经络 ( channels and collaterals ) 概念 作用 一、经络系统的组成: 十二经脉...

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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经络( Channels and Collaterals )概念作用一、经络系统的组成:

十二经脉 经脉 奇经八脉 经络 十二经别 系统 十五别络 络脉 浮络 孙络

The Channels and Collaterals concept

interiorly-exteriorly within he body collaterals ── networks, thinner and smaller than channels, are the branches which run crisscrossly over the body

channels ── the main trunks which run longitudinally and

Physiological Functions The channels and collaterals are distributed all over the body, pertains to the organs interiorly and extend to the Extremities and joints exteriorly, joining the organs, tissues Into an organic whole, by which they can transport qi and Blood, keeping the functions and activities of all parts of the Body in harmony and balance relatively.

Channels Twelve Muscle Regions etc.


Collaterals Collaterals Minute Collaterals

Superficial Collaterals

Twelve Regular Channels

Channels Eight Extra Channels

Fifteen Collaterals


   * The Twelve Regular Channels 1. Name

二、十二经脉: (Twelve Regular Channels) 1、名称分类

阴经(属脏) 阳经(属腑) 循行部位

手 太阴肺经 阳明大肠经 上肢


厥阴心包经 少阳三焦经 中部

少阴心经 太阳小肠经 后部

足 太阴脾经 阳明胃经 下肢


厥阴肝经 少阳胆经 中部

少阴肾经 太阳膀胱经 后部

  Yin channel(pertains to one viscera)

Yang channel(pertains to one


Main locationYin channel: medial aspectYang channel: lateral aspect


The lung channel

The large intestine channel


Anterior line

The pericardium


The triple warmer channel

Medium line

The heart channel

The small intestine channel

Posterior line


The spleen channel

The stomach channel


Anterior line

The liver channel

The gallbladder channel

Medium line

The kidney channel

The urinary channel

Posterior line

2 、走向、交接、分布、表里关系及流注次序1 )走向和交接规律 腹 胸足三阴经 手三阴经 * 阴经与阴经 交于胸腹; 足 手 足三阴经 手三阳经 阳经与阳经 交于头面           头

阴经与阳经 交于四肢末端


3 foot-yin channels 3 hand-yin channels

Foot Hand


3 foot-yang channels 3 hand-yang channels

 2    The Cyclical Flow of Qi in the Twelve Regular Channels The twelve regular channels are not separated with each other,they link one another by their branches. A cyclical flow of qi is maintained by the connection of the hand and foot, yin and yang, exterior and interior. Through the channels, qi and blood may travel all over the body to the organs and bowels interiorly and to the muscles and surface exteriorly.

2 )分布规律: 阳经位于四肢外侧, 阳明在前,少阳在中, 太阳在后。 阴经位于四肢内侧,太阴在前,厥阴在中, 少阴在后。3 )表里络属关系4 )流注次序三、奇经八脉 (Eight Extra Channels)


*The Eight Extra Channels The eight extra channels are the Du, Ren, Chong,

Dai, Yinwei,Yangwei, Yinqiao and Yangqiao channels.

Unlike the twelve channels, none of them pertain

to the viscera or bowels, and they are not exteriorly-

interiorly related. Their courses are unique, and hence

the name, the extra channels.

Their main functions:

strengthening the association between the twelve regular

channels regulating the qi and blood of the regular


腧穴( Acupoints )

1 、腧穴的主治作用:1 )近治作用:2 )远治作用:3 )特殊作用:2 、腧穴的分类1 )十四经穴:( Regular Points )2 )奇穴:( Extraordinary Points )3 )阿是穴( Tender Spots )

Acupoints Acupoints are the sites through which the qi of the organs

and bowels , channels is transported to the body surface.

*Basic Knowledge of Acupoints

1 The Therapeutic Properties of Acupoints

Local and adjacent therapeutic properties

Remote therapeutic properties (esp. the points below the

elbow and knee)

e.g. Zusanli (S36) treat disorders of lower limbs

regulate the whole digestive system

Special therapeutic properties

2 Classification of Acupoints

1) Acupoints of the fourteen channels (“regular points”)

twelve regular channels and Du, Ren channel

2) Extraordinary points

── have regular names and regular locations, but are

not entered in the fourteen channels

Tender spots ( A-shi points )

── have no specific names and definite locations, they

are the tender spots and other sensitive spots for needling

and moxibustion

4 、腧穴的定位方法;1 )骨度分寸法:适用 于各种年龄、体型 的人

Body part

Distance Bone-length measurement

head Anterior hairline→ posterior 12 cun

Chest and abdomen

Tian-tu → sternocostal 9 cun

Sternocostal angle→the center of navel 8 cun

The center of navel→the upper of symphysis pubis 5 cun

back The area below Dazhui→coccyx 21 cun

Upper limbsThe end of the axillary fold→ transverse cubital crease 9 cun

Transverse cubital crease→transverse wrist crease 12 cun

Lower limbs

The level of the border of symphysis pubis→medial epicondyle of femur

18 cun

The lower border of the medial condyle of tibia→the tip of the medial malleolus

13 cun

Prominence of the great trochanter→the middle of patella 19 cun

The center of patella→the tip of lateral malleolus 16 cun

3 Methods of Locating Acupoints1) Bone-length measurement unit : cun (“ 寸” ) Stands for Bone-length measurement

2 )自然标志取穴法:有固定标志和活动标志 3 )手指同身寸法:a .中指同身寸法b .拇指同身寸法c .横指同身寸法(一夫法)

2) Anatomical landmarks

①Fixed landmark

e.g. five sense organs, nipple, navel, finger nail

②Movable landmark

e.g. Tinggong(SJ 19)

3)Simple measurement

4) Finger measurement

The length and width of the patient’s finger(s) are

taken as standard for point location.

①Middle finger measurement

②Four-finger measurement

③Thumb measurement


1 、名词解释:经络、腧穴2 、简述十二经脉的命名、走向、交接、分布 规律。3 、腧穴可分为哪三类?有哪些主治作用? 如何定位?4 、中译英:经络、十二经脉、奇经八脉、 腧穴、奇穴、阿是穴

Homework :

1 、 Term explanation : Channels and collaterals, Acupoi


2 、 Simply state the Cyclical flow of Qi in the twelve

regular channels

3 、 How to classify acupoints? What are the therapeutic

properties of acupoints? How to locate them?

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