first mention of the satan as a fallen angel satan came to meet with god god said job was the...

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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First mention of the Satan as a fallen angel

Satan came to meet with God God said Job was the perfect human Satan said Job was perfect because he

had an easy and rich life

God allows Satan to test Job Job loses all that he has (except wife) in a

few hours Satan returned to God and said Job was still

only doing good because he had his health God told Satan he could do anything to Job

but kill him Satan caused Job to be covered in boils Job ended up living in the town dump and

had to use a broken piece of pottery to scratch the boils

Rest of the books is a series of conversations between Job, his friends, his wife, and finally God

Job’s friends all tried to tell him his problems were his fault

Job’s wife told him to curse God and die God finally told Job that he could not

understand the reasons he did things

Creature described in Job

Said to have a tail like a cedar

Believed to be an elephant, hippopotamus, or a dinosaur

Another creature described in Job

Said to have scales so hard that nothing could cut it

Believed to be a crocodile, whale , or a sea monster

Job never turned his back on God Job’s friends are punished for giving him

bad advise Job ended up getting back double of

everything he had before his problems The book never tells us why God allowed

Satan to test Job and cause him to suffer

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