five fav’s malcolm x by jackie j. nuñez. 5 favorites

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Five Fav’s Malcolm XBy Jackie J. Nuñez

5 Favorites

President Barrack Obama 2008

I believe he would have Obama in his top five because of his race

This isn’t too hard to figure out!!

However they might have an argument about how to handle conflicts between the white and the blacks!

Muhammad 570 AD

They would get along greatly because they both loved violence

They also had many followers that agreed with them

Although a problem that they might argue about is religion because of Malcolm’s disagreement with Islam

Marcus Garvey 1930’s

Malcolm would put Garvey on his top five because they both strongly believed in black power

Malcolm and him also believed that the blacks should have independence and self-determination

Martin Luther King Jr. 1960’s

Malcolm and King did actually meet and got along

Malcolm would have him in his top 5 because they were both fighting for the same cause

However, Malcolm X did mock King a few times about how he was handling certain situations

Fidel Castro 1960’s

They did meet

Castro was a violent man and believed that violence should be used in all occasions

Malcolm X shared those beliefs with Castro so they would be the best of friends

5 Blocked People

George W. Bush 2004

I believe Malcolm X would hate Bush because he would blame him for the economy drop

Also he wouldn’t like him because of his race

John Conyers Jr

Malcolm X would definitely hate John Conyers because he would accuse him of siding with the whites

Elijah Muhammad 1960’s

Malcolm X did in fact deal with Elijah when he was in the Nation of Islam

Malcolm at first did get along with Elijah but then later was sent to be killed (people believe that Elijah sent him to be killed)

Adolf Hitler 1940’s

Malcolm X probably hated Adolf Hitler because of his Arian thoughts and how he hate the other races including the blacks

All members of the Ku Klux Klan

Its obvious why Malcolm X hate the Klan

Malcolm X always believed that the Klan killed his father and accused them of ruining his family

The End

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