-t - any - greenbelt news reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/gnr19860410.pdf · cooked salami lb....

Post on 01-Feb-2018






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Old fashion Loaf $2.39 lb. ESSKAY Cooked Salami

LB. Provolone Cheese $2.29

Health & Beauty Dept. BAN 5paen

Roll-On Deadorant $1.49 BJC

Dtspoeable Shav•s

NAlllSCO t 1>. Ritz Crackers COllET 14oa.

a. a~

Scha•lfer.._. $1.69 .• ,.... -12c.- .

NA'fURAL LICilT 12 pk.- 12 as.-... $5.19 TAftOa LAKECOUN'r.RY -UU...· WINIS - .$$.99



Wciui• .... ·QMt·. ....

lty .._,. Llkowald , The clty COUJici1 di.Kufllled the latest proposal for devel­

opment of the laad near the lake park, Charlestowne ¥illage an4 the Ameriean Legion, (parcel 15), at both its regular meetiuar OD April 7 and ·at an earlier work session on April 1. Np ftDal deciaicm waa made at the council meeting. A work IM!88lon ill echednled for Wednesday, April 16, so ::ouncll ean hold further diacuuicms with developer represen­tatives. The meetiJlg will be open to the public.


VoJume 49, Number 21 P.O. Box 6$, Greenbelt, Maryland 26'170 Thura., APril 10, 1986

GW Board Receives Boiler Room Use 'lhi• -' to ~ par-'* 1fi Ia llba - ot a "-ber Propo· _·sal., Discusses Personnel Policies ~..r-;z.;or~-u.eot;

· and "Badd:r" AA!tkk. P a r k. hy llavill F1ete1Jer - tor. llae Wirido:' and Naney it bas been the Corpoo.tion'e Chul- Vlbce. and the

HutdUNo o~· Wirlek' uid pradios -. If the peaon re- Amerian LecJon. The C1KTelllt Fonlier board member Ma- - lie - 1IDCOIIIIfortllle with · aldin&" In the llllit flo not on U.e pllm ... for 88 -.....~my ,__

ry Clatce App8lind before the piM1 - IJWUIDe perml.s- llut~al ~enliip ~ a menliol -- UD!W Uma · · oion to ..U doe .plaat - re- l>eiumit-aub-nt leas<: ,..,. be tbe Bel~, dulened "" -. the "--'d · of · direetora of qUire a ~ -berahip meet.. exei!Uted. 'lbla poW. - not a barrier for IIOioe f,._ 1tle Greelllielt 'HOIDell,. Inc. on iDif. would r8quire a .........ttment applied -..--.ely. Thus ·we ~. ·- 118 realde-1 eon-

AprD 8 to req.-t time to. of -- time to eqoiooe :;-.,;: ~~ ~ot~n ~ ;:'":::,":' ..=: !!""~ -~ a pla.a for uae of a the pbm and. If llle plallt were .,.._ ...,.. UDder a 8llb1eaae. VJ11ace. n.e 10 .., .. of land ne:JOt ~ boBer pllmt by the · then .,..-oy demoUabed, tile Se,_ of· - have -. to the w.e pari< -uld be dedi­

Catlullic -lDiity. - ot ~ would 1- prab~ ••• For dtla -· eMed to llle eile' under - plan. 1>,. aa maeill .. ~,oco. e-m. - lol -eudlnsr - the p.;_ .,.,_. meml>era ex-autre 1' ,._ dlat the . • Board - the polley to require k

.._.- ,_,. :a tiU. ·time aDd pola&ed - - tbe eorporatiou tt.t tbe llviDc In the unit pl'eUed tbelr Ollinlon at tao wor - .... Mol not.. had tiDM to would -..... ......t.inued - be on-~ o-enloip Com- ~011 ~ tillla .... the beat

.... _ 1o - " L- ~ p.n IIIey la'N yet - ,_ Par-. ~ It· willa Giller mem11em of to lllob • ..., r premoaea llra&. 'nllol. polley .....,ld - ....... eel 111. llapor pm - 'l'llomaa x. the -lllli&r- &ow.ver, obe "tlbile the iNue - beintr eon- tift with - new memllen. but White aa1d be did not want to ..... tile - .... locl1due for o'dered. ~- - be. requlnd ot - J>uoeel 16. _. ... any deueer a .....,_to W1mlblp and llbe hoped _... •bo -lved tlleir lila.. than R-111>, ai .... famil~ -. lilat" t1oe .....u.r plfut aN1d 1>e Clwop Ia •oc ...__ tuat· Ownembil> Ccmti'llet illefOft ~-purdlaoad, ~ fi tbe t tbe polieJ''• ·- date." But -* ooundl me......,,. 1!"-ot ~ Sloe ~·. n. illoard approved widooat p.-ed llleir Ideal preferenee M

piretenoiee· for - piaDt on diue(olt. a ~ .-om- P......._. Polley DO ~ at aW 011 tha

Plateau P\aee. . :::"'!:!:":::::.: ;s!t,-11'::i The ~ -t -of llle _.}. I'NooiolooS ~ 1foCe OwDe,.ldp CoatiiiGt. 1 Ida re- eve.uiac IIUD&' OYer the daaa..,. Wblle eowdl memben d>ought ~ ................ ~ .port. to the llloard. C:.~ten ex- iu the eorponotion's -1 1tle new. P-' .,..,. the beet - - 1aae &:~ Joe illefOft plahlad -t aQ>oe 1963, "it laa polleoy wbleh had .,._ -- plan :ro& foot Pueel 15, doe:r ex-~ 4 · 0. ... II& -w .... 'tiM .-.. ,. pn..t.iee • meD!Ied b)' mana$1 1 I Tille ,....... .,.,_ a.t. the wor!t

·P. . . . a m ~ oC. ~,_._.._ _... ,..._ a;..larllo t111oa ~ ~ ~ •.-Jitiom_ GBl._ ~ -~- lo ·tG:r pii~~-,..---':Ja--.:-~--Ad­~·-=.:: -~=~5~. --~~cll''tie . toliii;h' ............... (Dill !'1!-• ....,._ lot. ·· • .......,_ ~ - · ,_ -.ra ~ 'nle illoard apHt pod to _,... (- New. lle-. . ·· Joto ~ -..... oa the queatioll of_ at-riD&' 111 ..-, P..._ 2'1). The APB . _..._._,..........., ~r 0 ,,._;:..·bean tile::.:-- .- of leM-e wlttiout pa~ ~ ._.t - -rallle llo the la.t-:=..:-::::---• ~-!: 4,;; dealpatlon ot tile -bet See GHI, - lJ, ..a. 1 = ~!:::':': '::":!:.:;:;

for pql1JDII8I ot the ~~~- 0.... UOitinc ~ pnltiama wbi<tl wMII 1M C..... ~tt .., erabiP-~ 16 • -- lert --• ~-.. at_._ aueh M no'"" the _......... ~ - ""'- ..... to the famll7, ..........._. - ... _,, ~ • · · . ..,_... • e~oe - · · · li••lr .. ,. .... . fr<JIIl the s.-.,. ~ue....- tnor-......,. -"'c • Hrll 1'7. This Coltoa'a ~ &loo poiMM out . ~ 6e tluloaala adjaeent pa1'ta of

IIIOdao _... Uo I. wllll DiJee.. thoot, -aiDa ..,_iller ot 11183. Ill Lilllll It .... :::=u~ Cilia~ Vftlolce-

..,.... Gil Weldenfeld a 11 d. eoomdl member Edwond Pute ...

SHLSeebParlici,uls For F~ •• 1.ActidJ

'nle ~11 1:..loe apa11m...t ~ ts -rlnc "Ball~

·--~--Y. J&q a, to ra1ao money far the

~nt ~- Seniee. s-Oomp~.

"Rails' ....,_ .... Oooaolt:r" lol ... ... __ ..... ally tlu-ouab-- Priaee a-n ~- Par­.,.,._. •- be 18 ,._ or older, ____ to a

......... ~f--Ie. 'nle rd7 beclna II& noon alt

the llprta&tdll. LAke Fountain

~ and - &l'e -ted 1o · ~ arriftlc at llle llniob li1le and -- part~ IU'I>11nd 6 ...... ,. JIIU'I;F wtl1 be be1d ll&tilleZ.U..U....~-l:be Gnellbelt llfl1ool and Tawera.

l'or 14' ' ,. B f..- MMl in~

~--- ua.u,. 'Bound l:be a...J;r," oor lllooat 1ioe Sum-_.""- .......... ~ looly

~---­for -a' a ....... te ......,., Apotl II. U ',-, •••• to doe De.. ...-~,~ ...... ..__ -.a.. ...,._ ....... ...... ........

wondered abo\& allcwing eom-1mereial deve'lopment on this par­eel. It eould aet a precedent for other ec:.mmeftial use of land in the eore of Greenbelt.

Co11'1JCil membertl Joseph Iaaaos and Puteoa -.id. they were wor­ried about tne probleJM of noise from tbe Beltway and increased Va.me .. a rea:Uik. of the propoeeJ dnoelopment.

Oounct1 me-mber Antoinette Bmm aa.id dJ.a1t the planned relliclential unite are really gar­den ~ She wonderf.'!d if the~ m~ be bought up for inveetment pw""pOaea and rented out to othenL She would prefer townll'o-. - •id. She repealt­ed tflis preference for townhoUBe'S at the council mH-ting. And Weidenfe4d. noted· that there are a1ready a rreaJ. nornt>.r of ganlen -..tmenlll in Greenbelt.

AA; the eourw:il meeting some eoneerns were raised by citizen&. st...e C- af 9 Cowf; Ride<> Ratd nobed that mo8t of the t;ralle on Ridge Road between We~~~;w&y and Southway js from the area of the UniVenity Square A.pia.ltment& and Charleetowne Vlllaee. He fe-ed sueh t!uoqt> t;raAe wm increase jf .. _..._...,. ·: • ia-h-ik.He ~a-liglllton Goeenl>elt Road at Lakec..­&o.d to aUe'flie.te t:bia Bow (since peope1 aft back-tracking Ulring Ridge Road to get to the tl;aftlc lictllt. on Souttnray). He aWo WOIIIid li!r.! a -p sign at 11 c- Ridg'l! Road to force thio tbroatlh traftie bo move at slower opeeda.

Ketit Chernllootr expreMed bio hope that counc.il will di.acu.ae the problem of reereation facili­tle. in the area of the pl&onned .te.elopment. and was a•w-ed by W eldenfeld &at it would

Y-ng Republicans Meet Tille Younc Republican Club of

Prinee Geor..,. Coun-ty will be hc:NIItiftc another evenirc ot. "fun and -oridnc" on Wedneed&¥. April 18 at the Greel!beh Hilton. PNB!dent Mike Twoionr •Y'Il the evening may become a monthly eorent. For more' inforntation call Mike 'Ilwl'gc aot 857-7870 or hee.d-

-- at 627-6508 .

P.G. Philharmonic

Jo Play April 19 The Prince Geo'l"'reel Pm6ha.r­

monie and the Leurel Orwitorio Soel_,. will a:ppear in cOII'JC'el't. on Sat-y. April 19. aot 8 p.m., at tbe Queen Anne'• Fine Am Theat... on llle ._uo of Prinee c-aw Communlt~ Oollege m r......,. The p.....-m will ioneh>de ll~a "Prelude to Kho­~ • Borodln'e "Pol....t­- D-" ...t '"''ehailoovwky'a ~No.4.~ Ra~ Powlvwlll........._

'l'&oba - be ~ at the door or·~ lie rwel'ftd 1>,. oaiiint' (801) -;l540 (daJII) .

Page 2

Volume 49, ~umber 21

Greenbe~ bas loat anocher of its few ~malninK' .. pionee-rs." Alta L. MorTi-son. age 8"i. passed away on F..eter Monday, March 31. alt. Doetor's HCI:IIIPital. She had n!i.ded at. ~ Creecent Road for almost 50 yeal'B.

She -... bom Alta Leoniee S.M in 1898 in Green Citoy. Mis­aouri. the yoUDgftlt ol. five cbil­cken of A Ci-ri w.,. veteran and

m. wife. ~ r:rew up ill tiUoa ...,.u l'lllnll oo-lllrity aDd g!WI-

uaoted - biJib - wita honors in. penma.DIIIYp.. M"t and -· AUe11 M...n.on. 12 yoe.re beT aenior ..... AM.a•a 8uDda.y Sebool

--.1>8-. He - - eli!Pble llooch.

dor - --.iero.l a ·-· """""" by .,_ .. ,. of - prlo. bat Altla ._ Ule oae to win his -. In 1908, Alia - only 10 bat All-. 22. bad '*-dy euved oa the !~~:!mol board and -... now ptann.i.Dc apeMinc en~ gagement. for the dlen Demo­eratie Presidenti.al nominee. Wil~ -lioom Jenninp s._.. Wb.., he beeame a C!Uhier in the local bank. Alta went t<> hio line t<> .,..., bu ebedt j- t<> talk t<> him.

Wll.en Allen was ea~ to Mll""'"e his eoGnlt:.lT in Fmnee in World Wwc I. Alta m.de a ate for her­self in Gnen City. On hill return from tbe ~r. he was eleded to

t.be JliMouri - ~-..... and wrote many led;er:! --.d poat e.anil to A.b. fl'OID Jeffenon at,.. Allen aad Alta beca,_ a ~ it! 1930 - !hey were wed in x.a.... City. x.z-.

Widl the onaet of the G..­~011. Allen applied for won. with IDe federal pve.m­meat, recei'riDC' an .ppoiDtmeDt wilh the v--. Admillistra· tion. The !amilly wilh two ciJiJ_ dren. Shirley and. n.....;d, moved t<> W.....,ington. D.C. in 1934. They liTed in an ~ent for - yea:ro anul ~ng abOut a new t.o'Wirl beioc •• in Ma.ry­J.nd-Greerrbellt. Oat of the 9.000 • pplica-bi..- Tee&i'red by the fed. eral govem.ment for the 885 rem&~ unillO a-. ~ly one in 10 were ~ for residency in tile ...,.. planned community "otlt in ·tile eountry." ()overjo>J'ed t<> 1eam u.e,. wen the 6- llami)y _..,_.! tD live in the DW>del -. ll>ey ...,..,.. m - other ~~ ;, Oc.. ..,.,... 1987. A. quoted ill aa E•e­...,. St.r adilele ;, Od>o1ler 1li6Z (G.__,• :!11111 &Dditu-). -. • .....-... ...... '"1-.-dy to .., t.eJ< te Jli_.t u- ..., pt 1l>ia plooce. I - we -- --~ sa. Jq,.ed c.oeabeJt

--.... --.... --------..----------------------------~--~~~-~· ... ;···

GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thlll'8day, April 10, 1986

Thu~y. April 10, f986

and. neither .he nor Allen f!Ver -eel .. m-uri.

DoriDrc World War Il'a man­

-..- -- A.tla ...,..,.,ted ....-i.d:a neicbho- to wol'k .t tAle T,.__.,. ~. Papoll Di~ f>vm 4 p.DL t<> midnight for fotW :ree..:rS. She - bad two _, bo,... Do..W a.nd BiD:y. tiD csa for .. wen as her _ _,_..,....,..

• Gneabelt"8 llay.cw for the .....,.. period. UN1-46. AAerlhe ___ to

her - full.._. Eve>7 kind of - m.p.allle - pw:ed ber ·--~--be

-~----t - ......... doe ... ,.... --..,.. Pia..--..!.- ... .-... --....,.....,.. ~ ~ ...ao6ed ..... -....,. well----of­life--~­~-.

Alta-~­in lhe - -wed 011 her - A wiliC of the Y.­~ io - IDe ARea D. --~ .... SeJrior Cfti.. ..., .. and Konioon ~ ill k>-cated ill 11be G-DI>ellt"s Whool.or are- ..........

...... -- ia ....ned by ~r llllme7 L. Chile; ....., """""Da.W A.. D...- G •• aad WiUUmB.;eitllt~; andoix~

SerrieM - lleltl .. Atlril 4 at 1"-~ Cemeter7 -~ a-pel. By.__., .... ~._...._fts._

- be - te Greedlelt Oooa­~ a....tr. B- aad a.-at ........

Al-ANON IME11NG INI'O AIADott •••.t• OD ~

...... "* o..-..;q. a........ -8:38 ...... ~-ant ill'f'itod to -·

Weidenfefd-\ Me~endez

JI4Qvr end Jlrs. GJ./w eide<afeld are J>le-ecl t<> ........,.6aee lhe en­_.....,t of theit~· E•en Dd>ra. to· ~- Menendez. oon of M::-. and Mrs. Jose Menendez of Silver Spring.

Miss Weidenfe-ld. a gi*)uM.e of Eleaoor Roosevelt High Sd>ool, attended Prinee Georges Com­munity Coleg€' and is employed at Gould. Inc .. Com]Miber s,.stems Di'rision and is aleo a.-oci.ated wi1lh ERA Nyman Realty.

Kr. Menendez, aiiBo a ~ o! Eleanor Roose?eh H i g b School. completed aDdeJ>gn~duate !lll:udies at 'the University of Mary\aDd and is att.ending the Univenoity of M.yleDd Sd>ool of Den~.

A11 AUCQI!It weddlinc is planned..

u- to Hear Speaker On V.-lly Hcmdicappecl

The Lion's ~ WiU be ad­dreEed by a ..,ealter from the Di- 22-C Lion'a Club Pre­Sdlool CeDter for tile Vi_.,. IIMwli~ Ine... at their ne• .....-.,. .... eduled mee&ing oet for ........,.. Ap-il 14. at the :n....ide ._,... .... t!OU Green­belt-.._

'lbe )I01iolic io invited lOt 7:30 p.BLtoo-lhe~. ~ all 474-5Ui6 far ...,.... --LAJCEWOOD MEETING SET 'lbe Lebw- Cirie A.ocia­

tion wili - )(-,.. ~ril zz. The -JIIIf -.riD be hBI lOt the GneDbelt Lilwary, w.er lom!L eoaf- ......... oot 1:30 ...... ~~-wiD

be - aDd 1rSed 011. Lake­... -.-are.....-to be-!

MowaH MeMOrial thlllei ......... a.nlo

.......... nt-ecte 8ollldliF 9oloool U<GO A.ll.

KOJIIiliC W onldp U :00 A.ll. -·Dr.,_ a..... PulE . ...._ 4'14-a.t

llclllri faith 'ln- woNd ~ mdataDee

there ia - - ~ul ------of k>oe.' --- &bai' Seared Writinp c;.-. _, C..-...ky

P.O. -245 ~belt. liD 20'7'70

145-818 I 4'1._



~ at G.--loelt Ceater Eleaeortary Sdaaol .. Cnileeat JW.. --f-.- .......,_Washiaa'tooe Park-way- 193

• Bible c-tered ~- Te.:hq .

: !::.;*-~-.....- ~Bfcr . • ~~a.-far Every~ • Nurwe.,. Prcmded at ll9a7 Sen'iee

Fw-W.....aiea CAU CJ- PABI'Oil: DALB J. III!I.COUKT - ... -.., ~ llllooool10:00 a.a., KOl'Dinc Sor.- 1i :00 a.m. ~llerioeT:GO .,._Wed- aiP!t7.aDp.m.

Gingeii-Smith X...... H<>pe Ginlfel(. tom>erl,.

of 111 Court Ridge Rload • ..-ried David Lee Smi11l in a eiJIIIIie eere­IDOIIJ' in u_. llerlboro in Feb­.--,..

'D>e daQ&bler of Jlae GJ.npll. -..,tioDol Aide at Greenbelt Center ScDool, x.z.eu is a Jife-1cmc resicla>t of Gneaheit.. She atkuded PWrltdale Hip Scboo1,

and ber - brothen. Steve -Ronnie litiD lhre l:Mmo.

David llll!=lreuded bigtt -1 in Ohio before movinc wit!l. his pll'­

ent.s. lk. and Mn. Ed Smith, to Odenton. lid. x- aDd David _.., DOW ~ OD er-ent Road.

Paint Branch Unitarian Church

1215 hwt1er lliD -(..ear Cherry Bill Road)

Sun .. April 13, 10:.0 a.m. Serriee: HP .... ..neroltip ~

De.pair'" Ohurdl s.t.ool 10:.0 a.m.

Rn. R_ W. KelleJ' t37_,_

"--kef'S dUb to~ 'l'lae GreeDbelt Ballli!maken;

CJral> will meet on April 16 at 8

p.m. at - home of Shirley Hibbs. 123 LaJoe.ide Drive. With - c-Mion of the Ameri<an ea.-: Soc:iet7, Ronda Potterton wa &'he a - aDd -.. slides on dleir '"l'IIDDc Oonliml" pro_ - which _.,."bow 1ro rediiOe ttie riel< of ~ caileer. 'lbe JIO'O...,.. will betrin JII'OIIIPII:y art 8 p.m. and ill open to all ln-. ed pe-ns. For furllioer ~­tion p1eue call Sllirley Hibl>s. -· ST. JOHN'S CHURCH

Ep&copal Jlaw-...... P.n.lliD ............... 8:38 a:m.. Boq Bacloulst.

10:30 ti.m. Bol7 ~t Fint Tluee . Sanda71o

10:30 a.m. llorablc l'rqer J'oartll llaDdai ~

10:38 ...... S1mdiQ- SclleoJ BeY: .Jolm G. BaJs, Reetor


ST. HUGH'S CATHOUC CHURCH Rev. Jolm P. Stadt, Putor

BeY. Tbomas S. Scllaeter, Auoei&te Putor

MASS SCHEDULE: Sunclay 8, 9-.30, 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m.

Satuftlay 6 p.m. DailJ' -., 7:38a.m. Koooda7- Friday, t a.m. llondaJ'- Satmda7

8acNmeDt of--= 8ataJdayU p.m.

Greenbelt Community Church (1111lted Clnlrdo of am.t)

BiiJ.ida -~ C.-t -. Pbcme 474-Q'11 mono!Dp

·u am·Sunda,. llorablc Wonllip ... ClaarU SclleoJ for CbiWnD lafut Cue ~ at

Pellowslalp CeD-IIelaiJod ClaarU

n. -· »-W Bal1la, ..... Looking For Directions?


4744212 er-ne & Gr.nhill ._.

Bible StDdy For All~ (Sua.) Wonbip SerYieea .-.- l'raJ'CI" Serrice (Wed.)

t:Ga.a. u.-.A7:00.­

s:oe ......

Holy Cross lutheran Church - Gneabea 'lloMl .

WO!IIIIip Senieea s-.,. 8:30 aad 11:16 a.m. (1""-i- )lft'Vid-ed .,;,m .oerrioe) . SomdJoy-- Bible a.- 9:&0 ........

Pre-Soioool ~ II:&Oaad 11:1S-. For -., ~ ~ far :roat& - ......, ..,_, end _,;w citil:eaa. ,_ CIOJI - c:::...- .....

Bolwanl B. m.-, .._ aa.6lll

Thuieday. AprillO, 1986

To MuciJ fo Aalr?

,....;..., -...- -· 0

. ilfnon the SliMe's deh'beNt.e of-fodatoe ___ the

• ..-..- hetnrya1e, ... -_of ____ _

doe~~ "'*-'-•1ro 5'ri --- 'l'be .Judge ........ to ig­nore doe ~a•- of Governor JfGcl- - hil e.tecuiift· ~- .. -to llnt.ollop- -·and -to 80ioq .... ~-Is ~- We ae tile ,._,., --• a- of die . ....,._ We espedt, jUIIdao ,.._ the coart>s, -----.weare---me a "privilege~ .or a "hail-Oat." We are · slmpi;J> liol<i!>c far ..,_.toollrO'fAimo-mo.., "'~" aoco11Dla. -Jlfiw.----· I J'MOIIIIIU nd that ,ou write .Jndp J-h Kaplen at the Cjr­eult Court for BeJtimore City. 111 Nml> o.Jvert St.. Balti­DlGft, lid. Z1282.

ClarillcGtioll 'l1>ulk :you for prinrting the

lellter, "Beooalty Maft'ed-. at­tholllltl I ~ eoneemed by the - of ~ prlntinc of m,. ,_. u the Mnder. 'D>e 1- .,..... e11tered 1lllder the -• of .~ W_.e· a.l> of Greeabelt, a. I - ~ a.al.._n. Oar in­*--~ o~Qeetiftll are pared Ia the clireel5oll for .u COJDIDUn­

• dlohot .,a ,...we-. We are ~-~ ...,msttbla pal"-, dcoa1er an111111 ~ aad in­rt.ellll to eomlnue _...... this _,. ~- evndltloa _,

.. a.u-~ .......... ~­......... *'* .......,...n.llty for

.. --. - and bet­,.__,. of thia city.. .

GaVWI.eW' ........,. ....... 1F--•.016lll~


letters to the Editor Dehate Co11ti11ues I read Jim Callllel's letter of

Aptlil 3 CIOil<ernin« !he ". . . tax exempt Senior Citizens Co-op A,._..t Builclinlf'' lhat he and the «Forftunalte 100!" ww.nt tJo ClOD- on city land. The d>re&t tl!at this groiiJ> ~ sell out and take thetr "eiperti6e and ~., to norida resul'ted in mixed emobion.s on my ~ I like FkJ.rida but then I love Greenbelt. Maybe the city would ILnd it cheaper to subsidize the Florida move nther than spend­inc ., much time ~I' the texpayere &.9IIHftll from this "ex­-pertise,.!

ln ttWt .........,. in _..-.,}, and in Gnelll>e~ in ]IMticldar, dlere we few jola. as eeean •• beinll' "" ineamlient polltldMI. In the 10 Greenl>eat citJ' c;oUDDil elec­.g,,. I -e obserred. th~ mmt­ber of defeated i-nrt. eould be eolldted on tile ftnpra of one lll!on<L For ~ paa tw.. deeaclea. in tilis. and in other -. Greett­belteno t.a .... indieooted - they -. 6ee.. pleued - the -job done bJ' - <it7 c•ouneil. ·and tan, therefore. ovot -aina1J' ..-ned - lneuoailenta to ollc:e. lot .it hard tD --~-.til. tllm-- -., of - _,. 6ve per. ,..;n. one needa .-er oontln­aity.

I have lil*le S71D118th7 wida ·the arcument for reclurine the time n....ted" OD eampaiping~ C.m­paipilllf time '-• be... -t time -. the eooncil m~ meet

· w'ith !he 'V'Otera oUIIoide of the Council <hamben. o-de of eehedoled eowaeil meetinp. out- . llicle of a hipl,- -- qen­da running under Jt.oberta RuleL c,...;CKIO),. eno...-. this lrappe ..

·~ - yean li>erilj bcifore ..., impendiiDg eleetion. I doll"t think this Ia a - of time. I don~ think onee ne-ry couPe of )eMS llo do this ia - often.

TnufitlonaU,., .....,.,.,_,,.! ......si­doirtea '-"" been - wfto '-•e clone a . . . 11M of door ... oclting. 'ft.L-.t may be a waSte qf time. H.,....,...,., tile olity ..,;n benefit by hllvinc eit,. eounell meml>e18 who 6Dd ,_.. ...,......ru~ st_...., i:m a bieDDial bula, ather thaD allmriolc them too avoid meeting witt. their c:onalbi.tuent. evel"7 Wo years.

'nlomU J\!lrenon orald: "The - of lihen;J' llitll!lt be nourished '1rilll - blood of revolution eve17 ceDenijon.., An eleotion is a nou-'V'ioleut rnolutlon. 'D>e blood of ~ Greenbelt II .-w.ec1 by theae biennial elee­tiona. 'l'halt Is. the lmowledp of ow CDIDIDanitJ' by our citlzeu, is retlntihed by Iavine ~ railed ...a. cli-.1· in· a -Y ~ ~ oni;F --.c &II elcic­tion. One neecl ciDl7 'look in dda end tlbe ~ _ .. to

- II!J' cohmm-!!>d>ett tbe ililpor­taDCIO, .... e~ Is ~ed.

Goreedle-- llbould - Pe urp lhelr biennial ...tlocl1aJ'· It'a one of tboae tloinaw _.ieh cmallle .. proudli. llo ay. "Green- k Gc-Mtw.

Our Museum Neefl• A Pet'rnartellf Ho-

'lbe reoent d......, ..._.tinc a site fvr the ~ Greepbelt Mueeam Itt one ti1&t ttan.tena to

cOIIII)mlmioe - ooly the -· but the iDiletrrii:J' of Iiila ftne Jd'O-~- Fai1lme of lhe CHI man­benobip to approft the use of an otfcinal unit Ia t..?Or of a "quid< ft:a:" for the proponents of the N- End Slohool would be a ~atop-for the Mu­• ..,. .eomm-. To_. set­-tiDe lllllide a .-m ill .the Notdl End &mol (even --rib') for 11M - a m.-um ..,._. would recloce lhe """""J'ot ~ an lrirlollori­oaH,. and ··anmfte<aa...aly aeca .. te

- oite llo one of ~· emtb&ion" of a repreaent:ative -llttc of furniture. boob, and bllltortood -~ Aaide from cielltzl>yjng the eib...eter and in­oteDt of the GreeDbea IIWJeum, ,......, _,.. be otber. more far-, reaching lmpB...tlo.,. whl<il ._..,

. not yet been eonslclered..

Firet--. IDe Mu­

oeum-lllave ·-­home. Onee ilt ia open Mid oper-&bing. tho ~on will be elig(ble to -It eorpora&e. foun­dation. •ncl federal fancllng to alJirlll«1l the exio~g operating l>udtlet: · to reacoaidl and mount ,j,eccal Ulslbltiontt; · to imprcwe

the q-'1t1 - ~ of ita eoDeietfan; aftd a. ~.. the mu-

-· li><reby=)p· llo ensure ito long-l'a . sbobBitjr. Aa a current ee of one of t1le Jarpot f.eclcwal panting aaendes and to~· ·...all mu­-~.t .. u"llrliioUwith ao-t eedabMry ti10II: wi- a pe.........ent home. th""" opltlone Wli• not 8'ftft exUlt. 1\:)r the mu­seum..

Saeondly, use of Ul original unit would. not onlJ' ·piaee lhe Museum-¢:yri:>ally aDd bh.tori­codt,.-where it ohould be. bat would ado sel"9'e to allbadt a broader audleno:e - mialt>t otherwise ne'V'f!r e~ an in­terea. · AsOcle from ed-ng 110hool childzen and the pneral public about the hi'!to,.Y of the town. the M....,um )110161 a)roo .- a.t'OIIiteetlo and atthltee­t.- hietoriaiDa. pnfoe ..... ~. tbooe inteo'utecl ;, furnitUre (ito deeip - relati'on 'l:o lte sur­round.in,p). as weLl as .tuden.t• and · afteion&cloe of ZOth century AmeriCUl hf*"7 - cu!tore.

! To foreco an --fty to houoe the M,_ in Ita ~ - riDitful ru-ieal cOnte>lt . ....oUtd be • cli.-riee ...... f>nm and futme )("""""' ...,.tora. The M,_ c-nitt.ee and tile citi­zens of Greenbelt !tan a ~ opportunilby to preMI"¥'e Ml Um~ ~put, of Bill' ~;'for - who willh to "leam ~ut &nd bene& from it. 'D>is ...,,._ ·tuni'ty shoclcl neithe.- he oompro-miloed nor rel:inquiohed. ·

M-• c-a._ 11-ber Jaaie M. Katdolor

WHm CANE DAYS SEJ' 'l1le GneDbe1t Li-. ClUb wUI

be boWinc !heir ~.,. '-trite - ... ,. Fri ... ,. .act -Y· A9ri1 11 and 12.

HBelp the Uoos belp the biiDCL~ ia -r Ditto. 'l1le Lions - Gne- to ....... 111-.e

........... wb' ......... d>ey - tbe LiOM at tile old GreenWt Sllop­pinc ee-. Be~y -... ...t -....., w& -wed<4HI. ·

I •

G...,.,.lt Wildlife ,. creal: exaitement ......... -

- by tile - peaeoclt --41aele remlndo 1IUI of tw.. od>c ,_ publld- but eqaa11J' in· viaon.Anc wildtife IIi~ in old Greenbelt,

Laat Fall - OOil. Joob. and friend. Seth Hamlin, whi'le walk­ing home fzom 0.- S<ftool on Hie inn,.. -,.. -red • peculiar looldnc 1.... dog f....U-,. "balltlnc hia he a d ....,m..t a -clain liB feuce. Oloaer ill_....,n -w doe "dolf" "" be a hock - hia ant.!..,. <eudlt In IDe fence. With a migbty puH the deer dilllodpd himaelf and •Bed •--r over feneea. lhroucil the plaJ'cround af· 39 Co- Ridge Jlioad and -' Jlo-

- -- a.un.h. The two excited t.o,. aliteonpted to verify the Clighiti11c wtlh a nelaN>or who - noltinll' - Ia tile pallh of 'the ...,.;m.7 . exltin~ deer bat ......, diromaJ'ed thet the ,_n heel turned hlo bod: at IDe moment the deer ran by •

Several weeb ·later while dbz­ing in the nn on my deek, I wu awsloened by lhe -.ten ..-ing of a ftodt of clove& In the pine Ueee overbead.. JUIII!It u I wu opening Ill¥. e:vea a lllqe objeet -led out of the ...,. and lended with a tand in mJ' haek)'ard. I 8lioocl urp quleldry llo lind • ....... '-""' ..-llh tile let'lfeot talono I have ever eeen. daltdltnc a dove and rotaring cooHJ' haek_ at me. .utar a few leoondro the '-wlt _.,ad .- winp UlCI hauled the JII'!J' ba<k llo tbe woodo be­hind .... ctrun:b.

To ,_ npclate the ,..,.,.S story. the ....... al&btlnc . I toave heud oo far- Gl'elr Hu­....,ian aad llrienda wllo apled lhe bUd et IJpellaloa o-...- on SaturclaJ' the :ttl. Two ..,.. 1orter on Monday. one of my helpers innocently .. eel if we ofrten had peacocka in the lacltywd. M:y wife. Teny and daugfrter, Jean verifted the I!IPft'iee wtlieh quickly retreated to lhe safety of lhe .. -ooda.

Prom tlime to time a city oftl~ eial .,.;n lhrea.ten to cut down dle woodro behind doe Methodist Otatdl in faovor of eoeeer fteldlll. This is a move the Kepler family is opposed to as it ~outd detteet

· from one of lhe "-ttant pa.U of our neigltborhood-the wild­life.

Earl H. Kepler

I was not •urprieed dtat Jim ignored the poor in the eity a­.-in nor was I ~sed when he -ted that the "FI>rturu.te 100" wriU. u ••• get much more happi­neu from s\JICh a ai:tua:bion than al! Gfterrbelten woould ge.t f«>m ·leavf.ng the land as it is ... Should the city ever build a mon­ument to seHWmO!S that would n:ake a pei-lect inscription!

Jim, you made IDly point about )"001" amaH grou.p of flnaneiaily­wel-off Senior Citizens w:itft their handro out much better than I have been able to. 'Ibran.k you!

Ste'\"e Lancone

Careful Checlci11g Urged I was an insurance agent and

visited 20 homes a day or 100· a week and 5,200 a year.

I always made it a point when I entered a court. to CJlrefully see if any children wen there. If there were none I parked my auto with the rear end against the eurb. Then. when 1 left my elient'a home. I circled my auto to see if any children were there. On· two occasions, I fouad a young baby sitting di­ftCtly in front of my left or right tire. lf I had not looked. I swear ·that would have bf.en that.

A mother going to the gn>ceTY store failed to Jook around her auto olnd ran over her own child and killed her. A garbage truck once djd the same thing.

For these reasons. I strongly recommend that all people visit­ing homes follow the previous eareful procedure. I also recom­mend that the Cty Council pass a law requiring all ~arbage trucks or all trucks must follow the above procedure.

Ant~ony Madder

(Ed. Note: In addition, may we autrtreat that parrntll d~oaral'e

· tlteir children from playinc in court parkin I' lots.)



MERCHANTS • The Greenbelt Recreation Department wishes to acknowledge the generous contributions of prizes for the 1986 Annual Ea'Ster Egg Hunt, made by local merchants. The following merchants provided prize• in the form of certiftcates, which were hidden in the 'eggs' and found by lucky children:

'l'riree Brothers Greenbelt American Legion Chef's Secret Denny's Bob's Big Boy Jaspers Drug Fair A .t: P Subway Sir Walter Raleigh Inn Golden Dome Greenbelt Carry Out Dart Drug Safeway TGI Fridays Fireside Beef House Pizza lml ·Academy 6 Theatres Gad-father's Pizza Jligh's Greenbelt Variety Roy Rogers PluM patronise these area merchants. Their sup­

port of our eommunfty recreation program helps to make Greenbelt a great place to live.


Page 4

Business Notes Casey, Miller. Borris A. Burna,

Inc., a Baltimore· Washington eommereial and industri&l real estate firm with an oftke in Greenbeit hu been named the exclusive }f'asing tlnn for the Oftices at The Greeru~ projee.t in LaureL · Coakl-ey A Willi~m.a. Inc. bas announced the birinc of Paol F. ~olan~ F.R.I.C.S .• as Director of Construction llarketing. Solan <- ;mes to Coakley 41: WHUams from Ireland where be was a partner !n the intemationai con­struction cost m.::u•gement :finn o! Healy KE:lly. He was an honor gra.d.uate of the College of Tech­nology in Dublin "fJith a degree in Con<rtructi-on Ec:ocomies and lfanagement. In 1984. he was nominated to the Bo&rd of Direc­tors of Kilkenny Design Wo-rk­!jhop hy the Irish government and h.u been a featured lecturer on :.aw and contract administrati.on at Wat.erfo!"d (:onege. He is also a Fellow of the- Royal Institt.ation of Chartn'ed Sul"Veyon.. Nolan will be responsible for the mar­keting' and ne'"gotiating of gen­£'ral contracting servieH for the Washington-hued hotel and of­fke developer.

Joyce Rope-r. a sales a.t.slXiate 'C7ith the- Shannon -&: Lach.s Greenbelt/College Park Office. i.a.!!l been awarded the Certified Rea! Est.:oate ·Brokera~:e Manager 1 CRB) designation by the Real~ tors Natior-.! Marketing Insti­tote. an &m:hate of the National Association of Realtors.

The CRB design3t!on re-('Og­

nizes individuals wh.o h a v e achieved the hig-hes.t level o1. knowledge ln real e~tate broker­a~ managemnet and marketing.

Roper wu the top Shanew.n 6 Luchs seles associate in Prince Georges County in 1985 with a tot.al 198.5 sales vvlume M S6.4 milliion. Roper has been m the real estate busines!lo for over 11 years.

The Prince Georges County Board of Realtors recently rec-­ognized and honored outstanding­agent performa~e for the 198.1) calendar y~r.

One Off the top fifteen agents who entered the Residential Gen­ua! Brokerage Sa!H and Listing volume contest (with over $9 mil­lion) Wa!lo Joyee Roper of Shan­non and Lueha. Rope-r's other honon incl&ded beinl{ one of the top fifteen agents who we-re in the mill:Wn dollar settled list­ings dollar valume ~ontest and one of !!.even agents with the g-reater number of settled list­ings.

Erie (Rick) Barber from Sy­man Realty was one of sevt>n agents with the greatest number of listed .!ettlements. Barber was al.!o one of 59 agents rer-ofit"niZed for a volume between Sl and $1 1'2 million m sales .. Shirley Collins (Re. :Max of Maryland) and Darrell Parsons were abo amonc the 59 hono-red.

Gary Williams. ex~tive vice president for Coakley A- William~.

haa announced that Jadr: Daniel has retuin.t to their eorpon.t.e otl!iees in Greenbelt as the dine­tor of hotel marketing and pub­lic relations.

Daniel joiDed Coakley ~ Wil­ham!!. in 1977 a• the ,eeDel"'il manager of their Sprincfteld Hilton Hote-L He wu then ·pro­moted to the corporate oftL!e as the director of JDal'ketinc and p-ublie r-el-.tions for tlw hotel di­vision. Prior to returning to Greenbelt be spent two ,.ean as the managing dil'N'tor/vke president of their Rad.iuon Hen­ley Park Hotel iD WaHin:gton..

GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thuraday, April 18, 1986

Diacoomt A.- Pari< Tickeb

Dhocount th- pari; tieioeta are a.-ilable f..- d>e ~It ·Reonation ~ Buoinea <>moe. Jle-y tltru Friday, 9 a.m .• 5 p..IIL aDil ~ 9 a.m .• 1 p.m..

This ~ ddeount program is .........,.ed for the benefit of the ~ ltem-eation end Parks A..oeiatioa to eontinoe its etr'ol'lt.s bJ. ~ ~J'lo8ell'"'l'ation of ~rka aad reereation in the State af lferyland, Payment .t>oald be ..,. c- check. mo­r.ey order or eallh.

City T _ _. Ceut Cae.

Tbe Sprinc Weail:w!or i~ eom­fng. Tennis play-. are remiDded to <fleck the pooted ruieo regard­ing sign-in and ~ion pto­eedures 1lor tile dEn tennis eourts locM.ed c. Bnuien Field and Lak- DriYe. n.- rec­WatioDs are for the piayerw' bene~ lit to i-.o eqaol pla)rinc ti­for ooiJ partioi...... Gftenbelt reside- h&Ye .,..;.my for - of the eity eomtba.. Please refer to the ~t,_tl.,.. - for fall -iJs OD tenon. -, - eQ· qoalt.e and ~n en clas­-ses.,. tournaments and eomt elo&­ings.

GTAT-Tbe lint -...ent of 1-

wi:ll be beld April 26. 2:1 and Hay 3 and 4. Thill is tne GreeD­belt Tennis ~ation's Jlem~ benlh.ip Tocwnameat to eneouratte new mel'llben: to ,).in the _,na­tion. For toanaam.ent informa-

1:ion and app5eat:ion fo~ caB J·im or lace ~ - 220-0600141601.

City A- FielD PenoiU :F'I.- poliority for pirw!tiee and

game - ar the dtr'• athletic lieldo io to eity permit holders. All other ~ is oa a ftrnlt..eome.

~ -·- Due to field maiDtenance aod re~tion

planned for tbis Spring, partlci-1*.,.. sbould be ~ for de. 1&7" et Ncntinoay and Bnoden Field ~mple:J::.es.

Volley...U. Drop-In Volleyb&ll ia pla,....t at

the Go-.-belt Center Elemeatary Sd>ool ~- on ....,_,. eYeninp from 8:30-10:30 p.m. Ev.,..,..ne. u; yean ar ace and over, ia weleome.

Advisory ....... ling ._.. Meeting

w-.,., April 11. 1-B:M P.JL


1. Ap~afA.-. 2. Aw...-1 at 11'-3. Zoninc .... ~t

9686-Witt'I'nct 4. SigDap • lleiiOD - -

Roooevell Ceuter 5. WSSC PlaA f<W ~

Jlanapment F•ility -G-k·

Note: Tbie iG a tefttatnre qenda • ..,.,jed tQ change

SELLING A GHI HOME? Learn How to do it Y--"

Wednesday, April 16


GHf a-ni Room

At the FSBO (For Sale By Owner) Seminar, members will receive -

• Tips on Advertising

• Information to Offer Potential Buyers

. , • Information on the Process once a Purcha.!ler is obtained

Participants will include Gm processing statr. a leruler's representative, members who are selling and members wpo have sold their homes through the FSBO process.

Share Loan Service Corporation

Helpi>1g People 8eetJ11U Members of a CoopemtitJe c-m1111ity .

• Competitive interest rates for the purchaee of em units • ·

• Five dift'-t mortgage plana • FNlllA appnved lender ~ • Refinaaeiae OD GHI unita ~

I CALL DaliA ,... (982-7978)

Youth aub Holds Dance Marathon

'The GrecD1>ek Youth Clab ia holding .a Daace Manolhon Sat- . -Y. April 12. "nle ............. ..,;n llooke place from 9 Lm. to 9 p.m. at t:be Go-eeDbelt Youth c..-..... .

'The Marathon io being beld u .. fundnaiser. 50% ar the pro­.- are goh>c to !he Ronald Mco.m.Jd H- and the other 50% u. goinc tow.n1 a ,..,-_ ..-nee procram to Inman­.apolia Ind. - the 11'1'""1' U. planning for this M~~Dmer.

"nle Y_., Olub ....,UJd like to inrite all iaemben of tile com~ munity to eome and dllnee for ....trile or just to eome and wateb..

A fee wiD be charced at tt>e door. A~e wtm wants more infor­

Oilaltion """ eaU Frenk Cook at Ml>-!697. or ...;., Simpeoa at 145-M21 •

Hoyer hatives Award At ita annual COilftJltion on

Jlan:h 20, the ,Child· Welfare u.a.ue preaeJrted Con.......,.n Steny B. · Hoyer with the Con­creuioual Ac!Yoeate af the Year AwanL '

The Child Welfare ~ •ts foaDded in 1915 and ia devoted to the improyemeut ar aerr~eea for deprived. necleeted and """"­ed ehildreD. It fOewlea on footer can and adoption serriees. ·

Tbe · Concnaional Advocate ar the- Year Award wu preaented to ~ Ho)'a' in· recogni­tion of his outstan4i:ng eommit­mentto orgauiati.,.wwltlac OD behalf of Americ:a'a ehildren and their ftamillee.

Conare.ssman Hoyer ee:rve. oD tru. House Appropriation& Sub­eom:mittee oa Labor, llea.lth and Human ~ and Eclueation where be Juo. been a leader in support af Family Soefal Ser­vice ~rograms. iDeludinc Child Welfare ·s.r.xe..

PROCLAMATION WHEREAS. The N!ltional Body af the As30ciated

Public Safety Cornmuaicwtions OCHcers (A.PCO). Inc., J.a addressed a letter to President Reagan, alllriDg tblit Na­tional Teleeommunieaton Week be reeocni* on a nation­al level and that the -"'1:000 week in April be deaicftated for this purpose; and

WHEREAS. 1be week of April 6 - 12. baa, indeed, been dec-lared N3tional Telecommanbton Week to rec­ognize the suppol¢ re::ldered by eoammnic.tion3 perao:mel. to police and safety departments; and

WHEREAS. The ollleers of the Greenbelt Poliee De­JUt.rtment must rely on the eommunicatio-:aa personnel so that they, in turn, have tbe proper information aDd lmowledce to give immediate and appropriate ...._,.. to the dt!z.ena in the eoDl1DUility; and

WHEREAS, Tbe dnpald>en in the conxaunieationa ofliee have faithfnllJO performed 1helr duties In a ,.,_ to give such dependable. effteient, and speedy support to the oftieers of tbe depart.nenl, and ,

WHEREAS, 1be comtDUnieations personnel Greenbelt Poliee Department deserve special rec"""nition for providing this important service in a C!OI ... isteDtl,y liable manner. particularoly during a

in the department, a shortage of trained eoliDGU,.Iiellli<•"' personnel. and a period ol training al new persoDnel;

NOW. THEREFORE. I. Gil Weidenfeld. Mayor the City of Greenbelt. by authority veste4 in me by the Council and the citizen& of Greenbelt,., hereby ielue · thia Proclamatio:> to deehu-e the week af April 6 • 12, 1lNI6 •

TELECOJIMUNICATORS WEEK IN GRBBNB~T to extend to the COIIUIIUDieatione penom>el employed iD

- Gree,._ Poliee ~the ---ar -....._,.ity fur their ciepeDdab)e - unptioDa1 ·llel'riee clurinc tt>e paat J'-r.


IN WlTNEaS WJD!IREOF, I Jiaoft berewrto- my- and-­Seal af tile Cilt7 of ~ _.,._

--tobe--'l'ltl·y at April, 1-. • Gil Weiclenfelct ,.,.,_

c-.. II- lllJloa, CJIC ATI'Birl': .. Cit~~

l'h!U'!day, April 10, 1986 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW

The Stars Shine Bright: In SI-ll .Talent: Search

lty Jflfl7 Baftlacton There are stars, 1!Uci there are STARS! On Tuesday,

April 1. there were several·stara shining at the first annual Star Sean:h Talent Show, sponsored by Springhill Lake apartmenta iJl G~ ~ ...... _._...of

- .......... to ....... -"" ...... to ....-... :tor·. full bGaa - thlo l!prlqhill :t.lre -­~ a....t. 'Doe. 11 -_..,. fzom- lift ID.­..,..._torod: ..... 1'011 ben.. WE tr ID a ...uaJ uta M-a t dw ·

Acta - aelected to -in .... Searola 117 • paa1 of aDdlllioD jad&ea two -a prior to !lui ~ A tot.l of sa - --.- w..n tJo. 11Da11a ...... ~

0.. 1ile -me of Star Seanob.

- - Jadlred aeeoJdlD& to - ....._,. and on a .._w or" .............. 'The ~Ill­eluded 1.-rie B-... a-,.: 116 a..Do; Dono Cbeel]r, WJI.c..TV 4; Adele Dodoon. WDVJI-TV II;

· Soan CJ.k aad PaW Bool;lholz, ~ T.- Apaq; •d K:omsd BeriiDir, Greenbelt AIU Center .. 0 •

A total ar ·ab: winnera -lielected: - 8-lZ-EriD ~ and Carol Fox,· a danelnc ...., .... caDell "Sapr A Spiee~ aacl 8eaD ~t. a IIUirilal arts demon­.u.;tioa; - 13-17-Jam Cull7, -~ Spratooly. - :a.daelle c..dett. a liP .,..,., and dallcing gnqp e&lled '"nle Candy Girlew, aad · William!, a lincle _. a-18-ike

&maJJ Eric Smaoll, Mike ODele­- and Sean Oorona, a rook - called "Pzofllew, . ..,.. Sq Nlelra. a llincle """") perfoi!DI-

'""""· Terry WilliS""' was ~ as the winner to _..- the foliDw. iDC -.mq on tbe Baker A BJ'QI Show, GD CJau,y 116 ~o.

"Bt>Lr S...... '1141 -• -...­liD cet • ·variets' ar ·-- and -- ar an -·lx>plther to haft ....... fllD aad to ... __ their talenl,w aaid ~mela Grou-.

- ... ~ ol the -· ..... ~ Coordi-r a't Spriq-hiH LUre'• Follllllaln ~

"lillink mimy people were eur­priaed • ju.t - talented . .and

· profeuional the a e t • w~w G- added. "I expeet to - them back next 7ear, _..., bigger and --D be(Oft.w

Star Sean:b '1141 Is the· oecond eo-W>ity projeet that Spri~~~r­hill Lake Juo. opo11:110red iD the )MOlt ob: JIIODtM. The ~~- ••• the "IL>metown ClrHi Cook-Off" to beaeftt ·the l0<al Cy..Ue Fi­'hroeill 1'\ounda!tion.

This eominc Hay. Springhill Lake will be hosting "Rally ·~ The Count;v". an adalit team road rail,. and treaeure hunt, to help raise fundoo f.,.. the Colll!ty ol Social -


Monday, April1-t a:o0-a:OQpm Tu-y. April15 9:80-11:80 Saturday. April 19 9:30-1%:00 SPRING .

· GHI Ann.,.al Membership Meeting

•wradlnAtJ:da·v.May 14,1986

~- To place a.n item on the agenda by pe'llition

·2. N~ of meeting. agenda. bylaws ameodments. etc., to be mailed to .tt>e '!'embers

3. List ar proapectlve - from N- a ~icma Committee

Midni~t, April "19

Between April 24 and Midnight, May 2

. '110- See-.rY to be puWiely pootod immediately .

4. Biocraplaies of c:allllidata - to -r in N...-aReYiew-eafJiayS .................. 8p.m.-May2

5. To...,.... O!l - olllelel ballot, a:ll nomina­~~on-aJI.writtelleo-'­to-....,., forms - tJe in otbe - of the

~or 6leci.~ .. ~:-~OD .. 5 p.m. - May 7

6. ~--be-·-.., tt>e 8ecre'1:u7 .......... : .... ............... , ......................... Jlidnlaf>t. lfay II .(or·tile- o&e by 1:30 J>411· - Jlay II)

Golden Age Club by Ja- Jamea

You remember you read in this eolumn a couple of week& ago tl>&t the Golden Ace CIDI> waa &'i)ing to .celebrate ita anniver­w.ry at Ml&rtin'3 Croe-.rinda on April 30 at 11:30. You remem­ber alao that yoQ were aaked to wateh bbis eoiUillD for inatne­tions about tranapo:rt.tion. Here it Ia.

If ,.... call po.,;bly do .., CAJI.POOL! Oar bu• ~aspor­tation Ia the GreeDbtlt Connec­tion. wllich - a limited capac-· ity. However, If J'OG - 8al a ride atherWiH, trle GNtiDbelt Connection will piek ap p · 11 o'elodr. aot the baQk 'aad a few minute.·-...- a dNeD Jlldp

Bouse. If J'OIJ have - made your ;,_ervatlon, call A.,.. No­adt a.t 723-6194 or Jlupnt Gra­'bam at 34li-li898 bllfora Aprii 23.

Greenbelt. Soccer b~ Bob11i M.C.rtby

On SoitUMay, A4>ril 5, die G<-eeabelt I Speeer Team oeored ·a 4-2 viatwy over -...nle even

tboualt Gnenbel:t load only 8 pia- OD \he lield cluriDC die entire pme. Dftllliite the odde. the piayem !'Of- to forfeit the pme, and pnc:eedeci to ee~re 8

-- bfore Beltn&lle cot on tile ~ s.-;.1........-­tiollll .., to Gnoce JlamliD, for OCOriDC twv of the -.. .. _.. aod to Ba1m Y- and Mark Huh foor eorillc oDe -. '11le be oilier playen OD 1lle field.

. Plr.ul -- ~opbar Coul­ter. ~ So-. Doo.ld t­and J-ie IL:Oartb7 aJ.o cle­.-.e conpatuliMio• for their

...- te.mrorit ..-- Bellla­ville'a ~and ope­

cia! -nloo ..,.. to tlleUr -.il. Duo J--.

··.Museum Gala

nA Taste of Greenbelt'' .Saturday, April_ 26 . j,

.8P.M.... ..

Greenbriar Terrace Room

A fun-lilled evening featuring food from Greenbelt's

finest restaurants. music, dancing, door prizes. Pro- •

eeeds beneftt the establishment of the Greenbelt

museum by the 50th Anniversary in 1987. Tickets

,r-e limited to the first 100, and Tieketa are ,,15 per

person. Make cheeks payable to the FOGM, P.O.

Box 1025, Greenbelt, Md. 20770.

Join your frleads and nei~hbors _In supp(lrt of the

Greenbelt M-um.

YESi I want to be part of the

GREENBELT MUSEUM MemberShip CategorieS - Please cheek Patron: '51 to '100. Family: f25 . Sponsor: '26 to f50 . .. . . Individual:· '15 .......

Make cheek payable to Friendlll of the Greenbelt Museum Please cheek one: Membership · Gift · Name

Address .

City , ............................. Sta,te . . . ... Zip .

Telephone: Day ................... : .... Evening~ ...... . EnclOsed Ia my contribution of ..................... .

I woUld like to volunteer . .. . . . . ... . ... . . . . . . . ......... .

Special area of lnten!st, if any ..... .

Mail to FRIENDS OF THE GREENBELT MUSEUM P.O •. Box 1025, Greeubelt, MD 207'70



BABYSimNG WORKSHOP Young peosk agee 11 snd 14

an reminded that Greenbelt Bnureh of die Pzince Georges Counot>y Loibnor7 System io ho.v­inc a BabyWt.ting Worloi!t.op ~inc Tue.d&:r nigbt. April 15. from 7:30 to 9 !:.. m. lit continues for !lie next two Tueaday nigbta. The free 'w~ ia CO-t19QD­

ti0Hd ..!Ill 4-H Mid Youth of Prince Geo<a-es Countl'- k wiH

- tile - of c:bild .,..,.., -ety, aad l>elplul hi- for ~- Students are imrited to recitler o'\'er tile phone at 846-1800 or in pet8)ll at the Li11ou7 o.t 11 ~ent Road.


PARENTS Make April 11th and 12th special for you and your chil­dren. Local children will be finger­printed free at Greenway Center as part of KIDS Iden­tification Sign-Up Week. We'll be fingerprint­ing your chil­dren from 2:00-5:00 p.m. on both days. You keep your .child's prints. See you at Greenway Center!

gi8811Waf . C8ldar

Pqe 6

Polift Bleiler --laf-.tN.

lUI-- ..,. tile G....a.elt Pol;..~

About 10:30 p.lll.~ .w..mh 31 a motorist travellinc -southbound on Kenilwort:h Avenoe at G~n­be:t Road ~ hb ear, appar­en:.ly iDte:~tionally. into t'hat o1 a !fl'ltl:S,le motorist. injuring he-r. The ctriver of the atnltiDc vehicle then :r..ripped ott hia elc:chiag and ht.>pn fcmdHn., himael:t alonpide t be roadway. OflleeT 1"1-oy Hardw ing ~ed a W.uhington, DC. man on eharcn of battery, inc!e­eent exposure and malieiOUd de­.Jtrud;io~ CJf property, He wa:: in­carcerated on $1500 bond. The fenrale motori•t was k0$pkalized.

A woman was se"l"e-rely as­sauked by her bu.sba!Jd a.Qout 9 p.m .• M'a.rcil 28 in the sttOO block of Spri,..-h.iJl La...e. m&eer Trc.y H!arding a.rrHte--' the man Jn a cbarce at .... uk. with i:rrte::Jt to maftn. He "'II''U incercerated o:'l $10.000 bond. t.ter in the even­ing Pfc. CraiC' Rieb respoaded to a dbtu!'baDce at the .-me resi­denoee _.. be -..1 doe m­tim •s aon who a.d arriTed i;a an htoxicsted eondtion and wa.:~ thTeatenin~r to aa-Jlt his moth­er. He 'W&l eJaarced with disor­derly intoxieatioa and ixareer­ated on $.1000 boad..

A female ~ wu the victom CIC an ind«ent ex.p.Jsure about 7 :;JO p.m .• llan:h 31 in the 7400 hlock at Morrison Drive. The su.speot •ked for .:lireetion3 :o an addreQ,. then expo&ed him­self. He .-. de.:ribed • wboite. mediwn build. iu his !WW. 5 .. 1'", posaibly •eariac an eM'rinc in his left; ear.

Aboaot 3 Lm., April 2 Ofllcer Maria Artlm.J-, r•poocliDc to a c-ompLaint at a peepinc tom 1n the 8100 b;ock of Spring-hit! Ter­race, arrested ·a male resident of tloe 9000 bloet of Breezewood Terrace.

About 10,30 ~~ Jfardl 21 a patron lilt a l"e'S'ttlurant/bar in Greemn.y Shoppinc Ce..ter !o>Und her pune Dad been stole:t from the bar .Jtool where it bad been hangioc.

A brand new refrigerato:r wa3

stolen on Jfardl Z8 from a town­i-w>uae onder ftllOV'&tion in the 9"l00 blodt of Emnonston Road. This was orw of a nu.mbf'r of re­ce-:"l-~ tbefta of applianc-es from vacaut. units at Spri:npi.ll I..ake

O::t April 1 the Lakeslde :Sort~ Apart.m.enta rentaJ o&e wa-1 bro­ken into by ~bing a window.

An apartnlent in the 100 block of Springhil! Tenoaee was broken i.:Uo on April 2 and property was :Stolen.

A man who is eurrencly ;;erv­'n.g a priJtOn tenn for murder in Arlington Couoty, Virginia has been ide'ltified by ~b..ol& po­ltce invest"iga:tor.l .. the Pf"J"Pe­trator of an armed robbeJ"7 at Weondy-"'3 in Bett ... y Plaza w~.rh took place on Au~t 30 last year.

A wallet oonta~ning .:ash and credi-t C'a.rd& was .COlen March 'Z7 f:rom the purse of a:~ empl.)y­ee at a Beltway Plaza lfa!l busi­nea..J wbi~e she waa work~:1g ~here.

About 6:30 p.m... Mareh 31 Officer Leslie Hodge arre.tted a 27-year-old male resident of the 12 Court of Hillside in tlw Ca~~Jy Cane ~ity area 8lt tlae North .Mu­r:.icipai Parking Lot and ehaTg~ him ~ consumption of alco-­holic beverages o:t public pr.>per­ty. At ··Baddy~ A-Otid< Parlt S,.. J.:1hn L&nn arresud an 18-year-old male :rwsideat ot Ber­wyn Heig'hta &boat 7:15 p.m. tM s&IDI! date on the •me- c-harge. Boeh. men were releaaed pe~t-din.~ trial.

A 1985 Toy<><. Corolla ·SRS. otol...n from the pukiltC' lot at

GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thunday, April 10, 1986

The perb and perih <If eon­clomimam OWDerslaip will be the topic <If a clay-lootr worbbop <If­fend by the Consmner Protec­tibn Di'l'isiora in the ollee of M"U'Iand Attomey GeDera1 Ste­pheft a s.h.. t~w KarylaDd Seere...,. <If State's Olllce. and the Jfaryla1111 Association of Cond0111inium o..ner. I lfACD) _

Tbe workshop, desiped to pro­Yide illfona.tioa on iasuee of concerD to preepec:tive eondomin­ium buyers. a. well as eurrent owners. wiU he he1d em. Saturday. May 3, fl'Om • a.m. to 4 p.m_ at the Shenton Sil,_ Spriac, 8727 Colesville tto.d. in Silver Spring. There is a ftCistration fee. The registntioa deadline is April 24.

Aeeordi!'lr ~ Assistant Attorn­ey een-1 SteYen J _ Cole, drie! of the Cor.su.er Protection -Di­vision. '"You're rea.Uy baying a plaee within a mini-go9ermaent" when :rou lHQ' a eondomiD:ium. lt's importaat for p1'08peetive buyers and eurrent owners to know what .rales are i" operation. what their riclrt an. aad how to w-ork widda tltat •ystem.. •otten. they11 111111 tluit if problems arioe. they ean help themselves better th.an we ian... Cole said:.

Amon.- the aubjeets to be cov­e-red at tile workshop are ques­tions pros..peetiYe bu:J'ers sh:ould ask before lla,Fiq; the role and responsibilities ol a condomini­um's govermc- boranl; and &ow that board ct.als with manage­merat. bu7«S,. prolesaioaal MT"Ri­es. de~ a -cet.-­m- fee ..._ .-hHMea re-­!!'erves aNI dMJs widt taxation and iDSID1Piee. Seminara wi1 also be held oa e.~Un.- rules, enfon­in« ruJes. rDIIIBD.- a meetiuc. and keepintr diopatea out of eourt.

For further infoi"'!IIZtioa OD the worbhop. eall KAOO at CB-1942.

Heart Auoc. Brunch To Be HeW at Hilton

Abe- Poltia. Chairman of the Board of the Capital Centre, will be the H.......,. Chinaan <If a .. Big Baacl C'llampagne Bnm~h to beneftt the Southern Jf&r)'bmd Division of the American Heart Association.

The unique fondraisin.c event wm he lleld GD Sunda7. June 1 at the Greeubel t H;tto,._

Dancing music will be provided b~ the 17-pieee WWDC-AJf Ra­diotFraDkie- Ctmdon Orchestra.

Further information is ...... n. .able from the Heart A.asoeiation ~t (301) 27'7-5J16.

7500 G~ Center Drift on lf.a~h 31 -... rt!COYered the next day by D.C. MetropolieaD Police in northeut 1Vuiaiactoa where they ~ a juvaWe ia -die

velriele. -- "'- lo UU.. tbelt was tiNt reeover,. by Otficer J ..,.es Parker of a 1985 Toy<><. sedan in the )lllarki.nc" lot aL 7500 Greenway C-eater DriYe. Tbi.J ear Dad beeD ftlpOI'ted Rolen iD. llount Raboier. MeL

How to Lose Weight Subfect of Lecture

BehaYior Serriee Con•uJtanta, IDe. of Greenbelt and Bethesda. is spoa.orinc a seria of free DIOJltJlJ7 lectures aDC! diseueeioaa 011 a -.ariety of health iopiea. Tbis JDODth'a top:ie. ..Losing Weicht Perma,..utly," will be pr-ted by Cusandra Daston. .MS. Bea~tb Edueator and sta« member of Beba1'ior Seniee CoD­sultaDta. Ine. Tbia PnJK!'&Dl will be held on Tuesday, Apn1 15. at 7:30 p.m. at BebaTior Seniee Consultauta, Inc. The lecture IIDd di.eu.asion will focus on reaaons wh7 people don't lose weight perm&aently, methods to roatroJ weiPt without deprivinc oneaelf of foods one likes. ways to uae people and situations in one's life to help or.e lose weicbt aDd keep it oft. A numher of teebniqqes for de.aJiua- with hunger. tempta­tioaa. .social eveuta. respondinc to emotiona and reecwerin,g from rela- will be presented. and there will be oppo.-tu:nit7 for questioas and diaeuuions. Ad­Yanee -reaistratioa is required u spKe i• limited. For more infor­mation and to regU;ter, ea.U Be­havior Service Consultant.. lne. at 47~2145.

Beginning balance as of January 1

INCOME: Carnival Booth Deposita Jli8s Greenbelt Pageant Cash Donations Booth Commissions Interest on Savings

Total Income

EXPENSES: Advertlsing Administrative Telephone Police Service Pietures Entertainers Permits Ticket Sellers Equipment Rental Miss Greenbelt Pageant Art Show Appreciation Party Pet Show Openi;,g Ceremonies Special Contests Talent Contest FootRace.. Salute to American Workers Outstand.\.g Citizen Parade .,. Carnival · Bond Dial-A-Ride Pbotpgraphy Show Bieyele Races Special Event/Prcject 1983 Special- Event/Project 1984 Special Event/Project 1985.

Total Expenses

Balance on hand as of December 31

Income Exceeded Expenses



Thuraday, April 10; Frillay, Api'IIU;. IUICI Satanlay. April 12


112 Centenray, GI'Oed>elt, J('D 207'10

(301) 474-5900

Greenbeli Labor Day . Festival Commlttee,·lnc.

FINANCIAL REPORTS December 31, 1984 ancl ~985

$20,980.22 608.00 760.00 806.00

4.920.46 688.77

$ 607.89 214.80 77.87 90.00

179.00 1,638.00

220.00 492.40

1,430.00 827.37 117.86 -0--0-39.00

103.92 26.00

120.00 •13.26 73.60

1,588.29 14.341.23

115.00 390.80

43.87 -0-

114.30 1,300.00




$20,711.77 648.00 600.00 896.00

4.l82.3S 869.48

' 557.42



' 4,588.49

641.01 140.84 180.00 166.80

3.482.75 220.00 575.60

2.130.00 596.78

99.88 -0--0-39.00

104.75 -0-60.00 -0-78.68

1,069.16 14.212.29

115.00 100.00 62.70








Duri:>e the put week thefts f:rom auto. were reported at the follow-iDe loeaCiona' 2 Coart Lall­rel Hill RoM, S300 bloCk of Ivy t.ne. 9100 bloelr. of SpriDghm C<>urt. 9100 blooek af Edmoas""" Road_ 9000 bl .. t of -­Ternoee, 11000 blodt of Breeu­wood Dri-. liiiOO block <If Cloer­

,.,_,.... Lane. ..... <>f -­Plaza Jfall. 7<110 bl«k of G....,_

Approved by Audit Committee April 3, 1986

belt Rod. - 7500 bloelt of ~....._ Ethelyn F.-Bishop, Treasurer


Do Know Us? I.

In preparation for the ftftieth anniv-ry the. N-• ll.eview lfaff ha, been revie)lring the pictutes stored in the ofllce.


The N-• ll.eview would like to hear from any- recogn1z1ng any of these photos who can identify the penon shown ..-the event to which the picture is re­lated.

PI- write to1us at Box 68; Gr-nbelt, MD, 20770, or use the drop box in the Co-op Supet'market.

Page 7 -~~\""'-..,... ...



CITY NOTES The general erew poaroed the

found-a.t:ion for the l..ibtle ~ building additioD -.t MeDonald

F!el<L They _, -- with t~ pa >'in1r of Ridce 11-.d be­tween Soat.bwoay and W Elll!ltw.y and i n-6&id the een:ta' line tape on Ridge Road ~ Soodrway and w-..,..

Th"l' ....ned 011 JIIUeellaneoua !!ltree-t .....,.;r. ~ potboi<OI and other -..,liP pro~ and --wllllttile--

n.. part<& ..-ew pllauted oprlnc !lowea and 1l>e <ill- -.. -one day. "ftte 1-.f ~ ia ex­~ IIObebaek iD- aooa. Two~ tnuh ......U were o~ac clue "" tt.e -v:r de­mand. Aa. 11>e ~ time -­ci-a ..- colled:ione are ranninc one week b!Bind.

n.. erew aloo aaillted both recal:ar aDd opecial -.h ereww reeeatl:T doe to me at:.enee of -....-. . .--.

Two new foar wf\eel drive piek up& were deli've'red and witl be in Ber"V'ice !lhordy.

A •udJ" was mede tbis week oo the t::Nftic control and park~ ing regule.Aono at Ivy Lone.

tJ1111 ?tet,IIM4

Does ..,yoae - of a Gm bome lllld J10rd -;. ~ Iy .ctr.c£ive! I• ...-e a bOate in tbe ne~ J1M0G111e have al"W&~ ..-ured! Pellla..- .,..._ one hu _.,t • """ ef· - a.! en«Q -ti1]1U>c tho '- and yaM. Now io the a- to -*• ----..----- 1De. Fortbe~--lllte

)(ember - c-Ay -tiona c-iU.ee _, GBI -

.-rded - ., ----tiontoGID __ _

a ... ~ .... _.,oklly -tive ncl ~- 'l1oe Commi- - ito <ledlioB n -0- oflllte unit. ita - t;o GBl ~tioruo. the ..MltioD "' lllte ,.n1 and • ' t IIIII _,. ..._

other - - •nPI- to the .,.....11 a-- ftiol _.

cram - ..-.- .., -­ni ... -~-­been _.,_T - in ereU-iltg .. ~loek~Dc ...... - to

~-~­beautify-·-The ·- - eoau-mt,. ReWi.,. c.-fttMla- aeek-

ing JIOIIIIi..U.. :trGIIl 1he eom­murrity. To~ a wait to be

..-idered for a -- of _..,;.tion, pie.- eon- Com­,_ Clair -,. Deitcll at 47-4-

3152 or !-., a - wit'lt lllte 11-r Servlees eoo..tlnat« -D o.ilonw. 'J1or ~ wiW ~ nery ~ re­eei"''"ed. Sele«Do._ will be made &omthoae ___ l>)'

1fle _...,~ty ...t - ideati­fied bF the Co.....!ttee. A-m.

... -~- sprinc. s~and. ..._

GID will 'Dold a membemhip i:otlormation ~DC on tlbe pro­~ tJo uae a GHI 1.mit 1lor a DJO.

- n-.. Apil 10 at 8 p.m. in tile eitT .....,.;1 -..,-. GID

- .... in'rited to --. n...-.,..wOI!be-..on tile eity'a pollllie - ..W. damML -.Del A-10.

n... ·- - Depart­- will laoid a -.-.... Oil Tunday. AioftJ 15 ..t 1 p.a. iD tbe Gm-..- n...--,

wOI ...... - eliaible -<JtGm_.-,. __ _

- tor .... 3 peJHa -.pie -Uat&"""l-wlll be....-. -- .... ~ mc..umc- Gm- .... ----·-­w--...., . ...,.u 1a "' 1:10 -. ----lloJ.oea-- tho - of M111ac a ..... • il-eL

n.e ........ aacl c-;&y ........... o....illtee 111111 llol.tl • reeepti011 tor-- members oa Ji'ftclay enable. April 18. At the :roeeeptioD. &D - will be­

.,;_..to .. -­ofll>eyeu, Co-­lllould }a-ft received an btTilta-Uoa.

Woman's Oub Tbe ........... IIIO!Iiii>!T-DC

ol d>e w-·· Club of -­belt woill be held OD )(..-y. April 14 ..t 11:30 o'<loek a.m. iu tbe Univ-, Sq...e -licm P>ar<:r -. w.-,..

:It will be • .._. meetkoor; a1>d _... pot l.d: )a--­

c..- - w- for ... ,. ~ODS On. tbe food. 'J'hi. ia - meeliag for an ""-' ... porta 110 be -- 110 tbe preoident ...t the dolo.



IBTSV1Ll.E. MD. 937-1707 (KD. RT. 212 BETWEEN 1-95 ART. 1)


Tues. - 'l"'lann- 6:15 - 7:15 p.m. ; 7:30 - 8 :30 p.m. 16 SESSIONS- $30

Oil Saturday 9 !00 - 10:00 a.m.

8 SE8810NS - $16

since 1975

Our certd1ed nurse-midwtves would \ikt:> to .:,nnounce thE:' openmg of d P~nlCt:' George's Coun!)' offiCe. Tht< MdtE:"m1ty Center ts. the only hct:>nsed b1rth center m tht:>

Wdst1tnglon Melropolitan cUed. We hdve t.>njoyed em excellent reputdtKm for offering safe. fdmily-oriented _ b1nhmg diterrwtzves <~Swell d..'> fdm•ly p!.mn~ng dnd GVN Cdrt:'.

Our proles.s.IOndl stdff works. 1n close consult at~ Wllh obsletncldns and ped.atncldns. MidwifeTY seTVKes are cover'=Kl by most hedlth !ns.urance compames.

For d free orK!ntation & tour cdll

1301) 530 3300

6128 Landov..-­Chev..-ly.MD

6506 Bells Mill Rood Bethesda, MD

980S l.aulaom-Scvem . Rd.

SEJ\BROOIC. MD 577-5223 -....

Mercedrs. Audi. Honda

.... ,....., .. ....,...,.; ........................ ., ... ,.tm..-oi.l =tt-,.._....,.._a... .. ,.._ . ,_. ...... .....-..c.-T.-y.,F....,

.,._ ......_" 177-SUJ. Y ....... I/IJ..,_ditll · · - -----------~-~--~-~ c Q M p u T E R I COMPVTI-:K FKONl" 1 MaJOr ~ .,..,_

BALANCE I "~~~ENT . ttJnl1-$109.95 .. ROTATE. 4 I \!..i~ Tllc 'kod ~--"'I==-==·.:.::::

!J$R2EOS 00 • .....,..... ,....... I==--""":::=-:.: <>o\'1··· • $19.95 _;..,-·--=

W"A'J'IIDCo.poa W'".-n.c-p... -•-::..:...--- .

'l'bll!'llday, AprD 10, 1986

Library Friends Seek Volunteer Helpers

PrieDda of floe GN.ubelt -Li­brarT an paring uP :t!or tbe bi&' book . a... bMed iP>ocia "!"le on ~- Aloril 27. On Wed­.. .......,, April 16. tile F- wiB

hold a abort -· u 7:30 p.m. ill the I.illraq, At lid& brief

· meetinc, -aJOTO~ '-­maUy • -.. ol - Frieado

. ...... 0~ _II!Ot-ean "accc>pt." ...

boUI' dariDc ~ -- to -&lid - 'oat -lao or to take mo_,. ...t &live elaioce will b8 in...._.,.e to tile ale'• ~.

1be Fdeucla need a f- · volom­t._ w11o . ..., eome oa Friday. Apft! 28, to help ....,- Mob

an,tlme Mtweea -· ..... li p.m. »-U..· of -...: ......... .

----- taps - all !dada of baked ....... - be ~ to the~( ........ f-) -:rtt-- Qaeoothno. abea& baked iP>ocia .... be .._... I>)' .... ...

Like a goodDt:igbb«; State Farm is there. See me frir ~ home, life and health insurance.

Don w. Taulelle, du 8961-- Rd.. Greenbelt, MeL 207'10


•••• . INSUaANC\

·'s.-_.,.........._~ --=----

GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page 9 At Greenbelt Pcirk

Satllnla7, Allril U llprboc W'IIBow ..

,1om 1'lllumea- ,leaa Iloilo- for ·a one boar. 2 mite hiloe in .-...h ol OIPrinc wildftowet• in Green­belt ParlE, )(- at 10 a.m. at tbe a.- St..tiClll.

8aJiday, APril 11 Greeallelt Pulo Bike

JoJn • pari< vd.-r for a DOD-ilnterpreti- biJoe tim>uch the pam m. _...., of -.ttinc wile! llowere. lleet aot 10 a.m. ..t tbe Ranger llbMioa.

Fer into~on on pl"'gNNm8 eaJI iU4-3lN4. All programs eaa­eelled ill tile e?Mit of raia. Twigg to Run For Det-.mt To Maryland Ho-

Mib 'l'win of SeaiJooook an­aouneed bUo eandidaey for the M.arytaDd H01111e of Deleptee t<>­day, At>rfl 10 Oil: 4 l'.m. at the Greenbelt Hmon.

Twig, 33, hr a lifetime resi­d- of _ PriDee Georgoeo County baviag .allteoded the eounty pub­lie oehoo>bo aacl g'nodliatlng 'lrith a s..helor. of ArQ degree' in biatoo7 '-·tile 'Gnivenoity of llantal>cL ,._, long IL<II:ive in cc:CWaamity and uaiverait)r afraiD, Ia ~ the preald- of the Pri11ee Gae>l'lla· Younc Republl­.,....-~ofthe ~ ... ~n 'of Young ~----

'Die · pub~~,· lot w•oaie to at­tend. For 1-.r Info-ion. - Baird 1ln>olrhart At. 827. 5754 (day) or 346-8629 (eve­noingB),


'11>e u- &Dd Fanlllin Boo. .. ,.,It ~- Clab wll1 meet a 8 p.m. on Friday. April 18. in the Gftenbrior SoeUol ce..ter. s.-r LeO Green and De!Ocatea Jerry Devfin, J....,_ Pitldu. and Claaries. ~~~uu" R.yau will be )>l'MeDt to -... leaiolative ....Uriliea of tile ~Dtloy eom­pleted oeooion of the ~Dd Geuenl Aoeembly. They will re­spond to a oeriea ·of prepared queeltions •• we1l u to queetiontl f:rom the audience .

Tbe __. wUI he preeeded by a abort. bwsineee meeting. '11le publie is cordially iavited. For more-· illforuMion. eaU Pree.ident Bob ZIJII'b:r at 341>-2085. Scholarship Applications Ready for ERHS Students

Aft>ii<WAona for PTSA -r­.wp,. ...., a~ now In the Ele&IJOI" Rooeevelt Hlp Sd>ool Guidanee Otllee. Deadlioe for aub­ml•ion of the eomopleted fol'DIII Is Fridlt.y, A1Jril 18. Winnera of.

...... el&bt $250 -- will he an-need at the anru.l A'!"l"h Nigbt on May 14. G..katlng aenioN who Pan to continue tbelr .-;.,n ...., eUclble to atJiPbo. Criteria for aelection in· eluile not only aeademie aebieve­ment but activitiea, aeniee · aDd ueed. The PTSA &bolanohip Oot!Jmi.ttee a..'Bo will ael- the winner of a $1.000 sebolarahip for a -eDt who will be at­tending Prince Georges Commun. ity Oollege next ;vear.


FOR GHI MEMBERS Al8 a aerriee to members, GHI otren a Rehab Loan Deferral

Program (RLDP). U>1der this program, eligibl., memben ean

defer as much as $70 of Jtheir rehab pay:ment each morrt:h. nu ..

these memberB have extra money ·availai:Ke each D'lODtb for other

__ ..._ Mla")' Gm m..,.;,... may be ellclble to p.tieipat.e In

tbia PI'OIITUD· To lind oot more - the ~ and how to

apply, GHI will hold a ..,.,.1a1 worlaohop.


TU~AY, AP .. L 15 AT 1 P.M.






SundBy, May 18, 1986


Departs from Greenbelt Municipal Swim­ming Pool at 12 noon. Arrive b~ in Gteen-

,belt approximately 10 p.m. 'L DETAILS: Includes a four hour-beginners raft triPi th

lunch on the She~h River. All-yOiijean­eat Crab Feast and. tranaportation tot IUld from Harpers Ferry. • All equipment U.jsup.. plied. Please bring a change of clothes and


shoes.. ·-'·

$60 includes transpOrtation, rafts, guides, lunch and Crab Feast.

DEADLINE $25 deJ)98it due by April 16. 1986. Total PaY· ·ment it!' due two weeks prior to the trf1i .

' For ~ditional information, contact Anne Herlnk, 11'- F, 9.- &. •. 474-6878.

CARES Offers GED, Classes, JobBank,Tutoringfor Youths

by Andrea Edie

Greenbelt CARES resumes its educational and voca­tional services this month after hiring Bill Daniels to over­see the GED preparation cla.sses, the tutoring service •.md the job bank. ·

"The proeram hae been oa hold for ae'Y'HIIl months."' Daniel• uid. "<:omm.JDilty intereat baa been- high iD the paet, ao we ex­pect that it will continue."

tbe oppol'ltunity to work for their high echool diplom&," Daniela aaid.

D&lliela, wtlo baa a Maater'a Degree in EnctDb l~re Uld teachea EntrH-b eompodtiou part­time at Morqomery Collece. will instruct the GElD class on Tuea­d:ay Uld Tlumoday momin&B from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. beJrianinc oh April 29; Tile elau ru,. for 10 weeka and luelude& regietration information for tile GED teat.

The second program Daniels i& working on is the tutorial ser­Wee. "The tutoria' program 111oualii' aupplements th~ echool year eurricu1wn." Daniels said. "This summer we want to start r 9Ummer prognun," that wilJ oonceptr&'te on developing the basic skills o1 reading. W'rit.ing and arithmetic .

Anyone over 16 yean of age who, .. mte.-ed in preparing for the high ...,ool equivaleney ·- ... oul.tl ean Doniela at 345-6660 and·~ op an interview. D;u.rinc the interview. Daniela Eaid applieants will blke a short tMt to determine. their !lltrengths and w""""- anc! ~en be ..,.,eduled for the d...._ which ie f-ree.

•-we have plenty of voluhbeere during the scllool year," he sa.id, ~Ot we need stud~ta a.nd tutors for the eommer."

DanielB is also or~ranizing a job bank .for peop1e under 15 yea~ of age. "The ~ bank offers kids a chance to make a

_ little extra CAsh fOl' the SQ.mmer.'' he oaid.

To a void competit-ion with the county's evening GE!l programs, CARES hu l!lehedn:t>d the classes during ·tbe day. "'l'tu.•rt> are a lot of uneno.pko,-ed peop!o and youtho ·from Juvenile Services wtto need

People who need a job do,.., such as lawn mowin,::-:, gardening or babysH1ting, sbuuld corrtact Daniels. He wi.U tllen ~tch o~~.n interested youth with the pro_ spE"<"tive empl'oyer.

For more information or to volunteer cail Bitt Daniels at 345-6660.

PROCLAMATION WHEREAS. During the monllh of April, the Green­

belt Voltmteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad Inc will oace again be eaiHng on the citizens of Gree~Jt ~ seek the auppcnt of the ro-mmunity in its annual elfort to ~aise funds for its ouhtanding services; and

WHEREAS, These funds ar2 needed to maintain the equtpment and facil!tiee of -the Fire Depa-rtment and .R.eeeae Squad. .JO t21at bbe department can continue the high level at aerricea it has co:JSiStell'tly provided in tt.e 1*4; and

WHERIEAAJ, Y•r after year, day in and day out, the volunteent af Ute Greenbelt Volunteer Fire Department and Reaeue Squad ftave provided to the citizens at Green. belt rel~le lire protedJon, JN!"'ODD)t reaporMe to rescue and ambu.J:aac:e eaJia, and have conducted educational and tralrdn!r _....,. in fire aafety and prevention, tint aid ami life •viae taehnlquea. and have supported such pro­er-a &a bloed mobile and hnlth terti..-; and

W'R·EREAS. The citizetw ot. the oonwnunit.y have ben­eft"ted from -these servke. and program.s and have ex­preud tbeil' eadaf-=ti011 with tbe Greerftllt Vol1M'lteer Fire ~nt and Rexae Sq,;o,d not only in out8tand­ing ratinp of am. department In ttoe eity'l! eledion quea­tionnairea but aleo i-n ceneroue eontributiona to the an­nual fund drive; and

·WHEREAS, The annual fund drive js the most vis1-

ible and poaitln manner in wldteb we. t.he citizens oil Greenlbel't, can espreM Our gratitude and a.ppreC'iation to the men a.:wl women who seltlea.ly give of themselves tbrougboot the year;

NOW, THEREFORE, J, Gil Weidenfeld Mayor of the City of Greenbe~t. Maryland, by authority vested in me by the CounCil and the citizens of Greenbelt, hereby issue thill Proclamation de!licnatlt~g tile month of April aa GENERAL FUND DRIVE MONTH IN GREENBELT

and ~ all efti&eaa of G~lt to once acai-n show llaeir appreolation and cene.-fty to ttoe Greenbelt Vol­- VU. ~ent and ReKue Sqood by donating to the General Fund Drift. be it in _.. or by retomiuc tlte contribution envelopes. the vohmteen may leave at our homea, and by esteDCilng a wann. personal 16Thank You" whenever we meet oDe of oar volunteers.

IN 'Wn'N'ESS WHEREOF. 1 have hereunto •et my hand' and caa.Hd d>e Seal of the City of Gc-eenbelt. Mlarylaad, to be alllxed this 'l'tb clay ol Apdl. 111118.

Gil Weldenfeld, Moyo. ~ 'l'TilST: Gnd.,.n H. lfil~ OIIC

CltT Qerk '· '



7 4-004 Sale Prices Effective April 14-25, 1986

$10.00 off Regular Price

Exhaust System Repairs

With Cciupon

$5.00 off Regular Price

Any Stocked Dunlop Tire

With Coupon

$10.00 off Regular Price

Engine Tune Up With Coupon

$5.00 oft Regular Price

Any Stocked

Sewing Machi.. Servica ..:::P . ..:age=-=1..:.0 ______ li:::'R==EENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, April 10, 1~

CALDWELL'S APPLIANCE SERVICE - All makes repaired Cail after 5 p.m. 5113-9SZ3.

in :roar home. Will eJ.D. oil and adjust TODSiODll for oDI~ $15.00.

39 yean experieDee Certified lluter MeeilaDiL

c..n GeorpRoue 9ll7-ll466

U no answer, eall again after I p.m.



If you are looking for some- I thing unique, we offer- wt.t. we believe ia th~ finest part- ' time opportunity in America today. We provide your trajn.... iD« aDd a potentially ua.H.it­ed ._rtunity for crow'tJI il>­to a fu11-t1.e po:lition. To request. a personal irrterriew. <all today (1-4 pm)

$2.00 minimum for ten words. ,lOe eaeh additional word. No ~harce for listing items that are fowad.. Submit ad with payment to the Sew• Rrriew oftiee between .8 and 10 p .... of the Tuesda~ preeeding publ.ieation. or to the Newa Re--­•i.w drop box in the Greenbelt Coop groeery store before 7 p.m.

: Tuesday, or mail to P.O. Bo:.: 68, Greenbelt~ Maryland 20i70. BOXED: $4.30/eolumn iDda. -­imlDII 1.._ incbeo !M.43).


·-"- Remodeli"!! Your Home: Improvement


277-3919 •Kitchens ~undec:lr:s •roofintr •doon • additions *closets

'Iboroa~h. A Etftcient

1/ttmtl Atu~f·~

tJ~ctntZtint 345-7273




SPECIAL $5.00 off on an

TV & Ster­Repair Won ....... This Ad

CAU 441-9116

PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR E:xpert and Reliable Plano Ser-­vu~~e to Greenbelt. Benjamin Ber­kofsky. 41-

XEROX COPIES 8e eaeh for 8'>!. s: 11. t";reenbelt Graphic3.~ Mary­land Trade Center, Room 1 70. lion - Fri. 9-4:30. 474·2850.

GEORGE CA~:TWELL. Realtor Asaociate, Nymaa Realty-Serv­in&' your Real Eatate needs. Ca1J 47U700 or 441-241%-

FaU '86 Registration Mishkan Tarah Nurury

is - undet way Oar 4 yr. old elau i• full

but we h.a•e aorne ~ 1eQ. in our 3 yr. old dau- For in­formation call 474--4224 or -

Quality Care Services

SPECIAL - $10 otf ~oar first bouseeleaning wiU. this ad. (2 hr. minimum). Profesaioaal

'home cleaninc weekly, lri­f-eeldy or one time. We also offer earpe-t deaning. window washing. heavy-duty cleaniq. and a Ia wh care service. L'icenaed and iasured; many Greenbelt referen,ea. 261-()08()~

twgeweod TV AAadio

Dependable Guaranteed Service

- EDUEWOOD RD. UOI.LJ!lGI!: PAll&, MD. 00'7M

We_..- ATAJU ~-,.

u......ed "' Bonded



SUMMER HELP: (May-Sept.); to work with City park

and street crews. Salary $4.00/hr. min. Must be 16

yean of ace. Apply City Offices, 25 Crescent Road,

474-8062. EOE..

IDR.CI'S I•PBIEIIEITS ... flAil ••EZ- Painting, Papering & Tile

Call us for AllY-"-lmp..--nt Needs

Slaalf Gild Lmve • I I 'hJ ... C.......a.J ---.... Q..lity w- o.Jy r--­-...-.-

Lie. llo.J.Z84Z 441-8699'

ELLERS. TYPEWRITER RE-· PAIR- Eleetrico,- and portable • ..:an 474-0594.

FOR SALE: Miami Beadt eon­domilrium, in e:z.:eJ.Jent location~ low price. Call 441-4761 even­inr,s. a:f.ter 6 p.m.

TYPING SERVICE: Specializing ill quality and accuracy. Will .Wt. Ratea reaaonable. 44-1-2744.

TOUSIGNANT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - aecouuting, taxes, word p:roeeuing. Home 1 omce.


TRANSFER FILII!, Slide& Pho­to., to VBS/BETA. Free Title, F~ Music. Video tape ~ events. HLII Prodactions. Inc. 301-47..n48.

TV'S AND VCR'S WANTED -Uaed or broken. Cub paid- Will piek up. 220-0638.

BICYCLE REPAIR 1 USED BIKES: Sannes, bouse ealla_­Eves./weeltends. 474-666!6.

BURGER KING - GJ:eeDbelt is iookinc for weB-mannered. eJeMi, hard-.....ndnc people of· all -to be!p U3 deliYer lint d:ua f­to our eustomen in a cheerful enviro.....-t. AJl cla;rs. All houn. lqquire a Burcer Xing - Cipriano Sq~ No previous e:z:perie:nee required.

CUSTODIAL PEBSONNEL Mon.--Fri.. 6 p.m.-9 p.m., .tart $4.10/hr. Beltntlle area, -ly CalvertOD Sbopping Center. Pow­der Kill Rd., Belbville, JI.D. Call 731-739Ci,for clataila.

OUTST A.ND1NG retiUIDes. 171 's. cover Jet:ters. Woric:ahops. Ql.JlEEN ASSOCIATES. 79o6-9458 eveniJIC"'.

,IN GRATiTUDE .to St. .Jude for <prayers answered.

INCOME TAX PREPARATION -·Reasonable rates. Call James Carttwell, CPA. 577-0726.

GREENBELT WINDOW COM­PANY. Rep._.,ment Windows. Stonn Windows and Door3 474- , 9434.

CUSTOM CATERING - Gour­met food for all oceasions. Let us plan, prepare and serve your next party. 798-0665 or 577-9540, evenings. MAINTENANCE WORK: Ex­perit>nced eleetrical. heat.· plumb­ing, etc. · Rick after 5 p.m. 937-3737. CARPOOL OPENING to NSA/' .FANX. Call Sam 441-8614. TAX PREPARATION - Reaaon­able rates. Peggy Dutton~ 345-


OFJI'IGE SPACE AVAILABLE: Largoe. pleaeaat. all'J" - fOJr relit in Roooevelt Mall, ~ Center. Convenient to Beltway, Parlnvay and NASA. Free pal'!o­ing. Available Ka~ 1. Call 47"-

. 2146 ~y t!>rooch Saturday. -TELEPHONE EXTENSIONS and hook-ups. ,...,nable, ill!med­iate Benice, 474-1011-MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS

Weddi..,., dlmees, parties. Geot,re Simona 345-81128. OWN YOUR OWN Jeau-Sporta­wear, hodie.s _...,1, olrildrens, large size. petite. combination &to~ maternit.J'. d&DeeWe:R, ae­eeaaories. Jordooebe, ClUe, Lee, ~. Isod. Gitano, T~, Cal­vin Klein, SerPo Valente, EYan · Picone. Lis Claibome, Mem­bers Ool~. Guoline, · Healtbtex. over 1000 othen. $18,300 to $24,. 9(lO inftlltol'J", training, ~

. ~nd o~ ete. C... opea ii claya. Mr. Loughlin (612) 888-65fili.

C<mputer Kim FJ-~ Dlab. 5'4 illdlwflls- rinp, ........... tared. Elep4lapt. SS;SD, $20; Veri>a'tlm n.t. Life SS,DD. $211; DS-DD $29. .Piutie Box $3. 10-di., lliptop boz, $16. 441-. F'OR SALE BY OWNER - Im­"maeu!Me 1 bedroom Condo in Gree>Jbriar, $511,500 - Call to """· 441-847:1. Em.plonneot opportunities - Clec­oll'atinc eomu11ant. Eam up to PO hr. will train. 301-261-e3.25. 19'18 ca-. Beriin--V-&. 1L ·enen. hieh IIIIi!-. drivea peat, &'GOO eondltion. Will sell $2,000 or best offer. Call 474-M68 or leaye metaage. E~rieDeed. ~ated m~ balby sit ac ber Glen Ora home. Call 47~. Housekeeper available- Mo11-Fri. Oan Karen after 5, 937-3737. PT-work from home. MLMers tiria is the one. No limit if am­bitious. )(ary-3-tD-5140. Dental .A.sist.ant I Part-time.

"Family prac:tee in Gree>Jbe!t. Will · train the right pe""9n. 474-4144.

Legal Se.:retary. Will train. Seat. pel"3onabley good typing akills. · Apply by Jet>ter oniy -to: Mr. Bornhorta. ."1526 Green"MM.y Center Dr., Suite 312. . Greenbelt. Md. 20'770. Rent Beltomlle condo. 3 BR. 2 BA, w/w, d/.,., hie ya>d, pool, $699 ineludiog utilitiH .offer op­tion to' bu~ (-) 9%. 552 '2903.

Laliii!!~ Call261-5398 I' A MEMO TO MY CUSToMERs -

Prom Mr . .Johnson. the repair ~hnieiao to call in this neigh­borhood when your VCR or TV or HiFi :U: sick.. I do over 90% of my VCR &: TV repairwork in your home on one visit. VCR repairs eeperia.Uy should he done in yOur home. beca~ so many VCR faults are minor .. AND/OR Rp..ATED to TOIII' TV ami antenna. I repai!-_ aU brands, and vi.Jit tbs Deicfabor­hood 3 days each week as wel1 as some eftninp and weekencb.

_,;4-J"-., J 4= Jow~ ... PL:EASE SAVE llY AD. a --SAVE YOUR BATHTUB

Thursday, April10, 1986 _:..~==:;::;::;;;;::;;:;;-;,;;;::===G~'R!!E~E~N~B:E;,L~T~N~E;W.;,S~R;;;E;VI!..!.!E=-.W!!...... ________________ -::-_...::P..:a:!:ge:::.....::ll For Bale: Jadiee Selnrinn bike 10 yARD SALES PLEASE PATRONIZE ~477. ~- . FutoD-<ioable-$60. Ko':':ng - m..,.t sell: liO goa~, aq- OUR ADVERnSERS

uanum a:-td aeeessoriea; maple PIT help ~-NASA area. eh- of dnawers and minor; Expa;.enee needed in Deli and wheel chsir; green velvet dla!r; ~ -paratlon. Also need t,.., er.~ bblea and matchlnc llilll> od>ool at:udenot for after- ro.!Ota.il table, twin mattress, boz noons. CsD. 562-4600. epring 8.1tld ftrame; large brown M'ovioc Sale - livi111r room turni- ~nger jar lamp; porch awing and ture. table&. ·~ampa. Dia'bt atanda. frBID'le; h'and truck; sewing rna­stereo, dlaiDc :reom table, books. chine table; 6 foot xmas tree; mis:. UI.A. Jl.id8w JilL 47"-9322. ~ ·usorted ndch and ends. 345-2833. 1.&'1'1 l'lollllac C.tall-. ~ run. Yard Sale. Wirr.lsor Green Com­nine -~ :l.U.,OOO miles. munty Center at Greenbelt a:td $100 or - .,.-_., ·~. . Frankfort -- Btllby furni­Sale- BKX Lc>tuoo Cobra bike. ture. kiltehen items. refrig. 1975 Blaelt, Ute"""' wli1 .- $175. Buic:k and 111Ueh, mueb more. 441-"153. Saturday. Ap1il 12. 9 a.m. until Child .,.... Meded. Beginning 4 PAD­August. Infant (7:30 Lm. _ 5:30 :Yarcl.3ale - S•ltul'day A9rll 12. ·p.m.) ami/or before/after ...,boo! Wooden hi~rhcl>ailr, emdle. Bo•-

for St. BUirb._ ftn:t-grader. 345- !:le h:,.v:v C'ha"":"'..:.":'te:!'~lo':::. 6498-eveninp.. Ra ~Je mod>er - one full: 20 Court Hillside. 47"-57'/'9. in time apeninc for a-~ or 4 year date SuRday:· old dnhl. Old Greenbelt. Cal! Yard Sale. sa. a. 1!4clge. 10 a.m.

· -.o1m. Girls clothes 6 and up and mise. Crlll and ma- Loolu new. items. Half rtore priee. 782-7581!. Moving Sole: sofa, •ewing rna­F-or sa'le: ivory, ln•lated drape• ehi:le, ruga. drapes. -lamps, table to fit . U"Di'(. Sq~ b&leoiQ"• $50. and chairs and more on Sst. 12. or beat offer .. Call 474-8957. 10..:1 and SIJD. 10-1 at 8003 Lake­For Sale. Tliumpb TR7, 1976, ere«t .Dr. # 101. body .,..,.,Uent eon~ition. engine Yard Sale: 16A Laurel Hill Road. needs work. 88.000 miles. Bes"; Saturdsy April 12 10 a.m. - 1 offer. OaD Gio 301-9'72-6146. p~m. Antique dalted. quilt. puzzles. Soinething new. Meter box ad- fabrics, linen&t clothing, tires, ditlon QlOdel alt 16z_1 ~ Road. ~rlau shelvea, aU at vecy rea•un-Call Rand~ 4?.c-l'l'l7 ......,.;np. able prices.

For Sale-: by o"'lll"iier. attractive o::te bedroom apartment. first floor end . unit. . f- JV<I, ....,.

·modeled "k::itchen./ba'th. air condi­tioner, ~r. dryer, convenient Joeation. CaD 345-7467 alter 6 p.m.

W'arebou-el. opportunity in Cheved~. · Nsti-wide eo.,. com­plelte beDeftts plua Profit obarin&'' Call Keith NoehHn 386-2000 E-O.E. .

;Found: a ehild~a wacon· "Llttle ·tikea'" -..rox. 3 feet long, ]>la:rground at 2 ()t. Laurel Hill-345-1736. "JJbar* you Sacred u-~ St. Jude, for prayer~ .....,.ered. M.S.C.

Ifalf priee. FMobinc &lTOW signa $299 •. Ligbteti, · .110n,-row· $279. Nonlighted $229. Free letters.

. qnll' ~- left. See loe&ll7- ( 800) 423-0lt8 anytime,·

Oiildaon' a-uable: Monclay­Fridal'- ·I~ ·ad older ehild­

. ren. Oall' ~7U7711 l>efoJ:e 7 p.m.


Pieasant atmollpbere. Greenbelt wea. 20 bro. per ......

Flezlble da7 hns-$4-50 to $11.60 hr. 'to -..t

Call Karen Pavlik National Auoe. of

M.amdactureN .S46-0584

Beltway AppUanee &rvtee


•Washers •Dryera •Ranau


•Refrigeraton •Freezen •Dishwashers

Diaeo•ata to Seal...- Cltizeu



Bill & i.lz Barber Realtor-Aaodate fot.j

ERA Nyman Realty tYou have a friend in the


441-9288 or 474-5700

OPEN HOUSEr SAT.-SUN. 1-4 PM £M Research Road

A't-tf1.1'=otive IBR 1st ftr. end u-nit. Lovely wooded setting, fenced yard. new shed on con­crete stab. Bedroom set, table &: 4 ehaiftl, Sofa ~Weeper, re~ clinbg and wing chain, plua ~- furntture aleo for sale. ('N ct ir.cl.. in sale price).

J- Pagana 345-2151 KASH REALTOR

lf Yoar Pet Ia Not -.ilac ToY-. You Pet S-Id Be

Cominlf To Ual


GROOME:RS toU•tW•a.&..-... IW.

i Lualaaa

731-4Mo :"Piclt Up A Dollft,7 of


--- .. ---------· ; -c-.-\......1 i 1 FREE REA DIP or 1 1 MEDICATED ~TH 1 I . C$6.00 ~lae) I I not ..Jid wHio -· obr I I -.en> I· ·-----------·-


Learn the "J:..ook" fOaacl in ~· and moclel hom•.

Pailltlug - laterior A: . Blderlor • Paperinc, Plaster & Drywall Repair

KON~ APRIL " 7 p.a.

G"r-wt LIIH-an Reiervationa Required


Stem's SHOE REPAIR ·Beltway ,._..


sa.- ·ea.,. PrOducts


Por QaaHty A Pr1ee Cheek WH1o





Llan Belles Ta See

Slides af China Tour 1be Greenbe)l; Lion Belles will

hold & pot· 111ek dinner on Tues­de.y. April 15 at 6:30 p.m. They will meet at die home of Louise Moore. 9 K JUdge Road. Slidea of her recent trip to ChOna will be shown by member Haniet Ying.

· Volunteers Needed The Guidance Oftke career

center 1s aeekinc .-rent volun .. rteen to help orgaaize materiaLs .atld ectivities. Wodt includes collating and organizing infor. mation on alXIIIDer jobs and edu­calt.ional oppod;unities. "'Yolun­teeno ""'ould co-ot Patrick Mur­phy of Guidanee a.t 345· 7500.

·OPEN HOUSE Gr-nbriar · Sat. A Sun 1.-4

7704 Hanover Parkway A4Jt. T-3

1 BR Te.....,., Condo .-e.soo



All t.ft1Dds A Style~~ at REA­SONABLE Prices. Call far

I Appointment Anytime. · U ao answer. pleaae eaU back.. l"m out oellina' to ~our _ • ..,_.

R•ldentlal tr OHice Housekeeping


·With the

'Fedtfier ])usJ:ers

Women's Softball League

To Play at Roosevelt A Women's Ma.s.ters Slow Pi-tch

So:fitball League for women ages 30 and older will begin May 19, Gamea wilil be ple.yed on Monday evenings at Roosevelt H i g h Sohool. The team regi&tra-tion fee for resident teams includes ten pme schedules, softballs. score­hooks, ruAe books. umpire-s. bases and a.wan:la.

Intereslted individuals should call Jo Ann Rowe at 699~2422.

Tbi.s program is sponsored by tile Maryfand-National Capital Perk &nd Plarnning' CommiS>sion. Department of Parlts and Recre­M:ion, Prince Georges County. Sports Otllee.

Neumaier Wedding Photography e Custom lOxiO Art Lea-

U.er albulru!. • 5x5 preview albums • Oonswner·lndustrial Vide<J

e Reasonable prices



Earl H. Ken 345.2220



BABYSIT in my home Mon«bly thru

Friday. FuU or part time.


J. Denson Pbotograpble~~


- PORTRAri'S -




. .,.,_ ·--a-· ........ ·•l'lllnlnlc-A_,

Llcensed-Bonded-Jnsured M.H.I.C. •13~41

Otfer~ires •Aprill6, 1986 FREE ESTIMIATES

I Pqe12

Gill BOARD IEEl1NG (C.._,... __ )

a m.ale emp)o.yw as paternity w-ve. The ~r was tater re­formu- · b:r Direct« Todd Amani b:r I~ Je.... for !~male ADd IMle -~ to L2 weelaa JD&terllit7/~ lea-n~ A.m.li ADd c...tweli both ...... DC­

Iy ·~ tile pooilion that ma~ and f<male .....,to:r-obould be u-.ted the - OoDt.. ... n -ae the po<at - to ,..nt mo.:re leaw to a fe.ale employee bs ~,. bec&UR it implies thM. 'the u.M ~ is IDOI'e "Yal­~able tu the eorpontioa t"-n the female -""'-·

Amant•a motion was paseed. 7-1 ...nt1> Hullehins ~ SM Mid U.C •hi'le she boped GHI ,..., a e~n:~onate employer, she felt d>at - boanl needed to mal<e polidee wt.ioil IUe for tbe good of the earponotion.

Obher perwoanel policy adioM taken b:r the-.! i~~eh>ded' pro­viMuo for ....... ..- to be anc-­ed to tai:e time Mid • haif eom­pe~ in lieu al. pMd oveor­time at the e~'a optjon;

malri~~~~r n- """'"""""" eligible for health J:JIIIIQl'llllee ~ after" they - eo-lootA>d 30 deye MDPio:vment; tUrn inc down a p,.._l to em the da:r -r Tllanllqtrifta' H a holido.7; re­dadnlf...--tl>e-fllf !if., i- paW - b:r 11M

---.-.... the ....... J>lc>Tee ,., ~ -1 tenD inola- - tile CT'IMIP .aU.

'l1le -.! did not tab -em on the en0re -'»ce flll polic:r .-._. Saeh ooetion ,...,. -. ferred UDIIl tile - ~r boanl .-inc on April 17.

Docton' tto.pital Forms

Volunteer D•F hl .. nt AJO ~· ~ .,._

noaneec ~ Jlo,~ of a Vol­unteer ~ Depui=cett The - _ .. iaitial - will be -me ..,.._ ADd their ~bo-elileirllimeot

the boopital aa ~ ae -­eible. V'o- - be iD-...1,... in tub .....me- -­inc.bo~--"""­!D~ pr<>jod.o, 1D ..aaiiob~~~r tile -in.._.elf_tu~

the - qulit:r ..... Anyone-indonatinc.

their u.. ... ~ - ...... to the - V-r DepeTtment sboold coo.- h:r Woolwine, ... i5/l..-o.

=•· i "" ___ J

~ Of


Tlooo.-:r April IT. 1-l:tl-.


I. ~ oL Acenda 2. ~ al Kiuutes 3 .• ._ a.GDC~ b.~GIInce­c.~llopnt

GHJ liiBI':l'ING !. A.ppro-rai al AceDda 2. AJ>I>"''ftt al JfeD>en!Dp

Applialtio• 3. V..tton and Jll-. 4. eo-!l.'tees

5.11-.. <W:bolk: ~of

-~ b. T>eel'o1le]r

·-~----.... 8.~


Toaat•.....SCiub .or.e ~ T.-. teQ

Cklb -~ita-.&.­.,;,._ .., w-..;r, lla:r %1 aot a ....,.._ at ... Klricllta al Co- Ball. 1100 --­-- ia Colloip -. -ainnmc II& 7:38 -. ~ inc in the eoieiaatioa will be G.-..belteno-~,Jim

aa-ts. - ~. T- -La..,. Ncoel aDd Slinoe ~ ..bo are~.- Tom Noel is tt.e ~

WbeD tile Gree..- T---....Cial> __ _

ye ___ flllito-

at - ... -- .,.;-tti tile Columbian Cl1lh. .._ al -­_,. bo.-n ~- .-k­ing. --.me. tohbolri~ - -­...... ip skillls-... the­of-elubo.A....,._leome ia ....,;tine~ ...tto- lib to witneae a ~ meetinc aad ... lam ,_., -- tt.e ""-Ate the:r .,.., ..... J.,. Jooloncing to a T-a.&

For _,.., illrf.......Uon. pleaae eaU Ste••e on 4T~ .......

PalnMilze Our Advertisers


.......... s.--.,....... On Gau ulional ..._

A di.Jocae between ,_ and old will - Jlioce -7· Ap­.-.1 19 II& 1 :38 p.m. at 1M Gnen-- Lib_,.. This - be.. tween PWol a-.~ -nefor Ge..- Equi­ty and lrriDc BJokia. Nau-1 Fi.W ---ti- of the GftL:r l'Ml-- be .....,.,.,... J.,.­- Goa:r -... llndera­..... 11 be Aile Bloom. -riee ~ of tile ~Gila)' ... ..-... N._...,-..-....,ln­

.,._....,. claiminc - Seeial Seearit)' .... other - are ~the -r-61loenridl

Volunteers Needed PriDCe Georges Coont:r Hotline

and tile Sllieiole ~n Cen­ter lo I~ for pe.- inter-

- in - .. If tekop!i6we crisis ·- ~Je wbo are _,_ me. ao•jadcale-1. ba?e a f.,. 11oun to ~ eaelt week aDd woold lille a olanee le belp oth­ers. No. esperienee ~­T>aiBin• ;. -- :r-. T-. waion. ; Pi llliiB llhlllenta and aD _ ....... -- S!Ufts

- - ~ tile da)'time,

............ - --- Call for a111 ~~pplica&iroll t.rcJda7 577. nco. T.amiac be!Pas April 29.

the old - .... the -! People an Ia- tu eome aacl deelde for - Then will be plent.:r of - for ...-..-1 y---and-fllf

dllforiba poilllllo al ..... - ...... ~ ....... _.....,. Pne ...... ..._ wOI be, JllllWI­ed. Por iatol: a atl• c.ll 474--- .

----- --- C1IP AND .SAVE---:-----



For more information, dial 474-41878. K-F,-9-5-

'lbis program is d~ for ~~ and ele­mentary achool age ChildreJL Dimey elaaaiea and many other fint-rate movie productions, 84'PJ'Opriate fw ehild­ren. will be available for your viewing pleaaure ·at the Greenbelt Youth Center and Springhill Lake Recreation

Center- ' ,-

Sunday, April 20 YC- 2 p.m-lacredibla Jo.ru,-.

Saturday, April 26 SHLRC - 2 p.m. T--J~ Sunday, Kay 4 YC - 2 P.DL BlaJi_

----- ---aJPANDSAVE-~-------

~b . Greenbelt Players in Miss Greenbelt

·s- scholarship Pageant

Preliminary to Miss America

Sun., April20, 7:30 p;m •.

Greenbelt Players ·in

HARVEY Fridays &. Saturdays at 8.00

May 16, 17,23,24,30,31 Sundcry ~May lllh at UJO p.m.


'nd<~ a..nawe by ..0 order, at tile Ut .... Bos Ollce. or at all 'l'ldretna oatlata. G""it, stadellt _. ...a..: dtiza .......... _....._ Bos ..... .._,._ 5 ~- te 7 .......... ,. tllnaP Priday,

GNup W.. • Tld.t h,_ __ call: 441-177o

T....._Charge_Cust•••n call: 1-8Q0.233-4050 u...- n...tn • Rna1nlt Caler • P.O. Box Z93, Gl:111l.11&, Jill. 2877G

Propo800.:~ew Lqke- Asset Or an Attractive Nuisance?

by Ueta,- Likowald The Greenbrook !Otoimwater retention facility, which

will serve as a lake suitable for recreational uses, was a topic of d&eaaion.both at the regular city council meeting on Kondar., April 'I and at· an earlier council work session on Tue.iay, April 1.

AN INDIPENDeN1 Vario• ._u of llbe pia ...

Volume 49, Number 22 P-0. Box 68,'Greeabelt, land 26'110 Th: 17, 1986 !:r a~i.t,t'~ W:,: !=· =: _Coauil ~Discusses _Election _.· ·_. ··;1 ges E:?~L~:""rrE=E

· · ,~ _ ~ -~J. ~ plan - ._ J.,. eoiiDCiL Maj-or And --ReviSed Council Pr~~es :::..ww.:-:~~ ;:~a~: · · ' ·•- · · ···· ·"<· ' witboat Input frvm eltl..,ns and

. ..,. ... .... ..... .. ~·;;.-;,.llioriitfme Gil J.i.:· ..la.~}.-·-~te: Plate,.. the eltr ~Ja:rda. . ; At . ita · Allril ·7 i'eJrUiar - !~owner. the c6er- eill- oaicl tW .;;....., 1M perecn.tl:r ~- the "-'-'It •t -.rloo _ ... ·on this '- "--' _... 4lle W...... term, be The Idea of an Island in the ..._.,.., · un:>!'U"" C1 y tile .,_.. te-- s.-1 of dteioe fel& -It~· . · ...... of eoimell to Jake was -jeet to ..- dlscue.. -~took the ·ftDal step In ._ur.; · oald tile - ,.e.r - pt tbe fi«· -rt It In slon at d>e -rlt -ion and of re~- ita meetiDa' proced- 1<ept I!CNJ!ell more ._-., liD a a4 · ......... oaJ'ina he IIO!De eitizen reaetlon at 4tle regu-urea and took the ftret fomi- t&e palolle. lad too 1fll!ie ~ tu be lar eouncil -eting. al atep _m ~the city's w__. Ne~ ~ . ..,me ;... · "fall7 811Jlllli&dft . of the longer '11le iaiand would be in tbe eleetloi1 ~ CoDDeil sues ....,. o...,. to be .--olved - at.o ,.....,..... a ref-ndum. ea&em end ., the lake. U would

aft'eet the liability of the city. City Attorney Robert Manzi an­swered that Maryland does not have an attractive nuisance doc­trine. so that the city would only be cuilty of dais if it was a case of groes negligence. Manzi noted that the Jaoke itself would be a problem even without the island.

'Don Reider. of the Hunting Ridge Aeeociation, said he be­lieved an island would be a lia­bility Elind would probably end op u "an eyNOre and e. garbage dump."

Bob Zugby. chair of the Green­beH. East Advisory Committee. stated that some east Greenb4"lt. en were for and some against the i-sland . aleo_ baallll ~-for u a .-It.,. eleello-. Couaell OU.....---- .__ sit about four. f- ailove the

• a~~BUa~· bada'et review. '. memloer Antoinette ............. Ill"~ llevezal flll tW leltloene P""'ent water level and would be 120 Proolamationa . -.. -nted gnec1. ~eYer, 411ft el~ ob.lecUII t.e the .;Bmited acope of f- 1.,. 60 feet.--.bout 1/6 of an Of the O<>uneil members only ~ .. ,..... GU ·Weldenfeld to h should- be deehW a.,o.i_.oi~ ,Weldel1feld'e ~ to change aere In size. 'l1le island wonld be Bram &tated a definite opinion G--lt V~ Jlin Doilut- -.. aDd "'-* ~ -~-"-~- covered ww. vegetation now on this i"'ue. she was against

ment ad :a.- aq-d. Ia ....- · ......w.t reoul. t :llroom .. -~-=··. ejee :=_ '<-=~ In favor exlotiDir In .that area -.ltb per- having an island. port of d>eir Geural Pqnd Dri'Oe, to.ilhree and a half f!"t- , ;!;; _ 1!Div-.l · 011. wflne.. ba~ the acldition of plants lov- Landacape l'laM and to the .._lid>ionl In the election----~:;: '".:;\. ' ·.u..,-_. .. log lblta <WOII!d ing a wet environment. '11..-o landscs.ping plans were COIDDIG:nieKio:. o&e of dae po- Steve ~ ~...ioDei .. ~ - --• ...... for eltJ: ~~~. She CouJJei.l memben Antoinette reYiewed at .tile work session, llee ~in ....,...itlon of releva....,-of WeWenfeld~--- .·· ·ill tile ad""" a<Wioory eom- Br.m. JoMpll Iaeaes, Edward one deei(rned ~ land..,ape ..,hi-National Tel~UD~tora' of eouocil tez.-~-~ ~.:}...... .... . ~· whieh in Platens. and IIAJ'OI' Pro Tem teet .Joanne Volk. the other b7 Week; · . galnent . -that .• _. ....... &I'll .lt'll i untvenal reg- 1.'boma White eJ[fJfteeed eon- Green horne and O'Mara and paid

, Bleotlea ~-· ele<lted oto ~--- 11M :*-- .,. li>at if cema at the --ion t.bat Cor by Michael T. Roo•. develop-Weideafe&d · · ____. ee..ng. lenpll of the .taos eoaJd be ex- ~ .. ion ·had been the •taDCI would be an attractive er of DRe se-gment of the Green-

Inc tile eit:r .......... date from tended -"'- llawed locle. ae.. ~ '* ootudy of the nulaanoe. Weldenfeld said Qtat brook subdivision. The plans are the tJiiN -~ Ia Septomober cooniiBII: to. 'CIId;IL ·n could be .....,._ fill tenl!o .. ~ would tbe ..bole lab eould be ae.,n u slmll&r in l>hn both call for a to the ,.._., ........ llnot ~Jo jao;llf)- elcbt or six- ,..-:::: ,'~· Sn--1 tn . ..-tiYe- nulanee and tbat cleared. gr"""y area around the JloDCky . iii· ~ a.S ex... teen J'eu" t:alma. ~ to • odMW ·~ lil. favor of a ~tGSitive point of the •i11land. W lake, but dift'er on the types of teadlac: ~ term~Jmm two .._.~ for lite" ..... tioll. Cur- ~ ~tion.. thM it eould eerve as a sort of individual trees and shrubs to

·to tour,_ ·,· , tio. oeicl no~:,,........,.. N~-~ why eam- wlldllle ......._ be plank<! within tba.t g.-as>y

·:-~..:..~_.!'"~ .• ~ !.!!;_·=~·~·~~~-~ ~..-- :.:.•_-:P'InW_~~-...:..\!·~~ a-. ~- w•.....-- - ~- ...._....... lq~ - ..-- - ~ VOlk'a plans alsoo call lor leav-c:andicllates adeQaat;t time to cam- ven1enee... had been· .......,rted ._, eitizens ne.t :In peaee Cit:F Kanaaer ing the eou-theast cuhter of the

-:·,.... iD ·a =· ~ Be ~d Ne~ BlereU.. Date. at the lla~ S heariac. ·Konrad James Gieee. taler noted daring Lake ebore aa a peniN~ula to give De IDolpir · . "'."ttlcil!. :would .'nle """""n to daance U.e elee- BerliJtlf ..W ..., .. ten opendinc replar ooounell m-inlt .ltlat an a moro natural appearance and a....Wtl!e·~- -~-..,_ tloa elate pueed 4-0. MaJOr pro limite are needed to :-we•- U.land would ·g;ve the lake a to r.Uin oome existin1< trees. At

:dowa .,_., '111M1o ,-.a·. for elec- tem Thoma..,, X.. ... White W'U out eampaicns from beeomrftC 80 more natural appearanre 110 that the council meeting Giest? re­- aacl"""""""'·at.o ..,. -ne:r of town on- City Clerll: eoatlF that -le eoald not ,... it doee not look like the exca- ported that it wo..Jd cost $!H.-for tile ... _ Gucmm JfiJJ. ftOted !Dat there 0.. • -liOn from Piltens. -s-~ ~- · ·- ~-"l"t:r •t • 000 "f tb w-~·-- , .. LUrbB · We~ ~.-.. ·_. the et-· woolol be..,.. dillleukies in 1987 <JOUI!ell ......,imoual)' appooved v- _,_,_ •-•• 1 IS. 1 • =••,.,..on '~ n feet of a louaer-;;;-t; eoDDd.l'• with a -November electiori be- ehan«inc oae· of dae eampaign . nte ~~ of the f•land ~· S..nitary Commi"ion (WSSC) eompoaitioD.. He a.t.f .tlat 09ft · ea1ae ot dws Attieda annive'l'8ai"J' cliaeloaure ·deadline. froan one 111&' • liabJhty arose ~pin ~ng =~ ~~ !:::~~"t f:r ~~~i~!~~~ the 1.- · twenty ,. .. ,.., fifteen aetivitles and die- lllarylaad )(u- ·wee~~: bellore the eleelion liD two the .-ecular eounetl meebnJ<. people,._ eledad to doe eoun- nlelpal· t..gue confennee. In weeka befOft in 'order ·to allow Wayne Gordon of Windsor Green dl. Of these •. Rhea Cohen - IIAiditicin. the otaJr Ito aeeklng adequate time for eitlsen and uked whether th" island· •ould

.! DOt t;o nan for -l'e-eleetion aad lepl ,a4vie~ H- tO whetiaer the pre• review of the statement.. Old z ·1 P'-...tti -t eoiailell ~ Joeepll <?hanp ean 1-14' take .ef!- in Giese and tbe ett:r stair .,.;-n Oft 118 WTII OftS r..- 1a IIi_ his. ~mot term. Of u.., ·1987 or .,.,._ __. pn.,.. to verif:r tbet die ehan~te u aceep- For Parcels 1 and 2 ~-llllr· a.itteeD. all we r_e 1989. table under state Ia-. · A Wlthd eleded to &t ·- ,_ ttftDa, The --. .. to lenJIII;hen tt.e The p..,_ed .eloaaae of elee- re rawn and the avei-age ndl1lllliR of tenru~ ""anell'• term died. •-· In tlon elate wtU - lie daflted •• The 0111ee of the Prinee aer.rec1 is foar. · · a 2-2 tie. Bram ancl -Weidenfeld a charter amendmeat raolution GeorRes County Zonina Rearing

P,-les. ~ .tbe ____ wflile Pa- requiring tn . ....&111110 before Examiner on ~il 9 ...,.anted the

l!!;!!!._...!!~.....!~~~~L.!!:!~~_:te=:""::....!and:::::....:I-==s_...ated:.==...!•::o::.·_·_~; llnal .,...ce. After IIDal -nee requeet of Charlea Bresler and ,. -there ill · a fot&r da7 -itllllr Theodore Lerner tu withdraw









perind ~Dir wtoldt eltbeaa can tbeir lon•--ndln« applleatione petition for a ..,........., on the for resonln« of Pw.""'la 1 and 2. reela&loa. l'etNoM· · eooot&lainc Withdrawal of a resonlng ap­lite llgnatara of~ pereellt' plication Pre'renta the -lieants of the- nci-....cl with tl.e fro• rellltnc 0.. -~--· prop­

·'dt:r W01Jid loe- ,,..u...~ .tO Ioree ert:r for two :yean-See BLBCTIONB ...... a. eol1.. 1 The ..._..._ a~ona for

eo-ction ::::1·~ ~~..::::;.=..:~ Tb8 Greenbelt Clt:r Coaneil Paz1lwa:r and Gnallelt Homes.

beld a work seuion on April Jne. propert:r. Aloout lOll aeres 7 deallnc witt. 1:he dewlop- (P&~ 1) are !-ted not4tl of ment of Pareel 16. No public North-:r eztended and 10 ._ bearilllr - - :oeheduled. (Pareel I!) ..., between Ham!iton Tbe N..,. Reflew ..,._ the P!aee &nd Gerden-y. The land error. Is pnaentiJ' mned rural reoi­

dentlal and · tile -lleanta ......., WHAT GOB ON reqaestlnc tewnf1oase 11011lng.

• TIM elt:r and the . Pri""" Georpo lhL, April :U, I - Clt:r I ;;._;;unty PlaQillna' -..t reeom..

Coaioell lf..ei ... Clt:r c:a.n..~ v-;;ended clenlal of the appllea-ell - ~Bide tloaa. .

T•::;,l.,.a~ T:a ~~o::1, , In the ..,.ntl- ne..,tlatloaa G.....e.t Lib~ Coftter- are eonllimoln• llet-11 tha eitJ' - .__ ' and tile pro,.n,. o-n deaHn• 1 -' 11- c--It-, ,. citr ....wthm _of aD or c-..,. Coomd1 a.-. Mu:>lel- - of the 1lJ aena •n Paree1a pal Jhdlllnc ·1 aacl It aa wall a 'the adjaeent

'll4ere ....,.~us odlool site.

'liKellane<ous ItemK . 'rht>re was some concern about

1Jie lack of .parking facilities at the proposed lake. Bram ex. pressed eoMern that parking for ose of the park might interfere with parking in nearby residen­tial neighborhoods.

Putens ex.pressed interest.· in a water fountain. Giese ~id thig would be a problem since there is no water main in the vicinity t.hat would be sutftcient tor thUI ......

At the regular coun<."il meeting Giese reported the results of a meeting with WSSC off\cials whie'h. answered some points at an earlier di.scuuion on the plans for the .lake and park Be said WSSC would not object to a bridge being built to the i'aland. Also· discuued was the possibility of a foot bridge or low culvert& across the stream that would feed into the eastern end of the lake. •

LAKEWOOD MEETING SET The lAkewood Civic AHocia­

tion wiU meet Tuesday. April 22. (Note ~at the meeting is on Tuesday, not Mof!d.ay as report­ed in last week's Newa Review.) 'nle meeting will be held at the Greenbelt Library. lower leveL eonference room, at 7:30 p.m.

· IIDipOrtant Lakewood issues will be diseuued and voted on. Lakewood resident.s are reqhested to be there!

top related