Post on 07-Aug-2018






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8/20/2019 0001051724

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SAP Note 

Header Data


Benefit data export requires ability to provide legal data for Provider processing. PLEASE NOTE,this is no longer supported.

Other Terms 

Outsourcing, MD Export, Benefit Export, HROT

Reason and Prerequisites 

The current benefit export idoc transfer does not provide the ability to export data specific forglobal countries.


In order to supply Benefit Providers with data specific to various country requirements. There is abenefit export (RPCOTBN0) which allows for the ability to provide this data through a customizationsegment. This segment (originally utilized for payroll outsourcing) allows for up to 950 bytes ofdata to be exported to the provider per employee. This data can house the specific legal datarequired for Provider processing in the various countries and/or other data required for the variousProviders who process benefits.

The Basic Type provided with the necessary CS segment along with the Benefit idoc transfer data isHROT_BEN. The ALE required setups will be defined here. The code can be obtained through SNOTE. Ifthere are any problems with applying this SNOTE, please contact us through OSS under component PY-XX-IE

The following represents the ALE setup required.

1) Through transaction WE82 and search for Message Type BENREP. Select BENREP/BENEFIT3 combination and copy this. Change the Basic type to HROT_BEN. 

2) Setup your Port as desired through WE21. 3) Setup your Partner through WE20. 

Partner type = Benefits Provider Select the Benefits Provider for your company (should have been 

setup in Benefit configuration). 

On Outbound Parameters choose one that says BENREP as message type and press details. Ifnothing is there, simply depress Insert.For Message Type, enter the Port you created in step #2 in Receiver Port, then enter a Basic

Type of HROT_BEN.

***********************************************************************The customization segmentuses the User Exit Enhancement Project POUT0001. In this project there are two User Exits. One isfor payroll exporting and is called EXIT_SAPLPOUT_001. The second is the benefit export and it iscalled EXIT_SAPLPOUT_002.The function that calls the enhancement for benefits (Exit_Saplpout_002) isHR_OUT_BEN_EXIT. Nothing requires changing in any of these functions. The end result is that theyprocess the code in Customer report ZXPOTU02. This report is where your code resides to populatedata to segment E1HR_CS in Basic Type HROT_BEN.

Please remember to not only activate this report, but also to activate the User Exit EnhancementPOUT0001 through transaction SMOD (create and activate).



1051724 - OT: Benefit Export including Customization segment 

Version  3 Validity: 06.04.2011 - active Language  English (Master)

Released On  09.06.2011 13:39:10

Release Status Released for Customer

Component  PY-XX-IE Interface to External Payroll Systems

Priority  Correction with low priorityCategory  FAQ

Software Component From Rel. To Rel. And Subsequent

SAP_HR  46C  46C  

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Correction Instructions

Support Packages & Patches

470  470  

500  500  

600  600  

Correction Instructions

Software Component Valid from Valid to Number

SAP_HR  46C  46C  972674

 SAP_HR  470  470  972675

 SAP_HR  500  500  972676

 SAP_HR  600  600  972677

Support Packages

Software Component Release Support Package


 470  SAPKE47070

 500  SAPKE50036

 600  SAPKE60019

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