презентація УАССengl

Post on 14-Aug-2015






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Independent national union of students of Ukraine

Member of the European Students’ Union

What is UASS?

UASS is an independent and democratic national union of students.

On the voluntary basis UASS unites local students’ unions, students

NGOs, and other students organizations, which work in the higher

educational institutions, and other active students in order to protect

their rights and represent Ukrainian students on the national and

international level.

UASS is a heritor of the Ukrainian Association for the Development

of the Students’ Self-government, which was established in 1999.


• Legislation development;

• Social protection of students;

• Improvement of quality of education;

• Students movement development;

• International cooperation.

Work spheres

• Development of students opinions and policies

regarding local, regional and national legislation;

• Monitoring of the legislation initiatives and giving

students opinions on them;

• Development of the legislation proposals regarding

working areas of UASS;

Legislation development:

• Managing projects and campaigns for students rights;

• Provision of consultancy to students and students

unions on students rights and ways for their


• Monitoring of the state of students scholarships,

documents, and other rights fulfillment;

Social protection of students:

• Supporting implementation of Bologna process action

line in Ukraine;

• Lobbying for students participation in decision

making in higher education management and quality


• Consulting students and students organizations on

mobility possibilities.

Improvement of quality of higher education:

• Monitoring and consultancy on the implementation of

the changes to the Law of Ukraine “On Higher

Education” regarding students unions;

• Educating students representatives through holding

educational events;

• Experts and trainers support of local students union

through the respectful pool.

Students’ unions development

• Management of the joint projects with the National

Unions of Students in Europe;

• Support of the development of the students movement

in Belarus through the work in the Belarus working

group of the European Students Union;

• Participation in the formation of the European students

policies through the European Students Union.

International cooperation

• UASS is a member of the European Students Union since


• In 2010-2012 UASS participated in the civil campaign "Youth

guard: youth is watching you!";

• In 2010-2014 UASS was the member of the national civic

coalition “Against Degradation of Education!”;

• UASS is a member of the National Youth Council of Ukraine.

Membership of UASS in umbrella organizations:


Representing 1,6 million of students

UASS member unions are students unions, their

associations, and other students organizations that on the

democratic basis represent interests of students and are

controlled by students only . Who work in the name of

the students’ rights protection and development of the

students-centered higher education system in Ukraine.

UASS has 39 local city branches that coordinate work of

UASS member unions on the local level.

Who are the members of UASS?


Students representatives in the scholarship committees

Lobby campaign of UASS in

2004, which resulted in the act of

the Cabinet of Ministers of

Ukraine which included students

unions to the higher educational

intuitions scholarship committees.

Students discounts for the railway transport use

In 2005 UASS had a successful

campaign and students from private

HEI have received the same

discounts as students of the state

HEI. Later on in 2007 UASS held a

campaign against the distraction of

the discounts for the summer time,

which has reached its goal.

Stop the "enslavement" of students

In 2005 Ukrainian Parliament has made a decision that

students who receive state scholarships should work for

three years after their graduation at the place decided

by government. UASS held a campaign which made

president to veto this decision.

Increase of students’ scholarships

In 2007 before the Parliament elections UASS demanded

from the political parties to clarify their position on

students issues. Only one party did it, and agreed to make

a reality proposed by UASS students priorities. It resulted

in the increasement of the students scholarships in 4 times.

Campaign against the acts of the Cabinet of Ministers

In 2009 and 2010 Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted

acts that were putting more financial pressure on students, such

as an act on the introduction of the extra administrative fees for

students, decrease of the state funding and etc. Campaign held

by UASS has resulted in the abolition of these acts.

Adoption of the “students” law

Since 2003 UASS has been working

on the changes to the Law “On

Higher Education” of Ukraine,

regarding students self-government

organizations. The changes text was

made by the students and other

NUSes. UASS was guiding this draft

through 7 years path. The changes

were adopted by the Ukrainian

Parliament, and signed by the

president on January, 19 2010.

Adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”

On July 1, 2014 the Parliament of Ukraine adopted the new Law “On Higher Education”,

which was developed by the working group, chaired by Michael Zgurovsky, Rector of the

Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Development and adoption of the law was advocated by the

national civic campaign “Against Degradation of Education!”, which was implemented

by the coalition of UASS, civic movement “Vidsich”, student labor union “Direct

Action”, and youth NGO “Foundation of Regional Initiatives”. Moreover, leaders of

UASS participated in the work of the group on the development of the text of the bill.

“Vkontakte” group:http://vkontakte.ru/club539334?f=1

“Facebook” profile:http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Ukrainian-Association-of-Students-Self-Government/114399183276

Follow us on Twitter:


UASS on the web:

Official web-site: www.uass.org.ua

Hope to see you soon again!

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