Презентация к уроку “good clothes open all doors” УМК “happy english.ru”...

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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Презентация к уроку “Good Clothes Open All

Doors”УМК “Happy English.ru”

К.И.Кауфман М.Кауфман8 класс

Учитель английского языка

Кирпичникова Н. А. МБОУ лицей №1

«Наряди пень и пень будет хорош»

«По одежке протягивай ножки»

«По одежке встречают, по уму провожают»

«Не та шинель, что пуговицами блестит, а та, что греет»

«В лохмотьях и царя за нищего примут»

«В рогожку одеться - от людей отречься»

Shorts Jeans T-shirts Sandals Highhills

It’s a waste of time It’s a lot of fun I’d recommend it to anybody I’m a shopaholic I can shop till I drop I am sorry for people who… It’s not really my thing It’s my favourite past time It cheers me up It bores me to death

Where are the friends are going?

Who likes the idea of shopping?

Who doesn’t like this idea?

1.Who likes to wear expensive clothes?

Rob likes to wear expensive clothes. He thinks that clothes are a status thing. He agrees that “Clothes make a man”. Shirts and jackets by Ralf Lauren that Rob wears are very expensive.

2. Who doesn’t like to pay a lot of money for clothes?

Misha. He likes to look round the shops and find something original that doesn’t cost too much and Emily

3. Who doesn’t care about clothes?

Mark, who prefers casual clothes.

4.Who likes to buy things in the sales?


5.Who doesn’t buy expensive clothes?

Emily and Mark

Match the words and expressions and their meaning

1. A bargain 2. Discount stores 3 Casual clothes 4. A snob 5. To buy things in the sales 6. Fancy clothes

a) Somebody who thinks he is better than others

b) expensive and elegant c) Something you buy really

cheaply d) Comfortable clothes to wear

in informal situation e) When shops reduce their

prices f) shop with reduced prices

Find the synonyms for the words and expressions from the dialogue:

Unusual, extravagant Practical Fashionable & elegant To be in fashion

Original Casual Fancy To be in

Find the opposite

To go out of fashion Casual clothes To stand out “Never judge the book

by its cover”

To be in fashion Fancy clothes To care about fashion “Clothes make the


How are these words formed?

Useful, wonderful, enjoyable, hopeful, political, musical, fashionable, peaceful,

comfortable, natural, sensible, changeable, successful, meaningful, colorful, suitable, tasteful, practical,

Useful, wonderful, enjoyable, hopeful, political, musical,

fashionable, peaceful, comfortable, natural, sensible,

changeable, successful, meaningful, colorful, suitable,

tasteful, practical

1. Rob wears designer clothes

Because he thinks that ‘clothes make the man’

2.Emily wears clothes that are fashionable

Because she thinks it’s better to buy things that are in at the moment

3.Misha likes to wear original clothes

Because clothes show his individuality

4. Mark doesn’t care about clothes

Because he thinks it’s ridiculous to care about clothes so much

5. Mark wears casual clothes

Because he feels more comfortable in them

What is important for teenagers when they buy clothes?

Price Comfort Fashion in class Fashion magazines Adverts on TV Parents’ advice Friends’ advice Other people’s style (famous people, models) Individuality Status

In the dialogue they mention:

Price Comfort Fashion magazines Individuality Status

At home:

In 15-20 sentences speak about what is important when you buy clothes

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