0006 anz brochure v13 lores

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  • 7/28/2019 0006 ANZ Brochure v13 LoRes


    Collaborate. Innovate. Create.


    New Zealand

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    From our oces in more than 140countries, we work together to shareand source insights and experience todeliver or our clients wherever they

    are in the world.

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    Collaborate. Innovate. Create.

    AECOM is a leading provider o advanced design,engineering, environmental, management, planning andadvisory services in Australia, New Zealand and aroundthe world.

    Our approach is simple and eective. We collaborate withour clients to understand how our teams can innovate andcreate solutions that bring their projects to lie. In turn, we

    collaborate with our local and global teams to share andsource experience that helps us innovate and create betterproject outcomes.

    Working together, we provide a unique blend o localknowledge, innovation and technical excellence combinedwith a personal commitment to meeting our clients specicneeds wherever they are in the world.

    For us, this includes saety and sustainability, which areintrinsic to our team culture and everything we do in ourprojects and business operations.

    In Australia and New Zealand, we are approximately 5,000proessionals working in over 25 oces delivering theollowing services:

    - Architecture- Building Engineering- Design + Planning- Economics- Energy

    - Environment- Government- Inrastructure Services- Mining

    - Oil + Gas- Program and Project Management- Program, Cost, Consultancy- Transportation- Water

    AECOM is a strong network o approximately 45,000proessionals in more than 140 countries. This networkmobilises worldwide resources and experience to bring

    together the right teams to deliver challenging andinfuential projects.

    In everything we do, we make it our business to make adierence. We pride ourselves on leaving behind lastinglegacies in the communities where we work.

    Its all part o AECOMs united purpose o creating,enhancing and sustaining the worlds built, natural andsocial environments to make the world a better place inwhich to work and live.

    Let: Inner Northern Busway AllianceQueensland, AustraliaPhoto: Christopher Frederick Jones

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    4 Australia New Zealand


    Balancing orm with unction

    At AECOM, we believe our surroundings infuence thequality o our lives where we work, live and the cities andcommunities in which we interact.

    This strong belie drives our architects and interior designproessionals as they partner with clients to create originaldesigns that integrate social, technological, aesthetic,economic and environmental values.

    By thinking dierently and through collaborative and openrelationships, we work with clients to realise their visionand strive to exceed the needs o users and inhabitants.

    Building Engineering

    Building better business outcomes

    Our team has built a proven track record in delivering majorprojects across the health care, deence, commercial,tourism, cultural, education and laboratory sectors.

    We have a design-led culture where creativity is supportedby leading technical, research and development experience.Through our applied research division, we stay at theoreront o new and emerging technologies to ensure whatwe do meets the communitys and our clients sustainabilityand innovative design needs. Niche specialist areasinclude acoustics, re engineering, specialist lighting,security, vertical transportation, communications, aadeengineering and district energy systems.

    Together with our AECOM colleagues globally, we sharelocal and global perspectives to ensure our work drivescontinued client success both during and ater the projectscompletion. We aspire to be recognised by our clients as themost technically advanced and creative buildings-designrm in the world.

    Projects include New Zealands Tane WhakapiripiriMaori Mental Health Clinic, Australias only Synchrotronresearch acility in Victoria, and Bond Universitys MirvacSchool o Sustainable Development Australias rst6-Star Green Star educational building.

    Top: 6-Star Green Star 2 Vict oria AvenueWestern Australia, Australia

    Middle: University o Waikato Academy oPerorming ArtsHamilton, New ZealandBottom: Bond University Mirvac School oSustainable DevelopmentQueensland, Australia

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    Top: Blue Water LagoonQueensland, AustraliaPhoto: Christopher Frederick Jones

    Bottom: Goro Nickel MineNew Caledonia

    Above: Wallarah Coastal CommunityNew South Wales, Australia

    Design + Planning

    Creating meaningul places

    We are landscape architects, architects, urban designersand planners, ecologists and environmental specialistswho collaborate and partner with our clients to createspaces deeply grounded in cultural, ecological, social andeconomic realities.

    Working together, we approach each project rom a holisticperspective. We share our collective knowledge to testconcepts and develop best outcomes, and assembleworld-class teams regardless o geographic boundaries.We connect with our peers in Australia, New Zealand and

    around the world to ensure the work we do creates leading-edge solutions or our clients and partners.


    Adding to the top line

    We are the theory behind the practice. Our nancialanalysts and economic advisors work to understand therisks and explore the opportunities to help dene a wayorward or our clients. Working with AECOM engineers,planners and project managers, we prepare businessstrategies, modelling, planning and policy advice togovernment agencies, educational institutions, non-protorganisations and private entities.

    Whatever the scope, objective or location, our team worksto address client challenges through innovative and creative

    thinking supported by structured analysis. Together, wehave made important contributions to some o the worldsmost successul development projects, visitor attractions,urban plans and economic policy evaluations.

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    6 Australia New Zealand


    Contributing to a low carbon uture

    Our team designs solutions that refect the worldwidedemand or a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Wecontribute to a low-carbon uture by delivering integratedsolutions that cover energy planning, economics, energyeciency, carbon management, hydropower and dams,

    thermal and geothermal power generation, transmissionand distribution, and wind power generation.

    By adopting renewable and clean energy technologies, wehelp communities reduce energy consumption, improveenergy eciency, develop renewable sources, improve gridreliability and cut carbon emissions.

    Our work takes us around the world, including AustraliasMortlake Power Station in Victoria, New Zealands Te RereHau Wind Farm in Palmerston North, Indonesias WayangWindu II Geothermal Power Plant in West Java, and LaoPDRs hydropower plant in Khammouane Province.


    Solutions or the uture

    Our team o planners, scientists, engineers andsustainability and climate change specialists work withclients to create strategic responses or the uture.

    Working together to balance environmental outcomes with

    economic, social and engineering needs, we innovate bychallenging conventional thinking, using smart technologiesand delivering solutions across every project phase. Backedby the global AECOM network, we share and source localteams with the right skills and technical resources to workacross the ull spectrum o building and urban design,energy, manuacturing, mining, oil and gas, transportationand water projects or public and private sector clients.

    Our work includes some o the regions most importantand complex projects Australias Olympic Dam MineExpansion in South Australia, Lawrence Hargrave Drive inNew South Wales, Port o Melbourne Channel Deepening

    in Victoria and Aucklands Carbon Futures Project inNew Zealand.

    Above Let: Otahuhu Combined Cycle Gas

    Turbine Power StationAuckland, New Zealand

    Above Right: Lake PuketeriniHuntly, New Zealand

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    Top: Garnaut Climate Change ReviewAustralia

    Bottom: Rosedale WastewaterTreatment Plant OutallAuckland, New Zealand


    Infuencing change

    We work with every level o government on panels, projectsand advisory committees to provide technical insights thatinorm decision making and dene responses or the uture.Our leading work in climate change risk assessmentsprovided advice and coaching to government agencies,while our work in the deence sector brought a range odesign eciencies to major barracks and bases.

    At AECOM, we recognise that our work puts us in a uniqueposition to make a dierence. Working together andpartnering with governments around the world, we exploreopportunities to help advance our industry and nd betterapproaches to benet cities and communities.

    Inrastructure Services

    Working across the project lie cycle

    We are planners, materials scientists, engineers,

    engagement consultants, asset managers and geotechnicalspecialists. From stakeholder and community issues and allassociated civil inrastructure through to asset and projectmanagement, our team helps shape and infuence some oour worlds most complex and challenging projects.

    Our team works on major mining, transportation,manuacturing, industrial and water inrastructure projectsacross municipal and urban environments. Together withthe expertise o AECOM teams across Australia,New Zealand and around the world, we provide servicesacross any stage o delivery to progress projects reliablyand eciently or our public and private sector clients.

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    8 Australia New Zealand


    Covering the mine lie cycle

    We deliver mines, mineral processing plants and associatedinrastructure across some o the worlds richest resourceregions.

    Our inrastructure experience or underground mines andsurace minerals projects includes ports, heavy rail, haulroads, airelds, camp acilities, buildings, power and watersupply services.

    Our technical knowledge and experience are supported bythe ongoing development o our program management andsystems expertise, which incorporate sustainability andsaety principles to meet client and community needs.

    Above: Olympic Dam Mine ExpansionSouth Australia, Australia

    Right: Woodside LNG Jetty ExpansionWestern Australia, Australia

    Far Right: Toomelah-Boggabilla AboriginalCommunity Housing DevelopmentNew South Wales, Australia

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    Oil + Gas

    Our extensive engineering and management capabilitiesenable us to deliver every stage o oil and gas projects.

    From concept to design, rom execution to ongoingmonitoring, and rom sustaining capital to site closure andrestoration, our team is experienced in developing and

    adopting innovative and responsible approaches.

    Our integrated services support oil and gas program andproject needs in aviation, buildings, civil inrastructure,cultural heritage, Indigenous aairs, communityengagement, environmental and planning studies,geotechnical services, logistics and planning, maritimeand ports, power and services, project and constructionmanagement, risk management, and water and wastewater.

    Program and Project Management

    We understand every program and project is dierent

    This understanding combined with our strong track recordin meeting and oten exceeding client expectations hasearned AECOM a reputation or project managementexcellence in Australia, New Zealand and around the world.

    From concept through operations, our integrated teampartners with public and private sector clients to deliversuccessul programs and projects across an extensiverange o industries, all project phases and project types.

    Our wide range o services includes risk management,health and saety management, estimating, scheduling,planning, and AECOMs comprehensive project managementprocesses and system (ProPM).

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    10 Australia New Zealand

    Program, Cost, Consultancy

    Leaders in property and construction managementThrough the combined strength o our Davis Langdon andAECOM teams, we provide delivery and risk-managementservices, including program, project and cost management;verication; building surveying; urban planning;specication consulting; access consulting; propertyconsulting; and second- and third-party certication to ISOand local standards.

    In Australia and New Zealand, we work on many iconicand challenging projects. Our team has delivered costand project management services or the Hardened andNetworked Army Deence Precinct in South Australia,inrastructure services on the Port Botany expansion in NewSouth Wales, and project and cost management services onthe Hutt Hospital in New Zealand.

    Working in partnership with AECOMs diverse team, DavisLangdon helps deliver better client outcomes by providingintegrated program and project solutions.


    Keeping the world moving

    As populations grow, so too do community demandsor sae, expedient and cost-eective methods otransportation.

    At AECOM, we continually strive to nd smarter and moresustainable ways to move people and products acrosscities, countries and continents. We make this happen bybuilding on our extensive local and global knowledge toplan, design and manage transportation systems as well asrestore and replace ageing transport inrastructure.

    Partnering with our clients, we deliver comprehensiveservices rom project creation to completion and beyondto benet government and private industry clients and thecommunities in which we work.

    Our team has worked with transport and logistics serviceproviders, toll road owners and operators, equipment andtechnology suppliers, nancial institutions, contractors,developers and international aid agencies.

    Its likely that wherever you go in the world, you willencounter a highway, bridge, transit or reight railway, portor airport that AECOM has planned, designed, engineeredor managed.

    Top: Eastlink MotorwayVictoria, Australia

    Above: Perth to Mandurah RailwayWestern Australia, Australia

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    Securing supply or the uture

    AECOM has a proud history in the water industry acrossAustralia, New Zealand and around the world. Wedeliver water supply, wastewater treatment and solidwaste management systems, and modelling. Other

    services include undertaking catchment hydrology andwater resources and coastal management studies,and implementing new water supply technologies andassociated civil inrastructure works.

    With access to AECOMs worldwide expertise, our localteams help clients understand and navigate the manychallenges acing the water sector. We adopt a collaborativeapproach that balances sound strategies with leadingengineering technology to drive the analysis, design andoperation o water systems that meet the publics risingusage and conservation expectations.

    Through our projects such as New Zealands CentralInterceptor wastewater program and Australias SydneyDesalination Plant, we are helping to build capacity andsecure water supply or the uture.

    Above: Sydney Desalination PlantNew South Wales, Australia

    Right: Central Interceptor Program

    Auckland, New Zealand

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    About AECOM

    AECOM (NYSE:ACM) is a global provider o

    proessional technical and management

    support services to a broad range o

    markets, including transportation,

    acilities, environmental, energy, water and

    government. With approximately 45,000employees around the world, AECOM is

    a leader in all o the key markets that it

    serves. AECOM provides a blend o global

    reach, local knowledge, innovation and

    technical excellence in delivering solutions

    that create, enhance and sustain the worlds

    built, natural and social environments.

    A Fortune 500 company, AECOM serves

    clients in more than 140 countries and has

    annual revenue in excess o $8.0 billion.

    More inormation on AECOM and its

    services can be ound at www.aecom.com.

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