by : muddassir musse and owais bharwani. بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ...

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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By : Muddassir Musse And Owais Bharwani

�� ح�يم الر� ح�من� الر� الله� � م ��س ب

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful


[36:1] Ya Seen.

� �ح0ك�يم ال آن� ��ق4ر و0ال

[36:2] I swear by the Quran full of wisdom The Quran is full of wisdom

�ين0 ل س0 ��م4ر ال 0م�ن0 ل �ك0 �ن إ

[36:3] Most surely you are one of the messengers

You are surely one of the messengers

> 0ق�يم ت �م@س اط< ص�ر0 ع0ل0ى

[36:4] On a right way. On the right Path

� ح�يم الر� �ع0ز�يز� ال 0نز�يل0 ت

[36:5] A revelation of the Mighty, the Merciful. The Quran is a revelation sent down by Allah

�ف0ه4م �0اؤ4ه4م آب 4نذ�ر0 أ م�ا ق0و�مTا 4نذ�ر0 �ت ل4ون0 غ0اف�ل

[36:6] That you may warn a people whose fathers were not warned, so they are heedless.

If you want to guide people, whose fathers had received no guidance at all,(ignorant people who

don’t care about the signs)

0ال �ف0ه4م �0ر�ه�م �ث ك0 أ ع0ل0ى �ق0و�ل4 ال ح0ق� �0ق0د ل4ون0 4ؤ�م�ن ي

[36:7] Certainly the word has proved true of most of them, so they do not believe.

They are proved wrong against what they believe in, yet they still are ignorant

ل0ى� إ ف0ه�ي0 T 0ال 0غ�ال أ �0اق�ه�م 0ع�ن أ ف�ي 0ا �ن ج0ع0ل �ا �ن إم@ق�م0ح4ون0 ف0ه4م 0ذ�ق0ان� األ

[36:8] Surely We have placed chains on their necks, and these reach up to their chins, so they have their

heads raised aloft. Metaphorically Speaking :Allah has put yokes around their necks right up to their chins, so that

their heads are forced up(proud people) And they don’t want to see people who are in a worse

position then they are in.

�و0م�ن دiا س0 ��د�يه�م ي0 أ �ن� 0ي ب م�ن 0ا �ن و0ج0ع0ل

0 ال �ف0ه4م �0اه4م �ن ي 0غ�ش0 ف0أ دiا س0 ��ف�ه�م ل خ0ون0 �ص�ر4 4ب ي

[36:9] And We have made before them a barrier and a barrier behind them, then We have covered

them over so that they do not see. And Allah has put a metal bar in front and behind them and covered them up so that they cannot see

�0م ل �0م أ �0ه4م ت �0نذ0ر 0أ أ ��ه�م 0ي ع0ل و0اء و0س04ون0 4ؤ�م�ن ي 0 ال �ه4م �4نذ�ر ت

[36:10] And it is alike to them whether you warn them or warn them not: they do not believe.

The same is to those even if you guide them they will not want to be guided.

ي0 و0خ0ش� �ر0 الذrك 0ع0 �ب ات م0ن� 4نذ�ر4 ت �م0ا �ن إر< �0ج و0أ ة< �م0غ�ف�ر0 ب ه4 �ر r0ش ف0ب �ب� �غ0ي �ال ب ح�م0ن الر�

> 0ر�يم ك

[36:11] You can only warn him who follows the reminder and fears the Beneficent Allah in secret; so

announce to him forgiveness and an honorable reward.

You can only guide a person who believes in Allah and fears him

ق0د�م4وا م0ا 4ب4 �ت 0ك و0ن 0ى �م0و�ت ال �ي 4ح�ي ن 0ح�ن4 ن �ا �ن إ > �م0ام إ ف�ي 0اه4 �ن أح�ص0ي ي�ء< ش0 4ل� و0ك �ه4م 0ار0 و0آث

�ين< م4ب

[36:12] Surely We give life to the dead, and We write down what they have sent before and their footprints, and We have recorded everything in a clear writing. Allah will give life to the dead, He has recorded

everything they have done in the world and they will be brought up with it in a clear book of evidence

��ذ إ 0ة� ي ��ق0ر ال ص�ح0اب00 أ T 0ال م�ث 0ه4م ل �و0اض�ر�ب

4ون0 ل س0 ��م4ر ال ج0اءه0ا

[36:13] And set out to them an example of the people of the town, when the messengers came

to it. It will be in front of themselves the story of the

companions of the city

4وه4م0ا 0ذ�ب ف0ك �ن� 0ي �ن اث �ه�م4 0ي �ل إ 0ا �ن ل س0 �ر0 أ ��ذ إ

�ك4م 0ي �ل إ �ا �ن إ 4وا ف0ق0ال 0ال�ث< �ث ب 0ا ن �ز ف0ع0ز�ل4ون0 س0 � م@ر

[36:14] When We sent to them two, they rejected both of them, then We strengthened (them) with a

third, so they said: Surely we are messengers to you. When Allah sent down two apostles, and they

rejected them both of them, then Allah strengthened them with a third and they said, “ We have been sent

on a mission to you.”

0ل 0نز0 أ و0م0ا 0ا 4ن �ل مrث ر� 0ش0 ب � �ال إ �4م 0نت أ م0ا 4وا ق0ال � �ال إ �4م 0نت أ ��ن إ ي�ء< ش0 م�ن ح�من الر�

4ون0 �ذ�ب 0ك ت

[36:15] They said: You are naught but mortals like ourselves, nor has the Beneficent Allah revealed

anything; you only lie. The disbelievers said, you are only people like us

and Allah sent no revelation and all you do is lie..

4ون0 ل س0 �0م4ر ل �4م �ك 0ي �ل إ �ا �ن إ 0م4 0ع�ل ي 0ا @ن ب ر0 4وا ق0ال

[36:16] They said: Our Lord knows that we are most surely messengers to you.

They say, Our lord knows that we have been sent to guide you

�ين4 �م4ب ال 0غ4 0ال �ب ال � �ال إ 0ا �ن 0ي ع0ل و0م0ا

[36:17] And nothing devolves on us but a clear deliverance (of the message).

And our duty is to announce a clear message

0ه4وا 0نت ت ��م ل �ن 0ئ ل �4م �ك ب 0ا ن ��ر 0ط0ي ت �ا �ن إ 4وا ق0ال�يم� 0ل أ ع0ذ0اب� �ا مrن 4م �ك ن 0م0س� 0ي و0ل �4م �ك ج4م0ن �0ر 0ن ل

[36:18] They said: Surely we augur evil from you; if you do not desist, we will certainly stone you, and

there shall certainly afflict you a painful chastisement from us.

The people said, “we promise an evil omen from you, if you don’t listen we will stone you, you will suffer a grievous punishment if you don’t listen

�0ل ب 4م ت �rر ذ4ك �ن 0ئ أ �4م م0ع0ك �4م ك �ر4 ط0ائ 4وا ق0الر�ف4ون0 �م@س ق0و�م� �4م 0نت أ

[36:19] They said: Your evil fortune is with you; what! if you are reminded! Nay, you are an

extravagant people. And The Apostles say, “"Your evil omens are don’t harm me. If you are guided? Nay, but you

are people who are out of bounds

ج4ل� ر0 0ة� �م0د�ين ال 0ق�ص0ى أ �م�ن و0ج0اء�ين0 ل س0 ��م4ر ال �ع4وا �ب ات � ق0و�م 0ا ي ق0ال0 ع0ى �0س ي

[36:20] And from the remote part of the city there came a man running, he said: O my people! follow

the messengers; A man came from a far city, saying, “O my people!

Obey the apostles

و0ه4م ا Tر�0ج أ �4م 4ك 0ل أ �0س ي � ال م0ن �ع4وا �ب ات0د4ون0 م@ه�ت

[36:21] Follow him who does not ask you for reward, and they are the followers of the right

course; Obey those who ask for no reward, and who

have themselves received guidance

ه�� 0ي �ل و0إ �ي ن ف0ط0ر0 �ذ�ي ال 4د4 0ع�ب أ 0 ال ل�ي و0م0اج0ع4ون0 �4ر ت

[36:22] And what reason have I that I should not serve Him Who brought me into existence? And

to Him you shall be brought back; It would not be reasonable if I didn’t serve Allah

who created me, and to him I will return

ن��4ر�د ي �ن إ Tه0ة� آل �ه� د4ون م�ن �خ�ذ4 0ت 0أ أ �4ه4م ف0اع0ت ش0 rي ع0ن 4غ�ن� ت � ال �ض4ر� ب ح�م0ن الر�

4نق�ذ4ون� ي 0 و0ال Tا �ئ ي ش0

[36:23] What! shall I take besides Him gods whose intercession, If the Beneficent Allah should desire to afflict me with a harm, shall not avail me aught, nor

shall they be able to deliver me? Shall I believe in an idol, of Allah wished any harm

for me, none of these idols would help me

�ين< م@ب 0ل< ض0ال �ف�ي ل �ذTا إ rي �ن إ

[36:24] In that case I shall most surely be in clear error:

“I would indeed, if i were to do so be an error.

م0ع4ون� �ف0اس �4م rك ب �ر0 ب آم0نت4 rي �ن إ

[36:25] Surely I believe in your Lord, therefore hear me.

I have faith in the lord of you all, listen then to me

م�ي�ق0و �ت0 0ي ل 0ا ي ق0ال0 �ة0 ن �ج0 ال اد�خ4ل� ق�يل00م4ون0 0ع�ل ي

[36:26] It was said: Enter the garden. He said: O would that my people had known

it was said, “Enter The Garden.” he said, “Ah me. Would that my people knew, what I know

0م�ن �ي 0ن و0ج0ع0ل rي ب ر0 ل�ي غ0ف0ر0 �م0ا بم�ين0 �ر0 �م4ك ال

[36:27] Of that on account of which my Lord has forgiven me and made me of the honored ones!

For that my lord has granted me forgiveness and has enrolled me among those held in honour.

�م�ن 0ع�د�ه� ب م�ن ق0و�م�ه� ع0ل0ى 0ا �ن ل 0نز0 أ و0م0ا�ين0 م4نز�ل �ا 4ن ك و0م0ا م0اء الس� مrن0 ج4ند<

[36:28] And We did not send down upon his people after him any hosts from heaven, nor do

We ever send down. And Allah didn’t send down to earth from heaven

�ه4م �ذ0ا ف0إ Tو0اح�د0ة Tح0ة� ص0ي � �ال إ �0ت 0ان ك �ن إ خ0ام�د4ون0

[36:29] It was naught but a single cry, and lo! they were still.

It was nothing but a small cry, and they became still

نrم �يه�م ت� 0أ ي م0ا 0اد� �ع�ب ال ع0ل0ى Tة ر0 �ح0س 0ا ي

4ون 0ه�ز�ئ ت �0س ي �ه� ب 4وا 0ان ك � �ال إ س4ول< ر�

[36:30] Alas for the servants! there comes not to them an messenger but they mock at him.

Then there was no-one to mock him

�مrن 0ه4م �ل ق0ب 0ا �ن 0ك 0ه�ل أ �0م ك و�ا 0ر0 ي �0م 0ل أج�ع4ون0 �0ر ي 0 ال ��ه�م 0ي �ل إ ��ه4م ن

0 أ ون� �ق4ر4 ال

[36:31] Do they not consider how many of the generations have We destroyed before them,

because they do not turn to them? Allah has destroyed many generations like them

ون0 م4ح�ض0ر4 0ا �ن �د0ي ل ج0م�يع� �م�ا ل 4ل� ك �ن و0إ

[36:32] And all of them shall surely be brought before Us.

None of them will return except at the day of Judgement

0اه0ا �ن 0ي ي �0ح أ 0ة4 �ت �م0ي ال ر�ض40 �األ �ه4م4 ل 0ة� و0آي

4ون0 4ل �ك 0أ ي �ه4 ف0م�ن iا ب ح0 �ه0ا م�ن 0ا ن �ج 0خ�ر0 و0أ

[36:33] And a sign to them is the dead earth: We give life to it and bring forth from it grain so

they eat of it. There is a sign, when the earth is dead, Allah gives it life and it produces grain, which we eat.

>خ�يل� ن م�ن �ات< ن ج0 ف�يه0ا 0ا �ن و0ج0ع0ل4ون� �ع4ي ال �م�ن ف�يه0ا 0ا ن �و0ف0ج�ر 0اب< 0ع�ن و0أ

[36:34] And We make therein gardens of palms and grapevines and We make springs to flow

forth in it, And Allah produces trees with date palms and

vines, and He causes springs to gush out it.

��د�يه�م ي0 أ �ه4 0ت ع0م�ل و0م0ا 0م0ر�ه� ث م�ن 4وا 4ل �ك 0أ �ي ل

ون0 4ر4 ك �0ش ي 0ف0ال0 أ

[36:35] That they may eat of the fruit thereof, and their hands did not make it; will they not

then be grateful? So that we can enjoy the fruits, it wasn’t us who

made it; won’t we thank Him for it?

م�م�ا �ه0ا 4ل ك و0اج0 �0ز �األ ل0ق0 خ0 �ذ�ي ال �ح0ان0 ب س4ال0 و0م�م�ا �ه�م 0نف4س� أ �و0م�ن ر�ض4

0 �األ �ت4 4نب ت0م4ون0 0ع�ل ي

[36:36] Glory be to Him Who created pairs of all things, of what the earth grows, and of their kind

and of what they do not know.Glory to Allah, who created everything in pairs, all

things that the earth produces, as well as human kind and things of which we have no knowledge.

0ه0ار� الن �ه4 م�ن 0خ4 ل �0س ن �ل4 �ي الل ��ه4م ل 0ة� و0آي�م4ون0 م@ظ�ل ه4م �ذ0ا ف0إ

[36:37] And a sign to them is the night: We draw forth from it the day, then lo! they are in

the dark; And a sign for them is the night, Allah makes it

into day, and again they are in darkness

0ك� ذ0ل �ه0ا ل 0ق0ر� ت ��م4س ل 0ج�ر�ي ت م�س4 و0الش� � �يم �ع0ل ال �ع0ز�يز� ال 0ق�د�ير4 ت

[36:38] And the sun runs on to a term appointed for it; that is the ordinance of the Mighty, the

Knowing. And the Sun Goes in orbit, the order given by


0ع0اد �ى ح0ت 0از�ل0 م0ن 0اه4 ن �ق0د�ر �ق0م0ر0 و0ال � �ق0د�يم ال ج4ون� ��ع4ر 0ال ك

[36:39] And (as for) the moon, We have ordained for it stages till it becomes again as an

old dry palm branch. And when the moon is a full circle then it turns into a withered branch of a tree and then back to

a full circle moon

0ر�ك�4د ت 0ن أ 0ه0ا ل 0غ�ي 0نب ي م�س4 الش� ال04ل� و0ك �ه0ار� الن �ق4 اب س0 �ل4 �ي الل و0ال0 �ق0م0ر0 ال

0ح4ون0 ب �0س ي ف0ل0ك< ف�ي

[36:40] Neither is it allowable to the sun that it should overtake the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day; and all float on in a sphere.

It isn’t possible for the sun to overtake the moon and nor can the night exceed the day.

ف�ي �0ه4م �ت ي rذ4ر 0ا �ن ح0م0ل �ا 0ن أ ��ه4م ل 0ة� و0آيح4ون� ��م0ش ال �ف4ل�ك� ال

[36:41] And a sign to them is that We bear their offspring in the laden ship.

And a sign to us is that Allah bear our children on a loaded ship.

4ون0 0ب ك �0ر ي م0ا �ه� �ل مrث مrن 0ه4م ل 0ا 0ق�ن ل و0خ0

[36:42] And We have created for them the like of it, what they will ride on.

And Allah has created it so that we can sail on it.

0و0ال �0ه4م ل ص0ر�يخ0 ف0ال0 �4غ�ر�ق�ه4م ن � أ �ش0 ن �ن و0إ4نق0ذ4ون0 ي � ه4م

[36:43] And if We please, We can drown them, then there shall be no rescuer for them, nor shall

they be rescued. And if Allah pleases, he can drown us, and there

would be no rescuer for us.

ح�ين< �ل0ى إ 0اعTا و0م0ت �ا مrن Tم0ة�ح ر0 �ال� إ

[36:44] But (by) mercy from Us and for enjoyment till a time.

But by mercy of Allah and for our enjoyment for a limited time.

�4م �د�يك 0ي أ �ن0 0ي ب م0ا �ق4وا ات 0ه4م4 ل ق�يل0 �ذ0ا و0إح0م4ون0 �4ر ت �4م �ك 0ع0ل ل �4م �ف0ك ل خ0 و0م0ا

[36:45] And when it is said to them: Guard against what is before you and what is behind

you, that mercy may be had on you. And when they are told: Guard against what is

before you and what is behind you, so that we will have mercy.

�rه�م ب ر0 0ات� آي �مrن 0ة< آي �مrن �يه�م ت� 0أ ت و0م0ا

م4ع�ر�ض�ين0 �ه0ا ع0ن 4وا 0ان ك �ال� إ [36:46] And there comes not to them a

communication of the communications of their Lord but they turn aside from it.

Not one sign comes to the idol worshippers from their idols and when Allah sends a sign they turn

away from it

4ه� الل �4م ق0ك ز0 ر0 م�م�ا 0نف�ق4وا أ �0ه4م ل ق�يل0 �ذ0ا و0إ4ط�ع�م4 0ن أ 4وا آم0ن �ذ�ين0 �ل ل وا 0ف0ر4 ك �ذ�ين0 ال ق0ال0

ف�ي �ال� إ �4م 0نت أ ��ن إ 0ط�ع0م0ه4 أ �ه4 الل اء 0ش0 ي ��و ل م0ن�ين< م@ب ل< ض0ال0

[36:47] And when it is said to them: Spend out of what Allah has given you, those who disbelieve say to those who believe: Shall we feed him whom, if Allah please, He could feed? You are in naught but clear

error. And when they were told, Use the bounties of which

Allah has given you in a good manner, they replied Shall we then feed those whom, if Allah had so willed, He would have fed, (Himself)? - Ye are in nothing but

manifest error

�4م 4نت ك �ن إ �و0ع�د4 ال ه0ذ0ا 0ى م0ت 4ون0 0ق4ول و0ي ص0اد�ق�ين0

[36:48] And they say: When will this threat come to pass, if you are truthful?

Then they continue to say,” when will this promise of the signs of Allah be clear to us if

what you promise is true

Tو0اح�د0ة Tح0ة� ص0ي �ال� إ ون0 0نظ4ر4 ي م0ا0خ�صrم4ون0 ي �و0ه4م ��خ4ذ4ه4م 0أ ت

[36:49] They wait not for aught but a single cry which will overtake them while they yet contend

with one another. Then they will not even have to wait for a “Single

Blast” while they are fighting amongst themselves

ل0ى� إ و0ال0 T0ة 0و�ص�ي ت 0ط�يع4ون0 ت �0س ي ف0ال0ج�ع4ون0 �0ر ي ��ه�م ه�ل

0 أ

[36:50] So they shall not be able to make a bequest, nor shall they return to their families.

They will have no chance to change themselves in the interaction they have amongst themselves

nor to return to their own people

0نrم ه4م �ذ0ا ف0إ الص@ور� ف�ي 4ف�خ0 و0ن4ون0 ل 0نس� ي �rه�م ب ر0 �ل0ى إ 0ج�د0اث� � األ

[36:51] And the trumpet shall be blown, when lo ! from their graves they shall hasten on to their

Lord. When the trumpet will be heard. The people will

run from the chamber which their graves are buried in to Allah

ه0ذ0ا 0ا ق0د�ن �م�ر م�ن 0ا 0ن 0ع0ث ب م0ن 0ا 0ن �ل و0ي 0ا ي 4وا ق0ال4ون0 ل س0 ��م4ر ال و0ص0د0ق0 ح�م0ن4 الر� و0ع0د0 م0ا

[36:52] They shall say: O woe to us! who has raised us up from our sleeping-place? This is what the

Beneficent Allah promised and the messengers told the truth.

Then they will say “Anguish be unto us! Who has woken us up from our graves of rest. And a voice will

say “This is what Allah, the most gracious has promised. And the words of the prophets were not lies

�ه4م �ذ0ا ف0إ Tو0اح�د0ة Tح0ة� ص0ي �ال� إ �0ت 0ان ك �ن إون0 م4ح�ض0ر4 0ا �ن �د0ي ل ج0م�يع�

[36:53] There would be naught but a single cry, when lo ! they shall all be brought before Us;

It wont be a single blast and they will be brought before Allah

0و0ال Tا �ئ ي ش0 0ف�س� ن 0م4 4ظ�ل ت ال0 0و�م0 �ي ف0ال4ون0 0ع�م0ل ت �4م 4نت ك م0ا �ال� إ و�ن0 4ج�ز0 ت

[36:54] So this day no soul shall be dealt with unjustly in the least; and you shall not be rewarded aught but that which you did.

And on the day of judgement, not one soul will be dealt unjustly and we will pay the

consequences of our past deeds

>غ4ل ش4 ف�ي 0و�م0 �ي ال �ة� ن �ج0 ال ص�ح0اب00 أ �ن� إ

�ه4ون0 ف0اك

[36:55] Surely the dwellers of the garden shall on that day be in an occupation quite happy.

On the day of judgement the companions if the garden will definitely will have fun in everything

they do.

ع0ل0ى ل< ظ�ال0 ف�ي �و0اج4ه4م �0ز و0أ �ه4م�ك�ؤ4ون0 م4ت �ك� ائ ر0

0 � األ

[36:56] They and their wives shall be in shades, reclining on raised couches.

They and their companions will have the shade and coolness of small trees of their thrones of


0د�ع4ون0 ي م�ا 0ه4م و0ل �ه0ة� ف0اك ف�يه0ا �0ه4م ل

[36:57] They shall have fruits therein, and they shall have whatever they desire.

Everything for them will be fun, they shall have anything they shall ask for

> ح�يم ر� ب� ر� م�ن Tال�ق0و م� ال0 س0

[36:58] Peace: a word from a Merciful Lord. Peace is a word from Allah

�م4ج�ر�م4ون0 ال @ه0ا ي0 أ 0و�م0 �ي ال وا 0از4 و0ام�ت

[36:59] And get aside today, O guilty ones! Allah says : And O people who have sinned, learn

from this day

ال� 0ن أ آد0م0 �ي 0ن ب 0ا ي �4م �ك 0ي �ل إ �ع�ه0د0 أ �0م 0ل أ

�ين� م@ب ع0د4و� �4م 0ك ل �ه4 �ن إ �ط0ان0 ي الش� 4د4وا 0ع�ب ت [36:60] Did I not charge you, O children of Adam

! that you should not serve the Shaitan? Surely he is your open enemy,

Didn’t I tell you, O Children of Adam, that you shouldn’t worship satan, because he vowed he

was an enemy of yours

0ق�يم� ت �م@س اط� ص�ر0 ه0ذ0ا �ي 4د4ون اع�ب �0ن و0أ

[36:61] And that you should serve Me; this is the right way.

And that you should worship me, because this is the right way

�0م 0ف0ل أ T �يرا 0ث ك iال� ب ج� �4م م�نك 0ض0ل� أ �0ق0د و0ل4ون0 0ع�ق�ل ت 4وا 4ون 0ك ت

[36:62] And certainly he led astray numerous people from among you. What! could you not

then understand? But he led a huge number of you away from it,

didn’t you understand, then?

4وع0د4ون0 ت �4م 4نت ك �ي �ت ال �م4 ج0ه0ن ه0ذ�ه�

[36:63] This is the hell with which you were threatened.

This is hell which you were repeatedly warned about

ون0 �ف4ر4 0ك ت �4م 4نت ك �م0ا ب 0و�م0 �ي ال 0و�ه0ا اص�ل

[36:64] Enter into it this day because you disbelieved.

Hold the fire today because you ignorantly ignored the truth

0ا rم4ن 0ل 4ك و0ت �0ف�و0اه�ه�م أ ع0ل0ى �م4 ت �0خ ن 0و�م0 �ي ال4وا 0ان ك �م0ا ب �4ه4م ل ج4 �ر

0 أ ه0د4 �0ش و0ت ��د�يه�م ي0 أ

4ون0 ب �س� 0ك ي [36:65] On that day We will set a seal upon their

mouths, and their hands shall speak to Us, and their feet shall bear witness of what they earned.

On the day of judgement, I will set a seal on your mouths, and your hands will speak for you, and your feet will bear witness to all they have done

��ه�م 4ن ع�ي0 أ ع0ل0ى 0ا ن �0ط0م0س ل اء 0ش0 ن �0و و0لون0 �ص�ر4 4ب ي �ى 0ن ف0أ اط0 الصrر0 0ق4وا 0ب ت � ف0اس

[36:66] And if We please We would certainly put out their eyes, then they would run about

groping for the way, but how should they see? If it had been my will, I would surely have scar their eyes, then they would have investigate but if I did then they wouldn’t have been able to see

the path anyway.

��ه�م 0ت 0ان م0ك ع0ل0ى �0اه4م ن �خ 0م0س0 ل اء 0ش0 ن �0و و0لج�ع4ون0 �0ر ي و0ال0 iا م4ض�ي 0ط0اع4وا ت �اس ف0م0ا

[36:67] And if We please We would surely transform them in their place, then they would

not be able to go on, nor will they return. And if it were my will, I could have transformed you to remain still, then you would not have been able to move and nor could have they returned after the mistake, if they had they had done it

00ف0ال أ �ق� ل �خ0 ال ف�ي ه4 �rس 0ك 4ن ن ه4 �4ع0مrر ن �و0م0ن0ع�ق�ل4ون0 ي

[36:68] And whomsoever We cause to live long, We reduce (him) to an abject state in

constitution; do they not then understand? If I give a long life to anyone, I'll make him defy

nature, and he will still not understand

��ن إ 0ه4 ل 0غ�ي 0نب ي و0م0ا ع�ر0 rالش 0اه4 �م�ن ع0ل و0م0ا�ين� م@ب آن� �و0ق4ر �ر� ذ�ك �ال� إ ه4و0

[36:69] And We have not taught him poetry, nor is it meet for him; it is nothing but a reminder

and a plain Quran, I have not instructed the prophet in poetry,

neither is it must for him, this is no less than the message and the Qur’an make things clear

4ل��ق0و ال 0ح�ق� و0ي iا ي ح0 0ان0 ك م0ن 4نذ�ر0 �ي ل0اف�ر�ين0 �ك ال ع0ل0ى

[36:70] That it may warn him who would have life, and (that) the word may prove true against

the unbelievers. So that it may guide to any who are alive and

that the charge may be proved against those who reject the truth

�ع0م�ل0ت م�م�ا �0ه4م ل 0ا 0ق�ن ل خ0 �ا 0ن أ و�ا 0ر0 ي �0م و0ل0 أ

4ون0 �ك م0ال 0ه0ا ل �ف0ه4م �ع0امTا 0ن أ 0ا �د�ين 0ي أ [36:71] Do they not see that We have created

cattle for them, out of what Our hands have wrought, so they are their masters?

They don’t see what there is, I was that created them, among the things which my hands has designed, cows, which are under your control

ه0ا� و0م�ن �4ه4م 4وب ك ر0 �ه0ا ف0م�ن �0ه4م ل 0اه0ا �ن �ل و0ذ0ل4ل4ون0 �ك 0أ ي

[36:72] And We have subjected them to them, so some of them they have to ride upon, and

some of them they eat. And I have made them for you to use, some of

them you use and some you eat.

00ف0ال أ ار�ب4 و0م0ش0 0اف�ع4 م0ن ف�يه0ا �0ه4م و0لون0 4ر4 ك �0ش ي

[36:73] And therein they have advantages and drinks; will they not then be grateful?

And they have other gains from the cow, they get milk to drink too. And they aren’t thankful.

��ه4م 0ع0ل ل Tه0ة� آل �ه� الل د4ون� م�ن �خ0ذ4وا و0اتون0 4نص0ر4 ي

[36:74] And they have taken gods besides Allah that they may be helped.

Yet they worship other gods than Allah, hoping they might be helped

�0ه4م ل �و0ه4م �ه4م 0ص�ر0 ن 0ط�يع4ون0 ت �0س ي ال0ون0 م@ح�ض0ر4 ج4ند�

[36:75] (But) they shall not be able to assist them, and they shall be a host brought up before

them. They don’t even have the power to help them,

but they will be brought up on the day of judgement in a crowd to be punished

م0ا 0م4 0ع�ل ن �ا �ن إ �4ه4م ق0و�ل نك0 0ح�ز4 ي ف0ال04ون0 �ن 4ع�ل ي و0م0ا ون0 ر@ 4س� ي

[36:76] Therefore let not their speech grieve you; surely We know what they do in secret and

what they do openly. They will not talk, but cry, Surely I know what

you hide as well as what you keep a secret

م�ن 0اه4 0ق�ن ل خ0 �ا 0ن أ ان4 �نس0 �اإل 0ر0 ي �0م و0ل0 أ

�ين� م@ب خ0ص�يم� ه4و0 �ذ0ا ف0إ @ط�ف0ة< ن

[36:77] Does not man see that We have created him from the small seed? Then lo! he is an open

disputant. Don’t you see that I have created you from a single sperm, yet when you grow you stand as a


0ق0ال �ق0ه4 ل خ0 0س�ي0 و0ن T0ال م0ث 0ا 0ن ل ب0 و0ض0ر0م�يم� ر0 و0ه�ي0 �ع�ظ0ام0 ال �ي ي �4ح ي � م0ن

[36:78] And he strikes out a likeness for Us and forgets his own creation. Says he: Who will give

life to the bones when they are rotten? And You compare Me with yourselves, and you forget what I made you from, you say, “Who can give life to dead bones and decomposed ones.”

>ة م0ر� و�ل00 أ 0ه0ا أ 0نش0 أ �ذ�ي ال �يه0ا ي �4ح ي �ق4ل

�يم� ع0ل خ0ل�ق< r4ل �ك ب و0ه4و0

[36:79] Say: He will give life to them Who brought them into existence at first, and He is

cognizant of all creation And the prophet will say, “Allah will give life, who

created them for the first time”

ض0ر��0خ �األ ج0ر� الش� مrن0 4م 0ك ل ج0ع0ل0 �ذ�ي ال4وق�د4ون0 ت �ه4 مrن 4م 0نت أ �ذ0ا ف0إ ا T0ار ن

[36:80] He Who has made for you the fire (to burn) from the green tree, so that with it you

kindle (fire). The same Allah produces for you fire out of the

green tree, and you make your own

م0او0ات� الس� خ0ل0ق0 �ذ�ي ال �س0 0ي و0ل0 أ

0ه4م �ل م�ث ل4ق0 �0خ ي �0ن أ ع0ل0ى �ق0اد�ر< ب ر�ض00 �و0األ

�يم4 �ع0ل ال ق4 �خ0ال� ال و0ه4و0 0ل0ى ب

[36:81] Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth able to create the like of them? Yea!

and He is the Creator (of all), the Knower. Allah who created the heavens and the earth

40ه ل 0ق4ول0 ي �0ن أ Tا �ئ ي ش0 اد0 ر00 أ �ذ0ا إ ه4 م�ر4

0 أ �م0ا �ن إ4ون4 0ك ف0ي �4ن ك

[36:82] His command, when He intends anything, is only to say to it: Be, so it is.

When Allah says, "be", and it is!

r4ل ك 4وت4 0ك م0ل 0د�ه� �ي ب �ذ�ي ال �ح0ان0 ب ف0س4ج0ع4ون0 �4ر ت �ه� 0ي �ل و0إ ي�ء< ش0

[36:83] Therefore glory be to Him in Whose hand is the kingdom of all things, and to Him you

shall be brought back. Glory to him, Whose hands is the dominion of all

things: and to Him will we be all brought back.

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