exercise Moves In Daily Workouts ..................................................................................... 5

2. Exercise Classes ........................................................................................................................... 6

3. Move To Music ............................................................................................................................ 7

4. Bodyweight Workouts ................................................................................................................. 8

5. Exercise With A Friend ................................................................................................................ 9

6. Include Interval Training ............................................................................................................. 9

7. Exercise Outdoors ..................................................................................................................... 10

8. Exercise With Your Dog ............................................................................................................. 10

9. Workout Less ............................................................................................................................. 10

10. Perform Energy-boosting Supersets....................................................................................... 11

11. Vary Your Workouts With CrossFit ......................................................................................... 11

12. Monitor Your Exercise Progress ............................................................................................. 12

13. Play Hopscotch or Variations Thereof ................................................................................... 12

14. Take an Exercise Break ............................................................................................................ 13

15. Obtain Exercise Certification .................................................................................................. 13


16. Warm Up With Dynamic Stretches ......................................................................................... 13

17. Enlist Assistance From A Trainer ............................................................................................ 14

18. Add Sports to Your Exercise Plan ............................................................................................ 14

19. Match Your Workout Routine With Your Body Shape ........................................................... 14

20. Create An Itinerary .................................................................................................................. 15

Summary ............................................................................................................................................ 16


Disclaimer: The information provided in this publication is not intended as medical

advice; it is for informational purposes only. You should always consult a medical

professional for any health issues you may have and get clearance from your doctor

before performing any type of exercise.

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The Problem

A workout rut has two main repercussions. The first is boredom, which is one of the main

reasons people stop exercising. They do the same workout day after day and week after week,

until it becomes so boring that they simply quit.

The second problem with routine in exercise is that the body adapts to working out, and when

an exercise routine becomes too routine and

there is a lack of challenge, results will suffer

and the exercise becomes much less effective.

In order to improve strength and overall

conditioning the body must be challenged and

this means switching day-to-day workouts and

doing something new each month.

Switching workouts, and mixing up routines

keeps the body guessing and that is the only

way to reach new peaks in fitness.

Getting into a rut is an insidious process. In other words, the boredom creeps in slowly leading to

a loss of interest for you and your body. Moreover, when body stops growing and improving it

can lead to a loss in motivation as well because results fuel our motivation to keep with a fitness

program more than any other factor.

Review Your Current Workout Regimen

If your progress has slowed, now is the time to regroup and re-review your exercise plan and

goals. Your fading level of energy is the result of a body

that is conditioned to exercise – not conditioned and

improved because of exercise but conditioned to the


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When you stop seeing visible results, it is time to take a new perspective with respect to working

out. So, instead of whiling away the time with an effortless workout, it is time to bump up the

requirements in terms of frequency and intensity. Get back on track and jump-start your body

into making some needed changes!

Are You Varying Your Workout?

As previously mentioned it is important to challenge the body or else it will adapt to the status

quo and stall in progress. When it comes to

exercise change is good, if you have been

doing the same thing for a month, be it a

treadmill, exercise bike or the same exercise

class it’s time for a change.

It is most important to upgrade your routine

when exercise becomes too easy, by either

increasing intensity, adding resistance or

simply changing the type of workout you are doing.

Challenging the body promotes muscle and strength growth, increases stamina and endurance

levels, and encourages weight loss. Challenge is also the most productive way to improve overall


How long have you been doing the same workout?

Is Overtraining the Problem?

If you have fallen into an exercise rut and cannot seem to get back on your feet, then it could be

due to overtraining. While it is good to develop healthy habits like regular gym visits, they are

not so effective when you are spending too much

time training. Overtraining can affect the mind as

much as it affects the body.

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Therefore, anyone caught in a rut because of overtraining can also become drained mentally and

emotionally. After all, you don’t want your daily activities to revolve around exercise. Exercise

should be supplemental to your primary pursuits, such as family life and work.

If overtraining is a problem, take a week off from your exercise activities and re-plan your workout.

Are You Eating Right?

Discovering you are in an exercise rut can also involve what you eat each day. If the food that

you eat comes from the vending machine or a fast food restaurant, then it likely lacks in nutrition

the body needs to thrive. As a result, exercise can become more of a struggle too. Therefore,

when it comes to snacking or lunch breaks, it is important to stick to nutrient dense whole food.

Replace processed “goodies,” including,

cookies, and crackers with such healthful

snacks as berries, plain yogurt, vegetables,

and nuts. Eat soup and/or salad for lunch

versus downing a Big Mac on the run. Eating

unhealthy fast food is bad for heart health

and weight management.

In addition, overeating can make one feel

exercise has become a burden. You don’t

want to consume that extra piece of pie with the expectation that you will include 100 more

jumping jacks in your daily exercise routine. Balance is the key to staying out of an exercise rut,

especially when it comes to planning your daily meals.

Get rid of the foods that represent empty calories and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Water will keep you active and make you feel motivated to exercise as the fluid lubricates the

joints and removes the toxins that make one feel sluggish when pursuing any physical activity.

Are You Under Too Much Stress?

Discovering that your exercise routine has become less-than-inviting can also be due to daily

stress. Stress, indeed, can leave you feeling not only emotionally drained but also physically weak

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as well. Signs that you may be experiencing too much stress include recurring headaches, trouble

sleeping at night or tight muscles. These kinds of maladies, no doubt, can affect your workout


Are You Getting Adequate Sleep?

Lack of adequate and quality sleep will affect

your workout. Without proper rest, the body will

not have enough energy to perform an

adequate workout and it will certainly not have

the energy to do an intense workout.

If you have slipped into an exercise rut, look at

your patterns of sleep. Ideally, you should get

about eight hours each night to give your body an opportunity to refuel and recover from a

workout. Get more sleep and you will soon find that you will also be able to escape the rut.

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20 Ways To Get Out Of The Workout Rut

Now that you have taken a basic overview of what can affect your workout routine, it is time to

take measures to spice up your daily exercise plan. The first thing you want to do is to make your

routine less of a routine. While it is good to follow a pattern of fitness in your life, you also don’t

want that design to become too pedestrian or stale. Sticking to the same old exercise routine can

hinder your fitness results, which includes, building muscle strength and weight loss.

So, get ready to make progress by kicking your rut-friendly workout to the curb. Exercise should

be invigorating and something that motivates you to look forward to each new day.

While some of the techniques below are simple solutions, they, no doubt, can significantly aid

you in eliminating the behavior that causes you to slide in your workout goals and reduce your

overall satisfaction in your fitness pursuits.

1. Vary Exercise Moves In Daily Workouts

Increase the amount of weight you lift as your

fitness level increases.

Alternate the amount of weight you lift, lift light

with more reps for two weeks, and then lift

heavier with fewer reps the next.

Switch exercises for each muscle group, there

are many different moves that work the same

muscles but in very different ways. For

example, instead of pushups, do chest flies one

week, and chest presses the next week.

Do bodyweight exercises instead of the same

weight machine circuit you have been doing at

the gym.

Ditch the crunches and do Russian Twists with a

Kettlebell or dumbbell.

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It may take some research and education to learn all the many varieties of moves and exercises

that are available, but it is well worth the effort, as you will see significant results and in a short

amount of time. Keep in mind that variation improves the overall quality of your workout and

therefore makes the best use of your exercise time and effort.

2. Exercise Classes

One of the best ways to vary your routine is with exercises classes. Group fitness began in the

1970s when the first Aerobics class was introduced, and has since exploded in popularity and in

the variety of classes being offered. Today, you can find classes for abs, cardiovascular training,

muscle building, fat burning, ab training, hip training, and even unique fusion classes that blend

various workouts into one exciting class.

Adding classes to your routine can not only eliminate the boredom barrier, but is also one of the

best ways to challenge the body with something new on a regular basis.

Here are just a few options:






Hip Hop Dance



Tai Chi

Pole Fitness


Power Lifting


Ballet Barre

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Boot Camp


Stroller Strides




Turbo Kick

Aqua Fitness

Core Classes

Stretch Classes


Check local gyms, studios and community centers to find options in your area, the above is really

a short list because each facility will offer their own unique classes.

3. Move To Music

Nothing is more effective than the right music to make us move, so go ahead, and turn up the

volume! After all, those tune-thumping headphones can be just

as powerful, if not more so, than jump ropes and barbells.

Finding a good pair of headphones along with the right playlist

can definitely boost your motivation as well as energy. In fact,

studies show that workout-friendly tunes, set at the right

tempo, keep us from thinking about our level of exertion and,

at the same time, encourage us to exert more effort.

Did you know that the connection between music and exercise

dates back to 300 B.C. and the rowers on the Roman Galleys?

According to Dr. Carl Foster who is the head of the La Crosse,

Exercise, and Health Program at the University of Wisconsin, a person would beat a drum to

provide a basic rhythm for the rowers that ensured coordination and a united tempo. According

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to Foster, who leads the studies of music and exercise intensity at the University of Wisconsin,

it’s how the human brain works and is known as entrainment or synchronization and applies to

all forms of exercise where the body will naturally want to pedal, step or move in any way at the

same rate as a playing beat. While we all know that music makes exercise more fun, there is a

real science behind its effect on physical performance.

In an article published on the American Council of Exercise, Dr. Costas Karageorghis, Ph.D., one

of the world’s leading authorities on music and exercise from Brunel University School of Sport

and Education states that music can reduce the perception of effort exponentially and increase

one’s endurance within a workout by as much as 15%!

Karageorghis’s 20 years of research into the effect of music on exercise has yielded three key


1. The tendency of humans to move in time with synchronous sounds; how often have you

began to, almost involuntarily tap your hands to the beat of a song?

2. Music increases arousal, and makes one want to move.

3. Music has the ability to distract the exerciser from the discomfort that may stem from


The point is that the faster the beat – the more intense the exercising, so synchronizing your

movements to the music’s beat can actually make you fitter and more energized mentally. If you

want to increase the intensity of your workout and exert more effort in your routine, create a

playlist to make it happen!

4. Bodyweight Workouts

Bodyweight exercises are various moves that use

one’s own bodyweight instead of free weights or

weight machines for resistance. Bodyweight

training is one of the best ways to challenge the

body and can often be much more effective than

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weight training because they are compound exercises.

Compound exercise are those that target multiple muscle groups at once, as opposed to

isolation training, often seen with free weights and weight machines that target one specific


For example, a bicep machine works only the bicep muscles of the arms, while a pushup targets

all the arm muscles, including the biceps, triceps, along with the shoulder and chest muscles.

Another added benefit of bodyweight training is that in addition to building strength many of the

moves are also effective for fat burning, especially when done at a faster pace such as in a HIIT

workout, and so target an array of fitness goals. They are also plentiful in variety and challenging

by nature and can go a long way to preventing the body from adapting to a routine.

5. Exercise With A Friend

You can make your workout more fun and deter boredom quite a bit by exercising with your

significant other, a family member of a friend. If you can find someone who shares your interest

in keeping fit and working out, then this is, indeed, a healthy move. In addition, studies show

that when we work out with someone who we believe to be in great shape, we increase our

workout activity by as much as 200%.

6. Include Interval Training

Keeping a slow and steady pace will not help you win the workout race, but HIIT can! HIIT is an

acronym for high intensity interval training. A HIT workout is comprised of intervals of maximum

effort that alternative with short periods of rest or reduced effort.

The work intervals quickly induce the anaerobic state that burns more fat than the “fat burning

zone” created by cardio workouts. In fact, studies prove that HIIT is more effective than an hour

of cardio. In addition, working in interval form keeps the body guessing, challenged and provides

optimal conditioning results. Therefore varying the pace you use with respect to exercise will

keep your workout interesting and enable you to improve your overall level of fitness.

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7. Exercise Outdoors

While you might appreciate the use of indoor

exercise equipment on a rainy day, it never hurts

to exercise outside, even during a light shower.

Exercising outdoors is proven to boost one’s

energy and keeps us positively focused. This leads

to a less affected by anger, tension, and depressive


Studies show that a mere five minutes of sweating outdoors not only boosts one’s self-esteem

but does wonders for one’s mental outlook as well.

8. Exercise With Your Dog

To keep boredom at bay, you may want to enlist an

exercise buddy to keep you focused in this respect. Why

not turn to man’s best friend for the assignment? If you

do not have a dog, maybe now is a good time to adopt a

canine companion.

Dogs need to be exercised and walked each day and this

can help to keep you motivated while at the same time

preventing boredom from infiltrating the fitness portion

of your life.

Weight vests are designed for dogs and you can throw a ball or Frisbee and walk your dog along

varying walkways. What a great way to bust out of a workout rut!

9. Workout Less

Shorter, but more intensive workouts can be more effective than an hour or more spent on a

boring exercise bike or treadmill. Work smarter, not longer! Cutting down on the time you

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spend training or exercising can actually increase your desire to workout and boost your energy.

Moreover, shorter workouts can often enable you to workout more efficiently.

Save time by combining two moves. For example, add a bicep curl to a lunge or include a

shoulder press with a squat.

Do HIIT workouts, as little as 15 minutes brings great results.

Try Tabata, a very intense, but short workout that takes just 4 minutes, plus warm up and

cool down.

Use bodyweight or plyometric exercises in interval form. These are are highly effective

moves that provide optimal intensity so you can exercise less and reap the same rewards.

Fusion workouts that combine strength training with cardio can bring equivalent or

better results in a shorter time than doing the activities separately.

10. Perform Energy-boosting Supersets

If you are making the most out of 30-minutes of workout time, that also means you may want to

consider adding supersets to your workout. Performing one exercise set after another without

resting elevates the heart rate and leads to a more efficient calorie and fat burn. Taking this

approach also builds muscular strength much more quickly, both inside and outside the gym.

11. Vary Your Workouts With CrossFit

If you want to get out of your exercise rut, you may want to look into CrossFit™ training. It’s fun,

challenging, and unpredictable. By definition,

CrossFit is highly intense and constantly varied

movement. In fact, every single day a new

workout is posted to the CrossFit website,

referred to as the WOD, workout of the day.

Each day you will do varied moves for a varied

amount of time, and it will challenge your

muscles like never before. This not only

eliminates exercise boredom, but also challenges

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the body to grow. As a result, you will be able to create the body you have always wanted and

enjoy optimal conditioning.

12. Monitor Your Exercise Progress

Staying fit also means tracking your exercise progress. Keep a fitness diary by using online

gadgets like BodyMedia or choosing from a selection of health-and-fitness apps for Android or

Apple iOS. Tracking allows you to assess ongoing progress and identify plateaus, and the data is

useful to tweak your exercise program as needed.

13. Play Hopscotch or Variations Thereof

To add to your fitness mind-set, you may also add some childhood games to have fun and stay

fit. Draw out a hopscotch board on a driveway in chalk and

play the childhood game with your kids and friends. A

variation of regular hopscotch, Australian hopscotch is

designed for anyone who seriously wants to get into shape

or stay fit.

The game, when played according to the Australian format,

is played in stages. In the first stage, the game follows

hopscotch’s standard rules. Once the first stage is

completed, the second stage, known as “jumps” takes

place. During this phase, the player jumps into the squares

on the board with both his feet.

Sizzles is the final stage and involves jumping into the

squares with the feet crossed. Any player who completes all

the stages is declared a winner. Players who touch a line

during the activity must re-start from the first stage.

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14. Take an Exercise Break

Rest should complement any regular workout for all-important recovery to take place. Muscle

growth does not happen during the workout, but during times of rest. However, resting does not

necessarily entail a day without activity. Recovery can also be facilitated by practicing gentle

workouts, such as restorative yoga or stretches in order to encourage recovery.

15. Obtain Exercise Certification

In order to add interest to your workout, consider a personal trainer certification. Not only can

you make money from the pursuit, it will help you stay motivated, as well, as enable you to teach

and motivate others.

16. Warm Up With Dynamic Stretches

You can think of warming up before exercise in the same way as you would in heating up a stove.

Warming up should prepare you so you can fluidly transition into a workout.

Static stretching or the practice of holding a stretch for at least 30 seconds reduces your level of

power and should be used after a workout

to reduce muscle injury.

Dynamic stretching should take place before

the main event to warm up the body in

preparation for exercise.

Unlike static stretching, dynamic stretches

are movements where stretching is done

while the body is in motion. Begin in a push-

up position to engage your core, loosen the

hips, and stretch out the calves and hamstrings. Bring your left foot up toward your left hand

without raising your hips.

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Get back into the push-up position and push your hips up toward the sky. This dynamic stretch,

which replicates the downward dog of yoga, provides stretching in the calves and hamstrings

engages the shoulders and increases your range of motion.

17. Enlist Assistance From A Trainer

To break out of an exercise rut, you may need a little motivational help. How about enlisting the

help of your very own exercise coach?

A trainer can design a personalized program for you based on your current fitness level and the

goals you wish to achieve that can take you to the next level. They can also design a varied plan

that will continue to challenge the body to get the best possible results.

18. Add Sports to Your Exercise Plan

You can find ways to exercise by taking part in sports

activities too. Choose from activities, such as cycling,

tennis, basketball, baseball, swimming, volleyball, or


So, if you have fallen into a workout rut, consider adding

cycling, whether stationary or on the road, to your

exercise plan. If injuries have plagued you, look at those

sports activities, such as cycling or swimming that are low-impact to keep you injury-free.

19. Match Your Workout Routine With Your Body Shape

Review exercise videos and choose those exercises that are compatible with your temperament

and body shape. For example, a triangle body shape features a smaller upper body and waist and

a larger bottom, therefore, suggested cardio routines include jogging, cycling, walking, or

elliptical machine workouts. With respect to strength training, triangle shapes should focus on

building up the upper body to balance out the more generous portion of their lower anatomy.

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20. Create An Itinerary

You can climb out of an exercise rut with a bit of creativity and introspection. Take the time to

regroup from your daily exercise schedule and use the time to customize a weekly itinerary that

is interesting, challenging, and fun.

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As you can see, there are so many ways to keep your fitness routine fresh, interesting, and most

important of all, effective. Never let a workout rut keep you from maintaining your optimal

health levels, soaring your conditioning and the body of your dreams.

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