いつもと違うスペイン: the spain you don’t know about

Post on 24-May-2015






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Presentación de Javier López Giménez sobre los estereotipos acerca de España y los españoles.Universidad de Hokkaido 2014.


いつもと違うスペインThe Spain you don’t know aboutLOPEZ GIMENEZ, Javier ( ロペス・ヒメネス・ハビエール )


目次  Index

1. 自己紹介 Self-Introduction

2. ステレオタイプの向こうに

Beyond the stereotypes

3. 知らないスペイン What you might not know about Spain


自己紹介  Self- introduction

氏名  Name : LOPEZ GIMENEZ, Javier

年齢  Age :30歳

専門  Major :土木。修士課程2年生Civil engineer (Master Student)

出身 Hometown : バレンシア (スペイン)Valencia (Spain)




闘牛場  Bullring

Bullfighting What is bullfighting?  How and where does it take place?

Bullfighting What is bullfighting?  How and where does it take place?

1.牛入場  Bull entrance

2 .ピカドール入場  Picador

The bull enters the bullring and the assistants of the bullfighter use the pink cape to check the condition of the bull.

One of the assistants of the bullfighter riding a horse, uses a lance to hurt the bull.

演技のステップ Performance

Bullfighting What is bullfighting?  How and where does it take place?

3 .バンデリーリョ入場 BanderilleroAnother member of the bullfighter team nails 6

“banderillas” at the back of the bull.

4 .マタドール入場  MatadorUsing the red cape, the bullfighter provokes and dodges the bull. Finally, he kills the bull using a sword.

演技のステップ  Performance

Bullfighting What is bullfighting?  How and where does it take place?

5 .喝采  Ovation

After killing the bull, and depending on the quality of the performance the bullfighter can receive the ears and tail of the bull as a trophy, and leave the bullring through the biggest door.

演技のステップ  Performance

Other events involving bulls

San Fermin (Pamplona)Bull trimmers

Bulls in the sea (Denia)

Does everyone like bullfighting?

• 35% of the Spaniards show no interest in bullfighting• 66% want bullfighting to be forbidden. 9% are not

sure.• Bullfighting is forbidden in Canary Islands and


19th century 2012


The image of Paella

Strange Paella s

Tapas A wide variety of appetizers, or snacks, in Spanish cuisine. It can be cold or hot.

The word “tapas” is derived from the Spanish verb tapar, “to cover”.

the original tapas were the slices of bread or meat which sherry drinkers in Andalusian taverns used to cover their glasses to prevent fruit flies from hovering over the sweet sherry.

How to eat• Standing; freely moving • Having selected tapas on your table

It is for FREE in Madrid!


Festivals Festivals take place in almost all the towns and villages throughout Spain.

• Festivals take place throughout the whole year.• Some of the festivals in Spain have deep religious and historical

meaning to the locals while others are simply meant for partying and having fun.

Feria de Abril, Sevilla

Las Fallas, ValenciaThe fallas during the festival

The fallas at the end of the festival

Tomatina (Bunyol)

• World’s biggest food fight

• Thousands of people gather in the streets of a small town to throw tomatoes to each other.


Spain National Team

Spain National Team

しらないことThings you might not know

• The national anthem has no lyrics.

Anthem La  La  La

• Dubbed movies and change of titles and characters’ names


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